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Motivation: is a theoretical construct used to explain behavior. It

gives the reasons for people's actions, desires, and needs.
Motivation can also be defined as one's direction to behavior, or
what causes a person to want to repeat a behavior and vice versa.
A motive is what prompts the person to act in a certain way, or at
least develop an inclination for specific behavior

The impact of leadership style in period or changes

Authoritarian leadership
Autocratic director is the one who seeks the input of its staff in order to
make decisions. It can be useful in working a fast paced environment
where people need to quickly make decisions for the tasks of daily work.
Authoritarian managers tend to motivate staff through the establishment
of confidence in the decision-making

Democratic leadership
Allowing Democrats to employees to participate in the decision-making
process, here we make major decisions without the consensus of the staff.
Motivational used by the Democratic leader is inserted: Employees are
part of the decision-making process

Quiet leadership
Allowing employees to make decisions that affect the operations of the
day. This type of management approach is the most effective proactive
with working groups and highly trained
Transformational Leadership
Transformational commander is a charismatic manager who believes he
has a vision for the future of the company that will be successful for all
staff. He motivates by trying to get the staff enthusiastically in his
thoughts for the future and then continuously used vision for a brighter
future as an incentive for employees to be more productive

* And the issue of the role of leaders in guiding change

In most cases, the role of leaders within it. Change processes, which
include human resources, information and adoption of upgrades and
technology tools and techniques, as well as the rules and regulations
within the organization are the basic mandate of the leaders working in
the field of change management and it is up to the leaders to make these
initiatives more Hamas

Motivational theory
It is the discovery of what drives individuals to work in order to achieve a
goal or result. Companies interested in motivational theory motivated
individuals more productive, and this leads to more economic use

Maslow's hierarchy
One of the most popular theories is the hierarchy of needs Maslow's
theory of needs. Maslow suggested that motivation is the result of a
person trying to meet five basic needs: physiological, safety, social,
esteem and self-realization. According to Maslow, digging .Physiological
person are those necessary for human survival, such as air, food, water,
shelter, clothing and sleeping needs. As a manager, you can calculate the
needs of the employees by providing comfortable working conditions and
reasonable working hours eating and / or include the needs of the drink.
Safety requirements of those that offer the person a sense of security and
well-being. Of friendships and family and intimacy all the work to meet
social needs. As a manager, you can social needs of employees account
by making sure all of your employees know each other, and to encourage
teamwork Cooperative, being a supervisor accessible and kind and
.promote good balance between work and life
In the five basic human needs
Hierarchy of needs
It needs assessment indicate the need for self-respect and respect, selfesteem with being a bit more important than earning respect and
admiration from others. As a manager, you can calculate the estimate of
staffing needs by offering praise and appreciation when the employee

well, promotions and additional responsibility to reflect the faith they

.esteemed employees

Maslow believed that these needs exist in a hierarchical system. It refers

progress that must meet the requirements at a low level before the needs
of the highest level. The principle of deficit claims that once the need is
satisfied, no longer motivated because the individual will be taken only to
meet the unmet needs action. If you look at this pyramid you can see how
the organtizaion needs Maslow's basic physiological needs

Biological and Physiological needs - air, food, drink, shelter, warmth, .
-sleep, x. 1
the needs of self-esteem - self-esteem, achievement, mastery, -2 .
,independence, status, dominance, prestige, managerial responsibility
Self-realization needs - to achieve personal potential, self-fulfillment, -3 .
seeking personal growth and peak experiences

Expectancy theory
Is the theory of expected staff contact is expected between effort and
,reward. If the employee very well and puts them additional efforts

In a retail setting, for example, an employee may offer to work double *

shifts when working short manager
Specific equality theory
That justice and equality of the essential elements of individual motives. Is
based on the theory of equality in the idea that individuals are motivated
by fairness, if they identify inequalities in the input or output ratios
themselves and a reference, they will seek to adjust their input to gain
access to shareholders' equity, or when comparing colleagues work they
are doing to someone else that gets paid more who are they. Equality
theory is playing staff at any time say things like 'gets a lot more than me,
but do not do nearly a lot of work

