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ENT 600

Asship Bakhial B. Mohamad


Muhammad Fareez Izwan Bi. Abdul Jalil


Mohamad Syafie B. Ayop


Mohamad Afiq Afifi B. Mohd Zafie


Title: Integrated Marker-duster (iMaDu)

Teaching and learning process in this era use technology like computer and slide.
However, the usage of marker pen and whiteboard are still popular and widely used. This can be
proved by some research that prove teaching using whiteboard can give better understanding to
the students compared to a lecturer/teacher teaching explaining from their slideshow.
Conventional teaching using whiteboard includes a whiteboard, a marker and a duster. For this
course, we would like introduce a product where we integrate the marker pen and duster into a
single product. This product ought to ease the lecturers/teachers in teaching process because they
do not need to pick up the duster anymore for every time they have to use it. Furthermore, there
are many cases where the dusters were missing and cause many troubles to the lecturers/teachers.
We hope that this product can contribute many benefits to the lecturers/teachers and might as
well improve the conventional teaching process.

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