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Inside Sue Kay & Vaughan Jones Pre-intermediate Student’s Book A Asa) MACMILLAN oa ee ae OE Gry Cre ReCcu noe! @rammar, Oocabulary & @ronunciation 1 Name © Names and family @ Two people taking aboutnames _ @ Tense review. os | looks lie. Names © Memory techniques © Whar'sin a name? Question forms foreas tearing © Language soning @ Remembering names © Family: Description. Names one ‘Anecdote: Somebody whois @ How toxemembernamesat parties _ Focus on: names Important you © Are you a good language learner? @ Long vowel sounds il A a es’ Form filling: personal @ Lee talking about somebody who is important to him Useful phrases: Showing interest, 2 Place ee © Thwe people aking about their @ Countable and uncountable nour ee re @iitbathe te hom eos ster etn. Quay psn lias careateeccie © Win adream olay for wo! Places ina cy. Adjectives to decibe seas AncedoteThe est place you @ Everthig’s wrong here! plas Coumts natalie have ever vit (© Emma aking bout the bat cate DO wes posing spaing. "place she has ever vised Focus on ie Linking sentences (1 Uefa phrases Saying whee you @ Word sires couse ratinaitis aes 3 Love © Reiatonsips @ Fred and Eda king about @ Pastsipe and continuous. Advebe il Rag eee thee laonahip wines sales © Tang stories emai © Retaionahig cxprecione: Nevstve Be eile ald csi {DO Ting asory Linking @ TheHoliywrood diedor andthe ‘ake eling ajeive sentences (2) eee ona @ Revenge is sweet; Dinner by post @ lrvegular verbs: sound groups Useful phrases: Things in common . Review A ages 28, 2% Grammar Vocabulary / Pronunciation review poe 28 Pages 30,31 Reading Listening Writing (asratve) & Speaking + Song: Stand iy Me 4 Spend © Buying presents © What peoplerealy want oriiwir — @ Adverbs of froqueney. Verbs with two Presents ere ete binthday jets. Ves followed by ing form totes Boughtsamebody a prent Edi talkng about the ast ime Hfitive. Present simple and Suna © Aittodes to shopping he bought soba pros continuous © Shopping tends and habits @ Twomen talking about shopping Cones tes eoiene cee DO Description ofa shop. © Merisor women’s fashion? oe is teenie as ‘Text organisation, Linking © The real price of fashion. i i ened seat) ect pheseasin alte shop @ Psa nouns oa 5 Fit Health and fitness @ Are you dangerously unlit? © Comparative and superlatives. Fitness. Anecdote: Your experiences of @ Tina talking about her Phrasal verbs ‘Sport: ‘sport at school experiences of sport at school © How + adjective/adverd. § ip este ae sian Focus on: verbs wed with sports €D O Description of a sporting @ 16 ways to de-stress © Schwa /a/ in English expressions vent Tet organisation. Linking, Laughter cabs sentences () Useful phrases: Giving instructions 6 Job © Jobs (@ Four people talking about their @ Permission and obligation (cart | have fo) Work ier rate rere careers Present perfect (ime upto now’) oF eee ‘Anecdote: A person you know @ Charlotte Dutton: érom past simple (finished time) rome Sia pied snountains to modeling © jobs. Collocation (work). should Office pose pment D Ajob appication rey: DO teter of enquiry. (@) Imerview with a store owner Focus on: ivork and job ‘Opening and closing letters. (@ Kim talking about her friend's © Past participles (irregular verbs): vowel i sounds Useful phrases: Presenting yourslé Review B yges 56, 57: Grammar / Vocabulary / Pronunciation review pone 56 ges 56, 59: Reading & Listening. Writing description) & Speaking * Song: Suspicious Minds DD ~ Workbook. Each unit of the Workbook contains a one-page section which develops practical writing skills. 5 Units & topics EAT} G@eading & Listening texts @rammar, Qocabulary & @ronunciation T Eco © Climate change © Climate change march © Subject questions. Dynamic and Protests © Environmental issues (© Four peopetalling bout why they ative meanings Future forms: Gren issues going tan present continuous © Writing a report ame protesting, Nolunteerts limate change. tions. ae © Volunteer work @ How green are you? © Climate change! Opi DO Making written @ welcome 1 Original Volunteers Focus on: fw and have got suggestions Linking sentences (3) @ Two.conversstions about volunteering, @ Word stress: words ending in fon Useful phrases: On the telephone 8 Education © School experiences @ Training to be a geisha © Permission and obligation (could | Schools Anecdote: Your fvounte school @ Andy talking about his favourite bl 2). shold ad ms for advice ae subject ‘school subject © Education and training a © Changes in society @ Three generations Focus on: words used with education © What makes a succescful date @ ‘Two generations talking about © Word stress: school subjects D0 Personal ietter. changes in society CConteactions in informal wing @ Hove to meet the parents © Aman meets his gineind’s parents © The perc gitrend boyfriend Useful phrases: Giving your opinion 9 Smile © smiting Smile, and the world smiles @ Verbs followed by ing-form. for and Character fey akties darker with you since, been, Present pertct simple and aged © Holidays © What's ina smile? contin , © Things and pcan yo now?” Opts ox pestis? oO ae vhs Character adjectives. Parts of €DG teaitiog ising © Toland: land of smiles Se Points. Using adverbs of atitude — @® On holiday in Thailand ST ee © Living in Thailand deat ‘Useful phrases: Using body idioms @ Sentence stress Review C Pages 84, 85: Grammar / Vocabulary / Pronunciation review. page 24 Pages 85 87: Reading & Listening, Writing (paragraphing) & Speaking * Song: Money 10 Lifestyle © Lifestyles How not to die before you get old @ will. Future time clauses after when, if Longevity © Food and cooking @ Atelephone enquiry anes -_ Anecdote: The fittest/healthiest 104 things to do with a banana © Collocations. Food and cooking. Cars rest person you know Yooh ildngatisce eee Focus on: words used with driving | page a8 © Gs Inalthiest person he knows © Vowel sounds and spelling Anecdote: Your dreams cat © Myfintcar DO Narrative. Linking @ Patti’s dream car words: il, daring ‘Useful phrases: Idioms with food 11 Animals © Animals © Animal attitudes @ Defining relative clauses, Unreal ‘Anienats © Moral dilemmas (@ Three people talking about animals ‘conditionals et ashe K sctoaskate they ike slike © Animate. adjective + preposition aie @D O Giving opinions. Three stories about animals Focus om: thit Linking giving examples © People talking about their pets @ Homophones (burlbenr) @ Mandy talking about her friend’s pet Useful phrases Polite requests 12 Incredible Strange coincidences © Two Lauras; Worlds apart @ Past perfect. Passives. will and might Coincidences ‘Anecdote: The most incredible. @ The coolest hotel in the world for future possibility aa bung you've ever seen ap chectainhybons aaa © Collocations with have, make, ake page 106 DO Description ofa © North Pote weather forecast Focus on cilocations with 4,0, 9, building. Text organisation. © The Orade ‘have, make, take Paeenineah sha Piel renee elgg Review D Pages 112, 113: Grammar / Vocabulary / Pronunciation review page 112 Pages 114, 15: Reading & Listening, Writing (narrative linkers) & Speaking * Song: I Have A Dream Pairwork: Student A page 116 * Pairwork: Student B page 121 + Grammar Extra page 126 + Recordings page 150 * Phonetic symbols & Spelling page 158 * Innegular verbs page 159 Name Grammar Tense review. looks / looks like. Question forms Vocabulary Family. Description, Names Useful phrases Showing interest Listening 1 @ 1.01 Listen to two people talking about their names. Underline the four names you hear for each person. ‘The man Benjamin Ben Benji Tree Big Ben ‘The woman Marie Anne-Marie Marie Antoinette Mimi Baby 2. Complete these sentences with the words in the box. brother English friends French friends old friends parents sisters a) His parents call him Benjamin, b)\ His __ call him Tree. ©) His call him Big Ben. d) Her call her Anne-Marie. ©) Her all her Marre. f) Her calls her Baby Listen again and check your answers. 