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Full Thrust Fleet Book

Credits and Thanks

Original FULL THRUST designed and written by: Jon Tuffley
CROSS DIMENSIONS developed by: Hugh Fisher
FULL THRUST - OMEGA by: Aaron Gimblet
Thanks are due to Jim Klein, whose fault THIS all is Thanks for all the support.
Additional thanks are due: Jesse Casey Flaming Death Editor of Hate, Wesley
Casey Fluff Reader Par Excellence, William Stec We WILL Make the shields
work, somehow, and Randy Joiner without whose efforts I never would have
discovered Full Thrust.
The Wyan Commonwealth and all attendant documentation is the intellectual
property of Aaron Gimblet. The Hydraxian Miniatures are the intellectual
property of Aaron Gimblet and are available on Sculpteo at
The Wyan Commonwealth minatures and Carcharcar miniatures are the
intellectual property of Matthew G. Lawson. Miniatures are available on
Shapeways in 1:5000 scale.
The Nemishan Supremacy vessels are based on the Mauridan Space Empire
miniatures available at:
Owners of this publication are hereby granted permission to print any required
System Status Displays or record sheets for personal use only.

Written by Aaron Gimblet with the support of

Emerald Coast Skunkworks

All artwork and images in this book were found on the internet and are
assumed to be in the public domain, however they are property of their creators
and in no way claimed by the producers of this document.

The Wyan Sector

Area: North Central Section of the Milky Way Galaxy, comprising
25% of the galactic volume opposite Earth
Major Active Civilizations: > 50
Notable Powers: Wyan Commonwealth, Nemishan Animosity,
Madroi Governance, Hydraxian Meld
Sentient Population: > 100 Trillion
Inhabited Worlds: > 180K
All information current as of 2278
The Wyan sector is a crowded slice of space in the Milky Way Galaxy,
located Coreward opposite of the readers homeworld of Earth. It
takes its name from the Wyan Commonwealth, the largest, or at least
most active, single government in its area.
As of 2278, the Sector is torn by numerous conflicts. The most
notable is the ongoing war between the Wyan Commonwealth and the
Nemishan Animosity, though many other major powers are
participating, either as allies, mercenaries, opportunists, or simply by
trading with any and all parties and picking up whatever pieces are left
lying around. The most hotly contested region is the large Woodgrain
Nebula, famous for both its unusual stellar formations and the great
density of stable deep post transuranic elements. These deep PTUs

are a vital economic and military resource, as they are difficult to

impossible to replicate by artificial means and have properties that are
vital to the highest reaches of military and civilian technologies. These
properties, at odds with all conventional understanding of physics, has
lead them to be referred to by physicists in two rough groups
unobtanium, having properties that while consistent with known
physics are impossible to duplicate in any other fashion (negative mass,
magnetic monopole properties, etc.) and handwavium, those
elements and compounds which are described by leading scientists as
then we wave our hands at it and the magic happens.
The Madroi are attempting to defend their small milieu with
tenacity, firepower, and production resources at all odds to their size
and relative technology level. The Hydraxian Meld pursues alien
policies for unknown reasons, aiding with one hand and then striking
with another, in no pattern that can be understood.
The future of the sector is uncertain. Wars boil and overflow into
previously peaceful areas, and weapons from forgotten eras are put
into play, as fleets, planets, and even stars are shattered by the

Some Notes on Technology in the Wyan Sector:

Most FTL communication works by vibrating the skein of space
between normal and hyperspace, like a spider tapping its web. FTL
transmission is limited to 1 ml (megalight, 1 million times c) outside of
friendly space. Inside the friendly space of most empires high energy
repeater stations increase this speed until it is nearly instantaneous.
Bandwidth is sufficient for real-time 3D holographic images.
The typical faster than light vessel travels by means of forcing the ship
through the interaction skein of local and hyperspace, and then
travelling to its destination in hyperspace before returning. Hyperspace
is a quasifluid realm that maps 1:1 to normal space, but which is locally
much smaller allowing a ship to effectively travel faster than light
without doing so.
Hyper or Warp space travel is not without risks. Despite millennia of
advances, warp space remains a confusing, chaotic, high-energy
environment that can threaten both a ship and its crew with madness,
destruction, and the attentions of the strange creatures native thereto.
As long as the vessels stay on charted warp routes and use careful
navigation, they are reasonably safe. Greater Altitude in hyperspace
allows for greater relative velocity back in real space, but attempts to
take advantage of this put vessels at increasing risk, as do extended
trips in warp space or voyages far from recognized warp space
landmarks. FTL speed, in light years per day, is roughly equal to the

cube root of the main drive thrust rating x5 for basic FTL drives, x 10 for
advanced FTL Drives, and x20 for super-advanced FTL drives.
While the Warp Space drive is the most common form of FTL travel,
some races use alternate forms of drives allowing for instantaneous
point to point jumps, or accessing other spaces for effects dissimilar to
that of Warp Space but giving end effects that are roughly equivalent.
A few races rely on either acceleration or instantaneous gates, or on
even stranger, dimensional folding techniques.
Power generation is usually based on antimatter conversion. The
massive energies released are channeled through superconducting
plasma conduits built into all parts of the hull. Such a naval vessel has a
maximum patrol endurance of around five to ten years without
refueling and resupply. Combat endurance is far lower, sometimes no
more than a few days or even hours of heavy combat. Other races
have moved from using antimatter as fuel to directly harnessing the
energies underlying the space-time continuum or by dropping taps in
to hyperspace itself. Some still use fusion power plants for simplicity
and reliability, accepting the fuel limitations those bring, while others
have experimented with direct matter-to-energy conversion, without
the need for antimatter storage.
Local shield generators absorb and shunt away incoming energy. These
shut down when their capacity is overwhelmed, but can usually cycle
back online within a few minutes if they do not burn out before
shutting down. Other navies use deflecting technologies of various

sorts that prevent a share of incoming energy from reaching the hull, or
a combination of both.
Laser, Particle, and Other Weaponry (Beams):
Though supplanted in some navies by more expensive and higher
technology solutions, the classic applications of high energy lasers,
charged particle beams, and similar devices are still favored by poorer
nations, or those practical enough to favor reliability and sustainability
over pursing technologies that lie at the limits of their reach. It is wise
not to disdain such equipment, as even an antique photon drive laser
can, in certain circumstances, eviscerate the advanced star
dreadnoughts of a powerful, but arrogant, major navy.
Many flavors of small craft see military use, from the cheap and
expendable Nemishan autonomous drones to the fantastically
expensive Wyan Falling Leaf multirole fighters. Advances in beam
technologies have reduced the past dominance of fighter craft, but
many races still field them for their advantages in reach and flexibility.
Fusion, Anti-Matter, Mass Conversion, and other more exotic forms of
one-use craft have come in and out of fashion in this sector for the past
five centuries. The combination of reach, low cost, and potential
firepower makes the Malyrushan Missile Massacre (so named for the
first major navy to rely on them) a common choice for those nations
otherwise at a technological disadvantage.

Advanced Hulls (3 Row Advanced Hull):

Many warships use hulls formed of superconducting lattices of crystal
which serve to distribute stress and other hostile energies as evenly as
possible. Little damage penetrates to internal systems, and ships can
usually stay in the line of battle until catastrophic failure wipes out the
entire ship in a single burst of energy. This is not seen by crews as a
feature. Denaturing and degradation of the lattice can require
extensive yard time to return to full combat effectiveness, but field
repair nanites, cooling, and spot repairs can frequently return the ships
to half or three-quarters of their original resilience within hours or
days. In-Game, vessels with such hulls suffer less from threshold
checks, as they check only twice (once at 6+, once at 5+) before the
destruction of the vessel. Core Systems would be checked only once, at
6+, on the loss of the second hull row.

Advanced Gravitic Drives (Advanced Drives):

Some navies use an advanced form the gravitic drive standard
throughout the sector. These advanced drives allow greater agility than
a standard gravitic drive, by more effectively shaping space-time
under the ship. The gravitic shapers are mostly laid out beneath the
apparent keel of the ship, resulting in sweeping, swooping turns that
cause the vessel to appear as if it were maneuvering in an atmosphere.
Vessels with advanced drives may expend all of their thrust points for
maneuver, rather than as is the case for standard drives.

