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Mary and Jesus: A Sign of The New World

In the name of Allah the Beneficent, the Merciful, I bear witness
that there is but One God and I bear witness that Muhammad is his
My dear beloved brothers and sister and those of you in our
listening audiences I am very happy to have you this opportunity to
come before you once again. We were just at Reverend TL Barretts
church this morning and we have a very wonderful secession with
Reverend TL Barrett and his congregation. And here we are here at the
Mosque to give you some food that I think you would rejoice in having.
I hope not to be long with you today but I do want to pay good
attention to what I am about to say. With us today we have a
gentleman who is from Sweden who is doing a doctoral thesis on the
Nation of Islam. As you may recall Dr. C. Eric Lincoln as black man who
is a Methodist Minister studying as Boston University did his doctoral
thesis on the Nation of Islam. And he is the one that coined the phase
Black Muslims and he wrote a book called Black Muslims in
America. And his work ended with a prophetic kind of utterances
concerning Malcolm X, concerning the internal tensions in the
movement. And as you know when the Honorable Elijah Muhammad
departed from us his son Warith D. Mohammad took over the helm of
leadership. And too the Nation of Islam onto a path of what is called
Islam Orthodoxy.
So a scholar by the name of Dr. Mumimi started writing again on
the work of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and now this Swedish
scholar is attempting to write another chapter concerning the work of
rebuilding of the Nation of Islam.
Now let me get quickly to what I wanted to discuss with you
today, by the help of Allah (God). The Honorable Elijah Muhammad
asked the question or the question was asked of him by Master Fard
Muhammad his teacher, What is the meaning of civilization? Answer
from the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, One having knowledge,
wisdom, understanding, culture, refinement, the pursuit of happiness
and is not savage. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad in an earlier
lesson taught us that a savage is a person who has lost the knowledge
of Himself or herself and is living the life of a beast. Now if you look at
our lifestyle in America, you could say that something is wrong with us
as a people that we are living a lifestyle that is not civilized. Our
behavior one toward another is not the behavior of civilized people. We

do not demonstrate that we have knowledge, wisdom, understanding,

culture, refinement nor do we demonstrate that we have the pursuit of
happiness. But what we do demonstrate is that we are savage that we
have lost the knowledge of ourselves and are living the life of a beast.
Now when we use the term beast in references to a human being, we
are talking about one who is fiendish, a berserker, one who is out of
ones mind, one who preys upon the weakness of others even as a
beast will stalk his prey and pounces on the prey and destroy flesh of
that prey. We have become like that today, in our communities where
we live. We stalk one another, if we dont belong to the right gang, or
wear the right colors we are stalked by our brothers. And our brothers
will look upon us not his own flesh or blood because we dont belong to
the same gang or the same club or wear the same color and then we
pounces on each other like wild animals; tearing the flesh of each
Why do we do this? We have lost the knowledge of self and are living
the life of a beast. We even do the same thing as grownups only we do
it with the mouth, with the tongue. We tear each other up because we
dont belong to the same church, the same denomination, the same
religion, the same fraternity, or the same political party. When we meet
each other we meet each other not as family, not as friends but as
enemies because you are a Christian and I am a Muslim. And this one
is a Hebrew and that one is a Republican and this one is a Democrat
and this one is a NAACP and another one is an Urban League and this
is a member of another organization.
So we are fragmented and fractionalized and are guilty of what is
called fratricide, which is from a Latin root frater which means
brother and caedere which means to kill. So when we are guilty of
fratricide we are guilty of killing our own brothers and sisters. Do we
agree and do you understand?
How did we become like this? We live in a society under our oppressor
that happens to be Caucasian people. And this people have treated us
in a beastly manner. They have stalked us and destroyed our flesh,
both in the North and in the South.
In Central park a little less then a month ago a young group of black
youngsters raped a white woman. And the whole country is up in arms
over this. They called it wilding they went out wilding. What is a
savage, a person that has lost the knowledge of self and lives the life
of a beast and acts untamed, wild. So when the young boys go out
wilding they go out to just pronounce on someone who is innocent
and beat them up, rob them, rape them and this is called having fun.

We have fun today by disturbing human life, destroying human life or

robbing another human being of his or her processions. That is Savage.
Where did we learning it from? We learned it from Caucasians who
went wilding into Africa. And they took our fathers out of Africa on
board ships and for the funny of it they put human beings in the holes
of ships and packed us together like sardines in a can. As we made the
journey from Africa to America. Think about human beings living in the
holes of a ship, no fresh air, no sunshine, and we are tied together
urinating on ourselves and defecating on ourselves. And the journey
lasts three months or better. That was there wilding so they brought
us to Americas or what they call the Caribbean. And they dropped us
off in islands in the Caribbean and of course they dropped us off also in
different ports in the United States.
And for the fun of it and for the sport of it we were paraded before
the world on auction blocks. Human beings put on an auction block
where men could go and fondle the women in the name of seeing
whether this slave was strong enough to pull the plow. This was their
form of wilding. And when we were so-called free the nightriders
would come into the black community in the south drunk and they
would shoot up our community for the fun of it. They would drag a
black man out for the fun of it, they would hook us behind and
automobile or buggy and drag our bodies down the street until the
flesh was off of the human being and he is still alive but severely
wounded. Then they would either hang us up on the tree, cut off an
ear, cut off a finger, pass out parts of our bodies in glee, this was their
wilding. Or they would put gasoline on one of us and burn us and the
women and the children and the men would stand around gleefully
watching while a human being was riving in pain burning to death. This
is what they did and they did not do it one night in Central Park. They
did it for over 300 long years. It has been a long party, a long night of
wilding by a wild beastly like human being who has preyed upon black
men and woman and now following them we have gone savage and
act like they act and now we are destroying one another.
Can you imagine a woman who does not have rights over her own
body? Think about that today sisters! And just project your mind back
during slavery when you did not have charge over your own body. The
slave master could take anyone of you at will and you dare not refuse
him. He could send any black man into you at will and enjoy making
you suffer and night of wilding. And when white people today do evil
to us the excuse is they had a little too much to beer, a little to much
to drink and this is to excuse their bestiality and their savagery.
Now something is happening, what they called civilization is now
tumbling down. And the knowledge, which is at the root of the western

civilization, is being rejected by our young people. You go to school but

you really dont want to be there. When you go to school there is
nothing really there to attract you, to hold your mind, to educate you,
or to really develop you. Something is happening, the teacher says,
its you the student. And the student says, its you the teacher.
The people say, its the government. The government says, its the
people. So there is clashing going on now. And to go to school today,
to get through it safe, they have more police sometimes in the
corridors of school then they have on the corners of the streets
because the schools have gone savage.
The young people bring their guns and their knives to school, not
books but guns and knives because it is going to be a rumble sooner or
later and I have to be prepared. They bring their drugs to school, not
their books but their reefer, not their maps but their plan of where to
go to get what they need or what they think they need perceive they
need to continue their daily routine of savagery. And into this a new
knowledge comes. A new knowledge brings a new civilization. And the
old civilization, the old knowledge is frightened by the presence of this
new reality. And the government of America is frightened by the
presence of the knowledge that was brought to the Honorable Elijah
Muhammad by Master Fard Muhammad to whom praise is due forever.
Now what does all of this mean? These young men want to know and
these young girls want to know, there is no human being who is not
born with a curious mind to know. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad
said to us, that when Allah created Himself he was a light of Himself.
Now think about that, when He created Himself he was a light of
Himself. Then the Honorable Elijah Muhammad pointed to the firefly,
the firefly carries its own light and in the night you will see from the tail
of the firefly a light come up in the darkness of the sky, right? He has
light within himself. And so do you, you all are born with the light of
Allah (God) in the very nature of you.
I want you to hear me well, without a teaching an infant baby learns
more in the first year of its life then it offtimes learns after that. Here is
a baby, it can not talk, it can not walk but its mind is active. And if you
watch the baby after three months or even earlier you will see the
baby turning over, you didnt teach it but the baby just turned. You say
ooh look at that, you see the baby hold its head up, pull its head up off
the little crib into which you laid it and it starts looking around. You
wonder what is it looking at? You move your hand and it follows your
hand, you make a sound and it looks in your direction, its senses our
lives and the light that is guiding that child is its curiosity to know and
to master its own environment.