3. Tell a partner the names that people call you. Which ‘of your names do you like best? Vocabulary 1 @ 1.02 Listen and repeat the words in the box. aunt boyfriend brother brother-in-law cousin daughter father girlfriend grandfather grandmother half-brother half-sister _ moth niece nephew sister sister-indaw son stepfather stepmother un 2 Complete the table with words from Exercise 1. Where possible, add the of a person from your family as an example. CF mate @ Femate boyfriend — No ‘aunt = Piler brother = Paco Tell your partner about some of the people in your family. “I don't have a boyfriend, My brother's name is Paco. He's a student. He lives in Vigo 3. Work with your partner. Look at your names in Exercise 2 and discuss these questions. a) Which names are typical in your country? b) Which name is the most unusual? ©) Which name do you like best? Name Reading 1 How did your parents choose your name? Was it for one of the reasons below or for a different reason? Tell a partner. a) Your parents named you after a relative. e) Your nam@ is religious. b) They named you after a place. 4) Ithasa special meaning, ©) They chose an unusual name. 8). Your parents simply liked the name. d) They named you after a famous person. 2 Read the article. Which of the reasons (2-g) in Exercise 1 is not mentioned? What's in a name? Your name is extremely important. It’s how you identify means ‘cool breeze over the mountain’ in Hawaiian? yourself. IU how other people identify you. So how do 25 recent survey showed that people with unusual or parents make one of the mast important decisions of ‘original names feet special. 1 wonder if this is true for ther childrens lives ~ giving them a name? Bruce Wiis and Demi Moore's children: Rumer Glenn, In the past, parents named their children after Scout Lafue and Tallulah Bell ‘important family relatives. But peoplelare'changing “TWeIchoseR the name I want for 2 daughter. mGBH6g Nowadays, parents don't want to call their little princess 30 AB/All her Lauren. Why? Simply because WG the name. Enid Blodnen after her grandmother. My mother liked the name Lauren too, but unfortunately Tis fashionable to choose names of places for |shetame me Enid Blodwen after my grandmother children’s names. For example, Madonna named her daughter Lourdes after the town in France. David and Victoria Beckham named their first child Brooklyn after an area in New York. However, it isn’t a good idea to follow this trend if your favourite place is your Local pizza restaurant or shopping mall! Some people name their children after famous people, For example, Leonardo DiCaprio's parents named him after the famous Ttaian painter. A few years ago the names Beyaneé and Britney were very popular Some names have a special meaning. Have you ever heard of anyone called Sky, Rain or River? These names ‘come from nature and you can see wrat they mean. But did you knaw that actor Keanu Reeves’ name ‘V fors Gladys y Dara 3. What name would you choose for a baby girl or a baby boy? Grammar Tenses and 1 Match each highlighted verb phrase in the article with a tense. auxiliary verbs people are changing — present continuous + Present simple: do/does + Present continuous: 2 Write the negative form for each sentence and name the tense. an/are/is a) like British pop music. 4) Lwent out lastnight. ¢ Present perfect: have/has 1 don’t lke British pop music. (Present simple) _e) I've been to Ireland. + Past simples did b) I'm reading a good book at the moment. 9) Iean play the piano. * Future (be) going to: ) Fm going to have a coffee after the lesson. cn/arefs Tick the affirmative or negative sentences which are true for you. 4a) like British pop music. ¥ | Ldon't tke British pop music: 3. Write the question form for each sentence and the short answers Yés and No. {Ask your partner the questions. 4) Do you like British pop music? Yes, Udo. / No, ! don't sone EY Pronunciation 1 @ 1.03 Listen and repeat the five long vowel sounds: /u i, a, fl, 2 1.0% Listen and repeat the names in the table. Then label each group (1-5) with the = —_ Eve Dawn Dean George Pete Paul Listening 1 @1.05 How good is your memory for names? Study the photographs of nine people below and listen to their names. Don't write them down, ae How many names can you remember? Write them down and compare with a partner, 2 Listen again and check. Who remembered the most names? Do you have any special techniques for remembering names? ‘try to repeat the name in my head.’ ‘ Name How to Reading 1 Read this advice for improving your memory. Match the headings (a-d) with the appropriate paragraphs (1-4). a) Connect the name and the appearance ¢)__Use the name and repeat it b) Pay attention 4) Visualise the name What's the best way to make a really good impression at a party? By wearing the best clothes? Telling the best jokes? Dancing like a professional? No~ you Lo just need to remember people's names. Here are some easy steps. CLL ACLS yA look(s) / look(s) like {ook(s) + adjective: You look tired {ooK() ike + noun: She looks ike a student. At parties, we sometimes don’t hear the other person's name ~ not because the music is too loud, but because we're too focused on ourselves. So the first step is to pay attention. When you meet someone for the first time, listen carefully to the name and look at the person's face. 2 When you're speaking to the person, use the name. For example, ‘Nice to meet you, Danny.’ ‘What do you do, Danny?’ or ‘Danny, it was nice talking to you.’ Then repeat the new name in your head at least three times, 3 Franklin Roosevelt amazed his staff by remembering the names of nearly everyone he met. His secret? He visualised the name on the person's forehead. Its also a good idea to imagine yourself writing the name in your favourite colour. 4 In your mind, say the name and something memorable about the person's, appearance. For example, Charles ~ looks like a banker; Ann — long blond hair; George ~ moustache; Sophia — looks friendly. Finally, if you want to remember other people's names as well as your own name, drink orange juice! 2 Discuss these questions with a partner a) Which of these techniques have you used for remembering names? 'b)_ Which of these techniques could help you to remember new English words? ©) What other ways can you think of to help remember and learn new English words? Grammar 1 Look at the words and phrases in the box. Write N for nouns or noun phrases and A for adjectives or adjective phrases. [4] feiendly (N) a banker [] intettigent [] shy [] a doctor U1 very young [] middle-aged Cl stressed [about sity 7] Greek | CLawaiter [1 astudent Ua retired potice officer) sich What type of word do you use after looks)? What type of word do you use after Took(s) ike? 2 Write a sentence to describe each person in the nine photographs on page 6. Leave a space for the name. looks about fifty and quite friendly. He looks lke a barker, Ask your partner to complete each sentence with the correct name. one TY Reading 1. Read the questionnaire and tick the answers that are right for you. What does your ‘score mean? Compare with a partner. ARE YOU a good language learner? 11 Why are you learning English? 2) | want to get a better ob. b) I want to go traveling, ©) Good question .. er... i} 2 What do you enjoy doing in class? 2) Speaking and istening, i ') Roacing end wing ©) Drawing pictures. 3 When did you last read an English book ‘or magazine? a) Last week. ) Sk months ago. ©) Book? Magazine? Road? 4 Where do you record new vocabulary? @) Inanotebook. b)_ On pieces of paper. ©) On my hand, 5 How do you practise English at home? a) I watch English DVDs with subtitles. ) listen to English music, ©) talk to my dog, 6 What's your memory like? a) Excalent ») OK, ©) What was the question? 