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Reading List 2017/2018/2019...

All Online Documents updated once on a Thursday during the day normally evening…


Available on Book and Kindle Edition


My Professional Research Documents & Links -


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Crowdfunding: The Corporate Era Paperback


The Good Immigrant Hardcover – 22 Sep 2016 by Nikesh Shukla


Introducing George The Poet: Search Party: A Collection of Poems Hardcover – 19 Feb 2015

by George the Poet


How to Cure a Fanatic Paperback – 1 Nov 2012

by Amos Oz (Author)




It’s been a huge year of wonderful books by women, so here are a few of our favourite feminist
reads from 2016 to add to your summer reading pile, as recommended by Feminist Writers Festival
artists and the FWF team!


“The Book of Joy,” a dialogue between the Dalai Lama and Archbishop Desmond Tutu...


Building Good Teammates

Participation leagues, where every kid gets a trophy, lead to disillusionment. Not everyone wins in
the real world. Yet, coaching kids to be ultra-competitive guarantees no greater probability of
players becoming successful, well-adjusted members of society when their playing days have ended.


The New Actionable Book For

Forward-Thinking, Growth-Oriented

Organizations, Teams, and Individuals,

by Buckley Barlow of In The Know.


The Red Book of Guerrilla Warfare Paperback – 28 Jan 2010

by Mao Zedong (Author)

This special edition contains the two most important essays by Mao on guerrilla warfare tactics in a
new, completely uncensored format.

As a revolutionary leader, Mao Zedong laid the economic, technological and cultural foundations of
modern China, transforming the country from an agrarian society into a major world power.

"Time Magazine" voted Mao Zedong as one of the 100 most influential figures of the last century. He
has often been described as both "brilliant and ruthless." His essays are described as "propaganda,"
and have historically been viewed as "subversive" and "revolutionary." They contain some of the
most practical and controversial warfare theory ever presented in essay form.

This special edition contains the translations completed for the US Military's internal library of Cold
War era propaganda; presented in a new, completely uncensored format. "The Red Book of Guerrilla
Warfare" contains:

1) "On Guerrilla Warfare" (full translation)

2) "Problems of Strategy in Guerrilla War against Japan" (full translation)


Mao Tse-tung on Guerrilla Warfare Paperback – 5 Apr 1989

by Mao Tse-tung (Author)


Guerrilla Warfare: The Authorised Edition Paperback – 26 Feb 2010

by Ernesto 'Che' Guevara (Author)


The Dalai Lama's Book of Wisdom

by Dalai Lama


The Growth Hacker's Guide to the Galaxy: 100 Proven Growth Hacks for the Digital Marketer

by Mark Hayes (Author), Jeff Goldenberg (Author)


Security Planner w/WS: When Hackers Won't Take No for an Answer (Computer Science) Paperback
– 6 Jan 2003


Psychology of Crowds

by Gustave le Bon (Author)


The Diversity Illusion: What We Got Wrong About Immigration & How to Set It Right

by Ed West (Author)


Research Skills for Management Studies Paperback – 27 Nov 2003

by Alan Berkeley Thomas (Author)


The Terrorist's Son: A Story of Choice (TED) Hardcover – 11 Sep 2014

by Zak Ebrahim (Author)


Strategic Customer Service: Managing the Customer Experience to Increase Positive Word of Mouth,
Build Loyalty, and Maximize Profits Hardcover – 1 May 2009

by John A. Goodman (Author)


The Art of War Paperback – 11 Feb 2009

by Sun Tzu (Author)


Quotations from Mao Zedong Paperback – 30 Aug 2013

by Mao Zedong (Author)


10 | P a g e
Selected Works of Mao Zedong Paperback – 28 Apr 2014

by Mao Zedong (Author)


Mao's Little Red Book: A Global History Paperback – 6 Mar 2014

by Alexander C. Cook (Author)


Stalkers and their Victims Paperback – 27 Apr 2000

by Paul E. Mullen (Author), Michele Pathé (Author), Rosemary Purcell (Author)


Wilderness: Lost Writings of Jim Morrison Paperback – 29 Mar 1990

by Jim Morrison (Author)


11 | P a g e
The Lords and the New Creatures: The original published poetry of Jim Morrison Paperback – 6 May

by Jim Morrison (Author)


Gaze Into the Abyss: The Poetry of Jim Morrison Paperback – 3 Sep 2015

by William Cook (Author)


A Theory of Human Motivation Paperback – 28 Sep 2013

by Abraham H. Maslow (Author)


Mapping Murder: Walking in Killers' Footsteps Mass Market Paperback – 4 Aug 2005

by David Canter (Author)


12 | P a g e
Criminal Shadows: Inside the Mind of the Serial Killer Paperback – 23 Jan 1995

by David Canter (Author)


The Mom Test: How to talk to customers & learn if your business is a good idea when everyone is
lying to you Paperback – 10 Sep 2013


The Autobiography Of Martin Luther King, Jr Audio CD – Abridged, Audiobook, CD

by Martin Luther King Jr (Author), Levar Burton (Reader)


Mapping Murder: The Secrets of Geographical Profiling Paperback – 25 Oct 2007

by David Canter (Author)


13 | P a g e
Ahmed Fouad Negm Egypt's Revolutionary Poet. English -Translated Poetry Paperback – 13 Mar

by Mohamed F. El-Hewie (Author)


Extreme Rambling: Walking Israel's Separation Barrier. For Fun. Paperback – 22 Mar 2012

by Mark Thomas (Author)


PLEASE STOP LAUGHING AT US...: One Survivor's Extraordinary Quest to Prevent School Bullying
Paperback – 2 Apr 2008

by Jodee Blanco (Author)


Both my two books on Investigative Psychology are on Scribd. Books called (Admin and Me) and (Me
and Admin).



14 | P a g e

Exponentially Transform Your Company Through The Profitable Strategies in

The Secret Collaborative Economy

The highly anticipated book for seriously focused and driven leaders, owner managers, sales
professionals, CEOs, influencers and entrepreneurs.

- See more at:



How Performance Management Is Killing Performance--and What to Do About It


The how-to guide for exceptional management from the bottom up

The Effective Manager is a hands-on practical guide to great management at every level. Written by
the man behind Manager Tools, the world's number-one business podcast, this book distills the
author's 25 years of management training expertise into clear, actionable steps to start taking today.
First, you'll identify what "effective management" actually looks like: can you get the job done at a
high level? Do you attract and retain top talent without burning them out? Then you'll dig into the
four critical behaviors that make a manager great, and learn how to adjust your own behavior to be
the leader your team needs. You'll learn the four major tools that should be a part of every
manager's repertoire, how to use them, and even how to introduce them to the team in a
productive, non-disruptive way.

15 | P a g e
Most management books are written for CEOs and geared toward improving corporate
management, but this book is expressly aimed at managers of any level—with a behavioral
framework designed to be tailored to your team's specific needs.

Understand your team's strengths, weaknesses, and goals in a meaningful way

Stop limiting feedback to when something goes wrong

Motivate your people to continuous improvement

Spread the work around and let people stretch their skills

Effective managers are good at the job and "good at people." The key is combining those skills to
foster your team's development, get better and better results, and maintain a culture of positive
productivity. The Effective Manager shows you how to turn good into great with clear, actionable,
expert guidance.


Translated into 100 languages, winner of the National Book Award, and named one of the 100 Most
Influential Books since World War II by the Times Literary Supplement, Anarchy, State and Utopia
remains one of the most theoretically trenchant and philosophically rich defenses of economic
liberalism to date, as well as a foundational text in classical libertarian thought. With a new
introduction by the philosopher Thomas Nagel, this revised edition will introduce Nozick and his
work to a new generation of readers.


16 | P a g e
The Everlast Notebook

One reusable notebook to last the rest of your life? That's not magic. It's the smart paper-and-pen
notebook, Rocketbook Everlast.

The Everlast notebook provides a classic pen and paper experience, yet is built for the digital age.
Although it feels like a traditional notebook, the Everlast is endlessly reusable and connected to all of
your favorite cloud services.

When you write using any pen from the Pilot Frixion line, your writing sticks to Everlast pages like
regular paper. But add a drop of water… and the notebook erases like magic.

The Everlast notebook is compatible with the Rocketbook app. That means before your notes go off
the page they go online to destinations like Google Drive, Dropbox, and Evernote — perfectly


Welcome to the fourth edition of the Anti-Hacker Tool Kit. This is a book about the tools that hackers
use to attack and defend systems. Knowing how to conduct advanced configuration for an operating
system is a step toward being a hacker. Knowing how to infiltrate a system is a step along the same
path. Knowing how to monitor an attacker’s activity and defend a system are more points on the
path to hacking. In other words, hacking is more about knowledge and creativity than it is about
having a collection of tools.


Be a Good Teammate

17 | P a g e
Be A Good Teammate is a children’s book that teaches kids the importance of teamwork and the
three undisputable characteristics of good teammates. Written and illustrated by Coach Lance Loya,
the book is an appropriate bedtime story, but is also a level 2 easy reader and designed in a manner
to help kids learn to read. The life lessons conveyed in Be A Good Teammate have the potential to
impact the course of a child’s life for many years to come!

Good Teammates care. Good Teammates share. Good Teammates listen. Be a good teammate™


RokBlok - A New Spin, on Vinyl.

Rock out to your favorite records anywhere with the world’s first infinitely portable, wireless record

RokBlok is the world’s smallest wireless record player, that plays your favorite records by lightly
riding on top of them. Rock out to your favorite albums anywhere, using its built in speakers, or
wirelessly connect your favorite bluetooth speakers or headphones for a bigger sound.


Format Name: African Survival

Author: Hein Vosloo

18 | P a g e

Mein Kampf Paperback – Illustrated, 21 Nov 2007

by Adolf 卐Hitler卐 (Author, Contributor)

After 1944, Hitler's notorious book was not widely available until the hardback edition of this version
appeared in 1969. This paperback edition is intended primarily for students of 20th century German
history seeking to gain insight into its dominant figure from reading his own words. Ostensibly an
autobiography, the work comprises a melange of Hitler's political and racial ideas over two volumes,
"A Reckoning" and "The Nazi Movement". Described by D.C.Watt in his introduction as "lengthy,
dull, bombastic, repetitious and extremely badly written", it is nonetheless Hitler's only major work -
and its study is important to an understanding of how his ideas came to hold such sway over the
German people.


People need to learn lifesaving skills in case they are caught up in a terror attack in the UK, a team of
senior military and civilian medics has said.

They say people need to know how to help each other because it could take some time before it is
deemed safe for paramedics to arrive on the scene.

Their app, called CitizenAID, offers step-by-step advice.


Spy the Lie: Former CIA Officers Teach You How to Detect Deception Paperback – 18 Jul 2013

by Philip Houston (Author), Michael Floyd (Contributor), Susan Carnicero (Contributor)

19 | P a g e
Spy the Lie is a fascinating study of deception and a comprehensive lesson in how to identify and
combat it.


Get the Truth Paperback – 21 Apr 2016

by Philip Houston (Author), Michael Floyd (Contributor), Susan Carnicero (Contributor)

Former CIA agents and the bestselling authors of Spy the Lie, Philip Houston, Mike Floyd and Susan
Carnicero are among the world’s best at recognising deceptive behaviour and drawing out the truth
from even the most accomplished liars.


Mental Athleticism: Habits That Lead To An Exceptional Lifestyle Kindle Edition

This book will teach you everything you need to know:

- How to be exceptionally strong minded

- Keeping focus under extreme pressure

- Having the best kind of friends

- Creating a productive system

- How to be confident in any situation


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What Every BODY is Saying: An Ex-FBI Agent’s Guide to Speed-Reading People: An Ex-FBI Agent's
Guide to Speed-reading People Paperback – 7 Apr 2008

by Joe Navarro (Author), Marvin Karlins (Author)


BBC Asian Network Radio

Listen on the BBC iPlayer Radio App through App Store and Android Stores

Also listen through TuneIn Radio

One of the best programmes is on every Thursday night at GMT Time at 21:00-24:00


Metal Hurlant Collection 1 Vol. 2 Kindle Edition

Short Stories that appeared in the legendary magazine of the same name, and that inspired the TV
series, Metal Hurlant Chronicles. Métal Hurlant magazine was created in Paris in 1974 by Moebius,
Druillet and Dionnet, the founding fathers of Les Humanoïdes Associés. This movement soon
revolutionized the medium and inspired countless writers, artists and filmmakers the world over.
Versions in various languages flourished everywhere, including in the States with Heavy Metal. The
French version was eventually shut down in 1987. But in 2002, Humanoids relaunched a limited
publication of a 13-issue anthology, with one main goal: establishing a creative bridge between the
US and Europe. Includes stories written and illustrated by comic book stars Geoff Johns, Kurt Busiek,
Guy Davis, and Jerome Opena, among many others.

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A Mindfulness Guide for the Frazzled Paperback – 29 Dec 2016

by Ruby Wax (Author)


Amartya Sen: ‘Referendums are like opinion polls. Sometimes they’re very wrong’

As a new edition of his pioneering 1970 book Collective Choice and Social Welfare is published, the
economist talks Brexit, 卐Trumpler卐 and real news


Peter Abrahams, a South African Who Wrote of Apartheid and Identity, Dies at 97


Social Media: Strategies To Mastering Your Brand- Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Snapchat
(Social Media, Social Media Marketing) Kindle Edition

22 | P a g e
by David Kelly (Author)


March: Book One: 1 Kindle & comiXology

by John Lewis (Author), Andrew Aydin (Author), Nate Powell (Illustrator)

Before he became a respected Congressman, John Lewis was clubbed, gassed, arrested over 40
times, and nearly killed by angry mobs and state police, all while nonviolently protesting racial
discrimination. He marched side-by-side with Martin Luther King as the youngest leader of the Civil
Rights Movement that would change a nation forever.

Now, experience John Lewis' incredible story first-hand, brought to life in a stunning graphic novel
trilogy. With co-writer Andrew Aydin and Eisner Award-winning artist Nate Powell, John Lewis'
MARCH tells the story of how a poor sharecropper's son helped transform America, from a
segregated schoolhouse to the 1963 March on Washington and beyond.

BOOK ONE spans John Lewis' youth in rural Alabama, his life-changing meeting with Dr. King, the
birth of the Nashville Student Movement, and their battle to tear down segregation through
nonviolent sit-ins, building to a stunning climax on the steps of City Hall.

"Riveting and beautiful." - The Washington Post

"Essential reading... the story of a true American superhero." - USA Today

"An astonishingly accomplished graphic memoir." – NPR

The first graphic novel featured on The Colbert Report!

23 | P a g e


Love Your Enemies in Case Your Friends Turn Out to be Bastards: Organizational Case Studies
Examining Worksite Politics

Jake Hagerman

Inkwater Press, 2014


It's been ten years since the publication of Khaled Hosseini's bestselling novel A Thousand Splendid
Suns. This month, the novel about three generations of Afghan women living in the war-torn Kabul is
being adapted into ...


My father had thirteen wives and more than fifty children . . .

This is the haunting memoir of Anna LeBaron, daughter of the notorious polygamist and murderer
Ervil LeBaron. Ervil’s criminal activity kept Anna and her siblings constantly on the run from the FBI.
Often starving, the children lived in a perpetual state of fear—and despite their numbers, Anna
always felt alone. Would she ever find a place she truly belonged? Would she ever be anything other
than the polygamist’s daughter?

24 | P a g e
Filled with murder, fear, and betrayal, The Polygamist’s Daughter is the harrowing, heart-wrenching
story of a fatherless girl and her unwavering search for love, faith, and a place to call home.


Terra Nova: Global Revolution and the Healing of Love

(Available as eBook or hard copy. Choose your option below.)

Terra Nova: Global Revolution and the Healing of Love.

Terra Nova is the essence of over forty years of work on the question of whether humanity and the
Earth can be healed. It shows how a morphogenetic field of peace is organized from within, and to
what forces it could connect in order to oppose the global forces of violence and so make possible a
future without war.



Utopia for Realists: And How We Can Get There Kindle Edition

by Rutger Bregman (Author)

25 | P a g e


Oh Snap! A book on how businesses can use Snapchat


“Massive thoughts must be followed by massive actions. There is nothing ordinary about The 10X
Rule. It is simply what it says: 10 times the thoughts and 10 times the actions of other people… You
never do what others do.

You must be willing to do what they won’t do—and even take actions you might deem
“unreasonable.” - Grant Cardone


Thordis Elva wrote book with her rapist about ordeal


Did His Mind Make Him Do It? How Neuroscience Entered the Courtroom

26 | P a g e

The Criminal Personality is a seminal work that provides challenge to mental health professionals to
alter their preconceptions in dealing with criminals, and gives correctional counselors a blueprint to
begin the serious work of criminal rehabilitation. One by one the cherished myths of sociology and
psychology regarding the origins of criminality are discarded, since the authors find that
rationalizations of broken family, racial oppression, bad companions, and lack opportunity' are
utilized by criminals to justify continued nonresponsibility for their own behavior.--Robert B. Mills


Behind the Shock Machine: the untold story of the notorious Milgram psychology experiments
Kindle Edition


50 Years On, One of the Most Controversial Psych Experiments Gets the Same Creepy Results

People will still hurt others to obey orders.

If you've ever studied social science, you've most likely heard about the Milgram experiments - the
infamous series of experiments that started in 1961, and concluded that most volunteers would
harm another person if an authority figure told them to.

It's become one of the most controversial and best-known psychology experiments of all time - and
now, more than 50 years later, a team of researchers in Poland has repeated a modern version, and
found that the results still hold true.

27 | P a g e


The Legacy Rule

J. Nathan

Inkwater Press, 2014

J. Nathan’s book The Legacy Rule concerns itself with how our society needs to revise not just its
priorities but it’s reasoning. It’s rare to read a liberal jeremiad in this era of aggressive populism, but
Nathan’s book isn’t just some political screed. Rather, Nathan has crafted a very specific, targeted
extended essay centered around making the case for what he terms the Legacy Rule.

Nathan’s Legacy Rule is meant as a moral companion with the Golden Rule. In it’s simplest
formulation, the precept is “To best love your children, create no more or no more than one or two.”
Nathan is clearly mining the zero-population growth territory that gained traction in the 1960s and
70s. Although mostly discounted in contemporary circles or, rather, ignored, Nathan makes a case
for revising our understanding of how and why we procreate.


I Forgot to Die Kindle Edition

by Khalil Rafati (Author)

The man who quit heroin and became a fruit juice millionaire

28 | P a g e


Everything drug cartels do to survive and prosper they’ve learnt from big business – brand value and
franchising from McDonald’s, supply chain management from Walmart, diversification from Coca-
Cola. Whether it’s human resourcing, R&D, corporate social responsibility, off-shoring, problems
with e-commerce or troublesome changes in legislation, the drug lords face the same strategic
concerns companies like Ryanair or Apple. So when the drug cartels start to think like big business,
the only way to understand them is using economics.

In Narconomics, Tom Wainwright meets everyone from coca farmers in secret Andean locations,
deluded heads of state in presidential palaces, journalists with a price on their head, gang leaders
who run their empires from dangerous prisons and teenage hitmen on city streets - all in search of
the economic truth.

Narconomics: How To Run a Drug Cartel Kindle Edition

by Tom Wainwright (Author)


Gavin de Becker & Associates protects people who are at risk, including eight of the ten private
Americans currently considered most at-risk, and 90 of the Nation’s most prominent families.

Mr. de Becker is the bestselling author of THE GIFT OF FEAR, which spent four months on the New
York Times Best Seller List. His books are now published in 14 languages.

Twice appointed to the President's Advisory Board at the U.S. Department of Justice, Mr. de Becker
is a Senior Fellow at the UCLA School of Public Affairs, and a Senior Advisor to the Rand Corporation.

29 | P a g e
Gavin de Becker & Associates is a 520-member firm that provides protective security, logistical
support, and advice to public figures, prominent families, government officials, government
agencies, police departments, universities, large corporations, and at-risk individuals.


Unfortunately, today's educational system up through college micromanages the learning process,
thereby doing little to prepare you for independent study. How do you go about learning something
on your own?

If you're new to this site, Metacademy is a tool to help you learn things on your own, primarily in
machine learning and probabilistic AI. Perhaps the most frustrating part of teaching yourself is
tracking down the prerequisite concepts and finding resources where you can learn them.
Metacademy tackles this by using a dependency graph of concepts to give you a step-by-step plan to
learn any particular thing. Prerequisites are only one piece of the puzzle, though; this roadmap is
meant to help fill in the rest of the puzzle.


How to Criticize with Kindness: Philosopher Daniel Dennett on the Four Steps to Arguing Intelligently

“Just how charitable are you supposed to be when criticizing the views of an opponent?”



Train to teach the Youth Mindfulness Kids Programme.

30 | P a g e


Gavin de Becker Books


ConCom: Conflict Communication A New Paradigm in Conscious Communication Kindle Edition

ConCom: Conflict Communications presents a functional taxonomy to see, understand and

manipulate the roots of conflict. If you have ever wondered why your boss ignored a suggestion that
could save millions of dollars, or why you have the same argument again and again with your
spouse, the answers are here. As well as the tools to do something about it.



200+ Page Rebuttal Manual. Learn to handle any objection with this never-before-released book
that will become your complete arsenal of closes to handle any situation.

No shipping required on the eBook! This product is digital and sent immediately to your email!


31 | P a g e

The East Harlem School

History and Mission

Our mission: The East Harlem School challenges students to develop a balanced physical, moral, and
intellectual strength that they will use to adapt to change - and for the final purpose of creating and
sharing lives of deep meaning, dynamic actions, and transcendent joy. We are a middle school
(grades 4-8) that recruits children from families with low income and the highest values, and we give
preference to those who keep to the traditional belief that creative flight can only be sustained by
grounded discipline.




DREAM’s mission is to provide inner-city youth with opportunities to Play, Learn and Grow. We use
the power of teams to coach, teach and inspire youth to recognize their potential and realize their



If Scale Isn’t The Goal, Then What Is?


Turning Negative Thinkers Into Positive Ones


32 | P a g e
Our bookshelf

When we’re not scouring the web for facts, we love a good book. Here are some of our favourites.


Our team is led by human rights lawyer William Bourdon, founder of Sherpa and advocate of Edward
Snowden, Antoine Deltour (LuxLeaks), Herve Falciani (SwissLeaks) and many other whistleblowers
and politically oppressed individuals.

PPLAAF aims to reduce the risks that whistleblowers commonly face by providing a highly secure
system to enable encrypted, two-way communication with legal experts and investigators. We also
provide advice, defense and in some cases legal representation for whistleblowers.

All the while, we are pursuing the broader objectives of investigative journalism, public advocacy,
legislation and coalition-building for change.

We are ready to help whistleblowers who wish to report information on crime, corruption, illicit
economic activity - whether in the public or private sector, as well as environmental risks that
concern Africa. You may live or be based outside of Africa, and you do not need to be a citizen of an
African country. As long as the information pertains to Africa, we are here to help.

Who we are not

We are not associated with any political, national or intelligence agenda nor are we funded by
political, national or intelligence entities.


33 | P a g e
Living a Lie: We Deceive Ourselves to Better Deceive Others

New research provides the first evidence for a theory first put forward in the 1970s


The Uruguayan jail where inmates set up shop


If Humble People Make the Best Leaders, Why Do We Fall for Charismatic Narcissists?


Being a Night Owl Is Linked to Depression

People who prefer to sleep late in the morning and stay up late at night have a higher-than-average
risk of depression—a link that may be especially risky for people who have type 2 diabetes, since the
two diseases are already so intertwined.


34 | P a g e
Why I Care About Problem Size More Than Market Size

Is the problem large?

Is the problem urgent?

Is the problem valuable?


Incentives Don’t Help People Change, but Peer Pressure Does


Why Great Executives Avoid Shiny Objects


Supporting Our Wounded Into Work

Raising funds to retrain and re-skill our wounded and support them in finding new careers outside
the Military. You can help by making a donation or fundraising for the charity.

35 | P a g e

Critical lack of skills could be the biggest security challenge


Glowing bacteria offer hope for safe detection of 100m landmines

Team at Israel’s Hebrew University test system that uses lasers and modified bacteria to locate
buried devices


Stiff Upper Lip by Alex Renton review – the damage boarding schools have done

Renton, who was abused at prep school, has written a startling book about the ruling class, full of
examples of snobbery, cruelty and misery



36 | P a g e

Surprising brain change appears to drive alcohol dependence


The 12 Week Year: Get More Done in 12 Weeks than Others Do in 12 Months Hardcover – May 20,

by Brian P. Moran (Author), Michael Lennington (Author)


Why we pretend to know things, explained by a cognitive scientist

New research explains why we pretend to know more than we do.

Why do people pretend to know things? Why does confidence so often scale with ignorance? Steven
Sloman, a professor of cognitive science at Brown University, has some compelling answers to these

“We're biased to preserve our sense of rightness,” he told me, “and we have to be.”


37 | P a g e
What is a Growth Master?


Why people prefer unequal societies


Why Companies are Failing to Implement Growth Processes

CEOs moving past Product / Market Fit often have issues to grow. They struggle to find more
channels to acquire new leads. Here is how to avoid them.


Princeton’s ad-blocking technology could be the ‘end game’ for online publishers


Turn Your Smartphone Into a Laptop

Simply connect your smartphone to the Mirabook and unleash the power to do more with less

38 | P a g e

Crime Classification Manual: A Standard System for Investigating and Classifying Violent Crime


A Great Read – Mental Health


Richard Ford: ‘Who needs friends?’

Is friendship really all it’s cracked up to be, asks the US novelist


Thanks for all the upvotes everyone! We hope you enjoy what our AI can do so far.

Our system gets smarter as more people interact with it, so you will see the sophistication of our
system continue to rise as we continue to acquire new users. It learns from the text that is imported,
as well as the interactions that users make with the suggestions, and is able to offer more
sophisticated suggestions over time as a result.

Our focus is currently on improving the individual personalisation of the algorithms, and integrating
it closely into the platforms where our users write. This will allow the software to suggest changes
that accurately fit your individual writing style and preferences, on the platform where you create
your content.

39 | P a g e
Let us know what you think, and what features you would like to see in future updates!

We've created a 40% sale for all Pro Plans today, to celebrate our product hunt launch. Enjoy!


A Gift from Darkness review – harrowing account of a Boko Haram kidnapping

Patience Ibrahim and co-writer Andrea C Hoffmann craft a vivid and valuable account of trauma and


A Teenager’s View on Social Media

Written by an actual teen


Bana al-Abed, Girl Whose Tweets Told of Aleppo’s Horrors, Gets Book Deal

A 7-year-old Syrian refugee, whose Twitter posts from the besieged city of Aleppo put a face to the
country’s civil war for thousands of followers and turned her into an international celebrity, has
been offered a book deal.

40 | P a g e
“I am happy to announce my book will be published by Simon & Schuster,” the girl, Bana al-Abed,
wrote this week on Twitter. “The world must end all the wars now in every part of the world.”


Does sentiment analysis work? A tidy analysis of Yelp reviews


What’s Inside the Badass Backpack That’s Saving Lives in South Sudan


Hitting a Medical Wall, and Turning to Unproven Treatments


Seven British spies uncovered in new biography of real-life M

Author of Maxwell Knight, ‘MI5’s Greatest Spymaster’, uncovers details of hitherto unknown agents
in interwar years

41 | P a g e


'I Belonged Nowhere': A Story Of Displacement, From A Novelist Who Knows


Strong language: swearing makes you stronger, psychologists confirm

Repeating profanities during tasks including cycling and a hand-grip test boosted performance,
researchers say


Ice baths and snow meditation: can cold therapy make you stronger?

When Scott Carney set out to debunk the health benefits of extreme cold, a strange thing happened.
He tells Tim Adams about lighting his ‘inner fire’


42 | P a g e
What Doesn't Kill Us: how freezing water, extreme altitude, and environmental conditioning will
renew our lost evolutionary strength: 1 Kindle Edition


We’ll Always Have Paris by Emma Beddington review – a sweet and subtle memoir

Patisserie and family tragedy make for a multilayered life story


Why You Don't Believe In Facts, And How To Fix It


The Field Study Handbook

Travel anywhere, make sense of the world, and make a difference.

I run Studio D, a San Francisco-based design consultancy that specialises in immersive research. If
you want to understand what motivates Tokyo teens or Afghan arms dealers, I can put a team on the
ground and figure it out. My work has taken me to the four corners of the earth from trend-setting
cities to remote mountain villages. I'm fortunate to have worked on projects that have had an
impact worldwide.

43 | P a g e
The Handbook is for anyone that needs to understand people across cultures, to impact design,
product, strategy, brand and marketing.

The book is written, proofed and ready to print. It ships four weeks after the campaign completes.

With your help, I’d like to offer a whole lot more.


Night Sky with Exit Wounds

An extraordinary debut from a young Vietnamese American, Night Sky with Exit Wounds is a book of
poetry unlike any other. Steeped in war and cultural upheaval and wielding a fresh new language,
Vuong writes about the most profound subjects – love and loss, conflict, grief, memory and desire –
and attends to them all with lines that feel newly-minted, graceful in their cadences, passionate and
hungry in their tender, close attention: ‘…the chief of police/facedown in a pool of Coca-Cola./A
palm-sized photo of his father soaking/beside his left ear.’ This is an unusual, important book: both
gentle and visceral, vulnerable and assured, and its blend of humanity and power make it one of the
best first collections of poetry to come out of America in years.

‘These are poems of exquisite beauty, unashamed of romance, and undaunted by looking directly
into the horrors of war, the silences of history. One of the most important debut collections for a
generation.’ Andrew McMillan


Future Crimes: Everything Is Connected, Everyone Is Vulnerable and What We Can Do About It


44 | P a g e


Letting Go: A true story of murder, loss and survival by Rachel Nickell’s son18 May 2017

by Alex Hanscombe


In 'Music Of The Ghosts,' A Khmer Rouge Survivor Faces 'The Reality Of Cambodia'


The First Book in English from China’s Most Popular Author for Children


My current page turner is Skeletons on the Zahara, the true story from the early 1800s of American
sailors (who may have been slave runners) shipwrecked off the west coast of Africa, starving on a
lifeboat, then starving in the desert, then captured by desert Arabs and sold off as white slaves
through a chain of tough masters until they were ransomed as “skeletons.” I don’t take our easy life
for granted. — KK

45 | P a g e


Denis Johnson, Who Wrote of the Failed and the Desperate, Dies at 67


'The End Of Eddy' Tells Of Growing Up Poor And Gay In Working-Class France


Blade Of The Immortal - English trailer (exclusive)

#pathofthesamurai #bladeoftheimmortal

takashi miike – Director


Blade of The Immortal 1 [DVD] Anime

Koichi Mashimo (Director) Rated: Suitable for 15 years and over Format: DVD

46 | P a g e


In her documentaries, Polish filmmaker Hanna Polak approaches difficult subjects. Her Oscar-
nominated film The Children of Leningradsky looks at the lives of children who live in or near
Moscow's train station. Filmed over 14 years, Something Better to Come tells the story of Yula, who
grew up living in Moscow's largest rubbish dump.

Polak is drawn to telling stories of vulnerable communities, hoping her films might start the process
of change. She spoke to at the Lviv Media Forum about the way she approaches
filmmaking and shared some tips for those aspiring to become documentary makers.


Why I failed to catch Canada's worst serial killer


What Israel Has Learned about Security: Nine IDF Officers Discuss Israel's Security Challenges


How two guys applied Swedish ethos to conquer Russian e-commerce

47 | P a g e
In a guest post (the last of three), Accel Partners’ Sonali De Rycker puts the spotlight on ‘the Nordic
way’ of building global tech companies, through interviews.


Arundhati Roy's first novel for 20 years goes on sale

The Ministry of Utmost Happiness has been met with mixed reviews but is expected to be a


Al-Britannia, My Country: A Journey Through Muslim Britain


My Country; a work in progress: in the words of people across the UK


48 | P a g e
Selected Poems (Harper Perennial Modern Classics) Paperback –

by Gwendolyn Brooks (Author)

The classic volume by the distinguished modern poet, winner of the 1950 Pulitzer Prize, and
recipient of the National Book Foundation Medal for Distinguished Contribution to American Letters,
showcases an esteemed artist's technical mastery, her warm humanity, and her compassionate and
illuminating response to a complex world.


We Should All Be Feminists Kindle Edition

by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie (Author)

A personal and powerful essay from Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, the bestselling author of
Americanah and Half of a Yellow Sun, based on her 2013 TEDx Talk of the same name.

‘I would like to ask that we begin to dream about and plan for a different world. A fairer world. A
world of happier men and happier women who are truer to themselves. And this is how to start: we
must raise our daughters differently. We must also raise our sons differently…’

What does “feminism” mean today?

In this personal, eloquently argued essay – adapted from her much-admired Tedx talk of the same
name – Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie offers readers a unique definition of feminism for the twenty-
first century, one rooted in inclusion and awareness. Drawing extensively on her own experiences
and her deep understanding of the often masked realities of sexual politics, here is one remarkable
author’s exploration of what it means to be a woman now – an of-the-moment rallying cry for why
we should all be feminists.

49 | P a g e

Three kinds of propaganda, and what to do about them


SAS: Who Dares Wins: Leadership Secrets from the Special Forces


SAS: Rogue Heroes – the Authorized Wartime History


Researchers have found a way to root out identity thieves by analyzing their mouse movements with


No Is Not Enough: Defeating the New Shock Politics Kindle Edition

50 | P a g e
by Naomi Klein (Author)


Two new books on China, "Everything Under the Heavens” and “Destined for War,” urge us to be
ready for a radically different world order.


One of the best books I have ever read...

The Real Odessa: How Peron Brought the Nazi War Criminals to Argentina


SMARTNEWS Keeping you current

Crowdfunding Project Aims to Put 200 Holocaust Diaries Online

Eyewitness accounts bring the brutal chapter in history to life

Read more:


51 | P a g e

In 2017, The Insider Threat Epidemic Begins


The Paper Time Machine: Colouring the Past

The Paper Time Machine is a book that will change the way you think about the past.

It contains 130 historical black-and-white photographs, reconstructed in colour and introduced by

Wolfgang Wild – creator and curator of the Retronaut website. The site has become a global
phenomenon, collecting images that collapse the distance between the past and present and tear a
hole in our map of time.



Security Awareness Training

Curricula's cyber security awareness training platform helps organizations teach their employees
how to defend against cyber threats.

Curricula Aware

Aware is the most effective cyber security awareness training available today.


Customer success: 3 Off-beat tools for small businesses

52 | P a g e


Welcome to The Tip Off- a weekly podcast where we take you behind the scenes of some of the best
investigative journalism from recent years.


The Love of a Bad Man – 11 May 2017

by Laura Elizabeth Woollett (Author)




Amazing Underwear and Clothing for awareness of ball cancer…

53 | P a g e



An interactive graph for finding new books


My Sister Milly Hardcover –

by Gemma Dowler (Author)

Everyone thinks they know the story of Milly Dowler.

Haunting headlines about the missing schoolgirl splashed across front pages. The family's worst fears
realised when her body was found months later. The years of waiting for the truth, only to learn that
the killer, known to the police, lived just yards from where Milly had vanished. The parents subjected
to horrific psychological torture at a trial orchestrated by the murderer. And the shocking revelation
of what journalists would do for a story - criminal acts that brought down a national newspaper.

But these bare facts hide the true story.

In My Sister Milly, Gemma Dowler shares the heartbreaking account of Milly's disappearance, the
suspicions that fell on the family, the fatal errors made by the police, and the media's obsession that
focused relentlessly on every personal, intimate and emotional aspect of the Dowlers' lives. It is the
story of two stolen childhoods - Milly's and Gemma's - and about the love that kept the family
together as they struggled with terrible darkness and injustice.

However, this book is a story of hope and recovery.

It's taken fifteen years of pain for the family to find their voice. The family has worked hard and has
received intensive therapy to recover from the trauma of Milly's murder. Their story shows that
whatever suffering you endure in life, there is always hope, and there is always love.

Now, for the first time, Gemma tells their story and that of the real Milly. Above all, in this book the
family want to bring back to life their incredible daughter and sister. Now, finally, the truth about
Milly Dowler can never be denied.

54 | P a g e

The surprising benefits of anxiety


A tiny Indian publisher is translating hidden gems of world literature for global readers


UNTOLD: The Daniel Morgan Murder Exposed

Private Investigator Daniel Morgan was murdered in cold blood, with an axe to the head, in the car
park of the Golden Lion pub, Sydenham, south London, on 10th March 1987.

Thirty years on, after five failed police investigations and an ongoing inquiry, Daniel's murder is now
the most investigated in British history - yet it remains unsolved.

The phone hacking scandal that closed the News of the World was big, but that was just the tip of
the iceberg. At the bottom of that iceberg of 'dark arts' - hacking, bugging and bribing bent cops - is
the body of Daniel Morgan. The truth behind his killing is obscured by a web of corruption and

Written by Daniel's brother Alastair, with investigative journalist Peter Jukes, Untold marks the 30th
anniversary of the murder once described by an Assistant Commissioner of the Met as 'one of the
most disgraceful episodes in the entire history of the Metropolitan Police Service.'

Going beyond the number one hit podcast of the same name, this is the inside story in full. Including
fresh revelations, new evidence, all the latest findings and, at its heart, the tragic story of a family
whose lives have been torn apart in the search for answers.

If you haven't heard of this story, ask yourself, why?

55 | P a g e

Crane Lamp

The Crane Lamp is a playful, kinetic light that can change dramatically in height and shape to suit

The Crane Lamp—a playful, movable light by London-based design studio Animaro—is now available
on Kickstarter here:

The lamp changes dramatically in height and shape, with a form inspired by the shape of a Crane
bird extending its neck to catch prey. In our age of digital interfaces and hidden technology, the
Crane Lamp celebrates mechanics and invites users to enjoy the simplicity of touch and motion.

The lamp is available in two sizes, one to sit on the floor and another to light up a desk. The scissor
structure of the floor version is composed of 26 hardwood parts, which enable the lamp to expand
and contract. Its weight is perfectly counterbalanced by the strength of the spring, ensuring that
lamp will hold its shape at any height. Raising the lamp is easy, it's just a case of pushing or pulling
any part of the structure and the lamp will glide into its new position.


Techmeme news every 6 hours in your mailbox !


Seneca Six Pack 2: Six More Essential Texts Kindle Edition £0.99

Seneca Six Pack 2 presents six more primary and secondary texts for students of Stoicism and fans of
Lucius Annaeus Seneca. There are three Seneca originals, a study of Seneca’s poetry, a biographical
essay by Elbert Hubbard and a look at the parallels between Seneca and Plutarch.

Seneca Six Pack 2

Apocolocyntosis Or, Ludus de Morte Claudii: The Pumpkinification of Claudius by Seneca.

Letters from a Stoic Volume II by Seneca.

On Benefits by Seneca.

Seneca’s Poetry by Harold Edgeworth Butler.

Seneca by Elbert Hubbard.

56 | P a g e
Seneca and Plutarch by Michel de Montaigne.

Includes image gallery.


Stamped from the Beginning: The Definitive History of Racist Ideas in America by Ibram X Kendi –

Even abolitionists don’t emerge unscathed from a fearless, brilliant history of racist thinking
spanning 500 years


The Grim Sleeper: The Lost Women of South Central Hardcover – 13 Jun 2017

by Christine Pelisek (Author)

The definitive book on the hunt to find the most ruthless serial killer in Los Angeles' history, told by
the fearless reporter who broke the story

In 2006, Christine Pelisek broke the story of a terrifying serial killer who went unchecked in Los
Angeles for decades. Two years later, in her cover article for L.A. Weekly, Pelisek dubbed him "The
Grim Sleeper" for his long break between murders. The killer preyed on a community devastated by
crime and drugs and left behind a trail of bodies--all women of color, all murdered in a similar
fashion, and all discarded in the alleys of Los Angeles.

The case of the Grim Sleeper is unforgettably singular. But it also tells a wider story about homicide
investigations in areas beset by poverty, gang violence, and despair; about how a serial killer could
continue his grisly work for two decades in part due to society's lack of concern for his chosen
victims; and about the power and tenacity of those women's families and the detectives who
refused to let the case go cold.

No one knows this story better than Pelisek, the reporter who followed it for more than ten years.
Based on extensive interviews, reportage, and information never released to the public, The Grim
Sleeper captures the long, bumpy road to justice in one of the most startling true crime stories of
our generation.

57 | P a g e

The Exile: The Flight of Osama bin Laden

The extraordinary inside story of Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda in the years after 9/11.

Following the attacks on the Twin Towers, Osama bin Laden, the most wanted man in the world,
eluded intelligence services and Special Forces units for almost a decade. Using remarkable, first-
person testimony from bin Laden's family and closest aides, The Exile chronicles this astonishing tale
of evasion, collusion and isolation.

In intimate detail, The Exile reveals not only the frantic attack on Afghanistan by the United States in
their hunt for bin Laden but also how and why, when they found his family soon after, the Bush
administration rejected the chance to seize them. It charts the formation of ISIS, and uncovers the
wasted opportunity to kill its Al Qaeda-sponsored founder; it explores the development of the CIA's
torture programme; it details Iran's secret shelter for bin Laden's family and Al Qaeda's military
council; and it captures the power struggles, paranoia and claustrophobia within the Abbottabad
house prior to the raid.