The Wyan Commonwealth

Capital: Wyantan, Population 18 Billion
Territory: 1,000ly sphere, 1.3% of galactic total by volume
Worlds: ~10K (39% Wyan, 23% Charcharcal, 20% Kurtulmak, 4%
Alleoul, 14% Other) (Includes all planets, moons, asteroids, habitats,
and rings with a population of 10 Million or more)
Population: 8.2 Trillion (35% Wyan, 23% Charcharcal, 22% Kurtulmak,
7% Alleoul, 12% Other)
The dominant people of the Commonwealth are the Wyans, a
heavy-gravity adapted subterranean race. The Wyan people are heavily
community focused. This focus has led to the Wyan serving as the
nucleus for a Commonwealth that has grown up in the past 10
centuries around the original Wyan Empire. The Commonwealth
government is a hereditary constitutional monarchy with imperial
overtones. The Crown is held by the senior mature adult in direct line
of descent at the heart of the royal family line. Each colony world is
ruled by a ducal line, growing out of the initial founding family.
The massively extended Wyan family organization is called a Clade.
Each Clade in a given Dukedom elects representatives to a planetary
legislative body, which in turn elects representatives to a
Commonwealth-wide legislature. The legislature makes decisions
regarding inter-planet or inter-clade issuers, and appoints individuals to
execute day to day policy. The Crown sets and executes foreign policy,

under the advisement of the Counsel of Dukes. The Crown also sets the
broad strokes of internal policy and has the power to accept or reject
the appointments of the legislature. There is a small legal branch
consisting of planetary Courts and Sub-Courts for inter-clade matters.
Atop the legal branch sits a High Court that addresses issues between
Internal conflicts between duchies are usually resolved through the
political process, though military skirmishing is not unknown. Violence
is usually brief, followed by quick and total reconciliation. Closer ties of
trade and alliance are constantly sought both within and without the
alliance. This has resulted both in the Commonwealth having many
allies available to them, but also has found them caught up in other
nations wars.
Many species are citizens within the Commonwealth, either as
individuals, clades, or their own worlds or star nations. Notable among
these are the Alleoul Sodality, a theocracy of snake-like psychics, the
Carcharcal Guilds, a trading consortium of various aquatic species, and
the Kurutulmak Imperium, a Romanesque empire of small raptoriods.
Many other less numerous species and individuals are present, making
up nearly a quarter of the Commonwealths population.
The Commonwealth has been known to start wars with its neighbors
to settle intractable disputes. In such case it attempts to end the
conflict quickly and to engage in only limited war. They have difficulty
understanding why their neighbors are wont to hold grudges, as the
Wyans tend to leave conflicts in the past, whether won or lost.

The Commonwealth is now struggling for its existence against the

depredations of the Nemishan Animosity, a warlike semi-feudal
collective on their spinward border. Coreward, the rich worlds of the
Woodgrain Nebula have seen conflict with a previously uncontacted
near-human civilization known as the Madroi first contacted in 2214,
and with conflict heating up over the last decade. And some of the
races and peoples of the Commonwealth are not above stirring up
trouble for the entire nation for personal advantage

Species of the Wyan Commonwealth

The Wyans
The biology of the Wyan race is internally very similar to that of
Terran humanity. Radical differences in external appearance have
caused them to be called bugbears out of either fear or affection. The
early ancestors of the Wyan were similar Terran apes, living both on
and within the now extinct Giant Banyanquoia, treelike colony
organism that could and did cover entire continents.
Approximately 5 million years ago, the Banyanquoia went extinct,
and the proto-Wyans moved first onto and then into the ground to
avoid predation. Whereas humanity would fight with and against those
animals, the Wyans chose to avoid them where possible, living a life not
unlike the modern gopher or meerkat, if meerkats weighed 100kg with
metallic chisel claws and had the intelligence of a chimpanzee.
The Wyan species reached a rough approximation of its modern
form 100,000 years ago. About 20,000 years ago they underwent an
agricultural revolution, moving from herding and guarding surface
animals to growing crops above and below ground. The Wyans have
grown taller and lighter in the last 100,000 years, but not enough to be
called a different species.
(Left: Alewynn, homeworld of the Alleoul Sodality, and its surprisingly earthlike moons.
These moons are inhabited by many of the oxygen breathing members of the Commonwealth,
and serve as a basis for face to face diplomacy)

Wyan Physiology
The average socially adult Wyan is 124cm in height and masses
approximately 130kg. They are heavily furred bilaterally symmetric
quadruped/bipeds. Two primary legs are digitigrade, short, and
massively muscled, ending in broad double-cloven hooves with a
secondary hoof-spur at the back. The two arms are similar to legs in
size and length, and a 4-legged locomotion style is adopted when in a
hurry, or by the young or elderly. Hands are broad with four short, wide
digits usually ending in very heavy spade or chisel like nails. In some
individuals the nails are trimmed or clipped into shapes appropriate to
a hobby or profession, or for aesthetic reasons. The two central digits
are larger and broader, while the two digits at the edge of the hand are
lighter, more dexterous, and fully opposable.
There is no nose, and Wyans breathe through muscular openings
along the upper flanks. Sense of taste and smell are far superior to
human norm both operating through a wide mouth. Instead of teeth
they have a slow-growing ridge of hardened metallic bone. Four
primary eyes are located about the forward arc of the skull. The eyes
are large and compound, sensitive from deep red down into the
infrared. A smattering of eye-spots or sensor pits around the head,
shoulders, and hips contribute to situational awareness. Perception
and awareness is great at close range, but Wyans cannot see clearly
beyond twenty meters. Large external eardrums are overlaid by thick
protective pads which can be withdrawn for increased sensitivity.
Hearing is similar to human average, though limited to lower
frequencies. Communication is by a combination of tongue and jaw

clicks, taps, and chatters, along with much deeper, sonorous tones
produced by the breathing passages along the flanks.
Metals are found in bones and connective tissues, contributing great
structural strength but also great mass and density. No Wyan can
swim. Differences in muscle structure and nervous systems cause the
Wyan to be incredibly strong but lack fine control. A average Wyan is
far stronger than the strongest unaugmented humans, but no Wyan
could accurately pitch a baseball or shoot a basketball. The digestive
system is similar to human and omnivorous. Wyans are non-selffertilizing hermaphrodites. The reproductive organs are located within
an expandable pouch located on the lower belly, where the young will
spend their first months of life. Sexual maturity occurs at between eight
and twelve and lasts until twenty to thirty. Births are live with the
children carried in the pouches of their parents and their no longer
fertile grandparents. Any Wyan can nurse young. At the end of their
fertile years, a series of physiological changes cause the sex organs to
atrophy while skin, muscle, and bone all thicken and strengthen. The
fur will take on a metallic sheen which increases with advancing age.
Adulthood also brings on emotional and mental changes similar to
those in humans as they pass through their late teens and early
twenties. Absent advanced medicine, a Wyan will usually experience
mental or physical decline beginning around the age of fifty.

Wyan Psychology
Having evolved as mostly subterranean creatures with strong clan
structures and heavy external pressures, the Wyan psychology is
radically different than that of Humans. Whereas a human generally
will seek the best for themselves or their immediate family first, for an
adult Wyan, the circle of self-and-family extends to the entire local
clade, analogous to a human village or township. All those not in that
clade are either Freen (Other-who-is-us.. as close or closer than human
blood brothers, and treated as a member of the same Clade) Stren
(Other-who-is-not-yet-us, best friends that dont KNOW that we are
best friends.. yet) or Tharn (Other who will never be us - At best
unworthy of trust, frequently to be avoided or destroyed).
Throughout most of early Wyan history, the survival of individual
clades depended on all too rare contact with other clades to provide
genetic influx and trade of materials or goods not available to the
mostly sedentary clans. Despite this focus on the family, a Wyan
certainly can and would be willingly separated from the clade even for
an extended period of time but would still consider itself part of its
Clade, and the journey would be as a representative of the clade. Such
journeymen might well find a permanent home in a new clade,
marrying in and bringing grandchildren-in-pouch to join the new
family. In return, a Journeyman from the new clade would be asked to
return to the newcomers home. Such clade marriages have a joyous
religious significance and are often attended by elaborate rituals.
Equally important to the Wyan psychology is their simultaneous love
of underground safety and security and a striving for the above-ground

light of the sun and stars. Most Wyan are homebodies by human
standards, though some feel the calling of the sky strongly.
Wyan Sociology
Compared to the other in-play races, they typical Wyan is
moderately agoraphobic, exceptionally friendly, completely selfsacrificing to the clade or to close friends, and eager to meet new
people and trade in new ideas and new goods. They are the traders,
the community builders, and the consensus seekers of the in play
species. Individual Wyans will tend to treat freshly met strangers (Wyan
or otherwise) as best friends they are only meeting, but have learned to
be somewhat wary of these Stren, at least at first. Conflict with Stren is
possible, though it is usually friendly and serves only to establish who is
right over an otherwise irreconcilable issue. Once the issue is resolved
the conflict ends and past wrongs are forgotten, everyone becoming
Stren again.
Based on the contact between them, Stren can be formally inducted
as Freen, or the relationship may simply evolve in that direction. A
Wyan does not consider species or history to be any boundary to
making a Stren into a Freen. A Wyan will engage in conflict with a Freen
only with the greatest of misery and the most extensive attempts to
defuse the situation, and will generally assume any Freen that is doing
something bad is doing so for perfectly good reasons that the Wyan
doesnt understand, or because the Freen themselves inexplicably do
not understand that what they are doing is bad. Freenships gone
inevitably bad because of irreconcilable outside forces or unresolvable,
conflicting commitments are the highest form of Wyan tragic theatre,

and usually end with the conflict avoided by the suicide or social flight
of one or both of the Freens.
The designation Tharn is rarely applied to other sentient
individuals, and mostly reserved for things that are alive, dangerous,
and unable to be reasoned with. These things are to be avoided if
possible, and utterly destroyed if they represent a threat to the clade.
The Nemishan are tottering on the edge of a Tharn designation due to
their behavior in the war.

