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Entity Currency of parent = Proportion + Elimination + Contribution Adj

Proportion = Parent total * PCon
Elimination (If interco then) = -(Parent total * Pcon)
Note:Account IsICP : Yes
PlugAcct : plug
ICP : Entity
Determine whether an intercompany elimination is required. These four criteria m
be met:
The IsICP property of the account is selected.
The PlugAcct property of the account specifies a plug account.
The ICP member of the Value dimension specifies an intercompany partner.
The specified Intercompany partner is a descendant of the current parent.
Consolidation Functions
Important Points:
--PCon retrieves the consolidation percentage.
The PCon function retrieves the consolidation percentage from the PCON system
account for a specified parent and child. It is used with the HS.Node object.
Scenario, Year, Period
Specifies the point of view for which to retrieve the consolidation percentage.
If a
dimension is omitted, the value from the current point of view is used.
Parent, Child
The parent and child for which to retrieve the consolidation percentage. If this
parameter is omitted, the current parent and child are used.
====Con updates the Proportion and Elimination members.
The source is the Parent Total member for the current entity, year, and
The destination is either the Proportion or the Elimination member.
The Con function multiplies the value of the Parent Total member by a specified
and updates either the Proportion member or the Elimination member of the Value
dimension with the result. This function is valid only in the Sub Consolidate pr
HS.Con "DestinationPOV", Factor, "Nature"
Parameter Description
DestinationPOV Any combination of members for the following dimensions:
Valid destination members for the Value dimension are Proportion and
Elimination. *****If no value dimension member is specified, the Proportion
member is used as the destination.*******
Factor A factor by which to multiply the data in the Parent Total member. This

factor can be a constant, a function, or an expression using mathematical

operators (+ - * /). The PCon function is typically used to specify the factor.
Nature A text string used for audit purposes. This string is stored and provides
information about the accounting purpose of the transaction. To allow
users to view consolidation source and destination transaction detail after
running a consolidation, you must include text in this parameter. If you do
not include text, the transaction detail is not stored.
HS.Parent Member returns the current parent member label.
HS.Con "", vPCon, ""
HS.Con "V#[Elimination]",-1, ""

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