A landmark work of investigation and reportage, The Exile is as authoritative as it is compelling, and
essential reading for anyone concerned with history, security and future relations with the Islamic


Familiar Things by Hwang Sok-yong review – a way of life lost to landfill

Economic development and the loss of tradition are seen through the microcosm of life on a rubbish
dump, in this impassioned novel from South Korea


Miriam Marx Allen, daughter of Groucho Marx who turned his letters into a revealing life story, dies


58 | P a g e
The March Of Folly: From Troy to Vietnam

From the distinguished American historian whose work has been acclaimed around the world, a
major new book that penetrates one of the most bizarre and fascinating paradoxes in history: the
persistent pursuit by governments of policies contrary to their own intersts. Across the march of
thirty centuries, Tuchman brings to life the dramatic events which constitute folly's hallmark in
government; the fall of Troy, symbolic prototype of freely chosen disaster; the Protestant secession,
provoked by six decades of spectacularly corrupt papcy; the British forfeiture of the American
colonies; and America's catastrophic thirty year involvement with vietnam.

The March of Folly, a work of profound and poignant relevance today, is breathtaking in its scope,
originality and vision, and represents the writing of Barbara Tuchman at it's finest.


This Nigerian platform is working on solving the youth unemployment problem in Afrika


Bob Marley: Versions Of The Truth

Reggae historian Roger Steffens has written that “there are no facts in Jamaica, just versions” of the
truth. That’s certainly the case with the star of Steffens’ latest book: Bob Marley.


Challenge to UK Government/DUP deal for breaking Good Friday Agreement

This case is raising funds for its stretch target.

59 | P a g e

‘Paris is where I learned, like Hemingway, to be poor and happy’

Vanessa Grall, author of Don’t be a Tourist in Paris, reveals her favourite out-of-the way museums,
bistros and hotels


This Chick Read: The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society by Annie Barrows and Mary Ann


Last Hope Island by Lynne Olson review – a challenge to second world war myths

An American historian tells how allied leaders found refuge in London, but also highlights a deep
British condescension towards continental Europe


Alfamo Cooling Towels for Sports, Fitness, Gym & Yoga (40-Inch)

Alfamo Cooling Towel for Instant Relief - 40" Long As Scarf, Ultra Soft Compact Mesh Sports Fitness
Towels, Keep Cool for Gym Running Biking Hiking Yoga Golf, with Carabiner Waterproof Bag


60 | P a g e
'American Fire' Tells A True Story Of Love And Arson In Rural Virginia


Vindication of the Rights of Woman Kindle Edition


Irina Ratushinskaya obituary

Soviet poet and dissident sentenced to seven years in a labour camp who found refuge in the UK in
the 1980s


Dying: A Memoir by Cory Taylor review – courage in abundance

The late author and screenwriter contemplates the end of life in this eloquent, unflinching memoir


James Berry obituary

Poet who brought the speech patterns of Jamaica to Britain, where his anthologies of black verse
were widely read


61 | P a g e
'Dirt Is Good': Why Kids Need Exposure To Germs


Stealing Fire: How Silicon Valley, the Navy SEALs, and Maverick Scientists Are Revolutionizing the
Way We Live and Work Hardcover – 23 Mar 2017

It’s the biggest revolution you’ve never heard of, and it’s hiding in plain sight. Over the past decade,
Silicon Valley executives like Eric Schmidt and Elon Musk, Special Operators like the Navy SEALs and
the Green Berets, and maverick scientists like Sasha Shulgin and Amy Cuddy have turned everything
we thought we knew about high performance upside down. Instead of grit, better habits, or 10,000
hours, these trailblazers have found a surprising short cut. They're harnessing rare and controversial
states of consciousness to solve critical challenges and outperform the competition.

New York Times bestselling author Steven Kotler and high performance expert Jamie Wheal spent
four years investigating the leading edges of this revolution—from the home of SEAL Team Six to the
Googleplex, the Burning Man festival, Richard Branson’s Necker Island, Red Bull’s training center,
Nike’s innovation team, and the United Nations’ Headquarters. And what they learned was stunning:
In their own ways, with differing languages, techniques, and applications, every one of these groups
has been quietly seeking the same thing: the boost in information and inspiration that altered states

Today, this revolution is spreading to the mainstream, fueling a trillion dollar underground economy
and forcing us to rethink how we can all lead richer, more productive, more satisfying lives. Driven
by four accelerating forces—psychology, neurobiology, technology and pharmacology—we are
gaining access to and insights about some of the most contested and misunderstood terrain in
history. Stealing Fire is a provocative examination of what’s actually possible; a guidebook for
anyone who wants to radically upgrade their life.


M by Henry Hemming review – the fascist spymaster of MI5

A superb book on the naturalist turned intelligence officer discloses new information on agents
within far right and communist organisations


62 | P a g e
Syria Speaks: Art and Culture from the Frontline

n Syria, culture has become a critical line of defence against tyranny.

Syria Speaks is a celebration of a people determined to reclaim their dignity, freedom and self-
expression. It showcases the work of over fifty artists and writers who are challenging the culture of
violence in Syria. Their literature, poems and songs, cartoons, political posters and photographs
document and interpret the momentous changes that have shifted the frame of reality so drastically
in Syria.

Moving and inspiring, Syria Speaks is testament to the courage, creativity and imagination of the
Syrian people.


The Talent Lab: The secret to finding, creating and sustaining success

Simon Timson and Chelsea Warr were the Performance Directors of UK Sport, tasked with the
outrageous objective of delivering even greater success to Team GB and ParalympicsGB at Rio than
in 2012. Something no other host nation had ever achieved in the next Games.

In The Talent Lab, Owen Slot brings unique access to Team GB’s intelligence, sharing for the first
time the incredible breakthroughs and insights they discovered that often extend way beyond sport.
Using lessons from organisations as far afield as the Yehudi Menuhin School of Music, the NFL Draft,
the Royal College of Surgeons and the SAS, it shows how talent can be discovered, created, shaped
and sustained.

Charting the success of the likes of Chris Hoy, Max Whitlock, Adam Peaty, Ed Clancy, Lizzy Yarnold,
Dave Henson, Tom Daley, Jessica Ennis-Hill, Katherine Grainger, the Brownlee Brothers, Helen
Glover, Anthony Joshua and the women’s hockey team, The Talent Lab tells just how it was done
and how any team, business or individual might learn from it.


Svetlana Alexievich: ‘After communism we thought everything would be fine. But people don’t
understand freedom’

The Nobel prize-winning author talks about the pressures of life in the Putin era, as her bestselling
book on Russian women’s wartime heroism is republished

63 | P a g e


Thousand Star Hotel

Thousand Star Hotel confronts the silence around racism, police brutality, and the invisibility of the
Asian American urban poor.

From “with thanks to Sahra Nguyen for the refugee style slogan”:

They give the kids candy to bet.

My daughter loses the first four rounds,

she’s a quiet wire as they take her candy away, piece by piece.

When she finally wins, I ask if she wants to play again.

No! she shouts, grabbing her candy, I want to go home!

True refugee style:

take everything you got and run with it.

Bao Phi is a National Poetry Slam finalist.


The Fact of a Body: A Gripping True Crime Murder Investigation – 18 May 2017

by Alexandria Marzano-Lesnevich (Author)


New graphic novel about children in Central African Republic blends illustrations with 360-degree

CAR is one of the worst places in the world to be a child – photojournalist Marc Ellison gives insights
into the issues children face in the country

64 | P a g e


Telling the stories of Tanzania’s child brides through a digital graphic novel

Photojournalist Marc Ellison explains the making of Safe House, a 'graphic novel 2.0' that mixes
illustrations, video and stills


My Prison Without Bars: The Journey of a Damaged Woman to Someplace Normal






novel based on a true story...Taylor's story.

MY PRISON WITHOUT BARS is a courageous and harrowing journey through the catacombs of hell,
from the mind and voice of a little girl living with her own monster underneath her bed. Written in
first person, this novel is not a memoir, but more a psychological thriller based on true events;
chronicling one woman's attempt to claw her way out of the darkness of Child Sexual Abuse, while
struggling to find normal, in a not-so-normal world.

It is poignant, dark and graphic; not for the faint of heart. This novel will make you feel...




Our Numbered Days – 1 May 2017

by Neil Hilborn

65 | P a g e
When you're dumb enough for long enough, you're gonna meet someone too smart to love you, and
they're gonna love you anyway, and it's gonna go so poorly," Neil Hilborn writes in his debut full-
length collection, Our Numbered Days.

In 2013, Hilborn's poem OCD went viral, and has amassed over 11 million views to date. While this
collection ruminates on love, heartbreak, and mental illness, these poems are anything but
saccharine. Hilborn uses the same humour and self-deprecation that propelled OCD to success in
order to make his unmatched vulnerability all the more powerful.

Ultimately, Hilborn is a poet of the people: his work is accessible, honest, and entertaining a
revitalising entry in contemporary poetry.

This debut collection contains 45 of Neil's poems including the sensation OCD, also Joey, Future
Tense, Liminality, Moving Day, and many, many never-before-seen poems.


In the Days of Rain by Rebecca Stott – escaping a fundamentalist Christian sect

An account of the writer’s own life and her father’s in the Exclusive Brethren, and the chaos and
freedom that followed the decision to walk out


The Long March from Jarrow by Stuart Maconie review – ‘a tribute and a rallying call’

In retracing the steps of the Jarrow march of 1936, Stuart Maconie finds that much of the past
remains with us


Manipulative people hook their victims with a tactic called 'love bombing' — here are the signs
you've been a target

66 | P a g e

Lambs Love and Laughter: I also had a farm in Africa

If you ever wondered what it would be like to be able to say "I had a farm in Africa" then this is the
book for you. Join forces with Kate and her French husband Jean as they leave behind their safe
organised lives and embark on the task of building a relationship while breathing life back into a
derelict farm on the borders of South Africa and Lesotho.

For nine years, they experienced the worst drought in living memory, suffered raging grass fires and
deep snow while raising a lamb that thought it was a dog and hosting a deer who behaved like a
rugby player. While Kate produced croissants and chicken pies which she exchanged for lucerne and
knowledge, Jean scaled their only windmill or stripped the ancient diesel generator to coax a bit
more life from them, and what they knew about farming could be etched on the head of a pin.

Explore the extraordinary Bulklip Rock and discover the ancient Bushman paintings. Lie on the lawns
on a summer's evening counting satellites and feast at the farmhouse table on food grown by a lot
of wit and very little water.

If you ever wanted to live life a little bit on the edge doing something slightly out of the ordinary,
then you are invited to take an armchair trip to Bulklip Farm and discover what life can be like when
you combine Lambs, Love and Laughter.


Cold War espionage paid off—until it backfired, East German spy records reveal


The Divided Self: An Existential Study in Sanity and Madness (Penguin Modern Classics)

First published in 1960, this watershed work aimed to make madness comprehensible, and in doing
so revolutionized the way we perceive mental illness. Using case studies of patients he had worked
with, psychiatrist R. D. Laing argued that psychosis is not a medical condition but an outcome of the
'divided self', or the tension between the two personas within us: one our authentic, private
identity, and the other the false, 'sane' self that we present to the world.

67 | P a g e

The Things You Can See Only When You Slow Down: How to be Calm in a Busy World

"Is it the world that's busy, or is it my mind?"

The world moves fast, but that doesn't mean we have to. In this timely guide to mindfulness,
Haemin Sunim, a Buddhist monk born in Korea and educated in the United States, offers advice on
everything from handling setbacks to dealing with relationships and loved ones, in a beautiful book
combining his teachings with calming full-colour illustrations. Even as we speed toward what comes
next, Haemin Sunim's messages of encouragement speak directly to the anxieties that have become
part of modern life and remind us of the strength and joy that come from slowing down.

Overwhelmingly popular in his native Korea, Haemin Sunim is a spiritual leader whose teachings
transcend religions and borders and resonate with people of all ages. With insight and compassion
drawn from a life full of change, he shows, as millions have seen, he succeeds at encouraging all of
us to notice that when you slow down, the world slows down with you.


Call for ‘body farm’ in UK to help police solve murder cases

A facility for research into decay process in British conditions would help detectives find missing


Chaos Monkeys

Fortune and Failure

Imagine a chimpanzee rampaging through a datacenter powering everything from Google to

Facebook. Infrastructure engineers use a software version of this “chaos monkey” to test online
services’ robustness—their ability to survive random failure and correct mistakes before they
actually occur. Tech entrepreneurs are society’s chaos monkeys, disruptors testing and transforming
every aspect of our lives, from transportation (Uber) and lodging (AirBnB) to television (Netflix) and
dating (Tinder). One of Silicon Valley’s most audacious chaos monkeys is Antonio García Martínez.

68 | P a g e
After stints on Wall Street and as CEO of his own startup, García Martínez joined Facebook’s nascent
advertising team, turning its users’ data into profit for COO Sheryl Sandberg and chairman and CEO
Mark “Zuck” Zuckerberg. Forced out in the wake of an internal product war over the future of the
company’s monetization strategy, García Martínez eventually landed at rival Twitter. He also
fathered two children with a woman he barely knew, committed lewd acts and brewed illegal beer
on the Facebook campus (accidentally flooding Zuckerberg’s desk), lived on a sailboat, raced sport
cars on the 101, and enthusiastically pursued the life of an overpaid Silicon Valley wastrel.

Now, this gleeful contrarian unravels the chaotic evolution of social media and online marketing and
reveals how it is invading our lives and shaping our future. Weighing in on everything from startups
and credit derivatives to Big Brother and data tracking, social media monetization and digital
“privacy,” García Martínez shares his scathing observations and outrageous antics, taking us on a
humorous, subversive tour of the fascinatingly insular tech industry. Chaos Monkeys lays bare the
hijinks, trade secrets, and power plays of the visionaries, grunts, sociopaths, opportunists, accidental
tourists, and money cowboys who are revolutionizing our world. The question is, will we survive?


Finding Horror in the Details: Revenge by Yoko Ogawa

Yoko Ogawa has been gifting Japan with dark, obsessive fiction for over thirty years, but only some
of her work in currently available in English. Ogawa’s debut The Breaking of the Butterfly won the
1988 1988 Kaien literary Prize, and since then she’s written a number of bestselling and award-
winning novels and short stories, two of which were adapted into films. In 2006, she teamed up with
a mathematician, Masahiko Fujiwara to write a non-fiction work about the beauty of numbers titled
An Introduction to the World’s Most Elegant Mathematics. She won 2008’s Shirley Jackson Award
for Best Collection for The Diving Pool.


Mumbo Jumbo (Penguin Modern Classics)

Ishmael Reed's inspired comic fable of the ragtime era - hailed by Harold Bloom as one of the five
hundred greatest books of the Western canon

America, 1920s. A plague is spreading, and it's spreading fast, from New Orleans to Chicago to New

It's an epidemic of freedom, joy and self-expression, being spread by Black artists, that makes
anyone who catches it desperate to dance, sing, laugh and jive. It's the outbreak of Jazz, Ragtime and
Blues onto the world scene; the spirit of Blackness overtaking America and the world. And it's
threatening to dismantle the whole social order.

69 | P a g e
Working to root out the plague by any means possible - even murder - are the members of The
Wallflower Order, an international conspiracy dedicated to puritanism and control. But, deep in the
heart of Harlem, private eye and Vodun priest Papa LaBas is determined to defend his flourishing
ancient culture against their insidious plans. And so, he finds himself locked in a race against the
Order to find an ancient Egyptian text which might just be the key to keeping the virus of freedom

Caustic, badass, comic, Mumbo Jumbo is an exuberant explosion of magic, conspiracies, music and
myth. It's a novel of outrage, intrigue, and wonder - an anarchic spiritual classic, and a satire for our


The Book of Emma Reyes: A Memoir in Correspondence review – portrait of a painter’s harrowing

The Colombian artist’s raw, poetic letters to a friend illuminate the horror of her isolated childhood
in a convent


What I Hear When You Tell Me Your Company Doesn’t Do Meetings

Your management revolution and what it can do to your team


YC’s 2017 Summer Reading List


Dina Nayeri’s ‘Refuge’ Follows the Reinvention of an Exile

70 | P a g e




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PhishMe Free

71 | P a g e
Empower Your Small Business Employees to Resist Phishing Attacks – for FREE

With over 90 percent of network breaches starting with a phishing email1 and 55 percent of
cyberattacks targeting small businesses,2 now is the time to protect your company with a phishing
defense solution.

PhishMe believes that all enterprises – regardless of their size or budget – should have access to
basic security capabilities. That’s why we’ve created PhishMe Free specifically for businesses with
500 employees or less. This easily managed service for simulated email campaigns:

Provides simulated email campaigns to fortify your defenses against ransomware, spear phishing
and business email compromise

Mimics real-life attack tactics with threat-based scenario content and training templatesDelivers real
results, allowing you to run up to 12 scenarios per year

Provides full access to 21 computer-based training modules that cover today’s biggest threats

Deploys quickly, and includes an easy to manage SaaS application


A Vindication of the Rights of Men

Less known than Mary Wollstonecraft's later work, A Vindication of the Rights of Men was her first
work as a feminist philosopher and commentator. Compared to A Vindication of the Rights of
Woman, this work is more focused on the specific political environment of the time. However, it
covers many of the same themes, including the importance of liberty and equality.

When it was initially published anonymously, it was both successful and and influential. Later, when
Wollstonecraft revealed herself as the author, critics focused on her identity as a woman, rather
than the political ideals, leading to her rejection by contemporary philosophers.



Helping people more easily fact-check audio and video news clips with a search tool that annotates
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72 | P a g e

Killers of the Flower Moon by David Grann review – family murder, oil and the FBI

The Osage Indian nation in Oklahoma were the victims of racism but also the wealthiest people per
capita in the world. Cue violence


Register your interest in HMG Cyber Schools Programme

A fun, interactive, learning programme that could put you on the path to a career in cyber security!

The HMG Cyber Schools Programme is a UK Government, extracurricular, cyber security skills
programme for 14 to 18 year olds. The programme is being delivered by SANS, BT, FutureLearn and
Cyber Security Challenge UK.


Science has shown that 'once a cheater, always a cheater' could actually be true


Nothing Left Behind | Burning Man by Anders Overgaard

By andersovergaard


I Am Not Your Negro Paperback – 30 Mar 2017

73 | P a g e
by James Baldwin (Author), Raoul Peck (Author)

In June 1979, the writer and civil rights activist James Baldwin embarked on a project to tell the story
of America through the lives of three of his murdered friends: Medgar Evers, Malcolm X and Martin
Luther King, Jr. He died before it could be completed. In his documentary film, I Am Not Your Negro,
Raoul Peck imagines the book Baldwin never wrote, using his original words to create a radical,
powerful and poetic work on race in the United States - then, and today.

'Thrilling . . . A portrait of one man's confrontation with a country that, murder by murder, as he
once put it, "devastated my universe"' The New York Times

'Baldwin's voice speaks even more powerfully today . . . the prose-poet of our injustice and
inhumanity . . . The times have caught up with his scalding eloquence' Variety

'A cinematic séance . . . One of the best movies about the civil rights era ever made' Guardian

'I Am Not Your Negro turns James Baldwin into a prophet' Rolling Stone


Sand Paper Stone Paperback – 22 Oct 2015

by Mr Duncan Lyon (Author)


Incredibly Selfish Paperback – 18 Oct 2016

by Mr Duncan Lyon (Author)

Why are men on Merseyside going up on rooftops? One at a time, with no apparent connection
between one another, up they climb.

A man called McKelnikov sets out in search of answers but he is presented with more questions:
what has this to do with pirate ships and the Middle Passage, Goldilocks and the Three Bears, The
Beat Generation and Elvis?

74 | P a g e
A present-day novel based in post-colonial, post-Merseybeat, post-Brexit Liverpool, Duncan Lyon
searches out a cast of characters on the brink of discovering their own beautifully brutal truths and
while the world looks elsewhere a city and its people are going literally “up the wall”.

When did it start? On whose orders? On whose command? And where is it supposed to end?

What are they looking for and what do they find? Why isn’t it happening anywhere else yet?




This toolkit is provided in open source (under an MIT Licence) by the InVID european project to help
journalists to verify content on social networks


Other Russias by Victoria Lomasko review – stories from the forgotten and persecuted

A compassionate collection of interviews and drawings from a fierce critic of the self-serving powers
that be


Five reasons why you must read Midnight’s Children

With Radio 4’s new adaption of Salman Rushdie's hugely popular novel marking the 70th anniversary
of the partition of India, we take a look at what made the original text such a beloved classic.

75 | P a g e

The 100 best books to read in your lifetime, according to Amazon


18 data sources for investigative journalists

Looking for data on who owns a company, government spending or political influence? Use these
resources to get started


This new play at the National Theatre found people are surprisingly willing to kill people with far-
right views


Rasta Bible: Rastafari Spiritual Wisdom

Please Read Rasta Bible and Jah Rastafari by Empress Yuajah for full Spiritual Overstanding of
Rastafari and the Rasta Livity. Blessed.

This book is for those who seek Rastafari spiritual understanding and wisdom. But this book is also
for those who know that the bible must contain some deeply spiritual text that may transform one
to become more spiritually aware.

I have compiled for you my favorite verses of the holy Christian bible. They are full of Rastafari
Wisdom and Overstanding. Read them and feel the meditation take shape in your spirit. Re-read
them 2x daily as Rastafari do and become clean inside.

Read Rasta Way of life and my newest book (2015) Jah Rastafari, with this book, for full Rastafari
Livity Overstanding. Blessed Love.

76 | P a g e


Rasta Way of Life: Rastafari Livity Book

What is the first thing a Rastafari does when he/she wakes up in the morning? What is the correct
way to grow dreadlocks as a Rasta? What products do Rasta in the Caribbean use to wash their
dreadlocks and why? What are 10 Essentials of a Rastafari Home? What can one do to Convert to
the Rastafari Livity? What are some Bible Chapters special to Rasta and why? “Rasta Way of Life” is a
book for the student of Rastafari Livity. Follow the way life of Jah Rastafari, dictated to Rasta, to
enter Holy Mount Zion.


Rasta Meditation Handbook: 23 Tips, Tools & Principles To Meditate as Rasta

Rastafari is a form of Meditation that Rastafari call "the Journey." In this Meditation book, you will
learn the concept of Rastafari as a Meditation of love, Rastafari Meditation techniques, such as
contemplative inquiry, and Meditation as a way of life. Rasta connect with the universal
consciousness they call Jah through Meditation. Take a Journey with this Rasta Meditation
Handbook and Follow the steps to Zion High Rastafari Meditation.


Life as a Rasta Woman: 20 Rules & Principl

Table of Contents #1 Rastafari Empress Rules for Raising Children 8 #2 Rastafari Empress Rules for
Clothing and Attire 11 #3 Rastafari Empress Rules concerning Friendship 16 #4 Rasta woman Rules
for Food and Eating 20 #5 Rasta woman Spiritual Obligations 23 #6 Rasta Woman Hygiene and
grooming 29 #7 Rasta woman Rules concerning Makeup 31 #8 Rastafari Rules for women who are
Single 36 #9 Rasta woman Rules for (Hair) dreadlocks Crown 38 #10 5 Reasons Rastafari Women
Cover Their Locks in Public 41 #11 6 things to Google about Rastafari 42 #12 Rasta Women Rules for
Holidays 43 #13 Rasta women as Role Model in the community 45 #14 9 Things Rasta women are
forbidden to do! 46 #15 10 Things Every Rastafari woman must have in her home 47 #16 Nyahbinghi

77 | P a g e
Guidelines for Rasta Women 50 #17 Rules for Rasta Women who are married 53 #18 7 Principles of
Rastafari 56 #20 “Empress to Empress” Code of Conduct 73 #21 6 Ways Rasta women Submit to
their Rasta King 75 #22 Natural Ital Food Rules & Recipes 82 How to Cook steamed Jamaican
Cabbage 83 How to cook Spicy Eggplant Recipe 85 How to cook Rasta Ital Soup 87 How to cook
Jamaican “Run Down” 90 How to cook Jamaican Curried Tofu 93 About the Author 97


JAMAICAN COOKING AND MENUS : The Definitive Jamaican Cookbook

A tantalisiing collection of authentic recipes from Jamaican chefs, including authentic jerk recipes.


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This book is a delicious gathering of the best Jamaican recipes there are.

All of these recipes are made in the slow cooker so the meat is sure to come out tender and also
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All of these recipes do not take a lot of time to prepare meaning you can still live a busy life without
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78 | P a g e


WikiLeaks Turned Down Leaks on Russian Government During U.S. Presidential Campaign

The leak organization ignored damaging information on the Kremlin to focus on Hillary Clinton and
election-related hacks.


The Moovy, the bag for charging all your devices anywhere.


Piggy Handsome by Pip Jones review – a modern animal hero

The prizewinning author of Squishy McFluff turns from rhyme to prose to create a ‘furious fuming
fireball’ of a guinea pig


'Sour Heart' Offers A Fierce, Fresh Take On The 'Hell' Of Coming To America

The stories in Jenny Zhang's powerful debut collection center on the violent, sometimes disturbing
experiences of young Chinese-American girls growing up in Queens, NY.


79 | P a g e
Why Successful People Spend 10 Hours A Week On “Compound Time”

Warren Buffett, Albert Einstein, Oprah Winfrey all do this one thing outside their to-do-lists


The Science of Introverts (And Extroverts and Everyone In-Between): Master Your Personality,
Amplify Your Strengths, Understand People, and Make More Friends Paperback – 24 Jul 2017

by Peter Hollins (Author)


Ayaan Hirsi Ali is one of today's most admired and controversial political figures. She burst into
international headlines following the murder of Theo van Gogh by an Islamist who threatened she
would be next. An international bestseller, her life story INFIDEL shows the coming of age of this
elegant, distinguished -- and sometimes reviled -- political superstar and champion of free speech.
Ultimately a celebration of triumph over adversity, Hirsi Ali's story tells how a bright, curious, dutiful
little girl evolves into a pioneering freedom fighter. As Western governments struggle to balance
democratic ideals with religious pressures, no other book could be more timely, or more significant.


Did It! From Yippie To Yuppie: Jerry Rubin, An American Revolutionary Hardcover – 10 Jan 2017

by Pat Thomas (Author)

This overstuffed coffee table book is not only the first biography of the infamous and ubiquitous
Jerry Rubin—co-founder of the Yippies, Anti-Vietnam War activist, Chicago 8 defendant, social-
networking pioneer, and a proponent of the Yuppie era—but a visual retrospective, with countless
candid photos, personal diaries, and lost newspaper clippings. It includes correspondence with Abbie
Hoffman, Norman Mailer, John Lennon & Yoko Ono, Eldridge Cleaver, the Weathermen, and

80 | P a g e
interviews with more than 75 of Rubin’s friends, foes, and comrades. It reveals Rubins' and the
Yippies’ historical-and-bizarre personal interactions with the likes of Allen Ginsberg, Bob Dylan,
Charles Manson, Mick Jagger, and other iconic figures of the era.


The Best of Abbie Hoffman: Selections from "Revolution for the Hell of it", "Woodstock Nation",
"Steal This Book" and New Writings Paperback – 22 Nov 1990

by Abbie Hoffman (Author)


Riot Days Hardcover – 14 Sep 2017

by Maria Alyokhina (Author)

From activist, Pussy Riot member and freedom fighter Maria Alyokhina, a raw, hallucinatory,
passionate account of her arrest, trial and imprisonment in a penal colony in the Urals for standing
up for what she believed in.

'One of the most brilliant and inspiring things I've read in years. Couldn't put it down. This book is
freedom' Chris Kraus, author of I Love Dick

People who believe in freedom and democracy think it will exist forever.

That is a mistake. What happened in Russia - what happened to me - could happen anywhere.

When I was jailed for political protest, I learned that prison doesn't just teach you to follow the rules.
It teaches you to think that you can never break them.

It's inevitable that the prison gates will open at some point. But this doesn't mean that you leave the
'prisoner' category and go straight into the category of 'the free'.

Freedom does not exist unless you fight for it every day.

This is the story about how I made a choice.

We are all Pussy Riot.

And actions break fear.

81 | P a g e
'To Back Down an Inch is to Give Up a Mile'.


Beyond Veiled Clichés: The Real Lives of Arab Women Kindle Edition

by Amal Awad (Author)



Performance tools and insights developed from Special Forces expertise

BREAK-POINT is the moment you decide to be better. It's the relentless, resilient refusal to accept
your limits and we want to empower the masses with specialist tools deployed in the everyday to do
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health and fitness and only ourselves, with years in the British Special Forces behind us, have the
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Why? Because the public deserves to know they can be stronger, fitter, healthier and more capable
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It's time to strengthen our minds and our bodies, it's time to make the most out of every moment,
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BREAK-POINT boasts an impressive line up of professionals from the UK Elite Special Forces, together
with hand picked civilian elite that have proved limitless resolve in mental and physical challenges.

THE CORE BREAK-POINT team have all passed SAS Selection and served as full time soldiers with the
UK Special Forces in varied and interesting roles.

Together with their Veteran Support Staff they offer a range of services to the public and corporate
sector that focus on the mindset required to develop and break through self limiting beliefs that
hold back and unleash our full potential.

82 | P a g e

TIME FIRSTS Women Who Are Changing The World


Leaving The Past Behind — Or Trying To — In Rushdie's Latest


Charles Baudelaire: the debauchee’s debauchee

A privileged, arrogant poet who produced only one collection, Baudelaire has had huge influence in
many spheres – and it continues 150 years after his death


'Sing' Mourns The Dead, Both Buried And Unburied


Dark Chapter by Winnie M Li review – a defiant retelling of personal trauma

Almost a decade after she was raped, Li’s impressive debut recreates her experience and even
bravely ventures into the mind of the attacker

83 | P a g e

I downloaded an app. And suddenly, was part of the Cajun Navy.

After two minutes of training, I was talking to people desperate for help


Is It Time to Give Bug Burgers a Chance?


Too Afraid to Cry Kindle Edition

by Ali Cobby Eckermann (Author)

Ali Cobby Eckermann - Windham-Campbell Prize Winner 2017

"Too Afraid to Cry is a memoir that, in bare blunt prose and piercingly lyrical verse, gives witness to
the human cost of policies that created the Stolen Generations of Indigenous people in Australia. It is
the story of a people profoundly wronged, told through the frank eyes of a child, and the troubled
mind of that child as an adult, whose life was irretrievably changed by being taken away from her
Aboriginal family when she was a young child and then adopted out. This is a brave book, written by
a woman who has faced her demons, transformed her suffering into a work of art, and found her
true sitting place in the world." - Terry Whitebeach

"It is not long, this book. It can be read in a sitting. And it may change the way you think, about
Australia, or about Aboriginal people, in ways more sophisticated literary exercises would not." - The

"What makes Too Afraid to Cry a remarkable narrative of reconnection is the way in which Cobby
Eckerman negotiates its painful territory without the dramatics of blame but with all the moral force
of affective truth." - Cordite Poetry Review

84 | P a g e

Sexual Politics Kindle Edition

by Kate Millett (Author)

"Praised and denounced when it was first published in 1970, "Sexual Politics" not only explored
history but also became part of it. Kate Millett's groundbreaking book fueled feminism's second
wave, giving voice to the anger of a generation while documenting the inequities - neatly packaged
in revered works of literature and art - of a complacent and unrepentant society. "Sexual Politics"
laid the foundation for subsequent feminist scholarship by showing how cultural discourse reflects a
systematized subjugation and exploitation of women. Identifying patriarchy as a socially conditioned
belief system masquerading as nature, Millett demonstrates in detail how its attitudes and systems
penetrate literature, philosophy, psychology, and politics. Her incendiary work rocked the
foundations of the literary canon by castigating time-honored classics - from D. H. Lawrence's Lady
Chatterley's "Lover" to Norman Mailer's "The Naked and the Dead" - for their use of sex to degrade
and undermine women. A new introduction to this edition draws attention to some of the forms
patriarchy has taken recently in consolidating its oppressive and dangerous control."


For politicians, the more data, the more they ignore

You can guess the result of a Danish experiment, but it’s still interesting.


How F*cked Up Is Your Management?: An uncomfortable conversation about modern leadership

Kindle Edition

by Johnathan Nightingale (Author), Melissa Nightingale (Author)

This book has swears. Any honest discussion of management today needs a few. And it’s just what
you’d expect from the creators of the internet famous blog, The Co-pour.

If you’re trying to lead a group of people today, the bad news is that it’s harder than ever. Your
employees have impossible expectations of you, and your investors haven’t operated a business in
over twenty years. The good news is that there’s hope. You can be the leader your people need, but
you won’t get there without some discomfort.

85 | P a g e
How F*cked Up Is Your Management tackles a massive gap in the conversation about modern
leadership. Through personal narrative, and candid storytelling, Melissa and Johnathan Nightingale
distill the lessons they’ve learned and the mistakes they’ve made into a new management standard.

This book doesn’t gloss over the hard work, uncertainty, and stress that it takes for startups to get
things right. It doesn’t glorify those things either. In addition to the swears, this book has thoughtful
things to say on:

What to do when you double in size but haven’t doubled your output

How to interview better, hire smarter, and grow and retain the people you’ve already got

Why meritocracy doesn’t work and other cultural traps

How to build a non-toxic workplace culture and a diverse team

Why you don’t want superheroes on your team (and definitely don’t want to be one)

How to manage an employee up and when to manage them out

What to do when it all falls apart


A Hundred Miles As The Crow Flies: A Great Escape of WWII Paperback – 4 Aug 2017

by Ralph Churches (Author)

One of the greatest escapes of WWII happened on a compassionate whim. After planning for years
and succeeding in escaping with five companions, Ralph Churches decided he had better go back and
get the rest of his mates; which he did, all ninety of them, then got them airlifted from behind
German lines to Italy without loss


The Souls of Black Folk (Xist Classics) Unabridged , Kindle Edition

by W.E.B. Du Bois (Author)

The Groundbreaking Work on Race from W.E.B. Du Bois

“The problem of the twenheth century is the problem of the color line.” ― W.E.B. Du Bois, The Souls
of Black Folk To understand contemporary race relations in the United States of America, one must

86 | P a g e
understand its past. The Souls of Black Folk by W.E.B. Du Bois is a seminal work on undestanding the
nature of race, prejudice and discrimination. Written in 1903, the work is still an essential resource.

This Xist Classics edition has been professionally formatted for e-readers with a linked table of
contents. This ebook also contains a bonus book club leadership guide and discussion questions. We
hope you’ll share this book with your friends, neighbors and colleagues and can’t wait to hear what
you have to say about it.

Xist Publishing is a digital-first publisher. Xist Publishing creates books for the touchscreen
generation and is dedicated to helping everyone develop a lifetime love of reading, no matter what
form it takes


Seven Pillars of Wisdom & The Evolution of a Revolt (Illustrated Edition): Lawrence of Arabia's
Account and Memoirs of the Arab Revolt and Guerrilla Warfare during World War One Kindle Edition

by T. E. / Lawrence of Arabia Lawrence (Author)

Seven Pillars of Wisdom is the autobiographical account of the experiences of British soldier T. E.
Lawrence ("Lawrence of Arabia"), while serving as a liaison officer with rebel forces during the Arab
Revolt against the Ottoman Turks of 1916 to 1918. In 1919 he had been elected to a seven-year
research fellowship at All Souls College, Oxford, providing him with support while he worked on the
book. In addition to being a memoir of his experiences during the war, certain parts also serve as
essays on military strategy, Arabian culture and geography, and other topics. Lawrence re-wrote
Seven Pillars of Wisdom three times; once "blind" after he lost the manuscript while changing trains
at Reading railway station. Lawrence acknowledged having been helped in the editing of the book by
George Bernard Shaw. In the preface to Seven Pillars, Lawrence offered his "thanks to Mr. and Mrs.
Bernard Shaw for countless suggestions of great value and diversity: and for all the present

Thomas Edward Lawrence (1888-1935) was a British archaeologist, military officer, and diplomat. He
was renowned for his liaison role during the Sinai and Palestine Campaign, and the Arab Revolt
against Ottoman Turkish rule of 1916-18. The breadth and variety of his activities and associations,
and his ability to describe them vividly in writing, earned him international fame as Lawrence of
Arabia—a title used for the 1962 film based on his First World War activities.


87 | P a g e
Top 10 books about the Iraq war

Ranging from forensic intelligence reports to biting reportage and searing fiction and memoir, these
books lay bare the mistakes that drove the war, and reveal their human cost



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by Kamila Shamsie (Author)


'Elegant and evocative ... A powerful exploration of the clash between society, family and faith in the
modern world' Guardian

'There is high, high music in the air at the end of Home Fire' New York Times

Isma is free. After years spent raising her twin siblings in the wake of their mother's death, she is
finally studying in America, resuming a dream long deferred. But she can't stop worrying about
Aneeka, her beautiful, headstrong sister back in London – or their brother, Parvaiz, who's
disappeared in pursuit of his own dream: to prove himself to the dark legacy of the jihadist father he
never knew.

Then Eamonn enters the sisters' lives. Handsome and privileged, he inhabits a London worlds away
from theirs. As the son of a powerful British Muslim politician, Eamonn has his own birthright to live
up to – or defy. Is he to be a chance at love? The means of Parvaiz's salvation? Two families' fates
are inextricably, devastatingly entwined in this searing novel that asks: what sacrifices will we make
in the name of love?

A contemporary reimagining of Sophocles' Antigone, Home Fire is an urgent, fiercely compelling

story of loyalties torn apart when love and politics collide – confirming Kamila Shamsie as a master
storyteller of our times.

88 | P a g e

Best 19 Free Data Mining Tools


Why Buddhism is True: The Science and Philosophy of Meditation and Enlightenment Hardcover – 11
Jan 2018

by Robert Wright (Author)

New York Times Bestseller

From one of America’s greatest minds, a journey through psychology, philosophy, and lots of
meditation to show how Buddhism holds the key to moral clarity and enduring happiness.

Robert Wright famously explained in The Moral Animal how evolution shaped the human brain. The
mind is designed to often delude us, he argued, about ourselves and about the world. And it is
designed to make happiness hard to sustain.

But if we know our minds are rigged for anxiety, depression, anger, and greed, what do we do?
Wright locates the answer in Buddhism, which figured out thousands of years ago what scientists are
only discovering now. Buddhism holds that human suffering is a result of not seeing the world
clearly—and proposes that seeing the world more clearly, through meditation, will make us better,
happier people.

In Why Buddhism is True, Wright leads readers on a journey through psychology, philosophy, and a
great many silent retreats to show how and why meditation can serve as the foundation for a
spiritual life in a secular age. At once excitingly ambitious and wittily accessible, this is the first book
to combine evolutionary psychology with cutting-edge neuroscience to defend the radical claims at
the heart of Buddhist philosophy. With bracing honesty and fierce wisdom, it will persuade you not
just that Buddhism is true—which is to say, a way out of our delusion—but that it can ultimately
save us from ourselves, as individuals and as a species.


Moving to a war zone was better than living with what was in my head

89 | P a g e
Eddie Ayres has a lifetime of musical experience but much of it was as Emma Ayres, and much of it
was overshadowed by depression. In this book extract he explains how his path to salvation was
teaching music in Afghanistan


Not Dead Yet: The Autobiography Kindle Edition

by Phil Collins (Author)

Not Dead Yet is Phil Collins’ candid, witty, unvarnished story of the songs and shows, the hits and
pans, his marriages and divorces, the ascents to the top of the charts and into the tabloid headlines.
As one of only three musicians to sell over 100 million records both in a group and as a solo artist,
Collins breathes rare air, but he has never lost his talent for crafting songs that touch listeners
around the globe.

This is the story of his epic career, from child actor to one of the most successful songwriters of the
pop music era. A drummer since almost before he could walk, Collins received on-the-job training in
the seedy, thrilling bars and clubs of 1960s swinging London before finally landing the drum seat in
Genesis. Later he would step into the spotlight on vocals after the departure of Peter Gabriel, and
compose the songs that would rocket him to international solo fame with the release of Face Value
and ‘In the Air Tonight’.

Whether he’s recalling jamming with Eric Clapton and Robert Plant, pulling together a big band
fronted by Tony Bennett, playing twice at Live Aid, or writing the Oscar-winning music for Disney’s
smash-hit animated film Tarzan, Collins keeps it intimate and his storytelling gift never wavers.


Each of the books that go into our carefully curated capsules is near and dear to our hearts. They are
books we share with friends. They are books that we can't put down - not because we want to know
what happens next (although we do), but because they keep us company. We believe that the right
book can change our perspectives, open our minds, and nourish our hearts.

We believe that words shape us as individuals. Words stay with us as we go through life, and the
words we kept sacred yesterday may be different than the words we need today. Whatever you may
be experiencing right at this time in your life, there are the right words for it. The right words
comfort us in need. They breathe life into our beings. They show us how we feel. And we are here to
give them to you.

90 | P a g e
What we aim for is an education, but we don't believe you need to be taught in order to learn.
Fiction books often come with a life lesson, in the form of a captivating story, dynamic characters,
and beautiful prose.

Who are we? Individuals, just like you. We feel overwhelmed when we enter a bookstore, full of
thousands of ideas, full of knowledge, all so far away. We feel that reading a book is a lost art, and
that words on a page are far more moving than words on a screen. We want to offer you something
that transcends genres and labels; we want to offer you more.


26 of the best business books you can read, from the CEOs and execs who can't put them down


Entangled: The Consciousness App

A radical new technology to explore the power of consciousness and the nature of reality. The
world's largest consciousness research project in a free app. Now in beta (join waitlist).

>>> is a free and open-to-all learning platform intended to help prepare aid workers
for the demands they face in the field.


