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There's going to be a lot of descriptions of parts that are fairly

straightforward just so that it is simple to follow along without getting lost,

so skip on ahead to where-ever you're stuck or find the point at which you last
This guide does not cover the multiplayer part of the game.
| [010100] |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-| Controls |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~| [010100] |
| X
| Jump, Shoulder Swap while aiming |
| O
| Roll, Take Cover
| Square
| Melee
| Triangle
| Reload, Interact
| L1
| Rope
| L2
| Aim, Brake
| L3
| Mark Enemy while aiming
| R1
| Grenade
| R2
| Fire, Accelerate
| R3
| Zoom (with scope)
| Dpad Left
| Select Pistol
| Dpad Right | Select Rifle
| Dpad Down
| Locate Vehicle
| Left Analog | Move
| Right Analog | Move Camera
| Options
| Pause
| Touchpad
| Journal
The charged melee attack seen in multiplayer cannot be used in single player.
| [020100] |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-| Prologue |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~| [020100] |
* No collectibles

Straight into the action, hold down R2 to keep going towards the shadowy
mountain you can just about make out through the stormclouds ahead. For the
moment there's not much you have to do, just swipe your boat at the others when
they get close. After a while a larger boat will smash into the side and start
firing off mines, you'll be hit by one shortly so don't bother trying to avoid
Once in the water swim upwards by holding down the X button and then as you
surface immediately hold down Circle to dive back down. After avoiding the
propellers resurface with X and swim over to your own stalled boat. You can't
tap X to go faster or anything like that in this game but you will need to
press X to climb out onto the boat.
Once you're back on the boat go into cover along the edge by press Circle, pull
out your pistol by holding L2 to aim and press R2 to fire at the enemies on the
other boat. Obviously a head shot is the most efficient way to kill enemies but
a few body hits will do the same. If you're getting hit so much that your
screen starts to lose colour just stop aiming for a while and let your health
regen in cover.
After a few boat loads of enemies are dealt with get out of cover and over to
the wheel to start driving again, take control of the vehicle by pressing
Triangle. Drive forwards again towards the island this time you've gotta avoid
the jagged rocks poking out of the water too - get a direct hit on one and
boom! Just keep on going.
| [020200] |~-~-~-~-| Chapter 1: The Lure of Adventure |~-~-~-~-~| [020200] |
* No collectibles
This level is fairly self explanatory, there are no hidden items to find or
alternate paths to get lost on but for the sake of completeness I have still
written a fairly detailed description on how to follow the game's platforming
tutorial level.
Jump out of the window, advance forwards along the roof and over the little
wall. Go around the corner and jump over the wall onto another much steeper
roof area, you can't go up the slope so climb onto the grey unit and then up a
series of squares with ledges on top up to the top. Drop off the other side and
go along just past the tip of the sloped roof so that when you jump over the
wall again you slide down the opposite side to where you were. Jump the wall at
the end, go around the corner and through the open window.
cover by
the left

the door and press Triangle to interact, run down the hall and take
the plant to avoid getting spotted. As they fumble for keys run
to take cover at the desk, wait for the nun to go through the doors to
before following her through.

Hide behind the waist-high shelving unit and move to the right end, sneak
around the corner by holding Circle and keep a close eye on the nun. She'll
turn around after lighting her cigarette which is your opportunity to get to
the back of the sofas. Sneak around the corner there and wait at the end near
Sister Catherine, again wait for her to turn around and look out the window

