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Friendship, based on a dictionary, is a state of being friendly or of a mutual relationship.

It is some sort of another kind of love we can give to someone else. This is the kind of
love we wanted to last more than of the stable relationships nowadays.
Friends are brothers or sisters from another family, they treat us the way like they did to
their blood related ones: They care, keep us warm, make us feel loved. Friendship is
something precious that we dont want to lose, because they are the ones who will be
there in your ups and downs when others failed to do so.
Friendship is also like having boyfriend-girlfriend relationship, but this is way more fun.
Theyre good at adventures, you will surely get lost when youre with them but, it wont
be boring because you have them and stories to tell whenever stranded through out the
night. They are good comforters of the sad, they will hug you and tell you things that will
break you more down and they laugh as they watch you crying. Why? Because friends
want you to be in the reality of pain, the reality that one day it will be over. Friends will
be there no matter what.
Not-so-good times will also be there, a storm always come. There will be petty quarrels,
some arguements that leads to almost-end of friendship. Distance is also something
that keeps them distant from us, communication. Better keep them because they will
also keep you no matter how far you are, they will be there in a jiffy. No matter how big
your quarrel, it will be over.
Friendship is one of the best gift given to us. A companion in life that gives us fun and
suprises, people that will never fail to make your day, precious gems worth keeping for.


In my opinion You are what you eat its a metaphorical expression implying what
people eat could eventually affect their lives. If they eat healthy food, they will feel
healthy, and if they eat rubbish and junk food, they will not feel healthy. It is because
these are the types of foods, which affect human weight and consequently affect hair
condition, organs, teeth skin, and brain cells, etc. To simply put it, food defines your
physical and mental character.
The phrase means that to become healthy and fit, one needs to eat balanced and good
food. For instance, if you eat consistently a variety of life-sustaining, healthy and whole
foods, then your body would glow and give you better feelings. If you eat mostly
nutrient-dense foods, such as whole plant foods including beans, onions, berries,
seeds, green vegetables, and fruits, you would get a heavy amount of minerals,
vitamins, anti-oxidants, etc that keep human body strong, healthy and also protect it
from all the disease. However, in case you live on fast foods or junk and trash, it will
certainly affect your bodily organs and lead to several physical ailments as well as
impacts your mental condition.
In fact, it intends to encourage and motivate people to be health conscious in that they
need to consider every food item before they take in.

Im passionate about travel but just because I love it doesnt mean Im not aware of its
faults. As with many other things in life, there are both pros and cons to travel. I will start
with the pros first. Escapism. Travel allows you to escape. Whether its from a bad, a
job you hate, or simply you are bored with your every day routine, sometimes you feel
like you just need to get away. Travel is the perfect form of escapism far better than
reading a book or watching a movie because it actually means you get to leave your
current situation. Travel is a learning experience. Seeing other parts of the world and
immersing yourself in foreign cultures opens up completely new avenues of discovery.
Travel in itself can be educational, and can open your eyes in ways you never thought
possible. Ability for self-discovery and reinvention. When youre out on the road
meeting new people and opening up to new experiences, you may find that you are also
slowly reinventing yourself. And last, it can be affordable. You dont have to be a
millionaire or have a large trust fund in order to travel. Saving a little here and there can
go a long way over time.
And now the cons. The one I suffer the most of is being homesick. Even if you arent
terribly close to your family, like me, its likely youll still feel some homesickness at
some point during your travels. Maybe you miss your significant other. Maybe you miss
a sibling or cousin. Hell, maybe you really miss your cat or your bed. It can be
costly. Just as travel can be affordable, it can also be extremely expensive. If youre
dreaming of the ultimate budget travel adventure, you may have to edit your list and cut
many places like the South Pole out.
Some people might put the dangers of travel on the cons list, but life itself is a risk.

I have to sacrifice some family time to better understand my place in the world, I think
its worth it and, honestly, travel is just about the best thing a person could become
addicted to, as far as Im concerned.

The winter holidays is the best time to do something new and achieve your the most
extraordinary dreams and thoughts. It is the time to have fun and relax. You can start
developing your skills in skiing, skating, and of course just to sleep. However you are
able to do evening classes, socialize with friends, and redecorate your flat. After alltime studying, you have a chance to become another person. So, I decided to use my
winter vacation to achieve satisfaction such as doing sports, communicating with my
friends, and travelling.

Leisure TIME
Of course, many young people, just like many old people, waste their time. Some
youngsters choose to sleep instead of getting up and being active. They get used to
being lazy and the slightest effort is too much. Others are more active, but prefer to
spend all their time in the mall or in the coffee shop, just watching girls or chatting with
their friends. This if fine for a while, but its not very productive. Still others of course
never leave the house and just sit around chatting on the internet or watching sports on
television. Its a lot easier to just sit at home and criticize your team than to get fit and
take part, but thats what many people prefer to do.

However, there are also many young people who are extremely active and productive.
After all, most sport is played by young people, and stadiums are full of people
supporting their favorite teams. Secondly, most young people are trying to create a
good future for themselves. A lot of young people do extra courses or spend their time
reading in order to do better in their studies. But the most important point is that young
people are not very different from older people. Sometimes we all spend too long doing
one thing, when we should try to have a balanced range of activities. All of us need to
relax and have fun, and all of us, young and old, need to try new things and meet with
friends and family.
In conclusion, people can choose to use their time well or to fritter it away. Hopefully we
can all make choices that benefit us in the long run.

