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Simple Reality of Nature

Knowledge that Every Political Leader, Every Religious

Leader, Every Scientists and Every Citizens of the
World should take note if Earth and Humanity has to

Disconnected form Consciousness and Intelligence we

are walking in to Black Hole - Awaken to Survive

[Please read and forward it to as many people as possible]

By John Paily

[Before reading the article I would suggest you to listen to a video talk on the present
state of the world and the need for awakening of the consciousness, presented in the
following address This could form an introduction to
this article. However, solution to the problems of world is to know Truth of Nature and
its functioning or the “Mind of God”. This article leads to you to Truth of Nature or Mind
of God]

Earth and humanity is in critical phase of time cycle. The disorder and destruction is
increasing as never before. The climate is changing abruptly and the four forces of
Nature that supported life is turning highly destructive and volatile. The corruption,
conquering motive and “self” is increasing as never before. Rich is growing richer and
poor is growing poorer. The bread winners are neglected and the protectors of Law
and Life have turned into breakers of law and life. There is little value and respect to
family, community, society and nations and the whole world or Nature. It is time we
know the Truth of Nature and Life to survive on the planet Earth.

The modern man thinks that world is material. In its foundation science isolated
mind and consciousness from matter and set about splitting matter to know the
Truth of Nature. His quest has brought him one circle to quantum mechanics, which
tells us that some how human consciousness and mind is inseparable from matter
and that it actually influences it. If you take a bird’s eye view of human quest,
irrespective of the path one takes - spiritual, philosophical or scientific, it becomes
deduced to knowing the of “Mind of God” or “Truth of Nature, Life and its

The modern science has made nature complex beyond the comprehension of
common man and even large majority of scientists. This complexity has been
haunting humanity. In his struggle to conquer nature he is caught in a web of
destruction. He has created a world where individual, family, community, and
nations are restless and striving to destroy humanity. The present world has made
humanity slave to material forces and is leading him to a Black Hole in the Center.
Every scientist knows inherently the flaws on which he stands, but fails to admit. He
fails to grow above “self” and explore beyond boundary and lead the world from
complexity to simplicity. A well known scientist Stephen Hawking, concludes his
book “Brief History of Time” saying “However, if we do discover a complete
theory. It should in time be understandable in broad principle by everyone,
not just few scientists. Then we shall all, philosophers, scientist, and just
ordinary people, be able to take part in the discussion of the question why it
is that we and the universe exist”. If we find answer to that, it would be
ultimate triumph of human reason – for then we would know the “Mind of
God”. This statement and the whole spiritual knowledge on which ancient existed
call us to review and reinvent the world as conscious and intelligent thing. In other
words it calls us to invent “Living Universe Theory”

The following seven steps are keys to evolve to higher knowledge, know the Truth
and survive. They are the core of over two and half decades of selfless research.

First step – Fundamental Realization of Nature

The Earth that supports all of us is dynamic and works on two alternating and two
opposing cycles. These cycles balances Earth, maintains its temperature and gives
life to the whole system. They manifest into day and night and climatic cycles that
are essential for sustenance of Nature and life. This day and night cycle forms the
energy cycle of Nature that is a vital to sustain life. It is a fundamental Truth that
every one should know in detail.

Second step – Design and Functional Realization of Nature

The Design that facilitates the system to drive a day and night and climatic cycle is
simple. The system is divided into two worlds; right and left or west and east. When
west awakes to sunlight, energizes and goes into disorder, the east simultaneously
sleeps to darkness and goes into new order and vice-versa. In other words it
materializes the energy. The Earth through these cycles maintains a certain balance
of energy to matter ratio thereby the temperature of Earth within certain limits for
all life to exist on this planet. The night cycle is the repairing and restoration cycle of
Nature and is very vital for its existence. Much of the problems of the world could be
directly or indirectly be related to upsetting the ratio of energy to matter on Earth. In
other words it relates to disturbing the Sleep Cycle of Nature and life.

