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0:15 / 36:56

Leaked audio of John Kerry's meeting with Syrian revolutionaries/UN (improved au

English (Automatic Captions)
0:00the bits i don't know how thats has
0:04elements i said that i want only now
0:09have to where you want to go on much I
0:12like to listen don't want to look like I
0:15get here in the talk about everyone say
0:18again and she marry LD hang on the homes
0:22important that those saying there is no
0:26thing else besides political solution
0:29person doing everything in his power
0:34not a soul operation waiting all equal
0:37to fall apart like their areas not gonna
0:39eat good solution for anyone i think
0:42that was your friend is like us to make
0:43this isn't and count them for help and
0:48right now we are trying our lines are
0:51trying to the people we look alike we
0:53think alike they made those
0:56I don't think we should really criticize
0:58other options
1:00yeah seasonal employees hard political
1:03solution is not working
1:05sorry about my own you sent home the
1:07babies on the political solution there
1:11is no such a thing because from the
1:13pollution started lost very model that
1:16water voice bc and then first I was on
1:21the verge and shop for this and since
1:26the genuinely this is this whole time
1:32I'm why sure doesn't
1:40I love
1:43why I didn't know horses i love your
1:46statement yesterday was 1i we have books
1:50are still mastering you say like have
1:52you heard what he said yes when everyone
1:55was sharing it and then later on we will
1:58come back to reality is a lot
2:00ok then let's get horses right look I
2:05get a lot of us wish there was an
2:08enforcement mechanism right now about it
2:11is inviting we don't have one that sense
2:17so we're trying to pursue diplomacy and
2:20I understand this is frustrating and
2:21nobody more frustrated than we are
2:24Michael's frustrated frustrated and it's
2:27you know it's hard
2:31the problem is that you know you get for
2:37quote invoices in there and then
2:42everybody up see Andy right Russia
2:46that's in more Iranian button or as well
2:49as they're more and mrs. Moore Saudi
2:53Arabia and Turkey put all their circuit
2:55money and you already destroyed
2:59I mean this is some problem figuring out

3:03how do you get people to places being

3:06irrational and that's what we're trying
3:10to do we can always throw a lot of
3:16weapons and but I don't think you're
3:19gonna be good for you and you know
3:22people who have determined just fight
3:24right bike and destroy things completely
3:27right so we're trying trying to find the
3:31balance here to see if we can get to
3:33learn negotiated process with an end of
3:37violence why we do that's why we're
3:39trying so hard for the cessation so that
3:41you're not living day-to-day was
3:43fighting around you that this flute
3:45process and supplants fighting mr. makes
3:48an art history and dance or make it hard
3:52because you know this extreme elements
3:53there and unfortunately some of the
3:56there's already kind of chosen work let
4:02me listen to the rest of you hear what
4:05else she's mother yet again since I've
4:21been this my songs remind you over the
4:25this will do the other side under smart
4:34she had denied once the white almond
4:42just me
4:44yes and I confess I heard all the party
4:49that and but we've heard a lot of top
4:51recently and I don't want to repeat what
4:53I just said in the event prior to this
4:55and we were hoping to get some of your
4:57reactions and the way you said okay i'm
5:01using my google translate because i have
5:03probably 300 had going everything i
5:06Donna to talk because we did a lot of
5:10dogs already and you know what we want
5:11to see what I you you are in a really
5:14important meeting and I wanted to ask
5:16you what happened in there
5:17I want to know from you what happened in
5:19that meeting so what happened is we told
5:24the Russians and the Iranians that we
5:30can't just do the same thing you can't
5:32just go out and announced a ceasefire if
5:35there's no change to show that it's
5:39spirits what resolution that graphic and
5:46it was
5:47no Amanda I'm gonna guess you should not
5:50nothing from you will find that yeah
5:53that makes sense so we propose here
5:56watching since they prove that they're
5:59by having no more planes flying no I
6:03side planes flying for seven days at
6:08least in order to prove to the
6:10opposition that they're not going to get
6:12killed if they're trying to help people
6:14if the humanitarian assistance comes in
6:17because it's the airplanes which has

