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Ropa en ingls Vocabulario bsico

Suit Traje

Blouse Blusa

Jacket Chaqueta

Jeans Pantalones vaqueros

Pullover Jersey

Shirt Camisa

Skirt Falda

Sweater Suter

Trousers Pantalones

T-shirt Camiseta

Ropa de abrigo en ingls

Coat Abrigo

Gabardine Gabardina

Raincoat Chubasquero

Vest Chaleco

Scarf Bufanda

Gloves Guantes

Earmuffs Orejeras

Ropa interior en ingls

Bra Sujetador

Panties Bragas (US)

Knickers Bragas (UK)

Underpants Calzoncillos

Boxershorts Calzoncillos boxers

Stockings Medias

Undershirt Camiseta interior (US)

Vest Camiseta interior (UK)

Socks Calcetines

Pyjamas Pijama

Complementos en ingls

Tie Corbata

Bow tie Pajarita

Cap Gorra

Hat Sombrero

Belt Cinturn

Para los pies:

Shoes Zapatos

Slippers Zapatillas de casa

Boots Botas

Sandals Sandalias

Heels Tacones

Trainers Zapatillas (UK)

Sneakers Zapatillas (US)

La ropa de ingls, lleva tambin asociada una serie de verbos y acciones: ponerse,

To wear Vestir

To put on Ponerse

To take off Quitarse

To get dressed Vestirse

To get undressed Desvestirse

To tie Atar

To untie Desatar

To do up Abrochar

To undo Desabrochar


Una de las cosas ms importantes a tener en cuenta cuando vamos de comprar y
queremos elegir una prenda es:
Su composicin. La ropa puede estar hecha de:

cotton (algodn)

silk (seda)

synthetic (sinttico, de fibra)

lana (wool),

suede (ante)

corduroy (pana)

Su estampado. Una prenda de vestir puede ser

plain (lisa)

patterned (estampada)

striped (a rayas)

polka-dot (a lunares).


Could I try this on? Me puedo probar esto?

What size are you? Cul es tu talla?

I'm a size Uso una talla

Do you have this in a size? Tienes esto en la talla?

Wheres the fitting room? Dnde est el probador?

Have you got this in a smaller/larger size? Lo tienes en una talla ms


It doesnt fit No me queda bien.

Its too small / big. Es demasiado pequeo, grande.

Its too tight /loose. Me queda estrecho/holgado

I love this skirt! Me encanta esta falda.

Where did you buy those shoes? Dnde compraste esos zapatos?

I havent got anything to put on. No tengo nada que ponerme.

What shall I wear? Qu me pongo?


What are you wearing?


Im wearing sneakers. I love my sneakers

Im wearing jeans. Theyre my favorite jeans.

Im wearing a sweat suit. I love my sweat suit

Im wearing a hat.

Im wearing sneakers.

Im wearing shorts.

Do you prefer to dress up or dress down?

What sort of clothes do you feel most comfortable wearing?

What colours and styles suit you?

Are you a fashion victim?

Whats the most fashionable item of clothing that you possess?

Whats the difference between a clothes line and a clothes horse?

What do you use a clothes peg for?

What does a plain clothes policeman not wear?

What do you put in a clothes basket?

How is clothing different from clothes?

If you are a fashion victim, is it a good thing or a bad thing?

If you repeat something parrot-fashion, what does it mean?

What does a fashion house do?

Whats the opposite of come into fashion?

What does after a fashion mean?

What does the verb to fashion mean?

Clothes horse / tendedero plegable.

Clothes horse / adicta a la ropa

Clothes line / cuerda para tender la ropa

1. Whats the difference between a clothes line and a clothes horse?
Clothes line: a rope on which you hang wet clothes so that they can dry,usually
outside your house.
Clothes horse: a frame of plastic or wooden bars used for hanging wet clothes inside
the house.
2. What do you use a clothes peg for? (PINZAS PARA LA ROPA)
Fastening wet clothes onto a clothes line.
3. What does a plain clothes policeman not wear?
A uniform
4. What do you put in a clothes basket?
Clothes that need to be washed or have been washed.
5. How is clothing different from clothes?
Clothing: clothes in general. Clothes: shirts, dresses, trousers etc.
6. If you are a fashion victim, is it a good thing or a bad thing?
A bad thing
7. If you repeat something parrot-fashion, what does it mean?
Copying or repeating what someone says without thinking about it or understanding
it properly.
8. What does a fashion house do?
Designs new styles of expensive clothes.
9. Whats the opposite of come into fashion?
Go out of fashion.
10. What does after a fashion mean?
Not very well or effectively
11. What does the verb to fashion mean?
To make something, often using a lot of skill or care.

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