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You will notice that Mikleo, or whatever any character in your party says to

you will show up in the bottom left corner. When in control, you can talk
to Mikleo. He says to save the competition for next time, it's best to look
for the exit. When you talk to characters in your party, they will often
tell you the next objective in the game, in case you ever lose track.
Check the flower next to the pathway (between where you start and the
there) for a SAGE. Use the save point. Head down and out the door for
another scene. Sorey will see Alisha. He decides to help her out, despite
Mikleo's warning. In the end he helps too.
Head forward to learn how to do map actions. Press square for Sorey to slash
the spider web. Sorey will comment that his sword is all gross now. Mikleo
says to keep an eye out for any spiders. At the third web there will be a
Fight the spider, it will flee. The boys will remember Jiji's story about
the Hellions.
Head forward and open a chest for ANCIENT EARRINGS. Then across fro that,
examine the stone monument. You will find these all over the world. They
have something to do with raising AP I think. The next chest contains
APPLE GEL. Continue forward, save.
If you head towards the chest you can fight another spider for the Guard
tutorial. In the chest is another APPLE GEL. Touch another stone monument
across the room.
Down the path, the next spider you fight will give a tutorial for Around
Step (Square + Left stick). Behind the spider web is a chest for ANCIENT
CIRCLET. In the next room up on the pedestal open the chest for quick scene.
What I believe you find is a the glove with the Shepherd's symbol on it.
Mikleo will hold on to it for your so you don't really get to see what it
is. He will give it back later.
Up the stairs for another stone monument. The chest holds LIFE BOTTLE. Make
sure you change the equipments you've been getting. In the Equipment Menu
there's a whole tutorial on learning skills from equipping different
End of the road, press X to check out the ledge. Turn back around and head
back to the last room with the save sphere. Save if you want, and then move
towards the gold star. Mikleo will notice the invisible bridge.
Doesn't matter
like 'To think
we can walk on
on the bridge.

which option you choose I think. The first says, something

there were stairs leading down' and the second says, 'As if
air.' Mikleo reveals the bridge. You can perform a Discovery
Discoveries will probably also increase AP.

Wake up the girl for a scene. She can't see Mikleo. She asks for Sorey's
name, and asks if there's a place she can rest while she prepares for her
return back to the capital. He invites her to his home. He just can't leave
people behind when they need help.
Sorey will point the way out. There's a door behind the statue. You can go
down the stairs if you want, but it's just another save sphere and a locked
door. Do a Discovery of the statue. Exit at the top.
The girl will says the area is like the home of the Seraphim. Sorey and the
girl will find common ground in the Seraphim's Legend book they both have

read. Sorey will lead her to his village.

~ Seraphim's Forest, Izuchi ~


CHECKLIST------------------------------------------------------------Ice Candy
o Saffron
o Life Bottle x2
Mango Sorbet
o Natural Vest
o Verbena
Apple Gel

OBJECTIVE------------------------------------------------------------------o Talk to Jiji

TUTORIALS------------------------------------------------------------------o Around Step
o Target
Head to the southwest corner, down the stairs for a stone monument. In the
northwest corner there is a chest with Ice Candy. In the middle-north area,
north of the entrance to the ruins, you will find a shiny flower with
SAFFRON behind the rock formation. Just on the other side of that is a
chest with LIFE BOTTLE.
Behind the entrance to the ruins is another stone monument. Walk up to the
goats. The girl's never seen them before. You can perform a Discovery on
them, "Hyland Goat."
And I'm not sure why but Mikleo just made Mango Sorbet. If you ignore the
star and continue south you will find another save point and stone monument.
Head to the gold star for the next part of the story. Mikleo will leave to
inform Jiji. Sorey will introduce his family to the girl but she can't see
She will wander off to explore. Sorey wonders if Jiji will listen to his
story. When in control, there's not much to do. There's a save point outside
Sorey's house. And a chest with NATURAL VEST. To the east of his house, in a
flower patch in front of some pond water is VERBENA.
At the very end of the village is Jiji's home. Before going inside, go
around the side and up the stairs to the left there is a Discovery, "Izuchi
Skylark's Nest." There's also an accompanying skit.
Go inside the house for a scene. Sorey gets a royal scolding from Jiji. If
you have no other business, return home and choose to wait for the girl
there. In the next scene, Mikleo comes to give Sorey what they found in the
ruins. The glove with the Shepherd's Symbol.
Head outside to talk to the girl. Return to Sorey's house for another scene.
He asks about the girl's home, the capital Lady Lake. He says that he's
read about the legend where the sacred sword at Lady Lake, if drawn, claims
the wielder as the next Shepherd.
Sorey's never left his village. He says he'll help her with her preparations
with her trip in the morning. In the morning, head outside the village to
the star to hunt some boar.
After the initial fight, go around and fight 3 or so more battles with boar

