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Intercultural Communication and Organizational Behavior



Task 1
Hubbard Food can be recognized as a popular small and medium scale organization based
in New Zealand. The manufacturing department used to produce breakfast cereals and distribute
them across the country. The organization is headquartered in Auckland. It is vital to mention
that the employee strength of the organization is 150. The organizational management has
appointed employees of different cultural background within the workplace. Therefore, the
selection of this organizations operational performance is justified as all the points regarding the
assignment requirement will be covered.
Hubbard food is a small and medium scale organization that has strong presence in
Auckland region. Most importantly, the organizational management has considered and executed
different organizational communication strategy to ensure transparent and conflict free
communication process. It is clear that employee of different cultural background generally face
different types of workplace related issues, such as lack of motivation, lack of effective
workplace performance, and lack of job satisfaction due to organizational communication
problem. Therefore, the management of Hubbard Food should focus on inter cultural
communication approach.
Recently, the employer and leaders of Hubbard Food is focused on centralized decision
making process and hierarchical organizational structure. This particular organizational culture
and structure is creating problems for the employees to ensure effective motivation and job
satisfaction. The employer and top level management has ensured top-down communication
approach. It is obvious that employer of a particular centralized as well as hierarchical


organization generally focuses on the top-down communication approach as they do not bother
of employee dissatisfaction (Rowley, 2010).
However, the organizational leaders of Hubbard Food need to bring change in strategic
approaches in the organizational communication process. Effective top-down as well as bottomup communication approach can help the organizational management to overcome the associated
challenges. Employees of different cultural background find it difficult to share their thoughts,
feelings, and emotions with the other employees and top level management of the organization
(Chen & Haung, 2007). Therefore, effective intercultural communication process will help such
employees within the organization to share their views and thoughts with other individuals
within the workplace. Bottom-up and top-down communication approach will help to ensure
effective intercultural organizational communication process, which will ensure significant and
conflict free workplace environment.
Hubbard Food can gain several benefits through the consideration of intercultural
communication process. Employees will be motivated enough to share their thoughts. Moreover,
it will enhance effective strategy development and execution process. Apart from the things, it is
also important to discuss that intercultural communication approach will help the firm to
improve the skill and competency development process. Overall, this particular aspect will
ensure positive business growth rate. Knowledge management can be referred as one of the vital
things in collaborative workplace performance (Harzing, 2014). Employees can learn unique and
useful things through intercultural communication process that will reflect in the skill application
process. Effectual knowledge management and differentiated strategy application will be the
major consequences of intercultural communication process, which will assist the organizational


management of Hubbard Food to maintain ethics and sustainability in each and every business
operation process.
Task 2
Hubbard Food is a popular small and medium scale manufacturer and distributer of the
breakfast cereal products. The organizational leaders of the SME has adopted and implemented
cultural diversity in the workplace. It is mentioned that the employee strength of the firm is 150.
Majority of the employees are the citizens of New Zealand. On the other hand, other employees
are of Indian origin. Therefore, it can be stated that the top level management of the organization
has to focus on effective and significant management of cultural differences of the employees
within the workplace in order to develop effective and healthy staff relationship.
There are several strategies and approaches, which need to be considered by the top level
management of Hubbard Food in order to manage and control the cultural difference as it will
assist in enhancing strong staff relationship. First of all, the organizational leaders need to
develop effective training programme for the employees of different cultural background.
Training, induction, group dynamics, and team building development process need to be
considered by the organizational leaders and top level management collaboratively (Lussier,
2014). This aspect will help to maintain a strong and healthy relationship between the employees
of different cultural background.
In terms of individualism, New Zealand scores higher comparing to the Indians.
Therefore, it s highly important for the organizational leaders to ensure effective and significant
workplace collaboration and leadership style to motivate employees of New Zealand to work in a
group. The employees will find it extremely difficult to work under a group and think of the


sustainability of entire group. In this case, it is highly essential for the organizational leaders of
Hubbard food to focus on significant democratic strategy development and implementation
process. Democratic leaders generally motivate each and every employee to focus on effective
team building ability. In an addition, the democratic leaders also try to ensure effective and
significant collaborative wo0rkplace performance. Therefore, adoption and implementation of
democratic leadership style in workplace will help the organizational management to ensure
significant collaborative workplace performance.
Apart from democratic leadership, and training and development process, it is vital for
the organizational leaders of Hubbard food to focus on effective and significant stakeholder
engagement process. Employees are referred as the major internal stakeholders of an
organization. Therefore, integration of skilled and effective employees in strategy development
and organizational communication process will help in effective e strategy development process.
Moreover, it will also help in maintaining effective and conflict free workplace environment.
Effective stakeholder engagement will ensure the improvement of motivation level in the
employees of New Zealand origin. They need to be focused on collaboration co-operation rather
than individualism in a multicultural firm. This particular aspect will help the organizational
management of Hubbard Food to integrate all the employees of different cultural background in
the specific business operation process. Moreover, it is also important to take feedback from
employees of different cultural background to maintain sustainability within the workplace of
Hubbard Food. It will enhance effective staff relationship within the workplace (Morton, 2009).
Task 3
Employees, board of directors, managers, and organizational leaders can be considered as
important internal stakeholders of an organization. On the other hand, customers, suppliers,


distributers, shareholders, government, and community can be considered as the external

