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MA10209 Algebra 1A

Sheet 10 Problems and Solutions: GCS

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Hand in work to your tutor by 15:15, Monday December 10th .

1. Suppose that G is a group and that both H and K are subgroups of G. Prove that H K is a
subgroup of G.
Solution 1 H and 1 K so 1 H K 6= . Now suppose that a, b H K. Then a, b H
and a, b K, and so ab1 H and ab1 K since H and K are groups. Therefore ab1 H K
and so H K is a group.
2. Suppose that G is a group and that both H and K are subgroups of G. Prove that H K is a
subgroup of G if, and only if, either H K or K H.
Solution Suppose that H K, then H K = K G. Similarly, if K H, the H K = H G.
Now we address the proof in the other direction and so we suppose that H K G. Suppose
(for contradiction) that neither K H nor H K. Choose h H K and k K H. Now
hk H K since H K is a group. Now if hk = h1 H, then k = h1 h1 H, which is false.
Also if hk = k1 K, then h = k1 k 1 K, which is false. Therefore hk 6 H K which is absurd
because it is given that H K is a group. Therefore either H K or K H.
3. Let G be a group. Consider the map s : G G defined by s(g) = g 2 . Prove that s is a
homomorphism of groups if, and only if, G is abelian.
Solution If s is a homomorphism, then for all x, y G we have s(xy) = s(x)s(y) and so xyxy =
x2 y 2 . Premultiply by x1 and postmultiply by y 1 , and we discover that for all x, y G we have
yx = xy, and so G is abelian.
Next assume instead that G is abelian. Then for all x, y G we have s(xy) = (xy)(xy) = x(yx)y =
x(xy)y, the final equality because G is abelian. Now for all x, y G we have s(xy) = (x2 )(y 2 ) =
s(x)s(y) and so s is a homomorphism.
4. Suppose that G is a group. If A, B G, we define
AB = {ab | a A, b B}.
(a) Suppose that A, B, C G. Prove that (AB)C = A(BC).
Solution We have (AB)C = {(ab)c | a A, b B, c C} and A(BC) = {a(bc) | a A, b
B, c C}. These sets are equal because (ab)c = a(bc) for all a A, b B and c C.

(b) A subgroup N of G is said to be a normal subgroup if, and only if, gN = N g for all g G.
Suppose that N is a normal subgroup of G and that x, y G. Prove that
(i) (N x)(N y) = N xy;
(ii) (N x)(N x1 ) = (N x1 )(N x) = N and
(iii) N (N x) = (N x)N = N x
Deduce that the right cosets of N in G form a group under the given multiplication.
Solution (N x)(N y) = ((N x)N )y by associativity of subset multiplication, and this is
(N (xN ))y = (N (N x))y = ((N N )x)y = (N x)y = N (xy).
The next parts follow immediately. Finally we have done enough to establish that these subsets
of G form a group under multiplication of subsets.
5. Let G be a group and suppose that X is a subset of G. Let hXi denote the intersection of all
subgroups of G which contain the subset X. If H = hXi, then we say that X generates H.
(a) Prove that hXi is a subgroup of G.
Solution We have already proved that the intersection of two subgroups of G is a subgroup.
However, the difficulty (if you can call it that) here is that there may be arbitrarily many
(possibly uncountably many) subgroups of G which contain X, so we cannot just use induction.
Suppose that the set of subgroups of G which contain X is C. We must show that Y = HC H
G. First, observe that G C so we cannot be in the awkward situation that C = . Now 1 H
for each H C so Y 6= . Next suppose that y, z Y . Then for all H C we have y, z H
and so yz 1 H. Therefore yz 1 Y . The two (necessary and sufficient) conditions have
been checked, and so Y is a subgroup of G.
(b) A group G is cyclic if, and only if, there is an element g G such that G = {g i | i Z}. Prove
that G is a cyclic group if, and only if, there is a singleton set T = {t} such that G = hT i.
Solution Suppose that G is cyclic, and consists of the powers of g. Let T = {g}. Now G is
the unique subgroup of G which contains T , so G = hT i.
On the other hand, suppose that G = hT i where T = {t}. Let H be the set of powers of t, so
hT i H G so H = G as required.
(c) Suppose that H G. Prove that there is Y G such that H = hY i.
Solution Let Y = H. Since H is a group, H hHi H and so H = hHi.
6. Let n be a natural number, and write In = {1, 2, . . . , n}. Let Sn denote the collection of all bijections
f : In In . Now Sn is a group where the operation is composition of maps.
(a) Let H be the subset of S5 consisting of all elements h of S5 such that h(1) = 1. Is H a subgroup
of S5 ? Justify your answer.
Solution id H so H 6= . Now suppose that h, k H. Now k(1) = 1 so applying the
map k 1 we have 1 = k 1 (1). Now hk 1 (1) = h(k 1 (1)) = h(1) = 1 so hk 1 H. The two
necessary and sufficient conditions are satisfied, so H S5 .
(b) Let K be the subset of S6 consisting of all elements k of S6 such that k(1) = 2. Is K a subgroup
of S6 ? Justify your answer.
Solution id 6 K so K is not a subgroup of S6 .