The Humanitarian Leadership Academy is a global learning initiative set up to facilitate partnerships
and collaborative opportunities to enable people to prepare for and respond to crises in their own

91 | P a g e

Antstand | The worlds most portable bamboo laptop stand

Be productive and comfortable wherever you are. Antstand improves posture by raising your screen
high and packs flat in your bag.

Looking down on your laptop screen puts significant strain on the neck and shoulders. This strain
over time can result in chronic pain and, or, permanent damage. The Antstand reduces strain by
raising your screen higher to allow a more upright position.


A Loving, Faithful Animal Paperback – 12 Sep 2017

by Josephine Rowe (Author)

"I found myself considering those rare things only books can do, feats outside the purview of film or
fine art . . . Gorgeous." --Samantha Hunt, The New York Times Book Review

It is New Year's Eve 1990, in a small town in southeast Australia. Ru's father, Jack, one of thousands
of Australians once conscripted to serve in the Vietnam War, has disappeared. This time Ru thinks he
might be gone for good. As rumors spread of a huge black cat stalking the landscape beyond their
door, the rest of the family is barely holding on. Ru's sister, Lani, is throwing herself into sex, drugs,
and dangerous company. Their mother, Evelyn, is escaping into memories of a more vibrant youth.
And meanwhile there is Les, Jack's inscrutable brother, who seems to move through their lives like a
ghost, earning both trust and suspicion.

A Loving, Faithful Animal is an incandescent portrait of one family searching for what may yet be
redeemable from the ruins of war. Tender, brutal, and heart-stopping in its beauty, this novel marks
the arrival in the United States of Josephine Rowe, the winner of the 2016 Elizabeth Jolley Prize and
one of Australia's most extraordinary young writers.


92 | P a g e
Why Working From Home Is So Good For You—And Your Boss

Employees who work from home or other remote locations are happier with their jobs and may
even work harder than those in the office to prove that they’re not slacking off, according to a new
analysis from Cardiff University. But there’s also a downside, say the researchers: Remote workers
tend to work long hours and may struggle with separating their work and home lives.




Resume Worded

A searchable database of real resume lines that helped applicants get into top companies

Resume Worded is a searchable database of real resume lines. We sourced 500+ resumes from
people who got into top companies in a range of industries. We then handpicked the most effective
lines and categorized them into the skills they demonstrated, making it easy for users to get
inspiration and write an effective line. Once you find a line that works, copy it into your resume,
personalise it and tweak the wording.





The GOLFER is a step-through, custom designed ebike for use on a golf course. Simply strap your
own golf bag onto the patented golf bag carrier and enjoy an effortless round. The GOLFER uses a
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GOLFER has been designed by golfers on a golf course and we have been refining it for over two

Not a golfer? Not a problem - just enjoy the URBAN model!

93 | P a g e
Your GOLFER & URBAN are not mass produced, but small-batch assembled in stunning New Zealand!
This ensures your bike receives all the personal attention it deserves - with precision fabrication and
efficient business practices we produce a quality, durable and sustainable product. Our frame is
perfectly suited to its use on the golf course and as a leisure bike off the course!


Tombstone: The Untold Story of Mao's Great Famine Kindle Edition

by Yang Jisheng (Author), Edward Friedman (Editor), Guo Jian (Translator),

I call this book Tombstone. It is a tombstone for my foster father who died of hunger in 1959, for the
36 million Chinese who also died of hunger, for the system that caused their death, and perhaps for
myself for writing this book.'

The most powerful and important Chinese work of recent years, Yang Jisheng's Tombstone is a
passionate, moving and angry account of one of the 20th century's most nightmarish events: the
killing of an estimated 36 million Chinese in 1958-1961 by starvation or physical abuse. More people
died in Mao's Great Famine than in the entire First World War and yet their story remains
substantially untold. Now, at last, they can be heard.

Based on survivors' testimonies, this book was greeted with huge acclaim when published in Hong
Kong as an essential work of reckoning.

'The man who exposed Mao's secret famine' Financial Times


The Criminal Personality: The Drug User: Volume III Kindle Edition

by Samuel Yochelson (Author), Stanton Samenow (Author)

'The third in a series explicating the criminal mind, this volume summarizes observations,
interpretations, and conclusions derived from a study of 121 criminal men who used drugs and/or
alcohol to excess. Originally set in writing by Yochelson before his death in 1976, the materials were
edited and updated by Samenow for publication. Systematic, probing and repeated interviews were
used as the vehicle for gathering information on common mental themes among men apprehended
and sentenced for criminal acts.... Yochelson and Samenow attribute crime to a series of early
irresponsible choices that predate drug use among drug-using criminals. Personality and personal
choice variables are conceptualized as critical in initialing and maintaining use. In what is called an
indiscriminate search for excitement, drug-using criminals are characterized as expanding their
criminal repertoire while excusing their actions by rationalizations sometimes invented by

94 | P a g e
sociologists, psychologists, and psychiatrists. Although these ideas are of considerable interest, the
real value of the text lies in its intriguing presentation of drug-user thinking. Specifically, three
chapters are well worth reading. The description of mental activities associated with such constructs
as 'the high,' 'the nod,' and 'the rush' are probably on target for many drug users, whether criminal
or not. The chapter explaining drugs as facilitators offers several notions worthy of systematic
inquiry, as does the one devoted to principles for encouragement of behavior change. Of perhaps
greatest benefit to most readers are caveats regarding management of drug users in what may be
seen as a cognitive-behavioral framework. Yochelson and Samenow contend that drug-using
criminal men represent the architects of their criminal life-styles and that it is they themselves who
can correct irresponsible thoughts and behaviors through application of logic over emotion.'
DContemporary Psychology A Jason Aroson Book


The Criminal Personality: The Change Process: Volume II Kindle Edition

by Samuel Yochelson (Author), Stanton Samenow (Author)

This is the second of a three volume landmark study of the criminal mind. This book describes an
intensive therapeutic approach designed to completely change the criminals way of thinking. The
authors reject traditional treatment approaches as reinforcing of the criminals sense of being a
victim of society. Rather Yochelson and Samenow stress that the criminal must make a choice to give
up criminal thinking and learn morality.

A Jason Aronson Book


Me. You. A Diary Kindle Edition

by Dawn French (Author)

*This is a special digital edition of Me You: A Diary, and does not include calendar pages. To keep a
working diary alongside Dawn, we recommend the hardback edition of Me You: A Diary*

One of the Guardian's TOP TEN READS for Christmas

'This book is inspired!!!' Nadiya Hussain

'[It's] beautiful, like Dawn, and stuffed full of goodies' Jo Brand

95 | P a g e
This is Dawn French's fabulous new non-fiction book for 2017, and it's totally interactive: take a
lovely ramble through the year together with Dawn. Think of it as Dawn's diary, personalized by you
. . . perfection.

I can't count the amount of diaries I have crammed full with entries in January, that then fizzle out as
the other months pile in. One of my teenage diaries has fulsome fizzing reports of every single
conversation, thought and feeling about every friend, every crush, every meal, every argument until
mid-March, when the entry on the 18th simply reads,

'Washed hair.'

Thank god, this isn't that. This book is a way for us to tell the story of a year together. Feel free to
write your appointments in it, lists, thoughts and reminders of, say, who to kill, and when, and in
what order. But I've also written about age and life as I see it, through the seasons and the months,
and I've added some places for you to join me in some fun and some thinking. By the end of the
year, I am hoping you will have a fatter, scruffier book that is written by me but totally personalized
by you.

Come on in. The paper is lovely . . .

AND . . . importantly, Me. You: A Diary comes with a practical elastic strap to keep all of your papers
safe, with a pocket in the back for storing those special momentoes.

'Wreck This Journal meets Dawn French's ruminations on the seasons, ageing and more - this is a
companion piece to help you through life itself. A very good idea' Stylist


How to Be Human: The Manual Kindle Edition

by Ruby Wax (Author)

"It took us 4 billion years to evolve to where we are now - completely brilliant and yet, some might
say, emotionally dwarfed. The question is: can our more empathetic side catch up in time to save us
and the world? I've got nothing against smarts, but it's smarts without emotional awareness that got
us into this position of being able to nuke each other into oblivion and rape the earth for oil."

With a little help from a monk (who tells us how our mind works) and a neuroscientist (who tells us
how our brain works), Ruby Wax answers every question you've ever had about: evolution,
thoughts, emotions, the body, addictions, relationships, sex, kids, the future and compassion.

Filled with witty anecdotes from Ruby's own life, and backed up by smart science and practical
mindfulness exercises, How to be Human is the only manual you need to help you upgrade your
mind as much as you've upgraded your iphone.

96 | P a g e

MacArthur 'genius grants' go to novelists Viet Thanh Nguyen and Jesmyn Ward

Among 2017’s recipients of the $625,000 honours are two novelists exploring the lives of minority
communities in the US

Viet Thanh Nguyen and Jesmyn Ward, two novelists exploring how writers from minority
communities must “claim the same rights” as the majority, have landed $625,000 (£470,000)
MacArthur fellowships, popularly known as “genius grants”.

The no-strings-attached fellowships, which have previously gone to writers including Claudia Rankine
and Ta-Nehisi Coates, are intended “to encourage people of outstanding talent to pursue their own
creative, intellectual, and professional inclinations”. Two novelists were among this year’s selection
of 24 fellows, which included mathematicians, historians, computer scientists and anthropologists.
Ward was picked for novels “exploring the enduring bonds of community and familial love among
poor African Americans of the rural South, against a landscape of circumscribed possibilities and lost
potential”. Nguyen was chosen for “challenging popular depictions of the Vietnam war and exploring
the myriad ways that war lives on for those it has displaced”.


The Refugees Kindle Edition

by Viet Thanh Nguyen (Author)

From the winner of the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction, 2016

'A powerful antidote to all the fearmongering and lies out there . . . A rich exploration of human
identity, family ties and love and loss, never has a short story collection been timelier' ***** Five
stars, the Independent

In The Refugees, Viet Thanh Nguyen gives voice to lives led between two worlds, the adopted
homeland and the country of birth. From a young Vietnamese refugee who suffers profound culture
shock when he comes to live with two gay men in San Francisco, to a woman whose husband is
suffering from dementia and starts to confuse her for a former lover, to a girl living in Ho Chi Minh
City whose older half-sister comes back from America having seemingly accomplished everything
she never will, the stories are a captivating testament to the dreams and hardships of immigration.
The second piece of fiction by a major new voice, The Refugees is a beautifully written and sharply
observed book about the aspirations of those who leave one country for another, and the
relationships and desires for self-fulfillment that define our lives.

An Amazon Best Book of the Month (Literature and Fiction)

97 | P a g e
'Nguyen's eight heart-wrenching and hopeful stories ought to be required reading for every
politician in this era of wall-building and xenophobia' the Guardian

'With anger but not despair, with reconciliation but not unrealistic hope, and with genuine humour
that is not used to diminish anyone, Nguyen has breathed life into many unforgettable characters,
and given us a timely book focusing, in the words of Willa Cather, on "the slow working out of fate in
people of allied sentiment and allied blood"' the Guardian

'Beautiful and heartrending' Joyce Carol Oates in the New Yorker

'[A] superb collection . . . exquisite stories . . . Nguyen crafts dazzlingly lucid prose' the Observer

'Poignant . . . Nguyen writes most movingly . . . The form of the short story seems to come to Nguyen
effortlessly' Financial Times


Sing, Unburied, Sing Kindle Edition

by Jesmyn Ward (Author)

'This wrenching new novel by Jesmyn Ward digs deep into the not-buried heart of the American
nightmare. A must' Margaret Atwood

'A powerfully alive novel haunted by ghosts; a road trip where people can go but they can never
leave; a visceral and intimate drama that plays out like a grand epic, Sing, Unburied, Sing is
staggering' Marlon James, Winner of the Man Booker Prize 2015

An intimate portrait of a family and an epic tale of hope and struggle, Sing, Unburied, Sing examines
the ugly truths at the heart of the American story and the power – and limitations – of family bonds.

Jojo is thirteen years old and trying to understand what it means to be a man. His mother, Leonie, is
in constant conflict with herself and those around her. She is black and her children's father is white.
Embattled in ways that reflect the brutal reality of her circumstances, she wants to be a better
mother, but can't put her children above her own needs, especially her drug use.

When the children's father is released from prison, Leonie packs her kids and a friend into her car
and drives north to the heart of Mississippi and Parchman Farm, the State Penitentiary. At
Parchman, there is another boy, the ghost of a dead inmate who carries all of the ugly history of the
South with him in his wandering. He too has something to teach Jojo about fathers and sons, about
legacies, about violence, about love.

Rich with Ward's distinctive, lyrical language, Sing, Unburied, Sing brings the archetypal road novel
into rural twenty-first century America. It is a majestic new work from an extraordinary and singular

98 | P a g e


Don't Let Me Be Lonely: An American Lyric Kindle Edition

by Claudia Rankine (Author)

The award-winning poet's powerful exploration of an America ever more unable to process its own

Here, available for the first time in the UK, is the book in which Claudia Rankine first developed the
'American Lyric' form which makes her Forward Prize-winning collection Citizen so distinctive: an
original combination of poetry, lyric essay, photography and visual art, virtuosically deployed. Don't
Let Me Be Lonely is Rankine's meditation on the self bewildered by race riots, terrorism, medicated
depression and television's ubiquitous influence. Written in the years after 9/11, this is an
unflinching and deeply felt meditation on life and death in a nation in flux.


We Were Eight Years in Power: An American Tragedy Kindle Edition

by Ta-Nehisi Coates (Author)

'I've been wondering who might fill the intellectual void that plagued me after James Baldwin died.
Clearly it is Ta-Nehisi Coates' Toni Morrison

Powerful and necessary, a state-of-the-nation portrait of America under Obama from the prize-
winning, bestselling author of Between the World and Me

From 2008-2016, the leader of the free world was a black man. Obama's presidency reshaped
America and transformed the international conversation around politics, race, equality. But it
attracted criticism and bred discontent as much as it inspired hope - so much so, that the world now
faces an uncertain future under a very different kind of US President.

In this essential new book, Ta-Nehisi Coates takes stock of the Obama era, speaking authoritatively
from political, ideological and cultural perspectives, drawing a nuanced and penetrating portrait of
America today.

99 | P a g e


The Year I Was Peter the Great: 1956-Khrushchev, Stalin's Ghost, and a Young American in Russia
Hardcover – 10 Oct 2017

by Marvin Kalb (Author)

A chronicle of the year that changed Soviet Russia-and molded the future path of one of America's
pre-eminent diplomatic correspondents 1956 was an extraordinary year in modern Russian history.
It was called "the year of the thaw"-a time when Stalin's dark legacy of dictatorship died in February
only to be reborn later that December. This historic arc from rising hope to crushing despair opened
with a speech by Nikita Khrushchev, then the unpredictable leader of the Soviet Union. He
astounded everyone by denouncing the one figure who, up to that time, had been hailed as a
"genius," a wizard of communism-Josef Stalin himself. Now, suddenly, this once unassailable god
was being portrayed as a "madman" whose idiosyncratic rule had seriously undermined communism
and endangered the Soviet state. This amazing switch from hero to villain lifted a heavy overcoat of
fear from the backs of ordinary Russians. It also quickly led to anti-communist uprisings in Eastern
Europe, none more bloody and challenging than the one in Hungary, which Soviet troops crushed at
year's end. Marvin Kalb, then a young diplomatic attache at the U.S. Embassy in Moscow, observed
this tumultuous year that foretold the end of Soviet communism three decades later. Fluent in
Russian, a doctoral candidate at Harvard, he went where few other foreigners would dare go,
listening to Russian students secretly attack communism and threaten rebellion against the Soviet
system, traveling from one end of a changing country to the other and, thanks to his diplomatic
position, meeting and talking with Khrushchev, who playfully nicknamed him Peter the Great. In this,
his fifteenth book, Kalb writes a fascinating eyewitness account of a superpower in upheaval and of
a people yearning for an end to dictatorship.


Manipulative people brainwash their partners using something called 'perspecticide' — here are the
signs it's happening to you


100 | P a g e
Memorization tool bulks up brain’s internal connections, scientists say

Stanford scientists found that teaching ordinary people a technique used by “memory athletes” not
only boosted their recall ability but also induced lasting changes in the organization of their brains.


Sexual Victimization by Women Is More Common Than Previously Known

A new study gives a portrait of female perpetrators


FTSE 100 study reveals link between corporate reporting of mental health and earnings
performance. Best companies enjoy up to three times more profit


Study finds 75 percent of workplace harassment victims experienced retaliation when they spoke up

What we know about sexual harassment in America.


Magic Mushrooms Found to Be "Resetting" Brain Circuits in Depressed People

101 | P a g e

Russia and the Western Far Right: Tango Noir (Routledge Studies in Fascism and the Far Right)
Paperback – 28 Sep 2017

by Anton Shekhovtsov (Author)

The growing influence of Russia on the Western far right has been much discussed in the media
recently. This book is the first detailed inquiry into what has been a neglected but critically
important trend: the growing links between Russian actors and Western far right activists, publicists,
ideologues, and politicians. The author uses a range of sources including interviews, video footage,
leaked communications, official statements and press coverage in order to discuss both historical
and contemporary Russia in terms of its relationship with the Western far right.

Initial contacts between Russian political actors and Western far right activists were established in
the early 1990s, but these contacts were low profile. As Moscow has become more anti-Western,
these contacts have become more intense and have operated at a higher level. The book shows that
the Russian establishment was first interested in using the Western far right to legitimise Moscow’s
politics and actions both domestically and internationally, but more recently Moscow has begun to
support particular far right political forces to gain leverage on European politics and undermine the
liberal-democratic consensus in the West.

Contributing to ongoing scholarly debates about Russia’s role in the world, its strategies aimed at
securing legitimation of Putin’s regime both internationally and domestically, modern information
warfare and propaganda, far right politics and activism in the West, this book draws on theories and
methods from history, political science, area studies, and media studies and will be of interest to
students, scholars, activists and practitioners in these areas


The Feynman Technique: The Best Way to Learn Anything

There are four simple steps to the Feynman Technique, which I'll explain below:

Choose a Concept

Teach it to a Toddler

Identify Gaps and Go Back to The Source Material

Review and Simplify (optional)

102 | P a g e

Men, you want to treat women better? Here's a list to start with

Over the last week, there’s been a lot of talk about how women are treated in the workplace – and
elsewhere. TV writer Nicole Silverberg argues that if men want to step up, they can


Welcome to Agora

The Agora Projects, LLC builds solar-powered, wifi-enabled pavilions that provide solar energy,
internet access, and human connection to communities, companies, and universities. Agora Pavilions
were created using evidence-based design techniques that result in increased productivity, job
satisfaction and decreased stress levels. Our customizable design allows users to choose the features
that best fit their needs.


Think And Grow Rich Kindle Edition

by Napoleon Hill (Author)

Think and Grow Rich is a motivational personal development and self-help book written by
Napoleon Hill and inspired by a suggestion from Scottish-American businessman Andrew Carnegie.
While the title implies that this book deals only with how to get rich, the author explains that the
philosophy taught in the book can be used to help people succeed in all lines of work and to do or be
almost anything they want


The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change Kindle Edition

103 | P a g e
by Stephen R. Covey (Author)

When it was first published in 1989, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People was an almost instant
bestseller--and quickly became a permanent part of the cultural lexicon. With over 25 million copies
sold worldwide in over 40 languages since its first publication, this book continues to help millions of
readers become more effective in both their personal and professional lives.


Awaken The Giant Within: How to Take Immediate Control of Your Mental, Emotional, Physical and
Financial Life Kindle Edition

by Tony Robbins (Author)

‘Tony’s incredible understanding of the world, people and human nature make him the ultimate like
coach. He knows what it takes to make people excel… and win!’ – Andre Agassi

‘Robbins is a mass of walking energy and passion.’ – Time Out

Are you in charge of your life? Or are you being swept away by things that are seemingly out of your
control? In AWAKEN THE GIANT WITHIN, Anthony Robbins, the bestselling author of UNLIMITED
POWER, shows the reader how to take immediate control of their mental, emotional, physical and
financial destiny.

Further praise for Tony Robbins:-

‘A fascinating, intriguing presentation of cutting-edge findings and insights… including the growing
consciousness that true success is anchored in enduring values and service to other.’ – Stephen R.
Covey, Author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People


Where the Past Begins: A Writer's Memoir Hardcover – 17 Oct 2017

by Amy Tan (Author)


104 | P a g e
In Where the Past Begins, bestselling author of The Joy Luck Club and The Valley of Amazement Amy
Tan is at her most intimate in revealing the truths and inspirations that underlie her extraordinary
fiction. By delving into vivid memories of her traumatic childhood, confessions of self-doubt in her
journals, and heartbreaking letters to and from her mother, she gives evidence to all that made it
both unlikely and inevitable that she would become a writer. Through spontaneous storytelling, she
shows how a fluid fictional state of mind unleashed near-forgotten memories that became the
emotional nucleus of her novels.

Tan explores shocking truths uncovered by family memorabilia--the real reason behind an IQ test
she took at age six, why her parents lied about their education, mysteries surrounding her maternal
grandmother--and, for the first time publicly, writes about her complex relationship with her father,
who died when she was fifteen. Supplied with candor and characteristic humor, Where the Past
Begins takes readers into the idiosyncratic workings of her writer's mind, a journey that explores
memory, imagination, and truth, with fiction serving as both her divining rod and link to meaning.


Training and research for the prevention of extremism and exploitation.

Extremism and exploitation are on the rise in the UK and abroad. We believe that both can be
prevented at grassroots level by empowering people.

When people feel isolated and marginalised, they can resort to extreme behaviour patterns as a way
of regaining control of themselves and their surroundings. Our research has shown that these
patterns can be broken if spotted early. That’s why we’ve dedicated our lives to help leaders and
educators identify these before they become a threat.


Avielle loved school and was fiercely proud to be part of a community comprised of her classmates
and educators. Avielle was murdered with 19 of her classmates and 6 of her teachers and
administrators on December 14, 2012 at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, CT. Our
heartbreak and sadness are unfathomable. We started the Avielle Foundation to fund research
exploring the underpinnings of the brain that lead to violent behaviors, and to foster the
engagement of communities to apply these insights and build compassion.


105 | P a g e
The Arava Institute is a leading environmental and academic institution in the Middle East, working
to advance cross-border environmental cooperation in the face of political conflict.


Welcome to The Loneliness Project - bring yourself.


Born from a simple dream to give back, Joggo is our Journey to Greater Good.

Joggo bags are thoughtfully designed with a unique blend of functionality and style, helping better
people’s lives at every step. With each fair trade certified stitch in our partner's women run co-op
factory, Joggo is giving back to educate refugee kids in different parts of the world. With the
purchase of each bag, Joggo gives displaced children an opportunity to continue their education,
empowering them to ultimately start their own journey to greater good.

There are 19.5 million refugees worldwide, at Joggo we believe with education they can improve
their livelihood to build a better life.


Big data meets Big Brother as China moves to rate its citizens

The Chinese government plans to launch its Social Credit System in 2020. The aim? To judge the
trustworthiness – or otherwise – of its 1.3 billion residents


The City of Brass (Daevabad Trilogy) Paperback – 14 Nov 2017

by S A Chakraborty (Author)

106 | P a g e
Step into The City of Brass, the spellbinding debut from S. A. Chakraborty--an imaginative alchemy of
The Golem and the Jinni, The Grace of Kings, and Uprooted, in which the future of a magical Middle
Eastern kingdom rests in the hands of a clever and defiant young con artist with miraculous healing

Nahri has never believed in magic. Certainly, she has power; on the streets of eighteenth-century
Cairo, she's a con woman of unsurpassed talent. But she knows better than anyone that the trades
she uses to get by--palm readings, zars, healings--are all tricks, sleights of hand, learned skills; a
means to the delightful end of swindling Ottoman nobles and a reliable way to survive.

But when Nahri accidentally summons an equally sly, darkly mysterious djinn warrior to her side
during one of her cons, she's forced to question all she believes. For the warrior tells her an
extraordinary tale: across hot, windswept sands teeming with creatures of fire, and rivers where the
mythical marid sleep; past ruins of once-magnificent human metropolises, and mountains where the
circling birds of prey are not what they seem, lies Daevabad, the legendary city of brass--a city to
which Nahri is irrevocably bound.

In Daevabad, within gilded brass walls laced with enchantments, behind the six gates of the six djinn
tribes, old resentments are simmering. And when Nahri decides to enter this world, she learns that
true power is fierce and brutal. That magic cannot shield her from the dangerous web of court
politics. That even the cleverest of schemes can have deadly consequences.

After all, there is a reason they say to be careful what you wish for . . .


The TB12 Method: How to Achieve a Lifetime of Sustained Peak Performance Hardcover – 19 Sep

by Tom Brady (Author)

#1 New York Times Bestseller

The first book by New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady—the five-time Super Bowl champion
who is still reaching unimaginable heights of excellence at forty years old—a gorgeously illustrated
and deeply practical “athlete’s bible” that reveals Brady’s revolutionary approach to sustained peak
performance for athletes of all kinds and all ages.

In modern sports, some athletes have managed to transcend their competition in a way that no one
will ever forget: Jordan. Jeter. Ali. Williams. These elite legends have changed the game, achieved
the unthinkable, and pushed their bodies to unbelievable limits. Joining their exclusive ranks is Tom

“Brady is the healthiest great champion the NFL has ever had, both physically and mentally” (Sally
Jenkins, The Washington Post). The longtime New England Patriots quarterback, who in 2017
achieved his fifth Super Bowl win and fourth Super Bowl MVP award, is widely regarded as an

107 | P a g e
athlete whose training and determination pushed him from a mediocre draft position to the most-
revered and respected professional football player of his generation.

In The TB12 Method, Tom Brady explains how he developed his groundbreaking approach to long-
term fitness, presenting a comprehensive, step-by-step guide to his personal practice. Brady offers
the principles behind pliability, which is at the heart of a new paradigm shift and movement toward
a more natural, healthier way of exercising, training, and living—and one that challenges some
commonly held assumptions around health and wellness. Filled with lessons learned from Brady’s
own peak performance training, and step-by-step action steps to help readers develop and maintain
their own peak performance, The TB12 Method also advocates for more effective approaches to
strength training, hydration, nutrition, supplementation, cognitive fitness, recovery, and other
lifestyle choices that dramatically decrease the risk of injury while amplifying and extending
performance, as well as quality of life.

After using his methods for over a decade, Brady believes that the TB12 approach has made him—
and can make any athlete, male or female, in any sport and at any level—achieve their own peak
performance. With instructions, drills, photos, in-depth case studies that Brady himself has used, as
well as personal anecdotes and experiences from on and off the field, The TB12 Method is the only
book an athlete will ever need, a playbook from Brady himself that will change the game.


You might suffer from something called 'hysterical bonding' when you break up with someone —
here's what it means


We need to rethink how we classify mental illness

Tamara Kayali Browne

Psychiatric diagnosis must serve an ethical purpose: relieving certain forms of suffering and disease.
Science alone can’t do that


108 | P a g e
Top employers back initiative on domestic abuse

Employers including the BBC, the Armed Forces, Vodafone and the Metropolitan Police will discuss
how they have helped victims of domestic abuse in the first UK conference to tackle the issue


We are a Network of more than 170 companies and public sector organisations who have come
together, to exchange information about best practice, and to encourage, promote and develop
action to help staff who are enduring domestic abuse, or who are perpetrators. We work to also
help those who witness or work colleagues who know support victim. We hold network meetings
once a quarter at a central London venue on topics suggested by member employers.


Feel Your Words as you type with our patent-pending Tactile Character Recognition Keyboard Cover

Get the Most Out of Your Keyboard


Veego Stand | The Easy Ergonomic Companion for your Laptop

Attaches to your laptop so you'll never forget it. The Veego Stand is thin, light, folds flat, and reduces
soreness from "laptop hunch"


The Wisdom of Yogananda

109 | P a g e


Patience Gray


Let’s Hear It for Those With Low Libidos


What Experts Know About Men Who Rape


Women & Power: A Manifesto by Mary Beard – review

In tracing the roots of misogyny to Athens and Rome, Mary Beard has produced a modern feminist


The Long Road Home: The Aftermath of the Second World War

After the Great War, the millions killed on the battlefields were eclipsed by the millions more
civilians carried off by disease and starvation when the conflict was over. Haunted by memories, the

110 | P a g e
Allies were determined that the end of the Second World War would not be followed by a similar
disaster, and they began to lay plans long before victory was assured.

Confronted by an entire continent starving and uprooted, Allied planners devised strategies to help
all 'displaced persons', and repatriate the fifteen million people who had been deprived of their
homes and in many cases forced to work for the Germans. But over a million Jews, Poles, Ukrainians,
Latvians, Lithuanians, Estonians and Yugoslavs refused to go home.

This book offers a radical reassessment of the aftermath of World War II. Unlike most recent writing
about the 1940s, it assesses the events and personalities of that decade in terms of contemporary
standards and values. This the true and epic story of how millions ultimately found relief,
reconciliation and a place to call home.



Brexit and the Brexit Bus


Basic Principles of Learning & Development...


Think And Grow Rich


111 | P a g e

Indian Slow Cooker Recipes: Rich and Savory Indian Slow Cooker Recipes for Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
and More. Kindle Edition

If cooking Indian recipes in a slow cooker sounds somewhat strange, it’s because the history of dum
pukht is not so well known. Dum pukht is a cooking technique two centuries old, which could be the
predecessor and oldest ancestor of all crock-pots in the world.

Dum means steam, and pukht, to cut off. “To cut off steam” is a way of cooking foods in a very heavy
pot on a very slow flame over charcoal. The unique feature is that this pot would be sealed with a
mixture of flour and water to prevent the steam from escaping –hence “cutting it off”.

It is believed by historians that this way of cooking food came from the Indian royalty around 1770
during the Mughal Empire when famine killed 5% of the population of India. A ruler from the North
East part of India decided to feed his subjects from the food he had in his own kitchen, and the food
was cooked in dum pukht.

Once the famine passed, this way of cooking became very popular. Stewed meats, beans, lentils and
other legumes were cooked in these sealed pots, but unlike the modern crock-pot, they couldn’t
stay unattended or else they could burn. Royals could have the luxury of foods gently simmered for
hours, and that’s something you can think about when cooking your Indian recipes in a slow cooker:
you’re giving yourself a royal treatment!


Slow Cooker: 100% Vegan Indian - Tantalizing and Super Nutritious Vegan Recipes for Optimal Health
(Nutrition, Vegan Diet, Plant Based) Kindle Edition

Vegan diet spiced up!

Delicious and nutritious 100% vegan Indian recipes for slow cooker (perfect for busy people!). You
will never get bored with’ em…

If you’re like me, you have probably heard many of your family and friends say: “Oh vegan diet is
boring, all you can eat is lettuce with potatoes and it’s got no taste!”.

Or maybe you want to cook a kick ass vegan meal to show your loved ones how much variety we can
enjoy on a vegan diet?

Or perhaps you just enjoy vegan Indian food and experimenting with your slow cooker?

Whatever your reasons are, I welcome all of you!

112 | P a g e


Divine Food: Israeli and Palestinian Food Culture and Recipes Hardcover – Illustrated, 1 Sep 2016

by Gestalten (Author), David Haliva (Author)

Israeli and Palestinian people share an outstanding and dynamic cuisine. Divine Food is a visually
striking collection of recipes from local markets, Arab traditions, the nomadic tribes of the desert,
and the hip restaurants of Tel Aviv. Israeli and Palestinian food is ripe with flavor and enticing
intricacies. Intersections of trade routes led to the interchange of ingredients and that trend is still
apparent today. Divine Food embarks on a culinary journey from the North, with its temperate
climate and succulent vegetables; to Tel Aviv, where young chefs find new ways to interpret culinary
traditions; to Jerusalem, a city of pilgrimage that boasts a myriad of staple dishes; and to the South
where nomadic lifestyles inspire desert cuisine. From shakshuka to challah to baklava, regional
recipes provide insight into the origins of iconic and delectable dishes. The recipes compiled within
Divine Food are clearly explained and invite home cooks and foodies alike to bask in their bold
flavors. Wherever your dinner table may lie, these recipes transport the aromas and tastes of the
Mediterranean. Because the food of the region is characterized by authenticity and tradition, the
insight is both culinary and historical. A stunning regional portrait and a go-to treasury of recipes,
Divine Food transcends the label of cookbook. Divine Food showcases a daily life defined by food,
flavors, and heritage.


Why people ruin others’ lives by exposing all their data online

“I’ve spoken to people that have had websites set up in their name requesting child pornography,
their bank accounts hacked and money stolen from their account, and their employer phoned and
told they were alcoholics,” says Amy Binns at University of Central Lancashire. Some women have
had profiles set up soliciting violent sex with strangers.

All these people were doxed – that is, someone published their personal information against their
will, in a public forum intended for dissemination and abuse, instigating a torrent of attacks from
strangers. “It’s incredibly scary and could result in losing your livelihood,” says Binns.

But despite many individual cases catching the public eye, up until now there has been very little
research examining the scale of the problem and who is involved. A new study from the University of
Illinois at Chicago and New York University changes that.

113 | P a g e


A Mission in Kashmir by Andrew Whitehead (November 26, 2008) Hardcover – 1657

by Andrew Whitehead (Author)


Curry trade celebrated at Birmingham Museum & Art Gallery

Birmingham’s favourite dish will be celebrated at a new exhibition opening this week at Birmingham
Museum & Art Gallery, which explores the histories of the city’s famous curry houses.

Birmingham is home to hundreds of Indian restaurants, but most are unaware it was the
Bangladeshi community that pioneered the ‘curry culture’ in Britain.

Running from 23rd Sept 2017 until 7th Jan 2018, Knights of the Raj, is part of Soul City Arts’ project
funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund, and aims to showcase the untold stories of those who
pioneered the historic trade, tracing its origins back to the 1940s.


Vantage Point Looks To VR To Help Stop Sexual Harassment Through Immersive Education

The campaign aims to raise $650,000 USD to help build the platform.


114 | P a g e
How Borderlinx works

Get around shipping restrictions once and for all. When an online retailer doesn't ship to your
country, just use Borderlinx. Register for a free account, and instantly get your own international
forwarding addresses to use with online retailers. You can buy what you want from your favorite
brands around the world, taking advantage of the sales and promotions that come with it.


Mohammed Ali

Mohammed Ali


The Art of Mohammed Ali has been taken across the globe and described as challenging the oft-
heard term ‘clash of civilisations.’ with his fusion of street-art and islamic script, along with his
conscious messages. It was after his new-found passion and rediscovery of his faith in Islam, that he
began to fuse his graffiti-art with the grace and eloquence of sacred and Islamic script and patterns.
He describes his work as, ‘taking the best of both worlds.’ and bringing back to the forefront
principles that are gradually fading away from our modern societies.

Mohammed Ali was drawn to the graffiti world from early 80’s inspired by the subway art
movement, and like many kids living in the UK was involved with the street-painting scene. After
studying Multimedia Design at university, he went onto working in the computer-games industry as
a designer. Soon enough he became disillusioned with using his creative skills for commercial benefit
and creating art for art’s sake, and began exploring with creating art for ‘mankind’s sake’.

Graffiti was often a self-glorification of one’s identity, the ‘tag’ being the focus. Mohammed began
exploring simple messages which at the heart of were still – the words – but words which pointed to
other than the ‘self’, with a deeper message, that was speaking to the public, and relevant to the
wider society.

Mohammed Ali’s art is appreciated by people of all faith and cultures and he has exhibited his
canvas-art as well as created his public spiritual murals in the streets of major cities, such as New
York, Chicago, Toronto, Melbourne and Dubai to name but a few. International media ranging from
CNN to Aljazeera, have reported his work as a ‘bridge of understanding’between faith communities
and he has become a regular media figure. He delivers public lectures about the power of the arts to
transform society and how the arts can tackle some of the difficult issues that we face in multi-
cultural societies.

115 | P a g e

Caleb Femi is the Young People's Laureate for London.

He is also a director, photographer and English Literature teacher.

Caleb is featured in the Dazed 100 list of the next generation shaping youth culture. He has written
and directed short films commissioned by the BBC and Channel 4 and poems by by the Tate
Mordern, The Royal Society for Literature, St Paul's Cathedral and the Guardian. Caleb has graced
major stages such as the Roundhouse mainstage, Barbican, British Library, Royal Festival Hall. He has
also opened up for Lianne La Havas and has performed at many festivals. Caleb has also won the
Roundhouse Poetry Slam and Genesis Poetry Slam and is currently working on a debut pamphlet.


Meet London's new generation of poets: from Caleb Femi to Greta Bellamacina | London Evening


The Ward Hardcover – 1 Dec 2017

by Gideon Mendel (Author), Hannah Watson (Editor)

In 1993, Gideon Mendel spent a number of weeks photographing the Broderip and Charles Bell
wards in London s Middlesex Hospital. The Broderip was the first AIDS ward in London and was
opened by Diana, Princess of Wales in 1987. This was the era before antiretroviral medications had
become available, a very distinct and tragic time. All of the patients on the wards, many of whom
were young, gay men, were having to face the terrifying prospect of an early and painful death.
During his time at the hospital Gideon followed the stories of four patients in particular - John,
Steven, Ian and Andre. These two wards at The Middlesex Hospital were some of the few dedicated
AIDS wards that existed in London, and even more unusual for their decision to open themselves to
being photographed. Considering the high levels of stigma and fear that existed at the time, the
decision of these four patients to allow themselves, alongside their families, lovers and friends to be
photographed was an act of considerable bravery. During his time at the hospital, he photographed
their treatment and many other aspects of ward life, including the intimate way in which the staff,
patients and their families related to one another. Treatment was not a passive process, but rather
an active engagement on the part of the patients, who were often extremely knowledgeable about
their condition. The staff too became far more attached to their patients than was commonplace in
hospitals at the time. All of the patients in these photographs died soon after the pictures were

116 | P a g e
taken. They were the unlucky ones, who became sick just before treatment became available. The
Ward poignantly reminds us of a different time, how it felt to live with HIV when it was considered a
veritable death sentence, and how the wards at the Middlesex Hospital became unique and special
places full of love.


Stress can lead to risky decisions

Neuroscientists find chronic stress skews decisions toward higher-risk options.




Auschwitz inmate's notes from hell finally revealed

Chilling testimony from an Auschwitz inmate forced to help the Nazi murder squads has finally been
deciphered, thanks to painstaking detective work and digital imaging.


China’s Tech Giants Have a Second Job: Helping Beijing Spy on Its People

Tencent and Alibaba are among the firms that assist authorities in hunting down criminal suspects,
silencing dissent and creating surveillance cities

117 | P a g e

DipClip: An in-car holder for ketchup & dipping sauces

Road trips will never be the same! Dip Clip makes it easy to enjoy all your favorite condiments on the


The long read

Portugal’s radical drugs policy is working. Why hasn’t the world copied it?

Since it decriminalised all drugs in 2001, Portugal has seen dramatic drops in overdoses, HIV
infection and drug-related crime. By Susana Ferreira


Why Sleep Deprivation Eases Depression

Glial activity reveals how sleep deprivation elevates mood


Terror survivor's call for open speech on extremism

Bjorn is part of an initiative called Extremely Together, a partnership involving the Kofi Annan
Foundation, One Young World and the European Commission.


Extremely Together

118 | P a g e
Extremely Together are 10 Young Leaders, all active in preventing and countering violent extremism
in their communities and beyond. Their task was to produce this guide, the world's first, by young
people for young people, on how to counter violent extremism your community.

It will guide Extremely Together's work going forward. We hope that it will inspire and assist YOU to
finding the right approach to counter violent extremism in your community.

Join the movement, be Extremely Together!


Companies like GE, Citibank, and Dropbox have borrowed a tool from startups to avoid getting
boring and stuck


The Lean Startup: How Constant Innovation Creates Radically Successful Businesses Kindle Edition

by Eric Ries (Author)

Most new businesses fail. But most of those failures are preventable.

The Lean Startup is a new approach to business that's being adopted around the world. It is changing
the way companies are built and new products are launched.

The Lean Startup is about learning what your customers really want. It's about testing your vision
continuously, adapting and adjusting before it's too late.

Now is the time to think Lean.


The Startup Way: How Entrepreneurial Management Transforms Culture and Drives Growth Kindle

by Eric Ries (Author)

119 | P a g e
The Startup Way reveals how organisations of all sizes can harness startup techniques to drive

With his million-copy bestseller The Lean Startup, Eric Ries launched a global movement. Concepts
like minimal viable product, A/B testing and 'pivoting' changed the language of business. Now he
turns his attention to companies of all sizes - and shows how the startup ethos can breathe new life
into even the largest and most bureaucratic organisation.

In this groundbreaking new book, he draws on inside stories of transformations at multinationals like
General Electric and Toyota, titans like Amazon and Facebook, and tech upstarts like Airbnb and
Twilio. He lays out a new framework for entrepreneurial management: a comprehensive approach
that kick starts innovation and delivers sustained growth, even in highly uncertain environments.

The Startup Way is an essential read for leaders, managers and entrepreneurs at any level. It's a
revolutionary approach to incubating great ideas, turning all teams into startups, and inspiring
everyone to think like an entrepreneur.