Third step – Realization of the Dynamic Design

[Note – this needs little bit of effort from your part to comprehend]

The right and left are two independent systems or worlds, which are opposing but
are one. We can compare it to male and female. Each of these cycles is dynamic and
independent but their source is one. The source is Energy or Fire or Spirit. There
are two types of Energy or Spirit or Fire. They are

1] Fire or Spirit of Life or Soul [also Called Holy Spirit, Brahman and so on]
2] Fire or Spirit of Matter

These fires exist as a ratio in the environment. The two worlds that are created in
time from a single source are communicated both instantaneously and in time.

The simplest way to understand the dynamic design is to look at the clock. The clock
has day and night cycle. The night cycle is hidden in the day cycle and vice-versa.
See fig – Dynamic design

Night and
recessive Light
cycle Night Cycle

Dominant Light
Cycle and Day Cycle
recessive night

Fig – Dynamic Design

What this means that each cycle is dynamic and they consist of 8 component cycles.
Four of them at any moment is dominant the other four is recessive. When the night
or darkness peaks, the day or light cycle emerges from it and simultaneously an
opposite process occurs in the second cycle or Day Cycle. This process is controlled
and takes place in time cycle of 8 quantum steps, each consisting of 3 units, thus
forming a 24 unit cycle. This needs us to imagine two clocks. The East clock and
West clock that are oppositely moving [represented as day and night cycle in the
above figure]
This dynamic design of day and night cycle or Energy Cycle is the most evident
reality of Nature. It is vital to sustenance of Earth and life in it. Unfortunately this
vital reality is the least studied aspect of Nature. This dynamic structure and
functioning of Earth resembles the working of a double pump or heart of a living
system. This stresses us to review our basic material vision of Nature. Based on this
fundamental realization, through more than two half decades of selfless research, I
have Proposed a Living Universe Theory that can change our vision of Nature and
take our knowledge of Nature to higher level. This needs immediate attention by the
intellectual world determining our fate.

Fourth step – The realization of Force that Drives the System

The force that drives the system is the time. The system works against time and
its direction. Comprehending this becomes vital to our understanding of Nature. Let
me write about it briefly. Time is a reality of Nature. The second law of
thermodynamics, which relates to energy or heat, deals with it. The second law of
thermodynamics tells us that, nothing is static everything is changing. It tells us that
when work is done or when one form of energy is converted into another form, some
energy is lost as heat into the environment. What this means is that the planet which
revolves around sun, the electron that revolve around a nucleus, in time should loose
energy or heat and eventually fall to a point. This is the foundation of the Big Bang
Theory of creation that modern scientist present us. But modern science’s
materialistic vision fails to answer, why the collapse occurs, what causes origin and
so on. The modern science has failed utterly, when it comes to present a sensible
explanation of life, Nature and its existence. The modern science has made life,
Nature and its understanding complex and beyond the comprehension of common
man and even large majority of scientist. Every one, deep within seems to be aware
of the wrong path he is treading and he is restless. The restlessness of individual is
manifesting into restlessness in family, community and various hierarchies of the
world. Thus individual and the whole are seeking a new path or new foundation. A
well known scientist Stephen Hawking, concludes his book “Brief History of Time”
saying “However, if we do discover a complete theory. It should in time be
understandable in broad principle by everyone, not just few scientists. Then
we shall all, philosophers, scientist, and just ordinary people, be able to
take part in the discussion of the question of why it is that we and the
universe exist”

Step Five – The Realization of where the World is going.

