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Instructions for Extended Abstract Preparation

Author must prepare an extended abstract for selection process, which has a length of
about 2 pages including figures, tables, and diagrams.
The extended abstracts should be written concisely; the opening sentences should
indicate the subjects dealt with and the objectives.
The extended abstract should include :
- Preliminary title of the paper
- Name, affiliation of the author/s
- address, telephone and fax numbers, e-mail of the first (corresponding) author
- Keywords and topic area (see the topic list at
- Description of the problem concerned and the objective
- Description of the approach used for solving the problem
- Description of the theory/methods/algorithm used
- Description of the experimental setup/numerical computation/ simulation
- Current/expected results
- Brief discussion of the result and future works
- List of references used
- Pictures, tables, and diagrams
You can write the abstract in a mini paper form by incorporating chapters you may
include in the full paper, along with brief description of the content of each chapter. You
can follow the template included below.
The extended abstract must be sent to the selection committee through electronic
submission website before the deadline.
Note that when uploading your abstract you will also be requested to upload a short
version (max. 300 words) to be used in the Congress final programme.

Note: Author/s must submit 2 page extended abstract in the following format
for the selection process)

Preliminary Title of This Paper (Time New Roman, 18 pt, bold)

Author name/s (Time New Roman, 14 pt, bold)
Affiliation and Address (Time New Roman, 12 pt)
Authors correspondence e-mail (Time New Roman, 12 pt)
Keywords: (Time New Roman, 12 pt, bold)
Topic Area : (see the topic list in

1. Introduction (Times New Roman, 16 pt,

2.2. Mathematical Model


The problem of calculating a predicion of the flutter

speed for an aeroelastic system which contains
parameter uncertainties may involve complicated
computation. (content : Times New Roman, 11 pt)

The mathematical model of an aeroelastic system

can be derived from its equation of motion.

[M ]{&z&} + [C ]{z&} + [K ]{z} = {Faero }


[M~ ]{&&} + [C~ ]{&} + [K~ ]{} = {F~ }



(Note : The introduction section in this extended

abstract must outline the content of the paper : the
problem, method used, the expected solution,
current results, further works. You may view this
introduction as an abstract)

2. Problem Formulation (Times New

Roman, 16 pt, bold)

Incorporating the unsteady aerodynamics terms, we

get the following equation
~ 1 ~

&& = M K qd Da
~ 1 ~
x& P P M
K qd Da
a 3 1

[ ][
[ ][


~ 1 ~
~ 1
qd M
~ 1 ~
~ 1
P2 P1 M C R + qd P1 M xa

[ ][]
[ ][]

[ ]
[ ]


2.1. Physical Description (Times New

Roman, 16 pt, bold)

3. A New Methodology
3.1. Generalized Coordinate

Figure 1. The Typical Wing Section

(Times New Roman, 11 pt)

3.2. Kinematics of the System

4. Unsteady Aerodynamics

Acknowledgement (optional) (Times

New Roman, 16 pt, bold)

The generalized unsteady aerodynamics forces were

calculated using doublet point method in reduced
frequency (k) domain, and then were approximated
in Laplace domain using Pade method, which has
the form of :

{F~ } = [sI R] [P s


+ P2 s + P3 + Da


5. Complete Mathematical model

(content : Times New Roman, 11 pt)

References (Times New Roman, 16 pt, bold)

[1] M.Karpel, "A Course on Advance eroelasticity",
Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology,
RMIT, 1994
[2] Vivek Mukopadhay, Jerry R. Newsom, "A
Method for Obtaining Reduced-Order Control
Laws for High-Order Systems Using
Optimization Techniques" , NASA Technical
Paper 1876
[3] T. Ueda, E.H. Dowell, "A New Solution Method
For Lifting Surface in Subsonic Flow", AIAA
Journal, vol.20, no.3, 1981
(Times New Roman, 11 pt)

6. Numerical Calculation
Appendix (optional) (Times New Roman,
16 pt, bold)
(content : Times New Roman, 11 pt)

7. Current Results
(Note : This section may include the current status
of the works and/or the current results that have
been obtained)


8. Current Conclusion / Further


- Top Margin : 2 cm
- Bottom Margin : 2 cm
- Left margin : 2 cm
- Right Margin : 2 cm
- margin between column : 1 cm
- font size and format for each
part is as denoted above

(Note : This section must include the works and

the expected results that will be incorporated in the
final paper)

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