stakeholders of an organization. However, it is highly essential to mention that the top level
management and organizational leaders of the SME; Hubbard Food used to follow work-oriented
management philosophy. It is also true that the organizational leaders hardly think about the
needs and satisfaction level of employees and other staffs. Strong centralization and hierarchical
approach are affecting the employee motivation aspect. Therefore, the organizational leaders and
top level management of Hubbard Food is facing challenges regarding the employee
management and performance management process of employees (Snell, 2010). It is clear from
the discussion that the organization is facing these particular issues due to the particular selected
management philosophy.
First of all, it is vital for the employer of Hubbard Food to understand the reason behind
the growing challenges. Since, the organizational culture and management philosophy is the
major reason, it is important for the organizational leaders to focus on effective and significant
adoption and implementation of change management process. The organizational leaders should
adopt decentralization and flatter organizational structure to overcome the ongoing challenges.
Secondly, the organizational management should adopt and implement stakeholder
engagement aspect in the decision making and strategy development process to initiate the
change. Each and every stakeholder of the organization should try to share their views and
thoughts regarding the implementation of change management process (Beugelsdijk, 2008).
Moreover, the organizational management should also take care of effective, ethical, and
transparent strategy development and execution process as it will help to initiate changes quite


Employees are considered as the real growth drivers of an organization. The

organizational management needs to understand this fact that Hubbard Food is facing employee
management problem as the organizational management has failed to maintain a strong
collaboration between employees of different cultural background. On the other hand, too much
centralization is creating difficulty for the organizational leaders to share their views and
thoughts with the top level management of Hubbard Food. The organizational management
needs to initiate change in organizational culture, organizational structure, decision making
process, strategy implementation process, organizational communication process, and training
and development process, and employee management process (Keely, 2001).
Effective communication process is important to develop and implement change
management process. The organizational leaders should focus on employee oriented or employee
centric strategy development and implementation process rather than the focusing on work
oriented philosophical approaches. This mindset will influence the organizational leaders to
understand the needs for the adoption and application of decentralized approach. Apart from all
these aspects, the organizational leaders of Hubbard Food should also focus on effective and
significant two way communication process between the employees and employer. This strategy
will help the employees to share their perception on the adoption and implementation of change
management process. So that, the organizational management can successfully apply the change
management process regarding change in management philosophy.
Task 4
Partnership, protection, and participation can be considered as three important principles
of T.O.W. Approach. This part of the assignment will provide example of the use of three
principles in the communication and conversation process in my real life.


When I communicate with the professors, the participation principle can be reflected in
the conversation process. My professor, always try to influence me to participate in the
collaborative performance and strategy development process. This particular aspect will help me
to become one of the successful leaders and managers in near future. On the other hand, it is also
important for me to mention that I am extrovert in nature. In an addition, I am participative in
nature. I love to participate in group work and team building activities, which help me to
strengthen my managerial skills. On the other hand, I also constantly ask my professor about new
things about group dynamics (Harris, 2009). I want to be a successful human resource
management in next five year down the line. I think this particular aspect will help me to develop
my team building, co-operative, and collaboration skills.
I have a strong reputation in my classroom due to my extrovert and optimistic nature. I
am very much flexible to different types of situation. Therefore, I am highly popular among my
classmates. During the conversation process, I always try to focus on effective and significant
justification and logics in order to defend my claims. My optimistic and extrovert nature always
help me to focus on goal setting and target oriented approaches. On the other hand, it is also
essential to mention that our professors and seniors always influence us to focus on group work
and collaborative workplace performance. Therefore, I love to solve a problem or give a solution
to a problem through collaboration activities. Effective partnership between my classmates and
me will help to enhance effective collaboration and group dynamics, which will help me to grow
both personally and professionally.
I have completed my summer internship at a manufacturing firm. My job role was to
protect the information and data regarding the demographic details of all the employees to the
clients. I have been trained by my supervisors through a conversation process that I should


protect the data and information of the employees working in the firm (Ardichvii & Yoon, 2009).
It will help me in near future. Employee poaching has been referred as one of the critical aspects
in global business operation process. Therefore, it is important for the applicants like me to focus
on data and information protection in order to ensure sustainability in overall business operation
It is clear from the above discussion that all the individuals need to focus on maintaining
T.O.W. Approach principles in order to become successful human resource management
practitioners. An organization may have employees of different cultural backgrounds. Therefore,
effective participation process, data protection, partnership or collaboration can help to ensure
effective and significant application of T.O.W. Approach. It will help to maintain overall
workplace sustainability.



Ardichvii, A., & Yoon, W. S. (2009). Designing Integrative Knowledge Management Systems:
Theoretical Considerations and Practical Applications. Advances in Developing Human
Resources, 11(3), 307-320.
Beugelsdijk, S. (2008). Strategic Human Resource Practices and Product Innovation.
Organization Studies, 29(8), 820-847.
Chen, C., & Huang, J. (2007). Strategic human resource practices and innovation performanceThe mediating role of knowledge management capacity. 62(1), 104-114.
Harris, H. (2009). International HRM: Contemporary Issues. Stamford: Cengage Learning.
Harzing, A. Q. (2014). International HRM. London: Cambridge University Press.
Keely, T. (2001). HRM Practices. London: Kogan Page.
Lussier, N. R. (2014). Management Fundamentals. New York: Springer.
Morton, B. (2009). The Global HR Manager. London: Routledge.
Rowley, C. (2010). Human Resource and Operation Management. New York: Springer.
Snell, S. (2010). Managing Human Resources. New Jersey: Pearson.

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