6:20been causing most damage but yeah that

6:25was yeah you know it's before income
6:27interest in me and not make me feel i
6:31played on that you have yet to violence
6:34that I didn't highlight that I am I
6:37should encourage him out of my mind that
6:39I know baby i'm going to tell me I've
6:41been doing my template on but an analogy
6:44and we're going to make it impossible
6:46for them not so the Russians were
6:51willing to offer in 3 days and we said
6:54that sound enough game you know you
6:57gotta be serious here
6:58the deal we made in geneva at seven days
7:01consecutive come before we would talk
7:05about focusing on the dash and no sir
7:09but seeing how good i have to let a
7:13young man hey you know that in mind haha
7:17yeah I don't not even and I am I you
7:21have been thousands and mustache so
7:25that's really when we had a lot of
7:27discussion many ministers so that Russia
7:33needed to provide this guarantee that
7:39outside some talked about increased the
7:45we need to get monitoring in which we
7:47all agree but we aren't sure who can do
7:51the monitoring and how they'll send be
7:53safe have the passion that
7:59and that means you have been from behind
8:01it haha my dish is going to happen and
8:05that's really what happened in the
8:06meeting the Russians are sending the
8:07idea of back to Moscow will learn
8:11tomorrow whether it's yes or no or some
8:13variation is ahead and not behind right
8:17now must go to bed
8:19oh that's where we are
8:25thank you
8:30what would you want with what is your
8:32idea of what you would make a difference
8:34in height
8:38yeah that you don't party that how you
8:45use on Robbie Williams at to be honest I
8:49don't think us should have a monitoring
8:51role inside Syria it needs me to feel
8:56not only be a month versus I'm you
9:04million families video cooler months and
9:10I you find his portfolio is up check out
9:15since we have planes without pilots
9:19their satellites and we have civil
9:21society organizations working on the
9:23ground that can see these violations not
9:29talk about the hospital positive and
9:32sending you on a small budget model does
9:44not necessarily a city bus monitor
9:51provided me rather than a pollution from
9:53people stay with us we'll see if it's
9:56more than possible film most popular
9:59said what after the console was bond by

10:05either Russia or scary or in the regime

10:07we're not sure . we received a big voice
10:10messages that are saying that the white
10:12helmets or warehouse locations will be
10:14as specifically targeted and and that a
10:18is the Ministry of Defense's asked about
10:20you what target those areas and they
10:24don't say what my comments there mr.
10:26multiple partners your the other
10:29involvement is that what you thought
10:34that was your shopping possible to find
10:48the man that did not say that
10:52mejor sin multimedia the locals you know
10:55what you'll have this ball wash up would
11:00you define that any other idea was that
11:04see I we don't believe that Russia can
11:08be guarantor of the actions of the
11:09regime we see the Russia as a partner of
11:12the regime and bonding Syrians and
11:14Syrian civilians marketplaces even our
11:17own team of syria's civil defense seems
11:19we've documented since this started the
11:21Russian intervention in Syria from day
11:24one until februari of this year more
11:27than 17 of our series little defense
11:30personnel have been killed by russian
11:33do you have any video of airplanes and
11:41I'm we get more videos mages you hard
11:53and solid piece of me this whole lot of
11:57the closet and song on my money on that
12:01one so can I just say we get a lot of
12:07videos of the victims of these attacks a
12:10terrible but they don't help us we need
12:12videos of the actual aircraft munitions
12:14and there's a lot of them on the
12:16internet and we don't know whether
12:18they're real or not so terrified videos
12:21of the actual aircraft is the most
12:24useful thing and often when we see the
12:26videos of the aircraft jizz and then you
12:29know put in their defense it's hard to
12:31capture we're going to probably wants to
12:34see the aircraft that
12:37there are people on the ground dying
12:41when I was was actually very helpful is
12:45photographic video evidence of munitions
12:49particularly there are large fragments
12:53which by the way we have people in the
12:57level where the trucks are you looking
13:00for the innocence evidence that are ya
13:03understand they are you can you make
13:05sure that we get that back closer so
13:08very viable yeah so I just heard today
13:11that you aren't actually wants to start
13:12taking out on an organized way to
13:14actually do something real team to go
13:17out last year on Mandalore is coming out
13:22of it and get to get people to even

