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Dr Rian

: Pada kesempatan kali ini, kita aku membahas tentang

gangguan saluran pencernaan. Kali saya tidak sendiri karena akan ditemani
dengan dokter Vian. Mari kita sambut, Dokter Vian....
Dr Vian

: ........ (Move)

Dr Rian

: Silahkan duduk dok.

Dr. Vian

: (sit down)

Dr Rian

: Apakabar dok?

Dr Vian

: Good

Dr Rian
: Dr Vian ini adalah dokter spesialis penyakit dalam yang sangat
terkenal di indonesia. Kita akan bicara mengenai gangguan saluran pencernaan
khususnya sindrom iritasi usus.
Dr Vian : Irritation Bowel Syndrome is a condition is among people ages 20
years and over. It is one of the symptoms most frequently diagnosed, but the
problem, people do not want to talk about it. Irritation Bowel Syndrome is
characterized by abdominal cramps, bloating, abdominal pain, diarrhea and
Dr Rian

: Tya kenapa tadi perutnya?

: I feel my stomach have a proplem,Dok.Sometimes likes to feel
fullness,continued pain.
Dr Rian
: Nah ini dia kebenaran sekali kita ingin membahas mengenai keluhan
pada saluran pencernaan di mana ini disebut dengan iritasi usus atau bahasa
kerennya irritable bowel syndrome. Sedangkan penyebabnya itu belum diketahui
secara pasti . Makanya tadi kamu bilang?

: Stomachache.

Dr. Vian
:Thats are symptom of Irritation BowelSyndrome. The symptom like
puffed up, stomachaces, suddenly diarhea, and constipation.

: Yes,alright.

Dr Rian
: Saluran pencernaan apa yang bertanggungjawab terhadap gejala
kamu? Ayo, Tya kita lihat organ apa yang bertanggungjawab dengan keluhan
kamu hari ini. Tadi bicara masalah gejala mual gak jelas, kembung, dengan
gejala tiba-tiba perih

: Yes.But sudenlly I fill hardly to take a dump.

Dr Rian
: Sembelit? Nah ini dia organnya. Kita lihat ogannya apa? Apa


: Usus!!

Dr Vian
: So that food intake will be digested from small intestine then will be
removed to large intestine. In the large intestine, occurs the squeeze proces for
further digest that food.

: Yes.

Dr Rian
: Itu kan sisa makanan tadi yang masuk usus besar, nah di saat
masuk usus besar, usus akan meremas ini namanya gerakan peristaltik. Kalau
meremasnya terlalu cepat, itu makanan akan cepat sampai ke daerah bawah
tempat proses pembuangan. Itu bisa jadi diare. Tapi, kalau permasalahannya itu
lamban, kemudian tekstur dari si makanan itu terlalu padat, kurang cairan. Itu
bisa mengakibatan sembelit seperti itu.
Dr Vian
: so from that picture is occur disruption at procees of intestinal
peristalsis. The cause of this disruption from function and nervous disruption in
the bowel. A result of this disruptions in the bowel, it's irritable and sensitive

: Yah gak keluar. Sini, Dok?

Dr. Rian

: Nah itu berarti posisinya salah.


: Oh,oke Dok.

Dr. Vian
: So, basically, the rest of the food is here. Cause the rest of the food
here, you must move here, so it will run in the right direction. Well, so am I right?
That is a normal disposal. If normal bowel movements. it has not a other
problem irritants like, quick bowel movements, diarrhea.

: Need to be kneaded, Dok.

Dr . Vian : Squeezing .. I want to tell you all about some foods that should be
avoided if this condition is happened, so the first thing to be avoided is soft

: Yes!

Dr Rian
: Ya, Kenapa? Jangankan minuman bersoda, gas yang ada normal di
dalam sistem pencernaan saja bisa mengakibatkan iritasi di usus.

: Plus, add crushed.

Dr Rian

: Kopi. Kamu suka kopi enggak?


: No,less strong stomatch so I feel that drinking coffee stomatch pain.

Dr Rian
: Asam lambungnya naik. Kemudian makanan yang tinggi lemak.
Kenapa makanan tinggi lemak harus dibatasi? Karena gini, ada kasus yang tadi
sembelit atau buang air besar, itu karena volume kotoran yang terlalu padat
atau kurang cair, ditambah lagi seperti ini. Makin susah lagi buang air besar. Gitu
kalau kondisi sembelit, sebaiknya makan sayur dan buah..


: Reduced fat foods.

Dr. Vian

: Then like chocolate.

Dr. Rian

: Benar! Coklat itu juga sebaiknya dihindari.


: That is have a stomatchache, Dok?

Dr. Vian
: Yes, like that. Well that should be helped when you get irritation
bowel syndrome are fibrous foods such as broccoli, kale, papaya, carrot,
Dr Rian
: Lalu ada lagi Ini yoghurt merupakan cairan prebiotik yang dapat
membantu enzim-enzim dan bakteri baik yang ada di saluran pencernaan Anda.

: So,mix with flavour , Dok?

Dr . Vian : i recommend fibrous food. That says these vegetables are also
important to your health.
Dr Rian
: Itu tadi pemirsa mengenai iritasi pada usus. Setelah ini ada
informasi mengenai mabuk perjalanan. Tetap Di Dr Oz!

: Indonesia

Sayu :
Demy : But, before I answer your question Ms. Sayu did you know what is acne
Sayu ;
Demy ; So, Acne is a condition in which the skin pores clogged up causing
inflamed sac of pus. Acne is a skin disease that is quite a large amount of
Sayu ;
Demy : Many things that cause acne there are ; excess oil production, dead skin
cells, bacteria, cosmestics, stress, and drugs.
Sayu :
Demy : yaa Ms. Sayu today we will give you details how to get rid acne with
naturally. First of all, for your information acne is the thing that is very common
in teenagers who enter puberty, and ussually acne is disturbing right?
Sayu :
Demy : we must not squeeze acne. Because it would provide a fatal wound in the
face. Then also will appear acne scars that will be more difficult to cure.
Sayu :
Demy : Yes, we will give you details of how to get rid of acne

Did you know that acne can be eliminated by ice cube? Ice cubes are one
of herbal drug that is able to eradicate stubborn acne on the face. Heres how :

Put ice cube. The ice cubes must be clean and sterile.
Wrap a piece in clean cloth
Put on stubborn acne
Wait several minutes and keep repeating the process.
Do routine until deflated

Sayu :
Demy : yes! Thats the way that you deflate acne. Because the ice cubes will
reduce inflammation and swelling caused by acne. I hope the information that I
provide can be useful for all of you. Thank you!

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