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5. Which one is true about general breast anatomy?

A. Contain glandular, ductal, and fat tissue

B. Contain 40-50 conial lobule
C. 20% fat
D. Milk is contained in nipple
E. Pregnant alveoli is small
11. dimension of birth canal in determining whether delivery will proceed
vaginally? A.anteroposterior diameter
B.diagonal conjugates
C.obstetric diameter
D.transverse midplane diameter
E. Transverse outlet diameter
12. When the initial uterus examined, which of the following could be
found? A.....(lupa)...
B. Position always anteflexed
C. Cervix size = corpus..
D. Corpus > cervix ..
E. As large as adult organ in immediately newborn
13. The portio vaginalis of the cervix is the that part with...
A. Exlends cephalic prom vagina
B. Protrudes unto vagina
C. Form an internal isthmus
D. Is normally covered with endocervical epitelium
E. Is part of the supravaginalis part of the cervix
14. Which of the following statement regarding the innervation of vagina
is true? A. Upper 2/3 of the vagina is largely innervated by symphatetic
nerve from presacral nerve B. The vaginal only receive parasymphatetic
nerve fiber from the hypogastric plexus and pelvic slanchnic nerve C.
Upper vagina has more touch & pain fiber than lower vagina
D. The vagina has more nerve ending presurface area than clitoris, so that
the vagina is the major organ role in achievement female orgasm E.
Pudendal nerve supply the motoric branches to the lower part of the
16. The pelvic diagphram include which of the following muscles :
A.oburator internus
B.oburator externus

E.tranvernus vernei profundus
17. Inervasi di tuba fallopii arise from?
18. The vascularization of fallopian tube arise from which of the following
structure A. Pudendal artery
B. Perineal artery
C. Superficial circumflex artery
D. Medial sacral artery
E. Uterine artery
20. 20. Which of the following hormon can be measured and monitoring
diagnosis of pregnancy? A. CRH
C. Beta hCG
E. estrogen
21. steroid hormone that prevent apoptosis of sperm?
a. FSH

c. ...

b. LH

d. estradiol

e. testosteron

22. nu atasna lupa teu kaserat tapi mun teu salah mah intina mah:: tidak ada
organik letion what is the most likely diagnosis?
a. DUB

c. leiomyoma uteri

b. acute endometritis

d. Contact bleeding (+mia mah jawabana A)

23. best treatment for the disease: FSH, LH, estrogen, progestron (punten ini
mah rada mahiwal)
24. which of the precursor synthesis sex hormone??
a. TSH

c. cholesterol

e. xanthine

b. fatty acid d. triglyserida

25. currently, what is the less sensitive HCG assay?
a. RIA
b. immuno-radiio assay

d. FIA

e. Progesteron assay

28. 22 yo,P0A0 missed period. Suffering nausea, vomiting, breast discomfort,

increase skin pigmentation especially on her face, niple and abdominal skin, in
ultrasonography screening uterus in enlarged filled in a singleton developing
human extend to the end of the eight weeks. Which is the cause missed period??
a. corpus luteum
b. thropoblast is formed estrogen progesteron
c. thropoblast is formed secret gonadotropin
d. ovaries decrease their progesteron and estrogen
e. negatif feedback progesteron + estrogen
29. patient ask the physician about genetic problem that would happen to her
a. huntingtons disease

c. cystic fibrosis

b. sickle cell anemia

d. Down syndrome

e. All of above

30. 30 yo women had missed 3 periods. Her menstrual cycle is 28 days. Her first
day of the LNMP was 25 nov 2010. She has also been suffering from nausea and
When is this most likely EDC (experted date of delivery)..
a. 30-8-2011
b. 31-8-2011

