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Scientist Name______________________


Levels of Organization
(How Living Things Meet Needs))

12 Weird Facts about the human

1. The brain doesnt feel pain: Even though the brain processes pain signals, the
brain itself does not actually feel pain.
2. Your brain has huge oxygen needs: Your brain requires 20 percent of the oxygen and calories your body
needs even though your brain only makes up two percent of your total body weight.
3. 80% of the brain is water: Instead of being relatively solid, your brain 80% water. This means that it is
important that you remain properly hydrated for the sake of your mind.
4. Your brain comes out to play at night: Youd think that your brain is more active during the day, when the
rest of your body is. But its not. Your brain is more active when you sleep.
5. Your brain operates on 10 watts of power: Its true: The amazing computational power of your brain only
requires about 10 watts of power to operate.
6. A higher I.Q. equals more dreams: The smarter you are, the more you dream. A high I.Q. can also fight
mental illness. Some people even believe they are smarter in their dreams than when they are awake.
7. Your smell is unique: Your body odor is unique to you unless you have an identical twin. Even babies
recognize the individual scents of their mothers.
8. Earwax is necessary: If you want healthy ears, you need some earwax in there.
9. Your feet can produce a pint of sweat a day: There are 500,000 (250,000 for each) sweat glands in your
feet, and that can mean a great deal of stinky sweat.
10. Throughout your life, the amount of saliva you have could fill two swimming pools: Since saliva is a
vital part of digestion, it is little surprise that your mouth makes so much of it.
11. A sneeze can exceed 100 mph: When a sneeze leaves your body, it does so at high speeds so you
should avoid suppressing it and causing damage to your body.
12. Coughs leave at 60 mph: A cough is much less dangerous, leaving the body at 60 mph. Thats still
highway speed, though.






Organ Systems


Cells to Systems
The human body is an extremely complex organism. The human body is something like a community.
Just as many different people make up a community, many different cells make up the body. The smallest part
of a community is an individual person.
In the body, an individual cell is the smallest part. In both the community and the body, these ndividuals
form groups. The body has tissues- like the communitys families- groups of individuals, usually all of one
kind, working together both as a unit and as a part of the whole system.
Further, just as a community has neighborhoods made up of different groups and individuals, the body
has organs made up of different kinds of tissues and cells.
Finally, a body system is like a community service- a large organized group with many members that
perform specific jobs. The different body systems do specific jobs for the body, just as the police and fire
departments do specific jobs for the community.

From the Mayo Clinic

Heart disease may be a leading cause of death, but that doesn't mean you have to accept it as your fate. Although
you lack the power to change some risk factors such as family history, sex or age there are some key heart disease
prevention steps you can take.

You can avoid heart problems in the future by adopting a healthy lifestyle today. Here are five heart disease
prevention tips to get you started.
1. Dont Smoke
Smoking or using tobacco is one of the most significant risk factors for developing heart disease. Chemicals in
tobacco can damage your heart and blood vessels, leading to narrowing of the arteries (atherosclerosis).
Atherosclerosis can ultimately lead to a heart attack. When it comes to heart disease prevention, no amount of
smoking is safe. Smokeless tobacco and low-tar and low-nicotine cigarettes also are risky, as is exposure to
secondhand smoke.
2. Exercise 30 Minutes a Day
Getting some regular, daily exercise can reduce your risk of fatal heart disease. And when you combine
physical activity with other lifestyle measures, such as maintaining a healthy weight, the payoff is even greater.
Physical activity helps you control your weight and can reduce your chances of developing other conditions
that may put a strain on your heart, such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes. It also reduces
stress, which may be a factor in heart disease.
3. Eat a Healthy Diet
Eat foods that are low in fat, cholesterol and salt. Follow a diet that is rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains
and low-fat dairy products, this can help protect your heart. Beans, other low-fat sources of protein and certain
types of fish also can reduce your risk of heart disease.
Limiting certain fats you eat also is important. Of the types of fat saturated, polyunsaturated,
monounsaturated and trans fat saturated fat and trans fat increase the risk of coronary artery disease by
raising blood cholesterol levels.
4. Maintain a Healthy Weight
As you put on weight in adulthood, your weight gain is mostly fat rather than muscle. This excess weight can
lead to conditions that increase your chances of heart disease high blood pressure, high cholesterol and
5. Get Regular Health Screenings
High blood pressure and high cholesterol can damage your heart and blood vessels. But without testing for
them, you probably won't know whether you have these conditions. Regular screening can tell you what your
numbers are and whether you need to take action.

