You are on page 1of 7


"ServerBrowser_Filter" "Filtro"
"[english]ServerBrowser_Filter" "Filter"
"ServerBrowser_World" "Mundo"
"[english]ServerBrowser_World" "World"
"ServerBrowser_US_East" "EUA - Este"
"US - East"
"ServerBrowser_US_West" "EUA - Oeste"
"US - West"
"Amrica do Sul"
"[english]ServerBrowser_SouthAmerica" "South America"
"ServerBrowser_Europe" "Europa"
"[english]ServerBrowser_Europe" "Europe"
"[english]ServerBrowser_Asia" "Asia"
"Mdio Oriente"
"Middle East"
"ServerBrowser_Africa" "frica"
"[english]ServerBrowser_Africa" "Africa"
"< 50"
"< 50"
"< 100"
"< 100"
"< 150"
"< 150"
"< 250"
"< 250"
"< 350"
"< 350"
"< 600"
"< 600"
"ServerBrowser_Connect" "Ligar"
"ServerBrowser_Servers" "Servidores"
"[english]ServerBrowser_Game" "Game"
"ServerBrowser_Players" "Jogadores"
"ServerBrowser_Latency" "Latncia"
"ServerBrowser_ChangeFilters" "Alterar filtros"
"[english]ServerBrowser_ChangeFilters" "Change filters"
"ServerBrowser_HasUsersPlaying" "Com jogadores a jogar"
"Has users playing"
"ServerBrowser_ServerNotFull" "Servidor no cheio"
"[english]ServerBrowser_ServerNotFull" "Server not full"
"ServerBrowser_IsNotPasswordProtected" "Servidor sem palavra-passe"
"[english]ServerBrowser_IsNotPasswordProtected" "Is not password protected"

" necessria uma palavra-passe para entrar.
"This server requires a password
to join."
"ServerBrowser_PasswordLabel" "Palavra-passe"
"[english]ServerBrowser_PasswordLabel" "Password"
"ServerBrowser_Cancel" "Cancelar"
"[english]ServerBrowser_Cancel" "Cancel"
"Join Game"
"ServerBrowser_Close" "Fechar"
"[english]ServerBrowser_Close" "Close"
"Entrar auto."
"Alertar-me quando existir uma vaga no s
"[english]ServerBrowser_AlertMeWhenSlotOpens" "Alert me when a player slot is
available on the server."
"Entrar no servidor logo que exista uma
"Join the server as soon as a pl
ayer slot is available."
"ServerBrowser_IPAddressLabel" "Endereo IP:"
"[english]ServerBrowser_IPAddressLabel" "IP Address:"
"[english]ServerBrowser_PlayersLabel" "Players:"
"[english]ServerBrowser_LatencyLabel" "Latency:"
"Introduz o endereo IP do servidor que pr
etendes adicionar."
"[english]ServerBrowser_EnterIPofServerToAdd" "Enter the IP address of the ser
ver you wish to add."
"ServerBrowser_AddServersTitle" "Adicionar Servidor - Servidores"
"Add Server - Servers"
"Adicionar Servidor - Erro"
"Add Server - Error"
"ServerBrowser_AddServerError" "O endereo IP do servidor que introduziste no vlido
"[english]ServerBrowser_AddServerError" "The server IP address you entered is in
"Servidor necessita de palavra-p
"Server Requires Passwor
"ServerBrowser_ServerRequiresPassword" " necessria uma palavra-passe para entrar.
"[english]ServerBrowser_ServerRequiresPassword" "This server requires a password

