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Lesson 1 - We are learning to form Improper Fractions

Achievement Objectives
Level 3, Number and Algebra
Know fractions and
percentages in everyday use

Students will be learning to rename improper
fractions as mixed numbers and vice versa.

Key Competencies
Thinking: Mathematically and logically to
solve problems
Using language, symbols, and texts: to
make meaning of, and produce, word

Numeracy Project Stage

Stage 6: Advanced additive/early
multiplicative part-whole
Proportions and Ratios: Uses repeated
halving or known multiplication and division
facts to solve problems that involve renaming
improper fractions

Cultural Competencies
Wnanga: Supports co-construction and
cooperative learner-focussed activities

Specific Learning Outcomes

Rename improper fractions as
mixed numbers
Rename mixed numbers as
improper fractions

Number Identification
Stage 5/6: identifies symbols for improper
Learning Intentions
I am learning to rename improper fractions as
mixed numbers and vice versa

Coloured rods
Dice x 3

Inquiry Discussion
As part of my training to be a teacher I have to look at what I do in the classroom when I teach
you. Because things can get so busy in here, it can be easy for me to not see or hear
everything, something I might be missing in what I do. So to help me out with this I have
picked you all because I am hoping you can do me a huuuuuge favour and let me record our
work together so I can become the best teacher! Is that Ok?
Share WALT: We are learning to form improper fractions
- What do we know about fractions? (what does that mean, tell us?)
- improper fractions (N = or greater than D)? proper fraction (N is smaller than
D)? Mixed number (whole and fraction)

What is this?
- Sound like; 4 represent? Wholes, how many? How many parts in each whole?

- How many of these parts altogether?
Train Example
Egg cartons = 1 Carriage of train
- How big is this? ( tray) Why? (2 make a whole)
- How many carriages do I need to make 3 whole carriages? [Record: six half
carriages make three whole carriages]
- Express using numerals? [6 x = 6/2 = 3]
What if we could make a whole carriage out of these parts? ( of a carton)
- What fraction of a carriage is each of these? How do you know?
- What if you had 15 of these? How many whole carriages would you have?
[15/6 = 2 3/6]
Fifteen sixths is the same as two wholes and three sixths
Establish Discussion
In a minute I will give you some problems to solve about improper fractions in a small group.
Have a think about the first question, have a go, and then discuss with your group how you
each solved it. You need to share so you can make sure everyone in the group knows how to
solve it because after I will randomly select someone to explain how they solved it to the rest
of us. Once you are all happy you can solve the first question, move on to the next and repeat
the process together.
- Student repeats instructions
Assign groups
- Paper provided to work out

Students share and explain their working on whiteboard.

What have we learnt today?
What was the hardest part to get our heads around?
What did you like?

Where to Next for the learners?



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