c. 1-9-2011 e. 2-10-2011
d. 2-9-2011

31. a 35 yo woman /w a history of regular menstrual cycle was 7 days

overed on menses. the doctor decided to do a menstrual extraction or
uterine evacuation, owning the undesirability of a possible pregnancy and
her mental distress related to the abnormal bleeding. the tissue removed
was examined for eviddence of a pregnancy how old would the product of
conception be?
a. 12 week of gestation b. 5 week c. 4 week d. 3 week e.1 week
32 decidua refers to the functional endometrium in the pregnant woman.
there are several kinds of decidua according to their relation to the
implantation site of the placenta
which of following is the maternal & fetal component of placenta
a. decidua basalis & secondary chorionic villous
b. decidua casularis & secondary chorionic villous
c. decidua paternalis & tertiary chorionic villous
d. decidua capsularis & villous chorion
e. decidua basalis & villous chorion

33. (--)
34. how soon after fertilizzaztion occur within the uterin tube does the
blastocyte begin to implant?
a. within minutes
b. by 12 hour
c. day 1
d. day 2
e. day 7
35. embryonic structure give rise to uterine cervix
a. mesonephric
c. congenital sinus
d. ectoderm
e. genital tubercle
36.28 yo woman; severe right abdominal pain. had missed 2 menstrual
periods diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy was made what is the most often
site of the extrauterine gestation
a. uterine tube
b. uterine cavity
c. abdominal cavity
d. in the region of internal pelvis
e. ovarian implantation
37. in the 1st 2-3 days after birth, mammary gland will secreted fluid rich
protein, rich vit A, sodium & chloride, lymphocyte, monocyte, minerals,
lactabulmin & antibodies to nourish & protect the new born.
what is the most likely term?
a. milk
b. colostrum
c. prolactine
d. oxytosin
38. vagina is the female organ of copulation, and to allow menstruation
flow and childbirth. what epitelium is lined in the lumen of this organ?
a. stratified squamous non keratinized epithelium
b. simple squamous ephitelium
c.simple cuboidal ephitelium
d. stratified cuboidal ephitelium
e. stratifien squamous keratinized ephitelium

39. tuba fallopi dibagi menjadi 4 bagian, bagian terluar adalah

infundibulum, bagian tipis lateral terhadap infundibulum adalah
a. isthmus
b. mesosalphinx
c. ampula
d. fimbriae
e. uterine part
40. what is the most likely structure of the part of the oviduct which
passes through the uterine wall to open into the lumen of uterus
e. infundibulum
b. intramural
c. isthmus
d. ampula
e. Fimbria
41. Folikel yg belum mature, namun sudah terisi cairan diantara zona
a. Primary Follicle b. Secondary Follicle
Primordial Follicle

c.Graafian Follicle


42. what is the single layer if granulose cells that is immediately surround
oosit primer?
a. Theca Interna b. Cumulus Oophorus

c. Corona Radiata d. Theca

43. pelepasan oocyt pada masa pertengahan menstruasi, dengan periode

28 hari dinamakan
a. maturation

b. Implantation

c. Fertilization



44. The switch in epithelium type occurs just inside the opening of the
cervical canal into the vagina (external os of the cervix) most common
site of cervical . What is the name of this part?
a. stratified squamous epithelium b. Simple Columnar Epithelium
Squamocolumnar junction
d. Stratified coumnar epithelium
Stratified squamous non keratinized epithelium.


45. this part is narrowest portion of the uterus, bulges into the vagina. Its
mucosa is not shed during menstruation. What is the name of this part?
a. Fallopian tube b. Infundibulum

c. Intramural


46. a 70yo woman complained about vaginal bleeding with a

pedunculated, fragile mass in the cervical. The pathological finding is
polygonal, atypical tumor cells that invade the fibrous stroma with keratin
a. Cervical adenocarcinoma
c. Cervical squamous cell carcinoma
d.Microinvasive carcinoma cervix
e. Cervical polyp