So in less then a year some children are standing up, you didnt say
get up boy its time to walk, or get up girl. The child just starts walking
and you see it start pulling up dont you? You didnt teach it to do that,
how did it do that? It has a light within and what education is supposed
to do is to feed the light within that you will always be curious
throughout your life. That you will always say, I wonder why does it
rain, I wonder who makes it rain, I wonder why did Allah (God) create a
blade of grass and there is masculine and feminine in the blade of
grass, why did he do that? Why did he create a one celled creature
you should be curious. And the more curious you are the more you try
to seek answers. And the more you seek the more you find and the
more you find the more intelligent you grow until you become a master
of your own environment.
But there is something wrong with the educational system of the
western world it seems to kill curiosity. After awhile you dont ask
questions anymore, after a while you dont care to know anymore even
though when we meet each other on the street what is the word that
we use? What is happening? What is up, what is going on, what is too
it, we are asking a question because that is our password. But really
underneath that we are saying, I really want to know is there anyone
who can teach me, I really want too know. But the food that western
civilization puts on your table called education you are pushing it
away even though you are hungry for knowledge. You dont want that
knowledge because you have watched your mother, you have watched
your father, you have watched your uncle, and you have watched your
sister. You have watched your cousin, and you see it did not make
them smart enough to overcome the enemy that put us in this
condition so why buy a gun that cant shoot? Not that I am saying that
you should go and buy a gun but I am saying that you would not go
and spend money for a pistol and it doesnt shoot unless you are going
to be a play robber. But if you are going to play the real thing you
better have something because you are going to meet someone with
something that is not playing.
I am saying beloved, why buy an education that you cant use? Alright
lets get down to cases and I am going to try to be as quick as I
possible can. We name this Mosque Maryam after the mother of Jesus. I
went into it a little last week but I dont think that Allah (God) wanted
me to say last week what I had on the paper to say because I guess it
was not time and I will see if it is time today. And this may seem like
the right audience because it is a small audience and it is a thirsty
audience and an audience that really wants to be here so this might be
the right audience.

Now I dont know whether Sister Muhammad mentioned in her talk that
the scriptures of the Bible and the Holy Quran are coded. I am going to
say that again, the scriptures of the Bible and Holy Quran are coded.
Some of the language is called Allegorical, when you use and allegory,
I dont want to sound so heavy because all of you young brothers and
sister can understand this. An allegory is an implied comparison, you
are comparing this with that only you dont talk about this. Let me give
you an example, when Jesus says in a parable a certain man was
traveling from Jerusalem to Jericho and he fell among thieves and they
hit him in his head and took his fine raiment and left him wounded in
the road. Now when I say this what do you get? You get a picture, you
see a man traveling right? And you see someone laying and waiting for
him and then they snatch him and hit him in his head and take his
cloths and he has a gaping wound in his head and the robber is not
concerned about the poor fellow who had feel upon hard times. The
robber is glad to get his cloths and does not care what condition he
leaves the man in, do you see the picture?
But Jesus called that a parable, letting you know he is not talking
about an individual who robbed some dude and took his cloths. But he
is putting a picture in your mind that would allow you to see a bigger
thing if you can decipher the code. And the code is always using letters
and numbers to convey a message but the message is not on the
surface, the message is hidden. And it takes long arduous suffering
hours to break someone elses code. Why did Allah (God) coded the
Bible and the Holy Quran? Why does he put it in a code? Doesnt Allah
(God) want us all to know what he is talking about? Allah (God) wants
you to know what he wants you to know. And the Allah (God) wants to
hide certain things from you until you are able to handle it.
So in the Quran it says, this is for the learned, this is for men of
understanding, this is for the wise. And the of course there is always
something there for the unlearned person that you just want to be able
to read it and understand something and take it and run with it, it is
always there something there for you. But the deeper meanings of the
book is hidden because in the meaning of the code is the power of the
word. The power of the word is locked up in the languages; once you
break the code you can extract the power in the word of Allah (God)
then become God.
Now as a Muslim you would say, wait a minute I am a man and
there is no God but Allah how can I become God? Well you should
think Muslims about Allahs creation of Adam and making Adam wiser
then the angles and then ordering the angles to bow down to a mortal
that he had fashioned out of black mud. This tells you the potential of
the human being. And the word of Allah (God) is the key to unlock the

power that is bounded up in the human being. You are power brother
and sister but your power is dormant your power is hidden your power
is covered up by the rubbish heap of the western civilization.
So you pop your fingers and you party and you live a kinda wild
crazy live because you dont know how to bring out the power of your
own being. So you are frustrated and you end up dreaming great
things but never able to do great things because you dont have the
power to unlock your power. How could the Caucasian rule and ancient
people except your power was diminished or covered up by order of
Allah (God)? The Caucasian is a new man on our earth, he just got here
a few thousand years ago yet he is the ruler. He rules everywhere on
the earth, is that right? He rules the sky and the depth of the sea but
he has made a bad job of it. So now Allah (God) is interfering with his
rule. And Allah (God) says it is time for you to do what? Wake up and
get up and rise up and stand up and be yourself.
But there is a power that has to come wake you up. And the
power is in the word and the word is coded. The word has been here all
along, you have been reading it, the preacher has been preaching it,
but no one get up the power to change their reality. It is because the
power is still bound up in the word. Look at this Quran, this Quran is a
direct word of Allah to Prophet Muhammad and through him to all of
mankind, right? Why is the Muslim world sitting in the desert with a
camel and white people are ruling the world and they have this heavy
book sitting in desert with nothing?
If you are a donkey and I put a book on your back and you
carrying the book up the mountain with me by the time you get to the
top of the mountain you are still a donkey because carrying the book
doesnt make you wise. It is learning how to read the book that makes
you wise. So the Bible says, Blessed is he who reads and
understands. Well if you read and dont understand are you blessed?
You can read the Bible all day long brother as your mama does but she
cant pay the bills she must not understand. Can you imagine a
Christian reading the Bible saying, I got the Holy Ghost and I have got
power and someone comes repossesses your car while you are
shouting? You mean all of the power you have could not allow you to
translate that power into a medium of exchange to allow you to make
your way in this world? See you have got the book Quran and Bible
but you do not have the power. So if you have got the Bible and the
Quran and you do not have the power to change the reality under
which you live but you are subjected to the force of the world of an
enemy. Then you read but you do not understand. And why dont you
understand, You are look at it but it is because it is coded. And if it is in
a code until you learn how to break the code of the Bible and the
Quran you can not extract the power of either one of these books.

When you extract the power of these books you can confer
blessings on yourself. You dont have to sit around and wait for a
blessing. You can create a blessing when you and I understand how to
use the power that is bounded up in the word of Allah (God). Now I am
coming to something, are you all right? Look if the scripture says,
Jesus and his Mother were for a sign. Then when you look at Jesus you
are looking at a sign. You are looking at a human being producing a
work that has a code in it and on it. And until you break the code you
will not be able to live the life of Jesus. Just a minute I live Jesus life I
am a good Christian, I know you are good that is true. When you tell
me you are good means you dont smoke, you dont drink, or I am
good because I dont do these things, fine. Jesus rebuked the wind
when have you done that? I will just go and hide and take a little rest
and see if you can come back with the answer. I wont go anywhere
because I know you did not do that. Jesus healed a blind man when did
you do that? Well lets try something easier, Jesus took a man who was
suffering from paralysis and gave him back the use of his limbs, come
on when did you do that? Jesus raised a man from the dead when did
you do that?
See good or being good and good for nothing is not the kind of good
that we want to be. I want you to follow me. Oh we just went off the
radio good see God did not want me to tell it there either. Now being
good and being good for nothing, you know what I mean good for
nothing, meaning I am good but I dont do anything substantive in my
good to bring about a change in the world. I know may good Muslims,
they say their prayers, they fast during the month of Ramadan, they
are always at the mosque, they read the Quran but they dont do
nothing to change the reality of the world. So how would you call that?
Good yes but good for what, good for nothing. Because to be good and
to do nothing of value means nothing, too be good and to come into
mastery to be able to do what the master does thats good for
something. And you cant do that unless you break the code.
Now Jesus in his person was a code. What, the man himself was apart
of the code. If Jesus was a sign then you got look at him, he is giving
you a signal. And that is what codes do, they put a signal in your brain.
Have you ever seen the flags on a ship the man does (waves them)
and every time he does it means something else. You are standing by
saying, hey that man is waving flags I like his fancy movement, isnt
he beautiful but if he did not do that maybe the ship or the planes
could not come in right. So he is signaling something. He is putting a
signal out, you understand? And the person who can read the signal
says, Ah because it means something to him. You get Morris code dot
dash dot dot dash dot dot dash dash, you say, hum sounds nice that