The Mind Doesn't Work That Way: The Scope and Limits of Computational Psychology
(Representation and Mind series) Kindle Edition

by Jerry A. Fodor (Author)

In this engaging book, Jerry Fodor argues against the widely held view that mental processes are
largely computations, that the architecture of cognition is massively modular, and that the
explanation of our innate mental structure is basically Darwinian. Although Fodor has praised the
computational theory of mind as the best theory of cognition that we have got, he considers it to be
only a fragment of the truth. In fact, he claims, cognitive scientists do not really know much yet
about how the mind works (the book's title refers to Steve Pinker's How the Mind Works).

Fodor's primary aim is to explore the relationship among computational and modular theories of
mind, nativism, and evolutionary psychology. Along the way, he explains how Chomsky's version of
nativism differs from that of the widely received New Synthesis approach. He concludes that
although we have no grounds to suppose that most of the mind is modular, we have no idea how
nonmodular cognition could work. Thus, according to Fodor, cognitive science has hardly gotten


On the Ground: reporting from all corners of America

120 | P a g e
Why are America's farmers killing themselves in record numbers?


Facebook publicly released its internal harassment policy — and it could change the way companies
talk about harassment going forward


No Family Is Safe From This Epidemic

As an admiral I helped run the most powerful military on Earth, but I couldn't save my son from the
scourge of opioid addiction.


Footage of a Police Shooting That Jurors Chose Not to Punish

Daniel Shaver was unarmed and begging for his life. This week, a jury found the police officer who
killed him not guilty of murder or manslaughter.



Transformable table

121 | P a g e

Meet the man behind the most important tool in data science




New algorithm repairs corrupted digital images in one step


Moscow’s Ethereum Voting System Launches

Moscow’s government has launched an Ethereum-based blockchain on which it will hold votes
through its Active Citizen program. Participants will establish themselves as nodes in this network
using a Parity client.


Feel Free: Essays Kindle Edition

by Zadie Smith (Author)

The one and only Zadie Smith, prize-winning, bestselling author of Swing Time and White Teeth, is
back with a second unmissable collection of essays

No subject is too fringe or too mainstream for the unstoppable Zadie Smith. From social media to
the environment, from Jay-Z to Karl Ove Knausgaard, she has boundless curiosity and the boundless
wit to match. In Feel Free, pop culture, high culture, social change and political debate all get the

122 | P a g e
Zadie Smith treatment, dissected with razor-sharp intellect, set brilliantly against the context of the
utterly contemporary, and considered with a deep humanity and compassion.

This electrifying new collection showcases its author as a true literary powerhouse, demonstrating
once again her credentials as an essential voice of her generation.


Snortable Chocolate: What You Need to Know about Coco Loko


Spanish Harlem: El Barrio in the '80s

Joseph Rodriguez

Contribution by Ed Morales


A family in Italy doesn’t feel pain because of a gene mutation


Norway becomes first Scandinavian country to decriminalise drugs in historic vote

Norway’s 2017 Country Drug Report shows 266 people died from drug-related deaths

123 | P a g e



Coaching for Geeks

Online courses, 1-2-1 coaching, podcasts, webinars, events and more.



Cool gadget ideas for him, her and the little ones

Looking for the coolest new product on the market? We’ve found them all for you. We’ve compiled
the most unique, unusual and must-have gadgets on the internet in one place for the most tech and
gadget-savvy people. Whether your shopping for him, her or the little ones, we’ve built a cool
gadget guide for everyone. Take a look, but be careful: you may be inspired to invent some gadgets
of your own!


Nevada Rose Hardcover – 23 Jun 2011

by Marc McAndrews (Author)

Scattered around the state of Nevada in unassuming little desert towns, prostitution is thriving.
Nevada Rose is an extraordinary peephole into this legal, albeit secretive, world of fantasy and
theatre, which takes readers inside the 29 'ranches' in and around towns. Readers will meet the
managers and the madams, the kitchens and the cooks, laundry rooms and lounges, personal
bedrooms and pets.

124 | P a g e

Inquest into death of British cyclist Mike Hall to be heard in Canberra

A Canberra court will hear an inquest into the death of a world-renowned British cyclist during a
coast-to-coast race earlier this year.


DARPA backs development of "unhackable" Morpheus computer system


L.A.'s Air Pollution May Be Harming Teen Brains

A new study from the University of Southern California suggests a link between air pollution and
adolescent delinquency.


Government admits 'losing' thousands of papers from National Archives

Documents on the Falklands, Northern Ireland’s Troubles, and the infamous Zinoviev letter among
those ‘misplaced’, leaving historians suspicious


Switch your Halogen Bulbs to LED Light Bulbs

125 | P a g e


Is this Japanese concept the secret to a long, happy, meaningful life?

While there is no direct English translation, ikigai is thought to combine the Japanese words ikiru,
meaning “to live”, and kai, meaning “the realization of what one hopes for”. Together these
definitions create the concept of “a reason to live” or the idea of having a purpose in life.


'His suicide shocked the world': Maria Schrader on her Oscar-nominated film about Stefan Zweig

The Jewish writer fled the Nazis and fell in love with his new home, a tropical paradise in Brazil. Can
we ever know why he took his life? The director of a new biopic talks about the agony of the exile


I've Decided to Live 120 Years: The Ancient Secret to Longevity, Vitality, and Life Transformation

New York Times bestselling author and one of the most renowned meditation teachers in our time,
Ilchi Lee challenges you to radically rethink your ideas on aging, health, personal fulfillment, and
what's possible in your lifetime. This highly anticipated book has been already loved by many big
name authors including don Miguel Ruiz, Dr. Christiane Northrup, Michael Beckwith, and Dr. Emeran
Mayer. This is the book of life mastery for the brave hearted. For most of our lives, we work hard,
reaching for success, until we are faced with retirement. If you retire at age 65, you may think you
have about 20 more years to relax and enjoy your life. But what if you had more time? What if you
had another 40 or 50 years to live? Would it make a difference in how you lived? Ilchi Lee stresses
that you can extend your life way beyond what most of us have accepted as our biological age limit,
even up to 120 years. But the real question is, can we have not only a long life, but also a fulfilling
one? Lee's answer is a resounding yes, and it starts with the power of choice, a practice of self-
reliance, and most importantly, a greater sense of purpose. A visionary and master teacher who
globalized ancient Korea's mind-body tradition, Ilchi Lee lays out a clear path to a new paradigm of
longevity and mastery of life. Through personal experience, compelling stories, the wisdom of an
ancient Korean holistic practice, and current research on longevity and fulfillment, Lee shows
readers how to live fully at any age without regrets. The inspiration and practical advice you find in

126 | P a g e
this book propels you to make the necessary changes in your life that would make a 120-year life full
of vitality, passion, and purpose possible.


Magnic Microlights: Non-contact driven brake shoe bike light

Turn your bike into a smart, illuminated bike by exchanging the brake pads: No friction, no batteries,
no cables - just endless energy.

Yet another bike light?

Thinking about cycling lights in this dark season of the year often evokes images of squeaking,
slipping dynamos, empty batteries or torn cables, but our new fascinating technic puts an end to
these nightmares. "Magnic Microlights" develop the all-in-all cycling lights into a customary cycle
component (like a handlebar or saddle) and include a brake light in the basic version and further
features such as a turn signal triggered via the brake handle, bluetooth-speed transmission as well as
a smartphone-controlled navigation signals in the smart-version.


Cardboard tents distributed to Brussels homeless


Aggression Is Inborn, But Worsened or Improved by One’s Environment, Study Says


127 | P a g e
Darlington Residents: We Suggest You To Carry This At All Times



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Happy New Year may it be the most pro-active for all…



Nonfiction to look out for in 2018

Spies, suffragettes and Mary Shelley feature heavily in next year’s nonfiction lists – along with essays
from the likes of Zadie Smith, Graham Swift and Amos Oz


Bestselling books of 2017: the top 100

128 | P a g e
While women dominate the charts, it’s been the year of the comeback kings: Philip Pullman, Jamie
Oliver, Margaret Atwood …


How to Build a Million-Dollar, One-Person Business – Case Studies from The 4-Hour Workweek


In 'Green,' A Pre-Teen Wisens Up To His Privilege

It's 1992. Your hair is gelled up, you're sporting high-tops and maybe still listening to Run DMC on

That's the setting for Sam Graham-Felsen's Green, a new coming-of-age novel that's also a look at
race in America. It follows a friendship between two adolescent boys in Boston — one black and one


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129 | P a g e
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PiHKAL: A Chemical Love Story Kindle Edition

by Alexander Shulgin (Author), Ann Shulgin (Author)

Book I: The Love Story

Tells the tale of a psychopharmacologist and his wife/research partner, and recounts decades
devoted to the creation and investigation of psychedelic drugs as tools for the study of the human
mind. Altered state experiences are explored in the context of intimacy.

Book II: The Chemical Story

Describes in detail a wealth of phenethylamines:

• Synthesis and physical properties

(in the format of the Journal of Medicinal Chemistry)

• Structural correlates to human central nervous system activity

• The dosages used and duration of effects observed

• Commentary and speculation on why (for instance):

Some which should have been active, are not

Some which should not have been active, are

Some are too toxic to determine activity

And some have yet to be tasted


130 | P a g e
Tihkal: The Continuation Paperback – 9 Oct 1997

by Alexander T. Shulgin (Author), Ann Shulgin (Author), Dan Joy (Editor)


The Doors of Perception: And Heaven and Hell: WITH Heaven and Hell Kindle Edition

by Aldous Huxley (Author), J G Ballard (Introduction)


In 1953, in the presence of an investigator, Aldous Huxley took four-tenths of a gramme of mescalin,
sat down and waited to see what would happen. When he opened his eyes everything, from the
flowers in a vase to the creases in his trousers, was transformed. Huxley described his experience
with breathtaking immediacy in The Doors of Perception. In its sequel Heaven and Hell, he goes on
to explore the history and nature of mysticism. Still bristling with a sense of excitement and
discovery, these illuminating and influential writings remain the most fascinating account of the
visionary experience ever written.


The Psychedelic Experience: A Manual Based on the Tibetan Book of the Dead (1964) Kindle Edition

by Timothy Leary (Author)

The Psychedelic Experience: A Manual Based on The Tibetan Book of the Dead (commonly referred
to as The Psychedelic Experience) is an instruction manual intended for use during sessions involving
psychedelic drugs. Started as early as 1962 in Zihuatanejo, the book was finally published in August
1964.[1] This version of Tibetan Book of the Dead was authored by Timothy Leary, Ralph Metzner
and Richard Alpert, all of whom took part in experiments investigating the therapeutic and religious
possibilities of drugs such as mescaline, psilocybin and LSD. The book now in kindle edition is
dedicated to Aldous Huxley and includes a short introductory citation from Huxley's book The Doors
of Perception. Part of this text was used by the Beatles in the song Tomorrow Never Knows.


131 | P a g e
The Tibetan Book of the Dead: First Complete Translation (Penguin Classics) Kindle Edition

by Graham Coleman (Author, Editor), Thupten Jinpa (Editor), Dalai Lama (Introduction), Gyurme
Dorje (Translator)

The most graceful English translation of this masterpiece of world literature - prepared with the
participation of the Dalai Lama and eminent contemporary masters of this traditin appointed by the
Dalai Lama

One of the greatest works created by any culture and one of the most influential of all Tibetan
Buddhist texts in the West, The Tibetan Book of the Dead has had a number of distinguished
translations, but strangely all of these have been partial abridgements. Now the entire text has not
only been made available in English but in a translation of quite remarkable clarity and beauty. A
comprehensive guide to living and dying, The Tibetan Book of the Dead contains exquisitely written
guidance and practices related to transforming our experience in daily life, on the processes of dying
and the after-death state, and on how to help those who are dying. As originally intended this is as
much a work for the living, as it is for those who wish to think beyond a mere conventional lifetime
to a vastly greater and grander cycle.

'Extraordinary ... this work will be a source of inspiration and support to many' His Holiness the Dalai


Is everything you think you know about depression wrong?

In this extract from his new book, Johann Hari, who took antidepressants for 14 years, calls for a new

• Johann Hari Q&A: ‘I was afraid to dismantle the story about depression and anxiety’


Drug-Free Back Pain Relief


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MaiTai Global is a group of extraordinary entrepreneurs, innovators and athletes. Participants

combine their energy, network and resources to help each other achieve professional success,
pushing the limits of work and play while also fueling philanthropic activities around the world. The
MaiTai Global community has an ...


BWB is a grassroots, socially innovative, community leadership program whose goal is to unlock the
creativity of local communities to solve problems.


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Bionic Wrench see family of tools available…


133 | P a g e
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People Who Take Psychedelics Are Less Likely to Commit Violent Crimes, Study Says

Research indicates "lifetime" use of drugs like magic mushrooms or LSD actually lessen the chances a
person will commit a crime like theft or assault.


Journalism schools still behind on cybersecurity training, new survey finds


The Leader's Way: Business, Buddhism and Happiness in an Interconnected World Kindle Edition

by HRH the Dalai Lama (Author), Laurens van den Muyzenberg (Author)

Born out of a decade of discussion and collaboration between The Monk and the Management
Consultant - His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Laurens van den Muyzenberg - The Leader's Way
represents the synthesis of East and West and provides an inspiring manifesto for business change.
The world today faces many challenges. While our total wealth has increased enormously and we
benefit from technological miracles, billions of people are living in abject poverty, we face the threat
of environmental disaster, and even those in prosperous nations feel insecure about the future.
Addressing these problems requires a different kind of leadership which sees things as they really
are and resolves them in a holistic way. That is what The Leader's Way offers - a manifesto for
change which can have an impact at every level, from the individual to the global.

134 | P a g e

12 Rules for Life by Jordan B Peterson review – a self-help book from a culture warrior

The psychologist and internet celebrity with contentious views on gender, political correctness, good
and evil, offers hectoring advice on how to live


How to Be Human: The Manual by Ruby Wax review – can mindfulness conquer all?

The comedian and campaigner is an engaging champion of mental health, but self-care may not
always be enough


Jeanette Winterson on Accrington: 'I love the north; our energy, toughness, humour'

The author of Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit reveals how the town where she grew up helped to
mould her and her writing


Stanford scholars develop new algorithm to help resettle refugees and improve their integration

A new machine learning algorithm developed by Stanford researchers could help governments and
resettlement agencies find the best places for refugees to relocate, depending on their particular
skills and backgrounds.


135 | P a g e


Solves the problem of fighting for armrests. A folding device that doubles the area of an armrest,
clipping onto a seat (such as airplanes, buses, movie theaters, etc.) to give users on either side their
own space. Also known as a Portable Armrest Extender/Divider.


Londonstani Kindle Edition

by Gautam Malkani (Author)

‘Londonstani’, Gautam Malkani's electrifying debut, reveals a Britain that has never before been
explored in the novel: a country of young Asians and white boys (desis and goras) trying to work out
a place for themselves in the shadow of the divergent cultures of their parents’ generation.

Set close to the Heathrow feed roads of Hounslow, Malkani shows us the lives of a gang of four
young men: Hardjit the ring leader, a Sikh, violent, determined his caste stay pure; Ravi,
determinedly tactless, a sheep following the herd; Amit, whose brother Arun is struggling to win the
approval of his mother for the Hindu girl he has chosen to marry; and Jas who tells us of his journey
with these three, desperate to win their approval, desperate too for Samira, a Muslim girl, which in
this story can only have bad consequences. Together they cruise the streets in Amit's enhanced
Beemer, making a little money changing the electronic fingerprints on stolen mobile phones, a scam
that leads them into more dangerous waters.

Funny, crude, disturbing, written in the vibrant language of its protagonists – a mix of slang,
Bollywood, texting, Hindu and bastardised gangsta rap – ‘Londonstani’ is about many things:
tribalism, aggressive masculinity, integration, cross-cultural chirpsing techniques, the urban scene
seeping into the mainstream, bling bling economics, 'complicated family-related shit'. It is one of the
most surprising British novels of recent years.




If a cardboard 'Free Listening' sign can bring the world together, imagine what a t-shirt can do.

136 | P a g e
Designed and made in Los Angeles, these shirts are meant to be worn, to be given away, to be talked

But they are more than shirts; they are conversation starters.

Each shirt is an opportunity to engage with your community, to carry the Urban Confessional
message of love, selflessness, and unconditional listening everywhere you go.

Manufactured responsibly in the United States from 100% combed and ring-spun cotton, these
Bella+Canvas shirts are so soft, you may never take them off.

What’s more, all the proceeds from each shirt you buy goes to support the worldwide Urban
Confessional movement.

Join the movement, start a conversation, and change the world, one shirt at a time.




Enemies Within by Richard Davenport-Hines review – the Cambridge spies and distrust of the elite

Did Burgess, Philby and Maclean wreak more damage to the British establishment following their
exposure than they had while they were actually spying?


Lost Connections: Uncovering the Real Causes of Depression – and the Unexpected Solutions Kindle

by Johann Hari (Author)

From the New York Times bestselling author of Chasing the Scream, a radically new way of thinking
about depression and anxiety

What really causes depression and anxiety – and how can we really solve them? Award-winning
journalist Johann Hari suffered from depression since he was a child and started taking anti-
depressants when he was a teenager. He was told that his problems were caused by a chemical
imbalance in his brain. As an adult, trained in the social sciences, he began to investigate whether
this was true – and he learned that almost everything we have been told about depression and
anxiety is wrong.

137 | P a g e
Across the world, Hari found social scientists who were uncovering evidence that depression and
anxiety are not caused by a chemical imbalance in our brains. In fact, they are largely caused by key
problems with the way we live today. Hari´s journey took him from a mind-blowing series of
experiments in Baltimore, to an Amish community in Indiana, to an uprising in Berlin. Once he had
uncovered nine real causes of depression and anxiety, they led him to scientists who are discovering
seven very different solutions – ones that work.

It is an epic journey that will change how we think about one of the biggest crises in our culture
today. His TED talk – 'Everything You Think You Know About Addiction Is Wrong' – has been viewed
more than 8 million times and revolutionized the global debate. This book will do the same.


If Your Boss Could Do Your Job, You’re More Likely to Be Happy at Work

“People don’t quit bad jobs, they quit bad bosses,” according to an old saw.


Was Your Seafood Caught With Slave Labor? New Database Helps Retailers Combat Abuse


‘I went off the rails’: how Benjamin Zephaniah went from borstal to poet

Rastafarian wordsmith tells of abuse and life of crime as a child in new autobiography


Universities Should Encourage Scientists to Speak Out about Public Issues

138 | P a g e
When universities discourage scientists from speaking out, society suffers


The Sessions, Birmingham

Sunday 18th February

A day of free industry sessions hosted by BBC Asian Network DJs and special guests

Location: All workshops on Sunday February 18th will take place at Midlands Arts Centre, Cannon
Hill Park, Queen’s Ride, Birmingham B12 9QH

The tickets for all of these events are first come first served and are free. If you would like to attend
click on a session link and register for tickets. All sessions are open to those who are aged 16 and

Purchasing of tickets is subject to Skiddle’s T&C’s and privacy policy. The BBC is not responsible for
content on external sites.

Please read our terms and conditions before booking.


Grammarly's Mobile Keyboard is the personal editor you can take with you wherever you go. With
hundreds of checks and features and seamless integration, Grammarly helps you type with ease in
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The Grammarly Keyboard helps you write mistake-free and with ease in any app you use on your
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Whether you're sending an urgent email, important LinkedIn message, or essential Facebook post,
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139 | P a g e

Give your team a voice, get reliable reports

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Created by psychological scientists and memory experts, Spot helps people recall details of what
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Get a secure place for employees to record incidents, easy verification and management of reports,
and trend-tracking across reports.


Amazfit promises 45 days of battery life from its $99 smartwatch

Plenty of companies have tried to replicate the success of the Apple Watch, but so far most have
fallen well short. But a new option from Amazfit looks to compete with Apple’s popular timepiece in
two areas where it is most vulnerable: Price and battery life.

Amazon UK

TomTop Shopping


Enlightenment Now: The Case for Reason, Science, Humanism, and Progress Kindle Edition

by Steven Pinker (Author)

'My new favourite book of all time' Bill Gates

Is modernity really failing? Or have we failed to appreciate progress and the ideals that make it

140 | P a g e
If you follow the headlines, the world in the 21st century appears to be sinking intochaos, hatred,
and irrationality. Yet Steven Pinker shows that this is an illusion - a symptom of historical amnesia
and statistical fallacies. If you follow the trendlines rather than the headlines, you discover that our
lives have become longer, healthier, safer, happier, morepeaceful, more stimulating and more
prosperous - not just in the West, but worldwide. Such progress is no accident: it's the gift of a
coherent and inspiring value system that many of us embrace without even realizing it. These are
the values of the Enlightenment: of reason, science, humanism and progress.

The challenges we face today are formidable, including inequality, climate change, Artificial
Intelligence and nuclear weapons. Butthe way to deal with them is not to sink into despair or try to
lurch back to a mythical idyllic past; it's to treat them as problems we can solve, as we have solved
otherproblems in the past. In making the case for an Enlightenment newly recharged for the 21st
century, Pinker shows how we can use our faculties of reason and sympathy to solve the problems
that inevitablycome with being products of evolution in an indifferent universe. We will never have a
perfect world, but - defying the chorus of fatalism and reaction - we can continue to make it a better


The 1 Thing That Mark Twain Said That Stops Prejudice Dead in Its Tracks

Challenging your worldview takes courage.


There's plastic in our drinking water and food.

Approximately 83% of drinking water tested throughout the World contains plastic particles and it is
estimated that by 2050 there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish. We're crowd funding to
change that, can you help? Scroll down...

What’s the idea?

Operating as a non-profit, We want to collect mixed, contaminated plastic waste usually sent to
landfill – or worse the ocean – and recycle it into a usable material. Through multiple trials we’ve
managed to create a very durable, hard material that can be used for a variety of purposes but we
need your help turning our research into reality.

Why? Because nobody wants to consume plastic in their diet and if we don’t do something now we’ll
end up in an irreversible, unimaginable situation.

141 | P a g e


The Evolution of Attraction, the Magnetic Force That Created the World and Other New Science

Book recommendations from the editors of Scientific American

By Andrea Gawrylewski | Scientific American February 2018 Issue


People with depression use language differently – here’s how to spot it


In brief: Swell, The Hoarder, Daphne – reviews

Jenny Landreth’s swimming memoir plunges into issues of equality, Jess Kidd delves into a world of
hidden secrets, and Will Boast gives Greek myth a 21st-century twist

Swell: A Waterbiography

Jenny Landreth

Bloomsbury, £9.99 (paperback)

Sign up for the Bookmarks email

Read more

Swimming, believes Jenny Landreth, “can be a barometer for women’s equality”. Here she tells the
fascinating story of the inspirational “swimming suffragettes” who went the extra mile, splashing
and smashing through convention. Last week marked the centenary of some women gaining the
right to vote, and Swell shows how other rights were denied, too – it wasn’t until the 1930s that
women had equal access to swimming pools. Social history is interspersed with memoir of the
author’s life in water, from being unable to swim (“the gush of panic at being out of my depth”), to
adventures in night swimming. It’s a pleasure to be immersed in this educative, entertaining
“waterbiography”, capturing how the author found a profound feeling of freedom.

142 | P a g e


China's Surveillance State Should Scare Everyone

The country is perfecting a vast network of digital espionage as a means of social control—with
implications for democracies worldwide.


Steven Pinker: ‘The way to deal with pollution is not to rail against consumption’

The feather-ruffling Harvard psychologist’s new book, a defence of Enlightenment values, may be his
most controversial yet

Say the word “enlightenment” and it tends to conjure images of a certain kind of new-age spiritual
“self-improvement”: meditation, candles, chakra lines. Add the definite article and a capital letter
and the Enlightenment becomes something quite different: dead white men in wigs.


China’s massive investment in artificial intelligence has an insidious downside


What Are We Doing Here? by Marilynne Robinson review – hope, as distinct from optimism

Essays with a religious sensibility from the author of Gilead and Housekeeping argue that modern
culture tends to devalue humankind

143 | P a g e

Five SFF Books Set in the City of Light


Boying Up: How to Be Brave, Bold and Brilliant Kindle Edition

by Mayim Bialik (Author)

Mayim Bialik, star of The Big Bang Theory and author of the #1 bestseller Girling Up, puts her Ph.D.
to work to talk to teen boys about the science and pressures of growing up male in today's world. A
must-have book for all teenage boys!

Why does my voice crack like that? What should I eat to build muscle? How do I talk to someone I
have a crush on? What do I do if someone calls me names or bullies me?

Growing from a boy to a man is no easy task. Bodies are changing, social circles are evolving, hair is
appearing in places it never was before -- and on top of it all, there's the ever-present pressure to
conform to the typical idea of what it means to be "manly" and masculine. But it's easier to do if
you're armed with facts.

Using personal anecdotes as an overly observant mother of two boys and plenty of scientific
information from her life as a neuroscientist, Mayim Bialik, PhD, star of The Big Bang Theory, talks
directly to teen boys about what it means to grow from a boy to a man biologically, psychologically,
and sociologically. Using the same cool, fun, and friendly tone that she took in Girling Up, Mayim
takes boys--and their parents!--through the challenges and triumphs of Boying Up today.

In six sections (How Boys Bodies Work; How Boys Grow; How Boys Learn; How Boys Cope; How Boys
Love; and How Boys Make a Difference), she takes a look at what it means for boys to come of age in
today's world, how can they take control of their paths, and what can they do to help shape the
types of futures they want for themselves.


Hiljainen Hetki: Runo- ja valokuvateos vuodenaikoihin (Finnish Edition) Kindle Edition

by Maria Lehtman (Editor)

The Dew Drops, published by the Nordic artist Maria Lehtman, is a poetic and photographic journey
to the nature and the beauty of four seasons. Someone once said that each picture has a 1000
stories to tell. In her work Lehtman wanted to share some of the stories inspired by the scenes of

144 | P a g e
nature. The book covers over 60 original poems written by Lehtman during her photography
journeys. Book includes poems in Finnish and in English. This edition offers a unique experience of
the Nordic flora & fauna.

In Finnish: Hiljainen hetki on Maria Lehtmanin esikoisteos; runo- ja valokuvamatka vuodenaikojen

maailmaan. Jokaisella kuvalla on 1000 tarinaa, tässä teoksessaan Lehtman on halunnut tuoda ainakin
osan näistä tarinoista ilahduttamaan lukijoitaan. Kirja sisältää yli 60 Lehtmanin runoa, joiden
sanomaa tukevat tunnelmalliset kuvat eri vuodenajoista. Osa runoista on Englanninkielisiä.

Kirja on uniikki sukellus pohjoismaalaisen kirjailijan näkemykseen luonnosta.


Elly Konijn

prof. dr.

Faculty of Social Sciences, Communication Science

Network Institute

Communication Choices, Content and Consequences (CCCC)

Personal Information

Elly A. Konijn (Ph.D. 1994) is a full professor in Media Psychology at the Department of
Communication Science and a Fenna Diemer-Lindeboom endowed chair at Vrije Universiteit
Amsterdam. She is the initiator and chair of the research program Media Psychology Amsterdam at
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.


The Boys Are Not All Right

I used to have this one-liner: “If you want to emasculate a guy friend, when you’re at a restaurant,
ask him everything that he’s going to order, and then when the waitress comes … order for him.” It’s
funny because it shouldn’t be that easy to rob a man of his masculinity — but it is.

Last week, 17 people, most of them teenagers, were shot dead at a Florida school. Marjory
Stoneman Douglas High School now joins the ranks of Sandy Hook, Virginia Tech, Columbine and too

145 | P a g e
many other sites of American carnage. What do these shootings have in common? Guns, yes. But
also, boys. Girls aren’t pulling the triggers. It’s boys. It’s almost always boys.

America’s boys are broken. And it’s killing us.

The brokenness of the country’s boys stands in contrast to its girls, who still face an abundance of
obstacles but go into the world increasingly well equipped to take them on.


Neurobiological Mechanisms of Responding to Injustice


How life online influences young people

Young people spend a lot of their time online. Even so, we still know very little about how this
intensive use of social media influences their development. Brain researcher and Spinoza Prize
winner Eveline Crone from Leiden University and media psychologist Elly Konijn (VU) describes what
the research has already generated in terms of usable information and what kinds of urgent
questions have to be answered. The study is published in Nature Communications.

Read more at:


Soil pathogen testing - critical to farming, but painstakingly slow and expensive - will soon be done
accurately, quickly, inexpensively and onsite, thanks to research that Washington State University
scientists plant pathologists are sharing.

As the name implies, these tests detect disease-causing pathogens in the soil that can severely
devastate crops.

Until now, the tests have required large, expensive equipment or lab tests that take weeks.

The soil pathogen analysis process is based on polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests that are very
specific and sensitive and only possible in a laboratory.

The new methods, designed by WSU plant pathologists, are not only portable and fast, but utilize
testing materials easily available to the public. A paper by the researchers lists all the equipment and

146 | P a g e
materials required to construct the device, plus instructions on how to put it all together and
conduct soil tests

Read more at:


Zadie Smith Ruminates On Brexit, Bieber And Much, Much More In 'Feel Free'

Zadie Smith is justly celebrated for her chameleon-like gifts as a writer. In novels like White Teeth
and On Beauty she's ventured deeply into the lives of a multi-racial assortment of immigrants to
Great Britain and the United States. Her characters run the gamut from aspirational working-class
kids, self-important academics, pensioners, young dancers and, to date, one Chinese-Jewish
Londoner with a fixation on Golden Age Hollywood.


My six years covering neo-Nazis: 'They're all vying for the affections of Russia'

Vegas Tenold, author of Everything You Love Will Burn: Inside the Rebirth of White Nationalism in
America, tells of his reporting on the far right

America’s dark underbelly: I watched the rise of white nationalism

The Norwegian journalist Vegas Tenold started reporting on neo-Nazi and KKK rallies in 2011, six
years before the violent clashes in Charlottesville, Virginia, that made the resurgence of white
supremacist groups into an international news story.

Tenold’s new book, Everything You Love Will Burn: Inside the Rebirth of White Nationalism in
America, excerpted here, chronicles the experience of those six years.



Palantir deployed a predictive policing system in New Orleans that even city council members don’t
know about

147 | P a g e


Unfair Employee Treatment Cost Companies $16 Billion


Psychopathic traits linked to altered brain activity when judging oneself

New research provides evidence that a specific cluster of psychopathic traits is linked to reduced
activity in the brain when judging oneself.


Open-source data governance builds trust for accountability, security

The challenge of managing data access, accountability and security, collectively known as data
governance, is bringing companies together to create a standardized, holistic solution. Hortonworks
Inc., an enterprise data management software company, is seeking to unify the data management
experience across multiple industries by leveraging open-source technology to create a common
trusted framework.


Sweden is so good at recycling that, for several years, it has imported rubbish from other countries
to keep its recycling plants going. Less than 1 per cent of Swedish household waste was sent to
landfill last year or any year since 2011.

We can only dream of such an effective system in the UK, which is why we end up paying expensive
transport costs to send rubbish to be recycled overseas rather than paying fines to send it to landfill
under The Landfill Tax of 1996.

148 | P a g e
The UK has made strides in the proportion of waste recycled under an EU target of 50 per cent by
2020. This has underpinned hundreds of millions of pounds of investment into recycling facilities and
energy recovery plants in the UK, creating many jobs. We’re not quite at that target yet. Recycling in
the UK peaked at around 45 per cent of all waste in 2014.


Everyone Is Going Through Something

On November 5th, right after halftime against the Hawks, I had a panic attack.

It came out of nowhere. I’d never had one before. I didn’t even know if they were real. But it was
real — as real as a broken hand or a sprained ankle. Since that day, almost everything about the way
I think about my mental health has changed.


Walt Whitman on Donald Trump, How Literature Bolsters Democracy, and Why a Robust Society Is a
Feminist Society

“America, if eligible at all to downfall and ruin, is eligible within herself, not without… Always inform
yourself; always do the best you can; always vote.”


Is your stress changing my brain?

In a new study in Nature Neuroscience, Jaideep Bains, PhD, and his team at the Cumming School of
Medicine’s Hotchkiss Brain Institute (HBI), at the University of Calgary have discovered that stress
transmitted from others can change the brain in the same way as a real stress does. The study, in
mice, also shows that the effects of stress on the brain are reversed in female mice following a social
interaction. This was not true for male mice.


149 | P a g e
A simple site that lists the best business books of the last 10 years. The idea for this site came after
reading a post on Quora that listed the best business books. I wanted to be able to see a visual
representation of that list





The Man Who Knew Too Little

The most ignorant man in America knows that Donald Trump is president — but that’s about it.
Living a liberal fantasy is complicated.

Erik Hagerman heads out for his morning ritual, a 30-minute drive into town for coffee and a scone
at his favorite coffee shop in Athens, Ohio.CreditDamon Winter/The New York Times



Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o: 'Resistance is the best way of keeping alive'

By Kyla Marshell

The Kenyan author was jailed without trial for a year in 1978 and as his prison memoir is reissued, he
discusses the need to resist injustice


150 | P a g e
Radical Western Terrorism


Wit the S&P 500 Allocation Program

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Long-term investors can get shaken out of their positions by volatility in the market and media hype.
Together, such chaos can make it sound as though the sky is falling.

The SP500 Allocation Program is meant to provide quantitative, comprehensive picture of the
market and economy. Knowing how any single day market event fits into a larger timeline can help
investors stay the course or decide if adjustments are needed. Decisions will be better informed
rather than based on fear and misinformation.



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Study Says Different Parts of Our Brain Handle Immediate and Distant Threats


Meet The Activist Who Uncovered The Russian Troll Factory Named In The Mueller Probe

151 | P a g e


Elif Şafak

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Elif Şafak[1] (Turkish: [eˈlif ʃaˈfak]; born 25 October 1971) is a Turkish author, columnist and speaker.
She has been called Turkey's most popular female novelist.[2]

Şafak has published 15 books, 10 of which are novels. She writes fiction in both Turkish and English.
Şafak blends Western and Eastern traditions of storytelling in stories of women, minorities,
immigrants, subcultures, and youth. Her writing draws on diverse cultures and literary traditions,
reflecting interests in history, philosophy, Sufism, oral culture, and cultural politics. Şafak also uses
black humour.[3] She was awarded the title of Chevalier de l'Ordre des Arts et des Lettres in 2010.[4]
In October 2017 it was announced that Şafak will be the 2017 contributor to the Future Library
Project[5]; a collection of 100 literary works commissioned yearly from 2014 to 2114 and kept
unread until 2114 when they will be printed as a limited edition anthology.


War is a Racket Kindle Edition

by Smedley Butler (Author), Simon Fretwell (Editor)

In War Is A Racket, Butler points to a variety of examples, mostly from World War I, where
industrialists whose operations were subsidised by public funding were able to generate substantial
profits essentially from mass human suffering.

The work is divided into five chapters:

1. War is a racket

2. Who makes the profits?

3. Who pays the bills?

4. How to smash this racket!

5. To hell with war!

It contains this key summary:

152 | P a g e
"War is a racket. It always has been. It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the
most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are
reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives. A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is
not what it seems to the majority of the people. Only a small 'inside' group knows what it is about. It
is conducted for the benefit of the very few, at the expense of the very many. Out of war a few
people make huge fortunes."

In another often cited quote from the book Butler says:

"I spent 33 years and four months in active military service and during that period I spent most of my
time as a high class muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street and the bankers. In short, I was a
racketeer, a gangster for capitalism. I helped make Mexico and especially Tampico safe for American
oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to
collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefit
of Wall Street. I helped purify Nicaragua for the International Banking House of Brown Brothers in
1902-1912. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for the American sugar interests in 1916. I
helped make Honduras right for the American fruit companies in 1903. In China in 1927 I helped see
to it that Standard Oil went on its way unmolested. Looking back on it, I might have given Al Capone
a few hints. The best he could do was to operate his racket in three districts. I operated on three

The book is also interesting historically as Butler points out in 1935 that the US is engaging in military
war games in the Pacific that are bound to provoke the Japanese.

"The Japanese, a proud people, of course will be pleased beyond expression to see the United States
fleet so close to Nippon's shores. Even as pleased as would be the residents of California were they
to dimly discern through the morning mist, the Japanese fleet playing at war games off Los Angeles."

Butler explains that the excuse for the buildup of the US fleet and the war games is fear that "the
great fleet of this supposed enemy will strike suddenly and annihilate 125,000,000 people."

In his 1987 biography of Butler, Maverick Marine, Hans Schmidt gave a brief review:

"Butler's particular contribution was his recantation, denouncing war on moral grounds after having
been a warrior hero and spending most of his life as a military insider. The theme remained
vigorously patriotic and nationalistic, decrying imperialism as a disgrace rooted in the greed of a
privileged few."

Content From Wikipedia


Howl, Kaddish and Other Poems (Penguin Modern Classics) Kindle Edition

by Allen Ginsberg (Author)

153 | P a g e
Allen Ginsberg was the bard of the beat generation, and Howl, Kaddish and Other Poems is a
collection of his finest work published in Penguin Modern Classics, including 'Howl', whose
vindication at an obscenity trial was a watershed moment in twentieth-century history.

'I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving hysterical naked'

Beat movement icon and visionary poet, Allen Ginsberg broke boundaries with his fearless,
pyrotechnic verse. This new collection brings together the famous poems that made his name as a
defining figure of the counterculture. They include the apocalyptic 'Howl', which became the subject
of an obscenity trial when it was first published in 1956; the moving lament for his dead mother,
'Kaddish'; the searing indictment of his homeland, 'America'; and the confessional 'Mescaline'. Dark,
ecstatic and rhapsodic, they show why Ginsberg was one of the most influential poets of the
twentieth century.

Allen Ginsberg (1926-97) was an American poet, best known for the poem 'Howl' (1956), celebrating
his friends of the Beat Generation and attacking what he saw as the destructive forces of
materialism and conformity in the United States at the time. He was inducted into the American
Academy of Arts and Letters, was awarded the medal of Chevalier de l'Ordre des Arts et des Lettres
by the French Minister of Culture, won the National Book Award for The Fall of America and was a
co-founder of the Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics at the Naropa Institute, the first
accredited Buddhist college in the Western world.

If you enjoyed Howl, Kaddish and Other Poems, you might like Jack Kerouac's On the Road, also
available in Penguin Modern Classics.

'The poem that defined a generation'

Guardian on 'Howl'

'He avoids nothing but experiences it to the hilt'

William Carlos Williams


The Classic Tradition of Haiku: An Anthology (Dover Thrift Editions) Kindle Edition

by Faubion Bowers (Author, Editor)

A highly distilled form of Japanese poetry, haiku consists of seventeen syllables, usually divided
among three lines. Though brief, they tell a story or paint a vivid picture, leaving it to the reader to
draw out the meanings and complete them in the mind's eye. Haiku often contains a hidden dualism
(near and far, then and now, etc.) and has a seasonal tie-in, as well as specific word-images that
reveal deeper layers in each poem.

This unique collection spans over 400 years (1488–1902) of haiku history by the greatest masters:
Bashō, Issa, Shiki, and many more, in translations by top-flight scholars in the field. Haiku commands
enormous respect in Japan. Now readers of poetry in the West can savor these expressive

154 | P a g e
masterpieces in this treasury compiled by noted writer Faubion Bowers, who provides a Foreword
and many informative notes to the poems.


How Social Media Can Reveal Overlooked Drug Reactions



People on antidepressants also tend to have trouble identifying their feelings

People on antidepressant medication tend to also report experiencing diminished emotional

awareness, a condition known as alexithymia, according to a preliminary study published in the
journal Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology.


The self-flying camera has arrived.

Skydio R1 knows what to film and moves itself with the freedom of flight to get the best shot, letting
you capture otherwise impossible videos.


155 | P a g e
The Manual is the definitive guide to Enhanced Concentration, Super Memory, Speed Reading,
Optimal Note-Taking, Rapid Mental Arithmetic, and the Ultimate Study Method (USM).

The techniques presented are the culmination of decades of practical experience combined with the
latest scientific research and time-tested practices.


Tactical Tech works with advocates & activists to use information & digital technologies to maximise
the impact of their advocacy work.


The Lockdown: the End of Policing

Sam Swann and guest host Connor Woodman discuss the book, The End Of Policing with its author
Alex S. Vitale. They discuss the ways that the police exacerbate social problems and what the
alternatives might be.


Brainy and Benighted, Lost in the Books of Bolaño and Borges


By Azareen Van der Vliet Oloomi

292 pp. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. $24.

There’s a first-person poem by Baudelaire, not particularly well known, though it’s one of his
“Flowers of Evil,” called “L’Héautontimouroménos” (“The Self-Tormenter”) in which he describes the
all-consuming masochistic act of writing. Ink, he declares, fills the writer’s veins: “It’s all my blood,
this black poison! / I am the sinister mirror / Where the Fury sees herself.”


156 | P a g e
Les fleurs du mal: a new translation by Eric Gans Kindle Edition

by Charles Baudelaire (Author), Eric Gans (Translator)

For sheer reading pleasure and fidelity to its source, this entirely new translation of Baudelaire’s
magnum opus is matchless. With admirable disregard for the fashionable cliché according to which
poetry is fundamentally “untranslatable,” Eric Gans works from the startling premise that the
greatest French poet of the nineteenth century can indeed be rendered in English without significant
loss of meaning or effect. His daring approach involves sticking as closely as possible to the French
original, combining the translator’s modesty with a remarkable poetic talent, in order to showcase
not his own ingenuity but Baudelaire’s distinctive vision. Poetry lovers and students of French
literature alike will applaud the result.

