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AHMAD NUR SETIAWAN (B111 10 126). Rights Suspects Claiming

Losses on Illegal Detention. Guided by Prof.Dr.Muhadar,S.H,.M.S As
Mentors I and Hj.Haeranah,S.H,.M.H As Mentors II
This study aimed to determine the implementation of rights
fulfillment suspect claiming losses on illegal arrests and to know
constraints suspect claiming losses.
This research was conducted in the city Pinrang and ParePare, especially in state court Pare-Pare, crease Pinrang Class II, and
Pinrang society, in order to conduct interviews with the competent
authorities. Spread the questionnaire to the community, and take
relevant data and by doing a literature and legislation related to the
problems discussed in this essay.
The results showed that the implementation of the fulfillment
of the rights of suspects who demanded compensation for illegal
detention is not optimal, it is based on research showing that people
Pinrang, very few are aware of the state for damage when subjected
to illegal detention by law enforcement officers. Society in this case
also does not understand the law about the existance of
compersation for illegal detention in Pinrang, while there is still a
suspect or suspects who have experienced former or while
experiencing the action illegal detention by law enforcement officer
in pinrang as for the constraints faced in fulfilling the rights of
suspects are claiming losses in unauthorized detention constraints
ignorance, cultural psychological constraints, constraints governing
laws, constraints means or facilities to support law enforcement,
constraints in the court process and political constraints.

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