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Why Trump want to construct border with Mexico?

Trump claims the wall is necessary because Mexico is sending illegal immigrants, 'drugs &
rapists across the border.
He will build the wall & make Mexico pay for it.
In my opinion, it is unlikely but not impossible that he will be able to build the wall as
congress is not supporting him for building wall. He needs a lot of money to do that.
Furthermore Mexico has refused to pay for the wall and the plan is likely to be blocked by
congress in the senate & House of Representatives.
Mexican president Pena Nieto
Reported that he will not pay for wall, not at all.
In spite of immense amount of money that the wall will cost, its construction could give him
serious problems with his Latin American neighbours and the rest of the world.
Addition to it, it is not clear that congress would support this initiative.
#Trump policies
written by Mohsin

Why Trump has aggressive policies for China?

1) Due to trade deficits, US imports exceed then exports.
Trade imbalances.
Trumps has called the Chinese 'cheaters'
2) China currency manipulations. Trumps has labelled China a currency manipulator.
Because China devalue its currency relative to dollar.

3) to enhance employment opportunities in the US.

Trump explained in his debate that he will pledge a tariff of 45% on Chinese products in
order to increase the manufacturing in US Soil.
In my opinion this policy will not be fruitful as what Walmart experienced as company
attempted to reshore jobs, company unable to produce goods at low price when American
Labour was used.
Raising tariff will certainly result in prices surges on consumer goods while having
A smaller impact on job creation
written by Mohsin

Policies In points:
On individual rights, Donald Trump is far more conservative than Hillary Clinton.
Donald Trump is far more conservative than Hillary Clinton on domestic issues.
When it comes to economic issues, Donald Trump is far more conservative than
Hillary Clinton.
In terms of defense and international issues, Hillary Clinton ranks the same as
Donald Trump. Trump is slightly liberal.

"Trump policy in his own words:

Nato: US cannot afford to be world's police; let NATO allies pay. The 28 countries of NATO,
many of them aren't paying their fair share. US pay approximately 73 percent of the cost of
NATO. Nato have to focus on terror also.
Global policemen: We cannot be the policemen of the world. We cannot protect countries all
over the world where they're not paying us what we need.
Brexit: People want to see borders. They don't necessarily want people pouring into their
country that they don't know who they are and where they come from.
U.S. dumping ground for everybody else's problems: Trump's entire campaign was built
around the idea that foreign influences are infecting the United States.
Diplomacy: Look at the state of the world right now. It's a terrible mess, and that's putting it
kindly. There has never been a more dangerous time.
Years ago, when I was just starting out in business, I figured out a pretty simple approach that
has always worked well for me: "When you're digging yourself deeper and deeper into a hole,
stop digging."
Reimbursement for US military bases in rich countries abroad: Nations that host US. military
bases, We would charge those governments for the American presence. "I'm going to
renegotiate some of our military costs because we protect South Korea. We protect Germany.
Saudis "make a billion dollars a day. We protect them. So we need help. We are losing a
tremendous amount of money on a yearly basis and we owe $19 trillion," he said."

Donald Trump: Stands on key issues

An extraordinary, unpredictable US presidential race has ended with a final twist - a Donald
Trump presidency.
With the long campaign dominated by questions about his character, what he might do with
power has become something of a sideshow.
But he will soon have the chance to shape US domestic and foreign policy. Here is how he
stands on key issues.

Mr Trump has promised the biggest tax cuts since the Ronald Reagan era. He has pledged
reductions across-the-board, promising working and middle income Americans "massive"
cuts. His plan includes reducing the number of tax brackets from seven to three, cutting
corporate taxes, eliminating the estate tax and increasing the standard deduction for
individual filers.
the top 1% of earners would see their income increase by double-digits, while the bottom
quarter gets a boost of up to 1.9%. But the Center for a Responsible Budget has also warned
his plan would balloon the national debt.
Mr Trump says he will create 25 million jobs over 10 years, saying too many jobs, especially
in manufacturing, are being lost to other countries. He plans to reduce the US corporate tax
rate to 15% from the current rate of 35%, and suggests that investing in infrastructure, cutting
the trade deficit, lowering taxes and removing regulations will boost job creation.

This is his signature issue. Despite critics who call it unaffordable and unrealistic, the
Republican has stood by his call to build an impenetrable wall along the 2,000-plus-mile USMexico border. He has also called for reductions in legal immigration, ending President
Barack Obama's executive actions deferring deportation proceedings for undocumented
migrants, and more stringent efforts to reduce the number of these migrants living in the US.
The candidate has backed away from earlier calls for the forced deportation of the more than
11 million undocumented migrants living on US soil and temporarily closing the US border
to all Muslims - but not dropped them.

Mr Trump has been warning that the US policy of admitting refugees from certain regions the Middle East or, more generally, Muslim nations - presents a serious threat to US national
security. He has attempted to bolster his case by citing often debunked internet rumours, such
as that Syrian refugees are largely young, single men. He has called for the US to suspend
resettling refugees until "extreme vetting" procedures can be implemented, including
ideological tests to screen out extremists. He asserts that nations in the Middle East - which
have already received millions of Syrian and Iraqi refugees - must do more to create safe
zones for those fleeing the violence.


Mr Trump has criticised the Iraq War (although his claims that he opposed it from the start
are unfounded) and other US military action in the Middle East. He has called for closer
relations with Vladimir Putin's Russia and says the US must make allies in Europe and Asia
shoulder a greater share of the expense for their national defence and emphasises that US
foreign policy must always prioritise American interests.
On the other hand, Mr Trump has also taken a hard-line stance toward combating IS and has
even at times asserted the US should commit tens of thousands of ground troops to the fight.
He says Nato should do more to combat terrorism in the Middle East, maintaining that the US
foots too much of the bill for the Alliance and that other allies should spend more on their
own protection.

Once upon a time, Republicans were the party of unfettered free trade. Donald Trump has
changed all that. While he says he is not opposed to trade in principle, any trade deals have to
protect US industry. He is firmly against the Trans-Pacific Partnership and has said that he
will re-open negotiations on already signed pacts, such as the North America Free Trade
Agreement (Nafta), and withdraw if US demands are not met. He has accused US trading
partners like Mexico and China of unfair trade practices, currency manipulation and
intellectual property theft, threatening to unilaterally impose tariffs and other punitive
measures if they do not implement reforms.

Mr Trump has issued no position statements on environmental issues on his website. In

speeches and debates, however, he has said he opposes what he views as economically
damaging environmental regulations backed by "political activists with extreme agendas".
He says he supports clean water and air, but wants to slash funding to the Environmental
Protection Agency. He has also called man-made climate change "a hoax" and said he would
"cancel" the Paris Agreement and other international efforts to address the issue.

Thank you
Aljazeera, BBC, New York Times, Washington post, Diplomat.

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