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itler was a very successful

dictator, and took control of a

collapsed Germany in a very
short amount of time. Receding
WWI, Germany was forced to
pay a HUGE amount of
reparations to the Western
Powers, and had to limit their
army to Only a modest amount of
100,000 men. Germany was also
unwillingly forced to give up all of
its overseas colonies to Belgium, Czechoslovakia, and Poland, and had to
take complete responsibility for WWI, thus infuriating the German people.
The German people were mad, and Hitler was even more upset, promising
to overturn the Treaty, and to re-gain all of the colonies it lost.

An Economic Collapse
Germany had an enormous amount of reparations to pay that were
not expected to be fulfilled anytime soon. When America stopped taking
loans from Germany, the economy collapsed into the Great Depression.
Civil unrest broke out; the German people were frightened and confused,
and turned to Hitler for hope of a strong and firm leadership out of this
depression. The Nazis then became the largest political party, and in 1933
Hitler was named chancellor. He then used his power to turn Germany into
a Totalitarian state, banning all other political parties and arresting his
opponents. He then created the SS, a protection squad loyal only to Hitler,
and had hundreds of Hitlers enemies arrested and killed. This movement
by Hitlers secret police scared most Germans into total obedience, this
leading to Hitlers dictator rule.

Interview with Hitler/ the Plan for the Future

We interviewed and asked Hitler many questions about his

rule as dictator and feelings during it all. The following are the
questions and answers with our interview:
Q:How did you feel about the Treaty of Versailles?
A: The Treaty of Versailles is very unfair towards my people,
and is an outrage, and thus should be overturned.
Q: How did you handle the economy/ economic crisis?
A: First of all, because of the treaty, our country was in major
debt, and it caused us to begin our new lives after WWI with a
bad start. With my total control given to me with the power of my
SS and secret police, I forced everyone to believe in what I was
doing and to follow me. Anyone that was against me was arrested
and eliminated.
Q: How did you gain power?
A: When America stopped taking loans from us, and with the
weight of all of the reparations due, our German economy
collapsed. The German people were frightened and confused, so
they turned to me as a hope for a new beginning for Germany. I
then used my Nazi group to take power.
Q: How did you keep your power over everyone?
A: I used my SS protective squad to created fear and to
keep power over everyone. Anyone that opposed me was
arrested and eliminated by my secret police, which scared the
German people into obedience.
Q: What is your style of leadership?
A: I use force and like to control every aspect of the people
under my control, and force them to do and believe everything I
tell them to. I used the press, literature, radio, painting, and film to
create propaganda to lead people to praise me and believe what I

Q: What were your goals?

A: My goals were to destroy the Treaty of Versailles and
undo everything it caused us, create a Greater, more powerful
Germany/ make it a world power again, and to conquer land for
Germany to live in. I wanted to make the world pay for what they
did to Germany, and gain all of our once glorious empire again,
and to eliminate and discriminate Jews.
Q: Who were your enemies?
A: I didnt trust my own generals. Anyone that was weak or
non- Aryan, especially Jews, were my enemy. I was a valiant
crusader that purged Germany of the weak, and make the world
pay for what they did to us.
Q: Do you believe that you successfully lead your country to
the goals that you sought out to accomplish?
A: When I first became chancellor of Germany I had a very
firm grip, using my secret police to eliminate political threats. I
carried through with all of my goals of cleansing Germany of the
weak, and building up a strong empire successfully, until WWII hit.
I had built up a great army to make the world pay for what they
caused us. Following our defeat, I realized my failure and pulled
back to my bunker where I ended my life.
Q: If you could use one event to show how powerful of a
dictator you were, what would you use?
A: The holocaust exemplified my supreme power, wiping the
world of some 8 million inferiors. I put them in my concentration
camps to help cleanse Germany of the minorities. All of them died
horrible deaths thus making the world a better place.

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