7 What kind of dictionary do you have? @) A biingual and en Engls'VEnglch dictionary. b) An electron dlctonary, ©) My teacher is my cictionary, 8 How many languages can you speak? |) More than two, b) One or two. .¢} None, I'm stil earning my ovin language! What your score means Mainly As = You'e an excallont language leamer. Mainly Bs = You're a good language learner Mainly Cs = Have you fever thought about ‘taking salsa lessons? : 2 Match these language learning tips with the questions in the questionnaire. a) Read as much as possible. Graded readers are perfect. Question 3 b) Train your memory. Exercise your brain Participate in class. Speak out. Have a go. 4) Go out and buy a good dictionary, ©) Have a good reason for leaning English. ) Think about how you learned your own or other languages. 8) Record and constantly review new language. hh) Look for more English outside the classroom. Which tips do you follow? What other tips can you think of? Speaking 1 Replace the hi lighted words and phrases to make five new questions to ask a partner. Use the suggestions or your own ideas. a) What do you enjoy (Moingiinlelass)? (watching on TV / reading / doing in your free time) b) When did you last fad af ERGISHIBOOR? (go dancing / buy a DVD / drink champagne) ©) Where do you SCOR REWWOESbULAEY? (go on holiday / do your shopping / have lunch) 4) What's your [BIGHIGEY. like? (house / city or town / family) ©) What kind of dietionafy do you have? (computer / car / job) Ask your partner your questions from Exercise 1. What is the most interesting thing you've learned about your partner? Question forms Grammar 1 Look at the table and match the questions (a-d) with the correct answers (I~). 1s she hungry? a) What are the blue words? —— 1. (auxiliary) verb + subject Have they arrived? b) What are the red words? — 2 subjects What does ‘nephew’ mean? ©) What is the word order for statements? 3 auxiliary verbs 4). What is the word order for questions? 4 subject + (auailiary) verb Statements Questions You are | leftthanded. Are | you left-handed? Yourmother | can | speak English. Can | yourmother | speak English? You ave | bento Peru Have | you been to Peru? Yourname | means | ‘first child’ What | does | yourname mean? ‘A Dan Carter Ask a partner the questions in the table. 2. necessary, rewrite these sentences with do, does or did to make correct questions. a) You play the guitar? 4) Where your mother come from? b) You sleep well last night? —_e).-Have you been to the Vatican? ) Can you drive? £) What's your favourite colour? Ask your partner the questions. 3. Rewrite these questions in the correct order. (DON'T ask your partner the questions!) a) you / are / old / How How old are you? b) inlife after death / Do / believe / you ? ©) do/ much / earn / you / How ? d)_ you / ever / Have / broken the law ? ) political party / vote / Which / you / do / for ? {you / many / boyfriends or girliriends | How / had / have ? Work in small groups. Decide which questions it is OK to ask ... ‘inyour English class + in your family never! ‘* with your best friends» at work ‘Ea 5 Reuse Speaking: anecdote 1 1.06 Listen to Lee talking about somebody who is important to him. Underline the answers he gives. a) ‘What's this person’s name?’ ‘Dan Carter / Carl Daniels.” ). ‘When dic you meet him?’ ‘At university / When we were five years old.’ ©) ‘Where does he live?’ ‘Near London / In Brussels.” ) “What does he do?’ ‘He's a teacher / a doctor.’ ©) ‘How often do you see him? ‘Every weekend / In the summer ‘Why is he important to you?’ ‘We have the same interests / He knows me so well’ 2). ‘What are his best qualities?’ ‘He's a really good listener / He's very funny.’ 1h) ‘Is there anything you don’t like about him” ‘He's always late / too busy.” i) ‘When did you last see him?’ ‘On my birthday / Last weekend.’ 2. You're going to tell your partner about a person who is important to you. + Ask yourself the questions in Exercise 1. # Think about what to say and how to say it ‘+ Tell your partner about a person who is important to you. one TY > CT — Useful phrases 1 @ 1.07 Listen to a conversation between two friends (Adam and Beth) weekend. Match the conversation with picture 1 or picture 2. 2 1.09 Listen to another version of the conversation. Does Beth sound more interested this time? 3. @ 109 Listen and repeat the useful phrases Beth uses to show that she’s interested. a) » 0 a e) 9 8) Really? Do they? ‘That sounds interesting. That sounds great ‘Wow! That's brilliant. ve never heard of it Oh no! That's terrible. 4 Complete the conversation with the useful phrases from Exercise 3. ‘Adam: Did you have a good weekend? Beth: Not bad. How about you? Adam: Thad a really good meal on Saturday night. Beth: (1) Realy? Adam: Yes, we went to a new place in town ~ Edamame. Beth: (2) Adam: They have a Japanese chef from Tokyo. Beth: (3) And the menu is fantastic ~ they make their own sushi 4) Yes. Its the best sushi I've ever tasted. Beth: (5) ‘Adam: And it wasn't expensive. We had starters, main course, dessert and wine, Beth: and it only cost £25 each. o— . ‘Adam: I know. Unfortunately, when we got back to the car, we had a parking ticket. Beth: Che Pica sck your answers and practise the conversation. 5 Work with a partner. Write a conversation about your last weekend. Include as many of the useful phrases as possible. Vocabulary Extra Family and other relationships 1 Complete the table. Male Female Definition a) grandson granddaughter Your children’s children b)_ nephew niece Your brother's or _‘s children 0 grandmother Your parents’ parents d) great-grandfather —great-grandmother Your grandparents’ __ e) uncle aunt Your parents’ _and sister 9) cousin Your aunt's or uncle's children ). brother-in-law sisterin-law Your wife's or husband’s brother and __ h) mother-in-law Your wife's or husband’ father and mother i) Stepfather Your mother’s second husband or your father’s second wife eee half-sister ‘The children from your father’s or mother’s second relationship ” exwile The man or woman who you are divorced /separated from 1) partner Saat ‘The person you live with but who you are not married to. m) twin 2 Work with a partner. Discuss these questions and compare your answers. a) Who is your oldest relative? Who is your youngest relative? 1) Which side of the family is bigger: your father’s side or your mother’s side? ©). What are your neighbours like? Do you know all your neighbours’ names? d) How many close friends do you have? Who is your best friend? A brother or sister who was born at the same time as you. ©) Who are your favourite colleagues at work? Are there any colleagues you don’t like? Focus on names 1. Underline the correct word. a) My friends call / name me ‘Chip’ b) Tdon't know the meaning / sign of my name. ©) My parents identified / named me after my grandmother. 4) I'm married but I use my maiden / feminine name at work. ©) My letters / initials are CJP. 1) My sign / signature is very difficult to read. Tick the sentences that are true for you. 2 Complete the form in as much detail as you can. Title: First name: Middle name(s): Surname: (Mr/Mrs/Ms, etc.) (Christian name) (Second name) (Last name / Family name) Full name: Initials: Maiden name: Nickname: Signature: Mana ust crt Place Countable and uncountable nouns. so/such. very/too. Quantity expressions Places in a city. Adjectives. Countries, nationalities. Location. like Saying where you are from 1 Look at the three photos. Would you like to live in any of these places? Why? Why not? Discuss with a partner. 