47.What is the high risk virus that is most commonly related with the
a. HSV type 1
e.HPV 6

b. HSV type 2

c. HPV 16

d. Ebsteinn Barr Virus

48. 35 yo woman has history using hormonal contraceptive for long-term,

complaining about vaginal bleeding from the biopsy, it is found atypical
tumor cell forming glandular pattern invading the surround stroma mucus
is also found. What is the most likely diagnosis?
a. transititional cell carcinoma
b. Atypical glandular hyperplasia
Verrucous carcinoma
d. cervical adenomacarcinoma
Squamous cell carcinoma


49. 65yo woman complained about cervical..&the biopsy result was

cervical keratinizing squamous cell can..the tumor was extended to the
pelvic. What is the most likely staging for the patient?
51. Kuretase, woman, 45, menometrorrhagia. Discordant appearance glands
and stroma. Stroma showing large cells with abundant cytoplasm. What is
most likely cause of endometrial changes of the patient?
a. Anovulatory cycle
b. Inadequate luteal phase
c. Coagulation disorders
d. Induced by oral contraceptive
e. Endometritis

52. Endometrial biopsy result from 60-year-old shows mild hyperplasia with
cystic dilatation of the glands lined by atrophic epithelium. What is the
a. Ovarian cyst
b. Lesion of endometrium
c. Irregular shedding
d. Menopausal
e. Inflammation
53.The Histopathology examination of salphingooophorectomy from 45-yearold woman showed endometrial stroma and glands in the ovary lined by
normal epithelial cells. Which of the following is the most likely disorder?
a. Endometritis
b. Endometriosis external
c. Endometriosis internal
d. Adenomyosis
e. Metastatic endometrial carcinoma to ovary
54. 38 tahun. Amenorrhea, pain. Pada palpasi teraba masa 7x7x5 cm.
Diagnostic is?
a. Hyperplasia endometriosis
b. Endometritis
c. Endometriosis
d. Leiomyoma
56.A 55-year-old woman has had feeling of pelvic heaviness for the past 8
months. Theres also abnormal bleeding.The physician palpates an
enlarged nodular uterus. Pelvic CT scan shows solitary uterus mass, with
evidence of necrosis and hemorrhage. A total hysterectomy is performed.
The mass is composed of spindled shaped cells with various degree of
atypia and numerous mitoses. Whats the most likely diagnosis?
a. Endometriosis
b. Adenomyosis
c. Leiomyosarcomas
d. Endometrioid carcinoma
e. Serous carcinoma
58. Combines with presence of ovarian tumor with mucinous ascites, cystic
epithelium on peritoneal surface and adhesion. What is the most likely
a. Metastasize
b. Stein-leventhal syndrome
c. Pseudomyxoma peritonei
d. Krukenberg tumor
e. Polycystic ovary
59. Seorang perempuan usia 16 tahun,merasa tidak enak pada abdomennya
selama beberapa bulan, pemeriksaan mikroskop menunjukkan pleomorfik,
mycoces, itu merupakan identifikasi apa?
60.A 30-year old woman has cyclic abdominal pain that coincides with her
menses. Attempts to become pregnant have failed over the past 5 years.
During the operation, there is ovarian cyst about 5 cm in diameter, with
area of hemorrhage and adhesion. The cyst is filled with chocolate
material resembling old blood. What is the most likely ovarian lesion?


a. I

Mature cystic teratoma
Brenner tumor
Mucinous cystadenoma
Endometriotic cyst

b. IIA c. IIB d. III e.IV

72. a 34 years old has had dull, constant abdominal pain for 5 months. PE
show right adnexal mass. CT Scan pelvic, 7 cm circumscribed mass
involved the right ovary. The right fallopian tube and ovary are surgically
excised. Microscopic appereance of the ovary:
a. serous cystadenoma
b. mature cysticteratoma
c. dysgerminoma
d. mucinuous cystadenoma
e. choriocarcinoma
73. 48 years old woman feels a lump on her right breast. Then ill defined 4
cm mass in upper outer quadrant. An excision is done and microscopic
appereance in picture nuclear pleomorphism and numerous mitosis
a. malignant phylloides tumor
b. invasive ductal carcinoma
c. invasive lobular carcinoma
d. medullary carcinoma
e. liposarcoma