to join."
"Remover servidor dos favoritos"
"Remove server from favo
"ServerBrowser_AddServerByIP" "Adicionar servidor por endereo IP"
"[english]ServerBrowser_AddServerByIP" "Add server by IP address"
"A atualizar Favoritos"
"Updating Favorites"
"A transferir os teus Favoritos. Isto poder demor
ar alguns segundos..."
"[english]ServerBrowser_UpdatingFavs" "Transferring your Favorites. This may t
ake a minute..."
"ServerBrowser_UnableToLoadFavsTitle" "No possvel carregar os Favoritos"
"[english]ServerBrowser_UnableToLoadFavsTitle" "Unable to load favorites"
"Erro ao carregar o ficheiro."
"Error loading file."
"ServerBrowser_ErrorLoadingFileCorrupt" "Erro ao carregar. O ficheiro pode estar
"Error loading. File may
be corrupt."
"No possvel abrir o ficheiro de dados."
"[english]ServerBrowser_UnableToOpenDataFile" "Unable to open datafile."
"A obter uma nova lista de servidores...
"[english]ServerBrowser_GettingNewServerList" "Getting new server list..."
"[english]ServerBrowser_FavoritesTab" "Favorites"
"ServerBrowser_LanTab" "LAN"
"[english]ServerBrowser_LanTab" "Lan"
"ServerBrowser_GameInfoTitle" "Informaes do Jogo"
"[english]ServerBrowser_GameInfoTitle" "Game Info"
"ServerBrowser_AddToFavorites" "Adicionar aos Favoritos"
"[english]ServerBrowser_AddToFavorites" "Add To Favorites"
"ServerBrowser_GameInfoWithNameTitle" "Inf. do Jogo - %game%"
"[english]ServerBrowser_GameInfoWithNameTitle" "Game Info - %game%"
"Prime 'Entrar na partida' para te ligar
es ao servidor."
"Press 'Join Game' to connect to
the server."
"Entrars no servidor logo que exista uma
"You will join the server as soo
n as a player slot is free."
"Sers informado quando existir uma vaga n
o servidor."
"You will be alerted when a play
er slot is free on the server."
"No possvel ligar - o servidor est
"Could not connect - ser
ver is full."
"O servidor no est a responder."

"Server is not responding."
"ServerBrowser_RefreshingPercentDone" "A atualizar lista de servidores... %s1
% concludo"
"[english]ServerBrowser_RefreshingPercentDone" "Refreshing server list... %s1 %
"Servidores a responder de %s1"
"Game servers responding from %s
"ServerBrowser_ServersRespondingLocal" "Servidores a responder da mquina local"
"[english]ServerBrowser_ServersRespondingLocal" "Game servers responding from lo
cal machine"
"A atualizar lista de servidores..."
"[english]ServerBrowser_RefreshingServerList" "Refreshing server list..."
"no est cheio"
"is not full"
"no est vazio"
"is not empty"
"no tem palavra-passe"
"[english]ServerBrowser_FilterDescNoPassword" "has no password"
"No existem servidores ativos na tua rede local."
"[english]ServerBrowser_NoLanServers" "There are no servers running on your lo
cal network."
"No possuis nenhum servidor favorito sele
"You currently have no favorite
servers selected."
"Nenhum dos teus amigos est a jogar."
"None of your friends are curren
tly playing a game."
"ServerBrowser_NoInternetGames" "No existem jogos da Internet visveis que passem n
as tuas definies de filtro."
"There are no internet games vis
ible that pass your filter settings."
"Nenhum jogo da Internet respond
eu consulta."
"No internet games respo
nded to the query."
"No foi possvel contactar o servid
or de jogos principal para obter a lista de servidores."
"Could not contact maste
r game server to retrieve server list."
"ServerBrowser_MasterServerHasNoServersListed" "No h partidas da internet persona
lizadas visveis que correspondam aos filtros selecionados."
"[english]ServerBrowser_MasterServerHasNoServersListed" "There are no internet g
ames listed on the master server that pass your filter settings."
"ServerBrowser_Refresh" "Atualizar"
"Atual. tudo"
"Refresh all"
"Atual. rpida"
"[english]ServerBrowser_RefreshQuick" "Quick refresh"
"Parar Atual."
"Stop refresh"
"Adicion. serv."
"Add a server"
"Adicionar servidor atual"
"Add current server"
"ServerBrowser_PasswordColumn_Tooltip" " necessria uma palavra-passe para entrar"

