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Mutu pelayanan mendapat tuntutan dari masyarakat untuk terus meningkat,

seorang petugas kesehatan selain memiliki kemampuan teknis medis, juga dituntut
kualitasnya.Di Kabupaten Aceh Barat bidan sudah mempunyai standar pelayan
kebidanan, namun pelaksanaannya masih belum sesuai.Tahun 2012 cakupan K-1
86,0%, K-4 79,65%. Persalinan yang dilakukan oleh tenaga kesehatan 60%, TT-1
sebesar 67,36% dan untuk imunisasi TT-2 sebesar 60,42%, Fe-1 sebesar 84,97% dan
Fe-3 sebesar 74,81%. Pelaksanaan ANC rata-rata hanya mencapai 70%.
Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis pengaruh motivasi dan kompetensi
bidan terhadap kualitas pelayanan kesehatan ibu hamil pada Unit Pelaksana Teknis
Dinas (UPTD) Puskesmas di Kabupaten Aceh Barat.Jenis penelitian survei
explanatory. Populasi dalam penelitian iniseluruh bidan yang bertugas di Kabupaten
Aceh Barat yang berjumah 364 orang, dan sampel berjumlah 82 orang. Data
diperoleh dengan menggunakan kuesioner, dianalisis dengan uji regresi logistik
ganda pada =0,05.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwakualitas pelayanan kesehatan ibu hamil
umumnya masih kurang yaitu 67,1%. Secarastatistik, variabel motivasi intrinsik,
Motivasi ekstrinsik, dan keterampilan berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap kualitas
pelayanan kesehatan ibu hamil.Motivasi ekstrinsik dan keterampilan memberikan
pengaruh paling besar terhadap kualitas pelayanan kesehatan ibu hamil
Disarankan kepada Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Aceh Barat untuk membantu
menyusun SOP ANC bidan, meningkatkan motivasi dan kompetensi bidan melalui
pelatihan,meninjau insentif bidan dan memberikan rewardsupaya pelayanan yang
diberikan bidan semakin berkualitas.

Kata Kunci: Motivasi, Kompetensi, Kualitas Pelayanan, ANC

Universitas Sumatera Utara


The quality of service is increasing as civil cervant, as a medical personal we

are required not only have technical ability but quality of services is very important.
In Aceh Barat District, every midwife has her own midwifery service standard but it
is implementation is not yet as expected. In 2012, the coverage of Visit-1 was 86,0%
and visit-4 was 79,65%; delivery conducted by health personel was 60%;
immunization TT-1 was 67,36% and for the immunization TT-2 was 60,42%, Fe-1
was 84,97% and Fe-3 was 74,81%. The average implementation of ANC only
reached 70%.
The purpose of this explanatory study was to analyze the influence of
motivation and midwifes competency on the quality of health service for pregnant
mothers at the Technical Implementation Unit Service of Puskesmas (Community
Health Service) in Aceh Barat District. The population of this this study was all of the
364 midwives serving in Aceh Barat District and 82 of them ware selected to be the
samples for this study. The data for this study ware obtained through queationnaire
distribution. The data obtained ware analyzed through multiple logistic regression
tests at = 0,05.
The result of this study showed that quality of health service for pregnant
moters was 67.1% still less than expected. Statistically, the variables of intrinsic
motivation, extrinsic motivation, and skill had significant influence on the quality of
health service for pregnant mothers. Extrinsic motivation and skill had the biggest
influence on the quality of health service for pregnant mothers.
We are suggested to the Health District Aceh Barat to support the midwife to
develop SOP ANC, to improve the midwifes motivation and competency through
training, review the intensive of midwifes and give the rewards to increase the service

Keywords : Motivation, Competency, Service Quality, ANC

Universitas Sumatera Utara

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