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Muscles that move the lower mandible (the jaw):

1. The internal pterygoid (IP) closes the jaw.

Internal pterygoid

Muscles that move the lower mandible (the jaw):

2. Masseter (MASS) closes the jaw.


Muscles that move the lower mandible (the jaw):

3. Temporalis (TEM) closes the jaw pulls mandible back.


Muscles that move the lower mandible (the jaw):

4. Anterior belly of the digastric (AD) opens the jaw
- pulls tongue body forward and up
- if the hyoid bone isnt stabalized


Muscles that move the lower mandible (the jaw):

5. Geniohyoid (GH) opens the jaw (if the hyoid is stabalized).
- pulls tongue body forward and up (if the hyoid isnt stabalized).


Muscles that move the lower mandible (the jaw):

5. Geniohyoid (GH) opens the jaw (if the hyoid is stabalized).
- pulls tongue body forward and up (if the hyoid isnt stabalized).

6. Mylohyoid (MH) same action as Geniohyoid.

Muscles that move the body of the tongue (extrinsic tongue muscles):
1. Styloglossus pulls body of tongue up and back


Muscles that move the body of the tongue (extrinsic tongue muscles):
2. Genioglossus pulls body of tongue forward


Muscles that move the body of the tongue (extrinsic tongue muscles):
3. Hyoglossus pulls body of tongue down


Muscles that change the shape of the tongue (intrinsic tongue muscles):
1. Superior Longitudinal (SL) curls tongue tip up
Superior Longitudinal

Muscles that change the shape of the tongue (intrinsic tongue muscles):
2. Inferior Longitudinal (IL) curls tongue tip down


Muscles that change the shape of the tongue (intrinsic tongue muscles):
3.Transverse narrows the tip of the tongue


Muscles that change the shape of the tongue (intrinsic tongue muscles):
4. Vertical flattens the tip of the tongue


Muscle lines of action for tongue movement considering the

tongue as a muscular hydrostat (like an elephants trunk with
muscle insertion to muscle instead of to bone).

Muscles that constrict the pharynx:

1. Superior pharyngeal constrictor

2. Medial pharyngeal constrictor

3. Inferior pharyngeal constrictor

Muscles that open and close the nose.

1. Levator palatini raises the soft palate, closing the nose.

Levator palatini

Muscles that open and close the nose.

2. Palatoglossus lowers the soft palate or raises the
tongue body.


Muscles of the lips.

1. Orbicularis oris puckers the lips. Rounds and
closes the lips. OO Superior in the top lip, OO Inferior
in the bottom lip.

Orbicularis oris

Muscles of the lips.

2. Mentalis raises the bottom lip by pulling the skin of the chin.


Muscles of the lips.

3. Depressor labii inferior (DLI) lowers the bottom lip.


Muscles of the lips.

4. Levator labii superior raises the upper lip.

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