Trevor Merrill, Lecturer in French, California Institute of Technology



Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-tung: The Little Red Book Kindle Edition

by Mao Zedong (Author)

Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-Tung (Mao Zedong) is a book of selected statements from
speeches and writings by Mao, the former Chairman of the Communist Party of China, published
from 1964 to about 1976 and widely distributed during the Cultural Revolution.

The most popular versions were printed in small sizes that could be easily carried and were bound in
bright red covers, becoming commonly known in the West as the Little Red Book.

Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-Tung was originally compiled by an office of the PLA Daily
(People's Liberation Army Daily) as an inspirational political and military document. The initial
publication covered 23 topics with 200 selected quotations by the Chairman of the Chinese
Communist Party, and was entitled 200 Quotations from Chairman Mao. It was first given to
delegates of a conference on 5 January 1964 who were asked to comment on it. In response to the
views of the deputies and compilers of the book, the work was expanded to address 25 topics with
267 quotations, and the title was changed simply to Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-Tung.

The first draw of which approximately 50 to 60 000 copies were printed, was not for sale but was to
provide guidance to members of the People's Liberation Army. In 1967 the book had already been
translated into more than 36 languages and over 720 million copies had been printed. The Little Red
Book is illustrated by Hou Bo photographs while it is trapped in a laogai (re-education camps).

157 | P a g e

Lin Bio's epigrah

Hou Bo's photographs

Biographical note


Red Clocks by Leni Zumas review – if abortion were outlawed in the US …

Unforgettable characters drive this electrifying vision of a dystopian US, inspired by Margaret

In Leni Zumas’s intense, beautifully crafted novel, abortion has been outlawed across the US. Further
draconian policies follow: laws against the disposal of fertilised embryos and the Every Child Needs
Two act, which forbids adoption by single parents. These are intended to imprison women in
outgrown roles, but they are hardly impossible to imagine in the America of 2018. The new laws
affect the four women who narrate Red Clocks in different ways, but all of them feel the pinch.


The Most Realistic Surrealism I’ve Ever Read: The Complete Stories of Leonora Carrington

Leonora Carrington was a surrealist painter and writer. She lived from 1917 to 2011, making her the
last living surrealist. Here’s a thing, though: I’m not so sure she was a surrealist?

Like previous TBR Stack author Anna Kavan, Leonora Carrington went mad for a while, did a stint in
an asylum, and wrote about it later. How many creative women have gone mad? And is it madness
when you fall into despair at the state of your world? In Carrington’s case because her lover, Max
Ernst, 26 years her senior, ditched her and fled into the American arms of Peggy Guggenheim when
the Nazis invaded France.


Dobot Rigiet

158 | P a g e
The most advanced 3-axis gimbal for iPhone X and action cameras!

DOBOT RiGIET, the most advanced 3-axis gimbal for smartphones and action cameras, which can
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The easy-to-use control panel makes your operation so convenient and easy to change front/rear
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SUPPORTS AN EXTENSIVE RANGE OF SMARTPHONES: iPhone 6/6s/6s Plus/7/7 Plus 8/8 Plus, iPhone
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'You are what you read' book on constructive journalism surpasses its crowdfunding target

The book, by Jodie Jackson, will make the case for solutions reporting and explain the impact this
type of stories have on the way the public relates to journalism

The print run of 'You Are What You Read: Why changing your media diet can change the world', a
book about solutions journalism by Jodie Jackson, partner and researcher at the Constructive
Journalism Project, has been entirely crowdfunded in 16 days, way before the campaign's deadline
on 20 April.

Why changing your media diet can change the world

Do you ever get that feeling of overwhelming hopelessness, the moment you switch off the evening
news? Do you get sucked into a state of sadness about the world we live in, without any hope for its
future? Does it make you want to ignore the headlines, but leave you guilty for not engaging at the
same time? But is there, deep down, a nagging feeling that there must be another side of the story
too – one that doesn’t get reported? Then bear with me, because there is good news.




159 | P a g e

We train and connect journalists to cover what’s missing in today’s news: how people are
responding to problems.

We’re working to bring solutions journalism to every newsroom worldwide.



Visit The Hub, where we provide training for all types of journalism practitioners.


An innovative media self-regulatory initiative designed to combat disinformation online – called the
Journalism Trust Initiative (JTI) – was launched today by Reporters Without Borders (RSF), and its
partners Agence France Presse (AFP), the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) and the Global Editors
Network (GEN).



Idyll extends the ubiquitous Markdown format to enable the creation of dynamic, interactive
narratives for the web. The language and toolchain aim to empower journalists, researchers, and
technical experts to create compelling content using familiar tools and processes. Idyll can create
explorable explanations and dynamic technical reports.


How Being Transparent Helps Scale Your Company

A culture of trust is the bedrock for success. It starts living your core values every day.

160 | P a g e

Why Small Teams Win

Scaling meaning before scaling teams


A Virginia judge handed down an unusual sentence last year after five teenagers defaced a historic
black schoolhouse with swastikas and the words “white power” and “black power.”

Instead of spending time in community service, Judge Avelina Jacob decided, the youths should read
a book.

But not just any book. They had to choose from a list of ones covering some of history’s most divisive
and tragic periods.

The horrors of the Holocaust awaited them in “Night,” by Elie Wiesel. The racism of the Jim Crow
South was there in Maya Angelou’s “I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings.” The brutal hysteria of
persecution could be explored in “The Crucible” by Arthur Miller.


Humans Used to Sleep in Two Shifts, And Maybe We Should Do It Again

Around a third of the population have trouble sleeping, including difficulties maintaining sleep
throughout the night.

While nighttime awakenings are distressing for most sufferers, there is some evidence from our
recent past that suggests this period of wakefulness occurring between two separate sleep periods
was the norm.


Humans Used to Sleep in Two Shifts, And Maybe We Should Do It Again

161 | P a g e
Around a third of the population have trouble sleeping, including difficulties maintaining sleep
throughout the night.

While nighttime awakenings are distressing for most sufferers, there is some evidence from our
recent past that suggests this period of wakefulness occurring between two separate sleep periods
was the norm.


If you're a runner who's serious about comfort, you should know about this super cushioned pair
that marathoners swear by

HOKA ONE ONE shoes have become synonymous for many long-distance runners with premium
cushioning, and they can be easily identified by their unusual style.

HOKA uses high-tech foam and inventions like a Meta-Rocker design, Active Foot Frame, J-Frame,
and a dual-density midsole to make a shoe that provides maximum comfort with minimal weight.

The HOKA ONE ONE Bondi 5 (which I tried) delivered on all the company's big claims; the sneakers
had impressive bounce, comfort, stability, and still felt lightweight.


Former Navy SEAL commanders who have been training business leaders for years realized too many
people make the same mistake

Jocko Willink and Leif Babin are former Navy SEAL commanders who are publishing the sequel to
their 2015 bestseller "Extreme Ownership" in September. It's called "The Dichotomy of Leadership."

Willink and Babin have a leadership consulting company called Echelon Front, and Willink has a
popular podcast.

After "Extreme Ownership," they realized some people interpreted their advice to mean a good
leader is aggressive and unforgiving — but neglected to balance that with a more measured


Durham entrepreneur invents 'game-changing' accessory for cyclists

162 | P a g e
A Durham inventor has designed a ‘revolutionary’ cycling accessory to shield wind noise and keep
cyclists safer on the move.


The Secret Footballer: I want to 'out' myself - but fear I'll be sued

He is the former Premier League footballer behind four anonymous books which give behind the
scenes insight into the game.


The Agile Fluency Model

A Brief Guide to Success with Agile

Agile methods are solidly in the mainstream, but that popularity hasn't been without its problems.
Organizational leaders are complaining that they’re not getting the benefits they expected. This
article presents a fluency model that will help you get the most out of agile ideas. Fluency evolves
through four distinct zones, each with its own benefits, required proficiencies, and key metrics.


Michelle McNamara's 'True Crime Bestseller Gone In The Dark' Is Set To Become A Docuseries At


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163 | P a g e


Advice for staying safe when interviewing dangerous people

What does it take to talk to perpetrators of violence, and what do journalists need to consider in
order to stay out of danger?


The Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP) is an investigative reporting
platform formed by 40 non-profit investigative centers, scores of journalists and several major
regional news organizations around the globe. Our network is spread across Europe, Africa, Asia and
Latin America. We teamed up in 2006 to do transnational investigative reporting and promote
technology-based approaches to exposing organized crime and corruption worldwide.


In his new book, James Comey calls for ‘ethical leadership.’ But does he live up to it?

Review of 'A Higher Loyalty: Truth, Lies, and Leadership" by James B. Comey

A HIGHER LOYALTY: Truth, Lies, and Leadership

By James Comey

Flatiron Books. 304 pp. $29.99


Vote Leave broke spending limits on industrial scale, says former staffer

Mark Gettleson is third whistleblower to come forward to make claim over EU referendum spending

164 | P a g e


How NowThis coordinated social media and field reporting to safely cover a week-long protest

'We learned that you can't cover a protest by yourself – WhatsApp became a lifeline for us'


Distant Witness

by Andy Carvin

The series of Arab uprisings collectively known as the Arab Spring is a flashpoint in history ¬ perhaps
the biggest we¹ve seen since the collapse of the Soviet bloc 20 years ago. It¹s also been a stunning
revolution in the way breaking news is reported around the world — and who controls the news.



The CUNY Journalism Press is the academic publishing imprint of the CUNY Graduate School of
Journalism. Part of the City University of New York, the CUNY Journalism Press publishes both
traditional print books and e-books about journalists and journalism. We welcome inquiries about
our books and our authors, and we welcome proposals for future books from prospective authors.


EverCam is designed from the ground up to offer wireless freedom. We eliminated power cables,
wall outlets, and the need to drill holes, giving you freedom to install EverCam practically anywhere.
We partnered up with Anker (the leader in charging technology) and developed battery technology
that runs for 365 days (or 3 years in Standby Mode).

165 | P a g e
EverCam: The Wirefree Security Cam with 365-Day Battery Life

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Can it Happen Here? review: urgent studies in rise of authoritarian America

Cass Sunstein’s collection of essays shows Republican-led decay of US democracy predates Trump –
and may be irreversible after him

The 17 thinkers who have contributed to this new collection of essays come down firmly on all sides
of its central question: is the United States destined to become an authoritarian state? Multiple
points of view are expressed by the book’s editor, Cass Sunstein, alone.


Wilderness Essays Hardcover – 10 Jul 2015

by John Muir (Author)

This series celebrates the tradition of literary naturalists writers who embrace the natural world as
the setting for some of our most euphoric and serious experiences. These books map the intimate
connections between the human and the natural world. Literary naturalists transcend political
boundaries, social concerns, and historical milieus; they speak for what Henry Beston called the
other nations of the planet. Their message acquires more weight and urgency as wild places become
increasingly scarce.


166 | P a g e

The internet is enabling a community of men who want to kill women. They need to be stopped

The man who killed 10 people in Toronto this week said “the Incel Rebellion has begun!”


Get a Security Risk Score for your IP or Domain

Have you ever thought about what you could be exposing to the internet and how vulnerable that
makes you? Using the data gathered by our platform we can provide you with a quick summary of
your exposure level.


Loneliness can’t be ‘cured’. We must learn to find value in solitude

Frank Furedi

Instead of medicalising loneliness and calling it an epidemic, we need to find better ways of engaging
with ourselves


Imran Mahmood: 'Can the moral question overwhelm legal guilt?'

The barrister explains how he took the voice of his inner-city clients to create a novel that challenges
comfortable certainties

167 | P a g e

The Secret Barrister: Stories of the Law and How It's Broken Kindle Edition

by The Secret Barrister (Author)


'Eye-opening, damning and hilarious' Tim Shipman, author of All Out War and Fall Out

“I’m a barrister, a job which requires the skills of a social worker, relationship counsellor, arm-
twister, hostage negotiator, named driver, bus fare-provider, accountant, suicide watchman, coffee-
supplier, surrogate parent and, on one memorable occasion, whatever the official term is for
someone tasked with breaking the news to a prisoner that his girlfriend has been diagnosed with

Welcome to the world of the Secret Barrister. These are the stories of life inside the courtroom.
They are sometimes funny, often moving and ultimately life-changing.

How can you defend a child-abuser you suspect to be guilty? What do you say to someone
sentenced to ten years who you believe to be innocent? What is the law and why do we need it?

And why do they wear those stupid wigs?

From the criminals to the lawyers, the victims, witnesses and officers of the law, here is the best and
worst of humanity, all struggling within a broken system which would never be off the front pages if
the public knew what it was really like.

Both a searing first-hand account of the human cost of the criminal justice system, and a guide to
how we got into this mess, The Secret Barrister wants to show you what it’s really like and why it
really matters.


The Last Lecture: Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams - Lessons in Living Kindle Edition

by Randy Pausch (Author), Jeffrey Zaslow (Author)

A lot of professors give talks titled ‘The Last Lecture’. Professors are asked to consider their demise
and to ruminate on what matters most to them: What wisdom would we impart to the world if we
knew it was our last chance? If we had to vanish tomorrow, what would we want as our legacy?

When Randy Pausch, a computer science professor at Carnegie Mellon, was asked to give such a
lecture, he didn't have to imagine it as his last, since he had recently been diagnosed with terminal
cancer. But the lecture he gave, ‘Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams’ wasn’t about dying. It was
about the importance of overcoming obstacles, of enabling the dreams of others, of seizing every

168 | P a g e
moment (because time is all you have and you may find one day that you have less than you think).
It was a summation of everything Randy had come to believe. It was about living.

In this book, Randy Pausch has combined the humour, inspiration, and intelligence that made his
lecture such a phenomenon and given it an indelible form. It is a book that will be shared for
generations to come.


Michael Morpurgo: My family fought for peace, not for Brexit

The War Horse author remembers the uncles who inspired his latest book, In the Mouth of the Wolf,
and who taught him that peace must come before prosperity


Rachel Kushner's new novel, 'The Mars Room,' is devastating

To be quiet in a prison, an incarcerated student once told me, is to admit you're there. During the
classes I taught at a women's correctional facility in New York, students often wrote about their
desire to shout, how the sound of their voices carrying down a hall could feel like proof of still being

Rachel Kushner's devastating third novel "The Mars Room" opens with women shackled inside a bus,
shouting at each other as they travel at 2 a.m. from one prison to another. From the first scene it's
clear Kushner recognizes how charged conversations become when speaking is one of the few rights
people have left after being "yanked from life, arrested, numbered, ingested, and exposed."


How do we cut through the rigmarole of business to give customers the treatment they desire, and
employees the ability to deliver it? Customer experience expert Jeanne Bliss recommends making
business personal to get the traction you need by focusing on one deceptively simple question:
“Would you do that to your mother?”

169 | P a g e

Women in the Qur'an: An Emancipatory Reading Kindle Edition

by Asma Lamrabet (Author), Myriam Francois-Cerrah (Translator)

Today, the issue of Muslim women is held hostage between two perceptions: a conservative Islamic
approach and a liberal Western approach. At the heart of this debate Muslim women are seeking to
reclaim their right to speak in order to re-appropriate their own destinies, calling for the equality and
liberation that is at the heart of the Qur'an.

However, with few female commentators on the meaning of the Qur'an and an overreliance on the
readings of the Qur'an compiled centuries ago this message is often lost. In this book Asma
Lamrabet demands a rereading of the Qur'an by women that focuses on its spiritual and humanistic
messages in order to alter the lived reality on the ground.

By acknowledging the oppression of women, to different degrees, in social systems organized in the
name of religion and also rejecting a perspective that seeks to promote Western values as the only
means of liberating them, the author is able to define a new way. One in which their refusal to
remain silent is an act of devotion and their demand for reform will lead to liberation.

Asma Lamarbet is a pathologist in Avicenna Hospital, Rabat, Morocco. She is also an award-winning
author of many articles and books tackling Islam and women's issues.

Myriam Francois-Cerrah is a writer and broadcaster whose articles have been published in the
Guardian, Salon, and elsewhere.


Barracoon: The Story of the Last Slave edition Edition, Kindle Edition

by Zora Neale Hurston (Author), Alice Walker (Foreword)

A major literary event: a newly published work from the author of the American classic Their Eyes
Were Watching God, with a foreword from Pulitzer Prize-winning author Alice Walker, brilliantly
illuminates the horror and injustices of slavery as it tells the true story of one of the last-known
survivors of the Atlantic slave trade.

In 1927, Zora Neale Hurston went to Plateau, Alabama, just outside Mobile, to interview eighty-six-
year-old Cudjo Lewis, who was abducted from Africa on the last "Black Cargo" ship to arrive in the
United States. Of the millions of men, women, and children transported from Africa to America as
slaves, Cudjo was then the only person alive to tell the story of this integral part of the nation’s

170 | P a g e
history. Hurston was there to record Cudjo’s firsthand account of the raid that led to his capture and
bondage fifty years after the Atlantic slave trade was outlawed in the United States.

In 1931, Hurston returned to Plateau, the African-centric community three miles from Mobile
founded by Cudjo and other former slaves from his ship. Spending more than three months there,
she talked in depth with Cudjo about the details of his life. During those weeks, the young writer and
the elderly formerly enslaved man ate peaches and watermelon that grew in the backyard and
talked about Cudjo’s past—memories from his childhood in Africa, the horrors of being captured and
held in a barracoon for selection by American slavers, the harrowing experience of the Middle
Passage packed with more than 100 other souls aboard the Clotilda, and the years he spent in
slavery until the end of the Civil War.

Based on those interviews, featuring Cudjo’s unique vernacular, and written from Hurston’s
perspective with the compassion and singular style that have made her one of the preeminent
American authors of the twentieth-century, Barracoon masterfully illustrates the tragedy of slavery
and of one life forever defined by it. Offering insight into the pernicious legacy that continues to
haunt us all, black and white, this poignant and powerful work is an invaluable contribution to our
shared history and culture.


10 reasons why you should be burning Coffee Logs this winter


Friedrich Nietzsche on Why a Fulfilling Life Requires Embracing Rather than Running from Difficulty

A century and a half before our modern fetishism of failure, a seminal philosophical case for its


Meditation For Fidgety Skeptics: A 10% Happier How-To Book Kindle Edition

by Dan Harris (Author)

171 | P a g e
ABC News anchor Dan Harris used to think that meditation was for people who collect crystals, play
Ultimate Frisbee, and use the word "namaste" without irony. After he had a panic attack on live
television, he went on a strange and circuitous journey that ultimately led him to become one of
meditation's most vocal public proponents.

Here's what he's fixated on now: Science suggests that meditation can lower blood pressure,
mitigate depression and anxiety, and literally rewire key parts of the brain, among numerous other
benefits. And yet there are millions of people who want to meditate but aren't actually practising.
What's holding them back?

In this guide to mindfulness and meditation for beginners and experienced meditators alike, Harris
and his friend Jeff Warren, embark on a cross-country quest to tackle the myths, misconceptions,
and self-deceptions that stop people from meditating. They rent a rock-star tour bus and travel
across eighteen states, talking to scores of would-be meditators, including parents, police officers,
and even a few celebrities. They create a taxonomy of the most common issues ("I suck at this," "I
don't have the time," etc.) and offer up science-based life hacks to help people overcome them.

The book is filled with game-changing and deeply practical meditation instructions. Amid it all
unspools the strange and hilarious story of what happens when a congenitally sarcastic, type-A
journalist and a groovy Canadian mystic embark on an epic road trip into America's neurotic
underbelly, as well as their own.


The Balance Within: The Science Connecting Health and Emotions Kindle Edition

by Esther M., M.D. Sternberg (Author)

Since ancient times humans have felt intuitively that emotions and health are linked, and recently
there has been much popular speculation about this notion. But until now, without compelling
evidence, it has been impossible to say for sure that such a connection really exists and especially
how it works.

Now, that evidence has been discovered.

A thrilling scientific detective story, The Balance Within tells how researchers finally uncovered the
elusive mind-body connection and what it means for our health. In this beautifully written book, Dr.
Esther Sternberg, whose discoveries were pivotal in helping to solve this mystery, provides first hand
accounts of the breakthrough experiments that revealed the physical mechanisms - the nerves, cells,
and hormones - used by the brain and immune system to communicate with each other. She
describes just how stress can make us more susceptible to all types of illnesses, and how the
immune system can alter our moods. Finally, she explains how our understanding of these
connections in scientific terms is helping to answer such crucial questions as "Does stress make you
sick?" "Is a positive outlook the key to better health?" and "How do our personal relationships, work,
and other aspects of our lives affect our health?"

172 | P a g e
A fascinating, elegantly written portrait of this rapidly emerging field with enormous potential for
finding new ways to treat disease and cope with stress, The Balance Within is essential reading for
anyone interested in making their body and mind whole again.


'My lovely dad tried to kill me'

Robyn Hollingworth was just 25 when she left her job in London to help care for her dad who had
early-onset Alzheimer's. Here she reveals the challenges and heartbreak of parenting a parent. Mad Dad: The Diary of an Unravelling Mind

Hardcover – 19 Apr 2018

by Robyn Hollingworth (Author)

Inadvertent cross-dressing

Attempted murder

Jail break

A waltz at a funeral

A hernia the size of Guernsey

Heartbreaking and darkly comic, these are the moments that litter the messy road from cared-for to
carer, a journey that Robyn Hollingworth finds herself on when she's only twenty-five years old.

Leaving London to return home to rural South Wales, Robyn finds that it's her old life - same teddy
bears resting on her pillow, their bodies tucked under the duvet; same view of the garages behind
which she'd had her first cigarette and first kiss - but so much has changed.

Her dad, the proud, charmingly intelligent, self-made man who made people laugh, is in the grip of
early onset Alzheimer's. His brilliant mind, which saw him building power stations and literally
bringing light into the lives of others, has succumbed to darkness.

As Robyn settles back in the rhythms of life in the rain-soaked vast Welsh valleys, she keeps a diary
charting her journey as the dad she knew disappears before her eyes. Lyrical, poignant and with
flashes of brilliant humour, My Mad Dad explores how in helping others we can heal ourselves.

173 | P a g e
'At some point the cared for become the carers...this isn't a shame and it isn't a tragedy and it isn't a
chore. It is an honour. To be able to return the gift of love that someone bestows upon you is a gift
in itself. This is a story of caring...'

'This is a wonderful, brilliant book that also made me laugh. Robyn writes so honestly and normally. I
fell in love with her mum and "mad" dad.' VICTORIA DERBYSHIRE


The Newbies' Guide To Medicinal Cannabis Book Sneak Preview & Manifesto by The Dà Má
Collective 大 麻


Fahrenheit 451 (Flamingo Modern Classics) New Ed Edition, Kindle Edition

by Ray Bradbury (Author)

The hauntingly prophetic classic novel set in a not-too-distant future where books are burned by a
special task force of firemen.

Guy Montag is a fireman. His job is to burn books, which are forbidden, being the source of all
discord and unhappiness. Even so, Montag is unhappy; there is discord in his marriage. Are books
hidden in his house? The Mechanical Hound of the Fire Department, armed with a lethal
hypodermic, escorted by helicopters, is ready to track down those dissidents who defy society to
preserve and read books.

The Classic novel of a post-literate future, Fahrenheit 451 is part of the Voyager Classic series. It
stands alongside Orwell’s 1984 and Huxley’s Brave New World as a prophetic account of Western
civilization’s enslavement by the media, drugs and conformity.

Bradbury’s powerful and poetic prose combines with uncanny insight into the potential of
technology to creat a novel which, forty years on from first publication, still has the power to dazzle
and shock.


These are the 5 books Bill Gates recommends you read this summer

174 | P a g e
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video, and uploads it to YouTube automatically! Reach new audiences and get more listeners by
publishing to YouTube.


A New Study Links Antidepressants to Weight Gain


1963: A Slice of Bread and Jam Paperback – 26 Jan 2017

by Tommy Rhattigan (Author)

**THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER** Amid the derelict terraced houses of Manchester's Hulme, is
one boy's year of adventure, abuse, crippling poverty and an encounter with The Moors Murderers.
A raw and often funny snapshot of 7-year-old Tommy s brutal young life. He moves us through his
daily struggle with poverty and neglect in 1960s Manchester like it s the most natural thing in the
world. Tommy lives at the heart of a large Irish family in derelict Hulme, ruled by an abusive and
alcoholic father and a drunk, negligent mother. Alongside his siblings he begs or steals a few pennies
to bring home to his parents to avoid a beating, while looking for something to eat and a little
adventure along the way. With an unlikely sense of fun and a huge dose of good humour, Tommy
introduces us to his foul-mouthed and chaotic family members. Deeply flawed they may be, but
amongst the violence, grinding poverty and distinct lack of hygiene and morality lies a strong sense
of loyalty and, above all, survival. During this single year before his family implodes and his world
changes forever young Tommy almost falls foul of the school welfare officers, the nuns, the police
and Myra Hindley and Ian Brady.


175 | P a g e
Social media posts may signal whether a protest will become violent

The scientists developed a model for detecting moralized language based on a prior, deep learning
framework that can reliably identify text that reflects moral concerns about an issue


Hits and surprises as judges reveal the Man Booker’s shortlist of five golden decades

Mantel and Ondaatje are in but Rushdie’s out as judges name shortlist for public vote on best novel


Who betrayed Anne Frank? Book claims to shed new light on mystery

Son of Dutch resistance member says Nazis were alerted to family’s secret chamber by Jewish


Death in Ten Minutes: Kitty Marion: Activist. Arsonist. Suffragette. Kindle Edition

by Fern Riddell (Author)

'Fierce, fresh and feminist, Fern Riddell tells the story of Suffragette Kitty Marion in a way that fizzes
and shocks. Exciting, twisty and very very timely.' Lucy Worsley

'History with no dust.' Matt Haig

In Death in Ten Minutes Fern Riddell uncovers the story of radical suffragette Kitty Marion, told
through never before seen personal diaries in Kitty's own hand.

Kitty Marion was sent across the country by the Pankhurst family to carry out a nationwide
campaign of bombings and arson attacks, as women fought for the vote using any means necessary.
But in the aftermath of World War One, the dangerous and revolutionary actions of Kitty and other
militant suffragettes were quickly hushed up and disowned by the previously proud movement, and
the women who carried out these attacks were erased from our history. Now, for the first time, their
untold story will be brought back to life.

176 | P a g e
Telling a new history of the women's movement in the light of new and often shocking revelations,
this book will ask the question: Why has the life of this incredible woman, and the violence of the
suffragettes been forgotten? And, one hundred years later, why are women suddenly finding
themselves under threat again?



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All the books Bill Gates has recommended over the last eight years


The Border Keeper: Announcing Kerstin Hall’s Debut Novella

She lived where the railway tracks met the saltpan, on the Ahri side of the shadowline. In the old
days, when people still talked about her, she was known as the end-of-the-line woman.

When I came across these eerie, spare opening lines, I knew I owed it to myself to put everything
else aside and find out what came next, which turned out be a novella of unusual and unsettling

177 | P a g e



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The Spy Who Changed History: The Untold Story of How the Soviet Union Won the Race for
America’s Top Secrets Kindle Edition

by Svetlana Lokhova (Author)

On the trail of Soviet infiltrator Agent Blériot, Svetlana Lokhova takes the reader on a thrilling
journey through Stalin’s most audacious intelligence operation.

On a sunny September day in 1931, a Soviet spy walked down the gangplank of the luxury
transatlantic liner SS Europa and into New York. Attracting no attention, Stanislav Shumovsky had
completed his journey from Moscow to enrol at a top American university. He was concealed in a
group of 65 Soviet students heading to prestigious academic institutions. But he was after far more
than an excellent education.

Recognising Russia was 100 years behind the encircling capitalist powers, Soviet leader Joseph Stalin
had sent Shumovsky on a mission to acquire America’s vital secrets to help close the USSR’s yawning
technology gap. The road to victory began in the classrooms and laboratories of MIT – Shumovsky’s
destination soon became the unwitting finishing school for elite Russian spies. The USSR first
transformed itself into a military powerhouse able to confront and defeat Nazi Germany. Then in an

178 | P a g e
extraordinary feat that astonished the West, in 1947 American ingenuity and innovation exfiltrated
by Shumovsky made it possible to build and unveil the most advanced strategic bomber in the world.

Following his lead, other MIT-trained Soviet spies helped acquire the secrets of the Manhattan
Project. By 1949, Stalin’s fleet of TU-4s, now equipped with atomic bombs could devastate the US on
his command. Appropriately codenamed BLÉRIOT, Shumovsky was an aviation spy. Shumovsky’s
espionage was so successful that the USSR acquired every US aviation secret from his network of
agents in factories and at top secret military research institutes.

In this thrilling history, Svetlana Lokhova takes the reader on a journey through Stalin’s most
audacious intelligence operation. She pieces together every aspect of Shumovsky’s life and character
using information derived from American and Russian archives, exposing how even Shirley Temple
and Franklin D. Roosevelt unwittingly advanced his schemes.


Bias detectives: the researchers striving to make algorithms fair

As machine learning infiltrates society, scientists are trying to help ward off injustice.


Let Your Mind Run: A Memoir of Thinking My Way to Victory Kindle Edition

by Deena Kastor (Author), Michelle Hamilton (Author)

Deena Kastor was a star youth runner with tremendous promise, yet her career almost ended after
college, when her competitive method—run as hard as possible, for fear of losing—fostered a
frustration and negativity and brought her to the brink of burnout. On the verge of quitting, she took
a chance and moved to the high altitudes of Alamosa, Colorado, where legendary coach Joe Vigil had
started the first professional distance-running team. There she encountered the idea that would
transform her running career: the notion that changing her thinking—shaping her mind to be more
encouraging, kind, and resilient—could make her faster than she’d ever imagined possible. Building
a mind so strong would take years of effort and discipline, but it would propel Kastor to the pinnacle
of running—to American records in every distance from the 5K to the marathon—and to the
accomplishment of earning America’s first Olympic medal in the marathon in twenty years.

Let Your Mind Run is a fascinating intimate look inside the mind of an elite athlete, a remarkable
story of achievement, and an insightful primer on how the small steps of cultivating positivity can
give anyone a competitive edge.

179 | P a g e


My Life with the Taliban 1st Edition, Kindle Edition

by Abdul Salam Zaeef (Author)

This is the autobiography of Abdul Salam Zaeef, a senior former member of the Taliban. His
memoirs, translated from Pashto, are more than just a personal account of his extraordinary life. My
Life with the Taliban offers a counter-narrative to the standard accounts of Afghanistan since 1979.
Zaeef describes growing up in rural poverty in Kandahar province. Both of his parents died at an
early age, and the Russian invasion of 1979 forced him to flee to Pakistan. He started fighting the
jihad in 1983, during which time he was associated with many major figures in the anti-Soviet
resistance, including the current Taliban head Mullah Mohammad Omar. After the war Zaeef
returned to a quiet life in a small village in Kandahar, but chaos soon overwhelmed Afghanistan as
factional fighting erupted after the Russians pulled out. Disgusted by the lawlessness that ensued,
Zaeef was one among the former mujahidin who were closely involved in the discussions that led to
the emergence of the Taliban, in 1994. Zaeef then details his Taliban career as civil servant and
minister who negotiated with foreign oil companies as well as with Afghanistan's own resistance
leader, Ahmed Shah Massoud. Zaeef was ambassador to Pakistan at the time of the 9/11 attacks,
and his account discusses the strange "phoney war" period before the US-led intervention toppled
the Taliban. In early 2002 Zaeef was handed over to American forces in Pakistan, notwithstanding his
diplomatic status, and spent four and a half years in prison (including several years in Guantanamo)
before being released without having been tried or charged with any offence. My Life with the
Taliban offers a personal and privileged insight into the rural Pashtun village communities that are
the Taliban's bedrock. It helps to explain what drives men like Zaeef to take up arms against the
foreigners who are foolish enough to invade his homeland.


Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie wins PEN Pinter prize

Nigerian author wins award in memory of the late Nobel laureate for her ‘refusal to be deterred or
detained by the categories of others’

180 | P a g e


Our handbook series is a range of guides for investigative journalist, campaigners and NGOs. They
offer an in-depth look at investigative techniques and tools for researchers.

Paperback editions - made available thanks to the Lorana Sullivan Foundation and the Reva and
David Logan Foundation - can be purchased from the CIJ office. Please complete the order form



Logan Symposium 2018.

Goldsmiths, University of London.

19 – 20 October.

The Logan Symposium returns to London for a major international event on surveillance,
propaganda and power.

Conspiracy brings together a unique community of investigative journalists, whistleblowers, hackers,

artists and experts to challenge power and reinvigorate the field of investigative journalism.

Featuring a packed programme of talks, workshops, documentary film screenings and a brand new
exhibition of artworks, specially commissioned installations and agitprop.

We’ll be announcing our line up of speakers, screenings and further information about Conspiracy
over the course of the summer.

Keep up to date by following us on twitter.

Curated by The Centre for Investigative Journalism.

Supported by The Reva & David Logan Foundation.


Data-Driven Investigations

This course will give participants an opportunity to brush up on core data skills and combine them
with advanced internet research for rich, in-depth investigations.

181 | P a g e


Enlightenment Now: The Case for Reason, Science, Humanism, and Progress Kindle Edition

by Steven Pinker (Author)

'My new favourite book of all time' Bill Gates


Is modernity really failing? Or have we failed to appreciate progress and the ideals that make it

If you follow the headlines, the world in the 21st century appears to be sinking into chaos, hatred,
and irrationality. Yet Steven Pinker shows that this is an illusion - a symptom of historical amnesia
and statistical fallacies. If you follow the trendlines rather than the headlines, you discover that our
lives have become longer, healthier, safer, happier, more peaceful, more stimulating and more
prosperous - not just in the West, but worldwide. Such progress is no accident: it's the gift of a
coherent and inspiring value system that many of us embrace without even realizing it. These are
the values of the Enlightenment: of reason, science, humanism and progress.

The challenges we face today are formidable, including inequality, climate change, Artificial
Intelligence and nuclear weapons. But the way to deal with them is not to sink into despair or try to
lurch back to a mythical idyllic past; it's to treat them as problems we can solve, as we have solved
other problems in the past. In making the case for an Enlightenment newly recharged for the 21st
century, Pinker shows how we can use our faculties of reason and sympathy to solve the problems
that inevitably come with being products of evolution in an indifferent universe. We will never have
a perfect world, but - defying the chorus of fatalism and reaction - we can continue to make it a
better one.


Figures in a Landscape by Paul Theroux review – a writer driven by divided loyalties

These essays shed light on a man eternally at odds with the world


182 | P a g e
UK’s first energy positive classroom produces 1.5x the energy it uses

After one year in operation, the numbers are in: the United Kingdom‘s first energy-positive
classroom is capable of producing 1.5 times the amount of energy it needs to operate. Known as the
Active Classroom, the energy-producing classroom stands as a shining example of what is possible as
the U.K. and other nations attempt to transform their energy systems in response to climate change.
The building was designed by experts at SPECIFIC, a U.K. Innovation and Knowledge Center led by
Swansea University, whose “research focuses on developing solar technologies and the processing
techniques that take them from the lab to full-scale buildings,” according to its research director
Dave Worsley. Currently, 40 percent of British energy is consumed by buildings.


This solar-powered school produces enough surplus energy to power 50 homes

This timber elementary school and kindergarten in Switzerland boasts more than just good looks —
the School in Port, designed by Zürich-based architecture firm Skop, also gives back to the
community through excess energy production. Located in a residential neighborhood, the energy-
plus building and communal power station draws from a rooftop array with more than 1,100 solar
panels that completely covers the school’s energy needs and powers 50 additional households.
Moreover, the school is visually tied to its neighbors with a contemporary zigzagging roof that
references the pitched roofs of the local vernacular.


Complicating the Narratives

What if journalists covered controversial issues differently — based on how humans actually behave
when they are polarized and suspicious?

By Amanda Ripley / Solutions Journalism Network


Your company’s culture is not unique, psychologist Adam Grant says

Also: Stop hiring for “culture fit.” You’re just hurting your business in the long run, Grant says.

183 | P a g e


The Dutch have the best work-life balance. Here’s why


Billion Tree Tsunami Afforestation Project is aimed at planning, designing, commencing and
implementing “Green Growth Initiative” in the Forestry Sector of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province. The
project will thus, support Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Forest Department, as a catalyst, to plan, design, and
launch sustainable development in the Forestry Sector (through active involvement of local
communities ) and promote green jobs. It will accordingly result in enhancement of forest resource
base, rehabilitation and improvement of existing forest ecosystems of the province, arresting
environmental degradation, livelihood improvement and job creation for rural youth at their door-
step. The project objectives are thus positively correlated with the sector objectives both at federal
and provincial levels.

Since, the project aims at improving ecosystem of classified forests, as well as privately owned waste
and farm lands, the project therefore entails working in close collaboration with concerned
communities/stakeholders to ensure their meaningful participation through effectuating project
promotion and extension services.


Each month I send a newsletter to 90,000+ readers on the most fascinating new ideas and evidence
about work and psychology.

GRANTED is the only newsletter I read every month. It's full of wisdom for work and life—and I often
share articles with my team at work and even my kids at home. It's like having an ongoing
conversation with your favorite professor.

Get a monthly dose of insight on motivation, meaning, and leading a more generous and creative

“Extraordinary, wildly entertaining... Adam Grant gives us a powerful new perspective on not just
our place in the world, but our potential to shake it up entirely."

– JJ Abrams

184 | P a g e
Director of Star Wars: The Force Awakens



Synesthesia Paperback – 17 Apr 2018

By Richard E. Cytowic (Author)

An accessible, concise primer on the neurological trait of synesthesia-vividly felt sensory couplings-
by a founder of the field. One in twenty-three people carry the genes for the synesthesia. Not a
disorder but a neurological trait-like perfect pitch-synesthesia creates vividly felt cross-sensory
couplings. A synesthete might hear a voice and at the same time see it as a color or shape, taste its
distinctive flavor, or feel it as a physical touch. In this volume in the MIT Press Essential Knowledge
series, Richard Cytowic, the expert who returned synesthesia to mainstream science after decades
of oblivion, offers a concise, accessible primer on this fascinating human experience. Cytowic
explains that synesthesia's most frequent manifestation is seeing days of the week as colored,
followed by sensing letters, numerals, and punctuation marks in different hues even when printed in
black. Other manifestations include tasting food in shapes, seeing music in moving colors, and
mapping numbers and other sequences spatially. One synesthete declares, "Chocolate smells pink
and sparkly"; another invents a dish (chicken, vanilla ice cream, and orange juice concentrate) that
tastes intensely blue. Cytowic, who in the 1980s revived scientific interest in synesthesia, sees it now
understood as a spectrum, an umbrella term that covers five clusters of outwardly felt couplings that
can occur via several pathways. Yet synesthetic or not, each brain uniquely filters what it perceives.
Cytowic reminds us that each individual's perspective on the world is thoroughly subjective.


Meet the Accidental Genius

Great Big Story

Published on 13 Dec 2016

In 2002, Jason Padgett was the victim of a vicious beating outside a karaoke bar in Tacoma,
Washington. Upon regaining consciousness, Padgett’s sight was forever altered by a condition called
acquired savant syndrome. The brain trauma opened his eyes to an entirely new world—one filled
with patterns and strobes, like a stop-motion film. This is a fascinating story into the hidden power

185 | P a g e
of the mind and one man’s inspiring tale of courage and personal triumph. The Acquired Savant is a
film by Thomas Petersen.

This Great Big Film was made in collaboration with our friends at CNN Films. It is one of 12 short
films that we will be releasing throughout the year. Stay tuned for more!


Follow us behind the scenes on Instagram:

Make our acquaintance on Facebook:

Give us a shout on Twitter:

Come hang with us on Vimeo:

Visit our world directly:

Great Big Story is a video network dedicated to the untold, overlooked & flat-out amazing. Humans
are capable of incredible things & we're here to tell their stories. When a rocket lands in your
backyard, you get in.


Science & Technology


Rat Race - A short film story by Steve Cutts

15 things School doesn't teach you :

Watch IS THIS YOUR LIFE ? - A short film :

A rat race is an endless, self-defeating, or pointless pursuit. It conjures up the image of lab rats
racing through a maze to get the "cheese" much like society racing to get ahead financially.

The term is commonly associated with an exhausting, repetitive lifestyle that leaves no time for
relaxation or enjoyment.

Credits : Steve Cutts

Do Visit his Channel and Watch all videos. They are really Awesome and you will love it.

Watch the Orignal Video here :

Happiness :

For More Updates, Like our Page on facebook :


186 | P a g e



World Health Organization

Published on 2 Oct 2012

At its worst, depression can be a frightening, debilitating condition. Millions of people around the
world live with depression. Many of these individuals and their families are afraid to talk about their
struggles, and don't know where to turn for help. However, depression is largely preventable and
treatable. Recognizing depression and seeking help is the first and most critical towards recovery.

In collaboration with WHO to mark World Mental Health Day, writer and illustrator Matthew
Johnstone tells the story of overcoming the "black dog of depression". More information on the
book can be found here:

For more information on mental health, please visit:

Disclaimer: This video may contain links and references to third party-websites. WHO is not
responsible for, and does not endorse or promote, the content of any of these websites and the use


Matthew Johnstone


Matthew Johnstone


Non-profits & Activism


Oh Sheep!

(Age rating 12+)

Two flocks of sheep are searching for companionship. But their shepherds, being at odds with each
other, do everything to keep them separated.