Lacking limbs, the Alleoul use a prehensile tongue as well as innate

telekinetic powers to interact with the world around them. This
telekinesis also allows for slow flight. All Alleoul have psychic powers to
some degree. These powers always include limited telekinesis and may
extend to empathy, telepathy, clairvoyance, and energy and probability
manipulation. The Alleoul understanding of temporal and quantum
phenomenon make them a vital if often incomprehensible component
of Commonwealth scientific research.
The Carcharcar Guilds

Though the above discussion relates to individuals, it is a pattern

that repeats again at each layer of the culture. Family groups within a
given Clade will usually be a friendly form of Stren in relation to one
another. Each Clade tends to treat the others as Stren or Freen. Other
species are usually considered Stren, and the Wyan seek Freen species
wherever they can find them. Individuals, families, and clades will
adopt alien individuals or groups wholly into their number, or may seek
to join alien groups. The forming of a Freenship bond is something
between a solemn oath, a wild party, and a legally binding contract, and
can be all or none of the above.
The Alleoul Sodality
Similar to 5 meter long gliding snakes, the Alleoul are a deeply
spiritual species, with a theocratic government. Decision making is
often based on visions and prophecy empowered by altered states of
consciousness induced by drugs or meditation.

The Carcharcal are the dominant species of the Carcharcar Guilds, a

multispecies organization of aquatics. Descended from deep-water
predators, the Carcharcal express conflict and dominance along
mercantile and economic lines , currency set to a pound-of-flesh
standard. The Carcharcal are often the merchants and bankers of the
The Kurtulmak Imperium
Physically similar to a 1.7 meter tall Terran Velociraptor, the
Kurtulmak are an organized, consensus society with a republican form
of government headed by a hereditary emperor whose power varies
widely from generation to generation. A gregarious and opinionated
people, they tend to settle matters with debate, rhetoric, and polling.
The Kurtulmak are often represented in the Commonwealth ground
forces, in logistics and planning, and in most layers of the bureaucracy.

The Manufactured Beings

No discussion of the Races of the Commonwealth could be
complete without including the drones, artificial intelligences, and
Minds that make up a significant portion of the Commonwealth
population. Artificial beings take forms varying from soccer-ball sized
military drones to computer-network resident artificial intelligences
that serve as crewmembers, researchers, logicians, and politicians. At
the extreme end are massively powerful Minds that are often given
warships, cities, or entire orbitals as bodies. All are considered fully
sentient members of the Commonwealth with the same rights and
duties as any other member. It is not uncommon for such beings to
join Wyan clades as family members or to form their own family like
Manufactured beings will often take a body approximating that of
one of the member species of the Commonwealth, either full time or as
a change of clothes. Many AI or Mind level beings will maintain one or
more avatars which serve as a face for interaction with naturally
evolved people.
Some concern has been expressed that the manufactured beings,
especially the Minds, have influence in the Commonwealth out of
proportion to their numbers. On the whole, the Wyans inherent
attraction to the other and need to make the alien into friends and
family members has resulted in the Commonwealth adopting a so
what attitude to the proposition.
(Right: The Grand Space Vessel Second Class Utopia of the Machine Clade. Grand Space
Vessels can carry populations in the tens of millions, and are better thought of as mobile
cities or nations than as naval vessels in the classic sense)

The Wyan Royal Navy

The Wyan Royal Navy usually retains most of its combat power in
seven large nodal fleets. The wall of battle usually has a core of
Dreadnought class vessels, though Battlecruisers and even Cruisers will
fill out those numbers. Smaller deployments may center on a
Battlecruiser commanding a collection of Heavy and Light Cruisers.
Escort class vessels are usually found attached to a Capital vessel and
provide mutual support, or found filling the same role as attached
support to merchant groups.
The Royal Navy is be characterized by flexibility, resilience, and
professionalism. The Wyan focus on high energy physics and
metallurgy colors their shipbuilding, with a preference for energy,
particularly plasma, based weaponry. Crewing varies as a function of
technology and role. Wyan Naval vessels have a much greater AI
integration than in most navies, with each ship having an almost
parallel second crew of AI persons. These manufactured persons vary
from human equivalent drones through powerful AIs that may be
responsible for an entire department up to nigh-godlike Minds.
The Wyan people devote only a small percentage of their resources
to military matters. Their high baseline technology level and
productivity allows them to maintain around 60,000 capital vessels in
active service for that limited outlay, though the economy could
support a fleet perhaps five times the size, albeit at great cost. The

Naval ships are designed for very long service lives, and a hull will be
subject to numerous service life extension programs and down to bare
hull rebuilds, as their equipment is designed to be largely modular,
rather than 'baked into' the hull construction. The war era vessels are
an exception, rush built for the Nemeshan war and not designed for
long service lives. Despite their relative youth, extensive rebuilds and
increasing maintenance are already a problem for these vessels.
The vessels of the Navy vary widely in design and specific
capabilities. Ships with long lifespans, various Ship-Building Clades with
widely differing design philosophies, and member races who maintain
their own naval traditions, shipyards, and technologies all contribute to
this fact. In general, a given squadron will consist of a single races
ships, but mixed deployments do occur. The Royal Navy serves as the
heavily federalized and lavishly equipped core component of the Wyan
Navy. Classically something of a Wyans only club, the Royal Navy is
currently undergoing a revolution with a new generation of high
performance, high endurance, and high cost vessels showcasing the
best of technology and personnel of all the Commonwealth races. The
brainchild of Senator Mantill, they are intended to represent
maximum warships, built with an acceptance of lavish outlays of
capital, exotic resources, design time, and build times. In return, it is
hoped that by accepting these one-time costs, the modern vessels of
the Royal Navy will offer a high return on that investment in terms of
service life and space superiority.

Military Technologies of the Wyan Royal Navy

Warp Space Drive (Advanced FTL):

Lavishly equipped and extensively trained, the Wyan Royal Navy
operates with more skill and greater agility in warpspace. Their vessels
have one-half the standard interaction radius when entering or leaving
the map via FTL (3mu rather than 6mu), scatter one half the normal
distance when entering via FTL (roll the usual exploding 6 scatter
distance, and then halve it), and may either fire weapons normally or
maneuver whilst warming up FTL (vessels normally may not maneuver
or fire the turn they are warming up FTL).

Phased Plasma Beams (Advanced Beams):

Plasma beam research, combined with the work done on the early
neutral particle beams, has resulted in an accurate, steerable beam
weapon. This weapon uses waves of phased exotic plasmas in tight
beams to set up destructive, contagious instabilities in the structure of
the target. Phased Plasma Beams are flexible, accurate, and track
quickly across enemy targets.
These weapons deal 2BD* of energy damage to targets up to 24mu
away from the firing ship. They may alternately be fired as a single
Point Defense System.

Heavy Plasma Cannon (Plasma Bolt Launchers):

Plasma Cannon use a high density plasma charge in a gravitic bottle
that explodes at a predetermined range. This functions as a form of
plasma based area of effect artillery. The Plasma Cannon may also be
fired at a single target at higher speeds, causing it to behave as a heavy
direct fire weapon.
The PBL fires a plasma bomb every other turn. During the Ordinance
Launch Phase, a marker is placed within 30mu of the launcher and
within its arc. PBLs explode, dealing damage to every unit within 6mu.
Plasma Bolts may be targeted by PDS or fighters with a -2DRM, or
Scatterpacks and Interceptor Pods for 1BD* of damage. Beam-1, K-1
etc. weapons cannot target Plasma Bolts. Each hit lowers the class of
the Plasma Bolt by 1 before it detonates.
A detonating Plasma Bolt deals 1d6 damage per class, with screens
applying a -1DRM to the each die per level. Fighter and heavy fighter
squadrons take 1d6 damage per die. Missiles and Gunboats are
destroyed. Stealth, holofields, ECM, etc. provides no protection from
Plasma Bolts.
Alternately, Plasma Bolt Launchers may elect at the time of firing to be
fired in a 'Direct Fire' mode rather than in their usual AOE Ordinance
role. When direct fired, Plasma Bolts hit as if they were standard
projectile weapons with 6mu range bands dealing 1d6 damage per class
of the Plasma Bolt. Direct Fired Plasma Bolts ignore level 1 screens, but
have their damage per die reduced by 1 by level 2 screens.

Spinal Point Singularity Projectors

A massive and potent example of the Mass Density Destroyer class of
weapons, the Wyan Point Singularity Projectors fire a salvo of
nanoscopic black holes throughout space before the craft. These point
singularities disrupt and degrade everything in their path based on
intense gravitic effects, and are intensely destructive against larger
Spinal PSPs fire only out of a special, narrow, 30 degree forward arc,
and affect a beaten area based on their class:


Beam Width

Anything in the beaten area of these weapons receives 2BD PSP hits.
These hits deal 1 damage each to fighters, gunboats, and ordinance.
Against vessels and stations, each hit will do 1d6 damage per size class
these weapons do 2BD hits. Each hit does 1 damage to fighters,
gunboats, and any ordinance.
Against ships, stations, and other large targets each hit does 1d6
damage per size class of the target up to size class 3. Multi-section
units, such as some superships or large stations will receive this hit on
every section in the beaten area, with damage based on the mass of
that section.

Gently Falling Leaf Class Multirole Fighters

The Royal Navy pursues quality over all in its space fighter forces. The
result is a fighter that is simultaneously as fast as the fastest
dogfighters in the sector, while being a resilient as the heaviest assault
fighter, and having range equaling any interceptor.
The Gently Falling Leaf class fighter counts as a Heavy, Fast, Long
Range, Multirole Fighter, and may be armed at the time of launch as
either a Standard Fighter, an Interceptor, or a Torpedo Fighter.

Defense Drones
The Camelopard Class Defense Drone consists of a small, heavily
stealthed craft deploying a hot-burn, short duration advanced area
screen generator. Currently deployed only by the Ionian Gold class
Support Cruisers, the Navy currently plans to eventually install at least
one or two Camelopard bays on most Wyan ships of the line.

