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CHAPTER 7 Ramp Generators and Integrators INTRODUCTION A simple ramp generator circuit can be constructed using @ capacitor charged via o resistonce, in conjunction with a discharge rensistor. To improve the romp output linearity, @ transistor constant current circuit con bbe employed. When the discharge is replaced by @ unijunction transistor, the circuit becomes a relaxation oscillator. The bootstrap ramp generator, which produces a closely linear romp, con be constructed using hansistor for an IC operational amplifier. An IC operational amplifier con alvo be ‘employed in a Miller integrator. 7-1 CR RAMP GENERATOR ‘The simplest ramp generator circuit is @ capacitor charged via a series resistance. A transistor must be comnected in parallel with the eapacitor to provide a discharge path, as shown in the citeuit of Figure 7-1(@). Capac r fovtre ouput £ Sm Pry Input (©) Vottge waveforms {or CR ramp geerston Output Yawn 4 aie FIOURE 7.1. CRromp generator cist ond vohoge waveforms 166 ‘Chop. 7 RAMP GENERATORS AND INTEGRATORS tor C; is charged [rom Voc via Ry. Q, is biased on via R, so the capacitor is normally in a discharged state, When a negative-going input pulse is ‘coupled by C; to Q, base, the transistor switches off. Then, C, begins to charge; this provides an approximate ramp output ntl the input pulse fends [see Figure 7-1(b)). At this point, Q, switches on again, and rapidly discharges the capacitor. ‘The output from a simple CR circuit is exponential rather than linear, For voltages very much less than the supply voliage, however, the output is ‘approximately linear. When the transistor is on, the capacitor is discharged 0 Vertag: Hence, Veriag is the starting level of the output ramp. Output amplitude control can be provided by making the charging resistance (R,) adjustable. Capacitor Cy, which couples the input pulse to the transistor base, should be selected as small as possible, both for minimum cost and smallest possible physical size. The minimum suitable size can be de- termined by allowing the base voltage of Qj; to rise during the input pulse time, as shown in Figure 7-1(b). The base Voltage starts approximately at 0.7 V when Q, is on. Then, Vp3 is pulled negative by the input pulse, but starts to rise again as C, is charged through Ry. To ensure that Q, is still off a the end of the pulse time, Vy should not rise above —0.5 V. This approach to coupling capacitor selection is outlined in See. 5-2. EXAMPLE 7-1 Design a simple CR ramp generator to give an output that peaks at 5 V. The supply voltage is 15 V, and the load to be connected at the output is 100 k@. The ramp is to be triggered by a negative-going pulse with an amplitude of 3 V, PW=1 ms, and the time interval between pulses is 0.1 ims. Take the transistor hpgiaiy 8850. solution ‘This circuit is shown in Figure 7-1(a). The maximum output current is Select the minimum capacitor charging current I,>>Tigmag- At peak output vr voltage, let Ly 100% I, =100x50pA=5 mA Veo=Vp er Isv—sv SFR T2R@ (use 2.2 kO standard value) ‘The voltages for capacitor C, are Initial voltage= 2,0 Final voltage=e,=5 V (Charging voltage E= Voc 15 V E-(E-E, Je [Equation (2-2)] ‘The discharge time for C is 0.1 ms, which is one-tenth of the charging time. For Q, to discharge Cin the specified time, 210% (C; charging current) I5V-0.7V T mA, 3k@ (use 128 standard value) v8 ‘Chop. 7 RAMP GENERATORS AND INTEGRATORS, For Q, to remain biased off at the end of the input pulse, let Vy= -05V. AV=V;-Vae~Va [See Figure 7-1(b)] =3V-0.7V—05V=18V ‘The charging current for C, is equal to the current through Ry when Q, is ff: _ 1SV-(-3) ET From Equation (2-7): LS mAX1 ms TaV 0.83 4F (use 1 pF standard value) 7-2, CONSTANT CURRENT RAMP GENERATORS 7-2.1 Bipolar Transistor Constant Current Circuits ‘The major disadvantage of the single CR ramp generator is its nonlinear- . To produce a linear ramp, the capacitor charging current must be held constant. This can be achieved by replacing the charging resistance with a constant current circuit AA basic transistor constant current circuit is shown in Figure 7-2(a). ‘The potential divider (Rand R,) provides a fixed voltage Vat the base of pp transistor Q,. The voltage across the emitler resistor Ry retuains constant at (¥,—Vyg). Thus, the emitter current is also constant: Zy=(V =Vag)/Ra. Since Tey, the collector current remains constant. Figure 7-205) shows an arrangement that allows the level of constant current 10 be adjusted. R, provides adjustment of Vy. Since Vy=(Vq—Vap), ¥5 als is adjustable by Rg, and Ip can be set to any desized level over & range ‘dependent upon Re. Figure 7.2(@) shows a ramp generator that employs the constant current creut, Note that because Ze of is «constant charging current ‘Sec. 7-2. CONSTANT CURRENT RAMP GENERATORS, 169 (4) Constant curent circuit (©) Adjstabt constant cure