187 | P a g e
Script: Gottfried Mentor, Max Lang

Direction: Gottfried Mentor

Music: Matthias Klein

Sound Design: Roman Volkholz, Christian Heck

Animation: Harry Fast, Cordula Langhans, Paul Cichon, Bin Han To, Annie Habermehl, Gottfried

Technical Direction: Marcel Reinhard

Executive Producer: Leonid Godik, Gottfried Mentor

Production: Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg GmbH


Film & Animation


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188 | P a g e
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Social Media for a New Age Paperback – 10 Jul 2018

by Katie Brockhurst (Author)

Social Media for a New Age labels success as creating a platform you enjoy, a community that you
cultivate through a strategy of love, having a creative outlet and a social media practice that
supports and rewards you in many different multi-dimensional ways…

This book will help you:

Shift overwhelm or anxiety by getting you out of the Social Media Vortex of Doom.

Understand WTF actually is an Algorithm and how your content gets seen online.

Connect with your Social Media Ego and your Social Media Soul.

Move through any Visibility Vulnerability that stops you from sharing or being seen.

Discover playful and fun ways to tap into your Creativity for Content creation & Connection.

Create a Strategy of Love and a Framework to Flow within.

Explore what it means to be Authentic online.

Work with the power of Connected Community and marketing for a new paradigm.

“If you thought social media was all about clicks, likes and follows, think again. Katie gives us all
permission to take a collective sigh of relief and encourages us to do social media on our terms – if
you’re a conscious human who uses social media in any way, you NEED this book.”

— Lisa Lister, author of Love Your Lady Landscape and Witch

189 | P a g e
“It is so important that within the noise of social media and on-line marketing, we have the
authentic and sane voice of Katie Brockhurst to guide and advise us.”

— Lynne Franks OBE, author and founder of the SEED women’s empowerment movement

“Prepare for success as Katie my Social Media Angel shares her wisdom. This book is a social spiritual
movement as well as a practical guide for helping your business to fly online.”

— Diana Cooper, author of Archangel Guide to Ascension and Archangel Guide to Enlightenment and
Mastery: Living In The Fifth Dimension

“Finally, a voice to help us find sanity with our technology and social media addictions, rather than
shame us for them! Thank you Katie, for such a practical and soulful guide to finding real connection

— Mel Wells, author of The Goddess Revolution and Hungry for More

Clients call Katie Brockhurst their "Social Media Angel". It is more than a nickname: It's a job
description. Social media consultant for Hay House UK and many of their authors including Diana
Cooper, Sonia Choquette, Dr. David Hamilton and Lisa Lister. Katie started her social media agency
Kdot in 2007, enjoying a client roster that included O2, Sony, & Harper Collins. In 2014 she went solo
to niche in the Mind Body Spirit field. Katie now coaches people on social media all over the world.


I believe in every one of us, but most importantly I believe in YOU!

Over 2 decades of finding the best in those that I have been privileged to work alongside in times of
stress, anxiety, confusion and frustration, has convinced me that the right knowledge and
understanding is transformational.

I have learned from my clients and from my self-education in the neuroscience of relationships and
how brains are shaped by early environments and experiences.


A Prayer Before Dawn A Nightmare in Thailand Paperback – 13 Jul 2018

by Billy Moore (Author)

Billy Moore travelled to Thailand to escape a life of drug addiction and alcoholism, but relapsed after
trying ya ba - a highly addictive form of methamphetamine. Moore's life descended into chaos, drug

190 | P a g e
dealing and violence in Thailand until he was imprisoned in Klong Prem, a place where life has no
value. This is no ordinary prison memoir; it's the story of one man's struggle to survive.


Is this the greatest novel you’ve never heard of?

Man Booker Prize-winner Marlon James champions the great lost novel Oreo by Fran Ross, with
Samira Ahmed.

Fran Ross was an academic prodigy, a New Yorker of mixed black and white Jewish parentage who
went on to write for comedian Richard Pryor in Hollywood but died of cancer very young. Oreo,
originally published in 1974, is her only novel. Written at the height of the black power movement,
it’s a wild comedy about a young woman trying to find her absent father. The story, written in a
multitude of languages and styles, features Greek mythology and a heroine fighting off would be
rapists and pimps with martial arts.

Oreo (Picador Classic) Paperback – 12 Jul 2018

by Fran Ross (Author)

With an introduction by the Man Booker Prize-winning author of A Brief History of Seven Killings,
Marlon James

‘A rollicking little masterpiece . . . one of the most delightful, hilarious, intelligent novels I’ve
stumbled across in recent years’ Paul Auster

Oreo has been raised by her maternal grandparents in Philadelphia. Her black mother tours with a
theatrical troupe, and her Jewish deadbeat dad disappeared when she was an infant, leaving behind
a mysterious note. Oreo’s quest is to find her father, and discover the secret of her birth.

What ensues in Fran Ross's opus is a playful, modernized parody of the classical odyssey of Theseus
with a feminist twist, immersed in seventies pop culture, and mixing standard English, black
vernacular, and Yiddish with wisecracking aplomb.

Oreo, our young hero, navigates the labyrinth of sound studios and brothels and subway tunnels in
Manhattan, seeking to claim her birthright while unwittingly experiencing and triggering a mythic
journey of self-discovery like no other.


191 | P a g e
Second-Order Thinking: What Smart People Use to Outperform

Sometimes when we solve one problem, we end up unintentionally creating another one that’s
worse. Second-order thinking helps identify the second and subsequent order consequences of a
decision before they happen. Knowing these problems before they occur allows us to take steps now
to avoid problems later.

Consider a country that, wanting to inspire regime change in another country, funds and provides
weapons to a group of “moderate rebels.” Only it turns out that those moderate rebels will become
powerful and then go to war with the sponsoring country for decades. Whoops.


The Essential Dykes To Watch Out Paperback – 4 Dec 2008

by Alison Bechdel (Author)

A collection of comic strips by the internationally-acclaimed graphic-literary talent Alison Bechdel

offers an acerbically funny insight into the lesbian culture of 1980s America

Bechdel's brilliantly imagined counter-cultural band of friends - academics, social workers,

booksellers - fall in and out of love, negotiate relationships, raise children, switch careers and cope
with aging parents. The Essential Dykes To Watch Out For fuses high and low culture - from foreign
domestic policy to domestic routine, postmodern theory to hot sex - in a serial graphic narrative
'suitable for all humanist persuasions'.

Alison Bechdel has been chronicling the lives of a small universe of cartoon characters in her strip
Dykes To Watch Out For, which has been syndicated in fifty alternative newspapers in the USA and
has been published in eleven volumes. For this first time, this collection gathers the best of those

'So much more than a comic strip... No one comes close to Alison Bechdel' Times



Productivityist will help you do that.

I’m Mike Vardy, founder of Productivityist and the creator of TimeCrafting.

192 | P a g e
If you’re tired of “doing” productive and want to start being productive, you’re in the right place. I’m
here to show you how to define your day, funnel your focus, and make every moment matter.

Ready to get started? Then click on the text below to get the progress planner I use to move forward
in the right direction every single day.



About Carl Bernstein

In the early 1970s, Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward broke the Watergate story for The
Washington Post, leading to the resignation of President Richard Nixon and setting the standard for
modern investigative reporting, for which they and The Post were awarded the Pulitzer Prize.

The author of five best-selling books, Bernstein is currently at work on several multi-media projects,
including a memoir about growing up at a Washington newspaper, The Evening Star, during the
Kennedy era; and a dramatic TV series about the United States Congress for HBO. He is also an on-air
political analyst for CNN and a contributing editor of Vanity Fair magazine.

His most recent book was the national bestseller A Woman In Charge: The Life of Hillary Rodham
Clinton, acclaimed as the definitive biography of its subject, published by Knopf.

With Woodward, Bernstein wrote two classic best-sellers: All the President’s Men (also a movie
starring Robert Redford and Dustin Hoffman), about their coverage of the Watergate story; and The
Final Days, about the denouement of the Nixon presidency.

He is also the author of a memoir of his family’s experience in the McCarthy era, entitled Loyalties: A
Son’s Memoir; and the co-author of the definitive papal biography, His Holiness: John Paul II and the
History of Our Time, which detailed the Pope’s pivotal and often clandestine role in the fall of

Bernstein was born and raised in Washington, DC and began his journalism career at age 16 as a
copyboy, becoming a reporter at 19. He lives in New York with his wife and is the father of two sons,
one a journalist and the other a rock musician.


With authoritative reporting honed through eight presidencies from Nixon to Obama, Woodward
reveals in unprecedented detail the harrowing life inside Donald Trump’s White House and how the
president makes decisions on major foreign and domestic policies.

193 | P a g e



Radical writing: Was Angela Carter ahead of her time?

1 August 2018

In a new documentary on BBC Two, Angela Carter: Of Wolves & Women, authors Margaret Atwood,
Jeanette Winterson, Anne Enright and Salman Rushdie discuss the wild, inventive and often radical
writing of the late author.


A House For Mr Biswas: Picador Classic Kindle Edition

by V.S. Naipaul (Author)

With an introduction by Teju Cole

He was struck again and again by the wonder of being in his own house, the audacity of it: to walk in
through his own front gate, to bar entry to whoever he wished, to close his doors and windows
every night.

Mr. Biswas has been told since the day of his birth that misfortune will follow him - and so it has.
Meaning only to avoid punishment, he causes the death of his father and the dissolution of his
family. Wanting simply to flirt with a beautiful woman, he ends up marrying her, and reluctantly
relying on her domineering family for support. But in spite of endless setbacks, Mr. Biswas is
determined to achieve independence, and so he begins his gruelling struggle to buy a home of his

A House for Mr Biswas is Nobel Prize in Literature winner V. S. Naipaul's unforgettable masterpiece.
Heart-rending and darkly comic, it has been hailed as one of the twentieth century's finest novels, a
classic that evokes a man's quest for autonomy against the backdrop of post-colonial Trinidad.

'A work of great comic power qualified with firm and unsentimental compassion' Anthony Burgess

'A marvellous prose epic that matches the best nineteenth-century novels' Newsweek

194 | P a g e

The book that fights sexism with science

With Inferior, Angela Saini counters long-held beliefs that biology stands in the way of parity
between the sexes. Now her message is set to reach thousands of schools

Donna Ferguson

British scientist and author Angela Saini

Angela Saini hopes her book will empower young women. Photograph: Gareth Phillips for the

When young men and women come up against sexist stereotypes masquerading as science, Angela
Saini wants them to be armed with the facts. “I call my book ammunition,” she says of her 288-page
prize-winning work Inferior: The True Power of Women and the Science that Shows It. “There are
people out there who insist that somehow the inequalities we see in society are not just because of
historic discrimination, but also because of biology – the idea that there are factors within us that
will cause men or women to be better at some things than others.”




The Boy with the Topknot: A Memoir of Love, Secrets and Lies in Wolverhampton Kindle Edition

by Sathnam Sanghera (Author)


The Boy With the Topknot: A Memoir of Love, Secrets and Lies in Wolverhampton is a hilarious and
heart-rending tale of what it is like to grow up different in modern Britain.

"It's 1979, I'm three years old, and like all breakfast times during my youth it begins with Mum
combing my hair, a ritual for which I have to sit down on the second-hand, floral-patterned settee,
and lean forward, like I'm presenting myself for execution."

For Sathnam Sanghera, growing up in Wolverhampton in the eighties was a confusing business. On
the one hand, these were the heady days of George Michael mix-tapes, Dallas on TV and, if he was

195 | P a g e
lucky, the occasional Bounty Bar. On the other, there was his wardrobe of tartan smocks, his 30p-an-
hour job at the local sewing factory and the ongoing challenge of how to tie the perfect top-knot.

And then there was his family, whose strange and often difficult behaviour he took for granted until,
at the age of twenty-four, Sathnam made a discovery that changed everything he ever thought he
knew about them. Equipped with breathtaking courage and a glorious sense of humour, he embarks
on a journey into their extraordinary past - from his father's harsh life in rural Punjab to the steps of
the Wolverhampton Tourist Office - trying to make sense of a life lived among secrets.

Praise for The Boy with the Topknot:

'I absolutely loved it. Heartbreaking and wonderful. He writes beautifully' Maggie O'Farrell

'Could not be more enjoyable, engaging or moving' Observer

'Tragic, funny and disturbing. It will challenge you, and may even change you' Carole Angier,

Sathnam Sanghera was born in 1976. He is an award-winning journalist who was previously chief
feature writer at The Financial Times and now works for The Times. He lives in London.

Published in hardback as If You Don't Know Me by Now


Marriage Material Kindle Edition

by Sathnam Sanghera (Author)


To Arjan Banga, returning to the Black Country after the unexpected death of his father, his family’s
corner shop represents everything he has tried to leave behind – a lethargic pace of life, insular
rituals and ways of thinking. But when his mother insists on keeping the shop open, he finds himself
being dragged back, forced into big decisions about his imminent marriage back in London and
uncovering the history of his broken family – the elopement and mixed-race marriage of his aunt
Surinder, the betrayals and loyalties, loves and regrets that have played out in the shop over more
than fifty years.

Taking inspiration from Arnold Bennett’s classic novel The Old Wives’ Tale, Marriage Material tells
the story of three generations of a family through the prism of a Wolverhampton corner shop – itself
a microcosm of the South Asian experience in the country: a symbol of independence and
integration, but also of darker realities.

196 | P a g e
This is an epic tale of family, love, and politics, spanning the second half of the twentieth century,
and the start of the twenty-first. Told with humour, tenderness and insight, it manages to be both a
unique and urgent survey of modern Britain by one of Britain’s most promising young writers, and
an ingenious reimagining of a classic work of fiction.


Obituary: Bui Tin, the Vietnamese reporter scrubbed from the history books

When US-backed South Vietnam fell in 1975, Bui Tin was there representing the triumphant
communist North. But after the end of the war, he would become a bête noire, his name erased
from Vietnam's records.

Tin died this week aged 90. The BBC's Nga Pham reports on the man she knew.

Books avaialable on Amazon...


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Wisebooks is a free database of book recommendations from world-class people across various
disciplines, aimed at helping you read more and become better at whatever you want to do.
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New Internationalist is an independent publisher of books, diaries and calendars. We cover global
current affairs and popular reference complemented by world food and fiction, graphic non-fiction

197 | P a g e
and children’s. We have recently merged with award-winning independent publisher Myriad

View the New Internationalist-Myriad 2017-18 catalogue.


NoNonsense Legalizing Drugs

The key to ending the war

Author: Steve Rolles

We urgently need to legalize and regulate drugs – this book explains why, and how to do it.

Prelims and Content

Introduction and Chapter One

Buy print version: £7.99 $11.95

Buy eBook: £7.99

The ‘war on drugs’ is a complete failure that is destroying lives all over the world. It is time to take

Legalizing drugs does not mean a free-for-all. It involves ensuring that substances are safe and taking
distribution out of the hands of the criminal networks who currently benefit from an illegal market
with a turnover of $320 billion a year.

This book is not just a litany of the damage done over the past four decades of drug war - it assesses
the careful, progressive attempts at reform by some governments and, more important still, it looks
forward to examine exactly how legalized drugs will be produced, distributed and regulated in
future. The change is going to come - but this book will put you well ahead of the curve.

Interview with Steve Rolles

Recreational drugs market should be managed by ‘governments not gangsters’, says expert. - The

About the Author

Steve Rolles is a writer and policy analyst at drug reform organization, Transform. He was lead
author on After the War on Drugs: Blueprint for Regulation. He is a regular contributor to the public
debate on drug policy and law in the media.


198 | P a g e
Our Vision

A global system of drug regulation and control that protects people, and promotes peace and

sustainable development, health and human rights.

Our Mission

Educate and inspire policymakers to explore and implement the effective legal regulation of drug

Research and build a strong evidence base to support our mission and vision

Advise and inspire policymakers worldwide to advocate for and implement drug policy review and

Educate and inform the public about drug markets and options for their control

Transform is an independent thinktank that operates internationally and works with partners from
all sectors to further our aims.


London-based Perlego raises $4.8 million to become the “Spotify for textbooks”

Perlego, the London-based startup which aims to become the “Spotify for textbooks”, has just closed
$4.8 million in a funding round led by ADV – with participation from existing angel investors,
including Lovefilm Co-founder Simon Franks and Zoopla founder Alex Chesterman. The fresh capital
will be used to to grow the team and support the company’s growth across the U.K. and Europe.
Perlego will also further invest in developing its product for students and professionals.

Founded in 2016, Perlego provides students and professionals unlimited access to a giant digital
library of academic and business eBooks for £12 a month. The young compay already collaborates
with more than 650 publishers, including big names like Oxford University Press, Princeton
University Press and Macmillan Higher Education. The publishers receive 65% of each subscription –
calculated on a consumption basis.


I survived the Warsaw ghetto. Here are the lessons I’d like to pass on

Stanisław Aronson

199 | P a g e
I’m 93, and, as extremism sweeps across Europe, I fear we are doomed to repeat the mistakes which
created the Holocaust


Feed The Beast: Jon Parkin Kindle Edition

by Jon Parkin (Author), David Clayton (Author)

Spoilt. Overpaid. Ungrateful. Removed from reality.

These words are often used to describe modern day footballers. None of them apply to Jon Parkin.

The South Yorkshire boy has seen and done it all in a footballing life that peaked with promotion to
the Premier League and plummeted to the National League North, taking in spells with no fewer
than 14 different clubs.

His story is one of a natural goalscorer whose talent is always in demand. His unconventional frame
and liking for a lager or ten meant pre-season was always a struggle. His straight-talking style and
knack of finding himself in trouble resulted in countless bust-ups with managers. But when patience,
cash or contracts ran out, there was always another club ready to take a chance on him.

Along the way there have been battles with booze, betting and depression. Marital breakdown and
brushes with the law didn’t help, while thousands of motorway miles were covered in a bid to stay in
touch with his Barnsley roots and his beloved son.

There’s also been plenty of mischief. One holidaymaker in Magaluf won’t easily forget what she
found in Parkin’s bath while there’s a golf towel in a hospital car park that nobody would want to

FEED THE BEAST will feed your curiosity about the real life of a footballer.


Loneliness is pervasive and rising, particularly among the young

Smartphones and social media are blamed, but moderate use can be beneficial


200 | P a g e
the step up declaration

The science is clear:

Climate change poses an increasingly urgent and serious threat to modern society and the global
economy. At the same time, addressing the climate challenge is an enormous business opportunity,
with trillions of dollars in economic growth expected from investments in climate solutions. It also
provides a once-in-a-generation opportunity to clean our air and water, improve our health, and
ensure access to sustainable energy for all.

For the best chance of staving off the most unbearable impacts of climate change, science tells us
we must bend the curve of global greenhouse gas emissions by 2020, and rapidly reduce thereafter
to strive towards a fossil-fuel free society by 2050.

Within the next three decades, the Fourth Industrial Revolution — driven by digitalization such as
mobile internet, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and the Internet of Things — will transform
everyone’s lives and every business on the planet. This provides a unique opportunity to accelerate
the global transformation to a decarbonized future.


Duchess of Sussex launches cookbook for Grenfell

The Duchess of Sussex has launched her first solo project as a royal - a cookbook in support of
Grenfell families and others.

Meghan has written the foreword to a recipe book produced by cooks at the Hubb Community
Kitchen, based near the tower in west London.

The duchess has been working with volunteers there since January.

She said she felt "connected" to the project as "a place for women to laugh, grieve, cry and cook

The book, called 'Together: Our Community Cookbook', includes 50 recipes by women whose
community was affected by the tower block fire in June 2017, which killed 72 people.


Book on Israel’s deliberate maiming of Palestinians wins top academic prize

201 | P a g e

Danez Smith: US poet is youngest ever Forward Prize winner

US poet Danez Smith has won the Forward Prize for best poetry collection for their work Don't Call
Us Dead.

The 29-year-old from Minnesota is the youngest ever winner of the prestigious £10,000 award.

Smith's winning collection confronts race and sexuality and includes the poem Dear White America,
which has had more than 300,000 views on YouTube.

Don't Call Us Dead Kindle Edition

by Danez Smith (Author)


*A Finalist for the National Book Award for Poetry 2017*

‘[Smith’s] poems are enriched to the point of volatility, but they pay out, often, in sudden joy’ The
New Yorker

Award-winning poet Danez Smith is a ground-breaking force, celebrated for deft lyrics, urgent
subjects, and performative power. Don’t Call Us Dead opens with a heartrending sequence that
imagines an afterlife for black men shot by police, a place where suspicion, violence, and grief are
forgotten and replaced with the safety, love and longevity they deserved here on earth. Smith turns
then to desire, mortality – the dangers experienced in skin and body and blood – and an HIV-positive

‘Some of us are killed / in pieces,’ Smith writes, ‘some of us all at once.’ Don’t Call Us Dead is an
astonishing and ambitious collection, one that confronts, praises, and rebukes an America where
every day is too often a funeral and not often enough a miracle.


Man Booker Prize: Daisy Johnson is youngest nominee

Daisy Johnson has claimed the crown as the youngest author shortlisted for the Man Booker Prize at
the age of 27.

202 | P a g e
Four women and two men are shortlisted for the prestigious award, which recognises high quality
literary fiction written in English.

The other writers are Anna Burns, Esi Edugyan, Rachel Kushner, Richard Powers and Robin

Chair of judges Kwame Anthony Appiah called said the shortlisted books were a "miracle of stylistic

He added that the "language takes centre stage".

Here's the list in full:

Everything Under by Daisy Johnson (UK)

Synopsis: Set in the British countryside and centres on the complex relationship between Gretel and
her mother, who abandoned her to foster care so she could make a fresh start with a new lover.

Judges' comments: "The twists and turns of the book's stories braid this together with European folk
tales to create a strong narrative river that carries us to a conclusion laced with tantalising



And You Thought Trump Voters Were Mad American women are furious — and our politics and
culture will never be the same.

It’s not like women weren’t already aflame with fury.

September had brought handmaids to Washington, some standing silent sentinel in Senate office
buildings. Women had dressed demurely to get into Brett Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court confirmation
hearings, then leapt up and yelled: about life and death, health care, and abortion. Those women
were pulled roughly from the room, then replaced by others. Every day, more women willing to yell.
Women sent 3,000 coat hangers to Senator Susan Collins; anti-Kavanaugh messages have been
projected onto the City Hall building in Portland, Maine. One day, during the Kavanaugh hearings, a
few dozen women — plus some men! — flooded into the office of Chuck Grassley, the chair of the
Senate Judiciary Committee, and started chanting and clapping: “Chuck Grassley! Come out! We’ve
got some things to talk about!”


203 | P a g e
Good and Mad: The Revolutionary Power of Women's Anger Kindle Edition

by Rebecca Traister (Author)

From Rebecca Traister, the New York Times bestselling author of All the Single Ladies—whom Anne
Lamott called “the most brilliant voice on feminism in this country”—comes a vital, incisive
exploration into the transformative power of female anger and its ability to transcend into a political

In the year 2018, it seems as if women’s anger has suddenly erupted into the public conversation.
But long before Pantsuit Nation, before the Women’s March, and before the #MeToo movement,
women’s anger was not only politically catalytic—but politically problematic. The story of female
fury and its cultural significance demonstrates the long history of bitter resentment that has
enshrouded women’s slow rise to political power in America, as well as the ways that anger is
received when it comes from women as opposed to when it comes from men.

With eloquence and fervor, Rebecca tracks the history of female anger as political fuel—from
suffragettes marching on the White House to office workers vacating their buildings after Clarence
Thomas was confirmed to the Supreme Court. Here Traister explores women’s anger at both men
and other women; anger between ideological allies and foes; the varied ways anger is perceived
based on its owner; as well as the history of caricaturing and delegitimizing female anger; and the
way women’s collective fury has become transformative political fuel—as is most certainly occurring
today. She deconstructs society’s (and the media’s) condemnation of female emotion (notably, rage)
and the impact of their resulting repercussions.

Highlighting a double standard perpetuated against women by all sexes, and its disastrous,
stultifying effect, Traister’s latest is timely and crucial. It offers a glimpse into the galvanizing force of
women’s collective anger, which, when harnessed, can change history.



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205 | P a g e
A Sardar Patel Primer For Clueless Indians: The Man Who Saved India – And The Idea Of India

Why Hindol Sengupta’s The Man Who Saved India: Sardar Patel And His Idea of India is a must-read
for today’s generation.


The Man Who Saved India Kindle Edition

by Hindol Sengupta (Author)

There is perhaps no political figure in modern history who did more to secure and protect the Indian
nation than Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel. But, ironically, seventy years after Patel brought together
piece by piece the map of India by fusing the princely states with British India to create a new
democratic, independent nation, little is understood or appreciated about Patel's enormous
contribution to the making of India. Caricatured in political debate, all the nuances of Patel's difficult
life and the daring choices he made are often lost, or worse, used as mere polemic. If Mahatma
Gandhi was the spiritual core of India's freedom struggle and Jawaharlal Nehru its romantic idealism,
it was Sardar Patel who brought in the vital pragmatism which held together the national movement
and the first ideas of independent India. A naturally stoic man, Patel, unlike Gandhi or Nehru, wrote
no personal history. He famously argued that its was better to create history than write it. This is
why even his deepest misgivings and quarrels have been easily buried. But every warning that Patel
left for India - from the dangers of allowing groups to create private militias to his thoughtful
criticism on India's approach to Kashmir, Pakistan and China - are all dangerously relevant today. It is
impossible to read about Patel, who died in 1950, and not feel that had he lived on, India might have
been a different country. It is also impossible to ignore Patel and understand not only what the idea
of India is but also what it could have been, and might be in the future. The Man Who Saved India is
a sweeping, magisterial retelling of Sardar Patel's story. With fiercely detailed and pugnacious
anecdotes, multiple award-winning, best-selling writer Hindol Sengupta brings alive Patel's
determined life of struggle and his furious commitment to keep India safe. This book brings alive all
the arguments, quarrels and clashes between some of the most determined people in Indian history
and their battle to carve out an independent nation. Through ravages of a failing body broken by
decades of abuse in and outside prison, Patel stands out in this book as the man who, even on his
death bed, worked to save India. Hindol Sengupta's The Man Who Saved India is destined to define
Patel's legacy for future generations.


Judas: How a Sister's Testimony Brought Down a Criminal Mastermind Kindle Edition

206 | P a g e
by Astrid Holleeder (Author)

Willem Holleeder is one of the most notorious criminals in contemporary history. Best known for his
involvement in the 1983 kidnapping of Alfred Heineken, CEO and Chairman of Heineken, and his
infamous 2006 trial in which he was convicted of extortion, money laundering and membership of a
criminal organization, Willem Holleeder captured the attention of the world. What few knew was
how Willem had terrorized, extorted and threatened his family for thirty years, just as his alcoholic
father - an employee at Heineken - had dominated and mistreated the family for years. Children,
sisters, women, in-laws and mother: no one escaped the despotic behaviour of father and son.

But Willem's latest conviction is quickly becoming the trial of the century. Charged for his
involvement in multiple assassinations, including that of his former partner and brother-in-law,
Willem is finally being put on trial for murder, all due to the shocking and incriminating testimony of
his own family. Having spent years as his unwilling consigliere, Willem's own sister Astrid is finally
breaking her silence and going on the record.

In this stunning memoir, Astrid finally reveals decades of familial manipulation and fear and her own
thrilling experience working as a double cross, preserving enough trust to attain the information that
would convict her brother for life.


Letters from Elvis: Shocking Revelations to His Secret Confidante Kindle Edition

by Gary Lindberg (Author)

"Letters from Elvis" may be the most important and revealing book ever written about ‘The King.’ It
is based on material contained in hundreds of handwritten and authenticated letters that Elvis and
his friends—Marlon Brando, Harry Belafonte and Tom Jones—secretly wrote to their spiritual guide,
Carmen Montez. Never has such an intimately revealing collection of letters surfaced about such a
well-known celebrity.

"Letters from Elvis" is an explosive revelation of Elvis’s inner life, an exposé of heinous Hollywood
crimes that targeted Elvis, a touching tale of friendship, an eerie ghost story, and a series of startling
new Elvis mysteries. Because rigorous copyright laws prevent direct publication of the actual letters,
the book also tells the story of the author’s thirty-year struggle to bring this new information about
Elvis to light.


207 | P a g e
Buy the Book


Thirst: A Story of Redemption, Compassion, and a Mission to Bring Clean Water to the World

100% of the author's net proceeds from the sale of Thirst will fund charity: water projects around
the world.

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Original videos & GIFs to learn sex, pleasure, & dating Originals are medically accurate videos and articles that offer a judgment-free zone on sex
and pleasure. Our mission is to help billions of people unlearn shame, heal from sexual trauma,
develop skill sets to communicate what they want and don’t want, discover new sexual desires, and
most of all - own their own desires.



Jordanian Palestinian Activist: “BDS Means No Jobs for Us”

Jordanian Palestinian dissident Mudar Zahran and Palestinian human rights activist Bassem Eid speak
out against the BDS Movement at the European Parliament.


Women and Jihad: Debating Palestinian Female Suicide Bombings in the American, Israeli and Arab
Media Kindle Edition

by Rachel Avraham (Author)

Rachel Avraham’s new book explores the ways in which Palestinian female terrorists have injected
their narrative into the Arab, American and even Israeli media. The publicity objectives of Palestinian

208 | P a g e
terrorists are examined in order to better understand how they hope to realize them. An analysis of
media materials demonstrates the means by which Palestinian female suicide bombers, whose
motives differ from male suicide bombers in many key regards, have had their depressing life stories
exploited for the benefit of the Palestinian terrorist organizations.

Avraham examines media coverage of Palestinian terror attacks in Israel through the lens of the
terrorists’ agendas and the extent to which those agendas have infiltrated the media. The book
explains how journalists can cover terror attacks without giving in to the publicity objectives of the
terror organizations.




Nonfiction made Simple

Quiddity is a mobile app which offers key insights from a growing library of the best non-fiction
books, in text and audio. We identify key ideas from the books and present them in nearly 10-
minute-long easy to digest packets of knowledge which we call Quids.


When CEO Satya Nadella joined Microsoft, he started diffusing its toxic culture by handing each of
his execs a 15-year-old book by a psychologist


Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life, 3rd Edition: Life-Changing Tools for Healthy
Relationships (Nonviolent Communication Guides) Kindle Edition

by Marshall B. Rosenberg PhD (Author), Deepak Chopra (Author)

209 | P a g e



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YubiKey 5 NFC

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The Cheat Code: The Secret Tweaks, Hacks and Tips to Get Noticed and Get Ahead Kindle Edition

by Brian Wong (Author)

Have you ever noticed that there are certain people who seem to move up just a bit faster than
everyone else? Those rare people who are always a bit ahead of the curve, get noticed a bit more,
and achieve their goals a bit more quickly than the rest of us? And have you ever noticed how much
this small edge makes a massive difference to the trajectory of their careers?

24-year-old entrepreneur Brian Wong is one of these people, having graduated from college by age
18, having raised $24 million in venture capital to start his own company before he turned 25, and
having grown that company into a global mobile advertising giant in just 4 years. His secret? The
Cheat Code.

Wong believes that most people -- even creative people -- have a tendency to follow a script; to do
things the way others do them simply because that way works. But therein lies the secret at the
heart of the Cheat Code:

Anyone can easily shortcut his or her way to success, simply by going slightly off script; by doing
things just a little differently from everyone else.

Here, Wong unlocks the power of the Cheat Code through 71 bite-sized and virtually effortless short-
cuts you can use to get a leg up on the competition, get noticed, and accelerate your success. For

Cheat #7: Don't Ask – Announce

Cheat #16: Know Your Superpower!

Cheat #32: Make Boldness Your Genius

Cheat #47: Know Who's the Boss

Cheat #55: Focus on What Won't Change

211 | P a g e
Cheat #71: Imagine, What If?

No matter where you aspire to go in your life or career, THE CHEAT CODE will help get you there -


Kissinger: 1923-1968: The Idealist Kindle Edition

by Niall Ferguson (Author)

YEAR 2015

No American statesman has been as revered and as reviled as Henry Kissinger. Hailed by some as the
"indispensable man", whose advice has been sought by every president from John F. Kennedy to
George W. Bush, Kissinger has also attracted immense hostility from critics who have cast him as an
amoral Machiavellian - the ultimate cold-blooded "realist".

In this remarkable new book, the first of two volumes, Niall Ferguson has created an extraordinary
panorama of Kissinger's world, and a paradigm-shifting reappraisal of the man. Only through
knowledge of Kissinger's early life (as a Jew in Hitler's Germany, a poor immigrant in New York, a GI
at the Battle of the Bulge, an interrogator of Nazis, and a student of history at Harvard) can we
understand his debt to the philosophy of idealism.

And only by tracing his rise, fall and revival as an adviser to Kennedy, Nelson Rockefeller and, finally,
Richard Nixon can we appreciate the magnitude of his contribution to the theory of diplomacy,
grand strategy and nuclear deterrence.

Drawing not only on Kissinger's hitherto closed private papers but also on documents from more
than a hundred archives around the world, this biography is Niall Ferguson's masterpiece. Like his
classic two-volume history of the House of Rothschild, Kissinger sheds dazzling new light on an entire


Escape the Wolf - Preemptive Personal Security Handbook Kindle Edition

by Clinton Emerson (Author), Lynn Walters (Editor) also in paper format

212 | P a g e
The one thing every serious world traveler needs to pack: Escape the Wolf – Personal Security
Handbook for the Traveling Professional.

Blend into the local culture more effectively using these insights on cultural practices, traditions and

Once only available to defense contractors and government employees, this same level of expert
advice is now available to the business traveler.

The author, Clinton Emerson, is a respected authority on mitigating risk for global travelers within
government security circles. In Escape the Wolf, he shares expertise in coping with various threats,
or wolves, that lurk in today’s world based on 20 years of government experience, his civilian travels
and being raised in Saudi Arabia.

In Escape the Wolf, travelers learn how to recognize, assess and avoid threats ranging from common
crime, illness, natural disasters, corporate espionage, or even terrorism using Escape the Wolf’s
proven Total Awareness℠ System.

Order a copy today for yourself and your employees who travel abroad to:

learn how to avoid being a “walking target”

gain new confidence when venturing into unfamiliar territory

identify, avoid and minimize threats, and learn how to escape from threatening situations

know the key steps to take before you even set foot outside your front door



Monetise your Instagram with Fashion

TI&SHRT is an e-commerce platform where you can purchase premium T-shirts with Instagram
images printed on them. Every time a T-shirt with one of your images is printed, you can earn from
it. TI&SHRT wants to enable everyone to connect through garments, make the fashion experience
more bespoke and authentic and to monetise your Instagram content.



Experience the web through the eyes of the differently abled

213 | P a g e
Funkify is an extension for Chrome that helps you experience the web and interfaces through the
eyes of extreme users with different abilities and disabilities.

It is being developed by a team of usability and accessibility experts in Sweden.

Try Dyslexia Dani and Trembling Trevor.


Man Booker Prize: Anna Burns becomes first winner from Northern Ireland

Anna Burns has been named the winner of this year's Man Booker Prize - becoming the first author
from Northern Ireland to triumph.

Milkman, set in an unnamed city in Northern Ireland during the Troubles, is a coming-of-age story
about a young girl's affair with a married man.


LikeWar: The Weaponization of Social Media Hardcover – 2 Oct 2018

by P W Singer (Author), Emerson T Brooking (Author)

Two defense experts explore the collision of war, politics, and social media, where the most
important battles are now only a click away.

Through the weaponization of social media, the internet is changing war and politics, just as war and
politics are changing the internet. Terrorists livestream their attacks, "Twitter wars" produce real-
world casualties, and viral misinformation alters not just the result of battles, but the very fate of
nations. The result is that war, tech, and politics have blurred into a new kind of battlespace that
plays out on our smartphones.

P. W. Singer and Emerson Brooking tackle the mind-bending questions that arise when war goes
online and the online world goes to war. They explore how ISIS copies the Instagram tactics of Taylor
Swift, a former World of Warcraft addict foils war crimes thousands of miles away, internet trolls
shape elections, and China uses a smartphone app to police the thoughts of 1.4 billion citizens. What
can be kept secret in a world of networks? Does social media expose the truth or bury it? And what
role do ordinary people now play in international conflicts?

Delving into the web's darkest corners, we meet the unexpected warriors of social media, such as
the rapper turned jihadist PR czar and the Russian hipsters who wage unceasing infowars against the
West. Finally, looking to the crucial years ahead, LikeWar outlines a radical new paradigm for
understanding and defending against the unprecedented threats of our networked world.

214 | P a g e

The Japanese Man Who Saved 6,000 Jews With His Handwriting

What the astonishing Chiune Sugihara teaches us about moral heroism.

A Special Fate: Chiune Sugihara: Hero of the Holocaust Kindle Edition

by Alison Leslie Gold (Author)

When Chiune Sugihara was growing up in Japan, he had never even met a Jewish person. There was
no way Chiune could know that he would one day save the lives of thousands of Jews - and become
a great hero to the Jewish people. Chiune Sugihara was a diplomat who left Japan to work in
Lithuania, a small country in Eastern Europe. Part of his job there was to give people permission to
leave the country. At the time, Lithuanian Jews were suffering under Nazi rule, and many hoped to
escape before they could be taken to concentration camps. Chiune knew he had to help. Going
against the wishes of his boss, Chiune allowed nearly 6,000 Jews to leave Lithuania and escape the


Jerusalem Post Israel News


"Israeli National Security: A New Strategy for an Era of Change" by former Deputy National Security
Adviser Charles Freilich proposes first public national security policy.


215 | P a g e
Israeli National Security: A New Strategy for an Era of Change Kindle Edition

by Charles D. Freilich (Author)

National security has been at the forefront of the Israeli experience for seven decades, with threats
ranging from terrorism, to vast rocket and missile arsenals, and even existential nuclear dangers.
Yet, despite its overwhelming preoccupation with foreign and defense affairs, Israel does not have a
formal national security strategy.

In Israeli National Security, Chuck Freilich presents an authoritative analysis of the military,
diplomatic, demographic, and societal challenges Israel faces today, to propose a comprehensive
and long-term Israeli national security strategy. The heart of the new strategy places greater
emphasis on restraint, defense, and diplomacy as means of addressing the challenges Israel faces,
along with the military capacity to deter and, if necessary, defeat Israel's adversaries, while also
maintaining the resolve of its society. By bringing Israel's most critical debates about the
Palestinians, demography, Iran, Hezbollah, Hamas, US relations and nuclear strategy into sharp
focus, the strategy Freilich proposes addresses the primary challenges Israel must address in order
to chart its national course.

The most comprehensive study of Israel's national security to date, this book presents the first public
proposal for a comprehensive Israeli national security strategy and prescribes an actionable course


This is how government spyware StrongPity uses security researchers' work against them

While researchers are looking forward, hackers are going back to their roots to create new attacks
from the ashes of old ones.


Suzy Lamplugh Case

What we do


216 | P a g e
Our mission is to reduce the risk of violence and aggression through campaigning, education and


Our vision is a society in which people are safer - and feel safer - from violence and aggression; we
want people to be able to live life to the full.


Ricochet: David Bowie 1983: An Intimate Portrait Hardcover – 1 Nov 2018

by Denis O'Regan (Author)

A breathtaking, never-before-seen glimpse into life on tour with David Bowie, by the late singer's
official tour photographer

In 1983 David Bowie set out on the Serious Moonlight Tour, his biggest ever. On the road with him
was his official photographer, Denis O'Regan. Few artists and photographers have had such a close
touring relationship. This book is the result: a never-before-seen photographic portrait of a year with
Bowie, from the theatre of performance to his most unguarded moments. Introduced by O'Regan
and with every single image personally approved by Bowie, this is an intimate view of an icon at the
height of his fame.


The Nonviolent Revolution: A Comprehensive Guide to Ahimsa - The Philosophy and Practice of
Dynamic Harmlessness Kindle Edition

by Nathaniel Altman (Author)

This is the first book to bring the major concepts of Ahimsa – dynamic harmlessness- into focus for
the Western reader.

Nathaniel Altman provides a thorough grounding in a philosophy that has been practiced by such
notables as Thomas Merton, M.K. Gandhi, Dorothy Day, Peace Pilgrim and Martin Luther King, Jr., to
name but a few.

But he goes further than this and shows how Ahimsa can be practically applied by each of us in our
daily lives, in our personal relationships, our business affairs, politics, religion and our attitude
towards the environment.

217 | P a g e
Despite the challenge of living in a world that seems bent on violence and destruction, the author
believes that Ahimsa offers genuine hope for both the present and the future.


Like. Share. Kill.

Nigerian police say false information on Facebook is killing people


The ‘nudge unit’: the experts that became a prime UK export

A team of former civil servants specialising in behavioural psychology now pulls in revenues of £14m
a year


Portrait of the Artist as a False Accuser

In 1976 and 1977, New York City was terrorized by one of America’s most infamous serial killers.
Before being captured in front of his Yonkers home, David Berkowitz killed six victims, and wounded
seven others. Berkowitz claimed he was following the orders of his neighbour’s dog, whom he
described as being connected to a demonic figure named Sam. “I am a monster,” Berkowitz wrote in
one of the notes he left for police. “I am the ‘Son of Sam.’”


The Souls of Yellow Folk—A Review

218 | P a g e
A review of The Souls of Yellow Folk by Wesley Yang. W. W. Norton & Company (November 2018),
256 pages.