a. erithromycune
b. streptomycine
c. metronidazole
d. tetracycline
e. cotrimoxazole
f. doxycycline
g. cyprofloxacine

h. cefixime
75. a pregnant women 32-34 week suffers from vaginitis caused by
76. a pregnant women suffers from candidiasis on her inguinal skin
77. a 31 years old woman suffers from STI. Lab finding shows it is caused
by Chlamydia sp.
78. a 3rd trimester pregnant women comes to a dentist. She complains
81. Which of the following is given together with antiemetic in the first trimester
of pregnancy?
a. Betacaroten
b. Iron
c. Ascorbic acid
d. Pyridoxine
e. Panthotenic acid
82. Which is the following histamine-1 receptor antagonist used in nausea of
83. R/ Paracetamol 125 mg/cth. Flc. I.
S.t.d.d. cth I
Which of the following dose is the dose of paracetamol each time taking?
a. 100 mg
b. 120 mg
c. 125 mg
d. 250
e. 500
84. How to prescribe Paracetamol for a 10-year-old-boy if the adult dose is 500
a. S.t.d.d. cth
b. S.t.d.d. cth I
c. S.t.d.d. cth II
d. S.b.d.d. cth I
e. S.b.d.d. cth II
86. If ampicillin 500 mg cap should be taken 3x/day during empty stomach, how
would you write direction in the prescription?
d. S.3.d.d. caps II h.a.c
87. A 30yo woman with LMP = 29 Aug 2010. Today, 27 Oct 2010, she came to
the lab to check whether she was pregnant or not. It was latex indirect test. The
result was agglutination negative. Interpretation?
b. +
c. Indeterminate
d. Invalid
e. +/88.

Jika sel sertoli tidak berfungsi normal maka perubahan konsentrasi apa yang
terjadi pada hormone testosterone, fsh, dan inhibin ?

112. Seorang wanita berumur 28 tahun mengalami kecelakaan, kemudian

setelah 1 tahun pasca kecelakaan menstruasinya berhenti, disebabkan oleh ?
a. increase CRH secretion
b. increase prolaktin secretion
c. increase dopamine secretion
d. increase endorphin secretion

114. how indication can justify the biopsy ?

a. lower estradiol on 28 days of menstrual cycle
b. lower estrone on 1 day of menstrual cycle
c. higher prolactine on 14 days of menstrual cycle
d. lower progesterone on 21 days of menstrual cycle
e. lower progesterone on 7 days of menstrual cycle
115. the concept of placenta as an endocrine, autocrine, and paracrine organ in
fetals life can provides some hormonal changes. Which of the following organ
play an important role in the endocrine function of placenta?
a. kidney
b. adrenal
c. heart
d. liver
e. ovary

118. The patient undergoes sonography examination for teraphy. Follow up at

day 21 from LMC. Which of the following findings can be found from

120. which of the following is the secretory mechanism by which protein is

a. apocrine secretion

b. holocrine secretion
c. merocrine secretion
d. cyrocrine secretion
e. entire cell in duct