2 @s.20 Listen and repeat the words in the box. Which ofthese things can you find in the photos? abeach abridge acanal acarpark acastle acathedral a church afountain high-rise buildings ahill alibrary —amosque a museum apark thesea ashopping centre asquare a statue 3. How many of the things in Exercise 2 can you find near your school? Put them in the right order on this line. Nearest << ££ > Furthest away Rio de Janeiro, Brazit | Paulo 2 luigi so/such 50+ adjective es 50 romantic. stuch + noun phrase It’s such a romantic city very/too very + adjective/adverb We were very late (but we caught our tran). 100 + adjective/adverb We were tno late (so we mmissed our train). Listening 1 @ 1.11 Listen to Paulo, Armelle and Luigi talking about the three places in the photos ‘on page 12. Match each speaker with a photo. Who likes living where they live? Who doesn’t? 2. Use the adjectives in the box to complete Paulo, Armelle and Luigi’s descriptions. boring clean crowded exciting humid polluted romantic _ small a)... acity that’s so big and exciting)... i's sucha _ city. b) .. it's too hot and _ f) «it gets very noisy and __ va the airis lovely and ___ g) «the canals are so dirty and ___ a dit so dull and _ 1h)... my city is too__ forall these people Listen again and check your answers. Grammar & Vocabulary 1 Look at the sentences with so and such a/an in Exercise 2 in the Listening section. ‘Complete the rules. a) You use ___ + a negative or positive adjective for emphasis. b) You use___ + a negative or positive noun phrase for emphasis. 2. Use so and such alas to complete the email. Is the person happy ot unhappy? ry Fanvastic holiday! To: _ tnasores 3. Change the email in Exercise 2 to make it sound negative. This is such an ugly place. We're 4 Look at the sentences with very and too in Exercise 2 in the Listening section. Complete the rules. 2) You use____+ an adjective or an adverb to emphasise something. b) You use + an adjective or an adverb to show that there is a problem: something is excessive or more than necessary. 5. Complete the sentences with very or too. a) My neighbours are __quiet. I never hear them. b)_Tcan’t walk to work. My office is___far from my house. 9) take the bus to work. It’s ___ crowded, but usually get a seat, 4) Ifs___ hot in the summer, but fortunately my office has air-conditioning. ©) Time goes __ quickly, and Inever finish my work: {) [want to move into the city, but I can’t because apartments are__ expensive. Tick any sentences that are true for you. Place Grammar Nouns 1 Match each question with the most appropriate response. countable 2). Whats the weather ke? {Rta nbn li aes a shop / shops )- What are the shops like? 2 They're really friendly a ly cies ©) What are the peopl ike? 3. Theyre too expensive a person / people d) What's the architecture like? 4 It's hot and humid. Uncountable 4 : aiekn 2 Complete the table with the nouns in the box. vee [ semin nighiife park person public transport restaurant alle iar Plural form Countable of uboguntablad cinema cinemas | outs nightie os | note Work with a partner, Discuss these questions. a) How do you make plural forms of these nouns: slop, bus, chur) b) Which countable noun in the table has an irregular plural form? ©) How do you make plural forms of these nouns: mart, woman, child, foot, tooth? | city, country, leaf? 3. Work with your partner. Note down the names of two cities or villages you know well. Ask each other questions about the places you have noted down. “What's the nightlife like?’ ‘I's great! There are lots of bars and clubs.” Vocabulary & Pronunciation 1 Complete the following sets (A, B and C). Underline the stressed syllable in each word. A B © . Country Nationality Country Nationality Country _ Nationality Guba c E Egyptian hina 1, Turkish uly 1 v. Vietnamese B Brazilian Hungary H. P_____Portuguete Morocco. M__ C__ Canadian Japan J. © 1.12 Listen, check and repeat. What do you notice about the word stress in each set? 2. Write down six other countries you know and their nationalities Mark the stress. Which countries would you most like to visit? Tell your partner. Speaking 1 Work in small groups. Do you agree with these statements? Erench wine isthe best in the world. Japanese cars are the best in the world. 2 Write similar statements which you all agree on. Combine a nationality with a noun from the box (or your own ideas). beer chocolate coffee fashion films food football players men nightlife perfume pop music universities watches women German beer isthe best in the world Compare your statements with other groups. A Coa Place Reading 1. Read the four fifty-word descriptions of holiday destinations in this competition. ‘List them in order (1 = the place you would most like to go to; 4 = the place you would least like to go to). Explain your choices to a partner, 2 Read the How to enter section and do Part A and Part B. 3. Check your answers to Part A at the bottom of the page and compare your descriptions with other people in the class. Choose a class winner! these fabulous destinations. Shanghai ‘This isthe best place on earth for shopping. it isn’t New York-New York is too crowded. Not Dubai ~ Dubal is too hot. Not even Paris = Paris is too expensive! Our shopping heaven is, Shanghai. We shopped tll we dropped and then ate delicious noodles in the street. (50 words) Kenya Now | understand why people fallin love with Africa.The people are friendly and welcoming. The scenery is spectacular. And the best thing fs the lions. No, wait, the flamingos, or maybe the hippos, OK, everything is great, and | want to go back there as Soon as possible. (50 words) Gulf of Aqaba fre you looking for excitement and adventure? Well, don’t come to Dahab on the Gul of Aqaba. Here youl find peace and quit, beautiful beaches, perfect weather and the best welcome in Egypt. Oh, and you can go diving if you like! Personally! prefer to relax on the beach, 0 words) Iceland Iceland, the land of ice and fire, is full of Contrasts. The ar is freezing, but the hot springs are... well, ot. Reykjavik, the capital, Is small, but the nightlife is buzzing. Its a very long way from the rest of Europe, but Iceland is completely up-to-date in every way. (50 words) The winner of our exciting competition can choose a dream holiday for two in one of HOW TO ENTER! Part A To enter this fabulous competition ‘and win a dream holiday for two, ‘complete the following sentences with option a, bor c. ‘4 The official language of Brazil a Portuguese b French € Italian 2 Ankara isthe capital of. @ Morocco b Turkey € Malta 3 The third largest country in the world is.» a China b Argentina Australia 4 The dong isthe currency of ‘@ Morocco Thailand Vietnam 5 The Alhambra Palace isin ‘a Egypt b Spain € Mexico 6 Kyushuis an island in the south of. a Thailand b Greece Japan Part 8 Now write a review of the best holiday destination you've been to. Use exactly 50 words! ‘Send your answers before 38 April to Dream Holiday, PO Box 437, London NW: 488. (09 '95 9h uC 'ge "a sonsuey 8) Place 5 Reading 1 Complete the following description of a country. Use the nouns in the box. cars cigarettes coffee hours meat noise people sleep wine Everything’s wrong here! They do everything wrong here! They eat far too much (1) meat and they eat it at 11.00 p.m. Yesterday we went out to dinner at 11.30 p.m. and we had trouble getting a table! At 1.00 a.m. we were stil eating, and the restaurant was still half-full They smoke too many (2) __. They drink lots of strong (8) and a lot of @) They spend too many (5) in the sun and they certainly don’t get enough (6) ne Saturday night we went to a disco at 2.00 a.m. and were surprised to see that there were only a few (7) on the dance floor. Then the Dd arrived at 3.00 a.m. and the party began! There are far too many (8) ___ in the cites, and there's too ‘much (9) _everynheret They do everything wrong here, but the quality of life is great, and people really know how to enjoy themselves. I don't want to go home! 2 Which country do you think it is? Could it be your country? Why? Why not? Grammar Quantity expressions 1 Complete the headings for each category (A, B, C) with countable or uncountable. With countable nouns veers A: With nouns |B: With _nouns_C: With ynd_nouns too much, a tot, tots, How many? Hew much? not enough not much, atte, (far) to0 many | far) too much alot (op not enough eee not much tots (of With uncountable nouns (onty) afew | (only) a litte How many people? too many, lots, a lot, 2 Underline the correct quantity expression in each of these sentences. not many, a few, a) [don’t eat much / many bread. 