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Entrance test for capsule batch of SAFE HANDS

for students preparing for Engineering stream based on Mathematics

71.In a ABC ,point D is on side AB and point
E is on side AC, such that BCED is a trapezium.
If DE:BC=3:5,then area(ADE):Area(BCED)=
x sin
y sin
72. tan
, tan
1 x cos
1 y cos y
1 cos
1 cos
73.Two concentric circles of radii a and b
where a >b are given ,the of a chord of the
larger circle which touches the the other
circle is
(C) +
(D) 2 +
74.Sum of n terms of the series


75. If the roots of the equation ax2+bx+c=0 ,

Where a 0 are the reciprocals of each
other, then
(A) a=b
(B) b=c
(C) c=a
(D) c=-a
76. ABC~DEF such that AB=9.1cm,DE=6.5cm
If the perimeter of DEF is 25cm.then what is
The perimeter of triangle ABC
77.If PA & PB are tangents draw from P
outside the circle such that PA=10cm
&APB=60 then the length of chord AB

78.The pair of equations 3x+4y=k and

9x+12y=6 has infinite many solution if
79.The discriminate of the quadratic equation
ax2+bx+c=0 is =
(B) b2 -4ac

b 2 4ac
(D) c2 -4ab
80.if sin x sin x 1 then
cos12 x 3 cos10 x 3 cos8 x cos6 x 1=

81.The corresponding sides of two similar
triangles are 4 cm and 6 cm .Then the ratio
of the area of the triangles is
82.If the numbers a,b,c,d,e form an A.P. then
value of the a-4b+6c-4d+e is
83.Find the distance of a perpendicular from
the centre of a circle to the chord if the
diameter of the circle is 30cm and the chord
is 24cm.
84.if & are the roots of a quadratic
equation bx 2 cx a 0 then the sum of the
root is
85. If in a triangle ABC is a right angle at A,
Then Cos B Cos C

then A(ABC)=
87.Which constant should be added and
subtracted to solve quadratic equation

4 x 2 3 x 5 0 by completing the square?

(B) 3/16
(D)3 /64
88.The corresponding sides of two similar
triangles are 4 cm and 6 cm .Then the ratio
of the area of the triangles is
89. If 3 & 4 are the two roots x 2 px q 0
then value of p and q are :
(A) -3,-4
(B) 7,12
(D) 7,-12
90. Two poles of heights 6m and 11m stand on
a plane Ground .If the distance between the
feet of the poles 12m .Then the distance
between their tops is
91. The sum of the roots is 5 and the sum
of their squares
27 then quadratic
equation is
(A) x2-5x+1=0
(B) x2-5x-1=0
(C) x2+5x-1=0
(D) x2+5x+1=0

92.If a ,(a-2) and 3a are in A.P. then the value

Of a is
93. If the lines 2x-3y+k=0,3x-4y-13=0 &
8x-11y-33=0 are concurrent then k=
94.If b <ac then the roots of the equation
ax2+bx+c=0 are
(A)real and equal
(B)real & unequal
(C) imaginary
(D) none of these
95.The difference between the circumference
and radius of a circle is 37cm.The area of the
circle is
96.The sum of the roots of the equation
x 2 px q 0 is equal to the sum of their
square Then
(A) p 2 q 2 0
(B) p 2 q 2 2q
(C) p 2 p 2q
(D) p 2 p q
97. If one root of the equation
x2 2(1+3k)x + 7(2k+3) = 0 is the negative
of the other, then :k=

98.The value of Sin 200 + Cos 200 =

99. The value of
(B) 6

6 6 6 ...

100. If Cos(A B)



and TanA.TanB=2,Then
(D) SinA.SinB=5

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