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Riley Meadows

Sue Briggs
English 1010
11:30 12:50
Is College Necessary?
Some say that college isnt worth it. College is expensive and takes a large amount of time.
Many believe that college isnt worth it. Some say you wont be successful unless you choose to
attend college, while others say Steve Jobs dropped out and he was successful. Do you
actually learn the knowledge that you need in order to accomplish your goals? Is college
According to the article, educators and society project college in the wrong way. We
shouldnt be thinking about college as business or investment, theres more than that. College is
an opportunity to learn, make friends, and have one last social experience one the road to
transition from adolescence to adulthood. The authors turned a traditional career investment into
enjoying the ride rather than just doing whats necessary. This shows many of the readers that
sometimes we get too caught up in things we feel we have to do, and see things in an
optimistic way. As a college student myself I can relate to many of the readers similar to me, this
article helped me see college as more than just more grueling school. It helped me see college as
an adventure in order to discover myself before I move out into the world.
This book speaks of protecting society and our country. College used to be much easier to
get in and afford. People have begun to fade away from college. The price of higher education
has steeply risen since our country was the top in higher education. By figuring out a way to help
more people get into college and graduate, we protect society. The authors seems to have many

original ideas, and a unique focus when it comes to college. They talk of protecting society and
our country, creating a sense of emotional duty. They point out flaws and bring solutions. This
article pointed out the problems with higher education such as cost, quality, and the process
getting in to college.
This article is about return on investment going to college. According to Haas, college
pays off big. He encourages honor programs, but the return on investment in college is the best
investment you could make for your future. It depends what you major in, some majors have a
significantly higher investment return compared to others. The article by Thomas Haas was
presented in a very objective style. He talked as if this was a business opportunity. The business
approach appeals to everyone. Nearly everyone considers money and investment return when
they decide whether they go to college or not. The article by Thomas Haas was presented in a
very objective style. He talked as if this was a business opportunity. The business approach
appeals to everyone. Nearly everyone considers money and investment return when they decide
whether they go to college or not. Money is an important factor to consider if youre thinking
about college. Its something that cant be ignored, this source in an objective way that college is
crucial. While learning and respect from others is attractive, this adds a realistic factor to
consider, this helped me see the logical aspect.
The article states that growing up were all told that we need to go to college, no matter
what, that its inevitable. This isnt exactly true according to Stephanie and Isabel. While the
average return is clearly positive, its not universally true. For certain schools, majors,
occupations, and individuals, college may not be a smart investment. This article by Stephanie
Owen and Isabel Sawhill was published in the book They Say I Say. The whole book is
thoughtfully put together and each article has a purpose. This article is under the chapter Is

College the best option? and brings a very original and valid perspective to the subject. This
article both agrees and disagrees by saying college is great, but its only effective for certain
majors, schools, occupations, and individuals. Before reading this article I previously followed
the traditional belief that college is both required and inevitable. This article brought a whole
new perspective that Ive never heard of which impacted my research to a more narrow focus. It
makes me wonder which demographics in which college is necessary, and which demographics
college isnt necessary for.
I believe that college is worth it for me. I also believe that college isnt for everyone.
Many people are narrow minded when they choose their bias on the matter. The reality is that for
some people they need this to succeed, and for others it would be detrimental to their career.
Some are better off heading straight into their career without college. In my opinion, how
effective college is to preparing you for the real world is contingent upon which career youre
going into, which major youd like to study, which colleges are available for you to attend, and
most of all, the individual. College isnt for everybody, but its worth it to me. The answer lies in
your hands. Is college necessary?

Reference Page
HAAS, THOMAS J.1, "Relevance, Rigor, And Return On Investment:
How Honors Enhances Education." Journal Of The National Collegiate Honors Council 16.2
(2015): 45-49. Education Full Text (H.W. Wilson). Web. 7 Nov. 2016.

Kirst, Michael W., and Mitchell L. Stevens. Remaking College : The Changing Ecology Of
Higher Education. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press, 2014. eBook Collection
(EBSCOhost). Web. 8 Nov. 2016

Owen, Stephanie, and Isabel Sawhill. "Should Everyone Go to College?" They Say, I Say: With
Readings. By Gerald Graff. N.p.: n.p., 2009. N. pag. Print.

Vaught, Seneca, and Tara Jabbaar-Gyambrah. "Why College As An Investment Is A Lousy

Analogy." Journal Of College Admission 226 (2015): 24-29. Professional Development
Collection. Web. 8 Nov. 2016.

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