Advanced Area Screens

Each advanced area screen generator provides one level of advanced
screens to any friendly vessel within 6mu of the generator. These
function as normal for advanced screens. If at any point there are three
or more screens affecting a ship, it is treated as if it had level three
screens resulting in beam weapons dealing one hit on a 5 or 6,

without rerolls, subtracting 3 damage from missiles or pulse torpedoes,

and subtracting 3 from the roll to double damage on K-Guns.
Wyan Royal Navy Special Rules
High Engineering Tolerances (HET)
Wyan hulls are universally well designed and robust, and their crews
trained and polished to the highest standard. As a result, if the optional
Emergency Thrust rule is in use and both players are willing, any vessel
of the Wyan Royal Navy may perform Emergency Thrust once during
the game without the risk of a die roll or with the maneuver counting as
one of the uses of Emergency Thrust that game. It is suggested that
players make a box on their SSDs for the free use given to them by their
High Engineering Tolerances (marked Free HET) and check it off once

(Right: A demonstration of point singularity weapon use on an uninhabited worldlet in the

Centimir system. Point Singularity Devices have been suggested for deep space mining.)

SDN Fire Sermon

TMF: 280


NPV: 1494

9,200,000 Metric Tons

600m Length, 474m Beam, 186m Height
9 years at 15.8 LY/Day
YIS 1957, 10172 Active

The Fire Sermon and her sisters were the largest and best armed vessels in the
Wyan Royal Navy at the outbreak of the Nemishan War. In the dark early days of
the conflict, they served as the anchor of the Wyan Line of Battle against
overwhelming Nemishan firepower. The existing vessels have been heavily refit
to accommodate the realities of the Nemishan conflict.

CVA Unreal City

TMF: 280


NPV: 1922

9,300,000 Metric Tons

600m Length, 474m Beam, 186m Height
8 years at 14.2 LY/Day
YIS 1960, 4811 Active

Serving the heavy fleet carrier role, the Unreal City class vessels were originally
stopgap fighter carriers, based on the hulls of the Fire Sermon class
Superdreadnoughts. Though intended to be temporary, the class was successful
enough to become the standard fleet carrier, though its operations are somewhat
hampered by limited fighter handling compared to total hangar space.

DN Look to Windward
TMF: 167


NPV: 910

3,000,000 Metric Tons

598m Length, 360m Beam, 144m Height
6 years at 17.2 LY/Day
YIS 1982, 2112 Active

Introduced to give the Wyan Royal Navy very fast raiding and battlefield support
units. Unpopular with political leaders before the war as too offensive in
mission and design, with the outbreak of the Nemishan conflict, these vessels
were widely deployed to raid enemy infrastructure and rear areas, keeping them
off balance while the Commonwealth struggled to catch its breath. Few returned

BC What the Thunder Said

TMF: 122


NPV: 669

2,000,000 Metric Tons

492m Length, 445m Beam, 112m Height
8 years at 15.2 LY/Day
YIS 1935, 15442 Active

The oldest design still in service and used as the proving ground for successive
upgrades, the Thunder class are the best known and most widely recognized
vessels of the modern Royal Navy. Squadrons of these BCs substitute for
dreadnoughts when none are available.

BC Datta
TMF: 122


NPV: 701

2,100,000 Metric Tons

487m Length, 445m Beam, 105m Height
6 years at 15.1 LY/Day
YIS 1942, 8995 Active

The Datta, or Gift class variant of the Thunder exchanges the plasma cannons
for paired spinal mounts. Lacking the high FTL speeds and extensive secondary
armament of the larger Windward class vessels, the Datta was intended for fleet
fire support. Though initially successful in that role, they quickly became a
priority focus for enemy fire, forcing the vessels to break off or risk destruction
after only a few firing opportunities.

CV Damyata
TMF: 122


NPV: 828

2,200,000 Metric Tons

493m Length, 445m Beam, 120m Height
6 years at 14.9 LY/Day
YIS 1939, 12119 Active

The Damyata, or Control class Battlecarrier was introduced to focus on

improving speed and survivability over the older Quietly Confident class fleet
carriers. Though officially designated a Battlecarrier to make it easier to get the
vessel past the battleship admirals, its light armament make it more of a classic
carrier than a BCV.

CS Ionian Gold
TMF: 102


NPV: 532

2,100,000 Metric Tons

380m Length, 445m Beam, 120m Height
9 years at 15.8 LY/Day
YIS 1967, 1832 Active

The Ionian Gold Class Support Cruiser was introduced to provide electronic
warfare support to the heavy battle-line vessels. Boasting 4 on-board
Camelopard area screening remotes, the Gold class vessels can provide, if
temporarily, extensive defenses to the capital ships they support. Outside battle
roles, the extensive sensor facilities and boat bays makes them ideal exploration
and survey vessels.

CA Phoenician
TMF: 86


NPV: 426

1,600,000 Metric Tons

350m Length, 235m Beam, 53m Height
6 years at 16.2 LY/Day
YIS 1955, 7562 Active

Following the same built philosophy as the Datta and Windward class vessels, the
Phoenician is an uprated follow-on to the Consider Phlebas. Only a handful of
yards were producing this design before the war, and few examples of the original
design have survived to the modern era. This is due to no inherit flaw in the
vessel in the role for which it was intended. Given access to spinal weaponry
weapons, fleet commanders have tended to force these vessels into roles for
which they were not designed, leaving them punching above their weight class.

CA Consider Phlebas
TMF: 82


NPV: 440

1,300,000 Metric Tons

350m Length, 235m Beam, 53m Height
10 years at 14.2 LY/Day
YIS 1940, 17545 Active

Entering service as a light version of the Thunder class BCs, the Phlebas class was
intended to serve on long detached patrols and exploration cruises. Capable of
self-protection and moderate intensity power projection, they retain enough
combat power from their larger siblings to serve as the core of lighter battle line

CL Handful of Dust
TMF: 64


NPV: 351

600,000 Metric Tons

303m Length, 201m Beam, 51m Height
5 years at 17.1 LY/Day
YIS 1955, 31625 Active

Optimized from the earliest days as a fast commerce raider and commerce
protection craft, the Dust class vessels have always been among the fastest of the
Wyan warships, at least at FTL speed. Unfortunately, improved FTL speeds on
such light ships have resulted in sometimes-dangerous drive flutters at high FTL
speed, such that the helmsbeings tend to refer to them as the Handful class.

CVE Hyacinth Girl

TMF: 61


NPV: 359

620,000 Metric Tons

230m Length, 148m Beam, 57m Height
4 years at 15.6 LY/Day
YIS 1987, 31683 Active

An upgrade/replacement for the Rumors in the fleet support role, the Hyacinth
Girl CVEs boast extensive fighter carriage, allowing it to offer additional point
defense or striking power to the battleline. The additional secondary hull allows
each to serve as hanger for an individual fighter squadron, while the crew
functions are moved entirely to the primary hull.

DD Aetherial Rumors
TMF: 33


NPV: 171

400,000 Metric Tons

250m Length, 148m Beam, 56m Height
4 years at 15.8 LY/Day
YIS 1960, 11523 Active

If there is a Scout in the Royal Wyan Navy, it is the light vessels of the Aether
class. Though lacking extensive sensor suits, their small size, coupled with
unusual resilience in such a small vessel, as well as their relatively high FTL speed,
allow them to slip in and out of hostile space at little risk, and to range far from

The Carcharcar Guildships

cargo holds onto anything they can find in an attempt to make money
a high risk, but potentially high return, strategy.

Rather than being a single national fleet, the Carcharcar trading

guilds each field large squadrons of merchant vessels that, in times of
conflict, replace their heavy cargo pods with weapons pods equipped
with inexpensive but effective particle beam weapons and salvo
seeking missiles. Though the typical Carcharcar Armed Merchant
Cruiser makes an at best mediocre warship due to its origin as a nonmilitary vessel, they make up for what they lack in quality with their
phenomenal quantity. A single guild could match the hull counts of
most major powers, assuming it was willing and able to suspend its
profitable trading operations entirely.

The number of Armed Merchant Freighters in service represents

only the very small percentage that are assumed to be militarized or
which the guilds have the resources set aside to quickly militarize if

In addition, each Guild maintains a much smaller number of

dedicated warships which provide escort in peacetime and the fleet
backbone in time of war. Eschewing the limited-duration missile
volleys of their armed civilian counterparts, they focus on heavy
broadsides of more advanced, tightly collimated phased plasma beams
that double as heavy protection against ordinance attacks allowing
the naval vessels of the guild to enforce its dictates on any questioning
merchant captain.
The quality of both hulls and leadership varies wildly from guild to
guild, and even within guilds. Rank is a source of profit, so it is not
uncommon for houses within the guild to maneuver to see their scions
granted rank, in the hopes of profit for the house. Richer, well
established guilds will field vessels that are quite well built and durable,
serving for extended periods. Younger or struggling guilds will slap

Carcharcar Guildships Military Technology

Gatling Arrays and

Meson Projectors
Based on technology borrowed from the Wyan Royal Navy, some
Carcharcar Guildships replace their normal particle beam emitters with
more collimated plasma beams. The Gatling array is devastating at
close range, dealing 5 beam dice out to a range of 12mu. The Meson
Projector trades that punch for reach, dealing 1 beam die out to 40mu.
Either weapon can fire as a single PDS within its firing arc.
The Gatling Arrays and Meson Projectors of the Carcharcar navy are
usually mounted in broadside or chaser configurations. These are
assigned mass and cost in the same fashion as the Continuum
Broadside Class 2 Beams a pair of broadside or chaser weapons, on
opposite sides of the ship, have the same total mass as a single, three
arc weapon. Broadside or chase armament must be purchased in
matching, opposite side pairs.

