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Legend for CAS Check notes for c/o 2017

Use this legend to match the notes left on your portfolio to see what needs to be
updated/edited/added as you approach the final stretch of IB and CAS.
Learner Outcome (LO) related
1A: Your Portfolio does not have enough quality representation for one or more LOs.
- You must have at least two Experiences with substantive evidence/inclusion for
each LO.
1B: You have incorrectly used COLLABORATION in a proposal and/or evidence
- Remember, if you are doing something in a "teacher-student"/"instructor-learner"
model, you are most likely NOT doing COLLABORATION for CAS.
- You must have that mutual exchange of thoughts, ideas, and opinions towards a
common goal for there to be CAS COLLABORATION.
1C: You have incorrectly used PLANNING & INITIATIVE in a proposal and/or evidence
- You have to do more than organize a schedule or decide when to fit your Experience
into you schedule for PLANNING to be applicable, and you must demonstrate this clearly
in your explanation/evidence.
Proposal Related
2A: You do not have all of the pieces needed for your description.
- What is the experience overall describe it
- When will you be doing it (relative frequency and duration)
- WHY are you doing it this needs to be a personal reason and is not the same as your
Personal Goal
- If youve done the experience in the past
o What is your previous experience, if any
o How will this engagement be different than the past involvement
- HOW will you be doing this experience especially important if you are learning a new
2B: You do not have a workable Measurable Goal.
- Needs to be concrete and overall; something premised on week-to-week or month-tomonth will not suffice
o A goal that is related to just *doing* the experience is not a Measureable Goal
2C: You do not have a workable Personal Goal.
- Your Personal Goal needs to be what YOU want to get out of your involvement and not
what someone else, or an organization, will get out of it
2D: You have included the Service Strand but you do not explain your Learning Benefit
- Must demonstrate that you are doing more than simple volunteerism (common in
2E: You do not explain all of your LOs
- One/some/all listed LOs are either missing or incomplete, or incorrectly/insufficiently
discussed for inclusion
2F: You have extended your Experience but dont have the update properly completed
- Beneath the original proposal add: "UPDATE GOAL (date): My new goal is (insert goal)
and I plan to meet the new goal by (insert general/specific plan). Then, leave a note on
your Main page that youve done so

2G: Youve labeled this as your CAS Project but dont have each necessary part for a CAS
- 1) Service is included, 2) COLLABORATION, 3) PLANNING of a substantive level, 4) at
least 6 weeks in duration
2H: You have listed Creativity as part of a directly Activity Experience without sufficient
- If youre forcing Creativity, it is likely not really there. It should be genuine and organic
to be included
Evidence Related
3A: You do not have your necessary minimum two pieces of evidence necessary for each
3B: This is a Self-Monitored Experience (SME) and you do not have a workable log to
demonstrate your involvement
3C: You are doing Cooking and dont have at least 3 pictures as needed for each time you
- 1) Pre-cooking, 2) During cooking, 3) Post-cooking final product
3D: You dont have a written reflection for your Project each month
3E: Your written reflection for your Project is underdeveloped, as it does not include
one/more of the following:
A) Evidence/examples of direct PLANNING and/or COLLABORATION
B) Talk about progress towards your Goal(s)/Event, and/or
C) Discussion of Ethical Consideration or Global Implications (where applicable)
3F: Your Caption information is incorrect and/or incomplete/cut-of
- Captions need: A) the date the photo was taken, B) info about your involvement that
is more than what we can already see in the photo- growth/goals/LOs/misc.
** Remember, using the Photo Journal Log will allow you to add information easily and
not worry about having captions getting cut of. **
3G: You have a file/clip/misc. evidence without an accompanying journal/reflection to
frame/explain it
3H: Your on break Experience is posted incorrectly
- You must: A) edit title to include ON BREAK; B) Provide why it went on break, with
short piece on MG/PG if it was the end of season/year/etc.; C) Post a reflection when it
comes of break as to why its resumed
Concluding an Experience Related
4A: You have an incomplete Final Reflectionat least one of the following parts are not
discussed clearly/directly.
- Need to Remarks on success/failure regarding progress of your MG and PG and why.
- What you learned with the Experience
- The high and low points of the Experience
- Obstacles you faced and how you overcame them- or not.
- What could you have done diferently?
4B: You dont have complete/sufficient CAS Questions responses
4C: You have not edited the title to include COMPLETED
4D: You have not Submitted your Experience for Review
4E: Your Supervisor contact information/email isnt correct and needs to be fixed then
resubmit for Review

Supervisors are always your current Academic Advisor unless there is another
faculty member who is your direct supervisor
4F: Your end date is not correct. You need to edit it to reflect accurately when this concluded.
Overall CAS Related
5A: You have deficiency in Activity and need to add more to your Portfolio to finish
5B: You have gaps in your Portfolio: either time without any evidence of CAS Involvement
or periods with only one active Strand
5C: You do not have enough Creativity in your Portfolio and need to add more to finish
5P: You have no Project approved on your Portfolio yet
5S: Your Service Strand is insufficient; you need to add more Service to your Portfolio to
successfully complete CAS

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