cat got rhythm but if you dont know how to read the code you can
hear it but it does not mean anything to you. It does not send any
signal to your brain because you dont know that code.
So you have got to know something in order to get something. Oh you
better listen to me. All Praises is due to Allah. Now I am going to run
through the history of Jesus Quickly because the man is a man that we
need to look at, he is a code. His mother is a code and unless you can
decode Mary and Jesus and the source of her baby you are not
qualified then to bring in a new civilization.
Lets look at this now. Lets talk about Mary and Joseph when they were
young people the Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught us, they were
childhood sweethearts. You know how you can be as a child you see a
young lady that you really like as a child. How many of you have ever
had a childhood experiences when you are 6 years old you see a little
girl and you really like her and you think hum one day when I grow up I
would like to marry her. Have any of you ever had that kind of
experience? Sisters have you had an experience like that? Now since
the Honorable Elijah Muhammad gave us and allegorical story or
picture he was coding wisdom hiding in a picture. Once you get the
picture then you begin to extract the wisdom as you mature.
Now your Bible tells you Herod wanted to kill Jesus before Jesus
was even born. Can you believe that? Wait a minute now think about it,
how would Herod want to kill a child that it did not know anything
about unless Herod knew something. Why would Herod want to kill a
baby? How many of you look at beautiful little children, would think
that a ruler of a government would say kill that baby unless the ruler
knew something that the people didnt know. What did the ruler know?
Herod knew that it was the time that a child should be born into the
world that would change the power relationship in the world and
become the base of a New Kingdom, which meant Herod, is going out
of business. Caesar is got to fold up shop. If a new ruler is coming and
you are in power and you dont want to give up power what would you
do if you were the wicked? It is not easy to think wicked but I guess for
us it become quite easy.
All right I am going to put it on young terms. You are the leader of your
gang and a new cat comes into the block, he is a karate master and
someone saw him fight and he is too tough you know on the block if
someone is bad, when I say bad he can deal. He may take your job as
the head of the gang, so if you are wicked and you see that cat moved
into our neighborhood man. So maybe you feel threatened and you
say, hey you see that dude over there he just moved into our group or
into our neighborhood but I heard he belongs to that gang over there

such and such and so in so. So you start lying on him, and I think we
need to deal on him because he is one of them. So your boys, they are
afraid of you say naw dont mess with him by hand you have got to get
your stuff and from a distance lay him out. But the object is kill your
competition, is that right? This is gang terminology.
But Herod belongs to a big gang. Herod functions on the high beast
level. You function on a savage level. You just imitating a beast but the
beast got his stuff down. So the beast says, Hum it is time for Jesus to
be born now we dont know which mother is going to carry him so
every woman that is pregnant we have got to know who she is and we
have got to be there when the baby is born. But now Mary gets
pregnant under some strange circumstances. Now I dont care how you
say it, pregnancy is a rough thing on a woman especially when she
falls in love with you or me and we didnt wait to go to her father and
say, dad may I have your daughters hand in marriage? He says,
Man you cant have my daughters foot and if you dont get out of here
you will get my foot. Here is a man if we are in this condition and you
make a little girl pregnant, when she tells you, Joe Sam Henry I am
pregnant what goes though your mind? You say Aw no, Aw my God,
what am I going to do, how am I going to tell my mother? She is
thinking I have got to tell my mom, well can we get rid of it, why do
you want to get rid of the baby, that is the evidences, evidences of
what? That I didnt do what I was supposed to do or I did what I though
I was supposed to do and some how I am all messed you now, do you
follow me?
If you young men have ever been in that condition, it is an awful thing,
let me tell you I have been in that condition. I will just come right on
down front and talk about brother Farrakhan. My mother had not
planned for me to get married for a while, I was 20 years old young
man and had not quite made manhood I am in college. And my
childhood sweetheart is my wife and it just so happened hum you
know what I mean.
These things happen, hey I dont want you all to think I feel down out
of heaven, you know what I mean? I came right up out of hell with you.
So now my mother she is one these strong women. And I may be 20
years old but I am scared to tell her, A mom do you know Betsy you
know she is in the family way how do you tell your mother that? And
she has to go tell her mother. Now we are talking in secret now no one
understands just her and me and the baby and of course the God. And
I said, now how are we going to do this thing? So I said look I am just
going to tell my mother what it is and we just go on and get married.
But you know when I was a young man any girl that had a baby out of
wedlock I mean that was a big thing. All of the neighbors would gang


up on her and talk about her bad. So whatever dirt you did you had to
hide it. You know how the dog does, it does it mess and covers it with a
little dirt up understand.
Ok lets get back to serious business here, now pick up on the
situation. We live in America under a law, Mary lived in Palestine under
a law that Moses gave to the Jews and that law said, If you were
found in adultery you have to be stoned to death. Now the girl comes
up pregnant, suppose lets take the argument that a Holy Ghost or Holy
Spirit came into Mary one night. And she is pregnant from the Holy
Spirit. Now whether it is the Holy Spirit or the Holy Spirit in a man with
the Spirit. She is pregnant and no marriage ceremony has ever been
preformed. Now how is she under that kind of law going to come out
and say to the people, Hi you all it is me Mary?
So now Herod knows that it is time for a Saviour to be born, he send
out a decree to kill all boy babies. Mary is pregnant, if Herod dont kill
her, the Jews will kill her for breaking the law. So the Quran says, She
withdrew to a remote place. She was taken out of the public. Have
you ever seen young ladies get pregnant and all of a sudden you dont
see them any more? Then when they show back up, Oh where have
you been? Oh I have been away to school. Some school. A sign.
The baby is born but Herod does not know when the baby is born, now
the baby is in danger and the mother is in danger. So if you were a
good man, what would you do? Would you leave the woman or would
you get her out of town? When you commit an act that is criminal,
what do you do? You cut out, that is natural, you run away. Moses was
fighting a man and killed him accidentally and he cut out and got in the
wind. These are Bible stories but there is wisdom in it once you break
the code.
Now look at this Mary and Joseph and Jesus where put on a fast camel.
Now the picture is, can you see Mary and Jesus being put on a camel?
And the lesson says Joseph said to the camel go straight to Cairo, now
brother and sister you know that is an allegory right, Because a camel
dont know Cairo from Sierra or wherever. So the talk there should tell
you that it is an allegory but there is something that you need to
understand. Jesus according to the Bible went in to Egypt, which was
his mothers home. Stop if his mother was an Egyptian she was an
African woman, is that right? And if she was an African woman, she
was not Caucasian, that is interesting isnt? Even if the father is White
if he puts his seed in a black woman she has enough power to color his
seed so that the seed never comes out white it always comes out a
member of the dark family, is that right?


Getting Mary and Jesus out of town, he is safe in Egypt, safe from
what? The planning of Herod and the wicked and the Jews. Ok Jesus
was very quick to learn, smart. They say he was apt to learn he had an
aptitude, a curiosity, he was brilliant at deducing facts from facts. He
entered school a 4 years old in Egypt. And according to what the
Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught us, he studies in a school called
Peach Pyramid. But if you go over there you dont find any school
named Peach Pyramid it is a code. He went in the school and in the
school you learn to become a God. I m going to stop right there, you
mean we can study to become God? Too many Muslims they say, that
is blasphemy I say shut up and listen man. It is only blasphemy
because you dont know who you are and what can be expected from
you. But if human beings have the potential to become master over
the laws that govern creation and a master of creation, what would you
call it if I could master the laws that govern the universe? Who would
you call me? You would have to say that I am God a manifestation of
the originator of the heavens and the earth, do you understand what I
am saying?
You mean that we can go to school and learn that? Yes Jesus did. He
didnt stay long, at (14) years old, all of this is allegorical now, he met
and old master and this old master was there to teach him who he
was. And so the old master uses a trick to get near to Jesus and he said
to one of the young boys that was Jesuses playmates in school. He
said, I am look for a certain number, a certain address like if you
lived on 47th street and I wanted to get to your buddy who lived on 43rd
street, I would say to you, look I am looking for an address I give you
a number that is near Drexel and 43rd street. And you would say, oh I
know where that is, my friend over here he lives right there and if you
walk with him he will show you exactly where it is. The old wise man
was trying to get up next to Jesus to teach him. And they have a
conversation, Master Fard Muhammad is teaching us a science in
allegory. They have a conversation listen to the conversation, how are
you doing in your studies? I am doing fine? Do you know who you are? I
dont know in other words what you are talking about but I have got a
feeling that when I grow up I am going to be a great man. He said.
Well what are you studying? And if I ask you this question what are
you studying you would tell me all of the courses you take. Jesus only
mentioned one (1) course. Well what are you studying, he said
mathematics. And the old man, who was a wise one, he said, Aw
that is good. He said I came to teach you the knowledge of who you
are and how to protect yourself from the planning of the Jews.
Now the Honorable Elijah Muhammad giving us this history, he told us
that what the old man was to teach Jesus was the sciences called The
Radio in the Head. Now think about a radio, you all know what a