"[english]ServerBrowser_PasswordColumn_Tooltip" "Password required to join serve

"Existem jogadores-CPU neste servidor"
"CPU players are present on this
"Servidores (%s1)"
"[english]ServerBrowser_ServersCount" "Servers (%s1)"
"No foi possvel determinar os endereos do s
ervidor principal. A lista de servidores no funcionar corretamente."
"[english]ServerBrowser_UnableToQueryMasters" "Unable to determine Master Serv
er addresses. Server Browser will not function correctly."
"Aviso da ESRB: Experincia de jogo pode mudar dur
ante partidas online"
"ESRB Notice: Game Experience May Change
During Online Play"
"[english]ServerBrowser_Bots" "Bots"
"ServerBrowser_Secure" "Seguro"
"[english]ServerBrowser_Secure" "Secure"
"Endereo IP"
"IP Address"
"Servidor protegido por tecnologia Antib
atota da Valve"
"[english]ServerBrowser_SecureColumn_Tooltip" "Server protected by Valve AntiCheat technology"
"No protegido"
"[english]ServerBrowser_InsecureOnly" "Not secure"
"[english]ServerBrowser_FilterDescSecureOnly" "secure"
"ServerBrowser_FilterDescInsecureOnly" "no protegido"
"[english]ServerBrowser_FilterDescInsecureOnly" "not secure"
"ServerBrowser_NoServersPlayed" "No jogaste em nenhum servidor recentemente."
"No servers have been played rec
"ServerBrowser_RemoveServerFromHistory" "Remover o servidor do histrico"
"Remove server from hist
"Jogado pela ltima vez"
"Last played"
"O Steam est no modo offline. Partidas pela inter
net no estaro disponveis at que\nsaias do modo offline do Steam."
"Steam is currently in Offline Mode. Int
ernet games will not be available until you restart\nsteam while connected to th
e Internet."
"ServerBrowser_ConnectToServer" "Ligar ao servidor"
"Connect to server"
"ServerBrowser_ViewServerInfo" "Ver informaes do servidor"
"[english]ServerBrowser_ViewServerInfo" "View server info"
"ServerBrowser_RefreshServer" "Atualizar servidor"
"[english]ServerBrowser_RefreshServer" "Refresh server"
"Adicionar servidor aos favoritos"
"[english]ServerBrowser_AddServerToFavorites" "Add server to favorites"
"ServerBrowser_NotResponding" "< no responde >"
"[english]ServerBrowser_NotResponding" "< not responding >"

"ServerBrowser_FiltersActive" "Filtros ativos"

