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EST1 Task 2

Company X Code of Ethics

I. Overview
The purpose for Company Xs ethics policy is to cultivate a
culture of Integrity, Respect, Service and Inspiration. An effective
culture of ethics requires a team effort and is expected of every
employee regardless of status, seniority, title or responsibility. Theses
four principles will be the foundation of all Company Xs corporate,
business, vendor and community interactions.
A. For purposes of Company Xs code of ethics, the term Xers
refers to all employees of company.
B. It would be impossible to cover every conduct situation in our
ethics policy. These four principles are the guidelines for how
Company X, its employees and outside business associates must
1. All Xers must conduct themselves with integrity in all matters.
a. Integrity in ones work and responsibilities
b. Integrity when dealing with customers
d. Integrity with outside vendors and/or associates
e. Integrity with company property: be it real, virtual and/or
2. Company Xs policy will not allow the receiving of any gifts, no
matter how small, from outside vendors or associates.
If a situation arises these questions should be asked:
1. Is it Honest? Ethical?
2. Is it Legal?
3. Does it promote Integrity?
If you observe someone or actions that does not adhere to
1. Report all actions immediately to the ethics and/or human
resources department via our website or fill out the forms.
2. All incidences will be investigated and your name will be kept

1. Respect of ones self
a. Respect your mind and body. Dont abuse yourself with
legal or illegal substances.
b. Respect your abilities, talents and intellect.
2. Respect other Xers
a. There will be no toleration for harassment or disrespect
of other Xers due to race, gender, age, culture or physical limitations.
b. Sexual harassment of any sort will not be tolerated.
**If after internal investigation of harassment is found to be
valid. Employee that is found to be guilty of such acts will be
terminated from their employment.
3. Respect of all company properties real, virtual or intellectual.
a. No company property is be used for personal purposes.
b. Company property is not to sold.
c. Company property is not to be abused.
d. Company property is not be given to anyone, without
written authorization.
4. Respect those we serve and interact with.
a. Customers
b. Vendors
c. Community
5. Respect of trust that consumer and community placed in our
As a company, we provide a service to our customers and
community through our products and innovation. With out this
understanding we will fail in our goal to be a benefit to those we
1. We must strive to serve our customers with respect, and
2. We must produce products that would benefit and is safe for
the consumer, community and environment.
3. We must strive to be service focused and not revenue focused.
Everyone has the power for greatness, not for fame, but greatness.
For greatness comes by service. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

- To be a great company we must have a attitude and culture of service

to others.
As a company we must INSPIRE everyone and the community to
be better.
- When we work and go about our daily routine these questions
must be asked of ourselves.
1. Do our actions INSPIRE:
A. Integrity.
1. In our self?
2. In others?
3. In our community?
B. Respect.
1. Our self?
2. Others?
3. Community?
- Would our grandparents and parents respect our
C. Service.
1. Others to Serve?
2. To the community?
D. Innovation
1. We must promote creative and innovate ideas.
a. Products
b. Company culture
c. Daily operations and management
II. Ethics Training Program:
Ethics Training program will consist of:
Part 1
1. Understanding the 4 principles of code of conduct of company.
2. Recognize situations that might require ethical decisions

3. Evaluate how company principles will impact employees,

consumers, products and community.
4. Understand legal requirement of company and rights of employees.
Part 2
A. All Executives must promote, demonstrate and encourage ethics
1. Executives: CEO, CFO, COO, CIO and all upper and lower
management must be the leaders in company ethics policy.
B. All Xers must go through ethics training program
1. All new Xers (1 year of employment or less)
a. Will undergo quarterly training 1 weekend per
quarter for the first year of employment. (4 weekends in all - FridaySunday).
C. All Xers from 2-5 year employment will undergo ethics training
twice a year.
D. All Xers 5 years or more of employment will undergo ethics
training once a year.
Part 3
Ethics Scenarios: Role Playing
A. Ethics scenarios
1. Each training session will have actual ethical situations for
Xers to solve, discuss and provide correct ethical solutions.
Example scenario: A customer asks for front row tickets to a concert in
return for a purchase order.
2. Role playing among each other with given scenarios to be
played out
3. Group discussion of each situation among peers and
4. Questionnaires of ethical situations will be provided.
5. Video of each situation will be available on company website
for future review.
All Xers conduct will be evaluated.

1. Questionnaires and evaluation will be sent out.

2. Helpline will be provided to ask and/or report any ethics
3. Managers and supervisors must assess situation and report
4. All misconduct will be investigated to determine proper action.
1. Internal Audits will be preformed by a committee each
department manager.
a. Internal audits will be overseen by the CEO and directed
by board of directors.
2. Audits will be performed by outside auditing firm(s).
1. All misconduct must be reported such as:
a. Harassment:
1. sexually
2. verbally
3. physically
b. Intimidation in any form.
c. Theft
1. personal
2. company
d. Violence
e. Legal violations and/or cover up
* If you have questions about any situation:
1. Call the helpline
2. Ask Supervisor
3. Contact Human Resources
4. Look at the 4 core principles of company.
2. All reports of misconduct will be investigated
A. Three possible outcomes if report is found to be valid based on
severity of offense.
1. warning 3 warnings will cause termination
2. termination of employment.
3. legal prosecution if necessary.

1. Outside audits will be implemented for our company code of ethics.

A. by providing assessments questionnaires and looking over our
2. Company will always be looking for suggestions to better improve
our ethics program.
A. Company website will provide Xers, vendors and consumers
the ability to give suggestions to improve our ethics program.
B. Surveys will be sent out periodically on company ethics
C. Training on via webinars will be provided.
D. Employee small group discussions on ethics
1. What works and what doesnt work

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