radio is correct? When you turn it on if you want a certain station you
know to call numbers is that correct? What do you listen to, 103 on
your FM dial or 107.5 you know the number and you tune your dial.
When you tune it to the right number you bring in a frequency. You are
not listening for no frequency you bring in the sound that is traveling
on that frequency. So now you at WVON or your are listening to WGCI
or you are listening to your favorite station. But what are you doing,
you turn your dial in a certain way where the sound would come in on
the frequency that you turned your dial to tune up too. Now remember
The Radio in the Head now I may ask a question and I dont want
you too think I am crazy. How many of you have ever been some place
and then when you got there you say, Hum I was never was here
before but it seems like I have been here before? How many of you
have had that experience before? How many of you in this strange
place know what is about too take place before it happens because you
were there in a dream? How many of you have heard a conversation
knowing that you were not present and then told someone what you
heard and they say, man it was just like that, have any of you ever had
that kind of experience?
Do you know what that is? Did you know when the Caucasian made
radio and television they made it from a principle that is already
operating here (pointing to the head)? What is dream, brothers and
sisters? When you lay down and you say I had a dream last night, what
are you talking about my dream? And in your dream you see, dont
you? Your eyes are closed, how can you see with your eyes closed?
Close your eyes now, can you see me with your eyes closed? You can if
you remember what I look like, close your eyes and you can see me, is
that right? But now with your eyes closed you cant see the world but
in your mind eye you can see without these eyes. Steve Wonder is
totally blind but Steve can see. He dont see like you see or I see but
he sees deeper then we see. You see me, you say oh that is a nice guy
I like that guy but Steve cant see me here (exterior) but Steve listens
and he hears the spirit and he says, I like him or I dont like him. But
he is closer to the true with no eyes then we are with eyes.
Did you know that the Caucasian built radio and television from a
principle that actually works in your own head? Aw come on Farrakhan
dont lay that on me. Did you know that they have a certain machine
that they can put on your brain and it calculates brain waves? Have
you seen those kinds of machines? Well when you think your mind is
operating on a certain frequency. Now if I know how to tune in on you
all I have to do is tune my mind up to the frequency that your mind is
operating on and you and I do not have to talk. I know what you are
saying without you opening your mouth. And let me tell you something
about love. When you fall in love with someone, now this love is a


powerful thing, let me talk too you a minute. But when you fall in love
and you get close to a woman and she gets close to you can hear her
without a telephone sometimes. You can see her without seeing her.
And if you think on her hard enough you can see actually what she is
doing. And she the same with you, that is telling you that you have got
enormous power but your stuff or your radio is messed up and the
wires got crossed. So it hits and missies.
Have you ever turned on your radio and you get the station and all of a
sudden you get squee and you call that interference, right? That is
what is going on inside of your head, a lot of interference. And so your
radio is sharpest when you are the most still, in the still of the night
when you are quite. I have been places that I have never been and
then when I went there I knew where I was and exactly what I was
going to see because I had seen it before. But I didnt see it with these
eyes I saw it with this brain.
Jesus was taught that power of how to tune in and listen to people
think. And if you read the New Testament you will hear that Jesus did
this listen to these words, And this man questioned Jesus and Jesus
knowing their thoughts, did you hear me, said thus and so and thus
and so. How many of you have read that in the Bible? Well if Jesus
knew the thoughts of his enemies, listen to me now, he knew when
they were planning to meet him over here and he went another way, is
that right, because he was tuned up on his enemies all the time. So
when Jesus fell into the hands of his enemies they didnt take him by
surprise, he voluntarily when into their hands. Now mind you this is an
allegory, one man and his mother is standing for a symbol of
something so much bigger then themselves. Now lets try and see what
it means.
Jesus is crucified, according to our knowledge of his history he never
was put on a cross. What the Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught us is
that he had read in the history that he was 2,000 year too soon to set
up the kingdom of God and he decided to give his life for the truth that
he taught. And on a Saturday morning between the hours of 9-10 now
all of this has meaning you just have to beak the code. He went out on
the streets of Jerusalem to die. And he was standing in front of Jews
store and he had his largest crowd that he ever taught among them,
35 people. He did not have a big multitude not that Jesus because the
Jews did not want him to hear what the man was saying. Jesus even
used these words he said, My word has no place in you. And then
he condemned them, the Jews of that day he said, If you were the
seed of Abraham you would do the works of Abraham. They said,
God is our father. Then Jesus said, If God were your father you
would love me for it came forth from God but now you seek to kill me a


man that has told you the truth. Jesus continued, No I know who
your father is, you are of your father the devil.
Now the Honorable Elijah Muhammad was not the first person to use
the term devil Jesus called the Jews devils are you listening too
me? You dont accuse Jesus of teaching hate but he called the Jews
devils. Well why should the Honorable Elijah Muhammad be accused
of hatred when he says that the white man is the devil? It is not hate
he is showing you how the white race is functioning, they are
functioning in opposition to the Will of Allah (God) to the law of Allah
(God) to freedom, justice and equality. Only those who function from
the wisdom of Allah (God) and the law of Allah (God) can be considered
If Jesus stared school at four (4) when did you start? They did not let
you in school until you were six (6) and then they put you in
kindergarten playing. That is the most foolish system I have ever heard
of in my life. Did you hear me? At six (6) years the child has discovered
himself, it is no more time for play it is time for serious learning. The
child was playing and learning in the crib it doesnt go to school to play
and learn. It goes to school to learn, but you do not have a school
bright enough to teach your children. And I am telling you that if you
want too produce a Jesus today you have got to flee out of the hands
of your enemies, listen to me good.
Did Mary and Jesus have to get on a fast camel and get into Egypt
where he could grow up out of the reach of his enemies? What do you
look like sending your children to the school run by your enemies? Did
you think that your former slavemasters children want to produce
anything but a slave? Lets see you go to school, what do you think
they want you to become when you come out of there? Oh no my
teacher wants me to become an engineer, lawyer, or doctor. Oh
really, a lawyer for who? And all you can do is defend your enemy. You
have not put up a defense for yourself and your people yet. You want
to be an engineer, in whose firm? Oh well black people dont have
no firm, so I have got to go to work for white people. That is your
problem that is still a slave. You come out of college to go back and
work for the same people that you great-grandmother worked for, for
what? They are not training you to become independent black men and
women but they are training you to become slaves but only now
educated tools of white supremacy. All praises are Due to Allah!
Putting you on a fast camel means getting out of the house of your
enemy quick. Now why Cairo Egypt? Egypt is the cradle of civilization,
that is where knowledge, wisdom, understanding of the original people
really sprung up for the world to come and see it. And our fathers left


signs in the desert-coded signs called the Pyramids and the

Sphinx. Ok lets go to school now and we will end this. I know I cant
finish it today so there is no sense of trying but I just like to leave it at
a point where you can understand it. There is something more to this
then what meets the eye. I am telling you the teachings of the
Honorable Elijah Muhammad are so deep and there is no use in trying
to get under it. It is so high that you cant get over it and it is so wide
you cant get around it. And he said, I am the door and you have
got to come thought him if you want to get into the code of
these books (Bible and Holy Quran) and into the power of
your being. All Praises is due to the Honorable Elijah Muhammad.
There are three little things in want to point out to you and we can go
home. The oldest university in the world is in Cairo Egypt. What is the
name of that University? Al-Ahzar, it was started under what is called in
Islamic history the Fatimaid Dynasty. Fatimah was the daughter of the
Prophet Muhammad. And she married a man whom Islam says was the
closest to understanding the intrinsic value and meaning of his
teachings, his name was Ali the fourth great Caliph of Islam. Fatimah
and Ali produced children, Hasan and Husayn who were murdered
under the rule of Ali and from Ali and Fatimah and Hasan and Husayn
spring what is the Shiite branch of Islam. It was the Shiite who started
Al-Ahzar. Al-Ahzar was to be a school that taught the Quran but taught
the hidden science. It was to teach mathematics and all of the sciences
to bring students up who could unlock the hidden meanings of this
divine word. Interestingly enough Al-Ahzar was 1,000 years old when
the Honorable Elijah Muhammad left in 1975, isnt that something?
There is a lot of wisdom here.
Where did Jesus study? Inside of a place called Peach Pyramid.
Now we know what the pyramid is but what is this Peach business?
Sister Tynnetta Muhammad playing with letters and numbers one day
said ah Peach Pyramid. If you say the word Peach backwards you get
Cheops. And Cheops is the main Pyramid and in Cheops is the wisdom
of the original man in coded language that really Master Fard
Muhammad teaching opens up the pyramid 100% if it is understood.
Now look at this, when they were trying to find the stone that allows
you to get into the pyramid with a secret chamber that leads you up to
the kings chamber in which is an open tomb. The scholars say well the
number seven (7) is a great number and maybe seven (7) stones
should open up the pyramid. And they were twelve (12) stones off. The
key stone that opens up the pyramid which you know is tied to or it is
built as I heard the Honorable Elijah Muhammad say under a certain
star. And its foundation will never crumble except you destroy that
star. The foundation of the pyramid is lined up to that star. It can be
destroyed but it has not been for thousands of years. And the keystone