The Levels of Organization

Your body is made of atoms, molecules, cells, tissues, organs, and organ systems. These all work
together to keep you _________________.
List five examples of each level of organization:

Organ Systems

In the chart above, underline the words atoms and molecules in blue. Underline the rest of
the words green. Why do you think we would underline them like this?
1. Cells are made up of?
2. Tissues are made up of?
3. Organs are made up of?
4. Organ Systems are made up of?
5. Organisms are made up of?
6. The systems in your body
7. What happens if one of the bodys organ systems cannot function properly?
8. All living things are made up of
9. In order to function, live and grow, all living things need ___________.

Put the following words in the correct boxes

Epidermal tissue

Leaf Cell
Muscle tissue

Root Cell

Nervous System





Organ System


Cells carry out _____________ ________________ to keep organisms alive.
Review the process of photosynthesis and respiration.

Photosynthesis & Respiration

Cell Part:

Type of Cell:

Type of Cell:

Cell Part:

Digestive System
Carbon Dioxide



Groups of ___________ that perform a common function.
There are four types of tissues:
1. _____________________
2. _____________________

3. _____________________
4. ____________________

At least two ______________ working together to perform a common function.
Label the major organs below.

SKIN: Your skin is an organ. It has two main functions.


Functions of the Organs of the Human Body

Answer the following questions with organs from the word bank.

Word Bank

small intestine

large intestine


Who am I?



I have many jobs. I make bile to help your stomach break down food. I also
store nutrients your body needs. I also make antibodies to help you fight
What am I?
I take absorb the nutrients that your body needs from your food and I put it in
your bloodstream so your body can use it. What am I?
I am a muscle located behind your lungs. I am always moving, and I never get
tired. I pump blood to all parts of your body. What am I?
When you eat, I mix your food with chemicals made by your body, then I churn
up your food into smaller parts. What am I?
Your body can't use every part of the food you eat. The waste comes to me,
and I dry it out so it can leave your body. What am I?
We are a pair of filters that clean your blood. We take liquid waste from your
bloodstream and we send it down to your bladder. What are we?
We take oxygen that your body needs from the air and put it in your
bloodstream. We also take carbon dioxide that is in your blood and send it out
of your body. What are we?
I hold your body parts in. I have pores so sweat can escape your body. I am
filled with nerves that help you to sense temperature and feel the things
around you. What am I?
I control your muscles and all of the organs in your body. I make sure you
breathe automatically, ensure your heart beats properly, and remind you to
blink your eyes. I even hold all of your thoughts and memories. What am I?
We give your body support and structure. We also protect your delicate
organs, like your brain, liver, and lungs. We are filled with a substance called
marrow. What are we?
We are blood vessels that send blood back towards your heart. Most of the
blood we carry doesn't have much oxygen left in it. What are we?
We are blood vessels that send blood away from your heart to all different
parts of your body. We have thicker, stronger walls than veins. What are we?
I am sometimes called your windpipe. When you breathe, air travels through
me to your lungs. What am I?
We work in pairs to pull your bones in different directions. We also help move
food and blood through your body. Without us, you wouldn't be able to move
at all. What are we?
I am a tube in your throat. When you swallow, food or drink travels down
through me into your stomach. What am I?