13:26certainly telex in advance where yeah

13:28that's right what I mean until you're
13:30right on yeah i think they are actually
13:33we should try to get weapons and what
13:51about gzip like 1140 not believe up old
13:58machine our shoes now is revolutionary
14:04you this way and nothing and let me
14:12look it's in the floodlights cilia with
14:20cages that we have traits which the news
14:25and I apologize but I'm going to save a
14:28bit harsh and find a surgeon my
14:30depression and just from what I've seen
14:32and what you experience your heart have
14:35hardened and I believe that everyone is
14:38involved at this point in the Syrian
14:39crisis but that also means that their
14:41party solution you nothing i just called
14:49you and those you going to need extra
14:51small stomach let loose and what being
15:03lost in these long were you away we'll
15:06do it soon here city more . and listen
15:18and me Roger be Roger name will be on
15:26nearly hit me about ecology the video or
15:34the Hodges was me notice that your
15:37father behind us get on board is often
15:46not even more and i believe that we need
15:54more action by us on Syria I'm were
15:58confused as to why Russia is so strongly
16:02siding with the regime whereas we find
16:04the Friends of Syria their positions are
16:06their bedroom bedroom year-by-year and
16:09the violators of the cessation of
16:11hostilities are clear do we still need
16:13video with the and photographic evidence
16:16on this moment of color as you for
16:23nothing left early and hope no one was
16:27the message that a role swap feeling
16:31remote probably be a gentleman Islam you
16:36tell you be around just gonna need that
16:42name Amanda yeah normally this is when I
16:53also want to stress the point of the
16:55need to create the siege of the left one
16:57I don't want to talk to continue to talk
16:59about this we need actual intervention i
17:01think so i really feel that there needs
17:04to be a balance as i as i mentioned
17:07there's a very strong fresh in position
17:09siding with the regime and whether it's
17:13through their military intervention or
17:15the decisions and votes that they take
17:17inside the Security Council and we want
17:19to be expect similar support friendly
17:22lesson for my son and I just lived on
17:29this form we believe it
17:34there is it deep contradiction between
17:36the strategic objectives since America
17:40and the Russians sensory the Russians
17:43would love to see as soon as possible in

17:47Syria just wanted to share this and one

17:49side and us on the other side destroy
17:52any kind of moderate publish and
17:56according to the choice that you have
17:59the choice to between to share this out
18:01and Isis I we do not understand and this
18:07has been the case since 2001
18:10we do not understand how it can be
18:15expected from the Russians change as and
18:19behave differently and to come on to a
18:22strategy that has come objectives of the
18:27Sierra Club International to meet my
18:29body is you well the problem is the
18:34Russians don't care about international
18:36law and we do and we don't have the
18:41bases are lawyers colors unless we have
18:45a UN Security Council resolution which
18:47the Russians can be 10 years for unless
18:51we are under attack from folks there or
18:55unless we are invited it sure is invited
18:59in five legitimate regime was the elegy
19:03normal but my the Machine and zone they
19:08were inviting and will not invite we're
19:10flying in air space there where they can
19:14turn on the parents and we have very
19:19different see the only visitor letting
19:22this one is because we're going to
19:24advertise we're going to have grass and
19:27those air defenses we have to take out
19:29all the air bases and we don't have a
19:32legal justification frankly for doing
19:35that unless we stretch it way beyond the
19:38wall . cases with some people are you
19:42should by the way but so far american
19:48legal theory has not gone into the
19:50so-called right to from tech and we
19:54don't even have what we have in causal
19:56where we had a you know exist game
19:58resolution you know about so it's
20:04complicated it's not know he's and we've
20:10been fighting how many words and
20:11fighting when they're fighting in
20:13I'm with my cataract with inviting you
20:15know in the region for 14 years lot of
20:19Americans don't believe that we should
20:21be fighting sending young Americans over
20:24and die in another country that's the
20:26front Congress won't blow to do it and
20:31you can be valueless but what we're
20:33trying to do is help Syrians provide
20:37their own we've been spending a lot of
20:41remember to try to help do this so
20:45there's an opposition the opposition is
20:48doing very well
20:49Russia keep in that's a problem no
20:52because we we don't behave like Russia
20:58it's just a different standard
21:02so we're trying to see whether we