Modern science and our understanding of Nature is built on power of observation and
imagination of human mind, combined with the skill to twist and fit it into a chosen
mathematical language. It is founded on human mind that is focused on matter and
material world. It is divisive and has made Nature complex and beyond common
man’s comprehension. It has made human a slave to matter and its force and has
led humanity away from his true reality; Love and Peace. Matter and its force are
gravitational or centripetal and in time it tends to collapse to a point. It is leading us
in to BLACK HOLE. Scientific understanding of nature tells us that as time goes,

1] The environment or space energizes and expands shearing down everything

enclosed in it.
2] A second implication of it is that, the matter that loses the energy begins to
collapse to a center point.
From the dynamic design of Earth and its functioning, it invariably means a two fold
destruction of life and all systems on Earth. When on one hand the increasing
temperature causes shearing force and destruction in one cycle, on the opposite side
the materializing force causes destruction through winding. We are experiencing this
as, huge forest fire, wind bound destruction, Earth quakes, destruction through flash
floods, volcanic eruptions and so on. This was predicted two decades back as I
perceived the foundation of dynamics of Earth Forces. It is now happening before our
eyes. Even the instability of human mind manifesting into war and terrorism can be
related to this. The system it self is stressing humanity to awaken. There is little
hope for humanity unless he awakens to “Truth of Nature and its Oneness”.

Step Six – A step towards the Realization of Truth

Modern world is built on material force that is gravitational or centripetal. But if you
retreat to the foundation of science and get out of “Plato’s chair of Science” and
observe Nature from a point of freedom, we note that Nature is an interplay of two
opposing forces or two opposing worlds. One is gravity originating from matter and
another is anti-gravity originating form life. To discover the second force all you need
is to look out of your window to observe a grass grow and Lilies flower. A scientific
proof also exists for this opposition. The second law of thermodynamics applied to
material system and living system shows this opposition.

This basic realization tells us that universe is self sustaining living thing describable
by Gaia hypothesis. It existed and will exist for ever with apparent random diversity.
It is in constant process of creation and destruction and recreation. The Gaia system
imagined with matter and life is stable with no apparent time direction or death to
the universe.

An important question that emerges here is that- Is Gaia called Earth and cosmos
beyond the second law of thermodynamics? The laws of thermodynamics are
fundamental laws of Nature. Every science, material or spiritual [living science]
should accommodate this law. A living thing is not beyond time. It takes birth and
dies in time. This means the universal system visualized as living system also should
exist in time and it should have time direction. It should have origin in time and end
in time to start a New Time Cycle. The question is from where the time direction to
the universe emerges. The answer to this question is critical. It amounts to
philosophical question that Stephen Hawking spoke “Why we and the Universe
exist. If we find answer to that, it would be ultimate triumph of human
reason – for then we would know the “Mind of God”

Step Seven – The Grand realization of Truth or “Mind of God”

[Note- This part makes references to spiritual scriptures. But these references are
made to advance material science and spiritual science. It is not directed to support
any religion but bring humanity in to self realization]

The grand realization of Truth reveals, when we visualize the above dynamic Earth
system including life. Life as we discovered is anti-gravitational. They form a world
that opposes the material world from gravitational collapse to a point under time.
Gaia called Earth, with all its life forms is self sustaining. The living world from larger
perspective can be divided into three types, plants which are sedentary and animals
that are motile and humans that are motile and have rational as well as a intuitive
mind. The Material Earth is stable and self sustaining with plants and animals. When
time in material world is directed to death, the time in plant world is directed away
from the center. Plants use energy and matter and grow against time. In time a
world with only plants can tend the system to anti-gravitational collapse. Thus the
existence of herbivore control plants and existence of carnivore control herbivore.
Above all of them exists human beings with a mind and an external law laid by the
Creator and His Mind to contain humanity.

The Earth with all its diversity of plants and animals is dynamic, apparently random
and pulsating within some limits. There is a pulse for Earth and the whole universe.
Everything that exists on Earth and the universe is pulsating in harmony with the
Universal Pulse. Earth and the universe is self sustaining with no apparent time
direction to the system.