to let you into the pyramid comes under the number (19). And some
Islamic scholars have said Hum we should have known that because
the sun, moon and the earth line up once every (19) years.
So (19) is the key to get into the pyramid which lets you into a dark
chamber that is as dark as the womb its self. But of course they have
lights in there now but you can imagine when they got in it was pitch
black. As the Holy Quran would say, Triple Darkness.
When you think you know and you have built up a lot of what you call
knowledge, when you reach a point in your life where the knowledge
that you think you have does not permit you to do any more with it
what you use to do with it. You have reached the point in your life
where you need an introduction of new knowledge. Sometimes new
knowledge compliments old knowledge but there is other times when
new knowledge destroys completely the old knowledge. Allah (God)
sends scriptures and sometimes he will do away with one scripture and
bring in its place another one. It is not that the knowledge was not
knowledge it has no more value because time has made that
knowledge useless.
I respectfully say in the presence of our friend from Sweden that the
knowledge of the white man today is useless. I am going to say it
again, when I say it is useless it can not bring to him the results that he
wants. He has knowledge but the cant solve his problems. He has
knowledge of economics but the cant solve the economic woes of this
country. He has knowledge of sociology but nothing that he knows will
enable him to patch up this society. He has knowledge of psychology
but nothing that he knows will enable him to unlock the mind of his
own youth much less our own. His knowledge is being turned backward
now by order of Allah (God) Himself.
So it is alright to go to school and learn but dont think that what you
have is what Allah (God) is going to use. Behold I make all things new
there is going to be a new knowledge that will produce a new heaven
and a new earth and the former things are going to pass away. Even
what you think you know right now of the Bible, that knowledge is not
bringing you the fruit that you want. I go to church and I see the church
dying, it is just a modern disco. Sunday morning, can you imagine what
the church would be like without music? I mean if the guitar is not
plucking and the drum is not beating and someone not singing, you
cant hardly get the spirit. Because what the man is saying it makes
you feel good but it is like, you feel good for a second and then it is
gone and you are right back out in a world that you dont have enough
knowledge to deal with. And you know you cant deal with that would
you just dont know enough to deal with that world and that is why we


are loosing our children to the world because the knowledge that we
have does not allow us to hold our children. We need a new education
but an education that is rooted in Allah (God).
Now look at this, if the number (19) is the key that admits us into the
pyramid and anytime there is a key to admit you into something. The
thing you are going into is a feminine creation. The pyramid definitely
is feminine because it holds something in it. What does it hold? A
secret. And many people go and look at the pyramid but very few
come away with the secret, she holds the secret.
Now why is (19) the entre? Anytime you see the number (9) that
represents a womb. And when you see (1) with (9) that means that the
hand of the One God is over that womb and it is pregnant with
something that you cant see what it is yet. The number (19) is Gods
signature over creation. And creation is pregnant always bring forth a
new reality. Now God says, I have been holding a secret and I am
going to spring it on the world. The scripture say, I thank thee father
in heaven for keeping these things from the wise and the prudent man
and revealing it unto babes.
You remember how we talked about last Sunday the universe has nine
(9) planets and the Sun represents the God over that (9). She keeps
control of that (9) and gives life to that (9). Do know that the earth is
full of life, it is a living mass? And the Sun just covering her just keeps
bring things up out of the earth. And man is overwhelmed, he is still
finding new creatures from mother earth. See female, the earth is
mother and we abuse it. The universe is a pregnant universe and man
has gone out and abused the universe. And here she is a divine
creature and man has insulted her, abused her and misused her. Now
God is taking her away from us.
Sisters even though you love the brothers if you notice none of them
make you really happy. Now wait a minute brothers this is not antibrother week but I want to say something about you sisters. If a man
doesnt fully make you happy what are you going to do? I will get rid
of him that is what I am going to do I dont want you to clap on it
because if you get rid of him what are you looking for? You cant find
happiness in a beast, so you cant marry an animal. So if God doesnt
give you happiness in a man it is because he wants you to recognize
more who you are and the power that should be in your life. God wants
to put his hand over your womb again. This man will place the seed
there and just like Mary you couldnt see the father, everytime you see
a black woman you see her wheeling a baby but you dont see the
father. Where are we brothers? Hey I had to cutout why did you leave
brother? Well life got hard and I did not have a job and I did not have


any money and she was pregnant and I just had to move on and make
someone else pregnant and then I moved on again and made someone
else pregnant you know what I mean? Like coming to America I was
sowing my royal oaks and this is our condition. And you (black woman)
are walking with your babies with no man. You are just like Mary, got
your child and you are trying to find a refuge for yourself and your
child. And you know what, as long as you are alone without a man you
stand to be insulted.
So if you remember in the history Marys father was going away to the
construction of a new Mosque. But there was no Mosques in the days
of Jesus so he made a disguise out of goats beard and he told his
daughter, put this on so when you go out to feed the live stock that
will think its me and they wont give you trouble. Anytime a woman is
alone in this world someone gives you trouble. When they see you with
your children and you dont have no man it is an opportunity for a
man. So he knocks on your door, pardon me I just happen to ha be in
the neighborhood and I see you so often traveling by your self is your
husband at home? Well no I dont have one. Good, I notices you go
out every morning do you work? Yes. Seems like you have a nice
job, that is a nice car you are driving and I am not jiving that is a nice
car you are driving. And you look at him and he looks so nice be is like
a stray dog and out of compassion and need you take him in. I am just
cooking now would you have something to eat? What are you
cooking? Oh not I did not cook it is just one of these pop in to the
oven thing its already cooked. But would you join me? He sizes up the
apartment and he looks around, pretty nice. You have a growing young
daughter, she comes in the room and he sizes her up to, he says, hum
even nicer. He makes you think he is interested in you. And of course
as time start passing you by you really get up tight. Now you have a
live in friend and you are working to support your children and your
live in friend. He beats you and your children because he dont love
neither one of you. That is the condition.
Let me tell you sister, it is better to be by yourself then to be with
someone that really dont care anything about you. And a man does
not care for if he will not work hard, well how am I going to work I
mean the white man is not hiring nobody. Shut up fool, we must
create a job, if the white man wont give you one you dont sit down
and do nothing. And you dont go out and sell drugs; God is not a
drugger. He knows how to create something out of nothing and he
put the same power in us black man. But you got to remember sister
the whole world has beat this black man down. He is beat up
everywhere. And I am telling you brother, you are a good man and you
are really great and powerful. You just dont know how to unleash your


So the Honorable Elijah Muhammad was given a parable by Master

Fard Muhammad about a lion in a cage walking back and forth sixty
(60) feet per minute trying to find away out of the cage. It took him
nearly four (4) centuries to find the door. The lion in a cage is not an
actual lion but it is the power of a regal human being bound up under
the power of an inferior world. And you can not express who you are
because your education is inferior. Well not my education I have my
master degree and I have my doctorate degree, I beg your pardon I am
not an inferior person. Oh please what you have is a symbol that says
you have passed the slave test. Now you are qualified to go out and be
a good slave. And make slaves of your people for me because he did
not educate you to free yourself nor your people. He kept us ignorant
to the knowledge of self that he may use us as a tool and a slave.
And so here we are, you are alone woman. But Allah (God) is with you
and it is his signature over your womb. The number (19) is over you
and you carry a secret and you dont even know it. And that is why you
cant tell him and the number (19) in the Quran is Mary. Now lets end
this, next door we are opening a school. The preschool part of it is
already open, it is called the University of Islam. What is this University
of Islam, preschool in the University? Sure, when you come out of your
mothers womb you are born into the universe and as long as you are
taught that which pertains to the universe you are in the university.
Islam you dont know what that is, I am not going to send my child to
no university of Is lam or Islam. If you want to describe what Islam is;
we were taught that Islam is Mathematics and Mathematics is
Islam. And it stands true that it can be proved at no limit of time. But
after learning Islam, after you learn it you can secure benefit for
yourself. Once you learn how to use mathematics then you can put a
blessing on yourself. It is a university its root is mathematics. And as
the language of mathematics starts with the number (1) that schools
starts with the knowledge of the One God. One (1) God and the
number (1) mathematics, when do we start school? Four (4) why do
you start at (4) because we want to produce Jesus all over again. Why
Jesus, why not Muhammad, we have already produced Muhammad
went you produce Jesus.
I dont quite understand I am getting confused. The name Muhammad
means one worthy of praise and one praised much. If you can open the
eyes of the blind, make the deaf hear, the dumb speak, raise the dead
to life, and command the winds, you are worthy of praise and you are
Muhammad. You are not Muhammad the Prophet you are after
Muhammad the Mahdi. Muhammad the guide because the world is lost
and it needs the guide. Whose going to guide the world back, well
believe it or not it is you.