4) Idon’t eat much / enough vegetables. not enough b) eat a few /lots of fruit ©) Leata lot of / litle cakes. : ©) [drink far too much / far too many tea.) I don’t drink enough / many water. How many of the sentences are true for you? Rewrite the sentences so that they are all. tue for you. Compare your sentences with a partner. 3 Use the table to ask your partner questions about daily habits. Add your own nouns and verbs to make different questions. Nouns Verbs How much chocolate coffee emails exercise | do drink eat get have Howmuch ‘ends mest money people sleep doyou | make phone see send everyday? ° text messages _ wine spend “How much chocolate do you eat?’ ‘Not much. “How many emails do you get?’ ‘Lots. Far too many! 4 (EDIE Stn ad ote ens Oo rtace Vocabulary 1 Complete the labelling of the compass. 2) North North-east = South-east eee 2. Match the descriptions (a-d) with the cities on the maps (1-1). a) It's in the centre. ‘b) It’s in the east. c) It’s on the west coast. d) It’s in the south-east. A The USA & Turkey Germany Speaking: anecdote 1 1.13 Listen to Emma talking about the best place she has ever visited. Read the questions and tick the ones she gives information about. a) Where is the place? 7 'b) When did you first go there? ©) Were you on holiday? ) Where did you stay? ©) What did you do there? f) How many times have you visited the place? 1g) When was the last time? 1h) What do you most like about this place? i) Are there any things you don’t like about this place? {) Would you like to live there? Why? Why not? 2. You're going to tell your partner about the best place you have ever visited. + Ask yourself the questions in Exercise 1. + Think about what to say and how to say it. + Tell your partner about the best place you have ever visited. Place ora 7 Useful phrases Matt, this fs Erica, Nice to meet you, Erica. Nice to meet you, too. You're not American are you? Where are you from? 1 live in New York, but 1'm originally from England Oh, where exactly? ‘A small town just outside Manchester. Manchester? Is that near London? No, Manchester’ in the north. And where are you from? Wel, I tive in New York, too, but Im actually from Los Angeles Hey, I'm from LA, too.-Which part ofthe city are you from? Santa Monica, not far from the airport. ‘Oh great. My family ive in Hollywood. Wow, realy? No, T'm kidding. They live in the-south. Near South Beach. 2. Match each person with one of the maps below. Put a cross on each map to show exactly where each person comes from. g a 3 Complete the useful phrases with the words in brackets. a) Where you from? (are) Where are you from? b)_ I'm originally England. (éom) ©) Where? (exactly) 4) Asmall town outside Manchester. (just) ©) Manchester’s the north. (in) ) ive in New York but I'm from Los Angeles. (actually) 8) Which part ofthe city are from? (you) 1h) Not far the airport. (from) i) They live in south. (the) 1.15 Listen, check and repeat the useful phrases. 4 Write a conversation between you and a partner about where you come from and ‘where you live now. Place Vocabulary Extra Places 1 Matchthe places in the picture with the words. © art gallery UO car park U7 castle church library mosque museum, } shopping centre | square | theatre 2. Think about the last time you were in some of the different places in Exercise 1. Ask a partner. “When was the last time you toere in an art gallery?" “T'm not sure. Maybe when I roent to Paris afew years ago.” Adjectives 1 Look at the adjectives to describe cities. Decide which are positive and which are negative, beautiful big boring crowded dirty dull exciting expensive fabulous interesting modern noisy polluted" romantic spectacular Positive: beautiful, ... Negative: boring, 2 What are the best five adjectives to describe your city. Compare your answers with your partner. Focus on like 1 Match the uses of like (a-f) with the example sentences (1-6). Uses of like Examples a) What + be + somebody /something + like 1 We like going out every Saturday night = asking for a description Like cooking but I don’t like washing up. = similar to somebody /something don’t like her very much and she doesn’t like me. ©) like (+ thistthat) 3. he looks like her mother. They have the same eyes = in this or that way Its plastic, but it feels like leather 4) like + noun/pronoun 4 “What's your new teacher like?’ ‘He's really nice. = somebody /something pleases you “What was the weather like” ‘Terrible. It rained every day’ ©) tke + ing ‘Would you like a drink?’ ‘Yes. I'd like a glass of cold = enjoy an activity water piease.’ ) would like + noun 6 Click on the ‘send’ icon, like this = want something Cut the paper into squares. No, not like that, like this! 2 Write your own example sentence for each use of like. roe EET Love Grammar Past simple and continuous. Adverbs of manner Vocabulary Relationship expressions. Narrative linkers. ed/ing adjectives. get Useful phrases Things in common Listening 1.16 Listen to Fred and Edna talking about their relationship and answer the questions. a) When did they first meet? b) When did they get married to each other? A. Fred fifty years ago A. Fred and Edna now 4. Edna fity years ago 2 Write He, She, or They in these sentences about Fred and Edna's story. a) They first met in Blackpool and went out together for three months, b) ___ moved to different places and lost touch with each other. ©) ____was married to another person for forty-eight years. 4) ____ got divorced after thirty years of marriage. ©) ____ went to Blackpool with her grandson and visited all the old places. £) ___ thought about Fred and wanted to find him. 8) ____wrote a letter to the local newspaper. bh) ____had a cousin in Blackpool who told him about the letter. i) ____met soon after that and moved in together: i Listen again and check your answers. got married ~ fifty years after they first met! Vocabulary & Speaking 1. Complete the expressions in the sentences below with the words in the box. get have live lose love a) The best age to get married is twenty-five for women and twenty-seven for men. b) The main reason for getting married is to____ children. ©) Abig difference in age isn’t a problem for a couple if they are in 4) It’s a good idea for a couple to _ together for a few years before getting married. ©) Itdoesn’t matter if children touch with one of their parents 2 Work in small groups. Discuss the statements in Exercise 1. Do you agree or disagree? o ME... Past simple He went to Blackpool. He didn't go to Liverpool. Did he go to London? Yes, he did, No he didn't, Vocabulary 1. Match each of the verb phrases in the box with an appropriate picture (ad), chat somebody up fancy somebody have a row move in together 2 Put the stages ofa relationship in a logical order (1-12). Add or take away stages if you think i's necessary. a) You get married. ©) You move in together. i), Youhave a row. ) You chat somebody up. You have children. i) You kiss. ©) Youring somebody up. g) Youmeet the parents, —_k)__You split up. ) You fancy somebody. _h)._-You go out together. 