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Mind Earn Mild Marco Pluem F

Origin: Clavicular head :medial half of clavicle
Sternal head: Sternum, Upper costal cartilages(1-6)
and the aponeurosis of the external oblique.
Insertion: 1.Lateral lip of the intertubercular(bicipital)
groove of the humerus
2.Crest of the greater tubercle of the humerus

Actions : 1. Flexion of the arm at shoulder joint.
2.Extension of the arm at the joint.
3.Medial rotation of the arm at shoulder Joint.
4.Adduction of the arm at shoulder joint.
day to day usage: Using to roll -on deodorant.

1.Close - grip push - up

2.Standing cable crossover

External oblique
Action: Contralateral rotation of tarso
Origin: Ribs 5-12
Insertion: Iliac crest, Pubic tubercle, Linea alba
Day to day use: Racking leaf.

External oblique
Exercise: Ball stretch

Origin : Anterior, Superior illiac spine
and region just below it.
Insertion : Proximal tibia, medial
to tibial tuberosity.
Actions : Flexes, abducts and laterally
rotates thigh at hip.

Origin: Ischial Tuberosity of outside Coxa.
Insertion: Proximal Tibia, Medial to Tibial Tuberosity.
Action: Flexes Knee, Medially rotates leg, Extends hip

ORIGIN : Lateral head: posterior surface of lateral condyle of femur and
highest of three facets on lateral condyle.
medial head: posterior surface of femur above medial condyle
INSERTION : Tendo calcaneus to middle of three
facets on posterior aspect of calcaneus
ACTION : Plantar flexes foot. Flexes knee

Origin: a broad muscle in the lower calf, below the
gastrocnemius, that flexes the foot to point the toes
Insertion: Achilles tendon
Action: Plantar flexed,Reversed origin insertion action:
when standing, the calcanius becomes the fixed origin
of the muscle

Action : Plantar flexes foot; (also flexes the leg at the knee)
Origin : Inferior Lateral Supracondylar Ridge of femur; just above
attachment of lateral head of gastrocnemius
Insertion : Posterior calcaneus (= tuberosity) via calcaneal

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