I want to get into this school, you do, well before you get into the
school you have got to come to the mosque because the school is the
extension of the mosque. Why did you call it Maryam? Oh it is because
I am inviting you into a womb. I am inviting you into Peach
Pyramid. I am inviting you into the new Al-Azhar University. I am
inviting you to that knowledge that the world has been looking for that
was hidden from the wise and the prudent man and revealed unto a
babe. I am inviting you to coming into the classroom of God Himself. I
am inviting you to mathematics.
When I speak it is logical. It is mathematical. It is not spooky, you can
touch it, feel it, you can see it, and you can conceptualize it. But we
dont start at (4), I thought you said you start school at (4) well formal
education. But there is an informal education that starts in the womb.
Now Brother Farrakhan you cant teach something in the womb, come
on Farra-can. Can electricity manifest itself in water? Drop an electrical
appliance in the bathtub and see. Will you get a shock? You are
enveloped water how will you feel? If you can make it out of there jack
you will be alright but most of the time you are dead, is that right? Did
you know that there are electrical currents that are in your body? Tell
me something, have you ever heard sound under water? Do you think
electricity and sound make an impression on a new mind that is
forming? Dont you know that the new mind is like a blackboard with
nothing on it. But if you start programming the new mind from the time
its starts growing in the womb, start writing on the board. You start by
saying, Bismillah Al-Rahman Al-Rahim, In the Name of Allah, the
Beneficent, the Merciful. You put Allah (God) in the womb while the
baby is being formed. You speak to it, you play good music around it
and you put it in a good atmosphere. So with the right music the sound
is transmitted though the water into the forming mind. So the
education begins at conception.
This crazy world arguing over when life begins, its not a personality
there we can kill it in the womb, wicked demons. At conception it is a
new life, the mother wont know it until thirty days but when you know
you pregnant sister that is a time for you to rejoice and be careful
about what you look at and what you hear. You know how it is when
you have a cake in the oven, old folks use to tell you dont stamp
around the cake because it will fall. And it would you had to be careful
on the outside of the oven when you have got something cooking on
the inside.
Oh brothers you all have a sperm that can make a God but you have
got to clean up. You can send the sperm into a woman and the head of
the sperm is damaged like your head is. You are all coked up, spaced


out, crack high, and then you want to have sex. You are cracked up,
come on baby baby stay away from him. Well you are usually
cracked up too. So you have an accident there both of you cracked up
you have accident in that womb. The baby comes out with its little
brains fried up because of your craziness, am I making sense? Do they
have a thing called baby aspirin?
Sometimes the baby can take a pill you give it drops. You can do the
same with mathematics, put it in a dropper put it in your baby. What do
you mean put mathematics in a dropper? All I am saying is the baby is
a mathematical creation from the very beginning. And it learns and it
has a curiosity, you keep wisdom in its environment. And you teach the
baby as soon as the baby can learn you teach it. And it can learn when
you train it to come away from those diapers it is ready then it is
kindergarten not a six year old, a big dummy, six year old moving
blocks, six year old you should be figuring out problems. How old are
they on the motherplane when they start learning to fly it? What did
the Honorable Elijah Muhammad teach us, how old are they? Four (4)
years old. What does the number four (4) mean? It means (400)
years after you been in bondage, (4,000) years from Moses expect to
start a new education.
You have been under white people for (400) years and they educated
you to be nothing. Now Allah (God) wants to educate you to be a God
but you cant be that until you are broken down in the manner that you
were built up and rebuilt. And that is why you need a womb. So
Nicodiumus came to Jesus and said, How can I enter the kingdom of
heaven? And Jesus said to Nicodiumus, you must be born again. And
Nicodiumus says, How can I a grown man enter back into my mothers
womb for the second time? And Jesus gives him a very strange
answer, the wind you know not from where it blows or where it
listeth. And Nicodiumus went away just as silly.
Now the word Demo in Greek demo means devil. Demos (demon) Nick
Old Nick is another name for Satan. So it is saying that the Caucasian
who is called devil came to Jesus and said look we know we are
messed up, we know we are wrong, we know we have blown it but how
can I get in the kingdom? That is an intelligent question for demos to
ask. And Jesus said hey you must be born again. But he said but I cant
go back in my mothers womb, no you cant but if you will allow me to
take your life you will come alive again in eternal life if you are willing
to die. Now wait a minute Jesus please I was going along with you until
you talk this stuff about me dying. It does not mean lose your physical
life you have got to be willing to die in the mind of a savage in order to
come alive in the new mind of a new creature of Allah (God).


And when you come to the Caucasian you have to die in the mind of
Yacub (in the mind of a beast) in order to come to birth in a new reality.
And it starts with a new education. So when you come into Mosque
Maryam you are coming into the number (19), there are (19) doors,
(19) windows, and (19) arches, heavy man. The number (19) is
written all over this building and (24) is in the dome. These (24)
represent the (24) scientist who emit light and the light comes down
from these scientist.
So the Quran says, And We sent down revelation. We who? If Allah
(God) is One, what are you talking about We for? That is something
you need to understand. Here it comes the light coming down, look on
who, on you. You come into a womb, but it is not dark in here there is a
lot of light in here. Yes but there is a lot of darkness in here (your
mind). You are already in triple darkness here (in your mind). So the
Bible says, And the people that walked in darkness have seen a great
light. Are we walking in darkness?
When you come into that door, you are coming into a womb. That is
why we called it Maryam because when you come in here I am
pregnant. Farrakhan come on, I am pregnant brothers, I am pregnant
sisters, my mind was a void. It had the capacity to hold life but there
was no man to make me produce new life until I met the Honorable
Elijah Muhammad. And He impregnated my mind with truth. And now I
am pregnant with a message that will give birth to You as a new
people. And that is why the ruling powers see me and you as
dangerous. Why is Farrakhan dangerous? Because if He impregnates
you with what He is impregnated with you will start growing into a new
kind of a man. A man that He wont be able to deal with.
And if you become pregnant with this truth sister, his world is finished
because when we teach him we teach an individual. When we teach
you we teach a nation. Mosque Maryam and as the enemy loves to
insult the woman because the woman looks like she is alone. The
government is planning against this womb Mosque Maryam because
he thinks we are alone. So for many days I had on my disguise as I
went about feeding the flock. They thought I was someone else, I dont
have to wear the disguise any more because it is too late to stop this.
This is gone now, whether I am living or dead it dont make any
differences, in fact I can say I that I will never die. I cant die, it is
impossible to die. What do you mean Farrakhan? I dont mean this
physical body wont go back to the earth but what I mean is that what I
have been birthed into this circle of wisdom that is eternal. And in that
circle where my body goes back to the earth that is nothing that is
going to happen one of these days.


But when you see a man make a dead man hear and talk to a dead
man and the dead man stand up and talk to a lame man and he stands
up and begins walking again that is not me that is Allah (God) in Me,
that cant die. So lets go to school. We start you at (4) but have go a
preschool over there you can start bring your babies there now. Do not
wait as soon as there are potty trained get them over there. You wont
know them 6 months from now. Can they talk? What are they talking?
You bring them there and in a few days they will be talking much
wisdom. 4 years of age they are ready to start now, not kindergarten
but first grade. In fact the Honorable Elijah Muhammad told me that
you should be getting out of college with your Doctorate Degree at
(16) years of age. What did I say?
This is such a commercial world. You make your wife pregnant and the
doctor standing there with a 5,000.00 bill because you follow the
natural law. And he comes in between you and harvesting the fruit of
the womb that you put there and when he harvest it he says, Oh that
will cost you 5,000.00 and she need a Cesarean and that will be
10,000.00. Just like that man you are in debt up to your neck just from
having a baby. This man is something, isnt he?
Keep you in school paying money. It will be 5,000.00 this year and
5,000.00 next year and 5,000.00 the year after and 20,000.00 and you
have a BS Degree or a BA or whatever they call it. There will be some
more money to get you a Masters Degree come on with it. Then after
two years and another 15,000.00 now they confer upon you the title of
Master of Art or Master of Science. But that is not enough you have to
come back with some more money. And by the time you get your
doctorate you need a doctor. Then when you get the degree you come
out and cant use what you learned then you are confused. Now you
have a degree in black studies and you to the white man and they say
what is that, I cant use anyone in black studies. I am not black I have a
white factory here. Brother and sister this is a trick.
The Messenger said the shortest distance between two points was and
still is a straight line that means go to the heart of the matter and
teach it because the children are able to take it. I want you to study
the children, in school they get so jittery, the man say give them a pill
to slow them down. If the teach would teach the student would sit
there, come on down with it. Have you ever noticed your children
asking you questions? I mean big heavy questions, hey mom where did
I come from? Now dont tell me about any stack come on with it. You
are afraid to tell your children about life. When they ask the really are
ready for a degree of the answer, you just have to know which part of
the answer to give to them, how to give it to them but they are ready
for knowledge feed them.


