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Mechanics Set 11

1. (a) Show that if a particle describes a circular orbit under the influence of an attractive
central force directed toward a point on the circle, then the force varies as the inverse-fifth power of the
(b) Show that for the orbit described the total energy of the article is zero.
(c) Find the period of the motion.
2. (a) For circular and parabolic orbits in an attractive 1/ r potential having the same angular momentum,
show that the perihelion distance of the parabola is one-half the radius of the circle.
(b) Prove that in the same central force us In part (a) the speed of a particle at any point in a parabolic
orbit is 2 times the speed in a circular orbit passing through the same point. (GPS 3-14)
3. A uniform distribution of dust in the solar system adds to the gravitational attraction of the Sun on a
planet an additional force B = ?CD, where m is the mass of the planet, C is a constant proportional
to the gravitational and the density of the dust, and r is the radius vector from the Sun to the planet
(both considered as points). This additional force is very small compared to the direct Sun-planet
gravitational force.
(a) Calculate the period for a circular orbit of radius r0 of the planet in this combined field.
(b) Calculate the period of radial oscillations for slight disturbances from this circular orbit.
(c) Show that nearly circular orbIts can be approximated by a precessing ellipse and find the
precession frequency. Is the precession in the same or opposite direction to the orbital angular
velocity? (GPS 3-20)
4. A particle of mass m under the action of a force describes an orbit  =  E F . What is the force
function that leads to this spiral orbit?
5. A particle of mass m moves in a central repulsive force field that varies inversely as the cube of the
radial distance: f(r) = k/r3, where the constant k is positive. The particle m moves in from a very great
distance with an initial velocity v0, and the impact parameter is b. Find the closest distance of
approach of the particle to the center of the force
6. A particle of mass m is connected to another particle of equal mass by a light, inextensible string (of
length b) that passes through a small hole in the table. Determine the the equations of motion of the
mass on the table. If initially the mass on the table is a distance  from the hole and has an angular
speed 1 determine the main features of its trajectory.
7. According to Yukawas theory of nuclear forces, the force of attraction between a proton and a
where K>0 and $ > 0. Find the force and investigate
neutron has the potential G() =
the stability of circular orbits for mass m under such a force.
8. A particle in a central field moves in the orbit  =   . Determine (a) the force function and the
potential energy function; and (b) how the angle varies with time.
9. A comet is seen at a distance r0 from the sun. It is moving with a speed v0, and its direction of motion
makes an angle with the radius vector from the sun. Determine the eccentricity of the comets orbit.
10. A particle is constrained to move on the inner surface of a smooth right circular cone of half-angle .
The axis of the cone is vertical, so gravity is acting vertically downward. (a) Find the Lagrangian
function for the motion in cylindrical coordinates (r, , z). (b) Show that at any instant, there is a
central force directed toward a point on the z-axis on the same horizontal line with the particle. (c)
Suppose the particle is now in steady motion in a horizontal circle at a vertical height h above the
vertex. Show that this motion is dynamically stable and find the angular frequency of small
oscillations about this motion.

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