1) You fall in love. ‘Compare your ideas with a partner. Grammar 1. Write the affirmative and negative past simple forms of the verbs in the box. be can chat fancy get go have kiss meet move study want bbe —toas/toere, wasn’tfweren’t 2 Write true sentences ~ affirmative or negative ~ with the verbs in brackets. a) My mother and father (meet) at university.) 1 (go) skiing last winter. b) My grandparents (get) married in a church.) I (study) German at school. ©) I (have) a big breakfast this morning, f) I(be) very busy yesterday. Make questions and ask your partner. ‘Did your mother and father meet at university?’ ‘No, they didn’t.’ 3 Eee Pronunciation 1 Complete these irregular verb sets. Label the past forms in each group (1-3) with these sounds: /w/, /el, /3:/. 1 2 Infinitive Infinitive Past: keep kept begin) mean a) meant drink Wea. >) met ring. rang, 1.17 Listen, cheek and repeat. 2 Add the verbs in the box to the correct groups in the table in Exercise 1. fight read sing sleep swim teach © 1.18 Listen, check and repeat. te EY r Listening 1 Read about a television game show called Get Personal and answer these questions. a) Who are the two people playing Get Personal tonight? b) How much is the prize money? ©) How can they win? 2 Tree eT) oy Game show Get ersonalis hosted by oe Bobby Brown. In tonight's show, Peters Radian yt ‘win the £19000 prize. The game's very simple. Bobby interviews Rosie and Dave in separate studios He asks them he same questions about how they st me and they have to give the same answers Can they doi? Watch OTVata30 tonight and find out. 2 @ 1.19 Read the questions and answers in the table below. Listen and choose the answers (a, or that Rosie gives. Questions Rosie's answers Dave's answers 1 How dl you 4) Shewasa nurse. He was. patient first meet? }b) Shewasa patient. He was.a nurse vik @)_Shewasa doctor He was a nurse 2 What time of 2) Earlymorning, day was 1? b) Earlvafternoon WIK )_ Earlyevening 3 What was the a) The sun was shining, ‘weather lke? })- tewas raining WK Teas snowing 4 What wereyou She was wearing, He was wearing both wearing? a) awhitecoat. a) bluepyjamas 1X 1b) amursesuniform, —b) green pyjamas Q)anighearess pink pyjamas 5 Whospokefirst a) She sald How are you feeling?” and whatdid 1b) Hesaid:Tm going to be sick WK they say? Q)Hesald: feel terrible: 3 1.20 Listen to Dave answering the same questions. Circle the ¥ if he gives the same answer as Rosie. Circle the if he gives a different answer. How many points did Rosie and Dave score out of 4 Think about your closest friend. How many of the questions from Get Personal could you answer? Discuss with a partner. Past continuous Iwas You were He was ‘She was working. twas We were They were Wer’ you working? Yes, Twas. No, I wasnt Grammar 1 Look at these extracts from Bobby Brown’s interview with Rosie. Answer questions (a-d) with Past simple or Past continuous. “Troas working as a nurse, and Dave’came into the hospital for an operation.” Yes, it was xaining when I arrived at work." What were you wearing wlien you saw each other for the frst time?’ a) What tense is used for the verbs come, arrive and see? Past simple. b)_ What tense is used for the verbs work, rain and wear? ©) Which tense describes something that was in progress when another event happened? 4) Which tense describes an event that happened at a particular moment in the past? 2, (EDIE Sdent age 16 student page x 3 1.21 Look at the pictures (1-5) and listen to the recordings. Work with a partner. Write sentences about Jake and Fiona to describe the five situations. 1 Jake tas having a shower when his mobile phone rang, 46 EET ad i eat Reading 1 Complete the funny story with past continuous or past simple verb forms. Predict the ending of the story. and do the exercises. A Hollywood director (1 film) «vas filming an important film in the desert when an old Native American man (2 come) up to him and said, “Tomorrow rain.’ The next day it rained. A few days later, the director (3 talk) the next day's filming, The Native American went up to him and said, to the cameraman about “Tomorrow storm.’ He was right again, and he saved the director thousands of dollars. ‘The director was very impressed and 4 give) the old man a job. ‘The old man (5 continue) to predict the weather correctly, but then he (6 not come) ___ for three weeks. ‘The director (7 plan) good weather. So he (8 go) to look for the Native American, ‘When he (9 find) the old man, he said, ‘Listen, T have to film an imponant scene tomorrow. What will the weather be like’ ‘The old man (10 shake) ___ his head and said, to film an important scene and he needed 2 @1.22 Listen and check your answers. Love 3 1s . Reading 1 Look at the pictures and complete the noun phrases with the words in the box. d) anight___ ©) aplastic 0 2 1.23 Read the stories and match the things (a-f) in Exercise 1 to the appropriate story. What is the importance of each thing in the stories? REVENGE,,... |. DINNER... When Lady Sally Moon found our that her husband was having an alli she didn’t leave him, She thought it was better to be unhappily ‘married than not married at all, But her husband clidn'c hide his affair, and this made her feel really bad. ‘One day she was driving home when she saw his car parked outside his lover’s house, She was angry and she decided to get her revenge. » She quickly cove home, put a pot of paint into her car and drove to the lover's house ‘Then she poured thick white paint all over her husband's beautiful, new, black car, Next, she carefully took his collection of fine wines from the cellar. That night, she went round the village where she lived, and quietly pliced a bottle of wine on each doorstep. She left the other bottles on the war memorial in the centre of the village Finally, she took a pair of seissors and cut off the arms and legs of all his suits ~ thirty-eight of them in all » Last year, | went out with Hermione for four months. We were very different. I always arrived carly; she always arrived late. I was very tidy, she was terribly untidy. But to be honest, I found the differences rather attractive. At frst, she was only fifteen or twenty minutes late. But she gor later and later At the end of August, it was my birthday. Tm a good cook, so I decided to have a dinner arty and I invited four friends, “That evening, my four friends arrived on time, but unsurprisingly Hermione wasn't there at eight o'clock. Bur then she wasn't there at nine lock, half past nine or ten o'clock This was extremely late, even for Hermione S01 phoned her mobile. When she answered, music was playing loudly in the background. ‘Where are you? I shouted angrily. ‘Im at & night club,’ she shouted back, Iwas furious. 1 ‘went into the kitchen and put her meal into a plastic bag. ‘The next mosning 1 posted it to her with a nove saying, ‘Here's your dinner. A week later, 1 got a postcard from Hermione. It sid, ‘Too much sal 3 Which story do you prefer? Tell your partner why. * Love ©) apair of a bottle of | | | ) | Adverbs of manner Add y to most adjectives badly, carefully, angrily Vocabulary & Speaking 1. Find and underline the time adverbials from the box in the stories on page 24. eeeo eyes One day Last year At first Then Atthe end of August Next That night Thatevening The next morning Finally A week later List the time adverbials in the order in which they appear in the stories. Revenge is sweet Dinner by post a) One day @ 1 Lastyear 4 Byes eee cee ca ore 3 6 2 Choose a story and use the time adverbial partner. Don’t look at the text on page 24. in Exercise 1 to retell the story to a Grammar 1 Work with a partner. Complete the tables with adverbs or adjectives from the stories on page 24. Pe ios: Revenge is sweet Benet wal early late, Fast Adjective | Adverb ‘Adjective a) unhappy | unappily 1 different yells badly 2 eniy a angrily 3 late 4) quick t ) deautifully 5 ) careful 6 8) quiet = 7 loud Answer these questions, a) How do you make adverbs from most adjectives? b) How do you make adverbs from adjectives ending in y? ©) What are the adverbs for the adjectives good, erly, late? 2 Rewrite these sentences in the usual order, subject + verb + object + adverb a) 1/ very quickly / eat my lunch 1 ext my lunch very quickly b) drive / my car / 1/ very slowly ©) plan / my days / very carefully / 1 4) T/ my money / spend / very intelligently ©) play /1/ tennis / very badly £) very regularly / clean / 1 / my house 8) 1/ speak / very well / English How many sentences are true for you? Rew for you. the sentences so that they are all true Compare your sentences ith your partner. Love 2s Useful phrases 1 @ 1.24 Listen to a conversation between a man (Tim) and a woman (Anna) on a train, Do they know each other? 