Wesley Yang’s longform essay “The Face of Seung-Hui Cho” was first published in the small magazine
n+1 in the early months of 2008. At the time Yang, who was in his early 30s, seemed to be a typical
young New York writer. He had published an assortment of short pieces, mostly about books, for
places like New York, Salon, and the New York Observer. He wasn’t a “name” yet, but he was well-
known enough that one of the editors of n+1 thought of him when they were looking for someone
to write about Cho, the Korean-American student who’d killed 32 people and wounded 17 during his
shooting rampage on the campus of Virginia Tech.


The Choice: A true story of hope Kindle Edition

by Edith Eger (Author)


by Edith Eger, as seen on BBC Breakfast

Even in hell, hope can flower

'One of those rare and eternal stories you don't want to end and that leave you forever changed' -
Desmond Tutu

'A masterpiece of holocaust literature. Her memoir, like her life, is extraordinary, harrowing and
inspiring in equal measure' – The Times Literary Supplement

‘I can’t imagine a more important message for modern times. Eger’s book is a triumph' - The New
York Times

'Little dancer', Mengele says, ‘dance for me’

In 1944, sixteen-year-old ballerina Edith Eger was sent to Auschwitz. Separated from her parents on
arrival, she endures unimaginable experiences, including being made to dance for the infamous Josef
Mengele. When the camp is finally liberated, she is pulled from a pile of bodies, barely alive.

The horrors of the Holocaust didn't break Edith. In fact, they helped her learn to live again with a
life-affirming strength and a truly remarkable resilience.

The Choice is her unforgettable story. It shows that hope can flower in the most unlikely places.


219 | P a g e
Unlearn: Let Go of Past Success to Achieve Extraordinary Results 1st Edition, Kindle Edition

by Barry O'Reilly (Author)

A transformative system that shows leaders how to rethink their strategies, retool their capabilities,
and revitalize their businesses for stronger, longer-lasting success.

There’s a learning curve to running any successful business. But when leaders begin to rely on past
achievements or get stuck in old thinking and practices that no longer work, they need to take a step
back—and unlearn. This innovative and actionable framework from executive coach Barry O’Reilly
shows leaders how to break the cycle and move away from once-useful mindsets and behaviors that
were effective in the past but are no longer relevant in the current business climate and may now
stand in the way of success.

With this simple but powerful three-step system, leaders can: 1. Unlearn the behaviors and mindsets
that keep them and their businesses from moving forward. 2. Relearn the skills, strategies, and
innovations that are transforming the world every day. 3. Break through old habits and thinking by
opening up to new ideas, perspectives, and resources. Good leaders know they need to continuously
learn. But great leaders know when to unlearn the past to succeed in the future. This book shows
them the way.


Struggling to find podcasts worth listening to? Let Piqd help you

The 'slow news' startup launches an audio discovery platform hand-picked by more than 60 curators
from more than 20 countries to help audiences find the best podcasts


‘The End of Trust’ – On Sale in Bookstores and Free to Download Now!


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Sensationalize your smartphone photography with a genius little pod ⚡ 360° | Auto-Tracking |
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The bad news on human nature, in 10 findings from psychology

Christian Jarrett

is a cognitive neuroscientist turned science writer, whose work has appeared in New Scientist, The
Guardian and Psychology Today, among others. He is editor of the Research Digest blog published by
the British Psychological Society, and presents their PsychCrunch podcast. His latest book is
Personology: Using the Science of Personality Change to Your Advantage (forthcoming). He lives in


French startup Majelan raises €4 million to become the “Netflix of podcasts”


The choices you make in life may be putting you at risk for Lung Cancer

Find out your Risk, Get the advice you need, and Start living a Healthier life today


Books 2019: Which top fiction picks will you choose?

Each new year brings a frisson of excitement among book lovers as they anticipate the happy hours
ahead absorbed in a library's worth of fresh reads.

And 2019 looks to be bumper year.

221 | P a g e
To whet your appetite we've picked a selection of fiction titles from a range of established and new

The list is by no means exhaustive. It may not even end up tempting you. But take a look - and
hopefully you'll find something to enjoy.


Manal al-Sharif is a Saudi Arabian women's rights activist who helped start a women's right to drive
campaign in 2011. A women's rights activist who had previously filmed herself driving, Wajeha al-
Huwaider, filmed al-Sharif driving a car as part of the campaign. The video was posted on YouTube
and Facebook. Wikipedia



The World's Top 50 Women In Tech


Moneyland: Why Thieves And Crooks Now Rule The World And How To Take It Back Kindle Edition

BOOK OF THE YEAR and a DAILY MAIL and TIMES book of the year

'You cannot understand power, wealth and poverty without knowing about Moneyland.'

Simon Kuper, New Statesman

From ruined towns on the edge of Siberia, to Bond-villain lairs in Knightsbridge and Manhattan,
something has gone wrong with the workings of the world.

Once upon a time, if an official stole money, there wasn't much he could do with it. He could buy
himself a new car or build himself a nice house or give it to his friends and family, but that was about
it. If he kept stealing, the money would just pile up in his house until he had no rooms left to put it
in, or it was eaten by mice.

And then some bankers in London had a bright idea.

222 | P a g e
Join the investigative journalist Oliver Bullough on a journey into Moneyland - the secret country of
the lawless, stateless superrich.

Learn how the institutions of Europe and the United States have become money-laundering
operations, undermining the foundations of Western stability. Discover the true cost of being open
for business no matter how corrupt and dangerous the customer. Meet the kleptocrats. Meet their
awful children. And find out how heroic activists around the world are fighting back.

This is the story of wealth and power in the 21st century. It isn't too late to change it.


Convenience Store Woman

Sayaka Murata, Ginny Tapley Takemori & Ginny Tapley Takemori

She found sanctuary in a supermarket. Now she's about to lose it.

Keiko isn't normal. At school and university, people find her odd, and her family worries she will
never fit in. To make them happy, Keiko takes a job at a newly opened convenience store where she
finds peace and purpose in simple daily tasks. But in Keiko's circle it just won't do for an unmarried
woman to spend her time stacking shelves and ordering green tea. As the pressure to find a new job
- or worse, a husband - increases, Keiko is forced to take desperate action...

A Japanese literary sensation with over 650,000 copies sold and the winner of the prestigious
Akutagawa Prize, Convenience Store Woman is this summer's must-read oddball comedy.

'A haunting, dark, and often hilarious take on society's expectations of the single woman' Elif
Batuman, author of The Idiot

'A sure-fire hit of the summer... quirky [and] profound' Irish Times

'A new book from an incredible woman... from this dark and delightful [novel] springs a feminist
rallying cry: trust yourself' Emerald Street

'An offbeat, tongue-in-cheek read... a tale of finding one's own path to happiness' Skinny


Deep Web for Journalists – Comms, Counter-Surveillance, Search: The Digital Journalists' Handbook
Kindle Edition

223 | P a g e
by Alan Pearce (Author)

Journalism has been transformed by the Internet and the Internet has opened journalists to levels of
surveillance that would have horrified George Orwell. All journalists should be aware of the dangers
they face in the digital world – the emerging battleground.

Being a journalist in 2017 is more dangerous than it ever was. In addition to the usual threats,
beatings, murders and war casualties, we are now being actively targeted online by intelligence
agencies, law enforcement and others.

These days it is not just journalists working in repressive regimes that need worry. We now know
that the US and its cyber-allies – Britain, Canada, Australia and New Zealand – actively monitor
domestic journalists in their mass surveillance of the Internet.

Edward Snowden has warned journalists that they are special targets and he has expressed surprise
that news organizations rarely have any counter-measures in place.

They harvest our contacts and monitor our telephone logs. They read our emails and texts. They
follow our every move online and they keep tabs on every line we write.

But it is not just intelligence agencies and law enforcement that we should worry about. All kinds of
people have a vested interest in knowing about your next story – individual criminals and criminal
organizations, political parties and extremist groups, law firms and the corporate giants.

Large business interests have their own intelligence units. They know what is being said about them
and by whom. They keep track of their competitors and they know when somebody starts asking
awkward questions about them.

If big business or anyone wanted to destroy a journalist’s reputation this is simplicity itself.

The key is not to attract attention in the first place, and to learn to operate beneath the radar.

But how can journalists safeguard their sources and communicate without being overheard? How
can they conduct sensitive research without having to watch their backs?

This book will show how to block intruders, set up secure communications, mask your identity online
and browse and download anonymously, and store any amount of data without leaving a trace.

If that wasn't enough, the Deep Web is also a largely-unknown research and information resource. If
you know the right entry points, you can mine a rich seam of multimedia files, images, software and
documents that you cannot find on the Surface Web.

Deep Web for Journalists “offers an uncompromising diagnosis of the perils of online
communications and should shatter the confidence many of us place in the unguarded ways of
working online,” says Jim Boumelha, President of International Federation of Journalists in his
Foreword to the book.

Journalist, broadcaster and author Alan Pearce has covered conflicts from the Khmer Rouge to the
Taliban for the BBC and Time Magazine, among others. He now teaches cyber-security skills and
counter-surveillance to journalists.

“The work of journalism has become immeasurably harder than it ever has been in the past.
Journalists have to be particularly conscious about any sort of network signalling, any sort of
connection, any sort of licence plate reading device that they pass on their way to a meeting point,

224 | P a g e
any place they use their credit card, any place they take their phone, any email contact they have
with the source - because that very first contact, before encrypted communications are established,
is enough to give it all away.” – Edward Snowden 17 July 2014 in The Guardian.


Untangling The Web : An NSA Guide to Internet Research Kindle Edition

by National Security Agency (Author)

"There’s so much data available on the internet that even government cyberspies need a little help
now and then to sift through it all. So to assist them, the National Security Agency produced a book
to help its spies uncover intelligence hiding on the web.

The 643-page tome, called Untangling the Web: A Guide to Internet Research (.pdf), was just
released by the NSA following a FOIA request filed in April by MuckRock, a site that charges fees to
process public records for activists and others.

The book was published by the Center for Digital Content of the National Security Agency, and is
filled with advice for using search engines, the Internet Archive and other online tools. But the most
interesting is the chapter titled “Google Hacking.”

-Wired Magazine 2013


Have a very positive New Year…


225 | P a g e
The 13 best sci-fi books to check out on your new Kindle


Professor Yuval Noah Harari, Best-Selling Author

Yuval Noah Harari speaking in Davos in January 2018. World Economic Forum on Flickr, CC BY-NC-SA

Professor Yuval Noah Harari is the best-selling author of the 2014 book “Sapiens: A Brief History of
Humankind,” which shot him to fame and is set to be adapted into a movie. The book focuses on
human history within the framework of evolutionary biology, tracing the evolution of our species to
the modern age and has sold some 10 million copies in over 50 languages.


NeuroTribes: The Legacy of Autism and How to Think Smarter About People Who Think Differently
Kindle Edition

by Steve Silberman (Author), Oliver Sacks (Contributor)

Winner of the Samuel Johnson Prize for Non-Fiction

Shortlisted for the Wellcome Book Prize

Shortlisted for the MJA Health Book of the Year Award

Shortlisted for the BMA Medical Book Awards

A Sunday Times and New York Times bestseller

Foreword by Oliver Sacks

What is autism: a devastating developmental condition, a lifelong disability, or a naturally occurring

form of cognitive difference akin to certain forms of genius? In truth, it is all of these things and
more - and the future of our society depends on our understanding it.

Following on from his groundbreaking article 'The Geek Syndrome', Wired reporter Steve Silberman
unearths the secret history of autism, long suppressed by the same clinicians who became famous
for discovering it, and finds surprising answers to the crucial question of why the number of
diagnoses has soared in recent years.

226 | P a g e
Going back to the earliest autism research and chronicling the brave and lonely journey of autistic
people and their families through the decades, Silberman provides long-sought solutions to the
autism puzzle while casting light on the growing movement of 'neurodiversity' and mapping out a
path towards a more humane world for people with learning differences.


Polish creator of online textbooks for robotics and programming RoboCamp receives €467k from

Polish creator of online textbooks for robotics and programming RoboCamp receives €467k from



We are a social youth organisation operating out of the London borough Barking and Dagenham.

We work with young people at risk of having their lives ruined by crime and motivate them to
rebuild and recapture their dreams and aspirations. We believe that every young person is entitled
to a bright future, inspired by their hopes and dreams, regardless of their background. We are
passionate about getting 1000s of young people out of gangs each year .


Costa Book Awards 2018: the category award winners are...

Front Row has announced the winners in each category of the 2018 Costa Book Awards. The awards
for novel, children's book, biography, poetry and first novel each carry a prize of £5,000. These five
writers now vie for the title of Costa Book of the Year – and the £30,000 grand prize – which will be
named on Tuesday 29 January. (You can see the full shortlist of 20 writers here.)

227 | P a g e


Razer Turret

Bring keyboard and mouse to Xbox One

Razer Turret is the world’s first wireless keyboard and mouse designed for Xbox One—the Razer
Turret. Equipped with our industry-leading gaming technologies, discover a new way to play in your
living room.


Zanco Smart-Pen, The World's Thinnest Mobile Phone

Like something out of James Bond movie.

Zanco Smart-Pen, The World's Thinnest Mobile Phone is a powerful combination of phone,
Bluetooth headset, stylus pen, voice recorder, laser pointer, and much more. It is not expected or
intended to replace your Smartphone, but in fact, it can be your smartphone’s best buddy!


Quartz AI Studio launches an open-source platform to help journalists use machine learning

The US publisher offers reporters with no coding skills a set of free tools to help them write better
data-driven stories


10 Most Secure Email Providers You Need To Know About

228 | P a g e

Better Allies

Everyday actions to create inclusive, engaging workplaces

Are you looking to build a workplace culture with a certain buzz about it? Where employees are
thriving and engagement survey scores are through the roof. Where people from different
backgrounds, ethnicities, genders, sexual orientations, ages, and abilities are hired and set up for
success—and they all want their friends to work there too, because it’s so awesome.

One secret to creating this kind of workplace is allyship. And it’s something anyone can do.

Better Allies book cover

In Better Allies: Everyday Actions to Create Inclusive, Engaging Workplaces, you’ll learn to spot
situations where you can create a more inclusive culture, along with straightforward steps to take.
Leadership coach Karen Catlin will walk you though how to be a better ally, including:

Hiring and retaining a diverse workforce

Amplifying and advocating for others

Giving effective and equitable performance feedback

Using more inclusive language

Read this book to level-up your ally skills and create a culture where everyone, including you, can do
their best work and thrive.


The Master's Tools Will Never Dismantle the Master's House (Penguin Modern) Kindle Edition

From the self-described 'black, lesbian, mother, warrior, poet', these soaring, urgent essays on the
power of women, poetry and anger are filled with darkness and light.

Penguin Modern: fifty new books celebrating the pioneering spirit of the iconic Penguin Modern
Classics series, with each one offering a concentrated hit of its contemporary, international flavour.
Here are authors ranging from Kathy Acker to James Baldwin, Truman Capote to Stanislaw Lem and
George Orwell to Shirley Jackson; essays radical and inspiring; poems moving and disturbing; stories
surreal and fabulous; taking us from the deep South to modern Japan, New York's underground
scene to the farthest reaches of outer space.

229 | P a g e

Brand Deck

A tool that helps you figure out who you are.





How To Learn A Language In 15 Minutes Per Day

How long should you practice a new language every day? We sat down with one of our linguistics
experts here at Babbel to find out why our app gets you speaking a new language in only 15 minutes
of study per day.


Founded in 2016, this social enterprise employs refugees as language tutors for individuals and
organisations, both online and in-person. With over 120,000 people with refugee status living in the
UK, Chatterbox’s mission is to give them the opportunity to rebuild their lives by sharing their skills
and to earn a living wage, while addressing the language skills gap. The platform offers
conversational practice with native speakers in Mandarin, French, Farsi, Turkish, Arabic, Korean,
Hindi, Spanish, and more. Based in London, the startup is mostly bootstrapped, having only raised
£15k, but is already working with several prominent organisations including WeWork and the British

230 | P a g e
Red Cross, as well as universities such as the University of Edinburgh, the University of Leeds, and
the University of Westminster.



WPScan is a free, for non-commercial use, black box WordPress vulnerability scanner written for
security professionals and blog maintainers to test the security of their sites.


CMS Scan

Scan WordPress, Drupal, etc... websites for Security issue


Product Management Conferences 2019

Discover the best conferences for product people

A list of product management conferences happening in 2019. Includes Call for Speakers


900 Free Audio Books: Download Great Books for Free


231 | P a g e
magic mushrooms and MDMA to turn into medicines at a gathering of the world's billionaires

Psychedelics appear to have a unique ability to treat conditions that fail to respond to even the best
current medicines.


Life Calendar

Your life story. On a gorgeous poster.

Life gets busy. Often, we are too distracted to step back and appreciate the stories that brought us
to where we are today. Life Calendar is a beautiful reminder of every important period of your life.
Your studies. Your wedding day. The first time you traveled abroad. Each moment earns a special
place on a personalized work of art.


EP-Tec Store

Interactive Flat Panel | STEM Educational Toys in Singapore

EP-TEC Solutions is a regional organization with offices in Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, China and
Hong Kong. EP-TEC Solutions is a specialized solutions provider for educational, training and
productivity technology in schools, contact centres and enterprises.


Disco FM

Instant audio preview for your vinyl record finds.

Disco is a tool for all the crate diggers, vinyl record lovers and vinyl collectors out there.

A little but useful tool to help you in your vinyl record finds when you're at a flea market or store
with no turntables to preview your finds. Open disco, scan the bardcode or type the release name
and get the full tracklist and instant audio preview.

232 | P a g e


“When an Israeli thinks you are mistaken,” writes organizational consultant Osnat Lautman in her
books on Israeli business culture, “he simply says, ‘You’re wrong.’ When you ask for his opinion, he
assumes you really want it, and gives you an honest and straightforward answer.”

For anyone who has worked with Israelis – or is Israeli – the next immediate thought is likely, ‘uh oh.
Now what happened?’

Although it’s 2019 and many business collaborations are already underway (and thriving), the gap
between how business is done in Israel and how it is done internationally is wide, says Lautman.

Lautman’s book on Israeli business culture is an Amazon bestseller. It is also a popular choice in the
duty-free bookstore at Ben Gurion International Airport outside Tel Aviv, according to its author.


Solutions-focused journalism can improve news audiences' mental health

In her set-to-launch crowdfunded book 'You are what you read,' author Jodie Jackson invites the
reader to be part of a media revolution


Behrouz Boochani: Refugee who wrote book using WhatsApp wins top prize

An asylum seeker and journalist detained for years by Australia on an island in the Pacific has been
awarded the country's richest literary prize.

Behrouz Boochani, an Iranian Kurd, wrote No Friend But the Mountains: Writing from Manus Prison
by text message from inside a detention centre.

It won the 2019 Victorian Prize for Literature, worth A$100,000 (£55,000).

Boochani remains on Papua New Guinea's Manus Island and is not allowed to enter Australia.

233 | P a g e

INSZoom Technology & Services

INSZoom is the best immigration software company.

INSZoom is the leading immigration case management and compliance software. Established in
1999, INSZoom has been at the cutting edge of immigration technology making it the world’s largest
immigration software company.


Break Point Hardcover – 2 May 2019

by Ollie Ollerton (Author)

Is it here? Facing the gruelling SAS selection process on one leg, with a busted ankle and the finish
line nowhere in sight?

Or here? Under heavy fire from armed kidnappers while protecting journalists en route to Baghdad.

Or, is it here? At the bottom of a bottle, with a family in pieces, unable to adapt to a civilian lifestyle,
yearning for a warzone.

We all have break points to face - at the gym, in the office, in our personal lives - those moments of
self-doubt where we have to dig deep, and find something within to grab hold of and push us

Ex-Special Forces soldier Ollie Ollerton has faced his own break points and now he tells us the
lessons he has learnt along the way. From survivor of a freak childhood attack to elite fighter, Ollie's
incredible story features, high-speed shoot-outs, counter-terrorism and humanitarian heroics.

Special Forces soldiers are not supermen. Bullets don't bounce off them. They don't hit the target
with every shot. They have the same vulnerabilities and doubts as the rest of us. But ordinary people
can achieve the extraordinary, under the greatest pressure, in the most challenging situations.

Ollie's life has taught him that everyone has the capacity for incredible achievement, because it's
only when it's crunch time, when you're down to your last bullet - when you're at break point - that
you find out who you really are.


Romanian startup TypingDNA raises €1.3 million to identify people by the way they type

234 | P a g e
Bucharest-based TypingDNA, a creator of typing biometrics technology and a graduate of Techstars
NYC 2018 Winter batch, has raised €1.3 million in seed funding from European venture firm
GapMinder Venture Partners, with participation from several international investors from the US,
UK, and the EU.

TypingDNA uses AI to recognise people by the way they type on desktop keyboards and mobile
devices. The company’s technology—known as typing biometrics—improves security through
passive authentication and frictionless two-factor authentification.

Founded in 2016 in Romania by entrepreneur and data scientist Raul Popa, TypingDNA has clients in
the US and Europe, and began partnering with identity access management (IAM) providers and
security companies in 2018. The startup also works directly with banks and other financial service
providers to improve online fraud detection.



Nature offers a powerful set of tools for addressing hazards like flooding and erosion. Nature-based
solutions use natural systems, mimic natural processes, or work in tandem with traditional
approaches to address these specific hazards. Communities across the country— along rivers or
coasts, large or small, rural or urban— can incorporate nature-based solutions in local planning,
zoning, regulations, and built projects to help reduce their exposure to flood and erosion impacts.


Tetra Countertop Dishwasher

The only dishwasher that doesn't require plumbing. Engineered for small spaces. And now a CES
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235 | P a g e
Industry insiders warn that democratic nations have failed to acknowledge the extent of the danger
and thus are not cooperating effectively.


It’s a smartwatch that anyone can make & code.

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No Hard Feelings: Emotions at Work and How They Help Us Succeed Kindle Edition

by Liz Fosslien (Author), Mollie West Duffy (Author)

Have you ever worried about showing emotion at work, or panicked you've revealed too much of
your personality?

In No Hard Feelings, you'll learn how to navigate the emotional minefield that is the modern
workplace, and express your feelings and identity at work. After all, the financial success of the 21st
century depends on it. Without the ability to communicate and correct stress, we risk burnout.
Without emotions, we cannot make decisions, influence others, or be creative.

As our jobs become more collaborative, complex, and stressful - as well as the centre of our
identities - effectively embracing emotion will only become more important. Combining behavioural
economics and psychology with sharp, funny and colourful illustrations, No Hard Feelings shows
readers how to be more authentic, productive, and happy at work.

Liz Fosslien is a marketing and design consultant who illustrates the webcomic Out of the Office, and
her work has been featured by the Economist, the Freakonomics blog, and NPR. Mollie West Duffy is
an organizational designer at IDEO and a professor at Stanford University where she teaches design.
She writes a blog and advises companies on start-up culture.

236 | P a g e


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The Power of Onlyness: Make Your Wild Ideas Mighty Enough to Dent the World Kindle Edition

by Nilofer Merchant (Author)

An 800-CEO-READ Staff Pick

Shortlisted for the Thinkers50 Breakthrough Idea Award

A Financial Times Business Book of the Month

“For any would-be activists who hear the voice: ‘not me’ or ‘not now,’ Merchant makes the strong
case for ‘yes you’ and ‘yes now’—and even shows you how to jump in.” —Van Jones, host of CNN’s
The Messy Truth, author of Rebuild the Dream and The Green Collar Economy

“The Power of Onlyness is a book for our times. . . . Merchant forces us to dig deep, into the book
and ourselves, and it goes beyond self-knowledge and self-empowerment, obliterating the fear of
otherness with an understanding of the onlyness of us all.” —Sally Haldorson, 800-CEO-READ

237 | P a g e
An innovation expert illuminates why your power to make a difference is no longer bound by your

If you’re like most people, you wish you had the ability to make a difference, but you don’t have the
credentials, or a seat at the table, can’t get past the gatekeepers, and aren’t high enough in any
hierarchy to get your ideas heard.

In The Power of Onlyness, Nilofer Merchant, one of the world’s top-ranked business thinkers, reveals
that, in fact, we have now reached an unprecedented moment of opportunity for your ideas to
“make a dent” on the world. Now that the Internet has liberated ideas to spread through networks
instead of hierarchies, power is no longer determined by your status, but by “onlyness”—that spot in
the world only you stand in, a function of your distinct history and experiences, visions and hopes. If
you build upon your signature ingredient of purpose and connect with those who are equally
passionate, you have a lever by which to move the world.

This new ability is already within your grasp, but to command it, you need to know how to
meaningfully mobilize others around your ideas. Through inspirational and instructive stories,
Merchant reveals proven strategies to unleash the centrifugal force of a new idea, no matter how
weird or wild it may seem.

Imagine how much better the world could be if every idea could have its shot, not just the ones that
come from expected people and places. Which long-intractable problems would we solve, what new
levels of creativity would be unlocked, and who might innovate a breakthrough that could benefit
ourselves, our communities, and especially our economy. This limitless potential of onlyness has
already been recognized by Thinkers 50, the Oscars of management, which cited it one of the five
ideas that will shape business for next twenty years.

Why do some individuals make scalable impact with their ideas, regardless of their power or status?
The Power of Onlyness unravels this mystery for the first time so that anyone can make a dent. Even


Welcome to a book like {foo}. Search for the books you've enjoyed in the past and we'll try to find
some good recommendations for you. Enter a couple of titles to get started!


Rosamunde Pilcher, author of The Shell Seekers, dies at 94

238 | P a g e

Problems Sighted

Building a community of problem solvers.

Podcast exposing problems in the world through knowledgeable complaining. Building a community
of problem solvers.

Talking with everyone from education CEOs, former ambassadors, investment professionals,
government leaders, and more about the why's, the who's, and the what's of problems they've seen
in the world.


How it feels to be sectioned

This is what it's like to be detained in hospital against your will to treat a severe mental health


Reasons to Stay Alive Paperback – 31 Dec 2015

by Matt Haig (Author)




Aged 24, Matt Haig's world caved in. He could see no way to go on living. This is the true story of
how he came through crisis, triumphed over an illness that almost destroyed him and learned to live

A moving, funny and joyous exploration of how to live better, love better and feel more alive,
Reasons to Stay Alive is more than a memoir. It is a book about making the most of your time on

239 | P a g e
"I wrote this book because the oldest clichés remain the truest. Time heals. The bottom of the valley
never provides the clearest view. The tunnel does have light at the end of it, even if we haven't been
able to see it . . . Words, just sometimes, really can set you free."


Deep Change: Discovering the Leader Within (Jossey-Bass Business & Management) Hardcover – 31
Jul 1996

by Robert E. Quinn (Author)

Don't let your company kill you! Open this book at your own risk. It contains ideas that may lead to a
profound self-awakening. An introspective journey for those in the trenches of today's modern
organizations, Deep Change is a survival manual for finding our own internal leadership power. By
helping us learn new ways of thinking and behaving, it shows how we can transform ourselves from
victims to powerful agents of change. And for anyone who yearns to be an internally driven leader,
to motivate the people around them, and return to a satisfying work life, Deep Change holds the


Searcher for Discogs

Allows to listen to tracks on Discogs by clicking on it.

Allows to listen to tracks on Discogs by clicking on it.


Company culture needs a risk-management approach

Culture is increasingly at the heart of today’s biggest corporate scandals. Harassment at CBS? Fueled
by a culture of sexism. Wells Fargo’s fake accounts? Driven by a leadership team that believed in
performance-at-all costs and led others to believe in it, too. Toshiba’s accounting scandal?

240 | P a g e
Determined by investigators to be the result of a “corporate culture in which management decisions
could not be challenged.”

Often described as a company’s most precious asset—the “X factor” that sets it apart–culture can
just as easily be an organization’s biggest liability. When unattended to, it takes on a life of its own,
often deviating further and further from its intended form until crisis strikes and inquiries
proliferate. In today’s world of extreme transparency, it’s only a matter of time before what’s
broken on the inside is revealed to the outside. Not only do unhealthy cultures demoralize
employees; they alienate customers, ruin reputation, and destroy value.

Despite this, few companies approach culture with the same vigilance they apply to identifying and
mitigating financial, operational, or market risk. Consequently, they fail to account for the biggest
risk of all—that introduced daily by the individual actions and decisions of thousands of employees
who may or may not have bought into the company’s value system. We argue that a holistic
approach to managing risk requires diligent cultural stewardship and the same degree of urgency,
attentiveness, and investment that is applied to issues of cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, or any
other business threat.


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How to be a great leader in a world of control freaks



Filegear storage | Freedom to organize, create, and share.

241 | P a g e
Filegear is a smart personal cloud device that automatically organizes your photos, music, videos and
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StoryBranding 2.0: Creating Stand-Out Brands Through The Power of Story [Print Replica] Kindle

by Jim Signorelli (Author)

From Library Journal:

Advertising executive Signorelli was tired of the traditional approach to his craft, which he feels
resulted in soulless hyperbole and mindless drivel.

When preparing for a client meeting, he had an epiphany. Rather than doing a traditional brief for
the client, identifying its brand's unique selling proposition, he wrote a story: a first-person narrative
told from the prospective customer's point of view. Customers have problems they want to be
solved, and their stories provide clues to understanding how the brand can solve them. Signorelli
compares the "StoryBranding" process, which helps brands understand themselves, to the way
stories teach us about the people in them.

VERDICT Since advertising is, among other things, about building and nurturing relationships
between the brand and the customer, the timeless tradition of storytelling is a natural approach to
facilitate the process.

Signorelli skillfully coaches his readers through understanding a brand's core values and aligning
them to customers' needs. While branding and advertising books are a dime a dozen, the author's
original approach and competent storytelling skills serve his topic well. -Carol Elsen, (c) Copyright
2012. Library Journals LLC,

“All marketers should read Jim's book, especially those who haven't embraced storytelling. It not
only drives home the efficacy of storytelling but also offers a roadmap for leveraging this tool to
uniquely communicate the human essence of a brand. Thought provoking and useful book."

--Dennis Dunlap, Former CEO, American Marketing Association

Many books talk about the power of storytelling as a persuasion device, but this is not one of them.
Jim believes it’s more important to become a story than to tell one. And he shows how it can be
done for all brands, big or small, for any product or service.

StoryBranding 2.0StoryBranding is applicable to personal branding as well. “If you have a birth
certificate, you are a brand,” he says. An easy, entertaining, and educational read, this revolutionary
book on branding has been called “a must read” by critics and marketers across the globe. (Gold
Medal Non-Fiction Award from Stephanie Chandler, who heads the Non-Fiction Writers Association.

242 | P a g e



The Left is strong. Our priority is to ensure Jeremy Corbyn becomes Prime minister of the UK.


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Hemp growing licence

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Government Accountability Project was established by the Institute for Policy Studies in 1977 to
bring attention to whistleblower issues in the wake of major cover-ups such as Watergate and the
Pentagon Papers. As a result of these major scandals, the perception of whistleblowers had reached
a tipping point. Ralph Nader had only recently coined the term “whistleblower” as a way to change
the negative image surrounding those who disclosed information in order to protect the public.
Government Accountability Project’s initial mandate was to change the public’s perception of
whistleblowers from leakers to truth-tellers. With a small staff and few resources, Government
Accountability Project focused on public relations and legislative work. In 1978, however, recent law
school graduate and current Executive Director, Louis Clark, joined Government Accountability

243 | P a g e
Project as staff counsel. With newfound legal resources, the organization began to represent

Shortly afterward, Tom Devine, who was about to begin his second year of law school, joined the
team, bringing a strong desire to expand the scope of the organization and recruit other law
students. In January 1984, Government Accountability Project cut its ties with the Institute for Policy
Studies and became fully independent. As Government Accountability Project staff expanded, so too
did the breadth of its work. In one of its first major legal campaigns, the organization took on several
cases of nuclear power plant workers revealing massive safety violations at multiple plants.

As more attorneys joined the team, Government Accountability Project increased its litigation work,
setting up its unique capacity to launch both political advocacy and legal campaigns. A larger staff
allowed us to specialize in key areas for whistleblowers, such as environmental regulation, food
integrity, and financial oversight.

Throughout its history, Government Accountability Project has distinguished itself through its
representation of numerous high profile clients. We worked with Edward Snowden, who disclosed
systematic cases of abuses of power, Dr. Aicha Elbasri, who exposed the United Nations’ failure to
protect civilians in Darfur, and Phyllis McKelvey, who blew the whistle on dangerous food inspection
practices at the United States Department of Agriculture. Throughout our history, Government
Accountability Project has stood by the whistleblowers who put their lives and livelihoods on the line
in order to serve the greater good. From the pharmaceutical industry to Wall Street, to local and
international governments, Government Accountability Project has tirelessly defended and
advocated on behalf of those who speak up in the face of injustice.



Clarion Project is a non-profit organization that educates the public about the dangers of radical

Clarion’s award-winning films, seen by more than 125-million people, expose how radical Islamists
use terrorism, murder, subjugation of women, indoctrination of children, religious persecution,
genocide of minorities, widespread human rights abuses, nuclear proliferation and cultural jihad —
to threaten the West.

The web site delivers news, expert analysis, videos, and unique perspectives
about radical Islam, while giving a platform to moderate Muslims and human rights activists to speak
out against extremism.


244 | P a g e
The Innocence Project, founded in 1992 by Peter Neufeld and Barry Scheck at Cardozo School of
Law, exonerates the wrongly convicted through DNA testing and reforms the criminal justice system
to prevent future injustice.

Help us free those who have been wrongfully convicted, and reform our criminal justice system.

The Innocence Project's mission is to free the staggering number of innocent people who remain
incarcerated, and to bring reform to the system responsible for their unjust imprisonment.

As the pace of DNA exonerations has grown across the country in recent years, wrongful convictions
have revealed disturbing fissures and trends in our criminal justice system.


Pol Pot's Little Red Book


The Case for Israel 1st Edition, Kindle Edition

by Alan Dershowitz (Author)

The Case for Israel is an ardent defense of Israel's rights, supported by indisputable evidence.

Presents a passionate look at what Israel's accusers and detractors are saying about this war-torn

Dershowitz accuses those who attack Israel of international bigotry and backs up his argument with
hard facts.

Widely respected as a civil libertarian, legal educator, and defense attorney extraordinaire, Alan
Dershowitz has also been a passionate though not uncritical supporter of Israel.


245 | P a g e
Friends of Kerouac

A site dedicated to the people through the Beat Generation

This is a website that uses the format of interactivity for you to add up the dots through Kerouac's
books, to see who the authors and poets were that made up the world of the Beat Generation


Crime author AA Dhand: Life and death on Bradford's 'forgotten' streets

AA Dhand sits at a table in the balcony cafe at Bradford's magnificent old Wool Exchange and points
to the spot where his latest victim was found.


Four in five Vatican priests are gay, book claims

French journalist’s book is a ‘startling account of corruption and hypocrisy’, publisher says

Eighty per cent of priests working at the Vatican are gay, although not necessarily sexually active, it
is claimed in the book, In the Closet of the Vatican.

The 570-page book, which the French journalist and author Frédéric Martel spent four years
researching, is a “startling account of corruption and hypocrisy at the heart of the Vatican”,
according to its British publisher Bloomsbury.


Managing your money

This down-to-earth guide is filled with practical advice on everything from how to budget and be a
smart shopper to student loans, mortgages and insurance. An essential book for equipping young

246 | P a g e
people with the skills they need to manage their money now and in the future. Includes links to
websites with more tips and advice.


Investigative Psychology: Offender Profiling and the Analysis of Criminal Action Paperback – 8 Dec

by David Canter (Author)

This ground-breaking text is the first to provide a detailed overview of Investigative Psychology, from
the earliest work through to recent studies, including descriptions of previously unpublished internal
reports. Crucially it provides a framework for students to explore this exciting terrain, combining
Narrative Theory and an Action Systems framework. It includes empirically tested models for
Offender Profiling and guidance for investigations, as well as an agenda for research in Investigative
Psychology. Investigative Psychology features: The full range of crimes from fraud to terrorism,
including burglary, serial killing, arson, rape, and organised crime Important methodologies including
multi-dimensional scaling and the Radex approach as well as Social Network Analysis Geographical
Offender Profiling, supported by detailed analysis of the underlying psychological processes that
make this such a valuable investigative decision support tool The full range of investigative activities,
including effective information collection, detecting deception and the development of decision
support systems. In effect, this text introduces an exciting new paradigm for a wide range of
psychological contributions to all forms of investigation within and outside of law enforcement. Each
chapter has actual cases and quotations from offenders and ends with questions for discussion and
research, making this a valuable text for undergraduate and postgraduate courses in Applied and
Forensic Psychology, Criminology, Socio-Legal Studies and related disciplines.


Rutger C. Bregman is a Dutch popular historian and author. He has published four books on history,
philosophy and economics, including Utopia for Realists: How We Can Build the Ideal World, which
has been translated into twenty languages. His work has been featured in The Washington Post, The
Guardian and the BBC.

Rutger Bregman

is the author of

Utopia for Realists.

Want to support his work?

247 | P a g e
Join The Correspondent.


Why Hannah Arendt is the philosopher for now

Arendt’s political philosophy, formed under Nazi persecution, is having a resurgence in our troubled

When Hannah Arendt was herded into Gurs, a detention camp in south-west France in May 1940,
she did one of the most sensible things you can do when you are trapped in a real-life nightmare:
she read – Proust’s Remembrance of Things Past, Clausewitz’s On War and, compulsively, the
detective stories of Georges Simenon. Today people are reading Arendt to understand our own
grimly bewildering predicament.

Shortly after Trump’s inauguration, Arendt’s 1951 masterpiece The Origins of Totalitarianism
entered the US bestseller lists. Tweet-size nuggets of her warnings about post-truth political life
have swirled through social media ever since. Arendt, the one time “illegal emigrant” (her words),
historian of totalitarianism, analyst of the banality of administrative evil and advocate for new
political beginnings, is currently the go-to political thinker for the second age of fascist brutality.


The Rule of the Clan: What an Ancient Form of Social Organization Reveals About the Future of
Individual Freedom Kindle Edition

by Mark S. Weiner (Author)

A lively, wide-ranging meditation on human development that offers surprising lessons for the
future of modern individualism, The Rule of the Clan examines the constitutional principles and
cultural institutions of kin-based societies, from medieval Iceland to modern Pakistan.

Mark S. Weiner, an expert in constitutional law and legal history, shows us that true individual
freedom depends on the existence of a robust state dedicated to the public interest. In the absence
of a healthy state, he explains, humans naturally tend to create legal structures centered not on
individuals but rather on extended family groups. The modern liberal state makes individualism
possible by keeping this powerful drive in check—and we ignore the continuing threat to liberal
values and institutions at our peril. At the same time, for modern individualism to survive, liberals
must also acknowledge the profound social and psychological benefits the rule of the clan provides
and recognize the loss humanity sustains in its transition to modernity.

248 | P a g e
Masterfully argued and filled with rich historical detail, Weiner's investigation speaks both to
modern liberal societies and to developing nations riven by "clannism," including Muslim societies in
the wake of the Arab Spring.


White Australia can't solve black problems. White Australia is the problem

In an extract from her book, Sarah Maddison argues that the Australian democratic ideal does little
to improve Indigenous lives


Depression and anxiety are now at epidemic levels. Why?

Across the world, scientists have uncovered evidence for nine different causes. Some are in our
biology – but most are in the way we are living today.

This New York Times best-selling book – lauded by everyone from Oprah to Elton John – offers a
radical new way of thinking about this crisis.

It shows that once we understand the real causes, we can turn to pioneering new solutions – ones
that offer real hope.



Simson L. Garfinkel

Simson L. Garfinkel joined the National Institute of Standards and Technology in Gaithersberg,
Maryland, in January 2015 as Senior Advisor, Information Access Division. His current research
includes privacy and data de-identification.Garfinkel was formerly an Associate Professor at the
Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, California from 2006 to January 2015. He lives in Arlington,

249 | P a g e
Dr. Garfinkel has research interests in computer forensics, the emerging field of usability and
security, and in personal information management. He is also interested in information policy and
terrorism, and has published in these areas since the late 1980s.

In addition to his work as an academic, Garfinkel is a contributing editor at Technology Review

Magazine, where he writes a weekly blog on emerging technology, and an editor-at-large at CSO
Magazine, where he writes the award-winning monthly column "Machine Shop." In the past
Garfinkel was a weekly contributor to The Boston Globe, The San Jose Mercury News and The
Christian Science Monitor He was a founding contributor of Wired Magazine. Overall, Garfinkel's
popular articles have appeared in more than 70 publications around the world.

Garfinkel is the author or co-author of fourteen books on computing. He is perhaps best known for
his book Database Nation: The Death of Privacy in the 21st Century. Garfinkel's most successful
book, Practical UNIX and Internet Security (co-authored with Gene Spafford), has sold more than
250,000 copies in more than a dozen languages since the first edition was published in 1991.

Garfinkel received three Bachelor of Science degrees from MIT in 1987, a Master's of Science in
Journalism from Columbia University in 1988, and a Ph.D. in Computer Science from MIT in 2005.

Garfinkel's home page is His CV is located on the Internet at


Teacher writes book about pupils' devastating depression, neglect and self-harm

Kate Clanchy gives a first-hand view of what teachers are really up against in these exclusive extracts
from Some Kids I Taught and What They Taught Me


The mother of the YouTube and 23andMe CEOs has a 5-letter catchword for raising successful
children and she wrote a book about it


250 | P a g e
Lynette Silver’s main interest lies in investigating various aspects of Australian history. Her work in
this field was recognised in 1989 when, following the publication of her books A Fool’s Gold? and
The Battle of Vinegar Hill, she was made a Fellow of the Australian Institute of History and the Arts.