But a time direction emerges when we include Adult Human Beings, who breaks
the resistive and guiding law of the one whole system or the “Mind of God” and
works to seek “self” at all cost. The time direction to death relates to human mind
that breaks law and seeks “self”. In short “Human Mind” becomes central point
around which the whole system exists and functions. A mind that disconnects from
consciousness and intelligence within becomes slave to material force and begins to
expresses “self”. He actually begins to use much of his left logical part of the brain
that connects to the outer world. In the process it not only falls to misery and
deteriorates but it also causes the deterioration of the whole system. Of all the
pollution that we witness in Nature the most critical is the “Mind Pollution”. In
ignorance human mind creates self destruction and the destruction of the whole. We
humans are entities sailing in a huge ship in a vast ocean that is prone for
huge tempests. Each of us strives to build small boats of our own at the cost
of the Mother Ship! And we call our selves intelligent!

Yes we are intelligent, but our intelligence is systematically killed, by the system of
education. Our education system is programmed to create slaves of material force
and serve the interest of forces that are anti to life. A great philosopher [if I am right
Osho] said “Thousands and thousand emerge from the universities [Temples
of knowledge] highly educated, but hardly few emerges educated and yet
intelligent” Our society and Masters ruling us are systematically working to kill our
freedom and make us slave to propagate their ulterior motives. We have not got the
courage to investigate Truth and speak the Truth. Truth exists next to our skin,
internally and externally, but we fail to perceive it. Even if we perceive, we cover it
up out of fear. Instead of Love, Fear appears to be the driving force that is molding
the world.

The very quest of human existence appears to seek the “Mind of God” or knowing
the Creation and Creator. In short it is a quest to know the Light and Life. It is a
desperate search to return home to the Father and Mother. No wonder the ancient
spiritual scripture speaks and focuses on the relationship between human and God
and lays down the rules to sustain and develop positive relationship with the Creator.
Ultimately science quest can also be deduced to a struggle to know the design,
function and relationship of once soul, mind and body, with Soul and Mind and Body
of a superior being called God.

Science began its journey by isolating mind and consciousness from matter and
sought Truth in matter. With quantum mechanics it has come one circle to conclude
that some how consciousness and mind actually influences the manifestations of
matter and its force. Consciousness and mind today has become the core of modern
day research.
The term consciousness and mind however is not properly understood. Science can
only advance, when we know these terms at particulate level and its manifestation in
various levels of the organization of the system.

Note – An Article on “Secret of Consciousness and Intelligence” written by the author

spontaneously was accepted for international presentation, but could not be
presented for lack of support, It existed on the net. It was lost when Yahoo
Geocities closed down. I have just retreated it from an old disk, it will be uploaded
shortly to my site.

Truth is that, “TIME” begins with “Mind of God” and ends with it, to start a New
Time Cycle. The “Mind of God” conquers time and death. This secret can only be
understood when we explore the Nature and universe as a Living Thing. This would
advance the modern science and unite it with Spiritual knowledge of the ancient,
breaking the barriers of religion. Only this can initialize humanity in to peace and
order or into Glory of Kingdom of God or Dharma Yuga. In other words, God not only
salvages the soul but also reveals His Mind and initialize humanity into TRUTH and
LIGHT. Only then will human beings become enlightened and self disciplined and
hatred, war and terrorism and all self destructive process would seize and Love,
Peace and abundance prevails. The cycle of time is nothing but human forgetting his
real nature, his real home in time and returning to it by the Grace of the Creator

Now we come to the most important logical conclusion. Since time is inevitable
reality of life and living vision of Nature includes it, it invariably means the universe
should collapse to a point and re-originate from it. This point of collapse now
becomes an individual Soul and Mind. From this logical conclusion the spiritual
knowledge of the ancient suddenly takes life. The Vedas write that universe is
conscious, intelligent system and that we humans are individuated souls born from it
in time. Bible tells us that we are created in His image using mud and Life is given
to us. We were given the dominion to rule His kingdom with a law – not eat form
the tree at the center. The tree at the center denotes the point of gravitational
collapse or the point to which material forces of the world points [Black Hole]. Law
was resistive to becoming slave to material force. What this means God the Creator
had in the past exposed to humanity His Mind and given all knowledge and wisdom
to sustain the world. History of various cultures speaks this. But this knowledge was
lost in time and we are desperately seeking it.