Growing up I never felt like I was particularly artistic. We would do projects in school like
display posters or clay figurines and mine would be the one with pictures with curled up
corners or lettering that was tilted to one side. So, I never considered art a career path.
Then, like a lot of people who spend too much time online, I found Photoshop. For years
I worked on learning everything I could. Just like anything when you start learning, none
of it was very good and sometimes I still go back to my old creation and cringe, but the
important part was that for once in my life, I felt empowered by art. I was doing
something that not many people my age had any idea how to do, and I was doing it
because I wanted to, not because a teacher told me I had to.
Throughout high school I continued to learn and grow. I also taught myself Illustrator, by
simply sitting down and working through a for dummies book. In a few months, I had a
portfolio complete with a logo that I designed by myself. I also took every advantage to
design for a few online magazines a while back. I started visiting websites about design,
and tried to soak up everything I could from blog posts and work other people were

Despite all of this, I didnt go into college thinking I wanted to be a designer. Design was
still on my mind and I made the decision to not pursue design at many points in my life,
but for some reason or another it keeps drawing me back, and currently its really the
only thing I can see myself doing. Honestly, even if I dont get into the program its going
to be something I go after with everything I have and Id like to think that means this is
what I need to be doing with my life.

First of all, studying abroad you have a really good chance to improve your knowledge
of the language . When you are surrounded by another language environment, you
have an opportunity to develop your listening and speaking skills. I suppose there is no
other good way to become fluent. Also, aside from language, you get to know a new
culture, history, lifestyle, customs and so on. You are not only enriching your knowledge,
but also adopting it for yourself. It can open your eyes on something. Furthermore, it is
an adventure. Living and studying abroad can be full of happiness, fun and enjoy,
because it gives you a chance to make friends with new people. So, there is new
experience to have
However, studying abroad has some potential downsides, for instance cultural shock,
the homesickness, cultural differences and so on and so forth. The first disadvantage is
that it is quite expensive so f inances may become the main problem. Secondly, a new
environment is a really challenge for foreign students. They can experience a culture
shock. Even if a student knows a lot about a country where he is going to live, there is a

probability that he will be faced with some differences. The last disadvantage is that
you, undoubtedly, can feel homesick. You may find yourself feeling alone without your
relatives and friends. Furthermore, making a good friendships takes time and it can be
more difficult in a country that you are not used to.
In conclusion, education abroad is a great opportunity, but it also has difficulties that you
can try your best to overcome. Therefore, I suppose it is silly to reject this experience.
So if you have a chance to study abroad , you should not miss it.

Education is an important medium of acquiring skills and knowledge. Our education

begins at home In our early years. Thereafter, as we grow we go to schools, colleges
and other educational institutes. Education bring positive changes in human life. It
enhances the knowledge, skill, and intelligence of a person and enables him to lead a
successful life.
Child education: Children or kids start going to school to get the primary or elementary
education. It is considered a human right for every child to get the opportunity for
education. School education lays the foundation stone for the childs future.
In my opinion, a person must be familiar with the history, geography, religion,
culture and tradition, through general education. Therefore, general education should
aim at educating all students up to the secondary standard. Thereafter, depending upon
the aptitude of the student, he should either opt for advanced academic
education or join a training institute for skill-based training.

In my opinion, family is the most important thing that one has in life, because it
influences children who are the future of the world, it is the only thing one can rely on,
and it is what consists society.
I cannot imagine living my life without my family by my side. Family is very important
and valuable to me and is something that should never be taken for granted. Without
my family, a large part of my life and culture would be missing.
Whether it's my grandparent, my brother, my mom, or my dad, I know I can
always count on someone to help me feel better. In fact, I think that this is probably the
most important thing that my family has taught me; a family is made up of people who
you can trust and who you can count on.
In this world of doubt, insecurity, and fear, my family is always there for me,
holding their arms open to me with love. I still remember that on the first day of first
grade, I didn't want to go to school, I had butterflies in my stomach and I found it difficult
to walk because I was so nervous. The only reason that I finally went into the classroom
is because my mom walked in with me, and promised me that as soon as school was
out, she'd be there waiting for me, ready to bring me back to where I felt most
comfortable, my family.

To sum up, I believe that everything turns around the family. It would be hard to imagine
one's life without a family, because it is what builds our future, what we can count on,
and it is the essence of the society.

Memories, like wisps. So many years, so many days, so many thoughts, so much time.
It flows together like a puzzle, pieces are missing here and there, but I still function as a
From what my parents tell me, there is so much that I had experienced before my 7th
birthday, yet years and years of it slipped from my mind long ago. I had been to a few
countries by the age of 5, and the only thing I can remember is a city from our country,
Sibiu. Not everyday though did I get to enjoy the simple pleasures of the outdoors,
sometimes I was just forced to play with toys.
All the events I quite remember, some daily, some unique, special, yet fading each day
from my mind has something in there I can appreciate. Some so vivid that I artist I could
paint right now, flowing from my head straight onto paper. Also, these experiences have
left me with a captivation for foreign places, I want to see it again, experience it again,
something new and different, exciting and romantic. I look back with so much longing,
but I appreciate that I was there. I want to go back. See it again, and then, see more.

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