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CASE REPORT : Long term survival in patients with oligoastrocytomas

Patricia Diana* Himawan** Eka Julianta W*** Julius July*** Lutfi Hendriansyah***
Harsan*** Yesaya Yunus***
Background : Oligoastrocytomas (OA) account for 10%-25% of diffuse gliomas. OA occur
most frequently in adulthood with a peak incidence at 40-45 years. It produce headache and
seizure according the lesion. The pace of the onset symptoms may predict the grade of tumor,
with more protacted history typically of WHO Grade II tumors.
Case reports : a-32-year-old male with left apical lung mass, complaints hemoptysis, leftsided chest pain, mild cough and left-sided chest pain for 6 months. Physical examination
showed reduced movement on left hemithorax, lower vocal fremitus in the left lung, dull
percusion in the left lung, no vesicular breath sound on the left lung from 3 rd intercostals
space and above. Thorax radiography and CT scan showed a tumor in the left lung.
immunohistochemical staining showed positif for vimetin, and negative for s100, CD34, CK,
and desmin according to the type of undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcoma.

: Undifferentiated Pleomorphic Sarcoma is established through anamnesis,

physical examination and histopathological examination. Although rare, Undifferentiated

Pleomorphic Sarcoma can be located in the lung. This diagnostic is confirm with
immunohistochemical staining.
Key words

: long-term, survival, oligoastrocytomas

*Department of Anatomical Pathology Faculty of Medicine Pelita Harapan University/Siloam

**Department of Anatomical Pathology Faculty of Medicine
University of Indonesia
***Department of Neurosurgery Faculty of Medicine Pelita Harapan University/Siloam

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