"[english]ServerBrowser_FiltersActive" "Filters active"
"ServerBrowser_ServerOutOfDate" "O servidor est desatualizado."
"Server is out of date.."
"ServerBrowser_ClientOutOfDate" "A tua verso no corresponde dos servidores.\nPor f
avor reinicia o jogo."
"Your version does not match the
servers.\nPlease restart the game."
"Nome do jogador"
"Player Name"
"ServerBrowser_Score" "Pontos"
"[english]ServerBrowser_Score" "Score"
"[english]ServerBrowser_Time" "Time"
"ServerBrowser_ValveAntiCheat" "Antibatota da Valve:"
"[english]ServerBrowser_ValveAntiCheat" "Valve Anti-Cheat:"
"No protegido"
"Not secure"
"No h utilizadores a jogar neste servidor.
"No users currently playing on t
his server."
"VAC_BanNotification" "Notificao antibatota da Valve"
"[english]VAC_BanNotification" "Valve Anti-Cheat Notification"
"Conta Steam banida"
"Steam account banned"
"VAC_YourAccountBanned" "A tua conta Steam '%account%' foi banida dos servidores
seguros de jogos devido a uma infrao de batota."
"Your Steam account '%account%' has been
banned from secure game servers due to a cheating infraction."
"Foram afetados os seguintes jogos:"
"The following games are affected:"
"Clica aqui para detalhes"
"Click here for details"
"Ligao Recusada - VAC"
"[english]VAC_ConnectionRefusedTitle" "Connection Refused - VAC"
"VAC_ConnectionRefusedDetail" "No podes efetuar a ligao ao servidor selecionado p
orque este est a funcionar no modo de segurana VAC (Antibatota da Valve).\n\nEsta
conta Steam foi banida de servidores protegidos por ter usado \"cheats\"."
"[english]VAC_ConnectionRefusedDetail" "You cannot connect to the selected serv
er, because it is running in VAC (Valve Anti-Cheat) secure mode.\n\nThis Steam a
ccount has been banned from secure servers due to a cheating infraction."
"VAC_ConnectionRefusedByServer" "O servidor recusou a ligao porque est a funcionar
sob o modo VAC (Antibatota da Valve).\n\nEsta conta Steam foi banida de servidor
es protegidos por ter usado \"cheats\"."
"The server denied your connecti
on because it is running in VAC (Valve Anti-Cheat) secure mode.\n\nThis Steam ac
count has been banned from secure servers due to a cheating infraction."
"Antibatota da Valve - Protegido"
"Valve Anti-Cheat - Secure"
"VAC_BannedFromServerToolTip" "No podes efetuar ligao a este servidor seguro"
"[english]VAC_BannedFromServerToolTip" "You cannot connect to this secure serve

"[english]VAC_Secure" "Secure"
"VAC_ConnectingToSecureServer" "Este servidor est protegido pelo VAC.\n\nBatotei
ros sero banidos permanentemente."
"[english]VAC_ConnectingToSecureServer" "Note: This server is VAC-secured.\n\nCh
eating will result in a permanent ban."
"VAC_BannedFromServers" "Banido de alguns servidores seguros devido a infrao de ba
"Banned from some secure servers because
of a cheating infraction."
"Em bom estado"
"[english]VAC_NoBans" "In good standing"
"Estado VAC:"
"[english]VAC_Status" "VAC Status:"
"Steam_ValidLoginRequiredTitle" "Necessrio incio de sesso Steam vlido"
"Valid Steam Login Required"
"No foi possvel efetuar uma ligao aos servidores VAC
do Steam. Para solucionar problemas de rede, clica no link abaixo."
"A connection to the Steam VAC servers c
ould not be made. For troubleshooting network issues, please click the link bel
"Falha na Ligao Segura"
"Secure Connection Failed"
"Clica aqui para visitares o Suporte Ste
"Click here to visit Steam suppo
"VAC_LoggedInElsewhere_Title" "Conta Utilizada Noutro Computador"
"[english]VAC_LoggedInElsewhere_Title" "Account Used Elsewhere"
"VAC_LoggedInElsewhereReason" "Esta conta Steam foi utilizada para iniciar ses
so a partir de outro computador. Para continuares a usar o Steam, deves iniciar a
sesso outra vez."
"[english]VAC_LoggedInElsewhereReason" "This Steam account has been used to log
in from another computer. To continue using Steam, you need to log in again."
"ServerBrowser_FriendNotInGameServer" "%friend% no est a jogar em nenhum servido
r de jogo."
"[english]ServerBrowser_FriendNotInGameServer" "%friend% is not currently playi
ng on any game server."
"[ none ]"
"< pending >"
"O estado do jogo no se encontra disponvel."
"[english]ServerBrowser_NonSteamGame" "Game status is unavailable."
"ServerBrowser_AddSelectedToFavorites" "Adicionar o servidor selecionado aos fa
"[english]ServerBrowser_AddSelectedToFavorites" "Add selected game server to fav
"ServerBrowser_AddAddressToFavorites" "Adicionar este endereo aos favoritos"
"[english]ServerBrowser_AddAddressToFavorites" "Add this address to favorites"
"Procurar partidas neste endereo..."
"Find games at this address..."

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