21:04clicked tests where the Russians for the

21:08dissolution and if they're not serious
21:12then we will help the opposition more
21:14and I don't think you're gonna boil
21:17because really good for the citizens of
21:19Syria the end because they won't fight
21:21me on that . something about the
21:32ticketed because that said now that the
21:39work always focus on the extremist to me
21:42like in Syria and in the end of year
21:46when the argument spoke about Google and
21:50non-sectarian Syria that was political
21:57277 to the communities on the ground and
22:04our bills and all ages because he speaks
22:07only about the extremists enemies and
22:10equality extremist cheering I just
22:13walking around alone your formula
22:17well there are terrorist organization we
22:20designate them a terrorist organization
22:23yeah but quality to the Russian that was
22:26gonna make a mean the as light and cl
22:30you all again soon
22:32makes sense to me because the reason for
22:36that is that they both basically decided
22:39Lauren and are plotting against us and
22:44has blood is not plugging yes as
22:47balloons exclusively focused on israel /
22:52meta tackies and on Syria where they are
22:56generally support for lesson so it's a
23:02lot like dog understand your position as
23:05representing an interest because these
23:09groups they do not at that the United
23:12States of course but how to make the
23:15measure you only see that people accept
23:18this approach also went to how to make
23:23the Syrian people except this argument
23:25that because Hezbollah mom about past
23:30the Iraqi and American groups are not
23:32funny . states now so they are not
23:34targeted by get that second stores in
23:38his here naked girls are they are
23:41targeted by the opposition and we are
23:45army so and training hockey have 23 and
23:51probably and social media activist so I
23:54was 46 Camping's already the last six
23:58you know how many there quarter how many
24:03social you get them things asking
24:06comprehension well maybe once you
24:10another we have six have one each
24:14six-month one so it's not going to be
24:18convincing me to battle against Isis is
24:20really hard because we lost daddy is
24:23like our sweetness romantic three
24:25vertical position and you want that last
24:28so what are moving forward is another
24:32experience it all where I've said they
24:34were controlling heavily country half of
24:37the population feel that it's an
24:39existence that they like their only