2 Are these sentences true or false? a) The man and woman are going to London, bb) She's reading Pride and Prejudice ©) They both like Keira Knightley. 4) They're both going to see Johnny Depp's new film tomorrow night. ©) They’re both single. Listen again and check your answers. 3° Complete the useful phrases in the table using the phrases in the box. — — aire | Sodol SoamI Metoo Neitherdol Oh, I did Comment Agree Disagree a) I didn’t like the film much, Neither did I. / Meneither. | (1)___ b) Treally like Keira Knightley. @ / Me too. Oh, Taon't ©) I think she's really good. So dol. / (3) Oh, Ldon’t 4) Tim going to see Johnny Depp's (4) / Me too. Oh, I'm not, new film. ©) don’t know what time it starts. | (5) / Me neither. Oh, Ido. 1.25 Listen, check and repeat the useful phrases. 4 Write true comments using these sentence beginnings. 1 think 1 really like... Idon’t like Im gi I'm not going Yesterday evening I... Last weekend I didn’t ... 5 Work with a partner: Take it in turns to read out your sentences. Agree or disagree with your partner's comments, x Love — lS Vocabulary Extra Adjectives ending in ed or ing 1 Match the pictures with the pairs of adjectives. fo) encnyed Penaoyieg bored / boring confused / confusing 1) depressed / depressing [| embarrassed / embarrassing [] excited / exciting (1) frightened / frightening [eerie eee () surprised / surprising (7 tired / tiring Underline the correct adjective. 1 The students are boring / bored. 2 The teacher is interesting / interested. 3. The score is depressing / depressed. 4 The daughter is embarrassing / embarrassed. 5. The dog is annoying / annoyed. 6 The people are frightening / frightene 7 ‘The boy is surprising / surprised. 8 The race is exciting / excited 9 The man is tiring / tired. 10. The map is confusing / confused, Focus on get 1 Match the uses of get (a-e) with the exam, Some uses of get a) get + adjective = become ) phrasal verbs with get ©). get-+ noun = buy, obtain d) get = arrive ‘e) Expressions with get + past participle d. ples (1-5). Examples 1 Did you get my text message? I got my new shoes in the sale. She's trying to get a new job. = 2. Itdoesn’t get dark till 10.00 p.m. in the summer He's getting better at English. This room never gets warm e nagh. 3 What time do you get to work? I got home very late last night. We'll never get there in time 4 Where can I get changed? They got married in a hotel. always have breakfast before I get dressed. 5 He never gets up before 10.00 a.m. We don’t get on with our neighbours The whole family gets together at Christmas. Use a dictionary. Find and write your own example sentence for each use of get, Love » Review A 4 Complete the conversation with lot, many or much. Chris: How (1) many people live in your town? Rob: Not (2)__. Around 20,000, maybe. Grammar Chris: And is there @)__ traffic? Rob: Yeah! Too (4) {The streets are always 1 Complete the questions with the correct auxiliaries fall of cars. What about your city? and name the tenses. Chris: There are a (5) ‘of people ~ around ] a million but there isn't (6) _ traffic. We've got good public transport. am/is/are do/does did _have/has 7 Rob: How (7)__ cinemas do you have? a) Have you been to Oslo? Present perfect Chris: We have a (8) __. Maybe forty or fifty: You? b) you like jazz? Rob: Wow! We don‘thave (9) _. Only three, ©) Where ___ you go on holiday last year? in fact. ) Where you going to go on holiday this year? Chris: So what else ean you do in the evenings? ¢) Where you living at the moment? Rob: We go to the pub. If a small town, but there 9 you seen the Pyramids? are a(10)___of pubs. 8) What ___ you do for a living? ape” 5 Write one verb in the past simple and the other in Ask and answer the questions with a partner. the past continuous for each sentence. * a) L(vork) twas working in Oxford when I (meet) met 2 Complete the sentences with look(s) or look(s) like. "Thay er gee ee ie Tibor Lis oy atm b) Ie (rain) when Sara (arrive) home. ) Mydad young for his age. ‘We (have) lunch when you (ring) 9 1___English ) You (chat) when I (come)____in. 4) 1a famous person ©) Joe (cook) when he (cut) his finger. ©) 1a student. 1) Dave and Becky (watch) __ TV when the baby: 1) Mymum friendly. eke mien SRS epee Ee for Soe cpr 6 Change the adjectives in the box into adverbs and Lia use them to complete the sentences. 3 Underline the correct words, careful’ early good quiet | a) Twash my car regularly ~ every Saturday. b)_Idon’t cook very _—everyone hates my food! ©) Tusually speak very ~ no-one ean hear me! 4) always get up at 6.00 asm. ©) Ido my work Inever make mistakes! Tick the sentences that are true for you. Compare with your partner. 7 Spot the mistake! Cross out the incorrect sentence. 1a) 1b) What does your name mean? 2 a) Did they been to Venice? b) Have they been to Venice? 3a) What was the weather like in Greece? b) How was the weather like in Greece? Rome is (1) sucha / so lovely city, isn it? I don't like it. I's @) too f very hot for me. i: The weather’s perfect. I's really (3) too / very nice. 4a) We eat far too much chocolat. But he sees are (@lcainn coe b) We eat far too many chocolate. i Yes, but it’s (5) such a / so wonderful experience. 5 a) You eat your food very slowly Well, I'm not enjoying it. Is (6) too / very noisy! b) You eat very slowly your food Jo, don’t be (7) such a s0 boring. We're ina eta ie They eed reneh Seer (8) too / very beautiful place. Come on, smile. b) They speak French very well. . a Vocabulary 1. Complete the text about Simon and his family with the words in the box. half-sister nephew niece stepfather stepmother uncle | Pees daughter half-brother “Hi, I'm Simon, and this is my family. My dad, Pete, and my mum, Lisa, are divorced. Dad is single, but Mum remarried. Her husband — my (1) stepftler ~ is called Sam, Mum and Sam have two children, Jack and ‘Cathy ~ my (2)__and my (3)_. Sam and his ‘excwife, Eva, have a (4)___, Debra, My mum is Debra’s (5) My sister's name is Ann. She's married to Ted — (6) my They have two children. Beaismy (7) and Harry is my (8)___, and, ‘of course, I'm their favourite (9) ‘They're lovely children’ 2 Match the two halves of the questions about names. a) What are your 1 maiden name? b) What do your friends ~~—-2 initials? ©) What name do you 3. name you after? )_ Who did your parents 4 Tike best? €) What's your mother’s 5 call you? Answer the questions. Work with a partner and ‘compare your answers. 