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for space doreen massey Presenting an impassoned argument for revtalising eur imagination of space, Doreen Massey takes on some welhestablshed asumptions from philosophy.and some familar ways of characterising the twenty first century world and shows how they restrain our understanding of both he challenge and the potential of space. ‘The way we tink about space matters Itnflects our understandings ofthe world our attitudes to others. our poles it affects for instance, the way we understand globalisation, the way we approach ces the way we develop, and practice, a sense of place I time isthe dimension of change then space isthe dimension of the soca the «contemporaneous co-existence of others Thatisits challenge, and one that has been persistently evaded for space pursues is argument through plilosophical and theoretical engagement, and through teling peronal and political reflection, Doreen Massey asks questions such a how best to characterize these so-called spatial times how tis ‘that implicit spatalassumptions infect ou alts and how we might ‘develop responsi for place beyond pace. ‘This book is for space’ in tha it argues for @ relavigoration ofthe spataltyofeurimpliitcosmologies for spaces essential reading for anyone interested in space and the spatial turn Inthe socal cence and humanities Serious, and sometimes reverent ts 9

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