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1. Do you read any music magazines? If so, how many do you read?
2. Do you listen to any hip-hop artists? Please circle one.


3. Do you know any hip-hop artists? Yes or no. Please provide artists you know.

4. In a hip-hop magazine, would you prefer more images or text?

5. Do you think hip-hop influenced the society throughout the years? Circle one.


6. Has hip-hop influenced you as an individual? Yes or no. Please provide your


In this assignment, I have conducted a set of questionnaires to 20 people prior to the genre I will be focusing on
which will be hip hop. I kept my set of questions short and clear so it will not be boring towards the candidates who
will be participating into my questionnaire.
1. Question 1 Do you read any music magazines? If so, how many do you read?






From this question I wanted to know from the young adults (students) if they read and how regularly people
read music magazines. As a result, 10 people said they read music magazines and 10 people said they do
not. Majority of the candidates stated that they read about 1-2 magazines a month. May be this is because
young adults/students could find it difficult to find time to read music magazines due to studies.
Question 2 Do you listen to any hip-hop artists? Please circle one.
Reason why I proposed this question is because I wanted to know peoples understanding of the genre of hiphop, and this is by if they know any artists who belong from this category. I came to a result of 13/20 said yes
and 7/20 said no. This is a good set of results as you can see how much hip hop has spread throughout the
years and caught peoples attention.
Question 3 Do you know any hip-hop artists? Yes or no. Please provide artists you know.
This question was difficult to display in the bar chard shown above as it is a open question where all
candidates were able to share artists they knew and heard of from the genre of hip hop. Artists such as:
Kanye, Eminem, Jay-Z, Drake and even mainstream hip hop artists such as Bryson Tiller and Gucci Mane.
From this question, I learnt and gather new insights of artists.
Question 4 In a hip-hop magazine, would you prefer more images or text?
As I proposed this question, I resulted to all 20 candidates saying images. This was quite difficult to tally in
the bar chart because this was not a yes or no question. However, from my results all 20 people may prefer
images than texts because seeing too much text would be difficult to picture what they are trying to read as
it is probable that it can bore the reader. Hence, why all candidates preferred images over text as images
seems to be engaging to the reader.
Question 5 Do you think hip-hop influenced the society throughout the years? Circle one
Reason why I wanted to deliver this question at the near end is so that the candidates can develop some
gradual understanding about the genre before answering this question. By this question, I wanted to know
the insights of what people think about hip hop and how it affected our society. This will provide me an idea if
it has influenced society positively or negatively. From here, I resulted with 17/20 said yes and 3/20 said no.
Question 6 Has hip-hop influenced you as an individual? Yes or no. Please provide your
This question gave a result of 7/20 said yes and 13/20 said no. The reason for this is because not many
people can commonly relate to hip-hop but I received one answer that stood out who stated no, but

influenced other artists from here I can see that hip-hop is still a big impact on certain individuals
especially how hip hop artists become from nothing into something in the hip hop industry.

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