24:40exists within to realize i know this and

24:43are you for serious so we want you we
24:46are are mean people to fight for . don't
24:49think we are having the reality we are
24:53not army around people now that's why we
24:56are using going for it now and I don't
24:58want to be your next year when we can
25:00discuss how we lost and therefore there
25:02is still a clip and our top so in
25:06reality there is not enough political
25:09and on support to those who consider
25:11that water i wish we had his friends now
25:15people they don't respect the
25:17International what because they are his
25:21friends well be asking like all things I
25:25think we've been putting the burger and
25:27out of our way
25:29yeah and i have to say as you said it's
25:32a double-edged sword because you give
25:35people the ability to defend themselves
25:36but when you put more weapons into a
25:39situation like Syria it doesn't end well
25:41for serious because there's always
25:43somebody else is going to come or
25:45weapons in for the other side groups the
25:49armed groups in Syria a lot of support
25:51not just the United States but from
25:54other partners and we've never said that
25:57Russia Qatar Turkey Saudi Arabia huge
26:02amount when
26:02it's coming in here demanding money but
26:04pumping weapons in causes someone else
26:07to pump more weapons in and you end up
26:08with a little maybe the reason the
26:11recent Russia came in is because ISIL
26:14getting struck cash was threatening the
26:17possibility of calling the mattress and
26:21that's why don't you came in because
26:23they didn't want to dash government and
26:27they supported lesson and and and we
26:32know that this would do this was growing
26:34we were watching we saw that that dash
26:38was willing and strength and we thought
26:41as a Muslim we thought however we can
26:46probably manage you know that I said
26:49might negotiate 70 she did you gotta
26:52decide that you got though put the
26:54support so it's it's truly company you
27:00know complicated as you live in but for
27:03us politically where we have a Congress
27:06that will not authorize our use of force
27:10Congress will not pass that and so we're
27:17trying to help the best way we can but
27:21we finally decided the best thing we can
27:23do is try to find a way to a political
27:25solution with the opposition is part of
27:27the government and you can have a
27:29lecture like the people of Syria decide
27:32who they want you don't believe in much
27:35what's going to linkedin yeah i don't i

27:38think that there's an accountability to

27:41that person he continued working drill
27:44accountability the ballot box and one
27:48why can't you have an election run by
27:50the international community which we
27:52don't the child is everything okay man
27:54well you got to start somewhere I think
27:58the international community sets up an
28:00election under the strictest standards
28:02of elections and people in all the camps
28:06and all the Diaspora are allowed to vote
28:09which is the agreement so in Jordan
28:12attorneys from the American Lung and
28:16Blood maker but everybody who's
28:19registered as refugees and wearing a
28:21little boat they're both verizon I said
28:26scared of this happening very scared of
28:29this happening
28:30we know we know this from intelligence
28:32and we know from the Russians and so you
28:35know democracy has some versions folks
28:37going to enjoy your guests are i'm going
28:43to go there so anyway I denouncing I
28:46don't dismiss that automatically think
28:49about how we could work on man won
28:52international load we use it on the
28:54table 1 is if you let me like to
28:57accountability that scripture that kills
28:591 million thanks for nothing was not
29:02torture doesn't go by election genocide
29:07doesn't do my collection thanks ROG
29:08accident how to work
29:10push forward veterans are not alone with
29:12those as no one can take them tomorrow
29:16along with keep sticking to the
29:17International 01 on the best interest of
29:20the major powers we will say that
29:22international no one allows to intervene
29:24the base case let your tradition and
29:27look for shops anyway you look at it
29:29after that nothing is now you're not
29:32gonna happen like Russians are
29:36supporting agreement
29:38it means there they are definitely
29:40selections for sure when they have that
29:45but have the resources they are
29:46controlled almost
29:47the country's population time so they
29:53have all the mold possible i was loving
29:58and positive my leaving and the areas
30:01under the regime you don't have two
30:04choices they will go by powers to be
30:06like 10 we that we don't have Syrians
30:09under control of the comics conventions
30:12of the last party they was not there and
30:15obviously there are observers come all
30:17the way out there to mention that same
30:20may give me the papers of my mother
30:22incidents and eat me decided that they