Bible tells us that Christ is God who came to conquer time and death and give life to
us. Yajurveda Verses 30-31, tells us that universe was created through the self
sacrifice of the Creator and that this sacrifice was conducted by His own people. Thus
Vedas gives credence to Bible. Koran also speaks essentially this basic reality. As I
perceive, it emphasizes on fighting against the forces of matter and stresses on the
judgment to come. It should be noted that Muslim religion and Science, came into
existence, when Christianity was deteriorating. Modern day Christianity and Christian
Leaders who dominate the world are actually working against Christ and God. They
have filled the world with weapons of mass destruction, creating a world that is slave
to material world. The principle premises by which they rule the world is fear and
creation of hatred. Their action does not represent the Truth that Christ left us with
His Calvary Sacrifice. Christ spoke of Love and forgiveness. He stopped His
disciple Peter, when he drew his sword to resist the arrest of Christ.
The Great Truth is that, with Christ and His resurrection on the third day, time and
death exist conquered. It could be comparable to the conception of child within the
womb. A New World is being formed within the old since then. A New Home is
being built within the old that is collapsing under human ignorance. The
consciousness of the Creator is unfolding within. It is growing by feeding on the
deteriorating world or its own body. We the human souls are given FREE WILL to
enter and take a place in the New World. The present state of the world that is full
disorder and destruction is actually giving an opportunity for our soul to advance and
evolve and gain New Life. When the Master Soul is in creation mode within the
darkness of womb what rules is the inferior Mind of humans that has becomes salve
to material force and crates darkness and disorder. The ratio of Spirit of Life to Spirit
of Matter now totally favors the Spirit of Matter. Thus we are peaking in darkness.
The Soul and Mind of God is working to give us New Life and restore us into New
Order. When the Light of Life or Mind of God reveals the ratio begins to change in
favor of Spirit of Life and order then returns to the world.

What is conceived cannot remain eternally in the darkness of the womb. A birth and
initialization of time cycle is inevitable. However, this initialization phase could be
highly stressing and painful. Christ compared the “End of Time” and beginning of
“New Time” to a pregnant woman trying to delver the child. A soul is indestructible
reality of Nature. Every soul is stressed to participate and take its destined position
by Free Will. The universe cannot be infinite. It means souls are finite in number.
When Christ sacrificed “His Self’ and did his Fathers Will, He set an example and
created a pathway for us to enter the New World being formed within. Since Calvary,
God’s consciousness is unfolding giving us an opportunity to return back to
“Kingdom of God” or the Glorious period from which we all fell down.

The Vedas divide the universal life cycle in to four stages, comparable to life cycle of
an individual. They form the Golden Age, Silver Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age,
comparable with childhood, first part of adulthood, second part of adulthood when
self manifests and old age leading to death. They denote slow qualitative and
quantum deterioration of Justice and Truth.

God manifested as Christ in the last phase leading to death with a responsibility of
recreating and restoring the world back to its pristine glory. Every soul is being given
a chance to evolve and transform into Consciousness field of the Creator and gain
New Life. One look at the world population gives credence to it. Human population
was steady for the past several thousands of years, but it began to rise after Calvary
Sacrifice. It has shown a sudden many fold increase in past 250 years and is peaking
at an alarming rate. There is a limit beyond which Nature reacts to control it. [See
Fig below]
What is important to note is that, this graph also can be superimposed with
explosion of Material Knowledge or power of negative thinking of human mind.
The Earth can sustain the population explosion, but it cannot stand explosion of
knowledge that takes negative orientation. What is under risk is the collapse of
Kingdom of God. The survival now exists in transformation of Soul and Mind of
humanity. God’s Consciousness is unfolding from within giving life through Free Will.
End of it is the illumination of the intellect of humanity by the exposure Mind of God
or “Truth of Nature”. This is “Second Coming of God”. Second coming is
exposure of “Light of Life”. We are the vehicle through which God sustains the

All the misery pain and destruction that the world is witnessing thus is an
opportunity for the souls to return to its root to experience its true Nature – Love
and Peace. What is conceived cannot remain in the womb for ever. This means as
the world peaks in darkness the consciousness God unfolds to its highest potential
and then reveals its Mind. It could be compared to seed of light breaking in the peak
of darkness. In other words it illuminates the mind of humans such that he comes to
his senses and works to restore order to the world.