Carcharcar Guildships Special Rules

There Is Something Wrong with our Bloody Ships Today
Not all Carcharcar ships are well constructed.. or even safely
constructed. At game start, roll a D6 for every Merchant hull in play.
On a 6, that hull gets the Flawed Design rule for this game.
Always Room at the Top and Bottom and Sides
Turning a merchant ship into a warship has few advantages. One of
them is space. At the end of any turn where the Carcharcar force has
empty salvo missile magazines on a Merchant Hull, the player may roll
a D6 for each empty magazine. On a 6, an extra missile salvo is found
and readied for launch having been acquired through left-flipper
trading or simply found behind a recently breached bulkhead. Use this
rule only if both players agree and if there is something wrong with the
bloody Carcharcar ships today.

(Right A Carcharcar Guildsmaster engaged in negotiations with an alien representative.)

AMF Merchantman
TMF: 242


NPV: 867

12,816,000 Metric Tons

762m Length, 410m Beam, 755m Height
2 years at 6.3 LY/Day
~10,000 (militarized)

The Merchantman class Armed Merchant Freighters are the largest and heaviest
of the Carcharcar converted merchant vessels. Like all of the Armed Merchant
Freighters, the Merchantman suffers from poor electronic suits, relatively fragile
hulls, poor handling, and all the other drawbacks associated with trying to turn a
freighter into a warship. Despite this, its phenomenal displacement and
attendant raw firepower make it a useful and powerful unit.

AMF Fluyt
TMF: 124


NPV: 450

6,545,000 Metric Tons

768m Length, 664m Beam, 381m Height
1 year at 6.1 LY/Day
~50,000 (militarized)

Found on far more routes than the larger Merchantman, the Fluyt class ships are
the backbone of the Carcharcar Guilds. Given the vast number of reliable,
inexpensive hulls in service, it is no surprise that the militarized variant of the
Fluyt carry most of the heavy lifting in Carcharcar armed conflicts.

AMF Xebec
TMF: 64


NPV: 204

3,920,000 Metric Tons

381m Length, 347m Beam, 391m Height
18 months at 6.2 LY/Day
~40,000 (militarized)

The Xebec class hulls are most often found as free traders working triangle or
longer trade routes between secondary worlds. As a result of this, fewer are in
the hands of the major guilds, and they are less likely to be pressed into military
service. Even so, the heavy broadside armament of a Xebec that has switched out
its cargo pods for armament pods serves as a painful surprise to unwary
commerce raiders.

AMF Blockade Runner

TMF: 33


NPV: 116

2,100,000 Metric Tons

368m Length, 664m Beam, 381m Height
6 months at 8.1 LY/Day
~40,000 (militarized)

Although not properly an Armed Merchant Freighter due to the fact that they
come armed as a default, the blockade runners are still frequently drafted into
military service. Armed with heavy batteries of box missile launchers, the
Blockade Runners are designed to cripple or dissuade enemy police and military
craft to allow them to continue on their holy mission of free economic expansion.

CGS 1st Rate Warship

TMF: 300


NPV: 1178

18,763,000 Metric Tons

2 years at 6.4 LY/Day

Massive firepower, thick hulls, and heavy screens define the pride of the CGS
Navy. Also defining the pride of the CGS Navy: huge crew requirements, massive
costs, and terrible handling. Though popular as prestige vessels and for flagshowing, the 1st rates should be limited to positions in the heart of the wall of
battle, where their crushing firepower at extreme range and massive resilience
are decisive advantages and where its pitiful handling and relatively weak selfdefense fore and aft are not decisive.

CGS 2nd Rate Warship

TMF: 220


NPV: 849

12,210,000 Metric Tons

2 years at 6.5 LY/Day

Having no better shielding than a 3rd rate ship, with no better handling than the
massive 1st rates, the 2nd rate Warships are the least popular of the CGS capital
ships. Most are older vessels remaining in service, a relic from the era when they
were the first rate ships of the navy. Some are still slowly produced by yards
unable to handle the 1st rate ships.

CGS 3rd Rate Warship

TMF: 200


NPV: 738

10,524,000 Metric Tons

2 years at 6.9LY/Day

The 3rd Rate is the most common capital ship of the CGS Navy. Though more
lightly armed than the first and second rate ships, its better handling and lower
cost make it more efficient in use. The heavy batteries of broadside Meson Guns
actually give the 3rd Rates no more throw weight than the frigates, but they
function at vastly greater ranges, forcing opponents to either charge directly into
the line of battle, or accept unreturned volleys at long range.

CGS Frigate
TMF: 118


NPV: 446

6,210,000 Metric Tons

825m Length, 279m Beam, 509m Height
1 year at 7.1 LY/Day

The Carcharcar use their Frigate-weight ships in wide ranging deployments, flag
showing, gunboat diplomacy, convoy escort, and convoy raiding. Powerful,
capable, and small and handy enough to be widely used, they are the ship most
often thought of as the Carcharcar Warship.

CGS Brig
TMF: 61


NPV: 237

3,127,000 Metric Tons

658m Length, 620m Beam, 254m Height
1 year at 7.4 LY/Day

Used in circumstances where firepower is called for but a full-on Frigate would be
excessive, the Guilds send Brigs to far flung stations where a naval presence is
required. Similar to light cruisers in other navies, the combination of
independence of action and substantial ability and authority found in the Brigs
make them a popular first assignment for newly minted captains with an eye on
promotion within the guild.

CGS Corvette
TMF: 24


NPV: 100

1,252,000 Metric Tons

328m Length, 381m Beam, 402m Height
1 year at 8.0 LY/Day

The Corvettes serve as fleet support and additional defense for their larger
siblings in fleet actions, and are often deployed in hunting packs or for local
system defense and anti-piracy operations. Based on a modified Blockade Runner
hull, Corvettes can be rapidly built out and widely deployed, with their losses little
felt by the Guilds.

The Kurtulmak Imperial Navy

Something of a junior service to the Royal Navy, the Kurtulmak
Imperial Navy strives to maintain the highest standard of
professionalism and efficiency possible in their relatively underfunded
volunteer navy. Continual conflict and political paralysis in the
Republican Senate, with construction contracts being awarded for
political prestige as much as for quality and reliability has resulted in
ships that frequently fail to live up to their elegant designs.
Despite these difficulties, the Kurtulmak do have certain advantages.
Their evolutionary history as pack predators serves them well when it
comes to fleet maneuver and coordination, and a Kurtulmak squadron
will often appear to move and fire as if they were controlled by a single
mind, even if communications are lost between the vessels. Further,
their focus on gravitic technologies has resulted in a weapon so far
unique to them the Point Singularity Cannon. Though inefficient
against lighter ships, Point Singularity Cannon are devastating against
heavy targets, and the Kurtulmak use short ranged heavy plasma
cannon sourced from the Wyans to cover that weakness. Small fighter
craft play an important role in the defense of planets and bases, but are
rarely deployed on carriers or other vessels that are expected to travel
far from home.
(Next Page: Left A Kurtulmak Marine Combat Cyborg poses for a Facespace profile
picture. Rar! Next Page: Right- The Kurtulmak Senate Building on Slanish IV. Following Page
All Kurtulmak Ship Images are Placeholders)

Kurtulmak Imperial Navy Military Technology

Point Singularity Cannon

Many Kurtulmak vessels use Point Singularity Cannons. These function
similarly to Spinal Point Singularity Projectors, in that their damage is
based in large part on the size of the target. Each Point Singularity
Cannon rolls one beam die (no rerolls, normal and advanced screens
apply) to determine the number of hits it scores on the target. Each hit
deals 1d6 damage per size class of the target, up to size class III. The
damage from each hit is fully armor piercing, identical to a K-Gun.
Class A: 40 mu range
Class B: 24 mu range
Class C: 10 mu range

Short-Range Heavy Plasma Cannon (Plasma Bolt Launchers):

Identical to the Wyan Heavy Plasma Cannon, the lesser experience of
the Kurtulmak Engineers with plasma weaponry limits the range of the
weapon to 18mu as an ordinance weapon. Range is 3mu per range
band in direct fire mode.

Kurtulmak Imperial Navy Special Rules

Pack Hunters
Descended from a long line of pack predators, Kurtulmak ship
squadrons often maneuver with terrifying coordination and precision.
As a result of this, any number of Kurtulmak vessels that are within 6mu
of one another may elect to maneuver as a squadron. Choose any one
ship within that squadron as the lead ship. That ship is maneuvered
according to written movement orders. All other vessels in the
squadron maintain their position relative to the lead ship. All vessels in
a squadron must have the same heading and velocity as the lead ship at
the time orders are written and must have thrust sufficient to perform
the maneuver of the lead ship. Pack maneuvers may be made easier by
placing multiple vessels on a single large base or stand.