More publications followed: a centennial history on St Peter’s Church, Hornsby; a number of

children’s non-fiction books on ballet, craft and games; craft books for adults and and ten more non-
fiction historical works. The latter includes the official bicentennial work Unsung Heroes and
Heroines of Australia, to which a number of writers contributed; two World War II books, Heroes of
Rimau and Krait: The Fishing Boat that went to War, and Fabulous Furphies – Ten Great Myths from
Australia’s Past.

In 1995, following lengthy research into the fall of Singapore, she was appointed official Historian to
the Australian 8th Division Association, a post she held for seven years. Her highly successful book,
Sandakan – A Conspiracy of Silence, released in 1998, concerns the loss of almost 2,500 Allied POWs
in British North Borneo. It is now into its fourth edition in Australia, with a Malaysian edition
launched in 2007. The research undertaken for this book, recognised world-wide as the definitive
history, led to her appointment as adviser and consultant to novelist Bryce Courtenay in his
blockbuster, Four Fires, which reached Number 1 on the bestseller list.



From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


The Great Mental Models Project



Anna Sorokin: Why do con artists and fraudsters fascinate us?

251 | P a g e

I'm Jerri Williams, a retired FBI agent reliving my glory days writing crime fiction about greed and
hosting FBI Retired Case File Review, a true crime and history podcast featuring interviews with
retired FBI agents.

Through my books, my blog and my podcast case reviews with former colleagues, I'm on a mission to
show the public who the FBI is and what the FBI does. Thank you for your support!




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252 | P a g e

Read the book at College for English A-Level...really an understanding and even a basis of what has
been presented in 'Investigative Psychology 10.' Then there was Chaucer...what can I say...what can I
say...not a lot really...the cosmopolitan world in which a wine merchant's son became one of the
most celebrated of all English poets More than any other canonical English writer, Geoffrey Chaucer
lived and worked at the centre of political life--yet his poems are anything but conventional. Edgy,
complicated, and often dark, they reflect a conflicted world, and their astonishing diversity and
innovative language earned Chaucer renown as the father of English literature. Marion Turner
(Amazon - Chaucer), however, reveals him as a great European writer and thinker.

On The Black Hill (Vintage Classics) Paperback – 3 Dec 1998

by Bruce Chatwin (Author)

On the Black Hill is an elegantly written tale of identical twin brothers who grow up on a farm in rural
Wales and never leave home. They till the rough soil and sleep in the same bed, touched only
occasionally by the advances of the twentieth century.

In depicting the lives of Benjamin and Lewis and their interactions with their small local community
Chatwin comments movingly on the larger questions of human experience.

The Novels Paperback – 5 Oct 2017

by Bruce Chatwin (Author), Hanya Yanagihara (Introduction)

A collected edition of Bruce Chatwin’s acclaimed, captivating novels – On the Black Hill, Utz and The
Viceroy of Ouidah – with an introduction by Hanya Yanagihara

While Bruce Chatwin is best known as a master of travel literature, his three acclaimed novels must
not be overlooked. Here we see a writer exploring human life, from its freedoms to its limits, in ever
more exhilarating and unexpected ways.

In On the Black Hill, twin brothers begin to realise that the world beyond their familiar fields is
changing. In Utz, a scholar visits a communist state to meet an eccentric porcelain collector. And in
The Viceroy of Ouidah, an ambitious slave trader makes a choice that could threaten his ultimate


253 | P a g e
Jonathan Livingston Seagull

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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This article is about the book. For the film adaptation, see Jonathan Livingston Seagull (film). For the
Neil Diamond soundtrack album, see Jonathan Livingston Seagull (album).

Jonathan Livingston Seagull: A Story

Johnathan Livingston Seagull.jpg

Book cover for Jonathan Livingston Seagull

Author Richard Bach

Illustrator Russel Munson

Language English

Subject The life of Jonathan Livingston Seagull, a seagull.

Genre Spiritual, self-help, novella

Publisher Macmillan Publishers (United States)

Publication date

1970, 2014

Media type Print (paperback)

Pages 144 (The Complete Edition)

ISBN 9781476793313 (2014 paperback edition)

OCLC 6158608

Jonathan Livingston Seagull, written by Richard Bach and illustrated by Russell Munson, is a fable in
novella form about a seagull who is trying to learn about life and flight, and a homily about self-
perfection. Bach wrote it as a series of short stories that were published in Flying magazine in the
late 1960s. It was first published in book form in 1970, and by the end of 1972 over a million copies
were in print. Reader's Digest published a condensed version, and the book reached the top of the
New York Times Best Seller list, where it remained for 38 weeks. In 1972 and 1973, the book topped
the Publishers Weekly list of bestselling novels in the United States. In 2014 the book was reissued
as Jonathan Livingston Seagull: The Complete Edition, which added a 17-page fourth part to the



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Is After the Affair for you?

After the Affair is an online affair recovery program. Our focus is on you, the hurt partner. There are
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of yourself. We want you to look back on this terrible time and be extremely proud of yourself and
who you’ve become.


After the Affair was made by the cheated for the cheated. Meaning that we wanted to create a
down and dirty, let's get to the point, way to help people heal from their partner's unfaithfulness.
We wanna know what to do about our racing and obsessive thoughts now, not after 7 months of
therapy sessions that cost a fortune.

In 8 weekly videos we will cover topics like: trauma recovery, creating a support system, grief, PTSD,
boundaries, reactions, reality, flashbacks, depression, anxiety and fear. For each subscription, we
give away a subscription to those in need.

255 | P a g e
Members can watch recorded videos when their schedule allows and as often as they would like.



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The One Man Empire Movement

Start Your Journey, Rise Up In A Blaze Of Glory And Be Born Free


3X Best selling author and the founder of the One Man Empire movement

Charlie Hutton is three times best selling author and the founder of the One Man Empire movement.

You may have read about him in Talk Business, Business Today or heard him on the BBC. You’ve
probably seen some of the footage from his explosive underground docu-series that took the male
business owner community by storm, racking up close to 1.12 million views in a few short weeks.


About Trustap

Trustap is a transaction platform that acts as a safety net for customers when they want to buy or
sell online.

Trustap works like a personal escrow account. In each transaction, the funds are held during the
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257 | P a g e


How can a poem transform a life? Could poetry change the world? In this accessible volume, spoken-
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Largest Provider of Spoken Word, Performance and Slam Poetry Media. SPRING 2019 Blythe
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Visualize Networks in Augmented Reality

ColdSpotting is an iOS app that uses Augmented Reality to visualize network signal strength.
Troubleshoot Cellular or Wifi connections simply by walking around an area and seeing the hot and
cold spots in AR. Great for hotels, airports or coffee shops.

App no problems but Website Flags...

Your connection is not private

Attackers might be trying to steal your information from (for example, passwords,
messages or credit cards). Learn more



Rons WebLynx

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Rons WebLynx is a powerful link organiser to manage 1000's of links. Organise bookmarks into
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We are centered around women supporting each other, empowering each woman to feel safe and
supported to live authentically to themselves. This is a movement to join together to stand up
against judgement on ourselves and others. The GirlTalk Network creates events that connect and
inspire, create change, provide resources and tools, self love programs, content and connect women

Created & Founded by Sarah Pendrick

259 | P a g e


The second edition of my book, Weight-of-Evidence for Forensic DNA Profiles, now co-authored with
Chris Steele, was published by Wiley in 2015.


Self Esteem Workbook: How to Overcoming Self Doubt and Gain Better Self Confidence + Body
Language: How to improving Self-Esteem and Gaining Confidence Kindle Edition

by Clark Brown (Author)

★ FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY ★ Buy the Paperback and Get the eBook for FREE!

Have you ever seen someone who despite not being very attractive physically seemed to attract
others of the opposite sex?

Have you ever noticed someone in your workplace who doesn't really know much about your
position, but always gets increments?

Have you ever noticed that some people seem to be able to captivate anyone with whom they
engage in conversation and can easily make friends?

What do these people have? One word, confidence.

If you have confidence in yourself, nothing more is needed. Confidence is something that is
perceived by others. People will react to you in one way if you have confidence and in a different
way if you do not.

In this book, you'll learn how much confidence you actually possess, why you can have confidence,
the destroyers of confidence, as well as the builders of confidence. This book will teach you
everything you need to know about the world's largest plan, the plan of confidence!

For you to achieve greater confidence, you must nevertheless be open to change. You must be
willing to modify your behavior in order to achieve greater confidence. Confidence can be learned,
but it involves leaving your comfort zone and learning to make certain changes in your behavior

So sit back, relax and start learning how you can gain more confidence.

260 | P a g e

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Get this book if you can't get a job.

Get a Job is the guide to writing awesome resumes, acing tough interviews, and landing your dream
job. It has a beautiful format that looks great on your coffee table or bookshelf. This book was
written to help students, professionals, and anyone else considering a new job.


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Turkey puts novelists including Elif Shafak under investigation

Prosecutors target authors whose fiction tackles difficult subjects such as child abuse and sexual

261 | P a g e


Akala - Channel 4 News...


Afghanistan Haikus

I spent a year in a hellish war and wrote some poetry.

While in Afghanistan in 2012-2013, I spent time writing haikus to help me manage my time while
there. I also raised money for charity:water, using my haikus to bring awareness and funds to build

Now I've put my favorites in a small zine.



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262 | P a g e
The End of Marketing

Humanizing Your Brand in the Age of Social Media and AI

Learn how to put 'social' back into social media and claim brand relevancy in a world where
algorithms dominate, organic reach is dwindling and consumers don't want to be sold to, they want
to be engaged.

Social networks are the new norm and traditional marketing is failing in today's digital, always-on
culture. Businesses across the world are having to face up to how they remain relevant in the
choppy waters of the digital ocean. In an era where a YouTube star gets more daily impressions than
Nike, Coca-Cola and Walmart combined, traditional marketing as we know it is dead.

The End of Marketing revolutionizes the way brands, agencies and marketers should approach
marketing. From how Donald Trump won the American presidency using social media and why Kim
Kardashian is one of the world's biggest online brands, through to the impact of bots and
automation, this book will teach you about new features and emerging platforms that will engage
customers and employees. Discover bold content ideas, hear from some of the world's largest
brands and content creators and find out how to build smarter paid-strategies, guaranteed to help
you dominate your markets.

The End of Marketing explains that no matter how easy it is to reach potential customers, the key
relationship between brand and consumer still needs the human touch. Learn how to put 'social'
back into social media and claim brand relevancy in a world where algorithms dominate, organic
reach is dwindling and consumers don't want to be sold to, they want to be engaged.


Three Books

Top three books personally recommended by tech people

Find out and purchase the top three books personally recommended by startup/tech people, and be
a part of the community by sharing yours.

Three Books

by Jovian Gautama

Find out the top three books other startup people recommend


263 | P a g e
The social freemium reading app

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264 | P a g e
Best Practices for OperationalExcellence

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- The 4 Principles of Operational Excellence

- The 8 Best Practices of Operational Excellence

- How to get buy-in, a roadmap for an impactful roll-out and systems to sustain the change.




Why Companies Sink and How to Reinvent Your Way Out of Any Business Disaster


Giants and Unicorns: The lost partnership between broke startups and slow corporations Kindle

by Anthony W. Richardson (Author)

We live in an age where innovation is occurring more and more outside of the walls of the corporate
castle. As a society, entrepreneurship and exponential technologies have equipped tomorrow's
disruptors with razor sharp tools, capable of entering a market faster than ever before. Meanwhile,
there is growing proof that corporate innovation is failing more and more with each passing years,
and the graveyard is littered with both time and wasted capital.

In front of us are two completely separate camps; startups and corporations, but what they both
need is identical and simple: access to each other and mutual benefit.

In his second book, best-selling author of Full-Scale, Anthony W Richardson takes you through the
journey of both sides of the table, having experienced them first hand himself.

Richardson, a 15 year veteran to consulting venture-backed startups, and now CEO of Gearbox.AI, an
artificial intelligence company aimed at pairing corporations with startups, outlines the strategies,
history and lessons learned from being on the forefront of this exciting new world.

Throughout, he builds a data-driven case for corporate innovation declining in success and
increasing in resources and takes you through countless case studies on innovation, partnerships
and a new way of carving out your place in this modern, growing field.

265 | P a g e
This book is for corporate innovation, R&D, venture capital, private equity and procurement
professionals looking to tap into tomorrow's lean, startup culture for the best technologies, talent,
ideas and inventions for mutual benefit


Facebook Page Analyser

See how your Facebook Page performs and how to improve it

The Facebook Page Analyser is a free tool that gives you information about your Facebook Page
organic reach, virality and monetisation potential. But most importantly, it gives tips on how to
improve it, and get the most out of your online community.


308 Free Resources for Marketing

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Cybercrime and Digital Forensics

266 | P a g e
An Introduction to cybercrime

This book offers a comprehensive and integrative introduction to cybercrime. It provides an

authoritative synthesis of the disparate literature on the various types of cybercrime


Women Know Cyber: 100 Fascinating Females Fighting Cybercrime Paperback – May 20, 2019

by Steve Morgan (Author), Di Freeze (Author)

Women know cybersecurity and they’re heavily involved in our industry. Don’t let anyone or any
survey tell you otherwise. Just in case you don’t believe it, we’ve written a book to help prove it. It’s
a new wave book that is based on the Twitter list @WomenKnowCyber researched and compiled by
Cybercrime Magazine and published by Cybersecurity Ventures."Women Know Cyber: 100
Fascinating Females Fighting Cybercrime" features cybersecurity experts from across the globe, with
varying backgrounds, who stand out for protecting governments, businesses, and people from
cybercrime — and for their contributions to our community.If these 100 leading ladies aren’t proof
enough for you, then we encourage you to look at the @WomenKnowCyber Twitter list. You’ll see
thousands of women in cybersecurity — from coders to digital forensics experts to chief information
security officers at the world’s largest corporations. The list grows larger every day. Are women
underrepresented in cybersecurity? Yes. Cybersecurity Ventures predicts that women will hold
approximately 20 percent of the positions in our field by the end of this year. But, that is up from an
11 percent figure which has been circulating for the past 6 years. Make no mistake about it —
women are trending up in cybersecurity. How do we move the needle from 20 percent to 50 percent
in the coming years? One answer may be that we need to look at the glass as being half-full, rather
than half-empty — as has been the case for way too long by way too many people. Let’s highlight
the sheer number of women in cybersecurity — in an effort to attract more women to an industry
that desperately needs them. Cybersecurity Ventures predicts that there will be 3.5 million unfilled
cybersecurity jobs globally by 2021, up from 1 million positions in 2014. The job openings are driven
by a huge increase in cybercrime, which is predicted to cost the world $6 trillion annually by 2021,
up from $3 trillion in 2015.There’s a cybersecurity career waiting for every girl and woman that
wants one and is willing to gain the skills needed for employment. We hope that this book will
inspire you — or someone you know — to think about becoming a woman in cybersecurity.



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Bluechew offers you the same active ingredients as in Viagra™ (sildenafil) and Cialis™ (tadalafil) for a
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Searching the National Police Library collections is easy using Police Library Search and Classic

Police Library Search

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The Dawn of Time ... (Surely we can all see this now ... Day 0) ,,,

'original library search and indexing software tools' and more and more and more...

Library Automation Software

Find the best Library Automation Software for your business. Compare product reviews and features
to build your list.

Five free cataloging applications

272 | P a g e


Together, we write the software that powers the library of the future.

Search tools

Open Semantic Search

Free Software for your own Search Engine, Explorer for Discovery of large document collections,
Media Monitoring, Text Analytics, Document Analysis & Text Mining platform based on Apache Solr
or Elasticsearch open-source enterprise-search and Open Standards for Linked Data, Semantic Web
& Linked Open Data integration

Empowering Researchers with Extraordinary Information

Empower your researchers with less time spent searching for information and more time devoted to
research. ProQuest databases provides a single source for scholarly journals, newspapers, reports,
working papers, and datasets along with millions of pages of digitized historical primary sources and
more than 450,000 ebooks. Renowned abstracting and indexing makes this information easily
navigable, while content tools, including instant bibliography and citation generators, simplify
management and sharing of research.

273 | P a g e
Digital tools for researchers…/ serves as a landing page for librarians who are interested in the most advanced and cost
effective open source automation solution on the market, LibLime Koha. offers a
functionally advanced version of Koha and ready access to the most experienced Koha software
support company in the industry, LibLime. Of the libraries worldwide using a variation of Koha, over
700 use the version supported by LibLime.

The ResCarta® Toolkit

The ResCarta Toolkit is professional grade software designed to build and organize your digital
collections. The software can be loaded to a stand-alone system or a shared network location.
Unlimited numbers of users can share the tools or unlimited copies can be placed on stand-alone

The Toolkit is licensed under the Apache 2.0 open source license and you are free to use the
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Check out the features of the Toolkit below...

Data Access Tools

Research Data Access

CRSP provides data access on supported platforms including Windows, and Linux. Access options
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Investment Index Data Access

274 | P a g e
CRSP has partnered with many of the leading third-party data distributors for dissemination of the
CRSP Index Data. Please contact directly your preferred provider for access and subscription
information. If your provider is not included below, please contact us at so that we may explore adding them to our list of distributors.

Archive skills and tools for historians…/archive_skills_and_tools_for_hi…

original library search and indexing software tools…





Let no Librarian be dictated by there own thoughts...the empowerment of these people have
changed the World as we know it...the union will be of librarian and held by librarian...everyone else
can mind there own business...

'I will burn you to the ground, of course your going to support and help and back me up...' What
lunacy is this?

275 | P a g e

Stated this on the employment case in 2007...

library union UK...…

The New York Public Library


The National Union List of Journals (NULJ) is a co-operative document supply scheme allowing
libraries to share journal articles under copyright law and the NHS copyright licence. The NULJ
scheme covers all aspects of health related journals.

The basis of the scheme is that articles are supplied between member libraries by reciprocal

RLUK is a consortium of the most significant research libraries in the UK and Ireland, and whose
purpose is to shape the research library agenda, and contribute to the wider knowledge economy
through innovative projects and services that add value and impact to the process of research. We
also contribute to the health of society through the preservation and sharing of knowledge: one of
the pillars of an open society.

276 | P a g e

Should the UK have a dedicated union for librarians?…/should-the-uk-have-a-dedicated-uni…/


Prospect is the trade union for professionals. We provide work related advice, support and services.

Prospect's members are engineers, scientists, managers and specialists in areas as diverse as
agriculture, defence, education and children's services, energy, environment, heritage, shipbuilding,
telecoms and transport.

We are the largest union in the UK representing professional engineers.

A free tool to help you find journals in the UK

with links to articles and tables of contents

Search over 100 UK and Irish academic, national & specialist library catalogues

CILIP is the UK’s library and information association. We work to improve services, develop our
members’ expertise and champion the sector.

277 | P a g e

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i have a 100 links on word doc how do I group similar links together

Textmetrics’s Microsoft Word Addin

Finally, SEO made easy for everyone!

Text Content Tools

278 | P a g e
A complete set of text tools is now at your fingertips. Check plagiarism, rewrite an article, run a spell
checker, count words or change text case.

Checking Documents for SEO

How to Optimize PDF Documents for Search

On-page SEO

This YouMoz entry was submitted by one of our community members. The author’s views are
entirely his or her own (excluding an unlikely case of hypnosis) and may not reflect the views of Moz.

10 Tips to Make Your PDFs SEO Friendly

Need more than a keyword research tool? How about a market research tool. Take competitors'
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technology... All you need to do is start searching.

COPYLEAKS Plagiarism Checker

279 | P a g e
Detect plagiarism and paraphrased content using advanced

AI technology. Confirm originality with sophisticated algorithms

that scan and track textual content in every language.

Welcome to the online text analysis tool, the detailed statistics of your text, perfect for translators
(quoting), for webmasters (ranking) or for normal users, to know the subject of a text. Now with new
features as the anlysis of words groups, finding out the keyword density, analyse the prominence of
word or expressions. Webmasters can analyse the links on their pages. More instructions are about
to be written, please send us your feedback !

Relaunch SEO Software

AI-controlled automated matching of all pages,

images & documents in your Relaunch project

Up to 3 million URLs per site

Complete content matching for HTML-content, images, documents and dozens of other file types.

Available for any language: German, English, Russian, Chinese, etc.

Automatically detects lost and altered pages, images as well as other content.

Automated creation of 301 redirects for the relaunch, including API.

Includes finished .htcaccess files.

Indispensable in every relaunch – With the RelaunchApp you will save URLs and keep your Ranking

An Easy Microsoft Word Plugin That Will Actually Boost SEO

280 | P a g e

250+ Free SEO Tools List

There are literally hundreds of tools out there that are useful for Internet marketers and SEO
experts. However, most of the good ones are part of premium packages that can burn through some
serious cash. That is why we created this growing list of 250+ free SEO tools! Here you can take a
glance at our favorite list of SEO tools, or if you really are looking for something specific, look it up in
our search box!

Keyword mapping: What Is It And How To Do It In 2019

27 Must-Use SEO Tools to Do Content Marketing

How to link multilevel list headings to custom styles

16 Linking, Segmentation, and Alignment

281 | P a g e
Open Multiple URLs at Once

This free web tool allows you to open multiple URLs at the same time. It works by opening a new tab
in your web browser for each URL you have typed in the following textarea. All major web browsers
are supported, including Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome and Opera. If you open too many
multiple links at the same time, your browser may freeze for a few seconds.

Free Guide: The Definitive Guide to SEO in 2019

Proven strategies to help you get higher rankings in 2019.

Automated Document Assembly Software

HotDocs allows you to transform your frequently used documents and forms into intelligent
templates that enable superfast production of custom documentation.

What is document automation?


I have many companies on a word document and I want to classify them by industry through the url

282 | P a g e
Anatomy of a URL

In February 2010, techy web magazine Read Write Web published an article entitled Facebook
Wants to Be Your One True Login. The article was about a new partnership between Facebook and
AOL aimed at making it easier for users to log in to Facebook. Which is quite ironic considering what
happened next.

User Guide for AsyncOS 11.0 for Cisco Web Security Appliances


indexing word content software tools

How do I generate an index in Word?

Indexing Software

283 | P a g e
DocFetcher is an Open Source desktop search application: It allows you to search the contents of
files on your computer. — You can think of it as Google for your local files. The application runs on
Windows, Linux and OS X, and is made available under the Eclipse Public License.

Content Search Software

Text Finding is the best free content search software that can perform full-text content search in
many types of files, including PDF, Word, Excel, HTML, Outlook Express, text, and many more. Even if
you may not remember the file’s name, or you just remembe one or two keyword phrases in a file,
Text Finding has strong featurse to help you effectively search the files with a small part of its
contents. You can quickly find all the files containing specific contents on your computer and
network. Then you can view the searched file content conveniently and get the files with the content
you need from any other computers on the network.

Indexing Software

PDF Index Generator is a powerful utility for generating an index and writing it to your book in 4 easy
steps. PDF Index Generator parses your PDF, collects the index words and their location in the PDF,
then writes the generated index to a PDF or a text file you specify. The main target for PDF Index
Generator is to automate the process of generating the book index instead of doing the hard work

284 | P a g e
Home » Software » 7 Free Tools for Creating Search Index Database to Quickly Find Files

7 Free Tools for Creating Search Index Database to Quickly Find Files

software for professional indexing

Index Generator Version 7.0 is now available.

Index Generator will take a PDF book and produce a list of words with associated page numbers. If
the book format is in some other form it must be converted to PDF (Microsoft Word offers this as a
Save As option. OpenOffice also exports to PDF). Words can then be selected to be included in an
index for the book. Individual pages of a word occurrence can be excluded or included. Words can
be set to reference other words. Words can be a subheading of other words. Once the words have
been selected, the output can be formatted to your liking. The index can be printed or saved as a
Microsoft Word File, RTF File, Plain Text File or PDF File. The preview dialog allows coping to the
clipboard for pasting into an application of your choosing. Index Generator can now process
password protected PDF files.

Index Generator Setup.exe is for Windows Operating Systems.

Index Generator.jar is for other Operating Systems such as Linux and Mac.

Digital Publications Indexing

A Special Interest Group of the American Society for Indexing

285 | P a g e
Open Semantic Search

Free Software for your own Search Engine, Explorer for Discovery of large document collections,
Media Monitoring, Text Analytics, Document Analysis & Text Mining platform based on Apache Solr
or Elasticsearch open-source enterprise-search and Open Standards for Linked Data, Semantic Web
& Linked Open Data integration

Search text in files with SeekFast

SeekFast is a software tool allowing you to quickly and easily search text in files on your computer.
SeekFast can search in all commonly used types of documents:

Windows software for finding word patterns

Published by Lexical Analysis Software and Oxford University Press since 1996

8 Free File Search Tools

Search your Windows computer easier with a file search tool

Hunt down your files


286 | P a g e

Tests Document Readability

Readability Calculator





Best Windows software to search file content [duplicate]

Solr includes a simple command line tool for POSTing various types of content to a Solr server.

The tool is bin/post. The bin/post tool is a Unix shell script; for Windows (non-Cygwin) usage, see the
Windows section below.

To run it, open a window and enter

Glossary is usually defined as an alphabetical list of technical terms in some specialized field of
knowledge. This knowledge base glossary provides a collection of knowledge base documents that
define many technical terms. These terms are arranged alphabetically, but you can quickly jump to a
specific term by selecting its first letter from the index of the knowledge base glossary below.

287 | P a g e

Automatically create human quality content with WordAi

WordAi uses artificial intelligence to understand text and is able to automatically rewrite your article
with the same readability as a human writer! Sign up now and get unlimited human quality content
at your fingertips!

Search Engine Indexing

Full-service translation tool for freelancers


Quick and easy way to test the readability of your work.




288 | P a g e
'My parents told everyone I was dead'


A Thousand Golden Arms Paperback – September 21, 2018

by Anthony Matturro (Author), Jose E Camacho (Illustrator)

For far too long, social stigmas have prevented us from researching some of the most remarkable
substances on the planet. “A Thousand Golden Arms” is a psychedelic journey thru the mind of
Anthony Matturro; A man who has healed himself. He explains how LSD and psilocybin have been
major keys in his journey overcoming depression and Opioid addiction. This story is about Anthony’s
final LSD experience on June 27th, 2016, which was also the day of his father’s death. He is not a
doctor or scientist. When it comes to holistic medicines, he believes that sharing our honest
experiences is the best way to introduce them to the mainstream. His only hope in sharing his
experience is that you will share yours too! By sharing our stories, we can help to improve the world
of modern medicine. #AThousandGoldenArms #PsychedelicsSavedMyLife #MakeMedicineLegal



Online community for unusual people

This is an online community for mentally ill people or for their relatives. Guys and girls with mental
issues can freely communicate here with each other and in the future with the doctors too.


Amusing Ourselves to Death (A Methuen paperback) Paperback – 1 Feb 1987

by Neil Postman (Author)

Television has conditioned us to tolerate visually entertaining material measured out in spoonfuls of
time, to the detriment of rational public discourse and reasoned public affairs. In this eloquent,
persuasive book, Neil Postman alerts us to the real and present dangers of this state of affairs, and
offers compelling suggestions as to how to withstand the media onslaught. Before we hand over

289 | P a g e
politics, education, religion, and journalism to the show business demands of the television age, we
must recognize the ways in which the media shape our lives and the ways we can, in turn, shape
them to serve out highest goals.


Your Cyber Security A.I Job Assistant

Is a free tool to help cyber security professionals better understand job vacancies in simpler terms.
Converting the job description, qualifications, and skills into an easy to read visual breakdown. Then
applying that knowledge to their resumes.

Have a question about this product? Ask the Maker


Website Stats and Valuation is a web service for Website Owners, Webmasters and General Internet Users to
retrieve information related with Domain Name, IP Address, Web Server and Search Engine
Optimization (SEO). It is the tool that provides various statistical reports for any website like Website
Valuation, Search Engine Reports, Traffic Reports, Social Engagement, Safety, Host Information,
Domain WHOIS, Page Speed and much more. Simply type your Domain Name above for such
awesome reports.


Breathing Training

Breathing app made by teenager developer

We are a startup team of high school students who are active in Korea. We finally released the
English version. I hope you'll have a lot of interest!

290 | P a g e

Women in Technology



Spanish to English WhatsApp voice translation

In Latin America, people tend to send voice messages rather than text messages on WhatsApp.
TranslateQuick provides Spanish to English translation services for WhatsApp voice messages. Never
be frustrated not understanding Spanish voice messages again.


Google Translate now works within any app on Android



Learn Languages with audiobooks and music

Beelinguapp for iPhone and Android shows the exact same text in two languages; side by side. At the
same time, it is an audiobook, and with its unique karaoke reading you follow the audio in the text
on both sides. New texts are added every week.


The Business Owner's Guide to Financial Freedom: What Wall Street Isn't Telling You Paperback – 30
Nov 2017

291 | P a g e
by Mark J. Kohler (Author), Randall Luebke (Contributor)


Tailored for small business owners and entrepreneur like yourself who are looking for long-term
financial planning and wealth management, The Business Owner's Guide to Financial Freedom
reveals the secrets behind successfully investing in your business while bypassing Wall Street-
influenced financial planners.

Attorney and CPA Mark J. Kohler and expert financial planner Randall A. Luebke deliver a guide
catered to your entrepreneurial journey as they teach you how to create assets that provide income
so work is no longer a requirement, identify money and tax-saving strategies, and address business
succession plans to help you transition into the investment phase of business ownership.

Learn how to:

Pinpoint the dollar value of your business with a step-by-step formula

Eliminate and avoid bad debt while leveraging your good debt

Uncover investment strategies Wall Street won't tell you

Achieve long-term goals with the 4x4 Financial Independence Plan

Find an advisor willing to look out for your best interests

Super-charge your 401(k) and leverage your insurance to get rich

Create the best exit strategy for you, your business, and your family

Avoid the most common mistakes in real estate investment

Protect your hard-earned assets from security threats ready to strike

You can't predict the future, but you can plan for it. So if you're ready to stop treating your business
like your only asset and want to start making it your most valuable legacy, this book is for you!


In 1967, Felix Dennis's career started as a street seller, selling copies of the underground
counterculture magazine Oz magazine on the streets of London’s Kings Road. The magazine printed
a mixture of left-field stories, discussions of drugs, sex and contentious political stories. He then
gained an informal apprenticeship in magazine design with Jon Goodchild, Oz's first art director, who
later moved to Rolling Stone in California.


292 | P a g e
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No B.S. Marketing to the Affluent: No Holds Barred, Take No Prisoners, Guide to Getting Really Rich
Paperback – 4 Jul 2019

by Dan S. Kennedy (Author

THE SCARY TRUTH: The middle-class consumer populahon―and their buying power―is massively
shrinking. Customers are buying less and in fewer categories.

THE SILVER LINING: It takes no more work to attract customers from the explosively growing Mass-
Affluent, Affluent, and Ultra-Affluent populations eager to pay premium prices in return for
exceptional expertise, service, and experiences.

In this new edition of No B.S. Marketing to the Affluent, millionaire maker Dan S. Kennedy shows you
how to re-position your business, practice, or sales career to attract customers or clients for whom
price is NOT a determining factor. Learn how to sell to those who will always be spending as
Kennedy shines the spotlight on the practical strategies used by The Ritz-Carlton, Disney, Harrah’s
Entertainment, Dove, AARP, Dr. Oz, Starbucks, Williams-Sonoma, DeBeers, the health and wellness
industry and many other fascinating and diverse true-life examples. You'll also discover how to:

Use 10 surprising emotional buy triggers the affluent find irresistible

Stop selling products and services and learn how selling aspirations and emotional fulfillment is
more profitable

Use Kennedy's Million-Dollar Marketing System. A step-by-step blueprint comparable to those

developed for six-figure clients, ready for do-it-yourself use

Apply the magic language of “membership” to any business for the affluent... from pizza shops and
medical practices to retail stores and pet hotels

294 | P a g e



Point...if you are to discuss anything from SCRIBD through subscription do not in sense download,
you send the link associated with document...there has to be transparency and coherency and
fluency throughout the though process…

Anyone doing otherwise is involved in fraudulent activity and this is how the bust happened
as well as the banking industry meltdown...

Anyone going down a route which is based in sense on Harassment and Stalking Laws Worldwide will
be sanctioned accordingly...


What I class myself as is Business Development of and with and compliment and embrace of Social
Media Engineering...many things for cold case come and then proceeded into research for business
from that specific...

State your Mission, State your Identity, State what you do be honest and be upfront...say what it
does on the Tin which is very much IP10...


These are in sense and logic and sense and sensibility the three platforms I am embracing for this

If you are always in sense to partner with a person or party or company and organisation just ask
and say what you feel...

295 | P a g e
Within the members platform I personally under partnership would have the badge logo of Scribd
with basic link to Scribd like any other partnership, ask Scribd, all three platforms on this
presentation actually...also some of the Websites I use for Research I make no secret society about

Your choice and your personality and your professionalism...I am one person and I wil be productive
to be productive...we have discussed many points with this in IP10...


My Hashtag on Facebook and Twitter - My SEO is done primary and always from the text and URL
posting of the company basis - I do this because it is in sense there SEO and because I like and
embrace there outward philosophy I have a propensity to embrace and further honesty within my

I feel and have knowledge that the community embrace(s) a good complexity of is what I can
feel and manage by the way...


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296 | P a g e


Only Fans



The no-code membership platform for any website

MemberStack lets you build members-only websites, dashboards, web apps, and intranets with your
favorite web design tools. Works with Webflow, Carrd, PageCloud, Hubspot CMS, static HTML, and
more coming very soon!


Consultancy Pages


KeePass Password Safe

This is the official website of KeePass, the free, open source, and light-weight and easy-to-use
password manager.


Sordum Random Password Generator

297 | P a g e

Day 0 ... Me - Local - Planet - Local - Me...


Subscription/Paid - Open Source - Free ... (Everything has to be paid for everything and it can in
sense only ever be subscription free in sense of a Payment of Zero...)


I hold the Copyright and I am the Protector of the Copyright and you hold the Intellectual
Rights...that is how we will proceed today...


Your Person - Your Company - Your Marketing ... do not ever speak on anyone’s behalf that does no
reflect their own true honest value ...




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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Outside of Japan, hentai (変態 or へんたい; About this soundlisten (help·info) English: /ˈhɛntaɪ/; lit.
"pervert") is anime and manga pornography. In the Japanese language, however, "hentai" is not a
genre of media but any type of perverse or bizarre sexual desire or act. For example, outside of
Japan a work depicting lesbian sex might be described as "yuri hentai", but in Japan it would just be
described as "yuri".


299 | P a g e

Paramhansa Yogananda

Paramhansa Yogananda, born in 1893, was the first yoga master of India to take up permanent
residence in the West.


Depending where you have been it will enlighten to all ends of teh earth...

Email Subject Line Recommender

Are you still writing subject lines based on gut feeling and best practices? It’s time to change that!

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Online data science and programming training

Interactive online courses in Python, R, SQL, the command line, Git, machine learning, and more.
Ordered in a sequence that's carefully designed to help take students from zero coding and stats
experience to job-qualified to work in data science.


SquadCast V2

A different way to record podcast interviews

SquadCast v2 was redesigned to recording high-quality audio for professional podcasters and their
guests - now with mobile, multi-browser support, & flexible pricing.

300 | P a g e


99 of the Best Windows Freeware Programs You May Not Know Of

Bookmark this article for easy reference


An awesome & curated list of best applications and tools for Windows.


ReactOS is a







operating system.

Imagine running your favorite Windows applications and drivers in an open-source environment you
can trust. That's ReactOS. Not just an Open but also a Free operating system.


Windows 10 alternatives: Best free, open source operating systems

301 | P a g e
Top 10 Best Windows Alternative Open Source Operating System



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302 | P a g e


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Looking for a new book or audio book? Like to compare books by trend? You are definitely at the
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BBC Sounds

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



SCIBD - A little productive hack...

'Sign In' (of your 3 choices)

Tool bar left

Press 'Saved'

3 dots descending (press)

I think as far as I can remember you have to save 1 document 1st

To save there is a button that looks like a side-ways rectangle with a triangle out of the bottom,
pretty much can tag, this button is present everywhere

Press 'Add To List'

Then press 'Create List'

Can't remember how I came about this...

303 | P a g e

SCRIBD - A little productive hack...

'Sign In' (of your 3 choices)

Tool bar left

Press 'Saved'

3 dots ascending (press)

I think as far as I can remember you have to save 1 document 1st

To save there is a button that looks like a side-ways rectangle with a triangle out of the bottom,
pretty much can tag, this button is present everywhere

Press 'Add To List'

Then press 'Create List'

Can't remember how I came about this...



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new fix blurred images and photos

304 | P a g e

Focus Magic #Focus #Magic #FocusMagic #focusmagic



Image search made simple for Web designers and developers

PixZip makes it easy for developers/designers to download license-free images.

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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Koyaanisqatsi (trailer)


Srinivasa Ramanujan

305 | P a g e
Ramanujan lived in a tiny hut in India. No formal education, no access to other works. But he came
across an old math book and from this basic text he was able to extrapolate theories that had
baffled mathematicians for years...



10 books about startups and entrepreneurship to read this summer holiday



Test & freeze your sperm without leaving your house

With our in-home kit and one-day shipping, you can test, improve, and freeze your sperm without
leaving your house. Legacy, a Harvard-incubated company, makes inconvenient meetings with
physicians a thing of the past.


The Comic Book Store

India's First Comic Book Store

This may come as a surprise but we are India's first comic book store! Despite having the 2nd largest
fan base after the US, India lacks a comic center. There’s this massive gap between the demand &
supply of comic books in India & to meet all these needs we set up The Comic Book Store.



306 | P a g e
engineering forum


steel fabrication forum


steel building forum


steel stockholding forum


... a little advice a little embrace and a little challenge ...


307 | P a g e
So we are using the Profiling and Profile System ... transparency ... for this model ...

... we are going to profile all the research ... we can also now understand spectrum management ...

... so profiles further broken down and understood into more specialised profiles ...

... village/town/city ... borders ... county ... borders ... areas like the North East ... borders ... country
...borders ... UK ... borders ...


Subscription/Paid - Open Source - Free ... (Everything has to be paid for and everything and it can in
sense only ever be subscription free in sense of a 'Payment of Zero'...) - Agent fees, ummm...only
kidding...reaction...siesta time...anytime...including bed time...


... Day 0 ... Me - Local - Planet - Local - Me... is this not the Post Office Worldwide? ...


... website forms ... newsletters ... forums ... scribd platform (always a subscription) ... many other
platforms some even in a red light including listings ...


Read clearly what IP10...stupider than stupider will get stupider...


NEASS is an Independent Non-for-Profit Association looking after the interests of the local Steel

308 | P a g e


... understand flow ... understand information flow ... explained this to Tata Steel and British Steel
many many many years ago ...




The Ganges with Sue Perkins

Episode 1

The Ganges with Sue PerkinsSeries 1 Episode 1 of 3



From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Ayurveda, the Science of Self-healing: A Practical Guide Paperback – 1 Oct 1987

by Vasant Lad (Author)

309 | P a g e


Vitamin Low Down


Sue Perkins goes on an extraordinary journey, spanning over 1,500 miles, from the source of the
Ganges high in the Himalayas to the Bay of Bengal. She travels through some of the most
extraordinary, chaotic and exciting places on earth, exploring the lives and landscapes of modern
India at this crucial point in its history.

In this first episode, Sue begins her journey in the highest mountains on earth. She treks to the
source of the Ganges river and pokes her nose into the lives of hermits and the wise and wandering
holy people that call this sacred landscape home. It's been a tough year for Sue since her father died,
and walking where millions of pilgrims have walked before has a profound effect on her.

As winter approaches and the pilgrim season ends, Sue moves 20km downstream to the little town
of Gangotri, joining the local pageantry festivities. It's a world that feels utterly timeless, but
modernity is sweeping up this valley on a tide of tarmac, and the new influx of visitors - and their
cash - to such a remote and fragile environment is changing life in the high mountains.

One hundred and sixty miles downstream, Sue arrives in Rishikesh - a town that has long been the
gateway to the land of the gods and has drawn holy men and seekers of truth since time
immemorial. Now it's an all-you-can-eat buffet of eastern mysticism. Sue goes shopping before
heading to the Mahesh Maharishi Yogi Ashram, where The Beatles and the Maharishi turned the
west on to Indian spirituality and put Rishikesh firmly on the world map.

Fifty years after The Beatles passed through, there are dozens of Ashrams now in Rishikesh. They're
a sort of health spa for the soul, places where you can meditate, receive spiritual guidance and detox
from the modern world. More and more westerners are being drawn to these quiet places and
eastern religions. Sue books a short stay at one of Rishikesh's largest ashrams to try and understand

310 | P a g e
On Sue's last leg of the first stage of her journey, she arrives at the holy city of Haridwar, where the
Ganges finally leaves the mountains and flows into the plains. Sue meets a holy man turned business
guru who now runs one of India's fastest-growing consumer goods companies - packaging Hinduism
for the masses. Together they tour his compound on an armed golf buggy, and Sue discovers what
happens to spirituality when it enters the commercial world.

To complete this first leg, Sue attends the nightly Ganga Aarti ceremony on the banks of the Ganges
in Haridwar. There are no tourists here, just normal, everyday people, who come to praise a sacred
river and the goddess that lives in her. The sense of love and devotion here is utterly overwhelming.


311 | P a g e

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