I say when you get into that university over there oh man you have
entered in to Peach Pyramid mathematics, engineering, and all of the
sciences of life will be taught right next door. We are not waiting until
you come out of high school you are going to get it a (4) years old. By
the time you get to be (12) you will be ready man. And you know what,
if they taught like that you would not be so bored because your minds
are able to grasp it just that quick. Dont you think this man Elijah
Muhammad is a pretty powerful man? You are the Jesus that is going to
be produced to save the world. And you can do it, you have suffered
enough to be ready now to save yourself and others. You have a big job
ahead of you and you cant do it without knowledge.
So Mosque Maryam is like coming into the Pyramid. Mosque Maryam is
like being enrolled in the university. Mosque Maryam is like being
enrolled in the classroom of God. And so I think that if I were you I
would want to stay and get this knowledge. Mosque Maryam I repeat is
like coming into the classroom of God. How many of you would like to
grow up and be like God? Well let me ask you this, how many of you
would like to grow up and be like the Devil? Look at you, your work is
destructive and not constructive.
How many of you saw the move Karate Kid? Do you remember the old
Japanese master and the little Caucasian fellow wanted to study under
him right? But he did not understand what he was getting into, he
thought the man was going to take him in and start him off on fighting
styles and the man gave him a paint brush and said I want you to paint
my house. And I want you to paint is with a certain hand rhythm and it
may take you a few weeks but you keep at it. And he went away and
you can imagine the thoughts going through the boys mind, this cat is
playing me for a chump and when I going to get into Karate, this dude
has got me painting his house and making a fool out of me and I am
sick of this. And the teacher came back and he asked the teacher
what was he doing that he did not want to be into this. See when you
want something as big as being like God there is an initiation that you
have got to go through. And that boy did not know that when he was
going up and down with that paintbrush that he was learning a wrist
movement that would save his life and just that could deal death. But
how are you going to tell that boy that when he is just painting the
How many of you that have been to college have ever joined a
fraternity or sorority may I see your hands? When you wanted to join
you had to go through what? Initiation, you had to pledge first, you had
to give your word and say what? I want to become a Kappa, Alpha,
Omega, AKA, Delta, is that right? You made the pledge first then they


gave you something to learn so that you know the history of this
fraternity. Then you had to speak at least and at least know the Greece
alphabet, is that right? Now they came and said ok you got that well it
is time now to pledge you are going on secret pro one whole week. The
big boys that has been in there a long while they bring paddle in. I
mean it is a strange looking paddle, it looks like someone is playing
cricket with a strange cricket bat. They want to see if you really want
this. And then they call you names out of your name. Yes sir you have
got to take it man I want to be in this. I wonder what all of this is
about? If you do not give the right answer they say give me 90 means
90 degrees you have got to bend over from your waist and when you
bend over from your waist this is a right angle. And they just stand
behind you with that paddle and try to drive you as a though you were
a baseball into the left field bleachers. And I mean brother some days
your backside would be so sore. Some of the brothers would wrap
themselves in a towel thinking that is going to make it but when they
start whipping on you they get though that towel. Anything you have
on they get through it and then sometimes they make you take it off
because you are cheating then.
You know I wanted to be an Omega. So I pledged and they called me a
lamp. And I learned everything that they gave me to learn I learned it
real quick. But when it came time for the rights of initiation some of
them didnt like me, I played the violin and I sang and all the girls liked
me so some of them didnt like me. Now it is their time to get even.
Well sister and brother they worked me over but I did not break one
time because my mind was made up I am going to be an Omega and I
dont care what they say or what they do to me I am going to make it.
They blindfold you and run you into trees. Now you go through a lot
when you want to belong to something. And then after I did one week
of that one of my professors through a little black ball and said we
dont want him as an Omega. They tried to break me during the secret
rights of initiation and I wouldnt break they thought that if they
whipped me like that I would quit. But them more they whipped me the
more determined I was, You are not going to break me. And then
when they couldnt break me that blackballed me. I never cried before
I only cried when they blackballed me because I wanted it so bad.
But Allah (God) didnt want me to be no part of that foolishness. Now
today they want to give me the pin of an Omega and I said no man I
dont want that. I got mine in my lapel, I wear it on my shoulder I am
carrying the universe, I dont need that.
Now if you want to be God you have got to be a strong willed man and
woman. You cannot be no sissy, and if you are dont worry that gets
straighten out here too. You cant produce Jesus and be a woman that


is not willing to sacrifice something for Allah (God). What are you
getting at Farrakhan? When I became a Muslim if you had told me that
one-day I would be sitting in the seat of the Honorable Elijah
Muhammad and standing up over his people by Allahs and His
permission. I would have called you a hypocrite and fought you
because I would have believed that you were a crazy man. I didnt
come here for his seat and I didnt come here to be no leader. I came
because I recognized that Elijah Muhammad was the man I had been
looking for all of my life. And I had not been in the Mosque 30days
when I was tested. I was playing in nightclubs and the Honorable Elijah
Muhammad sent down a decree through Malcolm X, either you get out
of the night club, get out of your music or get out of the Mosque. I say
man I did my music all my life and I have never worked days.
I mean look brothers I am not throwing off on anyone that works but
when you work in a factory and work hard for 8 hours and come up
with 12.00. No wonder young people will go and sell drugs because
you are not offering anyone anything. You are exploiting their labor for
nothing. So I would rather sing but man he told me to give it up. And I
gave it up. When I came in the Mosque you came in to become a
soldier, a soldier for Allah and they trained me. I loved the military.
Next thing I knew I was a lieutenant and then I was a captain but I
didnt know what I was going to run into. Because if you really want to
grow up to become like God you have to be able to take a lot. Because
your own people are going to give up more then you are willing to take.
You have got to go out and save black people. And when you go to talk
to your own people they will say look man where are you coming from,
you cant tell me nothing.
They will not only get in your face but they will get in your collar. And if
you cant take it you cant grow. The rights of initiation into the
classroom of Allah (God) is to be able to weather all the storms
of life itself. And let me tell you brothers and sisters you never stop
being tried. And right now I am under the greatest trial of my life. I did
not know that just by believing in the truth white folks and the
government was going to be angry with me. Now I knew they were
angry with the Honorable Elijah Muhammad because he was the
leader. But was just a young minister and woke up in the middle of the
night and my house is on fire. Some one threw gasoline bombs at my
front door and in the front window and around the side door and
around the backdoor, they did not want me to get out there alive and I
have a wife and at that time I think I had 4 or 5 children. I may have
had 6 at that time.
And look brothers and sisters I didnt come here to die at that time I
came to live do you know what I mean? I didnt know that I had to go


through that kind of thing. And here I was in the dead of the night
sleep and smoke and fire everywhere and my wife ran down to the
backdoor and I am garbing the children. I had them all in two hands,
see I want to tell you, when it is time for you to do what you dont think
you can do Allah (God) gives you the strength to do what has to be
done. Now look came down and I thought had 6 but when I came down
my wife was counting them. And she said one is missing and I had to
run back up in the smoke to get my daughter Maria she had slipped
out of my hand. And then the money of the Mosque was up in a file
cabinet in a safe. Now the fire was raging but the way I was taught, I
was taught to die to protect the pennies, dimes and dollars of the poor
people. That is the way I was trained. Because you cant tell them that
they money got lost they are not going to believe you. so it is better to
going on and die they will believe you then.
So can you imagine me challenging flames I have got my children out,
it wasnt no big money back then it was probably about 700.00 or
800.00 but that is a lot of money back in 1955 or 1956. So I am
challenging flames now to get the money but the heat and smoke was
so much I couldnt get the money. So I had to wait outside the door and
the fireman came and put the fire out but I am watching the fire. The
minute the fire was out I ran upstairs and got in the safe and got the
little 700.00 or so and put it in a pillowcase and was taking it around to
my friends house. And I am walking down the street and the tears are
running down my eyes and I am talking to the God. And I say, Allah I
never knew I had to go through this but if this is what I have to go
through for the sake of the truth I am willing to got through it.
So the police came Farrakhan I was not Farrakhan then I was Louis X
Louis seems like you have got a lot of enemies who do you think did
this to you. I said I dont know. Well dont you have knowledge of your
enemies because they may not miss next time. He is hoping that I may
be dead you see. You dont know what it is like to have children and
you have to train your children to roll out of the bed if they hear gun
fire because Muslims in those days to be a Muslim was hard. These
older Muslims that you see around here man when you see them you
need to take your hat off because they had a faith man. It was hard to
be a Muslim because the whole world was down on you. Your mother
didnt like you because she thought you had run out on Jesus and your
father didnt want you and your friends didnt want you and your family
turned you down, you are all alone. Everyone is against you it is just
you and Allah (God) and your friends in the Nations. But if you want
to grow into Allah (God) you have got to be able to withstand
adversity. You cant be no punk and be a God.


