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Teachers Job Satisfaction towards Student Learning

According to Dr. Roshan Lal (2012), teaching is regarding as the noblest profession.
It is therefore important that those individuals who join the teaching profession should be
dedicated and competent in their work. A teacher can perform to the maximum of his
capacity; if he/she is satisfied with his/her job. Every profession has certain aspects
responsible for job satisfaction along with attitude and teaching is not an exception unless
and until a teacher derives satisfaction on job performance and develops a positive
attitude towards education, he/she cannot initiate desirable outcomes to cater to the needs
of the society. Only satisfied and well-adjusted teacher can think of the well-being of the
Education is a continuous process. It may be formal, informal, or non-formal. In
informal education teacher has a very important place of improvement of education.
Teachers role in society, in general and in education has been changing with time but the
importance of this position is the same. The teacher is the pre-requisite of the success of
educational programmes. The main quality of teacher is the positive attitude towards
education. He/She must have the ability to get satisfied from their respective jobs. So
educational programme should inculcate the qualities in teacher, so that he/she may be in
his best position to impart education to students. The attitude of the teachers towards
education influences the nature and extent of their participation in the education and
related educational programme. By developing teachers with desirable attitude or by
shaping their attitudes in desired, effective, and productive learning on the part of the
students can be achieved.

According to Prince Ololube, job satisfaction and motivation are very essential to
the continuing growth of educational systems around the world and they rank alongside
professional knowledge and skills, center competencies, educational resources as well as
strategies, in genuinely determining educational success and performance. The relevance
of job satisfaction and motivation are very crucial to the long-term growth of any
educational system around the world. They probably rank alongside professional
knowledge and skills, center competencies, educational resources and strategies as the
veritable determinants of educational success and performance. Professional knowledge,
skills and center competencies occur when one feels effective in ones behavior. In other
words, professional knowledge, skills and competences can be seen when one is taking
on and mastering challenging tasks directed at educational success and performance
(Filak&Sheldon, 2003).
In addition, needs satisfaction and motivation to work are very essential in the lives
of the teachers because they form the fundamental reason for working in life. While
almost every teacher works in order to satisfy his or her needs in life, he or she constantly
agitates for need satisfaction.
Another problem is the governments position concerning the job performance of
the teachers; they accuse the teachers of negligence, laziness, purposeful lethargy, and
lack of dedication to zeal to work. They further argue that teachers level of efficiency
and effectiveness does not necessitate the constant request for salary increase, incentives
and better working conditions. While teachers on their part argue that the existing salary
structure, benefits and working conditions do not satisfy their basic needs in as much as

other sectors of the economy have bigger structure, better motivation and enhanced
working conditions.
According to (Obum&Joshua, 2004), teachers are expected to render a very high
job performance, and the Ministry of Education is always curious regarding the job
performance of its teachers. Also, the Ministry of Education demands a very high
measure of loyalty, patriotism, dedication, hard work, and commitment from its teachers.
Similarly, the roles and contexts of educations motivational methods and tools cannot be
underemphasized because high motivation enhances productivity which is naturally in the
interests of all educational systems (Ololube, 2004).
According to Gibson (1991), he acknowledged that job satisfaction is one part of
motivational process. While motivation is primarily concerned with goal-directed
behavior, job satisfaction refers to the fulfillment acquired by experiencing various job
activities and rewards. It is possible that an employee may display low motivation from
the organizations perspective yet enjoy every aspect of the job. Peretomode (1991) also
argued that a highly motivated employee might also be dissatisfied with every aspect of
his or her job. Ifinedo (2003) demonstrated that a motivated worker is easy to spot by his
or her agility, dedication, enthusiasm, focus, zeal, and general performance and
contribution to organizational objectives and goals.
According to Spector (1997), job satisfaction has been the most frequently
investigated variable in organizational behavior. Whawo (1993), have suggested that the
higher prestigeof the job, the greater the job satisfaction. Job satisfaction is as individual
as ones feelings or state of mind. Job satisfaction can be influenced by a variety of

factors, for example, the quality of ones relationship with their supervisor, the quality of
the physical environment in which they work, the degree of fulfillment in their work, etc.
The most respected profession in the world is teacher. He or she is a model and is
consciously imitated. According to Panda and Mohanty, (2003) the teacher is the pivot of
any education system. In fact, teachers are the strength of a nation. Teachers develop
performance style characteristics to their ways of relating to the world, perceptually as
well as cognitively. A person is, therefore, likely to act in a way that maximizes the use of
his aptitudes. Similarly, teachers positive attitude towards teaching and higher aspiration
level determines his positive perception of the environments. It is universally recognized
that teachers positive attitude towards teaching and higher aspiraton level determines his
or her positive perception of the environments. It is universally recognized that teachers
instructional performance plays a key role in students learning and academic
achievement. There are many factors that influence the teachers job performance such as
aptitude, attitude, subject mastery, teaching methodology, personal characteristics, the
classroom environment, general mental ability, personality, and relations with students.
For development of quality teachers one has to understand the factors associated with it.
Job satisfaction is one of these important factors. Disgruntled teachers who are not
satisfied with their job will not be committed and productive. In the Department of
Education based on performance appraisal, poor performance surfaced as a problem.

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