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Name _________________________

Articles of Confederation Simulation

Articles of Confederation Simulation Packet

Powers of Congress

To pass a law or make a decision

9/13 votes are required
To change the Articles of
Confederation 13/13 votes are
Congress can declare war
Congress can raise an army
Congress cannot tax citizens
Can allow new states with 9/13 vote
There is no national court system

Powers of the State

States get one vote in Congress

States can tax their citizens
States can create taxes on trade
with other states
States do not have to follow the
orders of Congress
States can give money and troops
to Congress if they choose
States cannot wage war without
the agreement of Congress

New York
Money Available: $1000
Troops Available: 300
State Situation: Currently things are calm. The economy is improving and you believe there is a
strong chance you will have more money available from your citizens taxes next year. One
problem you have is a section of your state is trying to break away from New York to form a new
state called Vermont. This part of the state is threatening to ally itself with Great Britain if you
dont let them form a new state.
Available Money: - $700
Troops Available: All 300 troops are in use trying to put down a rebellion
State Situation: The situation is not good in Massachusetts. You are in debt and after you
raised taxes on citizens a rebellion started. The rebellion is getting out of control and you need
Available Money: - $100
Troops Available: 200
State Situation: Your states economy is struggling and it doesnt look like it will improve in the
near future. The government was not able to pay the state militia last month and some of the
troops have begun to turn on the government. You will need to either raise taxes on your
citizens soon, or tax other states who wish to buy or sell products with Pennsylvania. There
have been reports of several protests, but they havent turned violent.

Name _________________________
Articles of Confederation Simulation
New Hampshire:
Available Money: $2000
Troops Available: 500
State Situation: Life is good in New Hampshire. The economy is steady and citizens lives are
beginning to return to normal after the war. A lot of your success is due to the fact that your
state produces products that other states want, and you have made lots of money by placing
taxes on those products.
Rhode Island:
Available Money: $600
Available Troops: 200
State Situation: Your state is out of debt, because you created your own Rhode Island currency
to pay it all off. Other states are not happy about this and dont want to accept your currency
when you try to pay for goods. You have further angered bordering states by charging high
taxes and tariffs on trade goods. You are concerned about the situation in Massachusetts and
worried it may spread to your state if not contained.
Available Money: $400
Available Troops: 200
State Situation: Your states economy has been stable, but the problems in Massachusetts are
starting to spread to your state. Citizens have been inspired by the riots in Massachusetts and
they are starting to protest. The citizens want better pay at their jobs and less taxes. You are
also unhappy with your neighbor Rhode Island who is imposing high taxes to trade with them
and is insisting that you accept the new Rhode Island currency when selling goods.
New Jersey:
Available Money: $500
Available Troops: 50
State Situation: Your state recently put down a rebellion over the lack of jobs available. Things
are calm for the moment, but your government is worried that protests could flare up again.
Your troop numbers are low because many of them are still working to make sure the streets
are calm in your cities.
Available Money: $300
Available Troops: 100
State Situation: Delaware is a small state, and although things are peaceful, your state is
having a hard time keeping out of debt because of the high taxes some of the neighboring
states are asking you to pay to trade.

Name _________________________
Articles of Confederation Simulation
Available Money: $1000
Available Troops: 300
State Situation: All is well in Maryland. Neighboring states are angry at you for the high taxes
you are charging them to buy your products, but they have no choice because your state has a
lot of skilled workers who make products that people need. You currently disagree with Virginia
about navigation rights on the Potomac and Pocomoke River.
Available Money: - $200
Available Troops: 200
State Situation: Your state is in debt after rebuilding from the war. It has been hard to get out of
debt, because you buy lots of products from Maryland and they charge heavy taxes. You are
currently in a disagreement with Maryland over use of the Potomac and Pocomoke River. Your
state is peaceful now, but you worry that if the debt continues people may protest.
North Carolina:
Available Money: $600
Available Troops: 200
State Situation: North Carolina is calm and the economy is improving. Citizens are optimistic
about the future. South Carolina has been asking you to help them put pressure on Georgia to
lower their trading taxes. Native American tribes pose a potential threat on your border, and you
worry about them attempting to gain control of western parts of your state.
South Carolina
Available Money: -$500
Available Troops: 300
State Situation: Poor crop harvests have hurt your economy and forced you buy products from
Georgia. Georgia is placing high sales taxes on your purchases and it has put your state in
debt. You do not have enough money to pay your troops and you are worried they may quit.
Available Money: $500
Available Troops: 200
State Situation: Your states economy has been successful because of trade with South
Carolina. Without the tax money you are able to raise from that trade your state would be in
trouble financially. Native American tribes pose a potential threat on your border, and you worry
about them attempting to gain control of western parts of your state.

Name _________________________
Articles of Confederation Simulation

Problem #1
Massachusetts is in extreme debt. In order to keep their government operating, they have
imposed very high taxes on farmland. Farmers have rebelled against the government and
fighting has taken place. Massachusetts has a small state militia (army), but they are losing
control of the situation. Note-Congressman from Massachusetts needs to formally request this
of the Congress.
They are asking Congress:
-To send troops to help control the situation (9/13 votes required)
-To raise a force of 1000 troops and $2000 (each state decides what to send)
Problem #2
New Jersey is building bridges between its state and Pennsylvania, Delaware, and New York. It
claims it has the right to all tolls collected and uses the bridges as a sort of customs-- taxing
goods as they enter. Do they have this right? What would this mean for other states? What
about goods travelling up and down the East Coast?
Congress must decide:
-Should all tolls belong to NJ on bridges connecting to other states ?

Name _________________________
Articles of Confederation Simulation
Problem #3
Georgia is charging South Carolina merchants extremely high taxes to buy their products.
South Carolina farmers are threatening to riot if the South Carolina government cannot
convince Georgia to lower its taxes. Georgia says that it must charge high taxes because their
economy is doing terribly since the war.
South Carolina is asking Congress to:
Change the Articles to make it illegal for one state to tax another (Requires 13/13 votes).
Problem #4
Part of New York under the leadership of Ethan Allen is demanding that they become a new
state called Vermont. They are threatening to ally themselves with Great Britain if Congress
does not grant them statehood.
Congress must decide:
Should we allow Vermont to become a state (requires 9/13 votes to become a state)?

Name _________________________
Articles of Confederation Simulation
Discussion Questions:

Did this system work well for your state? Explain your answer.


What were the advantages of this system of government?

3. What were the disadvantages?

4. Is this a strong or weak central government? Why?

5. What improvements would you make to this system?

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