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edu (Name, phone number, address, what am I currently

doing, how do I feel etc)
Classification of employees based on our surveys
1. The Stalwarts
These are the employees who are involved in management decisions. Based
on our survey, they depict some typical behaviour such as:
They persistently work longer hours (>10 hours) and do not crib about the
same. Most of them belonged to Generation X who has adapted well to the
changing scenarios.
They are involved in management decisions and based on our findings, such
people in banks tend to become a little risk averse.
They are highly satisfied with their jobs and work life balance. The key
differentiator for them is the success trajectory of the banks they work for.
Though they may not be involved in top mamnagement decisions, they work
as owners of the company.
Such employees demonstrate a unmatched loyalty and commitment. The
main reason may be either the involvement in management decisions or their
long association with the company.
2. The enthusiasts
They come into the organisation with unwavering energy and enthusiasm.
While talking with them about their work roles and responsibilities, they begin
on a positive note. For eg, while talking to a retail NPA manager about his
role, he stated, I work for the betterment of financial system of our country.
However, on enquiring further, we noted that their tone shifted to a little
negative as they started questioning their future prospects. IN most of the
cases, they belong to the younger generation group.
Such employees enjoyed working long hours in the initial year of their
career( 2-3 years) but gradually started complaining about the same.
They are not involved in management decisions currently but have a strong
aspiration for the same. But with the passage of time, their hopes are
Such employees demonstrate a bell shaped productivity curve. This is either
because of higher expectations as compared to the plausible prospects in the
3. The Seekers
These employees have almost stagnated in the Maslow pyramid. They are
satisfied with their current working conditions and roles. Most of the times,
they seek work life balance (a 9-5 job) and to ensure that, they may even
restraint from taking additional responsibilities. For example, one of the retail

branch employee declined the opportunity for working in the corporate

division citing his lack of knowledge and efficiency.
They are perfectly fine woking 8 hours a day, However, longer working hours
are their biggest demotivator. They like to spend greater time with their
family and friends and do not actively participate in office parties and
celebrations if held after working hours.
In terms of loyalty towards a particular organisation, we found that they did
not have any specific complaints in any of the organisations they have
worked for. On being asked about the bad experiences in their previous
organisations, their answer mostly coverged towards lon working hours.

The Laggards
These employees may be a potential threat to the productivity of the
organisation as a whole. They like to spend their time counselling (often in a
negative way) other employees or chatting with them. Such employees could
be found idling away their time in the office.
Their effective work may even be less than 8 hours a day. While questioning
some employees on surveys, they shall show keen interest in the answers
and often try to persuade them to rethink on the goods of their job roles
and responsibilities.
They sway between their answers-positive and negative. Sometimes, their
answers are highly contradictory for which no plausible explanation could be
inferred. For example, two of the employees stated that they are highly
satisfied with the organisation but at the same time would not recommend
the organisation to others.
They generally have a negative loyalty towards their organisation and are
passive aggressive in their behaviour.

How did I feel?

I am currently in IIM L. Initially I just checked my scorecard and saw 60%. I
was already elated that I managed to cler in the first attempt. However, one
of my friends asked me to check ranking list. I could not believe what I saw. I
was AIR 1.

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