This means both science and spirituality needs to be advanced to higher order.
Logical conclusion to which I have arrived, through more than two and half decades
of selfless research, shows immense wealth in the spiritual science of the ancient
scriptures. I thirst to explore the spiritual science of the ancient and dust it out to
make it accessible to the whole world. But within the circumstances I live, I strive to
save my energy and time to the principle goal of simplifying the Truth of Nature
revealed to me and bring it to the world such that modern world understand it and
awakens to Truth of Nature.

My thought in this direction exist in a simplified manner in an article “Two Critical

Perceptions of the World”. It also reflects in every article I wrote in the past one
and half decades. It exists in my sites. It directs towards knowing conscious and
intelligence in the particulate level and soul level. It concludes that there are two
fires and two basic matters in the world; one is Matter and it’s Fire the other is Life
and it’s Fire.
The aim of the present article is to call the impending disaster that is going to unfold
in the transition phase and give a clue to quickly get over this transition phase.

The Catastrophes and Destruction Unfolding on Earth

and its Cause and Solution
Very clearly Earth is peaking in disorder. The climate is unstable, the four forces of
Nature which other wise supported life on Earth is turning highly destructive. Human
mind at individual, family, community and national level is turning highly corrupt and
destructive leading to increasing war and terrorism. In the absence of Truth our
material quest is actually destroying our abode and our life.

The first step is to awaken to the simple Truth of Nature and Transform. Everything
in Nature transforms spontaneously, the only exception is human being who lives by
his ego and mind power that has becomes slave to material fire. But a time is going
to come, when the very fire which he depended on begins to burn and destroy his
ego and self. Every thing that humanity has built on untruth and by material power
is bound to collapse. This is already happening in a subtle way in financial structure
of the world and would quicken stressing and breaking humanities ego and make him
awaken to Truth of Nature and Life. Mother Earth and its forces play an important
role in the process. We are already experiencing this as increased natural

The principle cause for all the disorder and destruction in the world is the increase in
heat or “Fire of Matter” in the environment and proportional decrease in the “Fire
of Life”. We know that fire and heat creates disorder and destruction. The reckless
exploitation of fossil fuels, industrialization is contributing to increase the heat
content of Earth’s atmosphere. We are unilaterally stressing the Dynamic Design of
Earth and its functioning to maintain its temperature. It is collapsing to reorganize.
Since we are part of it, we are also feeling the stress of it.

Time direction in Nature thus could be understood as steady increase in the back
ground temperature of Earth’s atmosphere. Every system existing in the atmosphere
thus is forced to unfold and change and adapt to the increase in temperature.
However there is a limit to this increase. The dynamic Earth, manifesting into day
and night cycle and climatic cycle we noted constitute of minimum 16 worlds [8
dominant and 8 recessive]. This 16 world state is a minimum state. The world has an
optimum and maximum number of worlds. To understand this we must visualize one
living cell, enfolding and giving rise to multi-cellular organism like a human being.

After Calvary, human material quest, there by the ratio of “Fire of Life” to “Fire of
Matter” has been increasing in favor of Fire of Matter. The Mother Earth has been
resisting it by unwinding. When the world was opened with negative intent of gaining
money and material force [Globalization], we have probably reached its peak. When
the system is forced to unwind below the 64 world state and come to 16 world
dynamic state, the climatic cycle gets severely disturbed and the design and capacity
of Earth to maintain its temperature is severely disturbed. The Earth experiences a
shearing force with sudden rise in temperature leading to forest fire and wind bound
destructions. When this happens in one part of the system the opposite part
experiences sudden collapse, leading to flash floods, flash snows, mud slides, Earth
quakes and so on. This time direction eventually culminates in a stress on the
internal core leading to volcanic eruptions. This tendency of Earth system was
predicted by author more than two decades back. Earth is capable of self sustaining
herself. The volcanic ash is known to cool the environment. History gives proof of
abrupt end of many civilizations.