30:24can help make him answer to nobody

30:27how many people that's if you marry me
30:33they call this one and only people who
30:35displays one minute how many of those
30:37who are displacing that lemon is still
30:39inside Syria the operator weekend baby
30:42back you should be you and so you think
30:45the only solution is for somebody to
30:47come and get rid of us are the only
30:52solution is it gonna be who's going to
30:54do that three years ago I would say you
30:59but right now I look now
31:01well look it's a hard choice i'm sorry
31:08that's you know we lost thousands of
31:12entries and it's pretty difficult right
31:18now to get Americans to say seven
31:22Americans gave another country and have
31:26a war which to me and she and extremists
31:30and everybody I mean you know it's more
31:32complicated than you think
31:34normally an invitation wait not ready to
31:39quit invasion
31:41well you gotta win the war you got to
31:43come in occupy cities
31:45you've got to go in city for sitting and
31:47fight against people have IE is sniper
31:52it's complicated and people now they
31:54have gas
31:55the things so it is not easy i'm just
31:58telling it's not easy you know there are
32:01lots of places in the world where people
32:03want gold are gonna let me go fight but
32:06it's not easy and we're trying to
32:10empower series will be able to fight
32:14against this guy
32:15now that the Russians have changed the
32:17equation unfortunately the Russians have
32:21changed the equation and it's it's a
32:25little more complicated so we're trying
32:28to figure out a way to get to the table
32:30if we can save lives
32:33I don't think any countries where are
32:35you the same time we give them more
32:38money than any other nation Presidente's
32:41regarding Syria tried very hard to try
32:46to provide access for humanitarian
32:48efforts to get in to save lives
32:51dr. a new UN no need for medical
32:54supplies you need to save lives trying
32:56to make it possible to do that without
33:00disengaged we're not saying oh we're
33:03sorry we can't do anything we're saying
33:06we're going to try and do as much as we
33:08can within the scope of what we can do
33:12270 the UN just shadows and gave up
33:16Austin this is the only case response
33:27function on the transition golden
33:30anniversary is part of you and this one
33:33did not divide that part everybody's

33:37to make it look I think you're looking
33:40at three people for people in the
33:42administration of all argue for you so
33:45now I lost them
33:49I've argued is for I still don't find
33:53the guy stood up and announced gonna tap
33:55outside because of it replicates and you
34:00know things involved in different
34:02process but the bottom line is that we
34:09Congress refused even to vote to like
34:12that Tony Blair with the Parliament
34:15watch that I don't push them back one is
34:21like how many how many what is the
34:24bottom line because can color there
34:26wasn't any hospitals all the bags on the
34:30red line and then what is that anybody
34:33can do about it then
34:36well here I don't know because i won't
34:39mind i think people in Washington right
34:43alright deeply frustrated as you are and
34:46we are talking about what enforcement
34:49mechanisms can be ample and it may be
34:53that we will lift up the apartments
34:58because of frustration because of our
35:01size indifference and so there's a
35:06different conversation taking place
35:08because of what's happened in the last
35:10few days
35:11see what happens i got places capable of
35:16making their shows that he's using
35:18percent against civilians obviously
35:21without sin the a soldier he's work
35:24without technically subject missed it
35:28no flies on an A+ well there's more and
35:31more talent we're trying to get what we
35:33call it that's great about know
35:36and that's what we're trying to get the
35:39Russians have agreed if we get this
35:41process going myself and that's what
35:47attracted us this equation was the idea
35:50that we might get an advisor but if
35:53we're going to force in advising we have
35:55to attack every year and then we have to
35:59be willing to fly airplanes everyday to
36:01enforce it
36:03that is very costly and various big deal
36:07the long term I think it's what and the
36:10long-term because it was it in 2001
36:13between without Isis everything within
36:152013 right now because I'm 16 so go make
36:18the rounds in 12 lot about sports and
36:20emotion sending people helping you but I
36:25pressed into i get it that everybody at
36:29this table and watch the do-more my
36:33daughter and I want you guys to fund my
36:36dance moves were already they have one
36:42minute that you have limited to how we
36:47dispensed with

Published on Oct 4, 2016

'"I lost the argument for use of force in Syria". Kerry's comments came at a mee
ting that took place at the Dutch Mission to the United Nations on the sidelines
the UN General Assembly', according to CNN.
The audio gives a glimpse into what goes on outside official meetings. Note that
it represents the US narrative and not necessarily the entire true narrative.
Fair Use, section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976. The audio has been improved
by Angel North. Not affiliated with CNN.
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