scale FHOURE 7.2. Trontitor Raed end adjunabeconson caret cre, for C4; the capacitor voltage Vo grows linearly. The simpler capacitor- charging equation, Equation (2-, may now be used for C, ealeulations, ‘The circuit of Figure 73a) functions like the simple CR ramp generator, ‘with R, replaced by the constant current circuit, ‘The output voltage from the constant current ramp generator remain linear only if a sufficient voltage is maintained across Q, for it to operate in the active region of its characteristics. If Qy teaches saturation, the ‘output stops at a constant level. Therefore, Ver2 should not fall below about 3 V. Because of this and the constant vollage V, acrose resistor Re, the maximum ramp output voltage obtainable from the cireuit of Figure 73 is approximately Vo= Vcc ¥y~3 V. In the circuit of Figure 7-3(6) the input pulse is directly connected to the base of transistor Q,. When the input is at ground level, 0, is off and capacitor Cy charges vin 3. When a positive input is applied, Q, is switched on and C; is rapidly discharged. Q, remains on during the positive input pulse; thus C, is held in a discharged condition, and the ramp Senerator output voltage remains at the Veryay Of Oy EXAMPLE 7-2 a Using a constant current circuit, modify the ramp generator designed in Example 7-1 to produce a liness ramp output. (2) Constant cument ramp generator with capaitorcouped input -— fee Ry & 2 (6) Constant current ramp generator wth acct coupled np FIGURE7-3. Conon caren! rmp generators Sec. 7-2 CONSTANT CURRENT RAMP GENERATORS, m solution Refer to the circuit of Figure 7-34. Vocmany=5 V V+ Ves=Voc-5 V=10V Let Vers™3 V, minimum then W=10V-3V=7V To maintain a constant level of Ty (and J), the voltage across Ry should ‘be several times larger than the base emitter voltage V5. This ensures that changes in Vz, do not significantly affect 1, a w For Cy=1 xF, V=5 V, and =i ms, tot xs Vas mA 4k (use 1.2 kA standard value) mAXI.2KQ =6v Vim Vat Veg V40.7 V =67V ¥; must be a stable bias voltage unaffected by J_,. Make J,=tg=5 mA. R= 61 3mA = 1340 (use 1.2.k0 standard value) Redesign the circuit of Example 7-2 to make the ramp amplitude adjuste- ble from 3 V to 5 V. ‘The circuit modification is shown in Figure 7-2(b). The charging current, with AV=3 V, is For AV=5V, For I=3 mA, Ip~3 mA and Vom fpxRy=} MAXI IED sv WinVitVs, =43v 6Y+0.7 (At this point, the moving contact on the potentiometer is at the upper end) Sec.7-2_ CONSTANT CURRENT RAMP GENERATORS, vw For R)=12 ko, For J=3 mA, VymSmAX12k0 v and v6.7 (At this point the potentiometer moving contact is at the lower end.) Wye VitVe V6.1 V-3.6V3.1¥ and Voom Va- Ma =15V-43 V-3.6V env (use 2.2 kM standard value) m4 ‘Chop. 7 RAMP GENERATORS AND INTEGRATORS, 7-22 FET Constant Current Circuits A field effect transistor with a single source resistance can function as a constant current circuit. A p-channel FET is shown in Figure 7-4(a) with « resistor connected between the source terminal and Voc. With the gate terminal also connected to Vac, the gate-source voltage is the voltage drop, across Rs, Which is [ys oF Ip Rg. Referring to the FET transconductance characteristics in Figure 7-4(b), the desired drain/source current (/,) ean be selected and the corresponding gate-source voltage (V5) determined as illustrated. Then, Yas Ts cy This approach is saistactory only when the transconductance char= acteristic forthe particular FET has been plotted. For any given FET type, there are two possible extreme characteristics as shown in Figure 7A), ‘These occur because of the spread in values of dhain-source saturation current Upssimuy 224 Fosse h 4 pinchoffcoltage ray 204 Fray) In this case tis necessary To draw a Bas fine for each posible valve of source resistance, This is done simply by using Equation (7-1) to determine two convenient corresponding valuer of Ip and Voq: When Ves h Vgs/Rg=0 Plot point A on Figure 7-4(¢) at Vos: ‘When V,5=6 V and R,=3.3 KO, Ip=6V/33k0=18 mA and Jp: Plot point # on Figure 7-4(c) at Vgg=6 V and [p= 1.8 mA. Draw the bias line through points a and B. The maximum and minimum source current levels that can flow are now shown at the intersections of the bias lines and the characteristics, When it is desired to set Ig to a precise level Rg must be made adjustable. ‘One important caution that must be observed when using a FET ‘constant current circuit is that the drain-source voltage Ving must not be allowed to fall below the maximum value of pinch-off voltage Vejaay Just as a bipolar transistor cannot be expected to function linearly if its collector-base voltage approaches the saturation level, so too a FET will not function correctly in a Hinear circuit if ite drain-source voltage falls below the pinch-off level. a rr et a] jt ‘|? ro] (2) FET constant coment cet covewa=ai ° lao Tas (©) PET tansconductane characteristics (¢) FET meximum and minimum leansoondctancecharctsntcs