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Selenium testing course

Section 1: Manual Testing

Duration Weekend Batch (2 Months)
Duration Week Batch (2 Months)
Chapter 1: Fundamentals of Testing

Why is testing necessary?

What is testing?

Economics of Testing

Black Box Testing

White Box Testing

Software Testing Principles

Fundamental Test Process

Chapter 2: Testing throughout the software life cycle

Software Development models

V - Model

Iterative Life Cycles

Test Levels

Component Testing

Integration Testing

System Testing

Acceptance Testing

Maintenance testing
Chapter 3: Static Techniques

Selenium testing course

Reviews and the test process

Review Process

Inspections and Walkthroughs

Code Inspection
Chapter 4: Test Design Techniques

Identifying test conditions and designing test cases

Categories of test design techniques

Specification-based or black-box techniques

Boundary Value Analysis

Decision Table Testing

Equivalence Partitioning

State Transition Testing

Use Case Testing

Structure-based or white-box techniques

Code Coverage

Decision Coverage

Statement Coverage

Structural Testing

Experience-based techniques

Error Guessing

Exploratory Testing

Selenium testing course

Choosing a test technique

Chapter 5: Test Management

Test Organization

Test Plans, Estimates, and strategies

Test progress monitoring and control

Configuration Management

Risk and Testing

Incident Management
Chapter 6: Other Testing Types

Function Testing

Volume Testing

Stress Testing

Usability Testing

Security Testing

Performance Testing

Configuration Testing

Reliability Testing

Recovery Testing
Chapter 7: Introducing Quality Center

The Quality Center Testing Process

Starting Quality Center

Selenium testing course

The Quality Center Window

Lesson 8: Specifying Releases and Cycles

Defining Releases and Cycles

Viewing Releases and Cycles

Lesson 9: Specifying Requirements

Defining Requirements

Viewing Requirements

Modifying Requirements

Converting Requirements
Lesson 10: Planning Tests

Developing a Test Plan Tree

Designing Test Steps

Copying Test Steps

Calling Tests with Parameters

Creating and Viewing Requirements Coverage

Lesson 11: Running Tests

Defining Test Sets

Adding Tests to a Test Set

Scheduling Test Runs

Running Tests Manually

Viewing and Analyzing Test Results

Selenium testing course

Lesson 12: Adding and Tracking Defects

How to Track Defects

Adding New Defects

Matching Defects

Updating Defects

Linking Defects to Tests

Creating Favorite Views

Core Java+ Selenium Automation Tool
Duration Weekend Batch (2.5 Months)

1. Overview of Java

4. Packages and Interfaces

OOPs Concept

Defining Packages

Data types and Variables

Extending Interfaces


Control Structures



2. Objects and Classes

5. Exception Handling

Fundamentals of Exception Handling

Exception types

Try and Catch and finally

Multiple Catch

Selenium testing course

6. Input and Output in Java


Object, Classes and Methods

Method Overloading


7. Collections Framework

Collection Interfaces and Classes

8. Basic Java Programming from Selenium perspective

3. Inheritance

Types of Inheritance

Method Overriding
Basic Selenium

1. Introduction to Automation Testing


What is Automation Testing?

Why Automated Testing?

When to Automate?

Which Test Cases to Automate?


Different Automation tools

Automation Setup for Selenium Web Driver

Java IDE Eclipse

Selenium jar files

Any other jar required

Developer tools

Automation challenges &


2. Introduction to selenium

5. Selenium Commands

What is a Driver

Different methods of finding element

What is selenium?


History and various versions of

By name

Selenium testing course


Who can learn automation using o

Advantages of using Selenium
over other tools

Selenium components

3. Selenium-IDE


Installing the IDE

IDE Features

Building Test Cases

Running Test Cases

Building and Running Test Suites

4. Selenium Web Driver


Why Selenium Web Driver

WebDriver and the SeleniumServer

Advanced Selenium

1. Framework Development

By Xpath
By Tag name
By class name
By Link text
Various types of operation that can be
performed on any elements and
how to use them.

capturing Screen shots

Multiple Window Handling

Pop Up Handling

Java Script injection

Verifying statements

Preparing basic Automation Scripts and running them

Creating Re usable class and their implementation in

creating Test Scripts

Parameterizing Test Scripts using Excel

Creating Test Suites

Selenium testing course

What is a Framework?

Different Types of Framework

How to Design a framework?

Test NG

How to integrate TestNG with Eclipse

Test NG Annotations

TestNG features

TestNG Reporting

4. Selenium Grid


Configuration of Selenium Selenium

Grid(Hub And Node)
Writing a Sample Script using Selenium


2. Object Repository preparation


Introduction & Architecture of Selenium

Using Page Object and Page Factory

3. Reporting

Using Report NG for generating reports through


Log4j What is Log4j, how to use it, integration

of Log4j with Eclipse

Some Practice and Sample Programming

using Grid

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