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View and Summarize Data using R Data

Science EndtoEnd Walkthrough

SQL Server 2016 and later

Updated: November 22, 2016

Applies To: SQL Server 2016
Now you'll work with the same data using R code. You'll also learn how to use the functions in the RevoScaleR package included
with R Services InDatabase to generate data summaries in the context of the SQL Server server, and send the results back to
your R environment.
An R script is provided with this walkthrough that includes all the code needed to create the data object, generate summaries,
and build models. The R script file, RSQL_RWalkthrough.R, can be found in the location where you installed the script files.
If you are experienced with R, you can run the script all at once.
For people learning to use RevoScaleR, this tutorial goes through the script line by line
To run individual lines from the script, you can highlight a line or lines in the file and press Ctrl + ENTER.
Save your R workspace in case you want to complete the rest of the walkthrough later. That way the data objects and other
variables will be ready for reuse.

Defining SQL Server Data Sources and Compute Contexts

To get data from SQL Server to use in your R code, you need to:
Create a connection to a SQL Server instance
Define a query that has the data you need, or specify a table or view
=Define one or more compute contexts to use when running R code
Optionally, define functions that can be applied to the data source

Load the RevoScaleR library

If the RevoScaleR package is not already loaded, run:

If you get an error, make sure that your R development environment is using the library that includes the RevoScaleR
package. Use a command like .libPaths()) to view the current path:
If this is the first time using the RevoScaleR package, get the online help in the R environment by typing
help("RevoScaleR") or help("RxSqlServerData").

Create connection strings

1. Define connection strings. For this walkthrough, we've provided examples of both SQL logins and Windows integrated
authentication. We recommend that you use Windows authentication where possible, to avoid saving paswords in your R
The account that you use must have permissions to read data and to create new tables in the specified database. For
information about how to add users to the SQL database and give them the correct permissions, see PostInstallation
Server Configuration SQL Server R Services.

Be sure to edit the server name, database name, user name and password as needed.

Define and set a compute context

Next, you'll define a compute context that enable the R code to run on the SQL Server computer. Typically, when you are using R,
all operations run in memory on your computer. However, by indicating that R operations should be run on the SQL Server
instance, you can run some tasks in parallel, and tae advantage of server resources.
By default, the compute context is local, so you'll need to explicitly set the compute context, depending on the operation.
1. Begin by defining some variables used to create the compute context.

R uses a temporary directory when serializing R objects back and forth between your workstation and the SQL
Server computer. You can specify the local directory that is used as sqlShareDir, or accept the default.
Use sqlWait to indicate whether you want R to wait for results or not. For a discussion of waiting vs. nonwaiting
jobs, see ScaleR Distributed Computing.
Use the argument sqlConsoleOutput to indicate that you dont want to see output from the R console.
2. Create the compute context object with the variables and connection strings already defined, and save it in the R variable


3. Set the compute context.


rxSetComputeContext returns the previously active compute context invisibly so that you can use it
rxGetComputeContext returns the active compute context
Note that setting a compute context only affects operations that use functions in the RevoScaleR package; the compute
context does not affect the way that open source R operations are performed.

Create an RxSqlServer data object

Having defined the SQL Server connection to work with, you can use that data connection object as the basis to define different
data sources. A data source specifies some set of data that you want to use for a task, such as training, exploration, scoring, or
generating features.
You define sets of SQL Server data by using the RxSqlServer function, and passing a connection string and the definition of the
data to get.
1. Save the SQL statement as a string variable. This query defines the data you'll use to train the model.