(c) Let L be the subset of S7 consisting of all elements l of S7 such that l(i) i is even for every
i I7 . Is L a subgroup of S7 ? Justify your answer.
Solution id L so L 6= . Suppose that k, l L. Choose any i I7 . There is j I7 such
that l(j) = i, and therefore i j is even. Now kl1 (i) = k(j) and k(j) j is even. Therefore
kl1 (i) i = k(j) i = (k(j) j) (i j) which is even because it is the difference of two
even integers. Therefore kl1 L and so L G.
(d) Let M be the subset of S8 consisting of all elements m of S8 such that |{i | i I8 , m(i) = i}|
is even. Is M a subgroup of S8 ? Justify your answer.
Solution In cycle notation, (1, 2, 3, 4) and (2, 3, 4, 5) are in M because they each fix four
elements of I8 . However (2, 3, 4, 5)(1, 2, 3, 4) = (1, 3, 5, 2, 4) which fixes three elements of M .
Therefore M is not closed under composition, and so is not a subgroup.
7. Let G be a group and suppose that K a subgroup of G, and H is a subgroup of K. The sets X, Y
and Z are subsets of G.
(a) Suppose that K = yY Hy and G = zZ Kz. Define Y Z = {yz | y Y, z Z}. Prove that
G = tY Z Ht.
G = zZ Kz = zZ (yY Hy) z
= zZ yY Hyz = tY Z Ht
(b) Suppose that G = xX Hx. Show that K = xXK Hx.
Solution Clearly xXK Hx K. Of the other hand, if k K then k Hx for some x X.
Therefore k = hx for some x X and so x = h1 k K. We conclude that K xXK Hx.
Therefore K = xXK Hx.
(c) Suppose that G = zZ Kz. Prove that G = zZ z 1 K.
Solution Suppose that g G, so there is z Z such that g 1 = kz Kz for some k K.
Now g = z 1 k 1 z 1 K and we are done.
8. Suppose that A and B are subgroups of a group G. Let AB = {ab | a A, b B}. Define a map
: A B G by ((a, b)) = ab for all (a, b) A B.
(a) Suppose that ab = a0 b0 for a, a0 A and b, b0 B. Prove that a1 a0 A B so there is
c A B such that ac = a0 and c1 b = b0 .
Solution Since ab = a0 b0 , we have a1 a0 = bb01 = c. Now a1 a0 A and bb01 B so
c A B. Notice that c1 = b0 b1 so b0 = c1 b.
(b) Suppose that a A and b B and c A B. Prove that ac A, c1 b B.
Solution There is very little to say. This follows because c is an element both of A and of B,
and each of A and B is a subgroup of G.
(c) Suppose that G is finite. Deduce that all non-empty fibres of have the same size, and go on
to conclude that
|A| |B|
|AB| =
|A B|
Solution Parts (a) and (b) show that the fibre of ((a, b)) is {(ac, c1 b) | c A B}. Now

if c1 , c2 A B and ac1 = ac2 , then c1 = c2 by the cancellation law (or by premultiplying by

a1 ). Therefore each non-empty fibre of has size A B, so
|Im | =

|A B|
|A B|

and this is what is required.

(d) Suppose that U and V are subgroups of the finite group G, and |U |, |V | > |G|. Prove that
U V is not a trivial group.
Solution By part (c), we have
|G| |G|
|U | |V |
|U V | =
= 1.
|U V |
Therefore U V has more than one element.
9. Let G be a group, and suppose that X is a subset of G. Let W denote the set of elements of G
which have the form
x11 x22 xmm
where m N, xi X for each i = 1, 2, . . . , m and i {1, 1} for each i = 1, 2, . . . , m. Borrowing
the notation of Problem 3, prove that W {1} = hXi.
Solution The set W {1} is visibly a subgroup of G (the {1} is there just in case X = , otherwise
it is not necessary). Also if H is any subgroup of G which contains X, then it must contain W {1}
because H is closed under taking inverses and the forming of products. Therefore W {1} hXi.
On the other hand, X W {1} G so hXi W {1}. Therefore hXi = W {1}.
10. A group G is finitely generated if there is a finite subset X of G such that G = hXi. Is the additive
group of rational numbers a finitely generated group?
Solution Not yet! Recall Problem 10 of Sheet 8:
Find all f R[X] such that q Q if, and only if, f (q) Q.
This was Problem 4 of the Asian Pacific Mathematical Olympiad in 2001. I thank Dan Schwarz of
Bucharest for pointing out a glitch in an earlier version of this proof.
We first show that f is a polynomial of degree m 1 which has a graph which passes through m + 1
points with rational co-ordinates, then f is a rational polynomial. Let the (distinct) x-co-ordinates
be q0 , . . . , qm The case m = 1 is easy, and we induct on the degree of f . Now f = (X qm )g + r for
some real polynomials g, r with 1 + deg g = deg f and r a constant. Now f (qm ) = r is rational, and
g passes through m rational points, and induction applies.
In the reverse direction, we seek to classify those rational polynomials f = am X m + of degree m
which have the property that if r R and g(r) Q, then r Q. Clearly no constant polynomials
has this property, but linear rational polynomials do. Suppose that there is f Q[X] of degree
m 1 which has this property. By multiplying f by a non-zero integer and subtracting a positive
integer, we may assume that f Z[X], am > 0 and f has a real root, so f will assume all positive
real values when regarded as a map from R to R. Choose a prime p not dividing am .
Now there must be q Q such that f (q) = 1/p > 0. Say q = u/v is a ratio of coprime integers u
and v. We evaluate the polynomial at u/v and multiply through by v m . Now p divides v m since
v m /p = v m g(q) Z and so pm divides v m . Now v m g(q) am um 6 0 mod p but pm1 divides v m /p,
so m = 1.

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