before making a break for the other one and jumping out.
Drop down to a ledge beneath you (you grab things automatically when falling)
and shimmy to the left to where you can climb up onto the slightly sloped roof.
Run to the other end and jump over the gap to a slightly lower down square
roof. In the right corner jump up and grab a ledge on the wall, shimmy to the
right all the way to a drainpipe. Jump over to it and start climbing upwards.
At the top jump down and approach the light.
Follow Sam over to the doorway, grab his hand by jumping up to him. Keep
following him to the left as you jump over a gap, up onto a rectangular section
and then back across the gap. Climb up the chimney and shimmy around to the
left, on the side of the chimney you need to back jump, a move that is done by
holding in the direction you want to jump (the left) and pressing X when Nate
has his hand out ready.
Jump over the railing and slide down the roof after Sam, jump up the little
roof to the left and down the other side to where Sam forgot to prop a door
open. Time for an quick introduction to the rope. Watch Sam climb it before he
drops it back down for you, jump towards it to grab hold and then hold down L1
while pushing forwards on the analog stick to start climbing upwards. Keep on
going to the top and shimmy around the left corner to a gap in the spiked
railings along the top so you can climb over.
Up the chimney we go, you'll have to reach and jump to get across the side
before dropping down to where Sam is waiting. Follow him over a wall and down
another slippery roof, climb the units on the right to get through yet another
suspicious gap in the railings. Run (well, you can't run so just walk at your
usual pace) to the end and Nate will pause, no need to make much of a run up
just carry on from where you are and jump across to the clock.
Climb up the ledges to where you stand and shimmy around the corner to the
left. Grab the ledge above you and shimmy across the gap before dropping down
on the other side. You've gotta crouch to get through the green fencing area
(for the rest of the game you pretty much always crouch automatically). Jump
the small gap afterwards and join Sam across the point of the roof (don't
worry, no sixaxis balancing required in this game) to the end where you jump
across to a pole which you can swing and immediately jump from.
Take the rope from Sam and jump over the gap, as you swing towards the other
side Nate will reach out his hand signalling that it is safe to jump from the
rope. Jump the gap to the right and then over another gap above a sloped roof
onto the side of a tower. You'll have to shimmy around the corner to the right
up a set of slats. After climbing up jump off the other end onto the middle of
the roof, then up the other end of that. Go around to the left to where Sam
will show you to drop and slide down the sloped roof below - don't drop on the
wrong side of the slope. Make sure to jump at the very last moment before you
Nearly done. Across the little wall and take the rope from Sam, this time you
get to throw it! Press L1 when you see the marker appear and then leap forwards
to swing across to the fire escape. Go down the ladder to finish the chapter.
| [020300] |~-~-~-~-~-~-| Chapter 2: Infernal Place |~-~-~-~-~-~-| [020300] |

* 2 Treasures
A quick lesson in fist fighting, rather simplified from previous games now all
you need to do is press Square to punch and rapidly tap Triangle to get out of
holds. There's no countering or anything like that any more. The fight here is
straightforward, just punch whenever and escape being held whenever you get
held. When he gets you on the ground immediately start punching him rather than
trying to escape a hold.
[2 Cinematics]
After the fight it's time for a slow walk. Follow behind Vargas and you'll
eventually reach a grassy area to start doing some platforming again.
Go down the steps in front of
slope to slide down, it's not
you have to steer to the left
bottom. Jump up the ledges to
lying around.

you and drop down. Directly ahead of you is a

quite as simple as letting the game slide you as
so that you can jump and grab a ledge at the
your left to reach an area with a bunch of crates

Treasure 1/109 - Panamanian Cat Pendant

The first treasure is found down the well here, jump on in and go along the
short passageway to find a glittering item on the ground.
Climb back out of the well and go into the small covered area to the left, in a
blue box under a table you will find Nate's gear - the rope! Sitting next to
the covered area is an orangey crate on wheels, if you grab hold of it by
pressing Triangle you can move it around. Push it so that it's at the bottom of
the high platform close by so that you can stand on the crate and jump up
there. From up here you can activate the rope when you look towards a wooden
pole to the right, jump after hooking the rope on and swing on over the gap.
After landing drop down the little drop and go up the little stairs, there's
another rope swing point ahead of you, use that to reach some ledges on the
corner. Flip over to the other side and shimmy to the right, then jump up a
couple of handholds before shimmying around the corner to the left so you can
reach the top safely. Your next rope swing is at the bottom of the slope,
you'll have to jump and press L1 while in the air to hook on and swing over to
the little tower. Shimmy around the corner and up, ignore the doorway and
instead continue upwards along the right side to the very roof.
Walk along the beam sticking out to jump over to the main tower, shimmy along
the ledges on the wall here up and to the left so you can go through an open
Treasure 2/109 - Navaja Folding Knife
Once through the open window in the tower go down the broken steps to your
right, you'll find the treasure next to a pillar.
There's also a note down here that you can look at, those searching for all
collectibles can safely ignore this one as Nate doesn't keep it. Climb up the
pillar that the treasure was next to and turn to your right, you should see the
icon to use your rope. Attach to the wooden shutter and instead of jumping to
swing just pull on the rope with L1. Once the blockage has been removed leap
over and out the window.
Out the window shimmy right around the corner then upwards to another open

window. Inside the cell you've got a puzzle to solve, first look at a sun and
moon symbol near the door so you can get started. Look at your note and fold it
to get the Sagittarius and Scorpio symbols. If you look at the pictures on the
wall you can see that Sagittarius has an X next to it and Scorpio has II. Put
them together and you get XII, if you locate the stone marked XII on the wall
opposite the door you can interact with it and find what you're looking for.
One of them rapid tapping door openings to leave now, drop out and then hook
yourself onto the beam above. To safely drop you've got to rapel down the rope
before dropping onto the slope, jump at the end of the jump to grab onto the
grate. At the top walk along the beams so that you're at the far end of the
room, from there jump towards the corner, slide down and jump to grab some
handholds on the wall. Climb up and tap a door open to get outside again.

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