OURE7-4, FET contont eurant eit nd Womconcitene coro. 1% ‘Chop. 7 RAMP GENERATORS AND INTEGRATORS, A constant current diode (ot field effect diode) is essentially a FET and a resistor connected as illustrated in Figure 7-4(a), and contained in a single package. These devices can be purchased with various constant current levels 7-3, UST RELAXATION OSCILLATORS 7-3.1 The Unijunction Transistor ‘The basic construction of a unijunction transistor (UFT) and its equivalent circuit are shown in Figure 7-5. The device can be thought of asa bar of lightly doped mtype silicon with a small piece of heavily doped p-type Joined to one side [sce Figure 7-5(a)]. The p-type is named the emitter, while the two end terminals of the bar are designated bases 1 and 2 (B, and B,), as shown. In the equivalent circuit of Figure 7-5(b), the silicon bar is represented as two resistors, rg and rp, while the pr junction formed by the emitter and the bar is represented by-a diode. (0) Equivalent citait FIOUREY.3. Roi constuction and equivalent el a unoncion enor, Sec. 7-9 UIT RELAXATION OSGLLATORS 7 The ratio, ru/(rm-rq) is termed the intrinsic standoff ratio of the UT, and is desigaatedm. Thus the voltage cross ry lt ven by "=" — Fn Yao (7) ‘The pn junction becomes forward-biased ata peak volage, Ve Vz =¥+ Vy, When this peak is reached, the flow of charg carios irae aus its resistance to fall Thus, a capacitor connected across E and 1s rapidly dstharged, The flow of current into the emitter teminal continues uni Vy falls to the enter sotwation eoltage Venger, at hich time the device switches of. “Two more important parameters for the UST are peak point curren Ip and the valley point current ly. The peak point curtent is the inizimurs emitter current that most flow for the UIT to switch on or fre. This furrentoocurs when Vis atthe fring vollage, that i, at peak poiat Pr ‘The valley point current isthe emitter current that flows when Vir at te emitter saturation voltae, Fzziay 7-32 UST Relaxation Oscillator ‘A unijunction transistor can be used in conjunction with a capacitor and a charging circuit, to construct an oscillator with an approximate rammp-type ‘output, Figure 7-6(a) shows the simplest form of such a circuit, which is called @ UIT relaxation oscitator. The UST remains off until is emiter voltage Vea: approaches the firing voltage V for the particular deviee. At this point, the UIT switches on and a large emitter current J, flows. This ‘causes capacitor C, to discharge rapidly. When the capacitor voltage falls to the emilter saturation level, the UST switches off, allowing C; to begin to charge again, The frequency of a relaxation oscillator can be made variable by switched selection of capacitors and/or by adjustment of the charging resistance [see Figure 7-6(b)}. The resistance 2, in series with UIT ferminal 2, allows synchronizing input pulses to be applied. When an input pulse pulls &, negative, Vg, is increased to the level at which the ‘UIT fires. Once the UIT fies it will not switch off again until the capacitor is discharged. (Chap. 7 RAMP GENERATORS AND INTEGRATORS, LM Fesivuny T - Syachronisng pubes (0) Vasile requeney UIT el FIOURE 7-6. tose UIT relaxation oxlitar and vorabl equency cc, In the design of « UIT relaxation oscillator, the charging resistance R ‘aust be selected between certain upper and lower limits, Resistance Ri ‘aust not be so large that the emitter current is less than the peal roint current when Vzq; is at the firing voltage: otherwise, the device may not switch on. If R, is very small, then when Vzpy is at the emitter saturation fevel, a current greater than the valley point current See.7-9 UIT RELAXATION OSCLLATORS 7 ‘emitter terminal. In this ease, the UIT may not switeh off. Thus, for correct UST operation, Ry must be selected between two limits that allow the emitter current to be a minimum of fp and a maximum of I,, The UIT oscillator circuits shown ‘in Figures 7-6) and’ (b) will produce exponential output waveforms because the capacitors are charged. by resistances. Constant current circuits could be used here to generic linear ramp output waveforms ANU 76) ‘The circuit of Figure 7-6(a) is to use a 2N3980 UFT. The supply voltage Vay is 20 V, and output frequency is to be 5 kHz. Design a suitable circlt, and caleulate the output amplitude. sotlon Capacitor Cy charges from Vegan to the fring voliage, Vp—V-+nVqy. The data sheet for the 2N3986" (Appendix I-12) gives the follow specifications: Veaey=3V maximum, T=2pA, 1, and 90.68 10 0.82 0.75 average. ¥,=0.7+(0.75%20V) <5 Supply voltage=Vg=20 V E,= Initial charge= Ven Now, to select R, _20V-15.1 TRA 180 (Chop. 7 RAMP GENERATORS AND INTEGRATORS. Tima ‘So R; must be in the range 17 k@ to 2.15 MQ. If R, is very large, C, must be a very small capacitor. Let R, have a value of 22k! then fom atsion 22) phe

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