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To whom this letter finds it way to you,

I am writing this letter in support of my husband and a medically retired Sgt. F

rom the U.S. Army. Due to his medical condition that was the reason for retiring
early out of the Army I am writing this instead of him in hopes that it will ge
t the attention of fellow Americans that still believe in what the military does
is for us, and our freedom.
On December 3, 2008 my husband James D. Kidd was a victim of a landmine in FOB D
elta/ Al Kut, Iraq Providence of Wassit. He was medi-vaced back to first German
y then Walter Reed in Washington D.C. then Brooks Army Medical Center in San Ant
onio, TX, and finally Darnell Army medical Center at Fort Hood Texas. He has suf
fered from many grand Mal Seizures,PTSD,TBI, early onset of Parkinson, and many
other health issues due to the injuries has sustained in Iraq. This man has rece
ived many awards and medals for his years in service, and has served in more tha
n one war.
I am asking you now to read his story, and it hopes of getting your support , an
d your voice to be heard in the court battle that he is involved with. Please do
nâ t wad this up before you read what I have to say.
On December 4, 2009 just one year after arriving here on life support from Iraq
he has now found himself in a court battle for his life and freedom. All this ha
s started because an unnamed female decide that if he was not going to pay her b
ills he pay the ultimate price his freedom in exchange. The charge the female ha
s put on him was 1 count sexual assault with a child, 1 count indecency with a c
hild, and just recently the Bosque County D.A. has now placed another charge of
indecency with a child for a second time. Now this was after he has bailed out o
n bond. Bosque county D.A. has it to bankrupt us financially, or to keep up thei
r charade till I can no longer put up bail for all the charges that keep getting
put upon him. As most knows in the great state of Texas Bosque County is infamo
us for pressing this charge against men. Just a word of caution if you live in B
osque County watch your back for your ever so famous D.A. she just might be at y
our door next. I really donâ t know if this what I would want to be famous for to b
e honest.
Anyhow to get back to my husband. When he was in the Bosque County Jail his heat
h deteriorated severely. I report the jail to the State of Texas just to get bac
k the typical form letter that the jail was investigated, and found fine. Who sa
w that coming. My husband had even been admitted into the Clifton hospital into
the ICU ward, for several days, and no one from the Bosque County Jail not once
called me to tell me. My question is thisâ What if my husband would have died?â woul
d they have called to ask me where to send the body? It seems that Bosque County
needs a few changes in their county.
The female that will remain unnamed at this point why give Bosque County D.A ano
ther chance to file charges on am American veteran that served this country so
they could later file such outlandish charges on him later in life. Just a littl
e history on the unnamed female. She has been arrested in Falls county for organ
ized crime 2 counts, has been suspect in check fraud, has had to give her childr
en to family members due to her living conditions and the way she was living so
CPS would not take the children and put them in foster care, has lied to police
departments of her identity, has actually used my credit card unlawfully, which
I should have filed on her then, but chose not to due to helping her keep her ch
ildren, had been fired for in-store theft from a job, moves every time she doesn
â t pay her rent or till a man kicks her out of his house, and many more. She does
not work unless it is a strip club or a bar. I hope all who reads this is seeing
a pattern such as myself. To add to it all she has made the same charges on ot
her men, and lived with a registered sex offender that by the way was registered
in Bosque County. If you look up his name it has magically disappeared from the
Bosque County Sex Offender list now. Did you see that coming as well? Maybe it
is a very poor way of coving up something the Bosque County D.A. does not want y
ou to see. Starting to smell here of dirty work. But great news you can find it
still online, and I did copy it off for all that would like to see. You can only
cover so much up before your trace of stench is found.
So here we still waiting to see what will happen next to this war veteran, and w
hat tricks Bosque County D.A. will pull out of their sleeves next. Do I sound an
gry sorry for that, but I have sat here trying to be supportive saying it will a
ll work out when it is getting deep now. This has caused so much stress and caus
ed his PTSD to increase he tried to Commit suicide the other day, and was in the
hospital for a few days. I know right about now you are asking yourself how do
I know so much about the unnamed female. Well she is a family member that has go
tten away with so much with unlawful things that it is starting to look like she
can check another one up to â I told you I would get you back for not paying my b
ills.â She can walk away smiling from the courtroom in August without any disregar
d for what she does to people , and will never have to pay for her actions she p
laces upon people. As a nation should we let people of this type keep continuing
their path without stopping them? I say not anymore.
I know that this letter is coming from Texas, but I feel as a nation we all have
the right to stand up for people that can not stand for themselves anymore. Is
that not why the military goes to countries to stand up against ternary, and fas
cism? What my husband is experiencing is this without any recourse to the unname
d Female or to Bosque County D.A. for allowing her to lead them around by the no
se without recourse or restitution for her actions. Have we as a nation become s
o blide-sided by the massive witch-hunt that is allowing individuals such as the
one in this letter to continue, and using a charge so devastating such as sexua
l assault on a child to use as her vindictive manner in handling her ways of ret
aliation upon individuals that does not subject themselves to her bullying ways.
Rumor is that once Bosque County places charges upon someone they do not under a
ny circumstances drop them. Let show them that we as a nation will not stand for
such injustice as what Bosque county D.A. has subjected my husband and many oth
ers to , and will do so in the future unless they are held responsible to their
actions and the actions that they bestow onto to individualizes that seem to end
up in their court due to unfortunate circumstances. As an example such as my hu
sband (Ret) Sgt. James D. Kidd, U.S.Army. It is time to face the truth Bosque Co
unty D.A and vindicate my husband from your trump up charges and realize that in
stead of having a reliable witness that you think you have, and to see all of th
em for what they are liars.
Just a quick note to the Bosque County D.A. and others that may be involved in t
he fiasco of a court case you have pending against my husband. I will not stop t
ill he is set free, and your office is being investigated for false allegations,
and for your jail to be investigated for misappropriation of funds and other ci
vil rights that have been violated by your jail and their guards that work there
on inmates that have suffered due to your lack of intelligence on medical care
and for plain and out right disregard for their basic needs.
If whoever would like to talk to me about this letter I am open to speaking free
ly and using my constitutional rights under the freedom of speech act that our f
ore fathers granted us when creating this nation so in hopes that this type of d
isregard for human rights would not have been violated. If our fore fathers coul
d see how as a nation some of the blatant disregard for civil rights they would
be embarrassed to have signed such a document. If we as a nation can put such a
precious document under display for all the world to see, and be so proud of it,
why canâ t we treat our citizens in such a manner as well? If Francis Scott Key wo
uld have seen as a nation what we have become would he have wrote those wonderfu
l words of the song we put our hands over our hearts at ballgames, school, and o
ther moments in our lives when should show respect to the flag that our husbands
,sons, daughters ,mothers, grandfathers and on have stood so proudly to defend
in time of war?
My husband was once a proud American fighting soldier just like his brother was
, and son, and my father, but as a nation we have let him down in letting such a
county as Bosque County treat him such as they have. Feel free to contact me at
254-577-5481, or write to me I welcome all.
Lisa Kidd (proud wife of Ret Sgt. James D, Kidd)
P.O.Box 268

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