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A History of Western Philosophy - Bertrand Russell

2. An Introduction to Statistical Learning: with Applications in R - Gareth

James, Daniela Witten, Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani

Applied Predictive Modeling - Max Kuhn, Kjell Johnson
Asset Pricing (Revised Edition) - John H. Cochrane
Asset Pricing and Portfolio Choice Theory - Kerry E. Back
Basic Principles of Curriculum and Instruction - Ralph Tyler
Curriculum Development: Theory into Practice Daniel Tanner & Laurel

8. Curriculum: Foundations, Principles, and Issues - Allan C. Ornstein &Francis
P. Hunkins
9. Designing and Conducting Mixed Methods Research - John W. Creswell &
Vicki L. Plano Clark
10.Developing the Curriculum - Peter F. Oliva
11.Education, Globalization and Social Change

- Hugh Lauder (Editor),

Phillip Brown (Editor), Jo-Anne Dillabough (Editor), A. H. Halsey

12.Educational Psychology - Anita Woolfolk
13.Educational Research - John W. Creswell
14.Educational Research: Competencies for Analysis and Applications Lorraine R. Gay, Geoffrey E. Mills
15.Evaluating Training Programs: The Four Levels - Donald L. Kirkpatrick &
James D. Kirkpatrick
16.Evaluation Roots: A Wider Perspective of Theorists' Views and Influences Marvin C. Alkin
17.Higher Education After Neoliberalism - Henry Giroux
18.Ideology and Curriculum - Michael Apple
19.Instruction: A Models Approach - Thomas H. Estes and Susan L. Mintz
20.International Handbook of Curriculum Research - William F. Pinar
21.Pedagogy of the Oppressed - Paulo Freire
22.Philosophy 101: From Plato and Socrates to Ethics and Metaphysics, an
Essential Primer on the History of Thought (Adams 101) - Paul Kleinman
23.Postmodernism, Feminism, and Cultural Politics: Redrawing Educational
Boundaries - Henry Giroux
24.Powerful Teacher Education: Lessons from Exemplary Programs - Linda
25.Program Evaluation: Alternative Approaches and Practical Guidelines Sanders J. Fitzpatrick & B.R. Worthen
26.Psychology - Daniel L. Schacter, Daniel T. Gilbert, Daniel M. Wegner,
Matthew K. Nock
27.Qualitative Research

& Evaluation Methods: Integrating Theory and

Practice - Michael Quinn Patton

28.Qualitative Research from Start to Finish - Robert K. Yin
29.Sociology - Anthony Giddens
30.Studies of Excellence in Teacher Education: Preparation in the
Undergraduate Years - K. Zeichner L. Miller & D. Silvernail

31.Teacher Education and the Struggle for Social Justice - Kenneth M.

32.Teaching Strategies: A Guide to Effective Instruction - Donald C. Orlich and
Robert Harder
33.The Art of R Programming: A Tour of Statistical Software Design - Norman
34.The Curriculum: Theory and Practice - A. Vic Kelly
35.The Econometrics of Financial Markets - Campell, Lo, MacKinlay
36.The Elements of Statistical Learning: Data Mining, Inference, and
Prediction, Second Edition - Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani, Jerome
37.The Rules of Sociological Method: And Selected Texts on Sociology and Its
Method - Emile Durkheim and Steven Lukes
38.The Sociology of Education: A Systematic Analysis - Jeanne H. Ballantine &
Floyd M. Hammack
39.Using Multivariate Statistics (6th Edition) - Barbara G. Tabachnick and
Linda S. Fidell
40.What Is Curriculum Theory? - William Pinar

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