Well I would join but my wife she told me if I joined she would leave
me. Tell her leave tonight! And help her pack her bags. Aint no woman
alive worth the truth. And dont threaten me woman who the hell do
you think you are. This is Gods we are dealing with now. When I am
looking for God all of my life dont come to me with no foolishness. If I
found God then leave me alone woman I want to be a man and that is
the only thing you can love. You cant love no little boy so why not let
God make a man out of him.
And some of you old crazy men, she coming here to hear the teaching
and want to lower the hem of her garment. What do you want you
woman out there showing all of her finery for anyway? You are so crazy.
You take this fine woman into a bar room and dress her in something
so tight that dogs start hollowing when she walks by. And Mr.
Muhammad want to dress her decent and you say, I dont think you
should go down there them people aw I am leaving you baby. Dont
take no threat from no man. God is supreme in your life woman not
Some of the woman like to give the men ultimatums and some of the
men like to give the woman ultimatums when they say that want live
right. That is a shame, these young people that go home and their
parents persecute them. Here is a mother 60 years old with a mini
dress on, she has go more holes in her legs then dimples in a nation
full of children and she got on some mini skirt. What in the hell is
wrong with you do you think some man want to look at them old beat
up thighs? And even if you dont think they are beat up why show them
away? Aint nobody going to make no old granny out of me no they
make mama out of you and they cant make no grandma out of you
because that is all know is a bunch of babies and no man around.
We have got to put a stop to this madness. Man if you love a woman
more then you love Allah (God) they will take you to hell brother. You
dont put nothing no one ahead of God. And you dont put your
husband ahead of Allah (God). God is number 1 and if he dont like you
submitting to God he is not the only man that ever lived. Well I got all
of these babies and who is going to take care of me? The same God
that feed the sparrow, and buzzard. These are excuses so you really
dont want to be what you say you want to be because you dont want
to suffer no difficulty.
I think I really want to become like God. The Quran say it is none like
Him and that is true but I can try to be as Godly as a human being can
be and manifest as much power as I am capable of manifesting so that
I can change the reality under which we live. You should be doing the
same thing but brother if you cant take something if you cant soldier


for Allah (God) if you are too cowardly and weak man. Then you better
get over here this will make a man out of you. Because I was a
musician man, men aint musicians soft. Man when I came into this
boy, I was not into this 6 months and I was challenging the world.
I saw two police out there beating one of my sisters and I ran and
jumped in all by myself and stopped these police from beating this
young girl. I didnt even know what I was doing all I knew is that he
was beating my sister. She was not my blood sister but she was just
one of my people. And they were so shocked to see a black boy jump
in to stop them from beating a black woman they automatically
stopped because they did not see any fear in my eyes. I said dont you
bother her I said I am coming right down behind you to the station so
you better not touch her. And the station was about 8 blocks away and
I ran all the way to the police station. I did not go with no army just me
and God. And I walked on in the police station and said hey brother
look. Faith in Allah (God) is what makes a man out of you!
I said two of your men were beating this young girl. They said what
hand were they beating her with? I said look man I dont know what
hand he was beating her with and dont ask me no foolish question. I
said if I shot a man you are not going to ask me what hand I held the
gun in, I shot him that is all. You know when I got out of it I said man I
was kind of crazy. But faith will make you like that.
And growing into this faith brothers and sisters I took what came down
the road for me and because I took what came down the road it grew
me in strength and character. And this is what you have got to
understand when you become a Muslim. When you come into this
there is not going to be an easy road. It is just like following the master
it is not going to be easy but if it was easy everyone could do it. The
scriptures say, Many are called but few are chosen. So I think it is
time for us to go to school now and become a new creature. I want to
be a new Blackman. I want to be the kind of man that my wife will love
and honor and respect as a man of knowledge and character and
You are not that at first; you grow into that brother. When I came into
the Mosque Malcolm X was the teacher, what a strong man. All the
sisters just adored Malcolm X but they didnt adore Malcolm because
his name was Malcolm. They adore Malcolm because in Malcolm they
saw strength that they didnt see in their husband. And my wife was
one of those who adored Malcolm, she didnt think too much of me,
truth is something isnt it. But I just stayed in the classroom and kept
on growing and the more I grew the stronger I grew. And then when my
brother Malcolm stumbled I went to him to try to hold him up, he was


my teacher. And then when he didnt want to stay anymore and he left
well Malcolm made his decision. I made a decision to stay with the
Honorable Elijah Muhammad. I hated to see Malcolm assassinated like
that and the government had their hands in it. And then when the
Messenger was gone Imam Muhammad took the nation in such away
that that the old Muslims begin to wonder whether what they were
taught was the truth. And the nation just fell down.
Some people say Farrakhan tried to rebuild the nation because he
wanted someone give him some money. I say you are crazy man. Dont
know one in their right mind want to fool with you all just for a few
dollars. And then anger the white man and government too for a few
dollars, I could sing and play and get those few dollars. To rob you of
what, what do you have that someone can rob you of? You have lost
your sense, come on brother this is not about robbery. And when I
started to rebuild this work I was nervous and a little frighten to tell
you the truth because it seem like didnt no one like Elijah Muhammad
anymore. And just for me to mention his name people start looking at
me funny. So I went underground and went to work. Ten (10) years
later here we are and I dont have to go underground anymore jack.
There is an growing army of black men all over America they are not in
the Mosque but they are with me. And women too the same way. Now
the government wants to stop me but they dont know how. Just like
they wanted to do against Jesus. I am trying to be a good follower see I
know what they did to the master so I am ready by Allah (God) grace.
And when they come watch I mean Allah (God) lifted me up for you to
look at me. And then the Messenger told you, look at him and when
he speaks listen to him.
Why did you say that dear Apostle, because I am going to stir the
enemy against my man. The whole government is against him but look
at it. Does he look frighten or worried? You look more worried then I do.
You are worried about paying a bill and here is a government planning
against me and I am not worried. What do I know that I must teach
you? That there is no God but Allah and you dont have to fear this
white man, God is here to make you victorious. Stand up and be
yourself. This is not bragging Sunday I am just making a statement of
They are plotting right now and when the F.O.I. came with me just a
couple of weeks ago to the University of Maryland that wanted to kill
us out there. But only Allah stopped them. The F.O.I. was so fearless it
spooked the horses. These are horses trained for crowd control but the
F.O.I. just was strong. I saw this once before in Baltimore when the
Honorable Elijah Muhammad was speaking there. They brought these
attack dogs out in front of the Mosque and when the police was trying


to pull the dogs out of the car the dogs was er er er the dogs would
not come out. The dogs sense death in us for them because they can
sense fear and they did not find any fear in the men and women of
God. They did not come out of that truck either. And I imagine when
they went downtown they said, these are the strangest Negros we
have ever seen in our lives.
So after they tried that stuff in Maryland in my next speech I said to Mr.
Bush I said sir because you all tried to do me harm and us harm and
God didnt permit it I said I want you to check the weather for the next
90 days. And I said God will give you a sign of his power to destroy you
in the twinkling of an eye. And after that 90 days is up if you still want
to go through with your plan against me go ahead and Allah (God) will
destroy you all.
Now look I am just little brother I dont have no power to control no
wind and rain but I know those who do. They back me yes man if I were
we out here on my own I would be scared to death with the things I am
saying. And look the weather got so mean, it is suppose to be spring
and it started snowing and hailing. It started ripping up Virginia all the
way into Maryland where they had planned their attack. And in the
home of Mr. Bush I think he say it is Texas last week tow it up over a
half a billion dollars of military hardware wiped out with just some
water. Tornadoes come right on through and tore up all of the
helicopters expensive ones too. Down in Texas flooding out white folks.
Black folk where you live just a little drip or drop here and there. I
wonder how Mr. Bush is thinking now? I bet we look insignificant but
brother we are not insignificant there is a God with us.
And what I am trying to say to you young brothers you dont need any
gun put the guns up. You need your God. You come on man and get
involved in the training of yourself and grow up into the power of who
and what you are. And then let us go out of Mosque Maryam like Jesus
came out of the womb of Mary, let us come out of the mosque and go
on out into the world and teach and train our people and save our
people and then save humanity. You can do it.
Thank you for listening, may Allah bless you as I greet you in peace;




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