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InTASC and Licensure/Content Standard Artifact with Implications for Future Teaching

Artifact: Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA) & Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP)
InTASC Standard #3: Learning Environments; the teacher worlds with others to create
environments that support individual and collaborative learning, and that encourage positive
social interaction, active engagement in learning, and self motivation.
Licensure/Content Standard(s):
Exceptional Children #2: Characteristics of Learners
Early Childhood #1a: Student Characteristics
Early Childhood #6c: Collaboration
Description of Evidence and How it Demonstrates the Standard(s): An FBA looks at the
characteristics of a student with behavioral issues to determine the function of his behavior.
Interventionists can then use the data from the FBA to create a BIP for a student, in collaboration
with the IEP team, to create the best plan can be that benefits all parties involved.
Implications for Future Teaching: For several weeks, I was able to observe a local high school
student with an IEP for behavioral issues in his classroom environment. I took anecdotal notes on
the students behavior to obtain data to write the FBA. After determining what I thought to be the
students behavior, I was then able to create a potential BIP that classroom teachers could
implement with the student in question. Though I am not a school psychologist and cannot
conduct a formal FBA with the student, I still believe it is important for teachers to understand
potential causes of behavior. I was given valuable experience throughout this process in learning
first hand how to analyze behavior and look for patterns in how a student reacts to specific
situations. I was able to use that data to determine potential interventions that the student could
benefit from. Every student deserves the right to a proper education. A student with a behavioral
disorder still can have access to a proper education, but usually needs extra guidance and support
to manage his own behaviors that may get in the way of learning. A BIP is important for the
intervention specialist because it gives them a road map in determining which strategies to use to
give the student with a behavioral disability the best education possible. As a future special
educator, I now feel more confident to implement certain behavioral interventions and to help all
of my students succeed.

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