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1. Poverty

This was the most crucial and heaviest problem that we are
now suffering in my own point of view. The reason behind why I am
telling this is because this is one of the roots why the other
economic problems exist like unemployment and etc Even though
some studies and findings that our economy today is better than
the past years we cannot deny the fact that a great portion of
that result came from the rich people here in our country.
Sometimes I ask myself if our government is actually looking to
the fact that the people below the poverty line is actually
multiplying. But we cannot blame all this things to the
government if this people Im referring will not help their
selves. Another point I want to emphasize is how come that some
individual that possess a high position on our government still
tries to corrupt the money of the people, while in fact they have
a great knowledge regarding the economic status of our country.
Do they still have conscience? Or is it because the pull of
temptation is very strong that makes it inevitable to resist? Our
country would be so great if the right money and fund will go to
its righteous place.

2. Poor Infrastructure
Another economic problem that we are encounter currently is
the poor infrastructures. In my own point of view this is one of
the reasons why some investors are holding back their pockets to
our country. Its because our country is preserving our mother
nature and Im not against that but lets accept the fact that
our country has a lot of urban places. Thats why currently our
country cannot handle the fast approaching changes towards
science and technology. We are far behind compare to other
countries in terms of high-technology gadgets. Another point is
that our transportation roads, airports and etc are not so good;

especially in Manila due to its population growth they cant

handle it efficiently and effectively. Traffics can be seen
almost everywhere especially at rush hours, so probably the
investors from other countries might be disappointed and maybe
back out. If this economic problem will be resolve it might
greatly help our country resolve unemployment. These are some
signs that we really need to improve our infrastructures as a
matter of fact we are the 91th over 144 countries in terms of the
quality of the infrastructures.

3. Unemployment
The last economic problem that I would like to tackle is
unemployment that is somewhat related to those I stated above.
One of the reasons why our country cannot fully resolve poverty
is because the generation of jobs cannot compete with the
increasing number of population of persons capable of work.
There are so many college degree holder but cannot find a decent
job that is appropriate to their line of studies or the so called
job mismatch. And while the other people cant find job since
they didnt finish a college degree. As a matter of fact in 2012,
10 million Filipinos were either unemployed (three million) or
underemployed (seven million). Only one-fourth of the Filipinos
that enter the labor force are able to find good jobs in the
country, and the rest of them find jobs overseas, leave the labor
force, or end up becoming unemployed/underemployed. Thus, threefourth of the workers is unemployed or informally employed, with
lack of opportunities to find good jobs. According to the Labor
Force Survey, the unemployment rate was 6% and 6.6% in October
2014 and January 2015, respectively. Thats why there is no
assurance that after I graduate I will have a decent job, our
country today is becoming a jungle, and it will be the survival
of the fittest. Thats why its better to have education since a
man without knowledge is like a house without foundation. In
order for us to conquer these economic problems we had to have
knowledge and wisdom for this will serve as our weapon towards
success in life.

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