121. What is the widest and longest part of uterine tube near the
A. Ampulla
b. Isthmus
c. Intramural
d. Fimbriae
e. Ovarian
A. Menstrual phase
B. Poliferative phase
C. Secretory phase
D. Luteal phase
E. Ovulasi phase
122. Dtg ke klinik STI, Mucopurulent discharge dari vagina, dia PSK.
Pmeriksaan speculum,ada white discharge dr dnding vgna,epitel organ
terinfeksi ? Non keratinize statified squamous
123 Where is this discharge come from? a.epitelium of vagina, b. Dense of
lamina propia, c. Muscular layer, d. Adventitia layer, e. Serosa layer
A. Menstrual phase
B. Poliferative phase
C. Secretory phase
D. Luteal phase
E. Ovulasi phase
124.Correct arrangement (from vagina to uterine tube
1.ostium uteri externum
2.cavum uteri
3.cervical canal
4.part of ishtmus tuba uterine
5.part ampulla of the tuba uterine
a.1 4 3 2 5
b.1 2 3 4 5
c.1 3 2 4 5
d.1 2 4 3 5
e.1 4 3 5 2
125 Specimen of endometrium is taken from a women. The histology
feature of the endometrial shows the gland is coiled and the straight

126 Specimen of endometrium is taken from a women. The histology
feature of the endometrial shows the gland is coiled and the stroma
127. 42 y.o man presents to the infertility unit because of inability to
conceive after 2 years of marriage. Physical exam: inguinal region no
scarring, sex hair normal amounr distribution. Penis normal size. Urethral
meatus no abnormalities, scrotal skin marked dilated vein in the left
scrotum, testicles normal volume, regularly shaped, no cystic changes, no
induration epidymis prostat normal no abnormalities. What organ is most
likely to produce secret of semen?
A. Straight tubulus
B. Epidydimis
C. Interstitial cells
D. Sertoli cells
E. Seminiferous tubules
128. Bacterial should pass the blood-placental barriers from mother to
fetus.which of the following is the structure?
A. Sinsiotropoblas,sitotropoblas,amnion epithelium
B. Sinsiotropoblas,sitotropoblas,chorion epithelium
C. Sinsiotropoblas,sitotropoblas,endothelium
D. Chorion plate,amnion epithelium
E. Chorion plate,chorion mesoderm
129. There is a lump at the opening of vagina. That easily bleed when it
touched. What kind of cell that proliferate ?
A.amniotic cell
B.chorionic cell
130. 33-year-old presents with laboratory results of positive beta hCG test.
Which of the following cells is the most likely produced related hormone?
A. Inner multinuclear cytotrophoblast
B. Outer multinuclear cytotrophoblast
C. Inner mononuclear syncytiotrophoblast
D. Outer multinuclear syncytiotrophoblast
E. Decidua
141. pada siklus mens 28 hari. Ketika estrogen peak. Progesteron absent.
Apa yang akan terjadi 3 hari setelahnya?
142. tentang proses pembentukan spermatozoa(maaf soalnya hilang)
143. 26years old female taking COC for last month report at 8am. She has
miss pills the previous night. This is the 15th day her cycle. Which of the
following is the most likely recomendation?

A. Forget about the missed pils

B. Takes missed pills immediately
C. Take to pill at 9am
D. take to pill at 6am this day
E. use condom instead of pills.
145. A G4 P3 35 y.o was referred to labor ward by a midwife for current
estimated fetal weight 4500 g. previously, she gave spontaneous
deliveries of babies 3500-3800 g. Her contraction is good and strong, fetal
heart rate is normal. fetal descent is at station (+4) occiput anterior.
cervical dilatation is 10 cm. she is pushing the baby now. What is the most
likely complication may occur immediately in the 3rd stage of labor of this
A. Uterine inversion
B. Placental abruption
C. Uterine atony
D. Infection
E. Urinary retention
147. A couple seen in infertility clinic with history of marriage for 10 years
with ni children. During this period no contraception was used. All
screening done for the couple showed normal findings. Which of the
following correctly describes the type of infertility?
A. Infertility due to an ovulation
B. Infertility due to psychological factor
C. Unexplained infertility
D. Infertility due to tubal factor
E. Infertility due to infection
148. the presenting part was cephalic and 2cm above ischial spine? What
A. -3
B. -2
C. 0
D. +2
E. +3
149. womwn P3A1, 5cm dilated with cephalic, -1 station occiput anterior
presentation, contraction every 20minute, fetal weight 3kg with USG,
pelvic normal, after 4 hours labor keadaannya sama kaya sebelumnya dan
di diagnosa adanya dystocia. Faktor yang menyebabkannya adalah :
A. Passage
B. Power
C. Passenger
D. Parity
151. a 26 years old lady currently pregnant. She had 2 full term vaginal
deliveries. Children are alive & well, one deliveryof 600gr baby, died at