2. Pass the query definition as an argument to the SQL Server data source. The colClasses argument specifies the schema of
the data to return, by mapping the SQL


The argument colClasses specifies the column types to use when moving the data between SQL Server and R. This
is important because SQL Server uses different data types than R, and more data types. For more information, see
Working with R Data Types.
The argument rowsPerRead is important for handling memory usage and efficient computations. Most of the
enhanced analytical functions inR Services InDatabase process data in chunks and accumulate intermediate
results, returning the final computations after all of the data has been read. By adding the rowsPerRead
parameter, you can control how many rows of data are read into each chunk for processing. If the value of this
parameter is too large, data access might be slow because you dont have enough memory to efficiently process
such a large chunk of data. On some systems, setting rowsPerRead to too small a value can also provide slower

After the inDataSource object has been created, you can reuse this object as many times as you need, to get basic information
about the data and the variables used, to manipulate and transform the data, or to use it for training a model. However, the
inDataSource object itself doesn't contain any data from the SQL query yet. The data is not pulled into the local environment
until you run a function such as rxImport or rxSummary.

Using the SQL Server Data in R

You can now apply R functions to the data source, to explore, summarize, and chart the SQL Server data. In this section, you 'll
try out several of the functions provided in R Services InDatabase that support remote compute contexts.
rxGetVarInfo: Use this function with any data frame or set of data in a remote data object also with some lists and
matrices to get information such as the maximum and minimum values, the data type, and the number of levels in factor
Consider running this function after any kind of data input, feature transformation, or feature engineering. By doing so
you can ensure that all the features you want to use in your model are of the expected data type and avoid errors.
rxSummary: Use this function to get more detailed statistics about individual variables. You can also transform values,
compute summaries using factor levels, and save the summaries for reuse.

Inspect variables in the data source

Call the function rxGetVarInfo, using the data source inDataSource as an argument, to get a list of the variables in the
data source and their data types.


Var 1: tipped, Type: integer
Var 2: fare_amount, Type: numeric
Var 3: passenger_count, Type: integer
Var 4: trip_time_in_secs, Type: numeric, Storage: int64
Var 5: trip_distance, Type: numeric
Var 6: pickup_datetime, Type: character
Var 7: dropoff_datetime, Type: character
Var 8: pickup_longitude, Type: numeric
Var 9: pickup_latitude, Type: numeric
Var 10: dropoff_longitude, Type: numeric

Create a summary using R

Call the RevoScaleR function rxSummary to summarize the fare amount, based on the number of passengers.

The first argument to rxSummary specifies the formula or term to summarize by. Here, the F() function is used to
convert the values in passenger_count into factors before summarizing.
If you do not specify the statistics to output, by default rxSummary outputs Mean, StDev, Min, Max, and the
number of valid and missing observations.
This example also includes some code to track the time the function starts and completes, so that you can
compare performance.

rxSummary(formula = ~fare_amount:F(passenger_count), data = inDataSource)
Summary Statistics Results for: ~fare_amount:F(passenger_count)
Data: inDataSource (RxSqlServerData Data Source)
Number of valid observations: 1000
Name Mean StdDev Min Max ValidObs MissingObs
fare_amount:F_passenger_count 12.4875 9.682605 2.5 64 1000 0
*Statistics by category 6 categories:
Category F_passenger_count Means StdDev Min
fare_amount for F(passenger_count)=1 1 12.00901 9.219458 2.5
fare_amount for F(passenger_count)=2 2 11.61893 8.858739 3.0
fare_amount for F(passenger_count)=3 3 14.40196 10.673340 3.5
fare_amount for F(passenger_count)=4 4 13.69048 8.647942 4.5
fare_amount for F(passenger_count)=5 5 19.30909 14.122969 3.5
fare_amount for F(passenger_count)=6 6 12.00000 NA 12.0

Max ValidObs
55 666
52 206
52 51
39 21
64 55
12 1
"It takes CPU Time=0.5 seconds, Elapsed Time=4.59 seconds to summarize the inDataSource."

Next Step
Create Graphs and Plots Using R Data Science EndtoEnd Walkthrough

Previous Lesson
Lesson 1: Prepare the Data Data Science EndtoEnd Walkthrough
2016 Microsoft

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