Organ Systems:____________ working together to perform a specific function.

Directions: Use the organ system information to fill in the graphic organizer below.
Important parts

Important parts

Important parts

Important parts

Basic Function

Basic Function

Basic Function

Basic Function









Basic Function

Basic Function

Basic Function

Basic Function

Important parts

Important parts

Important parts

Important parts

Organ Systems:
Organ systems are groups of organs working together to perform a particular function. The
skeletal system supports and protects internal organs. The marrow in the bones produces red
blood cells. The important parts of this system are the bones.
The muscular system moves parts of the body by expanding and contracting. The
muscles are the major part of this system. The circulatory system moves nutrients, oxygen,
carbon dioxide, and waste through the body. The heart and blood vessels are the major organ
and parts. The respiratory system exchanges oxygen and carbon dioxide gases between blood
and the environment. Some important organs and parts in this system are the lungs, trachea and
The nervous system sends electrical signals or messages throughout the body. The brain
and nerves have an important role in this system. The digestive system breaks down food and
nutrients to be used by the body. This system has a lot of important parts and organs such as;
the stomach, mouth, esophagus, small intestine, large intestine, liver, gall bladder and pancreas.
The integumentary system provides protection of the body and gets rid of dead cells. Some of
the parts of this system include, skin, hair, fingernails, and sweat glands. The immune system
provides protection from microbes, viruses and harmful bacteria. The skin and white blood cells
play an important role in this system.
There are other systems that play a role in the body as well such as the reproductive,
endocrine, excretory and lymphatic system. The reproductive system makes new life. The
endocrine system regulates body functions and controls the biochemical pathways of the body.
The excretory system removes waste from the body. The lymphatic system removes excess
fluid from the tissues, produces white blood cells and antibodies to help fight disease causing

Body System Analogies

1. _______________________

like a power plant producing energy.

2. _______________________ like opening windows or blowing up a balloon.

3. _______________________ like a tugboat pushing a large ship or a bulldozer moving a
load of dirt.
4. _______________________ like the beams in a building.
5. _______________________

like a building security system.

6. _______________________

like streams, rivers and creeks

For each body part, thinkWhat else does it look like or what else foes it remind me of?
Write an analogy and tell how they go together. Follow this pattern:
__________is like _______________ because_____________________
1. heart
2. stomach
3. brain
4. skin
5. lungs
6. veins
7. spinal cord
8. bones

The appendix is included in the diagram because it attaches to a digestive organ.

It has no function and is not a digestive organ.


What system or systems are you using when you do the following?
1. Riding a bike
2. Eating a piece of pizza
3. Kicking a soccer ball
4. Writing a letter
5. Singing a song
6. Growing
7. Being scared
8. Watching a movie
9. Use the following words to complete the flow chart showing how process of building the human body:
body systems, organs, cells and tissues.

10. The basic building blocks for tissue, organs and body systems are called ____________.
11. There are four main types of tissue in the human body. The names of those are tissue types are:




12. Four of the many organs in the human body are the ________________________,
______________________, _____________________________ and the ___________________________.
13. When two or more organs work together to do a certain job in the body it is called a system. One system in
the human body is the _______________________ system.
14. One organ in the digestive system is the _______________________.


Beside the organ write the system it works in.

Mouth--____________________ system
Stomach--________________ system
Esophagus--________________ system
Kidneys--____________________ system
Trachea--___________________ system
Urinary bladder--______________ system
Heart--______________________ system
Brain--_______________________ system
Lungs--_____________________ system
1. What type of cells carry out photosynthesis?
2. What process produces energy needed to carry out life activities?
3. What is photosynthesis?
4. Write the equations for photosynthesis and respiration:

5. What are the main functions and organs of each body system?
Circulatory system-

Digestive System-

Respiratory System-

Muscular System-

Skeletal System-

Nervous System-




Which of the following is an example of an organism?

