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by Jim Webster
DiskEditor is a full function disk editor that supports (A) graphics or
non-graphics printing of all data displayed onto the screen (B) a DOS shell
(C) Directory: displaying, viewing, and editing, (D) On-Line Help, and
(E) Mouse support. Pressing the F1 function key or pressing both mouse
buttons (at the same time) will pop-up the main help screen. I hereby proclaim, being of unsound mind and body, this program a freebie. Enjoy!
Please send any suggestions or correspondences to the address shown below.

DE [drive:] [/f /p /mo /ml /mn /ms /h /?]

drive = Requested drive to view. If other than the default drive.

f = Program generated formfeeds during full sector print-outs.
Use ONLY w/ a laser printer or w/ continious feed paper!
p = Supports printing of additional extended characters 128-159.
mo = Disable initialization of the mouse driver.
ml = Disable light pen emulation.
mn = Set mouse cursor at normal speed. Default is double-speed.
ms = Set mouse cursor at half-speed.
? or h = This help screen.
DiskEditor by: James R. Webster 113 Riverview Dr Lafollette, TN 37766
---------------------------------------------------------------------------Errorlevels returned by this program are:


No errors.
Syntax requested or needed.
The drive you requested to view does not exist.
Invalid character entered. Must be letters A-Z or a-z.
Cannot find DEHELP.BIN!
Not enough free memory. Requires a minimum of 256k free.
Mouse driver does not recognize the installed mouse. Use /MO.
Sector size exceeds 4096 bytes.
Cluster size exceeds 128 sectors.


Minimum/Maximum System Requirements:

------------------------------------Processor : 8088 XT minimum
: Monochrome minimum
Memory free : 256k minimum/384k maximum
DOS version : 2.xx through 7.xx
Bytes@Sector: 4096 maximum
Sectors@Cluster: 128 maximum
FAT type
: 12 or 16-bit only!
---------------------------------------------------------------------------This program is written entirely in MASM 5.1. Any suggestions ?
This program has been a pet project of mine since late 1988 or
early 1989 (I forget). Causing me to dig through whatever technical books
and magazines I can get my hands on in order to keep abreast of the latest
disk hardware specifications and the newest DOS function calls. This all
started from Peter Norton and John Socha's book "Peter Norton's Assembly
Language Book for the IBM PC." In the process of learning assembler, you
wrote a disk editor program called DSKPATCH. So, if the interface looks
familiar, DSKPATCH was the basis. Originally my extended version was called
ED (for EDITDISK) until Norton Utilities came out with a program of the
same name.
This program is only designed to read disks with 12 or 16-bit FATs!
Please do not attempt to edit DEHELP.BIN! As long as you run DE while
logged into the directory of DE.EXE and DEHELP.BIN or their directory is in
your PATH statement, DE will be able to locate DEHELP.BIN. As a side note,
DEHELP.BIN is created by another program that I wrote called DAT2BIN.EXE.
It is available from ZDNET (DAT2BIN.ZIP), and includes TESTD2B.EXE, plus
TESTD2B2.EXE with complete source code that shows how to take advantage of
a binary file to hold messages, pop-up help screens, etc.
The program will now read large drives and files. I have completely
redone the code and the interface! To anyone that downloaded v2.4 from
ZDNET and found the program buggy and limited, this corrects all of that.
I had uploaded DE just to see what kind of response I would get and it was
simply overwhelming. If anything, that motivated me to at least make DE
stable and useable for the multitude of PC platforms.
Also added <Ctrl-F6> TestCF, which allows you to load and run a sector
(cluster) read test on just that file. Whereas <Ctrl-F7> FilTest performs a
sector (cluster) read test on ALL directories and files.
Also added a display of the current cluster number(s) being tested, via
<Ctrl-F6> TestCF, <Ctrl-F7> FilTest, and <Alt-F7> SecTest. That way you'll
know that that particular session IS actually doing something.
Also increased the maximum sector size to 4096 bytes. Had intended to
make this 8192 bytes, but the compiler wouldn't allow it. Will need to work
out a solution (or overcoding compromise) for this.

The program contains an Unerase (with extended features), several

FAT related routines that report different types of information, testing of
all disk sectors (and MUCH faster than v2.4, discovered a bug), testing of
all clusters related to all files on the disk with the option of relocating
the file data that is in any bad clusters to a safe area of the disk (and
updating the FAT(s) accordingly), reporting and viewing cross-linked files
(will locate and view only at present, have not finished coding the rest),
changing a files size, date, time, and attributes, multiple pop-up help
screens and printer options, and recognizing long filenames.
To be added or enhanced are greater than a 4096 byte sector size,
completeing the cross-linked files routine, adding a hook to INT 24h for
when an empty drive bay is requested (the default DOS handler temporarily
takes control of the program and displays:
Not ready reading drive x <---- A or B or whatever
Abort, Retry, Fail? (DOS v3.2- = Abort, Retry, Ignore?)
The only safe route then is to press "F", "I", or insert a disk and press "R".
ABORT will crash the program, leaving you with no command line cursor and
a useless active mouse cursor.), adding the capability to view and edit the
MBR (Master Boot Record), and someday a defrager.
In v2.4's DOC file, I mentioned adding the capability to read from and
write to CD drives. Have since discovered that that would be unfeasable.
Because a CD's structure is completely different than a magnetic disk, I
would be better off writing an independent CD editor. No promises on this.


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