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Blog Task #1: Chapters 1-2 of

I Am Malala
Vocabulary Terms
Define the following terms. In your definition, it may also help to make reference to how
these terms apply to Malalas memoir.
ISI, It is a trade and economic policy which replacing foreign imports with domestic
Pashtun, They are a group of people who live in northwestern of Pakistan and
Southeastern of Afghanistan.
Islamist,It has a meaning, community
Imam, it is highest position in the religion muslim
Maulanas: It is a word of choice which refer to muslim scholar that are respected.
Discussion Questions
Answer the following set of questions. Pay attention to the keywords
in the question stem to plan your answer, and to the grading indications of each to
ensure you are meeting the requirements.

1. In these first two chapters, Malala provides a lot of information about her cultural,
sociological and religious background. Identify five aspects about Malalas culture that
stand out to you, using textual evidence from the novel. Briefly comment on how
Malalas life is different than yours.( /5 K /2 I /1 C)
Ans :
- First aspect i had discovered in these first two chapter were consist of Gender
inequality according to the page 13 (PDF) For most Pashtuns its a gloomy day
when a daughter is born this explain how much gap between male and female
playing a role in her birthplace. They think male would become more useful than
female in any role of work and for the future of their family, because when they
grown up female usually get married and need to go live with their husband
family, which mean those female would have no time to take care their own
parents, but it is difference in the position of male. Second aspect is Education
which made inequality in role of education according to the passage I was
speaking up for my right as a Muslim woman to be able to go to school. Third
aspect I had discovered was Different in religion mind trust this topic would be a
national topic to rise such a big problem like the crusade war for the Europe, but
in the situation Malala met herself was the topic Should girl go to school?.
Fourth aspect I had discovered was simply Terrorist, why in her birthplace
have terrorist? It simply because those who made terrorist are not agreeing in the
point where people allow female to go have education, those terrorist have an
idea of female is just a property for men to own, they dont have right to fight
toward their husband. The last aspect I had learned about was The privilege for

male according to the passage My mother had been waiting for a son and could
not hide her joy when he was born. To me he seemed very thin and small, like a
reed that could snap in the wind, but he was the apple of her eye, her ladla. It
seemed to me that his every wish was her command. (pg.16). According to the
Malala life, her life so much different from me, and I want to accept that I couldnt
understand how hard life she had met since she was born. The reason is
because I am a man and I live in Thailand, peaceful and wonderful country, and
my family have enough money to support me to learn and also in our country are
free in everything's; whether education, or religion.

2. Malala mentions the five pillars of Islamic faith. What are the five pillars? What is
significant about the sixth pillar ?( /2 K /1 I /1 C)
Ans: The five pillars consist of Shahadah: sincerely reciting the Muslim profession of
faith. Salat: performing ritual prayers in the proper way five times each day. Zakat:
paying an alms tax to benefit the poor and the needy. Sawm: fasting during the month
of Ramadan, and Hajj: respect to Mecca.
The significant about sixth pillar is doing something good and staying away from the
3. Malala provides a brief history of Pakistans relationship with the United States.
When did the relationship change, and why?( /2 K /2 I /1 C)
Ans: When Malala father was young, age around 8, a general Zia ul-Haq, take over the
Pakistan and executed the old prime minister, because of this event, US predict that
general Zia would be a dictator leader and design to not send anymore support to help
Pakistan. In 1979, Russia start to invasion the Afghanistan, many of Afghanistan people
fled into the Pakistan, a person who allowed that to happened was indeed a general
Zia. In the end because of the Russian action made U.S. and Pakistan became join in
together to fight against the Russia. This would be thank to the Russian action, if Russia
not starting their invasion, both U.S. and Pakistan relationship wont became friend once
again. (Summary from passage pg.23). According to the thing I know about U.S., they
are a country in the world who represent as a Freedom Country and they dislike the
dictator, it made U.S. ruin the relationship between U.S. and Pakistan after Zia took
control of the country, but later since they realize that Zia was not that cruel dictator, he
even allow the people from Afghanistan to enter Pakistan this is not the action who is
dictator allowed to happened, so U.S. try to remake the relationship they had ruin by

4. Malala shares plenty of information about her fathers early life. Briefly summarize
Jehan Sher Khan Yousafzais upbringing.( /4 K /1 C)
Ans: He is an educated, articulate and charismatic. A man who teach her daughter the
freedom, education and gender equality. When he was young Ziauddin is afflicted with
a nervous stutter. He also a person who encourage people to believe in islam.

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