5 days of age. Two first trimester abortion and one 18 week abortion
weighed 250 gr. Which of the following is her gravida & parity?
a. gravida 4, para 3+3, living 2
b. gravida 5, para 3+4, living 3
c. gravida 7, para 3+3, living 2
d. gravida 9, para 4+2, living 2
e. gravida 8, para 3+2, living 3
153. if your patient didnt know when her last interval period was, which
of the following would be the most useful method to determine the
estimate date of confinement (EDC)?
154. painful menstruation since she achieved menarche. Start day prior to
her menses & continue till day 2-3 menses. Exam was normal. What is
the diagnosis?
a. PID
b. endometriosis
c. ovulatory pain
d. primary diysmenorrhea
e. secondary dysmenorrhea
155. 50 year old health lady come to gynecology clinic complain heavy
menstrual bleeding over last 6 months. Her hb dropped from 196 g/L to
87 g/L since then gyn exam, pelvic ultra sound and her hormonal study
were normal. Endomterial biopsy done on day 18 of her cycle revealed
secretory endometrium normal.
a. DUB
b. endometrium Ca
c. cervical Ca
d. coagulation disorder
e. endometritis
156. apa yang harus dilakukan untuk mengatasi Rh-immunization pada
ibu hamil??

157. a patient admitted with suspicion of preterm labour at 30weeks

gestation by palpation abdominal at tocography. Theres evidance of
reguler uterine activity per vaginam examination reveate cervical
dilatation of 3 cm. Fore waters membrans infact. Immediate action
taken by doctor?
a. intravenous tocolytics
b. 100 mgIM pethidone
c. oxitocyn
d. epidural analgesia
e. intravenous methergin
158. A 25 year old normal looking female , married for 3 years
represented to the clinic seeking for pregnancy. She also gave a history
of primary amenorrhea. On exam, her 2ndary sexual characters were
well developed. Hormonal profile was normal & USS showed small tiny
uterus & normal ovaries. This finding was supported by MRI. Which of
the following represents her diagnosis?
a. congenital hypoplasia of the uterus
b. testicular feminizing syndrome
c.hypothalamic pituitary disease
d. pelvic infection
e. teratoma of ovary

159. A 22 years old lady married for the last 2years, not using any
contraceptives has amenorrhea for 7 weeeks and wants to know why
should a pregnant lady have amenorrhea?
a. increased circulating plasma concentration
b.increased steroid hormone production by placenta
c. increased plasma levels of LH
d. increased plasma levels of FSH
e. increased plasma levels of corticortoprin hormones

160. a 14 yo woman come to gynecologyst because she has not started

menstruation. MOST appropate initial evaluation
a. assessment of 2nd sexual
b. CT scan of brain and xray of sella tuncica to role out pituitary tumor
c. karyotyping assesment
d. assesment of hormonal profile
171.Para 2+0,her baby in longitudinal axis is perpendicular to mother longitudinal axis.fetal

172. A 25 y.o lady, came in labor. Her fetal heart tracing showed repeated decelarations that
were not related to uterine contractions in timing&shape. Which of the following is the
correct type of fetal heart abnormality in this patient:
a. Late decelaration
b. Early decelaration
c. Variable decelaration
d. Anprovoked decelaration

VADIS dengan warna white,cheessy etiologinya adalah:

A.bacterial vaginosis

175. Perempun 39th, 6 bulan reguler premenstrual spotting 2-3 hari. Nulliparous,tdk
merokok,tidak aktif seksual, tidak pakai kontrasepsi, pada smear 16 bulan yg lalu normal.
Apa yg mau dilakukan?
A. Review in 12 month
B. Ditujukan ke gynecolog oncologist untuk managemen lanjut
C. Meresepkan NSAID
D. Pap Smear

178. 22 years old primigravida has been in the labour ward for 24 hours after spontaneous
rupture of the fetal membrane at 38 gestation. Has been no palpable uterine contraction. Fetal
heart rate pattern is negative. Pelvis normal. Vertex is at -1 station & position is left occipital
lateral. Cervix 3 cm dilated, 80% effaced. fetal weight 3300 gr. Clear liquor has been
What next step??
A. Observation
B.Oxytocin i v
C. Ergometrine maleate i m
D. Intravaginal prostaglandin E2
E. Caesarean

179. In the section of testis,what function of the cell indicated by arrow?

Lupa pilihanny,maaf.

Gambar folikel atresia, folikel sekunder, dan korteks

180. What's the picture:
A. Testis
B. Epididimis

C. Ovary
D. Thyroid
E. Sertoli
181. A 7 days treatment course Amoxicilin 500mg oral tablet (3x1hr) will be given to a
pregnant women w/ cystisis. Which directions provide to the pharmachist are most
A. Dispense Tab. No XXI
B. Dispense Caps. No XXI
C. Dispense No. XXI
D. Dispense No XXI Caps
E. Dispense Tab No VII
185. A 23 years old woman has foul smelling and whitish vaginal discharge for last 3 days.
The microscopy showed actively motile flagellate organism. What's cause of this infection?
a. Trichomoniasis
b. Giardiasis
c. Syphillis
d. Gonorrhea
e. Candidiasis
182. A 28 y.o woman, who was 6-months pregnant, came to the outpatient departement with
tooth pain, from oral examination, by a dentist for caries. The doctor gave her NSAIDs to
reduce the inflammation&pain, which of the following is the safest choice of NSAIDs for this
A. Salicylate
B. Metampyrone
C. Mefenamic acid
D. Paracetamol
E. Ibuprofen
185. A 23 years old woman has foul smelling and whitish vaginal
discharge for last 3 days. The microscopy showed actively motile
flagellate organism. What's cause of this infection?

a. Trichomoniasis
b. Giardiasis
c. Syphillis
d. Gonorrhea
e. Candidiasis
187 virus yg di transmisi dr ibu ke fetus in utero
A. Influenza
B. Measles
C. Mumps
D. Parvovirus
E. Papilomavirus
187 virus yg di transmisi dr ibu ke fetus in utero
A. Influenza
B. Measles
C. Mumps
D. Parvovirus
E. Papilomavirus
186 a neonates aged 3 days old, conjunctiva edema of both eyes in the 1st 2 days, 3rd day
edema become severe+purulent discharge:
A. Gram + streptococcus
B. Abundant intracel diplococci in neutrofil
C. Extracel limfosit
D. Intracel elementer body
E. Gram - bacteria
188.What is a serious complication of an untreated gonococcal infection in an adult female?
A.Urethral stricture
D.Infertility conjuctivis
213. the portio vaginalis of the cervix is that part.
a. extends cephalic from the vagina
b. protrudes into vagina

c. forms an internal isthmus

d. is normarly covered with endocervical epithelium
e. is part of supravaginalis part of the cervix
215. most ligament yang menahan uterus :
a. broad ligament
b. infundibulopelvic
c. utero ovarian
d. sacrotuberous
e. cardinal
218. the vascularization of the fallopian tube arises from which of the
following structures:
a. pudendal artery
b. perineal artery
c. superficial artery
d. medial sacral artery
e. uterine artery
219. a 23 y.o woman in her 1 st trimester pregnant. What is the
precaution for micronutrient deficient in cause neural tube defect
a. calcium
b. ferrum
c. folic acid
d. flavin

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