a lettuce leaf
a maple tree


Material for growth of a dog results from which group of life activities
a. assimilation, sensitivity, excretion, locomotion
b. food getting, digestion, absorption, assimilation
locomotion, assimilation, excretion, reproduction
d. reproduction, respiration, excretion, secretion

3. Long ago in the country of "Everyone Does Everything For Themselves," there lived a family whose name was "We Are
Tired At The End Of Everyday." Little Whiny "We Are Tired At The End Of Everyday" often asked her mother, Busy, when it
was time to play. "Oh there is never time to play," said her mother, "Your brother is always making new shoes for all of us
when he is not shearing the sheep to spin it into wool for our clothes. And your father is digging a new well for our water,
so he is terribly behind in preserving all of the food from our fields. Of course, when I am not assembling the metal from
our mine into a car, I always have more seeds to plant." Little Whiny, too, had many jobs--too many. Occasionally she
stopped feeding the logs (that she had chopped herself) into the furnace and looked across the street at the "We have the
best clothes's" house. They had a little girl about her age and she was always dressed in the prettiest dresses. In their
family, the older sister, Specialist, made the clothes, and they always looked much better than the ones that Whiny'sbrother
made. One day Whiny had a great idea. What if the "We have the best clothes's" made the clothes for both of the families,
and then her brother could do all of the shearing of the sheep and weaving of the wool. She ran and told the idea to her
mother. Her mother was interested, but she was so used to the way that things had always been, that she was slow to
accept the idea. However, Whiny was anxious to have a pretty dress. She talked to her brother and to Specialist and both of
them thought it would be great to each do only one or two jobs instead of so many. Pretty soon the rest of the two families
thought that they might also like to share some of their jobs. They went to everyone else in the town and found out what
each family liked to do best. Once they had made a list, they gave every family a specific job, and everyone shared the
products that they made. Pretty soon there was some spare time for everyone. People were much happier, especially
Whiny, who finally got to play.
a. Which level of organization could the families in the beginning of this story be compared to and why?
b. Using your answer in #1, what could the people in the families be compared to at the beginning of this story and why?
c. At the end of the story, which level of organization could the country be compared to and why?
d. What would be a good name for the country after things had changed?
e. At the end of the story, which level of organization could the families be compared to and why?

4. Scientists studying the effect of different drugs on the circulatory system (the heart and blood vessels) have
recently questioned the effects of a drug. They claim the drug may cause heart attacks. What must scientists
now do to support their claim?
a. Scientists must immediately inform the public of this risk.
b. Scientists must gain the support of more than half of the scientific community.
c. Scientists must collect specific evidence to support their claims.
d. Scientists must now gain the support of the drug manufacturer.


Organisms can carry out many process

WORDS: Locomotion, Absorption, Digestion, Sensitivity, Assimilation, Secretion, Excretion.
Match the above words with the correct definition.
1. The ability to move from place to place.
2. The process by which food is converted into substances that can be absorbed and assimilated by
the body.
3. The capacity of an organ or organism to respond to stimulation.
4. The process of secreting a substance, especially one that is not a waste, from the blood or cells. (A
substance, such as saliva, mucus, tears, bile, or a hormone.)
5. The act or process of discharging waste matter from the blood, tissues, or organs.
6. The process by which components/chemicals from food are taken into the cells of the body after the food/beverage has been digested and absorbed.
7. The uptake of substances by a tissue, as of nutrients through the wall of the intestine.
Practice makes perfect Lets try it again.
(Remember there is more than one way to say the same thing)

8. The act of discharging or ejecting waste

9. Movement from place to place
10. Substances are produced and discharged from a cell, gland, or organ
11. Converting nutrients from digestion into
a useable form for tissues and organs
12. The process of absorbing substances into cells, tissues, or organs
13. The process where food is converted into simpler
substances that can be used by the body
14. The reaction to any stimuli


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