BBF Griffin
TMF: 162


NPV: 629

3,200,000 Metric Tons

2 years at 6.1 LY/Day

The Griffin Class fast Battleships represent the newest construction of the
Kurtulmak Imperial Navy. While they have no real advantage over the older
Battleships in armament, the radically increased combat speed enables them to
control the range of engagement more easily, buying time for the heavy class-A
Point Singularity Cannon to end the conflict.

BB Sphinx
TMF: 123


NPV: 515

2,500,000 Metric Tons

2 years at 3.9 LY/Day

Despite falling out of production, the Sphinx class Battleships remain the mainstay
of the Kurtulmak line of battle. Designed to operate in elements of 2, 3, or more
vessels, they rely on their paired short-range heavy plasma cannon to dissuade
the enemy from closing the range, while raining a storm of point singularity fire
on their opponents. While neither so large nor so powerful as the capital ships of
other races, the Sphinx class represents the high water mark of the Kurtulmak
Good Enough design philosophy.

BC Firebird
TMF: 124


NPV: 519

2,600,000 Metric Tons

2 years at 6.0 LY/Day

Intended to function as superheavy raiders, able to demolish convoys even in the

face of escorting cruisers, whilst still able to evade most enemy capital ships, the
Firebird class has performed excellently in its intended role. Its heavy guns
tended to cause commanders to use it outside its intended role, forcing it into the
line of battle where its lighter hull and screens hindered it, and its relative agility
gave no advantage. Production has been stopped in favor of the Griffin.

DN Manticore
TMF: 100


NPV: 392

2,400,000 Metric Tons

2 years at 3.7 LY/Day

These older DNs are being cycled out of service as the new fast battleships free
the older, standard battleships for the supporting and system defense roles that
are all the old Manticores are fit to fulfill, these days. Light screens, low hull
resilience, lack of reach, and the absence of significant point defense or defensive
plasma cannon limit their utility, but within the limited range of their big guns, the
quartet of Class B Medium Point Singularity Cannon can unleash devastating fire,
proving that even aging dragons must be treated with respect.

CA Pegasus
TMF: 80


NPV: 341

1,480,000 Metric Tons

1 year at 5.9LY/Day

Laid down at the same time as the fast battleships, the Pegasus class Heavy
Cruisers are expected to become the most numerous vessels in the fleet over the
next half-century or so. Lacking defensive plasma launchers, they rely on speed
and agility when functioning alone, and shelters under the defensive fire of the
battleships while contributing its own fire when in support of the wall of battle.

CE Couatl
TMF: 60


NPV: 247

985,000 Metric Tons

1 year at 5.8LY/Day

The Couatl class Escort Cruiser is designed to protect other vessels from
aggressive fighter swarms or medium to heavy vessels maneuvering to close the
range. The trio of fast-tracking light point singularity cannon give it the ability to
threaten even the largest of capital ships that come within its range, while its
heavy point defense arrays make life easier for the gunners on the capital ships.

The Nemishan Animosity

Capital: Mannfried, Population 6 Billion
Territory: Irregular oblate sphere, .8% of galactic total by volume
Worlds: ~7K (3% Nemishan, 97% subject races)
Population: 15.9 Trillion (1% Nemishan, 99% subject races)
The dominant people of the Animosity are the Nemishan, a roughly
humanoid race. The Nemishan define themselves and the universe
around them by constructive conflict. In the Nemishan ideal, the strong
grow stronger by warring with the strong, and the strong dominate the
weak until or unless the weak prove that they are no longer weak.
The Nemishan are upright bilaterally symmetric bipeds that could be
mistaken at great distance for a Terran. Typically around two meters in
height and perhaps 100 kilograms in weight, a baseline Nemishan
would have physical capabilities similar to a human, were it not for
thousands of years of active, intense genetic engineering. As a result of
this, the modern Nemishan is likely to be strikingly physically superior
to any member of another species that she meets. The Nemishan are
also quite certain that they are mentally, emotionally, and socially
superior as well, and have expressed (to their minds) that superiority by
conquering and subjugating every race that has come within their reach
over the past twelve centuries.
The Nemishan are ruled by a counsel of roughly a thousand high
lords, each lord representing one or more worlds that they and their

household personally rule. Within the ruling council, decision is

democratic, with no member having more or less voice than another
publically. Privately, the mightiest of the lords command the allegiance
and vote of many of the lesser lights, setting policy for the nation.
The Nemishan are only in a majority on a handful of worlds in their
empire. Most worlds have only a few thousand Nemishan in leadership
positions of such importance that the lesser races cannot be allowed
in them, and some minor worlds will only have a single true Nemishan
present as token lord of the world.. though they may not trouble
themselves with governance.
With their philosophy of conflict and subjugation, the Nemishan are
one and all highly trained in military matters and required to spend
much of their early lives in leadership positions, and least a decade or
more of it military leadership. Some move onto other important roles
in commerce or governance after their term of military service, whilst
others dedicate their entire lives to the military. Most of the military
force consists of various subject races, commanded by Nemishan
officers at all higher levels.
It is theorized that the Nemishan-Wyan Conflict is based on the
Nemishan ideal of constructive conflict. After several centuries of
expansion and build up, the Nemishan have for the first time come to
share a border with a peer opponent. This is believed to have driven
the Animosity into a frenzied state, with a deep-seated biological need
to oppose, and prove superior to, the first equal they have
encountered on the galactic stage.

Though the initial years of the war went very well for the Animosity,
they have encountered greater and greater difficulties and are starting
to see reverses as the larger Wyan industrial base and overall
technology level begins to counteract the larger Nemishan navy and
initial surprise. Whether the Animosity responds with further
escalation, or whether it can be convinced to submit to a show of
superior force, is a hot topic of discussion among xenosociologists,
diplomats, and politicians throughout the sector.

The Nemishan Superiority

The Nemishan military arm, known as the Nemishan Superiority,
consists of a vast fleet of warships, transports, and assault vessels.
Military doctrine revolves around clouds combat drones, supported by
heavy anti-ship missiles. This requires a heavy fleet support train, but
allows the vessels of the Superiority to put out shocking amounts of
firepower in the early stages of any engagement, usually enough to
shatter the defenders in short order.
The conflict with the Commonwealth is stretching the Superiority for
the first time in its long history. Though its early string of successes
continues to a degree, Commonwealth counter-attacks against its
support structures are beginning to be felt, and the Superiority High
Command is beginning to feel the downside of its early pattern of
broad attacks over a wide front. For now, it is still on the offensive, but
how long it can continue to support its aggressive posture, and how
much further it can press its advantage before events force it onto the
defensive, remains to be seen.

Nemishan Superiority Technologies

Capital Missile Launcher

Capital Missiles are large anti-ship missiles, similar to a wet navy
torpedo or large antiship cruiser missile, with a variety of warheads and
capabilities. A ship may mount either launchers, with one or more
launchers fed by a single magazine, or as external racks that may only
fire once. Racks include their single shot of ammunition.
Capital Missiles have one or more points of endurance and variable
sizes of warhead. Each missile moves 24mu every turn, in the
ordinance phase. This costs one endurance. Each missile may move an
additional 12mu in the ordinance phase as a secondary move, for an
additional cost of one endurance. On the launch turn, their primary
movement must leave them within the firing arc of their launcher. All
subsequent moves, including any secondary moves, are done freely.
After all ships have moved, Capital Missiles will attack the closest ship
within 6mu. They may be engaged as fighters while attacking or while
in free flight. If they hit, they roll a number of dice for damage
determined by the type of missile, with damage determined as per
salvo missile hits. At the end of any turn, missiles which have
exhausted their endurance are removed from play.

Capital Missile types:

1 End
3d6 Damage
3 End
2d6 Damage
Long Lance
5 End
1d6 Damage
3 End
1d6 Damage, Needle on 4+
3 End
1d6+2 EMP
3 End
12mu Standard Sensors
3 End
-1 DRM to fire against all friendly
missiles and fighters within 6mu.
3 End
1d6 damage, may make secondary
moves AFTER ships move.
Anti Matter
1 End
3d6 damage AOE to 1mu, 2 to 2mu, 1
to 3mu. Requires 3 hits to destroy, each hit reduces damage and radius
by one.

Combat Drones (Robot Fighters)

Launched from hull mounted racks, the Nemishan Combat Drones do
not require launch tubes, but may not be recovered and
rearmed/refueled during combat. They function in all fashions
identically to standard fighters, save that they take their secondary
moves before ship movement is resolved.

(Right A Nemishan Superiority Commander, preparing to lead its troops in a boarding

engagement. Below All Nemishan Ship Images are placeholders)

SDN Ragnarok
TMF: 264


NPV: 1036

5,200,000 Metric Tons


The largest and most powerful vessels in the Superiority, the Ragnarok vessels
rely, as do smaller craft, on the combination of devastating salvos of heavy antiship missiles, combined with swarms of drone fighters, to overwhelm enemy
defenses and break down resistance as quickly as possible. Very rarely seen,
these vessels usually serve as the personal flagships of Nemishan High Lords.

DN Armageddon
TMF: 220


NPV: 938

4,500,000 Metric Tons


With a greater emphasis on combat drones and much lighter missile batteries, the
Armageddon class Dreadnought would be classified as a fleet carrier in any other
navy. One advantage of the vast internal volume allowed by the lighter missile
armament is that the Armageddon carries deeper bays for its missile armament,
being able to continue missile fire in support of its drones for longer than most
other ships.