It gets far more money than me, but do not do nearly a lot of work "or" I
.get paid a lot less of the gene, but this place can not function without me

D- ERG theory of motivation Alderfer

ERG Clayton P. Alderfer 1969 condenses five Maslow's theory of human
.needs into three categories: the existence, relevance and growth
-Needs presence 1 .
Include all material desires and physiological (eg, food, water, air, clothing,
.safety, physical love and affection)
-Needs relevance 2 .
Includes social and external assessment; relationships with significant
.others, such as family, friends, co-workers and employers
-Growth Needs 3 .
Internal-esteem and sel f-realization. This provokes a person to make a
creative or productive effects on himself and the environment (for
example, to move towards the ideal of self)

Although the priority of these needs vary from person to person, giving
priority to the theory ERG Alberger in terms of realistic categories. "Needs
there are the most concrete, and easier to check. Kinship needs are less
tangible needs to exist, which depend on the existence of a relationship
between two or more people . Finally, the needs of the growth is less
tangible in this specific objectives based on the uniqueness of each person

E-Set goal theory

Stimulate and guide the person or group toward the goal. Setting goals
can be guided by the goal-setting standards (or rules) such as the SMART
criteria. Goal setting is one of the key components of personal
development and management literature Edwin A. Locke presented the
,theory approach to determine the goals and motivations building

And business owners often determine individual goals to motivate staff
and achieve the company's goals


Was created include Maslow's needs by Abraham Maslow in the 1940s. Try
to create a logic between the levels of motivation respectable, pointing
out that the motivational needs range from basic physiological needs such
as air, food etc. for lment- soybean psychology, such as helping others and
growing as a person. If you are struggling to -need food, then your
motivation is -need food and keep it. I do not at this stage, be concerned
with growth and bettering yourself as an individual, but as he met every
need, and the desire to grow and develop
Model hygiene Herzberg next l theories of the main drivers, Herzberg says
that there are two main factors that people take into account when they
are motivated. Try motivation-hygiene theory in Herzberg (sometimes
known as the theory of Herzberg two factor) know

And the factors associated with the lack of a decent job satisfaction. The
:goal of this theory is to do two things
-Eliminate dissatisfaction factors 1 .
Establish and support a culture of respect and dignity for all team

Ensuring competitive wages, and so on

-create the conditions for job satisfaction - and aims to provide 2 .
.More satisfaction in the functions of each individual
. .Provide opportunities to investigate
Recognizing the contributions of workers

Give as much responsibility as possible for each team member

Provide opportunities to take the company through internal promotions
McGregor's Theory X and Theory Y is the latest model of the main
contributors to the theories of motivation. His theory
It is noteworthy that there are two ways to manage and motivate
Theory X ( 'authoritarian management' style) -Associated model with the
:following points
.The average person dislikes work and will avoid it if he / she can
So most people should be forced with the threat of punishment to work for
The average person prefers to be directed. To avoid liability. Relatively
ambitious, and wants
.Security above all else
It will be applied to people's self-control and self-direction in the pursuit of
organizational goals, without
.External control or the threat of punishment
Commitment to the goals is a function of the rewards associated with their
People usually accept and often seek responsibility

It is the ability to use a high degree of imagination and sophistication,

creativity and innovation in the regulatory solution
.Problems and on a large scale, in the population
Industry uses only partially the intellectual potential of the average
Victor Vroom expectancy theory - the fourth contributor to the theories of
motivation, expected Fromm's
It has been the development of the theory in 1964, and shows a link
between the expected and reward results, which follows
A similar path coefficients leadership. If they want it enough, they put e
"ort to do so
In this sense, the managers must provide ways to provide achievable
,goals that inspire team members

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