on the field until Sorey says you've hunted enough to create all the stuff.
In the eastern part next the the ruins, down the stairs but behind the wall
is another chest containing LIFE BOTTLE.
Return to the village. On the way the girl will make an Apple Gel. Head
inside Sorey's house to continue the scene. The girl will say the world's
been experiencing a lot of disasters lately. And she's trying to find a way
to cure it, by finding the next Shepherd, even if it is a legend.
She's worried the most about the possibility of a war between the two
kingdoms. When in control, you might want to save before talking to the
girl for the next scene. Go talk to Jiji.
In the next scene when the girl is leaving, she will introduce herself as
Alisha. She truly believes that Seraphim exist, and that they're not just
fairytales. She says he is really a good person. The festival of the sacred
of the sword is about the begin in Lady Lake and asks if he's will to
participate. Before she leaves, she wants him to think about it, because she
thinks the Shepherd in the legend would be like him.
Mikleo hands Sorey a knife that is Alisha's, a symbol of the royal family.
Jiji will sense an enemy and orders the Seraphim to find the intruder who
dares to hide his presence. It is most likely a Hellion. The boys also
decide to set out.
Head towards northeast where the star is to hear a scream. Approach to see
Maisen being eaten. Yikes. This bad guy's a Hellion, or at least possessed
by one.
You will be forced into a fight.
BOSS: ???
HP: 1113
LVL: 6
Access the Artes menu and equip the arte 'Ten Rou Ha' and then execute it
with X. It's not too hard to beat on him. When his HP is depleted, he will
swallow Maisen and the other villagers will appear. He will slip away.
Back in the village, Sorey will connect the creepy guy's goal to Alisha,
and choose to go after her. Head for the village exit and Sorey will
apologize for leaving without saying anything. Head to the southern exit and
Mikleo will surprise Sorey and join him. He also gives you Jiji's pipe to
sell if you ever need money in the human world.
Watch the animated cutscene. And enjoy the opening movie!
~ Arodite Forest ~


ITEMS CHECKLIST------------------------------------------------------------o Life Bottle

o Battle Boots
o Chamomille
This music is so whimsical. Anyways. You're going to have to pull up the map
frequently. At the third (kind of) fork, cut the grass to access a chest
with LIFE BOTTLE. The next (kind of) fork, cut the grass there to get BATTLE
At the next fork there is nothing that can be done because you do not have

the map action to do anything with boulders yet. Keep going straight. Check
the plant for Chamomille. You can cut the grass to the north here and go
around east to the exit.
~ Lake Pillow Plateau ~


ITEMS CHECKLIST------------------------------------------------------------o Life Bottle

o Ice Candy
o Vanilla Ice Cream
o Verbena
OBJECTIVE------------------------------------------------------------------o Find Alisha
Access the save sphere. In the south east of the first section, there is a
chest in front of a rock with LIFE BOTTLE. There is a sign post nearby.
EAST - Hyland Capital Lady Lake
WEST - Arodite Forest
You can climb the rock next to this sign and get a 'Discovery' of Lady
Lake in the background. Cross the water, check the stone monument. Mikleo
just made another Ice Candy.
At the next star you will obtain the World Map feature (R3 - which is
pressing down on the right analog stick). Obviously it isn't very good,
despite how proud Sorey might be of it, because it's old and from the book.
Head forward and the boys will notice a carriage has stopped in front of
the bridge. Ignore it and you can head south across another bridge. In
this area, just close to the exit is a chest with VANILLA ICE CREAM. And
across from that a plant with VERBENA.
You will be draw towards the star which is just a closer look at the
carriages. You can ignore the next star and use the save point first. Going
north is pointless because the bridge is blocked by soldiers.
If you walk up the carriages, Mikleo will point out the dog. If you talk to
the dog, it will turn and bark and Mikleo. He's not good with animals
because they can sense Seraphim.
Talk to the girl Rose and you'll be introduced the merchant guild Sparrowfeathers. Walk away and you will overhear two guys talking about Alisha
having returned safely to Lady Lake. The boys will realize that she's
actually a princess.
Talk to the knight and the carriages will move. Welcome to Lady Lake.
~ Hyland Capital, Lady Lake ~


CHECKLIST------------------------------------------------------------Apple Gel
o Amber Staff
o Chamomile
Amber Vest
o Void Ring
o Life Bottle
o Saffron
o Road of Difda

OBJECTIVE------------------------------------------------------------------o Gather information

o Explore Town
o Find Alisha, or the Fox Guy
Head back towards the entrance, to the side is a chest with APPLE GEL. Head
south at the first chance for a Discover, "Lady Lake's Giant Water Wheel."
Continue south into the next section. In the chest next to the girls is
AMBER STAFF. There's also a white chest on the other side of the which you
cannot open yet.
Up the stairs is another chest you cannot open and a stone monument. There
is also a shiny flower in one corner with CHAMOMILE.
Head back to the first area. Back track and go north for a short scene with
a merchant. Mikleo advises Sorey to leave the unseen things be to avoid
cause a ruckus. It would only get them into trouble with the soldiers
because it looks different to humans who cannot see Hellions. Anyways. Open
the chest beside the merchant for AMBER VEST.
Mikleo just made Chocolate Gelato. I'm beginning to think the guy likes
snacks and will make them randomly as you play the game.
Head up the stairs to the east for another scene between and old man and a
boy. The old man tells the boy he shouldn't pickpocket. Of course, kid
doesn't listen and tells the old man to shut up. You can follow up this by
backtracking to the new star on the northern point.
Instead of a boy, Sorey sees another goblin, who finds his smell delicious.
Run for it! Even if you backtrack you cannot go near the kid anymore. Go
back up the stairs and find the other star. The boys decide not to get
close to that either. Good choice.
What you can do is go around them, down the stairs and around for a chest
with VOID RING. Continue down the path and up the stairs and around the
corner for a LIFE BOTTLE.
Head back to the main area. Walk up to the building with all the people

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