The end of modern man’s material quest is self destruction both by Fire and Matter. I
had little hope for this world. I regained the hope for this world when I accepted
“mind death” and entered the realm of heart and began to see the world with “Eye
of the heart” or “Mind of the Heart”.

Yes there is hope for the world. But I am not sure how much more destruction the
world has to see before humanity realizes the simple Truth of Nature and its
functioning. The quantum system is collapsing and going into reorganization. The 16
world dynamic Earth unfold into 8 > 4 > 2 >1. But before it collapses to zero the
inner world of God’s Consciousness and Mind would have taken the control of the
system giving it New Life. This is the initialization of the world into New Time Cycle
or birth of New World. Here the world transforms back into the Glorious Period of the

In the New World we understand Nature as living thing. Human mind begins to
review science and spirituality beyond the traditional barriers. He will come up with
new Green technologies that are Nature compatible. He will reinvent the old health
and medical practices such that human health improves and his genetic component
is revitalized. He will reinvent and make advances in food agricultural field such that
negative energies do not enter the food chain and poison life. Our education system
will be revamped to stop mind pollution and make individual self disciplined and self
responsible and responsible to the family, community, nations and to the Creator.
The mad competitive existence of humanity would seizes and Truth, Justice and
Order returns to the world

The need of the hour for the world, is not developing intelligent computers,
designer babies, green technologies, green cars, not even food, water and
shelter, but to transform and realize our true Nature and come to life. Bible
says seek the Kingdom of God and rest will be added unto you.

I have struggled against odds to bring the Truth revealed to me to you all. The
journey was associated with revelation of many simple ideas of great technological
importance. It spreads from intelligent chips and computers, to easy methods for
genetic manipulation, to machines that have minimal friction and heat loss. These
ideas remained dead for I had to save my energy and resources and struggle for the
principle cause.

A whole lot of simple Nature compatible technologies can emerge, when we

understand life, its design and it’s functioning and redefine force, its action and
reaction. For example, the modern machines are the main cause for raising heat of
the environment. But the machine called human body does many function at one
time and works relentlessly to sustains the whole body, yet releases very little heat
into the environment. The heart of human body, that is the size of the left fist,
pumps blood along nearly 100000 miles of blood vessels that is equivalent to circling
the Earth twice. The heart does this function 20 times per minute, with few pieces of
bread and water.

The vision of Life and Earth as dynamic system opens up new vision of genetic
composition of life and its functioning. This when developed can explain many
unanswered question of science and bring ancient knowledge of life and health
practices on to scientific foundation. The knowledge of creativity of soul can open
innumerable application potential. There are many more realms of technologies that
are not open to human, but can become amenable when we transform and becomes
illuminated to life its design and its functioning.

Future of the world exists in knowing life, its design, functioning and understanding
Nature as Living Entity.

About the author and an Appeal

Author was researcher in biotechnology working on few national high priority applied
research. He was also a member of multinational research group and was selected
start biotechnology works reputed companies. Author however chose to pursue
academic research to look for answers to many fundamental questions. Eventually
he chose to escape from Plato’s chair of science, settled down as a small farmer and
continued the fundamental research. What is written above and in author’s site is
resultant of over two and half decades selfless research which was self funded.
Today author has come to point, where it is becoming impossible to keep this high
quest in the larger interest of the whole world, without an external help.

I request any one who reads me to help me spread the message so that the
intellectual world ruling us takes note of it. I also will be available to work for any
government, Social organization, or companies who could interested in exploring the
“Living Universe Theory” and the possible techniques and technologies that can stem
from it.

Web Sites
1] Truth of Nature
2] Awakening to Truth -
3] Biophysics of Bible -
4] Simple Solution to Complex Problems
5] Biotechnology Works

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