BDN Gotterdammerung
TMF: 202


NPV: 804

4,010,000 Metric Tons


Showing a more balanced armament than the Armageddon, the

Gotterdammerung is essentially a light version of the Ragnarok, able to fill many
of the same roles. Lesser households will usually field a BDN as their command
vessel, leaving the SDNs for the largest and most prestigious of the Nemishan

BBH Ravage
TMF: 180


NPV: 652

3,400,000 Metric Tons


If the Dreadnought classes are the command vessels of the Supremacy, it is the
Battleship vessels that serve as the core of the battle fleet. More agile than the
larger vessels, the Ravage class boasts an extensive missile armament with deep
missile bays. However, this missile armament comes at the sacrifice of drone
stowage, such that the Ravage is unsuited to independent operation, and is best
served to stay within the center of the wall of battle.

BB Havoc
TMF: 160


NPV: 570

3,100,000 Metric Tons


Like its larger cousin, the Havoc class prioritizes missile throw weight over the
multirole nature of its drones. Limited in their ability to conduct independent
operations, the Havoc class, fielded in large numbers, is designed to overwhelm
its foes with a veritable storm of missiles.

BC Strife
TMF: 160


NPV: 570

3,208,000 Metric Tons


Expanded drive systems and reduced hull bracing allows a variant of the Havoc
class to perform faster, raiding based roles. Though the Strife Class BCs require
escort to function effectively against enemy capital ships, the combination of
heavy missile armament and fast (for the Superiority) drive systems makes it a
capable strike against enemy shipping, space infrastructure, or underdefended

CA Assault
TMF: 90


NPV: 324

800,000 Metric Tons


Fast enough, with enough missile launchers to overwhelm most enemies in its
size class, and enough drone fighters to provide a reasonable level of protection
or secondary offense, the Assault class Heavy Cruiser is the most frequently
encountered Nemishan Superiority Warship. Its good enough design philosophy,
whilst uninspiring, makes for a very effective, affordable, workmanlike heavy
cruiser, able to fill most demands the navy would make of it.

CL Blitzkrieg
TMF: 64


NPV: 252

652,000 Metric Tons


Trading in its larger siblings capital launchers for an octet of short range missile
swarm launchers and a second squadron of defense drones, the Blitzkrieg class
CLs may be called upon to escort the battleships with their drones and defend
their flanks with their one-shot missile swarms, or to serve as the core of fast
strike forces of lighter vessels. Like the Assault, it is a frequently seen vessel
employed in numerous roles.

DD Attack
TMF: 44


NPV: 164

319,000 Metric Tons


Lighter and less well armed than the Blitzkreig class light cruisers, the Attack class
destroyers are an attempt to solve the same sorts of problems at a lower per-unit
cost. It has not been entirely successful in that role, as its limited drone
complement and quartet of boxed missile launchers is often not enough
armament to dissuade enemy approach or draw enemy fire, leaving more than
one Attack commander raging as his ship floats, ignored, its weapons expended to
little effect, whilst the capital ship it was assigned to protect burns before it.

SCT Barrage
TMF: 24


NPV: 83

160,000 Metric Tons


The barrage class Scout is used by the Nemishan Superiority to explore enemy
trade routes (destroying merchant ships in a swarm of scatterpack missiles),
enemy space installations (destroying space facilities in a swarm of scatterpack
missiles) and lightly defended enemy worlds (destroying colonies in a swarm of
scatterpack missiles). Unlike most races scouts, which wander everywhere and
report back on what is there, the Barrage class scouts of the Superiority wander
everywhere and report back on what they blew up there.

The Hydraxian Melds

Capital: Unknown
Territory: Unknown
Worlds: Unknown
Population: Unknown
Very little is known about the people or governance of the
organization that has become known as the Hydraxian Melds to the
other major civilizations of the Wyan Sector. Though some areas of
space are claimed by the Melds, no inhabited worlds have ever been
found, nor do they engage in commerce or (much) diplomacy with
other races. Some have suggested that their inhabited worlds are in
fact rogues, not bound to a star and kept warm by dark matter decay.
Others insist that the Hydraxians originate in and live in hypothetical
worlds present in hyperspace.
Contact with the melds consists of enigmatic communications from
their fleet, usually simple instructions to leave an area or to take a
specific course of action. If their advice is declined, they may respond
with overwhelming force, continued observation, or by leaving the
A handful of Hydraxians have occasionally served a role similar to
that of Diplomat or Envoy to other powers. The observed Hydraxians

are usually large, multi-limbed organisms resembling a terran brittlestar of around 300 kilos mass and with a maximum arm span of twenty
meters or more. Based on their environmental preferences, they seem
to be evolved from cold, high pressure liquid ammonia environment,
but have displayed no difficulties operating in the environment of
whatever race they are visiting. Individuals have displayed what appear
to be psionic abilities including telekinesis, energy manipulation, and
telepathy, but there is some suggestion that these abilities are
technological rather than innate in origin. In any event, this may be a
distinction without a difference, as the typical Hydraxian appears to be
heavily modified by biological and mechanical technologies, and is
accompanied by a swarm of progressively smaller drones, micro
drones, and nanotech swarms.
The Melds have been active in known space for the entirety of
recorded history. Archeological records of now extinct races hint at a
past where the Melds took a more active role in the sector, a role from
which they withdrew after what appears to have been some kind of
apocalyptic war. What role the Melds played in this war is unknown,
and they themselves are silent on the matter.

The Hydraxian Starguard

Most of what follows is conjecture, based on limited scans of half-seen
vessels, failed attempts to follow in warpspace wakes, myth, rumor,
and wild spacers tales.
What is known is the that Hydraxians refer to their military as the Star
Guard, and the sense and understanding of xenosociologists is that
rather than being an independent branch of the society or government
(assuming that the Hydraxians even have what we would recognize as
civil society or government) the Starguard is a volunteer force of Ships
created (perhaps) by multiple Hydraxians choosing to fund the
construction of, conduct the construction of, or merging to form, a
vessel. Reports indicate that the vessels themselves are mostly solid,
with little open internal volume, and that the ship itself seems to be a
living, communal entity, perhaps consisting of (highly modified?)
mature Hydraxians that form the ship proper, whilst other Hydraxians
(Offspring? A separate clan? A separate species?) form the mobile
It is unknown, but implied, that ships may grow and change over time,
perhaps increasing in class size, or even splitting to form smaller vessels
or budding smaller vessels off of their mass. In any event, the
Starguard is very careful of its vessels the majority of the time though
they will on occasion fight to the death for reasons that defy analysis.
What is certain is that the Starguards vessels are, individually,
advanced far beyond that of any other active civilization, and that they

could likely dominate any or all in play civilizations with that

technological superiority if they so chose. That they do not act to
ensure their permanent dominance is simply another aspect of their
alien decision making.
Hydraxian Starguard Technologies
Line Guns (Phasers)
The primary weapon of the Starguard is a form of tightly controlled
channeled singularity that is not in fact singular taking the form of a
two dimensional line, rather than a one dimensional point. The
steerable line of the line gun springs into brief existence, where it may
be used to slaughter fighter swarms, detonate mines, damage ships, or
even slice off sections of those ships, crippling them permanently.
Each line gun deals its class in BD* hits in its first range bracket, losing
one BD* per bracket beyond that. Each hit deals 2 semi-armor piercing
Alternately, Line Guns may serve as one minesweeper per class of the
line gun, as a Needle Beam of the same class, or as a number of Area
Defense Systems varying on their size.
Class I Line Guns have a 12mu range and may function as a single ADS.
Class 2 Line Guns have two range brackets of 12 MU and may function
as a pair of ADS system.
Class 3 Line Guns have 3 range brackets of 15MU and may function as 3
ADS systems.

Advanced Sensors
Enhanced sensors function as normal sensors from 24-36mu. Within
24mu, they can provide the exact number, size, and arc of enemy
weapon mounts, type of all missiles and fighters, type and thrust of
main drive.
A pair of Advanced Sensors reach out to 48 mu. Within 36mu they
function as enhanced sensors. Within 24mu they provide full access to
the enemy SSD at all times, including all power allocation if appropriate.
Sensors are vital for the use of needle beams. Lacking special sensors, a
ship may not fire a needle beam as such outside of range 12. Enhanced
sensors allow needle functions to range 24, and a pair of advanced
sensors allows needle functions to a maximum range of 36.

Holofields confuse enemy targeting. All weapons that require a to-hit
roll suffer a -1DRM on such rolls, including missile lock-on rolls. In
addition, Needle Beams cannot directly damage systems on ships with
active Holofields. Holofields also reduce the attack range of missiles,
fighters, and ordinance by 1mu, to a minimum of 1mu. AOE weapons
such as Plasma Bolts, Antimatter Missiles, and Spinal Mounts are
unaffected by Holofields.

Stealth Hulls
Fire against a ship with level 1 stealth is treated as if at an effective
range 20% greater than the true range (or reduce range brackets by
1/6th). Fire against a ship with level 2 stealth is treated as if at an
effective range 50% greater than the true range (or reduce range
brackets by 1/3). This also applies to missile lock-on range, fighter
attack range, and sensor range.
Stealth hulls are indicated on the SSD, at the end of rows of hull boxes.
Stealth Hull effects are lost along with their row of hull boxes.
Note that Hydraxians do not have to waive the effect of level 2 stealth
to fire at targets beyond 24mu.

Superadvanced FTL
Hydraxian vessels are equipped with super-advanced FTL systems.
These hyper-advanced drives may warm up their FTL drives to depart
under FTL without penalties to maneuver or fire. They may choose to
enter or exit FTL without triggering FTL interactions.

