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York University Faculty of Education

ED3 Practicum Interim Report

Concurrent and Part-Time Consecutive Program
Teacher Candidate Name:

Valerie Wilson

Mentor Teacher Name:

Vicky Mercier



Mentor Teacher Signature: ___________________________________


General Crerar Public School




Date: December 4, 2016

Toronto District School Board

A. Creating the Environment for Learning Engagements

(Comments on: A.1. Materials, A.2. Classroom Organization, A.3. Affective Climate)

Valerie successfully planned and implemented instructional plans for Core French. She organizes and creates
useful and inclusive visual and print materials, such as anchor charts, graphic vocabulary lists and powerpoint
presentations, as a focal point of her lessons to engage and assist all learners. She eagerly collaborated with
her mentor teacher to incorporate various instructional strategies including whole class direct instruction,
teacher modeling and cooperative small group learning. She uses the physical settings and tech materials of
the classroom effectively (e.g., table groups, dyads, chart paper, doc cam, computer and projector) to organize
her lessons.
Valerie helped to create a safe and caring environment by treating all students fairly and with respect. She
willingly assisted all students by moving around the room, offering helpful suggestions, redirection and
encouragement. She incorporates inclusive strategies in her practice by providing extra processing time and
being aware of equal gender opportunities when calling on students. Valerie is consistent in setting behavioral
expectations for students and takes into account student differences when she is teaching, addressing
situations in a fair and firm manner, carrying out the rules and routines of her host classroom.
B. Classroom Discourse
(Comments on: B.1. Teacher Talk, B.2. Student Talk)

Valerie consistently maintains the target language of French in the classroom and is able to use the techniques
modeled by her mentor teacher, such as the sandwich strategy, to introduce new vocabulary in context. She
uses effective questioning techniques and other discourse strategies such as repetition, paraphrasing and
pared down language in Core French to help all students understand. She is conscientious about how she
speaks to students in regards to race, class and gender and promotes student voice during whole class and
group discussions. Valerie incorporates accountable talk strategies such as pair and group work in her
lessons. She models a respectful and patient tone of voice which fosters a safe environment for risk-taking
especially in a Core French classroom.

C. Individual Learning Engagements

(Comments on: C.1. Curricular Content, C.2. Initiating, C.3. Sustaining, C.4. Culminating/Closing, C.5. Assessing)

Valerie demonstrated knowledge of the content of Core French in discussion with her mentor teacher and by
creating lesson plans based on curriculum expectations. She u
nderstands the importance of a well-planned
lesson, providing clear instructions and creating useful anchor charts to support student learning. She regularly
asked questions and discussed how to organize and plan her lessons with clear learning goals and with

assessment in mind. Valerie always shared the learning goals (identifying a reasonable number of concepts at
a time) and assessment tools (e.g., peer evaluation, reflections) in student-friendly language.
She quickly understood and was attentive to how much she could teach in a 40-minute period. Valerie
structured her lessons within a practical framework that consisted of an opening routine, whole class
instruction, group or pair activity and closing routine to successfully initiate, sustain and culminate the learning.
D. Learning Engagements within Units
(Comments on: D.1. Content)

Valerie demonstrated knowledge of the Core French curriculum in discussions and successfully developed and
built on lesson plans from two units, Comment y aller and Original et Gnial, modifying lessons and making
decisions based on the needs of diverse learners. She used a variety of teaching strategies such as direct
instruction, cooperative learning and teacher modeling. Valerie differentiated the content and process of the
learning for her students by presenting concepts in both auditory and visual ways and by providing additional
time and support for struggling learners. She organized assessment for learning (e.g., whole class
brainstorming session), assessment as learning (e.g., timely, oral feedback) and assessment of learning (e.g.,
anecdotal records).

E. Professionalism
(Comments on: E.1. Professional Curiosity, E.2. Professional Conduct)

Valeries calm, thoughtful and caring manner was a real asset in our school. She is open-minded,
hard-working, curious, engaging and always professional in her discussions and interactions with teaching and
support staff. She collaborated on a weekly basis with her mentor teacher, readily sharing her life and teaching
experiences. Valerie took direction and suggestions in a positive manner. She explored and experimented with
the AIM approach to second language learning modeled by her mentor teacher and with classroom
management strategies, making use of established routines, signals and strategies. Valerie displays passion
and interest in many educational topics such as the most effective methodologies for second language learning
as well as the importance of equitable and inclusive classrooms. Valerie was an active participant in our school
community, taking part in school events, supervisory duty and our Young Woman on the Move group. She took
to heart the insights and experiences she has gained while working at General Crerar which is part of the
Model Schools for Inner Cities initiative at the TDSB. Valerie displays a commitment to equity, community,
inclusiveness and high expectations. We shared a wonderful partnership and I wish her the very best in her
future endeavors.

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