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Gillespie I

Julia Gillespie
English I
A Growing Terror(ism) for America
Terrorism is one of the worlds most significant growing issues in todays society;
millions of people around the world are affected by terrorism everyday. Anyone, anywhere, at
anytime can be affected by terrorists or terrorist related actions. Terrorism is almost always a
result of political aims; therefore, any country that has political beliefs is a potential target.
Terrorists usually believe that if you don't think the same as they do, you are wrong. Their aims
also include provoking the enemy and causing fear through the victims of their attacks (Tucci, In the last 20 years, 3,264 citizens of the United States have been killed in one of
the 510 terrorist attacks that took place (FACT SHEET ON SATELLITES). As these terrorist
attacks keep happening, more fear spreads through the hearts of Americans as to what the
government and citizens should do to stop this growing issue.
The issue of terrorism is so important because if the constant attacks continue to rage on
many lives will be lost, money squandered, resources depleted and multiple other negative
effects on Americas society and economy. This issue will affect future generations because as
technology advances and humans gain intelligence, the attacks will most likely get worse and
worse (Preventing Terrorism). In addition, political beliefs may get more intense and more
differentiated, leading to a stronger want to get rid of people who believe different than you.
Overall, as time progresses, terrorism with inevitably get more aggressive and active.

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Some believe that the answer to terrorism is to be very active about the issue and fight
back aggressively with terrorist groups by sending our American troops into battle with the best
ammunition and equipment. Others believe that we should confront extremists with trade-offs
and deals to protect our troops and hold our country in safer position. These people believe that
this will save our country from threats from terrorist groups and will overall result in a safer
America. There are pros and cons to both ideas and both could potentially be what saves the
United States from multiple casualties. The idea that America should actively respond to
extremists could end the continuous flow of threats and knock out the leaders who control the
branches of terrorist groups. However, with this approach, numbers of our own beloved soldiers
lives would be taken and lots of ammunition, money and equipment would be used. If the US
would use the calmer way to solve this issue, many soldiers lives would be saved, thousands of
families wouldnt grief over their lost members, and lots of resources would be saved. On the
contrary, it is evident that extremist groups do not make deals; they will do anything and
everything to get their ways across and it is obvious that they do not want to compromise when it
comes to their beliefs (Dealing with ISIS). In conclusion, there is no obvious way to fend off
terrorists because all ideas have their negative and positive possible outcomes
The issue of terrorism is addressed in modern media today when people post things about
attacks after it happens. For example, after the attacks on Paris and the attacks on the gay night
club, all of social media was filled with numerous posts to share love and pray for all the people
and families that were affected by the terrorist attacks.
In conclusion, terrorism is a major issue that needs to be eliminated before it results in
Americas corruption and downfall.

Gillespie I

Works Cited
Tucci, Courtney. Topic: Terrorism. N.p., 25 Oct. 2016. Web. 10 Nov. 2016.
FACT SHEET ON SATELLITES. The Science Teacher 25.3 (1958): 136. Web.
"September 11 by Numbers." September 11 by Numbers. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Nov. 2016.
"Dealing with ISIS." The American Interest Comments. N.p., 23 Mar. 2015. Web.
13 Nov. 2016
"Preventing Terrorism." Homeland Security |. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Nov. 2016.

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