Biomechanical Armor
Hydraxian biomechanical armor attempts to self repair any damaged
boxes immediately before the damage control step of any turn. Roll
one die per damaged armor box. On a D6 roll of 5 or 6, the armor box
is repaired. On a roll of 1, it is destroyed, and may not attempt further
self repair. External repairs by damage control parties may be
attempted on either damaged or destroyed boxes as normal for
damage control. Successful repairs via damage control will repair
damaged or destroyed biomechanical armor to pristine condition,
capable of further self repair. Damage Control Parties may NOT
attempt to repair biomechanical armor whilst the vessel is cloaked or in

The larger Hydraxian vessels mount additional signature dampening
technologies, making them oddly stealthier than their smaller
companions. Each functioning ECM system reduces the targeting range
of missiles and fighters against the carrying vessel by 1mu, cumulative
with and applied after the effects of Stealth.

(Over Last photo delivered by the Wyan Agent Marta Harni on her infiltration mission to a
suspected Hydraxian colony world. The nature, role, and scale of the beings in the image are

Partial Warpspace Entry (Cloaking Field)

Hydraxian vessels may cloak some or all of their mass inside the skein
that lies between normal space and warp space. This may function
either as a cloaking device or a full-power cloaking field.
When functioning as a cloaking device, note if the system is active
while writing movement orders. While active, the carrying ship may
not fire weapons, launch or land fighters, or provide area ECM or area
Screens. The cloaked ship gains no benefit from screens, shields, or
stealth systems. It provides no defense against area of effect weapons,
but fighters and missiles are incapable of locking onto the cloaked ship.
Direct fire weapons treat the range to the target ship as if it were
doubled, and suffer a -2DRM on all to-hit rolls. A ship may not engage
cloak until a full turn has passed with the cloak offline. (Thus a ship
that decloaks on Turn 4 may not recloak until turn 6)
If activated as a cloaking FIELD, one must note the number of turns for
which it will be active - the ship MAY NOT decloak until that number of
turns has passed, and MUST decloak once that number of turns has
passed. A ship may not engage the cloaking field until a full turn has
passed with the cloak offline. (Thus a ship that decloaks on Turn 4 may
not recloak until turn 6) While cloaked, the ship is left in the position
from which it cloaked, and its controller continues to write movement
orders. While cloaked, the cloaked vessel may not fire weapons,
receives no benefits from any defensive systems, may not launch or
recover fighters, and may otherwise engage in no action other than
movement and damage control.

While cloaked, the vessel may not be the target of any weapons, and
ignores nearly all effects and interactions. The only thing that may
affect such a ship is a planet, asteroid, or star. If it moves into one of
these objects, it will be destroyed.
Hydraxian Starguard Special Rules
Masters of Space-Time Technologies
The Hydraxians long history in space and comfort with the intricacies
of warpspace allow them great freedom in sliding back and forth across
its borders. Hydraxian vessels may choose, despite their
Superadvanced drives to cause FTL interactions on FTL entry or exit.
They cause these actions at an increased range of 12mu, and do not
take damage from the interaction only deal it. They may also
combine the action of their FTL drives with the action of their cloaks
without limitation.
The Last of their Kind
Hydraxian vessels are exceptionally slow to produce and precious
beyond counting. Any Hydraxian vessels destroyed count as double
their NPV for purposes of any victory point calculations. Vessels which
flee combat will count only their normal NPV. Use this rule if and only
if the Hydraxians are Masters of Space-Time Technologies.
Water Babies!
Hydraxian vessels are fully streamlined and have paid points for the
privilege. A Hydraxian vessel may freely enter the atmosphere or
hydrosphere of any planet. They may begin play hidden on such
planets (and their presence must be recorded before the game).

During game, a Hydraxian vessel flying into a space body with an

atmosphere or hydrosphere is not destroyed, but instead ends its
movement hidden within the atmosphere or hydrosphere of that body.
It may exit it (initial velocity 0) on any subsequent turn, and cannot
interact with the game in any way until such time as it does.

Astarte Class Grand Leviathan

TMF: 300


NPV: 2298

3,117,000 Metric Tons

287m Length, 19m Beam, 950m Height
~40 LY/Day, Endurance Indefinite

The Astarte class Grand Leviathans are the largest ships observed in the Hydraxian
Star Guard and the most powerful vessels in service in the Wyan Sector. Most
often floating as invisible sentinels over some other races conflict, they rarely act.
When they do act, shattered task forces and broken worlds are left in their wake,
as the gods of war slip silently back into the depths of warpspace.

Kali Class Leviathan

TMF: 224


NPV: 1702

2,326,000 Metric Tons

345m Length, 20m Beam, 800m Height
~40 LY/Day, Endurance Indefinite

A Leviathan class vessel is simply a Grand Leviathan writ small. Though lacking
some of her larger sisters reach and firepower, the Kali class is more widely
deployed and somewhat more likely to be spotted floating inscrutably, like her
larger twin, over the battlefields of the Wyan sector.

Nike Class Leviathan-Cruiser

TMF: 194


NPV: 1400

2,017,000 Metric Tons

320m Length, 85m Beam, 335m Height
~50 LY/Day, Endurance Indefinite

The first major departure of the Leviathan line, the Nike Class Leviathan Cruisers
are the agile, fragile, fast response wing of the Starguard. Displaying acceleration
and agility greater than all but the fastest of fast pickets and scouts, coupled with
FTL transit times five times faster than most other fleets, the Nikes can appear
without warning at any point in space or time in the Wyan Sector, to enforce the
inscrutable policies of the Hydraxian Empire.

Athena Class Great Hunter

TMF: 160


NPV: 1202

1,561,000 Metric Tons

350m Length, 140m Beam, 378m Height
~40 LY/Day, Endurance Indefinite

If the Leviathans are the Hydraxian capital ships, then the Hunter class vessels
are the cruisers intended for extended patrol duty, alone or in small squadrons,
or operating in support of the Leviathans. The Athena class vessels sit on the
edge between the Hunters and Leviathans, playing the role of Superheavy
Cruiser to the Nikes Battlecruiser', matching or exceeding her larger sisters
combat power in exchange for a more

Menhit Class Hunter

TMF: 100


NPV: 749

998,000 Metric Tons

168m Length, 20m Beam, 450m Height
~40 LY/Day, Endurance Indefinite

A more representative Hunter class vessel, the Menhit is perhaps the most
commonly encountered Hydraxian vessel. The massive batteries of left and right
side armament serve it well in its intended role of flashing passes and flank
strikes, intended to cripple an opponents mobility and senses, such that the
hunters can then lazily pick it apart at their will.

Sabazios Class Lancer

TMF: 68


NPV: 448

620,000 Metric Tons

210m Length, 13m Beam, 400m Height
~40 LY/Day, Endurance Indefinite

Lancer class vessels form up in tight squadrons or schools, which then lash out,
swarming down single enemy capital vessels like a school of piranha. Relatively
fragile for a Hydraxian vessel, the Lancers rely on mobility and quickly crippling
their prey for their survival.

Zorya Class Guardian

TMF: 44


NPV: 312

418,000 Metric Tons

110m Length, 12m Beam, 375m Height
~40 LY/Day, Endurance Indefinite

Schools of Zorya Class Guardians attend upon the Leviathans and Huntships like a
group of Fluke-Skates following a Carcharcar Saber-Killer on the prowl. Like the
small fish, they prey upon the shattered leavings of their larger cousins killing..
but unlike a Fluke-Skate, the Zoryas will act to defend their relatives vulnerable
nose and rear from imprudent attackers, surfacing from hyperspace just as an
assailant thinks it has found an advantage.

A Note on Weapon Changes

(or Why, Aaron, why?)
For the Wyan Sector, I have made some changes to the performance of
a handful of Full Thrust weapons. These changes are based on
playtesting and investigation of the underlying math, and should be
taken as suggestions, house rules. I believe that many weapons
underperform, often radically, compared to others, and that this has
resulted in a relative paucity of playstyles. For this reason, I gently
suggest the following changes.
Beams (including EMP, Graviton, Phaser, Graser, Plasma, etc. )
Class 3 Beams: 15mu rangebands instead of 12mu
Class 4 Beams: 17mu rangebands instead of 12mu
Pulse Torpedos (or other 6mu range-band projectiles)
Long Range Variants: 10mu rangebands instead of 9
Short Range Variants: 3.5mu rangebands (or 3 for the math-adverse)
instead of 4.
Advanced Beams and Pulsars
Short-Range Tuned/Gatling Batteries: 5BD* rather than 6B*
Long-Range Tuned/Meson Projectors: 40mu range instead of 36/48mu

Heavy Grasers
Class I Heavy Grasers: 16mu rangeband rather than 18.
Class II Heavy Graser: 21mu rangeband instead of 18.
Class III Heavy Graser: 22.5mu rangeband (23 for the math adverse)
Point Defense Mounts (But NOT dual purpose weapons, Phasers, etc.)
Point Defense and Area Defense Mounts now fire as Interceptors, IE at
a +1 DRM. This change does NOT apply to other weapons that may
choose to fire as point defense or area defense, only to the specialist
systems themselves.
Phasers with Advanced Fire Control
Class III Phasers fire as 3 ADS, rather than 1. Class IV and higher
phasers double their ADS value for each increased class

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