3. Complete the names of places you might find in acity. a) art gallery by Ser b) br_dg_ 2) Lbroy od cn h) m_s__om @) cor pik i) pak ) cst j) sh_pp_ng c_ntr_ 4 Write an adjective from the box next to each definition. beautiful crowded dull expensive polluted romantic spectacular a) full of people crowded) costs a lot of money b) too much smoke/traffie ) very good-looking not interesting 8g) dramatic and exciting d) ideal for lovers, 5 Write the nationality in the correct column, Brazil Canada China Egypt Hungary aly Japan Morocco Portugal Vietnam Brazilian -ese Chinese 6 Look at the map of Australia and write sentences about the places using the words in the box. | centre east nerth north-east south. | south-east south-west Darain isin the north. Cares is in 7 Match the two halves of the phrases that describe stages of a relationship. a) chat —__ 1 inlove b) go 2. somebody up ©) fall 3° children a) move 4 in together ©) get 5 up ) have 6 out together 8) split 7 married Pronunciation 1 Look at some words from Units 1-3. Say the words and add them to the table. beautiful cathedral Chinese | annoyed chocolate cousin dessert Egyptian extremely granddaughter perfume surprised together Turkish uniform vegetables 2 Underline the stressed syllable in each word. © 1.26 Listen, check and repeat. Reading & Listening 2 Read the descriptions again, Are these statements true or false? Correct the false sentences. 1 1.27 Read the descriptions of two friendships a) Lizand Deb live ten miles from each other. True. and answer the questions. b) Liz and Deb didn't like each other at first. 8). How did these best friends meet? )_ Liz is wery different from Deb. se reas er tae Teelsee cath oct ) Liz likes Deb because she's generous and fun. ©) Woody and Paul were always very good students at school £) Woody and Paul were both punks when they were teenagers. 8) Paul thinks Woody is the same now as twenty years ago. 3. 41.28 Listen to the conversation between Carol and Jessica. What nationality is Mark? “My bestfriend is Deb Evans, We met on an {ntemet chat site in 2003. We both liked chatting ‘about music and fashion, and then we discovered that we live only ten miles from each other. We talked online all the time, and one day we arranged to meetin a café. | fet really nervous, because I'm shy with new people, but we liked each other immediately. We are very similar, We both lived abroad when we were children, and we both had parents who got divorced when we were young. We both have busy lives, but we still talk every day on the phone and we see each other once ‘a week. | think Deb's a fantastic person. She's very generous and alot of fun. 'm so happy | met her! Paul Macintyre: 15 James Wood s my best rend We met at primary Listen again and underline the correct information, School is real name is ames, but everybody a ———— | als him Woody’ He sa behind me in class, We were both very neughty at school and we got into trouble a et When we were teenagers we didnt 2 spend much time with each ther Woody was a punk, and ted rock muse Then afer schoo vent to urivesity,ané we at see eachother . for four yeas. Bu ater that, I moved back to our home town and met Woody again. Now we see weancery aires" 2 eachother every month atthe pub. He's just the | Things they really like doing together: same as twenty years ago. (4) Windsurfing / Scuba diving He made me laugh then, and he makes me laugh now. Jessica's boyfriend: Mark ‘+ Where Jessica and Mark met: (1) At school / At university. + When they met: (2) Five years ago / Ten years ago. First impressio (@) She didn’t like him. / She thought he 4 Listen again and answer the questions, a) What did Jessica and Mark do at the beach? b) Where did Mark go after university? ©) Why did they go to Egypt? 4) Has Jessica been to the USA? ) When did Mark come back to England? £) Where are Jessica and Mark going to travel to next? oo b) Where and when did you meet him/her? ©) What was your first impression of him/her? d)_ What do you like about him/her? &) What do you like doing together? secondary school ~ Ist day Adriana Costa theatre, museums, shopping she knew everybody nauna Match the parts of the text below to the questions (ae) in Exercise 1. We met on the fist day of secondary school, | was very shy, and I felt nervous on my first day. We are very diferent. 'm quite serious. But Adriana is a very relaxed person, and she's a really good listener. And she's the funniest person I've ever met. We laugh all the time. @ | My bestfriend is Adriana Costa \We do everything together! We both like the theatre and art We visit museums and we love shopping! ‘Adriana knew everybody, and everybody liked her. | liked her too, but | thought she was too cool, and | was too shy. But she. stil iked met | was sitting alone in the classroom when she sat down next to me. She was vety kind to me, and we became good friends. 3 How did you meet your best friend? Write answers in note form to the questions in Exercise 1. 4. Tell your partner about how you met your best friend. Writing & Speaking 1. Work with a partner. Match the questions (a-e) with the answers in note form (1-5). a) What's your best friend’s name? 3 relaxed, qood listener, funny 2 4 5 Write about how you met your best friend. Give longer answers to the questions in Exercise 1. Ae | 1s 32 Shopping Grammar Adverbs of frequency. Verb patterns. Present simple and continuous Vocabulary Collocations: a bunch of ..., a box of ..., ete. Clothes and accessories Useful phrases In a clothes shop Speaking Work in small groups. Discuss the questions. a) When do you give presents? b) What's the best present you've ever given or received? ©) Which is easier: buying presents for men or buying, presents for women? Reading 1. Read this article and answer the questions. a) Did aman or woman write the article? 'b)_ Does he or she think men are good at choosing presents? ©) Does he or she think women are good at choosing presents? d) What do women and men really want for their birthday? Do you agree? What people really want for their birthday It was my bithday recently and as usual I didn't get what 1 ‘The big mistake that realy wanted. 1 UsUally get a bunch of flowers, a cookery women make is that they book, a box of chocolates and electronic gadgets. My 20 MSRALIE buy clothes. They buy family AIWAYS ask me what I want, and [[aWAYS tell them clothes because they ike them and they want other people the same thing ~ I want a surprise. So ths year I got to wear the clothes they like. “You alway wear dark flowers, a cookery book, chocolates and gadgets. colours, and I want to change you, 0 I'm going to buy you Flowers are lovely but they afl €¥@r last for more a brightly coloured tie or a pair of Mickey Mouse socks.” than a week, and a real present is something you can keep. 2 This is a big mistake. Men don't sual want brightly alway look for the diamond ring hidden in the flowers, coloured ties or silly socks. The word to remember when Dut is ever there you're buying a present for a male is gadgets. Men like Cookery books are boring, and I hate getting chocolates anything digital, elecronic and fun, because I'm SUA on a diet, For his last bithday, 1 gave my husband a small torch But gadgets are the worst. Most women are not 30 and a Swiss army knife, He was overjoyed. interested in gadgets. Men buy gadgets for women because 1's very simple. You can't go wrong if you fia! men love gadgets remember the J} word for women (that's! for jeweller) ‘But women are sensitive and intuitive so they aS) and the ‘G’ word for men, know the right thing to buy. Right? Wrong, 2. Rearrange the words below to make six statements from the article. a) A/ can / real / you / something | is / present / keep A real present is something you can keep. b) Cookery / boring / books / are ©) Most / in / are / interested / women / gadgets / not ) Women / and / intuitive / are / sensitive ©) Men / usually / brightly / coloured / want / don’t / ties ) Men / fun / anything / like / electronic / digital / and Do you agree with these statements? Discuss with a partner.

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