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Training provides the leading edge | 1

Training provides
the leading edge
Ongoing training is not a choice but a must for car service. This applies, above all, to the growth area of
diesel. Bosch offers his Bosch Service workshops an extensive training program for this with practical
experience in the forefront.

Specially compiled Bosch training

programs qualify workshop employees
to perform highly demanding work on
modern diesel systems.
Photos Bosch

Car workshops must operate effi-

motivation of workshop personnel

tailored to the needs of the service

ciently if they want to exist in the ever

and in most cases create a long-term

companies. The trainers have practi-

tougher competitive environment.

commitment to the company.

cal experience of the workshop and

To do so, they must not only invest

speak the language of workshop

in modern equipment for diagnosis,

Specialised knowledge at first hand

personnel. They can access the

service and repair, but above all in

This is why Bosch has supported the

information on the Technical Hotline

the ongoing training of their employ-

Bosch Diesel specialist workshops

at any time and can therefore answer

ees as well. This specifically applies

with an extensive range of training

practical questions quickly and com-

to diesel service. For only well trained

options for many years. As a result of


personnel can keep up with the rapid

specially compiled training programs,

technical development in car manu-

extensive prospects are opened up

Diesel training program

facturing and work purposefully and

to workshop personnel for vocational

Especially for the diesel service,

profitably for the workshop.

training. As a leading automotive

Bosch offers a very wide-ranging

Investment in the ongoing training

original equipment supplier, Bosch

training program. Apart from tried

of employees by the Bosch Diesel

works in close collaboration with the

and tested courses on standard die-

Center and Bosch Diesel Service

automobile industry on research and

sel topics such as Customer service

workshop operators soon pays for

development. The basic and spe-

work on Bosch distributor injection

itself because qualified mechanics

cialised knowledge acquired here is

pumps (VE, VE-EDC, VP 29/30, VP

require significantly less time for diag-

incorporated into training. It is based

44), the program includes courses

nosis and repair work than colleagues

very closely on the requirements of

on all the current diesel systems and

who are not up-to-date with current

the everyday life of the workshop.


vehicle systems. In addition, training

Training at Bosch consists of theoreti-

During these training courses, the

courses increase the satisfaction and

cal learning and practical exercises

Bosch Diesel Center and Bosch Diesel

Reference: amz Diesel spezial 9/2009

2 | Training provides the leading edge

Theory is an important component

of Bosch courses; however practical
training is to the fore.

Service personnel are made famil-

Here the mechanics learn all about

technology. For example, the course

iar with the structure and functions

the structure, function and mode of

Exhaust-gas treatment in commercial

of the various Bosch Common Rail

operation of high-pressure pumps. In

vehicles is completely new. Here the

generations in the course Diagno-

addition, the special features which

workshop employees learn how to

sis of Bosch Common Rail systems

must be heeded during repair and in-

find and remedy faults in the exhaust-

in passenger cars. In addition, they

spection are explained. Other courses

gas treatment systems of commercial

are shown how electronic control

tackle the inspection and repair of

vehicles on their own.

unit diagnosis is used specifically for

Common Rail injectors. Besides pas-

troubleshooting on the Common Rail

senger vehicle courses, some courses

Suitable framework conditions

and learn how to develop diagnostic

are specially geared to the particu-

Diesel courses are normally run at


lar features of commercial vehicle

the Bosch Service Training Center in

There is a test at the end of the Bosch

training courses and on passing it, a
certificate is issued.

Reference: amz Diesel spezial 9/2009

Training provides the leading edge | 3

At the modern Service Training Center

in Plochingen, Bosch Diesel Center and
Bosch Diesel Service participants find
ideal conditions for effective learning.

Plochingen near Stuttgart. The mod-

The duration of the courses depends

ern building complex was put into

on the complexity of the topic. They

operation in 2005. 7,500 employees

range from one to four days. The time

from workshops, local authorities,

is divided equally between theory

associations and vocational school

and practical experience. There is a

teachers are trained annually in an

test at the end of each course and on

area of 4,500 square metres. For the

passing it, a certificate is issued.

courses, the highly-qualified trainers

have access to the latest equipment
and a large fleet of vehicles for practical exercises.

Reference: amz Diesel spezial 9/2009

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